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Clover Grove OOC Discussion


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Here's the place to voice questions and concerns, or just talk about the game.

Shortly our PMed test runs will we transfered out here as examples to kick things off.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

I know some of you've been reading Hero's story. What do you think of it. The both the zombie scene and the love scene were my first ever erotic writing attempts, so tips would be helpful.

(And yes, I know my spelling isn't perfect :eek:)
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Just a suggestion from my current fight. More melee actions would be nice. Some ideas:

Power hit: Sacrifice accuracy for damage.
Focused Blow: Increase accuracy of strikes, deal less damage.
Total defense: Spend the whole turn defending, maybe get a re-roll on all dodges and take the best.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yeah, I might implement that. I just swiped the melee system from dark gate, unlike the gun system which is 80% my own work.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yeah, my summer job involves biking 35 minutes to work and then walking around all day randomly cleaning electronics before biking home. I think my brain may be acting up due to physical fatigue. Still, I feel the strange compulsion to practice mop-fu.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion


Works against zombies, and monsters.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yep. I couldn't find where I put my bookmark for that, but yep.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

The spiders looking for a spider queen, eh? :p
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

They have one, it isn't you :p

This is payback for those lucky rolls in practice.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

So I figured lol
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Everyone check out SomCr's thread to see the full power of the ASS CANNON!
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Cannon spiders, lol. Well at least she didn't get egged too.

On a tangent how does experience work for this game?
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

If you kill them (you didn't, that was just RP), you get XP equal to that monsters HP. 1000 XP gives you five more points to put on your character.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

GM's closed for the night. One last update then no more till tommrow. I think I'm quite a generious updater anyway, so :D
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Considering the pace we were going I thought you would have run away screaming while your hands pulled large patches of hair out of your head.
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Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Oh, fair warning, tommorrow I'm starting to get busy again, and next week summer classes start, though I only have two times I need to be on campus per week.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Today, some of you might meet NPCs. If you REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to, tell me now, though I don't know why you wouldn't. This is not a promise you'll all meet some fancy pants character, just that most of you are now far enough to encounter them.

Also, I forgot who all I've asked so far, but if theres something you don't want to happen to your character, send me a message, so I can avoid it before it becomes an issue.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

New house rule, incase any of you are expecting. GM closes at 10 pm CST (thats 11 pm EST, 8 pm PST, and 4 am GMT). I'm OCD about scheduals, most of the time, so I thought I'd share

(Seriously, I always leave for class exactly 42 minutes ahead of time, that's how OCD I get :eek:)
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Okay, I just have to stop and... This totally broke my posting stride, I thought I was just getting tired and acting stupid, but I re-read it after a nap, and I still find myself at a loss.

"another monster on the rooftop of a building next to her."

Just how far away IS this building that she's getting a -31 to her attack rolls? If the monster can close the gap in 1 turn, then this monster is either brokenly fast, or you're giving a -1 for every two feet away the monster is...

Or maybe I'm just missing something about the system or where Tab/the monster are in my thread.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

25 meters, the gun recoil is 6. 25 meters is about 82 feet. The building isn't quite that far, of corse, but straight line.

The monster you are fighting is a leaper, it can jump like that when outside. So yes, this monster IS just really fast.

As for your chance to hit it, the weapon your gun is based off of has a real life range of 50m. Your character has no training, so the penalty is fine, I feel, though you did have really bad rolls there.

For comparison, someone with even basic training would have had - 19 instead of -31. There will be a chance sometime in the story for Tab to advance one point in mil training, but not for awhile.
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