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Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

I love this RP my favorite parts are the squid orgy of Gothics and guns and also the termite's spider (also the venom part XD). (+ rep for all)

I don't have a favorite in write style, all are amazing

Heh, glad you think so, yes. It's much fun also for... Me at least, can't speak for anyone else can I? But yeah. Squid orgies are fun.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

It's the summer semester's version of finals week this week, so I don't expect any updates Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

This has piqued my interest, and I noticed nobody's playing any infantry personnel. Would it be possible for me to join in, despite the lateness?
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yeah, new characters are welcome. Infact, it'll help me populate certain sectors are bit better.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Really? Well, shit, I gotta come up with a background, then. I was expecting to be turned down, to be honest.

Alright, I just have a few questions, then:

1) What would an infantryman...person be doing in the city at this time? Or, at the beginning of the current events, at least. Helping to evacuate civilians? Prepping the staging area for the BFG? Getting mauled to hell? I figure this information could help me formulate some sort of backstory.

2) Might seem obvious, and I'm sure I know the answer, but all PC's are female, yes?

3) A bit ago, you mentioned we should inform you of anything we didn't want happening to our characters. Well, what sorts of things are feasible? Pregnancy? Being skull-fucked? (Literally, mind you, not figuratively.) Being shredded limb from limb in a horrifying orgy of blood and gore? There are a lot of things I wouldn't want to happen to my character, I'd like to eliminate as many of them as possible before addressing the ones which *are* possible.

Hmm, I thought I came up with a fourth one, but I appear to have been mistaken. Ah well.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

1) The infantry might be doing any of those things, and many more. There was actually an infantrywoman in playtesting, I had her helping the evacuation but then "retreating" when her entire squad (for the most part) got utterly dominated by some squids, then having the driver of the jeep drive off a bridge, as the intro post.

For the most part, the background shouldn't deal with the specific events of the monster attack, I'll handle that in the intro post, as the player cannot be a high enough rank to actually choose where they were assigned in the battle (this can play a role later in the story). Instead focus on what they've done in their career up to this point, what they do in their freetime, etc.

2) If you really want to be male, it can be aranaged.

3) Pretty much anything except guro or loli. Don't get me wrong, horrific injures can occur, but I'll make sure to keep it at a level everyone can handle. Injuries will almost never cross over and effect the erotic side of the game, and vise versa, save "minor" injures like broken wrists to ensure someone does not escape.

On the off chance the PC is the dominent in the scene (probably not many chances for that, and even fewer where torture would be involved), I'd let them do pretty much whatever, as long as it doesn't get too overboard.

(So far I've really only had one case of of a PC being the top in a scene and it was with a friendly NPC, so...)
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

(So far I've really only had one case of of a PC being the top in a scene and it was with a friendly NPC, so...)

Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yes, you're hoping for many more goes at it aren't ya x.x
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yes, you're hoping for many more goes at it aren't ya x.x

Mayhaps. If chances arise. Alexis permitting. >_>
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Okay then, just a few more questions, then I'll post a character sheet

What is the difference (ETA: Or at least the biggest differences) between "Infantry" and "Support"? I guess support is any military role that isn't infantry? Would a tank gunner, for example, be infantry or support?

As infantry, what would the highest rank you'd allow be? Private? Corporal? Sergeant? Major?

Also, I know virtually nothing about the military, let alone the military on this world. You said it was in the future, but is it still on Earth, albeit altered? Or does it even matter?
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Infantry is basically anyone who'd be found on the front line firing their weapon, doing missions, etc, whereas support would be more like the truck drivers, cooks, radio controller on the base. They get some stat changes, as you probably noticed, and the types of settings they start out in as well as what equipment they'll find right away will be different. Don't fear choosing support, they'll be right in with the action despite their job description, this is a major disaster after all ;)

Also I think I'll allow people to be (offically) ranked up to Major, though lower ranks are way more common. For all practical purposes, this is the US Army in a world where there were never gender barriers with the tech level of 2020. The setting, however, is not Earth. This was done so that people could use any type of name for their character they want and it wouldn't be out of place, as well as to avoid using any real places/brands etc.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Ah, gotcha. Alrighty, I'm working on a bio now, I'll post it as soon as I'm finished.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

I'm requesting some clarification. Where are all the important locations in relation to each other? Are they all in a relative line?
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

I'm requesting some clarification. Where are all the important locations in relation to each other? Are they all in a relative line?

The building is in a U shape. Would you like me to draw you a map, as I have before?
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Sure. For some reason I just can't picture it in my head.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Sometime this afternoon when I'm awake I'll send you a link to the pic, which will be in my albums this time so it is large enough.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Sorry on the lack of updates, been a bit busy. Am going to try and do so today but my internet is currently spotty for some reason. (Most likely incompetence by the idiots who are my ISP). It should clear up later... I hope... but don't count on it.

Also, starting tommrow fall semester is going again, so my update rate will be slower then ususal then too. As it gets closer, it doesn't seem as bad as I first make it out to be, but nevertheless it is quite a strict schedual and alot of work, so... I'll try at the very least to update once a week, more then that unless I'm really swamped.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Had a cold, didn't feel like writing much, hence the lack of updates.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Not a problem, and hope you feel better soon, if you aren't already.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

I would like to play if it isn't too much trouble...