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Cold Blood

Re: Cold Blood

Name: Elisha Morrigan

Description or pic: (minus the weapon)

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 114 pounds

Background: Elisha is a young maid that serves the church. Given up by her parents to the church, Elisha was raised with strict discipline and follows, or tries to follow, the teaching to the best of her ability. Having shown very little prominent magical nor hunter abilities, she was left to do what the church felt she could do the best, which was clean, cook, and generally help around. She of course never knew she was being tested, seeing as she was raised more on a moral standpoint then as someone to join into the war against the unholy creatures.

After several years had past, long dismissed as having no latent powers, one day Elisha, by complete accident, set an entire wing on fire when she was attempting to swat a fly. This quickly prompted the church to investigate, and finding that she had seemingly some kind of magical powers in her, they quickly shipped her off to test her, partially to see if it was fluke or if she really had something, and partially because the church didn't want another wing to accidentally burst into flames...

Country of origin or you wish to begin in: Born in Britain, exact location unknown

Class: Witch

Faction: Church

Avoid: Beastility
Re: Cold Blood

Any body care to meet up with Lily once I get out of my current position? ;)
Re: Cold Blood

hmmm that would make for an interesting a succubus and angel meeting but we are incompletely different regions of the world right now.
Re: Cold Blood

Name: Nillien Madrogue

Description: Nillien is an average looking woman with platinum blond ponytail that she typically keeps dyed brown in order to make her less distinguishable. Along with that, she commonly wears an off-brand gray hoodie with worn bluejeans which both cover up a large number of tattoos, all consisting of thorny vines, which coil along her arms and legs. Another advantage to the long clothing is that the hoodie and jeans allow Nillien to hide a large number of throwing knives about her person as well as a couple of switch blades for in close fighting.

Background: Raised in one of the poorer parts of a large American metropolis and orphaned in her early teens, Nillien quickly fell in with a gang. The reason being that it was either that or have to worry about getting raped whenever she left her home. Of course, among other things, this led to her often getting into fights between the gang she was in and other gangs as well as fights with druggies who didn't feel like paying her for their daily dose of illegal substances. Because of this, Nillien slowly developed a penchant for knives: they don't jam, and bullet proof vests can't do anything about a blade through a person's throat. Unfortunately, when the city law enforcement decided to start cracking down on Nillien and her gang quickly started losing territory to the cops since they weren't in any such position to fight both the cops and other gangs. As a result, the gang slowly, but surely got forced into worse and worse areas. Eventually, Nillien decided to bail on the rest of the gang, deciding that she'd have better chances in other cities than in her home city. Having nowhere to go, however, Nillien quickly came up with the idea for a good scheme: take advantage of the recent surge in so called 'paranormal' sightings, and help a few of the wealthier investigators go missing. Their cash and fancy cameras would probably last her until she found a better source of income.

Country of origin or you wish to begin in: USA, East Coast.

Class: Hunter
Weapon: Knife

Faction: Freelance
Re: Cold Blood

there sure are alot of hunters in this game and not enough darkbournes
Re: Cold Blood

The original three characters submitted were darkbournes.
Re: Cold Blood

Erm, three players out of...nine are dark borne, with two others being witches...I'd say that's good enough really. Since in castlevania... you're usually 'always' a human, if not a vampire slayer. ((Anymore would defy the laws of this universe :V))
Re: Cold Blood

ok let me rephrase myself there sure are alot more humans then darkbournes.

2 succubi, a vampire cursed human and one angel = 4 darkbournes

then we have the humans

5 hunters and 2 mage/witch = 7 humans

case closed
Re: Cold Blood

I fail to see why the darkbourne human ration should be equal if there are two normal human classes and one darkbourne human class, so I agree with keylo on this.
Re: Cold Blood

ok let me rephrase myself there sure are alot more humans then darkbournes.

2 succubi, a vampire cursed human and one angel = 4 darkbournes

then we have the humans

5 hunters and 2 mage/witch = 7 humans

case closed

Five hunters? Are you on drugs? o_O I count...four at best, maybe three.

3/4 + 2 mages/witches = 5/6.

Lrn2count plz?
Re: Cold Blood

Provided if things continue on their current path, I can assure you...she isn't a vampire hunter. Or at least won't be.
Re: Cold Blood

I don't know if you've discussed this or not yet, but is Alucard off limits?
Re: Cold Blood

You're talking about this Alucard, right?

Re: Cold Blood

*shoots Gold in the foot* Captain N never existed....got it?! *shoves a shotgun in your mouth*
Re: Cold Blood

Aww come on Archer, Captain N is cool.
Re: Cold Blood

no I meant the son of Dracula from Symphony of the Night.