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Cold Blood


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Okay with the vile insanity of the holiday season passed and business picking up around here I've decided to give another go at my own game, sadly the zelda idea died in transit, I couldn't think of enough to make it unique from Kathy's kickass CYOA. New idea dwells below.

The year is 1974. It has been 30 years since Dracula's castle last rose. The church managed to keep the entire incident buried and the world moved on to the modern age and their own petty squabbles without any knowledge of the darkness that lurked and grew. A small town in europe desperate for tourism in the crushing cold war enviroment is finishing construction on a replica of Dracula's castle. As it finishes strange happenings around the globe begin occuring. Rumors of vampires, werewolves and other monsters that lurk in the shadows. What could be causing this? The construction of Dracula's castle? The cold war tension and hatred? Special people all around the world begin to take note of the signs and begin moving......

Okay with the prolouge out of the way here are the rules I've come up with. Stats aren't something players worry about, those are determined by your character type, there are 3.

Vampire Hunter: You are a classic van helsing type monster killer. You do not have access to magic but you do have the Belmont sub-weapons to help. They have high STR and low INT

Witch/Mage: You have access to the magical arts either by birth or through intense study. You start out with a handful of spells and will gain more along the way. High INT and Low Str.

Darkborne: You are part monster, either because of a curse or your family lineage. Darkborne do not have access to subweapons or traditional magic but can learn new abilities or refine current ones to serve the same purpose along with inherent strengths the player can describe. However the DM will assign drawbacks that fit the monster race and even out the bonuses. Can choose whether they want high STR or high INT. Darkborne can use any type of creature from global lore, not just castlevania.

The main stats are STR and INT. Strength affects any physical attacks, adding damage to them, any weapon can be used. Intelligence does the same for magical attacks as well as determining how many times per combat One can use their Sub-weapons/Spells/Abilities, INT/10, an example being a witch with 100INT would be able to cast spells 10 times during a fight before having to drink a MP Potion to restore some uses. More powerful endgame type spells will take 2-3 uses. Each time a player levels up a d10 will be rolled and that number will be added to both stats as well as HP with a +5 point bonus to the character's strong stat. Levels will be gained through fights equal to them x2. As in level 2 will require 4 won fights, level 3 needs 6, 4 needs 8 etc. Bosses will award an instant level up.

Now onto combat. While passing through areas such as towns, forests and parts of dracula's castle the players have a chance to run across a random amount of enemy groups or a rare miniboss. Normal enemy groups are always defeated but a roll is made to see how much damage is taken by the player. Minibosses require a turn by turn fight and are harder but give half the nessicary fights needed for a level up when defeated. Turn by turn battles will be handled by single rolls as well 1-5 the player misses their attack and gets hit by the boss, 6-10 the play lands their attack but takes a hit in return, 10-15 they miss but they avoid the counter-attack, 15-20 they land their attack and avoid any damage that turn. Once a player reaches half health they lose their clothing opening them up to sexual attacks. Players will be unable to heal more than half health until they obtain clothes again to reflect their lack of protection. Once a player loses all health they will get a "game over" depicting their character's fate at the hands of the boss/mini-boss before being able to retry from the nearest safe point in their adventure retaining any level ups. Game overs have a risk of bestowing a permanent penalty depending on the monster involved.

For a bit of flavor your character can be either freelance or aligned with the church, they will only affect which options of investigation the character has access to and how willing certain NPCs will be to help you. Each adventure will be self contained however players can choose to team up from the start and share an adventure.

A few Darkborne templates, if you have any ideas feel free to pitch them.

Succubus: Connection to the succubi allows the hero to drain health from their foes to give to themselves along with powers of the wind. However their lustful orgins make them extremely vulnerable when naked.
Example powers: Blow kiss, the hero blows a kiss at their foe which drains a small amount of health over 3 turns. Wind Cutter, the hero sends out several blades of air to strike their enemies.

Lycan:Either through a bite or heredity the hero carries the burden of lycanthropy. Lycans do not possess any remarkable inherent traits during the day. At night they transform and gain a boost to their stats including HP. Their monsterous appearance limits their movement in areas with people though.
Example powers:Feral cry, The lycan can call out to animals of the same species nearby for aid or communicate with them. Power blast: The lycan focuses their energy into their palm before throwing it at a foe.

Vampire/Dhampir:Vampires can vary in origin but they all share the same dark shadow looming over them. At night vampires regenerate a portion of their health every few turns outside of combat. This ability does not work during the day.
Example powers: Fireball,Send out a small fireball at your opponent. Transform, Turn into a bat, takes a full turn to change back and forth, more forms unlocked at later levels.

Example character sheet

Description or pic:


Country of origin or you wish to begin in:


Faction: Freelance/Church

(feel free to include any fetishes you'd really like included or avoided entirely)

Effects of hunter weapons.

Knife- (1 use) Attack at 0.5 power but has 100% hit chance. Good if you know something is about to die or just don't want to take chances.

Axe- (1 use) Does double damage against any airborne enemies

Cross- (2 uses) Deals holy damage and has a chance to hit twice per attack.

Holy Water- (2 uses) Deals holy damage and has a chance to plant a holy DoT on target for 5 turns

Additionally a hunter can expend their full inventory of uses to unleash a special attack.

Knife-2d20 rolled and that many knives are thrown at foe
Axe-Damage against flying enemies is quadrupled
Cross-Swirling aura of crosses surrounds character for 5 turns and attempts a cross attack each turn on enemy
Holy Water-Deals damage equal to normal attack+DoT in addition to a 100% assured DoT given to enemy after attack

Magic mages may begin with (magic available to be found not listed)

Heal (1 use)-Returns 1/8th HP back to user

Firebolt (1 use)- Release a small burst of flame from user's hand, not effective at long range.

Ice burst (1 use)- User surrounds themselves in ice before violently shattering it sending jagged shards in all directions

Ball lightning (1 use)- User unleashes a sphere of electricity that slowly seeks out their designated foe

Sanctuary (1 use)- Allows the caster to remove one curse from themselves or others such as being bitten by a vampire before turning or other more...."interesting" effects. Does not remove any adverse conditions from losing to certain bosses.

All magic may be tailored to look or perform as the player desires but will keep the same limitations (short range, use cost, damage type)

Darkborne abilities

Darkborne may start with 2-4 abilities, be warned that any number above 2 the character will stand out to normal people and be identifiable as monster tainted to those knowledgable, church may be unfriendly in certain situations.

Soul drain (1 use)- Allows the character to discreetly drain life from their opponent as they attack, 10% of damage dealt for 5 turns

Vampire bite (2 uses)- The character leaps onto their foe and begin draining their blood (provided they have any) any damage dealt during the turns they manage to hang on are given back as health. (Warning: Taking this ability gives your character prominent fangs at all times)

Blasts (1 use)- The character is able to project out a single energy attack against their foe (May be Holy/Dark/Fire/Ice/Electical/Wind or just generic energy that ignores strengths and weaknesses)

Transform (2 uses)- Character turns into a bat or other animal, takes an entire turn to shift from person to beast and vice versa, hazardous to use in combat

Flight (none, inherent)- Character is able to travel through the air freely (Warning: This ability requires your character to have wings at all times making disguise nearly impossible)

Resistance (inherent)- Character is resistant to Holy/Dark/Fire/Ice taking half damage but takes double damage from the opposing element

Frenzy (3 uses)- Tapping into inner strength, dark power or something else the character moves faster than normal allowing them to attack twice for 2 turns

Command (4 uses)- Character calls upon a certain species or element to fight for them, monsters are immune to commands

Charm (3 uses)- Reduces one foe's damage by half for 3 turns

Every two levels Mages and Darkborne will be able to upgrade one of their spells or abilities, Every 4 Darkborne will be able to obtain a new ability or trade that for an extra upgrade.
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Re: Once more into the breach

So, aside from deciding what our character class is (Such as a high int darkborne) what do we need to do for character creation?
Re: Once more into the breach

Backstory, where you want to start from in the world, and in the case of darkborne which monster you're associated with and and perks from it you want to derive. elemental resistances, combat bonuses in certain areas etc. just list what you want, I'll come up with flaws to even them out or tell you if something is too overpowered. And all weapons are the same, STR is mainly a general overview of your combat ability not just how hard you hit. If they train with it enough someone can use something as simple as a knife to really mess someone up.
Re: Once more into the breach

So basically the stats are more of combat ability and mental dexterity?

Also, the only castlevania games (Which this seems to derive from), that I've played are the ones for the gameboy and nintendo ds which revolve around the character 'soma'. For monster's for the darkborne thing: do I just pick a monster from one of those two games to inherit traits from?

Also, can the monster I choose be a boss monster or does it need to be a normal one?

Finally, For the sheet, do you want something like this:


Country of Origin:

<Darkborne monster + trait preferences.
Re: Once more into the breach

Any monster that is believeable, obviously there aren't going to be any half-skeleton people and any trait you can think of that makes sense will be considered as long as it's not too powerful. No Balore death star eye beams.
Re: Once more into the breach

What if the ability is curse derived (Which you mentioned in the description) and is most similar to something like a skeleton (Not that I'm planning to use it, but I'm checking my options).
Re: Once more into the breach

Curse wise anything goes again as long as it isn't too over the top. I'm going to be pretty flexible as long as it isn't overly complex and confusing to incorporate into the game. Darkborne with High Int will be relying on their curse or derived monster abilities for combat.
Re: Once more into the breach

Alright, I was looking through the enemy profiles in aria of sorrow and came across one that might be interesting, although it doesn't give any combat abilities:

The Kyoma Demon. If you don't recognize the name of the top of your head, the kyoma demon is a enemy that would hide in the mirrors of various rooms and used hit and run tactics. It would lean out and attack the player before hiding in the mirrors again. (And it was weak against holy aligned things while strong against darkness aligned stuff).

Could I use that as a darkbourne's family curse and gain the ability to enter reflective surfaces? The area beyond would probably be almost completely empty of both usable items and enemies, but I would still need to find another reflective surface to re-enter the real world through (Which could keep me from evading some real world fights).
Re: Once more into the breach

Interesting idea but it'd be hard to impliment effectively and probably wouldn't get to be used much. I may impliment that as a spell and ability for later though, sort of a faeore's wind quick escape.
Re: Once more into the breach

Alright, other ideas then:

Slimes: The common soul ability is the ability to fling generate and sling small ones about as a water damage based spell. Other things for it might be the the character can breathe underwater and later can climb walls.

Succubus: The soul ability in aria of sorrow is that regular melee attacks drain a small amount of health with each attack, which could be an ability, as well as a resistance to pleasure damage.
Re: Once more into the breach

Slime would be a unique one though probably not great for fighting, not sure how a slime would curse anyone or otherwise though either. Succubus could tap into the powers they've used throughout the series which usually deal with wind, plants and shapeshifting along with self healing draining magic. However instead of resistance they would take 1.5 more damage from sexual attacks because they're built to enjoy that. The character wouldn't be a full succubus so they'd be unable to drain health through being attacked like that. So with clothes on they're hard to fight, as soon as they lose their clothes though they're at a disadvantage.
Re: Once more into the breach

Name: Sen Traviere

Age: 18

Description: Sen is a tall woman with long hair the unusual color of silver due to her heritage. Not the grayish white of old aged hair, but a silver that seems almost polished. Another sign of her heritage, although she tires to somewhat hide it through compressive wrappings, is her impressive bust. Given her dislike of her large chest, she typically keeps the bindings tight enough to make her appear to only be a large c cup or small d, She often furthers this effect by wearing baggy clothing. Currently, she is wearing a large white vest over a somewhat baggy blue t-shirt. Along with that, she has a pair of bleached-white, blue jeans and white sneakers.

Backstory: Sen grew up in a small town in rural Nebraska with cornfields essentially stretching as far as the eye could see. Her parents, hoping to give Sen a way out of an almost certain future of being a simple farm wife, sent her to a girls' boarding school on the American east coast. Because of this, Sen rarely saw her parents, their small amount money generally only going far enough to pay for the school and not for Sen to catch a plane or bus ride home, even for the winter holidays. This resulted in Sen feeling mostly isolated from her parents and more than a little lonely. It wasn't long after she went through puberty that Sen started seeking out close relationships with her fellow students, a thing that was actually quite commonplace in the school, although no one would ever admit it. However, Sen started to find things changing about her as she became more intimate with her fellow classmates. Her hair, once a shoulder length cascade of honey blond, slowly lightened to a silver color as well as lengthening to almost her waist no matter how much she tried to cut it. At the same time, she grew at a high rate both in height, where she quickly became one of the tallest girls in the school, and in bust which soon out sized ever other woman in the school, classmate and teacher, much to her embarrassment. While the changes, at least in her hair, troubled her, the increase in pleasure she received was worth the change. However, as reports of monsters started trickling in from all parts of the globe, Sen found herself feeling healthier after sex while her lovers started complaining of feeling worn around the edges for a day or so afterward. This eventually culminated when, on night, after a heated session with her roommate, Sen noticed that the other girl had passed out. After taking her to the nurse, the girl remained unconcious, eventually being declared that she had fallen into a coma. Fearing that somehow she was to blame, Sen gathered her few possessions and fled the school, trying to find an answer as to why she seemed to drain her lovers. Having no clear path, she would eventually settle with following her instincts as well as investigating monster sightings for the simple reason that the investigators might actually have encountered someone like her before. It definitely seemed to her that her 'ability' fit the bill as being paranormal.

Country of Origin: USA (east coast)
Faction: Freelance

Class: Darkborne (Str Focus) [Succubus]
Soul drain (1 use)- Allows the character to discreetly drain life from their opponent as they attack, 10% of damage dealt for 5 turns
Frenzy (3 uses)- Tapping into inner strength, dark power or something else the character moves faster than normal allowing them to attack twice for 2 turns
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Re: Cold Blood

interested will create character later today when i have more time.


Name: codename Lumen Exuro, Human name Michelle

wheres a silver cross necklace as well
eyes: bright grey
clothes: top: Black tank top with slits for wings, black hoodie with deep hood also has slits for wings bottom: black panties and dark blue denim Jeans. shoes: black leather steel toed boots.

Background: when the church stopped the rising of the vampire horde they began experimenting with human hybrids. Their most promising was the creation of actual Angels by generating from an actual feather of angel. Michelle was the product of pure angel DNA being combined with Human DNA to attempt a creation of a less powerful creature but still able to be breed into an army. But what the church didn't know was that the Human part of Michelle allowed her the freewill to think for herself and she didn't want to be a experiment she wanted to be free so she escaped and began her life as a human. Michelle stayed in rome learning from followers of the church believing her to be an actual angel. Michelle was about to leave Rome when the church tried to recapture her but when she defeated them she discovered about the rumors about the new castle.

Country of origin or you wish to begin in:Rome, Italy

Class: Darkborne (Str Focus)
Angel: like a succubus but different powers listed below
Holy flame: ignite weapons or objects(+fire damage), holy light (temporarily blinds foes with a bright white light) plus she has angel wings for flying.

Faction: Freelance

oral, handjobs, boobjob, pussy, anal, foot, facia, bukkake, tentacle, beast, futa, lesbian, and regular male on female. rape ok
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Re: Cold Blood

Interest is shown, but character will have to come later. I'll stick to observing for now though.
Re: Cold Blood

Name: Lily Aensland

Description or pic:

Background: The Aensland family have been dracula worshipers for hundreds of years. Every resurrection of the prince of night the members of the noble family would become different supernatural creatures to serve him. Lily is the youngest of her generation of the Aenslands, she is headstrong, independent, and stubborn. Lily often went out seeking thrills and excitement. Her cute look and cheerful funloving nature often draws men to her. Unlike the rest of her family her will and independent spirit was too strong for the dark lord to control and she kept her free will when she transformed with his ressurection near once more and wants to try to prevent it.

Country of origin or you wish to begin in:Scottland

Class: Darkborne
Succubus (High INT)
Charm: lowers enemy's STR by half for 3 rounds, Vampire bite (2 uses)- The character leaps onto their foe and begin draining their blood (provided they have any) any damage dealt during the turns they manage to hang on are given back as health, Transform, the hero turns into a bat, Wind Cutter, the hero sends out several blades of air to strike their enemies.
Faction: Freelance

Anal, oral (vaginal and penile), Vaginal, tit fucks, gangbanging, bukake, cum drinking, tentacles, BDSM. Avoid: bestiality, guro, watersports, and scat.
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Re: Cold Blood

I am curious as to how either of the two obviously inhuman darkbornes plan to operate in society before they get to the castle or wherever.
Re: Cold Blood

They'll probably have to stick to moving in towns and cities at night which will slightly increase the risk of running into more battles to balence out their extra powers, though bat and charm are two I planned on giving succubi access to if they wish.
Re: Cold Blood

They'll probably have to stick to moving in towns and cities at night which will slightly increase the risk of running into more battles to balence out their extra powers, though bat and charm are two I planned on giving succubi access to if they wish.

Bat and charm?
Re: Cold Blood

two powers Tent listed as having, bat transform and charm, though normally I'd limit starting powers to 2 but the inhuman forms are a sufficent drawback making the church hostile and pretty much barring entrance into towns and cities during the day. and an angry frankenstein mob if the church stumbles onto them.
Re: Cold Blood

You seem to have edited in abilities for some darkborne at some point...

Well, then...
I guess I can't convince you to reinstate the succubus soul's ability to gain a small amount of hp with each melee attack, or to give them a combat focus where they gain an increase in speed and armor penetration from their wind magic...

Alright then, my character's scrapped.

Give me a while to find something to base it off of, then.

(Also, in both castlevania games I've played, the succubus ranged kiss attack always cursed the player and drained all their mana in a few seconds... it never drained life)