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*COMPLETED* Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

As usual, Jarelin's calm indifferent tone grated on Kurui. Somehow he still proved to have that way about him that made him look like he was treating serious matters with almost patronizing lack of concern. Still, Kurui suppressed anything she might be feeling and kept her air of control.
“Please be careful if you speak to the headmaster or anyone else. Black had contacts in the Royal Constables, it's probably just as likely that he has them here. If you speak with anyone, make sure you don't have an audience and make don't risk it if you're not assured they'll believe you.”
“A day of missed class won't kill us, but someone warning Black we're coming just might...” she wanted to say, but held her tongue out of an awareness of who she was speaking to.
The conversation wasn't all tense though, soon after Jarelin explained the origin of the enchanted stone he gave Kurui. She realized she had been distrustful of it because she didn't know where it came from or how long it might have just been sitting around un-used. Jarelin's answer didn't fill in any of those holes completely, but it showed he had confidence in it and that it wasn't some piece of junk that had sat in an attic for years. None of this was a guarantee that it would work, as enchanted objects were always a risk to use, but it seemed a bit more reliable now than it had moments ago.
Kurui had nothing else to discuss with Jarelin now, and after Lafton appeared a short while later she left with a quick bow. She decided that while she was starting to like Lafton, she didn't share the same kind of positive view of Jarelin. She actually felt sorry for the fire major having such a father.
“I can't believe he's just letting Lafton come with us. I mean... my parents wern't exactly the greatest ever, but they'd never knowingly let me walk off into something this dangerous... and here he is treating it like a piece of daily business. Maybe it's different with sons than daughters... but still...”
Kurui decided forming a more thought-out opinion or reevaluating the situation any farther than she already had wasn't worth it right now. There were more pressing matters to focus on.

Kurui walked quickly on the way to the Order of St Lisle's guild hall while the others followed. Despite the early hour, Raden was already waiting by the door for her and the group. With everyone here, Kurui cut straight to the chase and went back over her plan again, even though Rythe had heard most of it.
“Here,” she started by addressing Raden “clearance to get you into the Academy with us. It's early, there shouldn't be many people around, but if anyone starts following us, tell them to stay out of the way. Threaten to arrest them if necessary. We do NOT need an audience for this, and even less do we need people in the way.” she continued on in a businesslike voice, far firmer than her crying fits in previous encounters with the Order.
“When we get past the gate, fall behind me with the others, enough that anyone I run into won't see you. We're not to approach Black's room as a group. I will go in first, alone.” this she said firmly enough to imply it wasn't open to negotiation.
“Once I'm inside, close in on the door and listen closely. It's good at muffling noise, but it's not soundproof. Don't come in until you hear either me or him yell... or until you hear silence. I know warriors have their codes and honor regarding fighting, but I'm making the first move. Black deserves that and I NEED it. We focus on the end goal, Black deserves no honor after everything he's done.” She continued on, making an appeal to Raden's sense of honor, despite not knowing much about warrior's honor herself.
“Once I start things off, come in and move quickly while he's disoriented. Your window will be small, because once he's collected he can cast before any of us can count to three. I can't guarantee what kind of help I'll be, but you will have the other two mages here to help you. I also have an enchanted charm Jarelin, the mage you saw last night, gave me. He says it will block one spell, I haven't tested it, I can't guarentee it will work, but you're welcome to it if you want. Otherwise one of us will take it.”

Kurui now turned her attention to Lafton and Rythe.
“Both of you prepare spells before you approach the room.
Rythe, you use lightning that will conduct to anything Black is touching. If Black has ME, go ahead and shoot anyway, you may paralyze both of us or knock me out, but you won't kill me. Don't shoot at Black if Raden is fighting him, you'll arc right up his sword and take out our best chance at surviving this.
Lafton, you use fire, so do the opposite. Don't shoot at him if he can use me as a shield. If you have a good window, try to hit him while Raden is fighting, your fire won't conduct.”

A small part of Kurui was surprised to hear herself talking like this. She thought, with a bit of amusement, how good of a display this would have been in the combat classes the Elynsor military made all the non-nobles take back at the Academy. Admittedly she had found the classes boring and didn't try very hard, but now everything about it, as she walked along and strategical how to best use Rythe and Lafton's elements, came flooding back to her in exquisite detail.
“A few last words for everyone. Once you get into the room, spread out if you can, it will make it harder for Black to hit all of us.
Whether he surrenders or not, be aware that he's deceptive. Don't arrest him unless he's unconscious or paralyzed. I don't care how legal it is, don't risk taking him back when he's capable. I'll take all blame for it. If it becomes a matter of life or death, kill him if you have to.”
Her words were disturbingly cold at this last part before she continued on.
“I have a lightning crystal hidden on me, if Black grabs me I will shatter it to attempt to buy the rest of you a window. It will probably knock me out, but it will probably hit him too. If it doesn't...” Kurui paused for a moment “If it doesn't, keep attacking him anyway. Run me straight through if you have to, I'd rather be dead then let him use me as a hostage and get away with me, the things he will do to me afterwards will be worse than being dead anyway. I don't plan on using it unless I have to, but the rest of you need to promise me you're not going to stop because of me... and don't stop because of anything else Black tries to pull. I've read enough books to know that the villains never keep their word."
Another pause.
"Finally, if Black does take most of us out, and any of you find yourself alone, don't be a hero. Get out of there and save yourself. Alive you can go back to the Order and get more help... It's the only way one of us can ever make this right if the rest of us die.”

Kurui took another pause before stopping her stride and facing the group.
“Everyone got it?”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"That goes without saying," responded Raden in a manner that was just a bit short of interrupting Kurui. However, by now she could recognize it as being spoken in the swordsman's usual tone, which told the girl that he at least didn't intend on being rude despite his apparent abruptness. He looked at the signed note in her hand and shrugged. "I'll let the three of you handle the talking. I never was good at communicating well with mages."

"Still aren't, really," uttered Rythe with a small giggle. Her boldness proved to be of no detriment to her in that case, as the bronze-skinned warrior simply shrugged the comment off while continuing to trail them on the road to the Academy.

The three carefully listened to Kurui's plan as they moved along, with the other mages occasionally nodding their heads to indicate that they were following the Water Major's train of thought. "Luckily, I'm pretty sure it's early enough that no one will really be around outside. I mean, I thought I went the extra mile by going to class maybe an hour before it started, but over two and a half? I just don't see it happening," remarked Lafton.

"Right, but if Black just happens to be in control of a monitor or two, and they spot us, then this whole thing could go downhill real quick," said Rythe, frowning. "He's not an idiot by any means, smarter than any of us, really, so I wouldn't be surprised if he simply left upon learning that we were headed here."

"When you put it like that, it's hard to feel good about this," replied the Fire specialist, looking around nervously, off to the group's flanks, then their rear, to see if anyone was trailing them. "Let's just hope that he's lying about that whole monitor thing then, too. I can't believe that the school would be overrun with that many Syndicate members. I mean, since Black is more of a substitute professor, I get that much, but everyone else?! Damn... that would be ridiculous!"

"I don't want to believe it either, but you can't be too careful when it comes to handling situations like these," Rythe shot back in a rather quiet voice, her facial expression hinting for Lafton to lower his volume as well. It made sense, as they were within a block of the Academy by that time, with the main gate's monitor in plain sight.

It didn't keep the knight from going on, however. "You'll make the first move? That's quite a bit of courage, for a mage... don't be surprised if you're hurt, though. It is a reality you must acceptin situations like these. I will follow your plan to the letter, then. As for the stone, I've no need for such things," scoffed Raden in reply to Kurui, shaking his head at the enchanted charm she offered him.

"Your loss," said Rythe. "I don't get you military types sometimes. Well, I'll take it if you don't want it, then. But um, shouldn't you have it first, Kurui? Since you're going into the line of fire and all..."


The water mage had just enough time to respond to her peers' inquiries before they reached the front entrance to the campus, where a blonde-haired monitor, an earth caster from the looks of it, was keeping watch. The knight accompanying them stood nearby, in a most casual manner and in plain sight for the magically-inclined guard to see. This caused the monitor to raise a hand, and a brow at first, gesturing for them to stop. "Kind of a terrible hour right now, isn't it? And who's this?"

However, when Kurui handed him the note, he blinked a few times in surprise, allowing his eyes to dart between the text on the parchment and the motley crew before him. "Interesting... an investigation of a suspected Syndicate member in the Academy? Well, it does have Professor Jarelin's signature and seal..." He seemed to pay a fair bit of attention to Raden, his gaze lingering upon the one who stood out the most. "Guess I can't argue with this. Go ahead then," said the monitor, and the four were allowed past the gates.

After they proceeded, Raden shifted to a more hidden spot between Rythe and Lafton. There was no need to arouse any more suspicion by attempting to 'hide' from the gate guard, but now, they just needed to head straight to the classroom looking as inconspicuous as possible. It didn't help that he was taller than the former, but it was better than nothing.

A few light drips could be felt upon Kurui's skin as she walked upon the paths and grass on the way to her building, followed closely by the other three. A cluster of clouds were gathered over this side of the city, casting a somewhat ominous shadow over the school, and before long, it began to rain. The droplets were still small and light, but they built up fairly quickly, and while it wasn't pouring so hard that the noises of water droplets hitting grass or earth could be heard, they could still be felt. There were no other students outside to bother or even spot them, and other than the minor inconvenience brought about by the sudden drizzle, the path to Kurui's class building was clear.

The four made it inside before they could get too wet, with only a light spattering of water upon their clothing providing evidence that they had been in any kind of poor weather. Rythe and Lafton were quiet now, feeling the tension and stress associated with the upcoming task, which would not be an easy one for any of them.

Raden immediately pulled an odd-shaped blade from the leather sheath at his side, and it came out smoothly and quietly, without the characteristic, metallic noise that swords tended to make when drawn. He moved soundlessly, moreso than the others, who could only try their best to remain quiet when they approached. After all, raising Black's suspicions at this point with the noises of four sets of feet clacking along would be the last thing they wanted.

Before they turned the corner to the hallway in which the entrance to their class was located, Rythe and Lafton began to prepare their spells as quietly as possible. Raden simply waited until they were ready, allowing Kurui to take the lead as she wished. Even the mages remained perfectly silent after their focus was achieved, though from their shaking hands, it did take quite no small amount of willpower to steel their nerves against what was to come.

Still, they didn't have it nearly as bad as Kurui, who had to enter the classroom all by herself. As expected, Black was there, all alone, sitting at the desk with a stack of four medium books in front of him, ones that the Water Major had never seen before. He turned his head to look at the girl when she entered, and actually managed a smile for once.

"Oh, there you are. About two minutes late, actually. Somewhat uncharacteristic of you..." he said as a greeting of sorts, his brow furrowing as he observed her attire. "Raining outside, is it?" The man turned the other way momentarily to look out the second-story window, then back to his pupil, looking her up and down before continuing.

"Either way, it matters not. You won't be needing those clothes for our session today, so take them off now. We'll start by having you relieve me of some stress this morning, and we can worry about the tutoring this afternoon." He made a brief, swirling gesture with his finger, as if directing her to go ahead and undress.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui was relieved to see no major objections to her plan as the group made their way to the Academy.
“I expected at least Lafton and Rythe to say something... maybe I've underestimated how much they know how serious this is....”
The only matter left to be resolved was who got Jarelin's enchanted stone. Since Raden didn't want it, Kurui needed only a moment of thinking before flipping the coin-shaped charm to Rythe.
“Thanks, but if I keep it I may only end up making things worse for myself. It might soak up the charge in my trartz crystal if I end up having to use it. Besides, if I'm just plain grabbed, it's not going to help me anyway. As close as I'll be to Black, that's more likely to happen than him hitting me with a spell.”
A few moments later they would be at the front gate.

Though the group passed the front gate without much objection, that fact almost made Kurui more tense. Things were going too easy, it made something bad feel even more over-due to happen, as if Black had set things up so she could walk directly into a trap. She kept glancing over her shoulder to make sure the monitor at the gate hadn't run off to warn Black. Kurui herself also hastened her walk over towards the room, taking a mostly-straight line there except to avoid the most busiest or open parts of the Academy grounds. It wasn't exactly the most stealthy approach possible, but it seemed to be good enough that the water major was able to steer clear of any obvious encounters of being spotted or slowed down. Once inside she held up a hand to tell the others to stop and broke off even further ahead of the group as she approached the door to Black's classroom. She didn't want them to be seen through the doors threshold as she went in, nor for their steps to be heard, even if it meant quietly closing the distance afterwards would make them unavailable to help her right away for a few crucial moments.
“I'm fine... as long as Black doesn't attack me right away, I'm fine. Even if he does, there's only one way out unless he jumps through a window or something...”
The mental attempts at reasoning only calmed her down the slightest bit... part of her now wished she hadn't given Jarelin's stone to Rythe...
“Too late now...”
With a deep breath she opened the door and made her way inside.

No spells would come flying to hit Kurui as soon as soon as she entered. However, Black WOULD be present, and he WOULD manage to throw her off right away when he spoke.
“Two minutes late?!”
There was an edge of surprise to Kurui's voice, one that alarmed her for how suspicious it might have sounded. She quickly recovered though and tried to cover it up. There were tons of reasons for her to be jumpy besides this ambush she had planned, surely Black would probably just think she was scared or something... she hoped.
“I guess... I was in the hall trying to prepare myself for this a bit longer than I thought. I keep trying to tell myself I'm going to get used to it if I try hard enough... I thought it was kind of working but maybe it takes me a bit longer than it feels like it does...”
Kurui wasn't sure if Black bought it or not, but he APPEARED to at least, as it didn't stop him from continuing on with his next, rather blunt and forward request. This too caught Kurui off-guard, not because of the lewdness of it, but because stripping down meant losing the trartz crystal that was her backup plan. She wasn't how long it would take the others to close in on the door enough to be able to hear her is she screamed. She had to stall for more time... besides, this might somewhat work to her advantage.
“You're making this really hard for me, you know that? I... I was going to try to start things off this time. I thought it might... surprise you. Or at least make up whatever I may have done wrong last time. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I didn't see Sienna around last night... I thought you might have done something... I know I can't stop you even if you did, but tell me you didn't and I think I'll be good enough to impress you today. I think you like to be the one giving orders, but I've spent a lot of time preparing... you can't say you're not at least a little bit interested, right?”
Kurui's voice shook with nervousness as she spoke, but she didn't care, she even thought she sounded more convincing this way. Being TOO eager would have been suspicious, but with her voice dripping with hesitation and uncertainty, she might come off as proposing this out of fear or submissiveness, something she figured Black would be excited by.
“Yeah, think it's because of that, and not because one of us might be dead in a few minutes. I don't know what you're planning, if anything... I only pray you're in the same boat regarding me right now...”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

With Kurui's signal given, the others stayed behind, just down the hall and around the corner, out of plain sight in case Black somehow got suspicious and looked outside the door. While he opted not to do the latter when she entered the room, the dark-haired scholar took on a wary look, raising a brow as the girl gave a noticeably startled answer. "Yes, it is unusual. Normally you're not one to come so late... but no matter," he replied flatly. While even twice that amount of leeway in terms of timing was certainly acceptable for most professors, Black's remark made it clear that it wasn't satisfactory, at least by his standards.

Still, he chose not to dwell on it for long, and even looked somewhat pacified by her excuse and emotional appeal, though not beyond what his usual stoic range of expressions would allow. But that slight change in his features wasn't one made from actual sympathy, as his motions for her to go on and undress would indicate. To him, it merely meant that he understood that Kurui still had barriers keeping her from total obedience. For one who was articulate enough when it came to illustrating his own views, Black was, perhaps unsurprisingly, poor in understanding those of others. The focus, for him, was mostly about removing whatever reservations she might have, and less on serving as someone she could actually confide in. After all, in his eyes, she was to serve him, a man who had already earned merit in society, which now owed him everything. "Do you still find our 'recreational' time distasteful? I'm positive I brought you to that point at least twice yesterday morning," said the lecturer.

"Or, don't tell me that such activities, while considerably more pleasurable than many... other, alternatives, are still bad enough to give you second thoughts? There are far worse things, you know. You need not be ashamed of our partnership. Understand that we are the elite, those who utilize our full potential, while others simply squander theirs. You really shouldn't waste your time associating with underachievers like Sienna. I will introduce you to others who are far more promising members of society, and we can be the ones who reform the system." While prone to tangents as he was, Black did stop his train of thought for a moment to hear Kurui out fully.

"Oh? Hm... perhaps I was a bit hasty then, after all. I'll admit, I do find you beautiful. And while many women are just that, few have anything more, such as intelligence, to keep themselves afloat by. Speaking of those who lack in such departments, as far as the Wind Major is concerned, forget about her for now. So long as you have given me no reason to worry, nothing will happen to the girl," remarked the lecturer, his eyes starting to wander up and down Kurui's frame as his patience whittled away. Luckily for her, it led not to further suspicion, but for a readiness to feel what she might have to offer to him sexually. Eventually, his words came to match what his body language already illustrated, that he was ready to relieve some stress with his newest pupil.

"I am mildly curious as to what you could possibly surprise me with, however." His lips took on the hint of a lewd smile, though Kurui felt that he could be upon her any second. If she had any chance to make her move, it was now.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui's nervousness grew upon hearing Black's dissatified tone, and it grew even more so as he started to answer her question about Sienna. At first it seemed to Kurui like like Black was trying to imply he HAD done something, to cut her off from Sienna for her good... as she stood listening she felt sick... dizzy... she wanted to just call for help right now and have this be over with, all the effort she had put into preparing for this encounter was dissolving away...
Luckily though, her worst fears would NOT be realized. Somehow Kurui had managed to stay composed until Black finished and seemed to confirm that he hadn't done anything yet. The water major found herself shaken, but had apparently not shown it enough to alarm Black.
“Fuck you! Jerking me around like that... FUCK YOU!”
Even inside her own head, Kurui's conscious sounded like a scolded child throwing a fit over having been so easily messed with. Now was not the time to be angry though, as the water major found her bait had worked and her instructor already looking intrigued by her offer. The fact that things were going according to plan kept her emotions reigned in, and logic and restraint managed to stay in control. A single deep breath was enough to keep it that way.

“You're impossible... it's not surprise enough that I even want to try this?”
Kurui's voice was cooler now, more in control than when she was asking about Sienna. It wasn't excited sounding over what was to come, but it at least wasn't completely pathetic anymore either. “Whether you think I can surprise you or not, you should let me try anyway. The way I see it, I'm stuck with you, and the sooner I learn to like it, the easier this will be for the both of us. I'm honestly not sure how well I'll do today, but I'll learn better this way, through my own practice, than I will by getting myself shocked for an outburst again.”
Kurui closed her eyes and took another deep breath... taking a few seconds of zen and preparation. She hated what she was about to do, it would take a tremendous amount of acting and willpower to force herself through the motions, but her reasons for doing it would be enough motivation to get her through. She only hoped Black would be quick to make his own assumptions about her behavior and buy her lies, none the wiser to what she was really thinking...

When Kurui finally opened her eyes, she moved quick, with a grace she didn't quite expect herself to have given how mechanical her body felt right now. Her conscious mind seemed to have detached itself largely from her physical self, but parts of her brain still remembered more subtle actions. She quickly made her way over to Black and grabbed his chest almost forcefully before pulling herself in close. She then snaked her face up towards the side of his head as if to whisper in his ear, standing on the tips of her toes to help bridge the height difference.
“You know... I spent a lot of time getting ready this morning, you can forgive me for being a little late, right?”
She kept herself like this for just a few seconds, hoping the feeling of her body pressed up against his would excite him. Also, in this position, her hair was right by his face, she wasn't sure quite how much Black might be excited by the smell or it's shiny lushness, but she hoped it was helping because she wanted this to be over fast.
“After all, who knows how long the others are going to wait for me to finish. It won't be more than a few minutes tops...”
After a few seconds she pulled back, keeping one hand on his chest for contact... but then her other hand started working it's way down to his pants. She moved slow enough for Black to keep anticipate what she was doing, but fast enough, she hoped, that he would get caught up in the moment without stopping to think about it. With surprising dexterity, she found herself undoing the buckle with her free hand.
“I think I'll start here; try to get a good taste for once before I'm too excited to notice... you've never given me much chance before...”
She glanced at her instructor for a fraction a second to guage his reaction and the effectiveness of her acting, even if it did make her feel like a whore. There would be time for self-hate later. She just had to know he was buying it and wouldn't strike her if she went down on her knees.
“I hope you get an erection fast, you bastard...”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui's struggles to stay in control of her own emotions proved a worthwhile battle, one that she ultimately won in keeping the resent within from rising to the surface. It was good that she did, as Black's eyes were fixed on her intently, and though they weren't always focused on her visage, they would no doubt be able to pick up on any of the more obvious signs that she'd let pass. "Hmpf. You should know by now that I've never been that easy to impress. But on the other hand, that does say something about yourself, and why I haven't merely discarded you to the Labyrinth by now. I do appreciate quick learners, or at least devoted ones. And it sounds as though you're finally starting to get the right idea about the situation between us. Though it's really a wonder why you bother to mouth off so much, when you should be putting it to--"

The lecherous scholar was suddenly cut off by the girl's abrupt action, and though he raised a brow, almost thinking to react in a less than pleasant way at first, he visibly relaxed a little after seeing that she apparently meant only to seduce him, taking in the scent of her hair, which he had become somewhat familiar with over the past several days given how close they had been at some points. Even then, what was considered 'relaxed' for Black still proved itself to be a rather intimidating appearance for anyone who wasn't used to it, and it looked as if he would need much more than her initial embrace to sway him. Despite his obvious want for her, he still had a mind calm enough to respond in time to her question. "I can forgive you, provided you make this worth my while, and more importantly, have prepared yourself properly for the things I am planning to do to you afterwards," he shot back smoothly in a quiet, smooth voice, which in itself contrasted with the potentially unsettling content of his sentence. While he was quite skilled in a physical sense, as Kurui knew very well, Black did have a way of ruining any mood with his painfully indifferent and rather demanding attitude. It seemed as though her first move didn't change that about him.

Her second, however, would, as a brief gasp could be heard from the man, his eyes widening slightly at the bold gesture she made in gliding a hand to his crotch. "Oh? Does it excite you to suck me off, then? Despite your apparent hesitance yesterday, you did quite a good job, all things considered." He was a control freak, and Kurui was reminded of this as he began to caress the back of her head even as she stood, almost as if expecting as much for her to serve him in such a manner. Black was never content, and probably never would be, with allowing the other person too much control unless it was by his command. However, at the very least, no suspicion, or none just yet anyway, was shown as she continued to undo the front of his pants, which at that point was tented up thanks to his steadily growing erection, the tip of which nudged her palm as she went to work. Just as she had planned. At that point, it was clear enough that he was only ready for one kind of activity with her, though with a lingering grasp on her head, she would have to be mindful of her next move.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui's quick glance at Black, cursory as it was, seemed to be enough to confirm for her that her acting was working. However, more than her quick glance, Black's words and actions seemed to support her conclusion anyway. This was good, she wasn't sure how much longer she could this up. It was already taking all of her will-power to stifle the part of her brain that was disgusted with herself... even knowing what her end goal, she felt her control starting to slip... her body starting to tremble... Hopefully this only made to help her look more convincing for other reasons though, after all, she wouldn't have expected Black to buy into this if she were pulling it off too flawlessly. Still, messing up too badly wouldn't end well either, so she wasted no time trusting herself to answer anything Black said, and instead focused only on the physical side of what she was doing. No words needed to be said right now anyway.

“Words... just ignore the words... they're only words.”

Kurui felt a flush of indignant anger as she moved ahead and Black asked her if if she was “excited” by all this. It almost made her lose control in a flash of anger, but the part of her mind still capable of emotion response wasn't the part in control right now and so she kept cool. With Black's hand on the back of her head and easily able throw her to the ground, she couldn't afford to alarm him. Instead she indulged his control-freak tenancies, her hand stopped moving and she instead allowed him to “guide” her down to her knees. It was a vulnerable position for her, but not as vulnerable as she was about to make Black. The entire thing was humiliating almost beyond toleration, but things were going well objectively, she still had her trartz crystal on her, and what she had planned was likely to work better than her flatout trying to attack him directly.

Once on her knees, Kurui began with what was to be the last phase of her plan. She ran the backs of her fingernails along the length of his shaft, not hard enough to leave scratches but enough to tease out any last bits of erection, before starting to tease with her tongue. The taste made all her that much more aware of what she was doing and made her want to gag, but she was too close to stop now. Starting with the tip, she slowly worked up with her teasing until she was working his cock from the side. THIS was what she wanted, her end goal. While she knew she probably couldn't stomach biting the tip off, she could still do a lot of damage this way. Now only that part remained.

“This is so bad... I think I'm gonna throw up... No, just bite down hard enough to draw blood, thats all you need to do Kurui. You don't need to swallow anything or tear anything. Just bite until he screams, it will alert Raden and the others, they'll come and Black won't be able to cast. Stay clamped down until the come in in case he tries to shock you Kurui, then let go as soon as the others come in. Black's erect... theres going to be so much blood... gods Kurui, just ignore it. You HAVE to do this, for Dinn and Anisee and everyone else who didn't make it out, for Sienna, …and for yourself.”
Kurui hesitated for a moment at what she was about to. Part of her still found it a horribly underhanded, as if that description even came close to how bad doing what she was about to do was, but she kept psyching herself up, telling herself Black deserved it.
More than that though, the sheer enormity of it all it all was getting to her. She felt sick... dizzy, time itself seemed to slow down as she struggled with what was to come. For a moment she felt as if she was going to pass out and everything was spinning and melting around her. She was suddenly aware of how sharp her incisors were, though she had never viewed her teeth or any other part of her body as primal “weapons” before... aware of just how much damage she could do to Black even though he was bigger and stronger than her... on some level it felt she was having a profound revelation about the natural savagery humans were capable of... contemplating at amazing speeds even as everything around her seemed frozen. Then, a fraction of a moment later everything was moving again in hyper-detail as the part of her brain focused on her “mission” resurfaced and once again reigned control.

As the part of mind that struggled with everything got shoved under, it made her give a pained whimper, small but audible... then she felt her jaw muscles tightening and her teeth clamping down.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

A noxious grin formed upon the man's visage as he found no resistance given from Kurui in allowing him to force her to her knees. His eyes were fixed on hers intently, looking as though they would never blink. Regardless of whether the girl chose to make eye contact or not, she could feel his gaze upon her even as she tried to focus on the task at hand. Her peripheral vision told her that her client actually had a blush upon his cheeks, with light beads of sweat forming at the corners of his brow. As if that wasn't enough, his breaths grew heavy in anticipation. The esteemed scholar had shown her a different person than what he normally presented to others with his usual mask of indifference at class, and right then she knew that he had made himself vulnerable. He had opened up to her with the safety of his manhood literally in her hands, trusting Kurui to please him and to do it well. At first, anyway, it looked as if she would do just that.

Perhaps the imagery was far too much for him, as he tilted his chin upwards momentarily and released a soft groan when she began to tease upon the sensitive head of his member with the careful use of her tongue. His right hand trembled slightly as it continued to stroke the back of Kurui's head as the girl went on, and he fought the urge to force himself right in between her lips. However, despite such temptations, he persevered and allowed her to display the ultimate sign of subservience, managing to look back down with a lustful face made with mouth agape. He began to speak in ways that he never did publically--a side of the man that the Water Major was no doubt familiar with at this point, but never easy to stomach. "Ohh, yes... quite the little slut, aren't you?"

If she couldn't psyche herself up before, she would be able to much easier after hearing his lewd tone. Kurui knew right then that this would be her chance. After all, he expected her to do as much for him. How could she hurt him? He was too powerful to deny, and could kill her in an instant. As a noble, he had access to a tremendous amount resources and wealth, enough to ensure that whatever suffering she would have to endure as a result of wronging him would be practically unparalleled. In his mind, the girl's ability to betray him was gone by virtue of sheer logic. Alone, she would be no match for him, making the risk for anyone with half a mind not one worth taking.

That arrogance proved to be a mistake on his part as Kurui mustered all of her inner strength to put forth her ultimate display of defiance. What was supposed to be the feeling of the student's warm mouth's interior wrapping around him was instead replaced by a jolt of immense pain running through his system as the girl bit down on his manhood as hard as she could, and a loud, almost deafening scream resulted. He couldn't even shock her, since that would most likely result in the girl's jaw clamping down tighter, if anything--not that he could focus enough to do that. The hand that was previously caressing the back of Kurui's head had clenched up, instinctively grabbing a fistful of her hair. The pain that resulted was enough to cause her to cry out, and even if she didn't, Black reminded her of the difference in strength as he flung her against the wall. She slammed into it backfirst, just beneath the blackboard, which shook lightly from the force of the impact. That rung her bell, and her vision blurred for a moment.

But the damage had been done. With the agony wracking his mind, Black struggled to stay standing, staggering backwards until the side of the desk served to catch him into a half-sitting position. "Aaggghh! Y-You BITCH!! H-How could y... AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!" His face filled with indignation, the teacher showed himself capable of showing the emotion that Kurui herself harbored for him all this time. She had drawn blood, that was for sure, and one look would tell her that it had been shed, in no small amount. The hand that nursed his mangled rod was covered in red, and he writhed in place, squeezing his knees together. His body fought desperately to produce the rush of adrenaline needed for him to dull the pain. "FFFUUUCCCKK!" It was a wonder that the man even managed to stay upright for the most part, but in this state he certainly wouldn't be able to focus long enough to cast any kind of meaningful spell. "W-Why... WHY?! Aaagh... hffff... aaaahhhgh! Hffff... aaahh," he groaned, taking a moment to himself to try to breathe and diminish the pain somehow. Kurui's head spun, and all she could see was the aftermath of her daring move. An injured Black, having paid the price for what he had done to her. Whether that was just a portion of the whole, however, would eventually be up to her.

A series of loud footfalls could be heard rushing down the hall outside, telling the Water Major that her support was on their way. Despite the utterly distracting distress flooding Black's nerves, he heard it too, and made a soured face at Kurui. "You...!" At this point, all hope for negotiations went out the window. This was not something he would forgive Kurui for, and she knew it by the look on his face. This was the end of the 'agreement' between them.

Though he looked to yell out something else in addition to the obvious accusation of betrayal, the door opened in time to reveal Raden, the swordsman from Saint Lisle, with Rythe and Lafton behind him, both having focused enough to 'hold' their spells in front of them. While this would be a questionable scene, one that would earn both Kurui and Black a series of questions from any other bystander, the trio had expected as much, and were for the most part prepared. Save for Lafton, who could hardly focus enough to keep his gate upon seeing that the lecturer's pants were down, as he had his own idea of what that meant. Luckily, he managed to maintain his spell, though it flickered as if to show his anger. But it wasn't his turn to act, regardless. Naturally, Raden rushed into the room first, and for a moment, it looked as if he would end this in an instant, with blade ready to be swung.

But the genius inventor turned out to be just that, a genius, and even in his vulnerable state managed to produce a massive jolt characteristic of an oddly potent Arc Lightning spell just before Raden came within range. It was peculiar enough, given that he made no incantations and didn't look to to be focusing other than for a fraction of a second. Kurui would recognize this to be the result of him having used a precast crystal, just like the one he loaned her. The tan-skinned swordsman felt the initial surge of energy hitting him. Kurui knew, anyone who was hit dead-on by an Arc Lightning typically dropped to the ground or fell stiff.

But instead of falling straight down to the floor, the proud swordsman grit his teeth and fell forward with blade stretched out, causing a large gash upon Black's shoulder. "Gyaaaggghh!" cried the noble, stumbling back and clutching at his fresh wound with one arm before thinking better of it. After delivering his slash of desperation, Raden went prone for a moment, but the professor stumbled back across the desk, looking to get behind it for cover. After all, spells themselves didn't have minds of their own, and by the nature of gate magic, could still miss.

That was when Rythe, seeing his last-ditch attempts at evasion, let her own stream of lightning fly, and it struck the dark-haired man straight on, too quick for him to dodge by virtue of its practically instant speed. But the result wasn't characteristic of someone being hit with such a spell. In fact, it looked as if he wasn't hit with anything at all. The only noticeable change was a slight cracking sound heard afterwards. The brown-haired girl's brow furrowed in confusion, as her newly 'hit' target was already half-writhing in pain anyway, and with a puzzled look, she began to cast a second time. Black weakly stumbled to get behind the desk, panting.

"You bastard!" Lafton was ready then, and could wait no longer, yelled in anger as he unleashed a sizeable fireball in the teacher's direction. The sphere of flame was large enough to catch the man's barrier and incinerated the entire upper half of the wooden structure, half of the books included. That left the Syndicate benefactor without the benefit of the shelter he had so desperately sought, and Rythe lined him up for another shot; Kurui, at this time, felt herself manage the strength to act as well, whether it was to cast or do otherwise. However, even then, Black was given little time to catch his breath and recover from his dual wounds. Lafton ran right past the others following his initial casting, hoisted the taller man up to his level by grabbing his collar with both hands, and sent a knee into his already damaged groin, causing the professor to scream out in pain.

"Aaaggghhh... guhhuhhkkk!" sputtered Black, his disheveled, bloodied appearance now a far cry from the dignified, intimidating look he first presented to the class.

The Fire Major then began to punch him repeatedly, blows that the noble had little choice but to take. But Lafton, despite his rage, was not a sadist like the man he had taken his frustrations out on. He stopped with one hand still gripping Black's collar, panting, and turned to Kurui to see if she was alright, figuring that the man was done for.

Apparently, it wasn't the case, as the surprisingly resilient teacher looked up weakly, presenting another crystal in his hand. He sent another shock of his own to the distracted youth, causing his victim to drop instantly, and followed him there, pressing the crystal over the newly flattened victim's throat. "Guhh... hah... hahaha. O... One charge left," uttered Black, turning his head in the girls' direction. This caused Rythe to hesitate in letting her second spell go, knowing that they would conduct to each other, and that Lafton had already taken the full force of one of an Academy professor's blasts--another would likely be fatal. Black released a weakened, ironic laugh. "W-What you've taken from me, you'll lose in him... and Sienna. You did this... you did."
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Despite Kurui's nerves, and even the warning she broadcast with her small whimper, the moment of truth came flawlessly with no surprises to stop it. In an instant, Kurui's heightened senses were flooded with the sickening taste of hot blood and deafening roar of a scream. Moment's later she felt a jolt of pain of her own as she felt her hair being pulled hard. She squeezed her eyes shut, tightened her bite, prayed the others would be quick to hear and come in, seconds now feeling like hours. As long as she stayed like this, Black couldn't shock her without getting himself and couldn't throw her off or fight anyone else.
Despite Kurui's attempts to keep herself clamped down, it took only a few short seconds before the yanking on her hair proved too much, it felt as if her hair and her jaw were connected, and the harder she bit down the more she was pulling her own hair tight, her scalp already burned, she wasn't sure if patches of it were already torn out or not. This finally caused her to loosen her grip a little, as if it would buy her some slack, but it proved to be a big mistake.
The second Kurui's jaw loosened, instead of buying her any measure of relief, her pain just escalated as she felt herself being practically flung off Black. She tried to move with his throw, but on her knees she could only stumble and add to her own momentum as Black threw her entire frame head-first. It was all she could do to turn around and not hit the nearby wall face-first. Even so, the impact knocked the wind out of her and her head snapped back and took a good hit on the stone that darkened her vision for a moment and made her dizzy. While she was arguably in better shape than Black, as she struggled for breath and to fight vertigo, it was obvious she would be useless for a little while. Luckily the others would finally burst into the room now after what felt like forever.

Kurui wondered what the others would think of this whole scene as they slammed through the door. Black with no pants on and a bloody crotch, her slumped up against a wall with blood running down from her mouth. It was obvious what had happened, but there must have still been some factor of unbelievability to it all. It probably wasn't they were they were expecting, considering she never told them this was her plan... in a way it kind of hadn't been anyway. She had gone in with no idea how she was actually going to attack Black, his uncontrollable sexual appetite had been what brought this about. Luckily, none of the others seemed TOO stunned by all of this. Though Lafton almost lost his spell, Rythe seemed unphazed, and Raden was moving so fast it's almost as if he had expected this or not bothered to soak it in at all. This would be over fast, or so Kurui thought.
Kurui's prediction would turn out to be wrong however. Even as Raden rushed Black almost immediately, incredibly the bastard still managed to have enough wits about him to respond... and preparations Kurui hadn't counted on. When Kurui saw the lightning spell happen, without any sort of cast time, her mind almost immediately knew she wasn't the only one who was carrying around something enchanted with a charge. Stupid, she should have known to expect this from someone like him, a Syndicate member would have plenty of reasons besides her to be prepared. If nothing else through, Raden's quick charge brought him closer than Black was prepared for, and even with a dead-on hit, the swordsman still managed to power through and get a gashing slash in on his way down. It wasn't over yet though, it was still 2 against one and Rythe and Lafton were quick to act next even as Black was already scrambling for cover.

Rythe moved quickly enough to hit Black before he got behind the cover of his desk, but Kurui wasn't sure if she was imagining it or not... or just out of it from hitting her head. The spell seemed to connect, but the arcs of lightning didn't seem to actually transfer any energy to their target, instead coiling around and dissipating harmlessly into different directions. It's only when Lafton's fireball headed towards the professor a few seconds later that Kurui cause the slightest traces of what looked like a barrier of some sort. No doubt it was another enchanted item, and even worse, the fact that the barrier “flared” at the fireball's close passing meant it still had charge left. Such a barrier probably only worked against magic though, evidences by Raden's earlier slash... and by Lafton's next attack.
Following his missed fire spell, the Fire Major wasted no time trying to chant again or figure out how to shoot behind cover, and instead rushed right for the wounded professor. Unlike with Raden's earlier charge, Lafton actually managed to close the distance without getting hit and immediately started beating on Black. Kurui watched wide-eyed, part of her brain wanting her to scream to stop the violent scene unfolding before her... but a larger part watched with a thrilled fascination that wanted it to keep going. After a barrage of punches through, the beating would eventually stop, other priorities like Kurui's own safety apparently on the fire major's mind.
When Lafton stopped and looked her way, Kurui snapped out of her fascinated gawking state and gave a few nods to show that she was OK, although her neck hurt a bit as she did this, no doubt as a result of being thrown. She also ran a hand through her hair feeling blood or any patches of it ripped out, but fortunately she fared all right on this front and nothing seemed to be damaged despite a throbbing pain lingering. All in all, minor wounds compared to what she had watched Dinn go through. Content with this, she wiped the blood off her face with her uniform's cloak, then spit out any lingering in her mouth before working her way to her feet.

“Good work... not as planned, but we did it, right? Rythe, go check if Raden is OK and get him up so we can-”
It still wasn't over. Kurui watched in horror as the groups moment of weakness had given Black, still conscious even through everything, a chance to break contact and get a good shock in on Lafton, dropping him almost instantly. Kurui jumped and scrambled backwards, feeling as though she was going to have a heart attack. Again she grew dizzy, this time having nothing to do with her head, as a desperate enraged Black stood there now threatening to kill his new helpless “hostage”... assuming the fire major was even still alive as it was. It had been four against one and Black had already possibly killed two of them. Kurui had expected things to be dangerous, but not this dangerous. She felt panic rising as she tried to work out what to do next. Wiht Black wounded and bleeding out, she likely wouldn't have much time before he tried SOMETHING... and anything was bad at this point.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What do I do?! He said he only had one spell-charge left, but If I charge him, he'll kill Lafton or down me on the way, It's an easy shot for him. I could cast, but I can't outspeed an instant-cast crystal unless he LETS me for some reason... and he still has that barrier with at least one charge left. I've got no defense at all. Rythe does if Jarelin's stone works, but she can't use magic on him either with that barrier and she has no chance in a close up fight even if he's wounded! I can't try to persuade him out of it or talk him down, he's got nothing to lose... and what could he possibly gain from anything I could sa-”
Suddenly, and idea formed from nowhere, almost so crazy as to be brilliant. Maybe she was wrong, but there was no time to think about it. It was this or nothing...

“Rythe! Go see if you can get Raden up!”
This in itself seemed a safe first move. Even if Black fired his last spell charge at her, the lightning mage still had Jarelin's enchanted stone to protect her... if it worked. If Black wasted this charge he was left without a QUICK way to finish off Lafton. To make Rythe the professor's target was not Kurui's plan though, she hoped what she was about to do would draw all attention to herself, maybe even make Black hold off on firing all together. She now turned her attention to him and went on.
“You're not going to touch Sienna ever! I'm not afraid of you anymore because I'm going to end this right here and right now with THIS!”
Kurui produced from her waist satchel her Falenium crystal from the mine trip, holding it's knife-shaped form like a dagger in an icepick-grip, it's point aiming towards Black.
“I saw that barrier you had! I'm going to pierce right through it using this and what you taught me about gates!”
Kurui gave her voice a frantic tone, partially on purpose, to give the impression that she had completely lost it in shock and fear. Her Falenium was unrefined, even if focus crystals did make spells stronger, using this one for such a purpose was pointless. The crystal being uncut and having impurities would likely make the focusing of a spell gate impossible. In fact, forcing the energy into the crystal, especially while trying to pull off something as difficult as what Black had taught her to do with gates, would almost certainly make the crystal unstable and shake it apart. There was a 99% chance it would blow up in her hands, shredding them with bits of shrapnel and throwing her back with the remnants of her own spell. All Black had to do was let her go through with this and the odds are that she would take herself herself out of the fight without him having to waste his last spell charge, leaving him with only Rythe to deal with, as well as granting him the satisfaction of seeing her fail do to her own incompetence and stupidity... a fitting bit of payback for what she had done to him. Kurui knew this, and she hoped Black was just as fast to reach that conclusion as well.
“Go!” She screamed back towards towards Rythe, hoping the lightning major didn't try to stop her. Rythe would probably figure out how dangerous this plan was too if she stopped to think about it. Luckily, it wasn't her REAL plan. She only hoped Rythe would trust her judgement... or be too slow to figure it out.

Putting the pressure back on Black she began to chant, holding a hand behind the back end of her crystal and forming a spell gate there, as if focus it right through the crystal into it's dagger-like point when her chanting was done...
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Rythe responded to Kurui with a wide-eyed look, first glancing at Black, then to Raden's prone form as she held the charge of the prepared Arc Lightning in her hands. Surprisingly, the swordsman of Saint Lisle wasn't even out cold like Lafton was; a closer look would show that he began to stir, releasing a groan as his hands clutched at the floor aimlessly. He was still stunned, for sure, but in better shape than many who Kurui had seen take the brunt of such a spell, let alone one cast by one of the Academy's more competent staff members.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for the Fire Major, who lay unconscious and perhaps blissfully unaware that his own life hung in the balance--between the hands of one he cared about most, and another who intended to use him as a bargaining chip thanks to that fact. While Black hadn't witnessed the small interactions between Kurui and Lafton, at the Jarelin manor or otherwise, he took a desperate gamble where there were few options left to begin with. Surely, the boy had to mean something to her, as a friend or otherwise, if he came along with her on such a dangerous task to begin with. But despite his best efforts, the wounded lecturer failed to stifle the obvious--that he was in immense pain, having been bitten by Kurui, kneed several times by Lafton, and slashed by Raden.

He looked upon the two girls with defiant eyes, unwilling to concede defeat to individuals thought beneath him. Blood trickled down from the wound on his shoulder and chest, and his labored breathing could be heard from across the room. It was a wonder that he was even conscious at that point. And yet he was. His right hand trembled as it tightly clutched what was one of his last bets, hovering over Lafton's throat. While someone less familiar with the man might guess his threat to be an empty one, seeing that any lightning spell would also hit him in the process seeing that the two were connected, Kurui knew well of Black's level of control. He might have been in bad shape, but he had, after all, managed to hold off three mages and a swordsman for this long, even with a sizeable disadvantage given the Water Major's 'surprise' assault on him.

"Don't do it," said Black in a sharp tone as the brown-haired girl began her approach.

Rythe hesitated to rush the rest of the way to Raden's side as her nerves took over. The confidence exhibited by Black was surprising. It caused doubt to settle into her mind, sapping away her will to move like a parasite. Would her barrier hold? Provided, Black's had against theirs, but that was against student-level spells, and the power that the Academy teacher wielded was far more potent, as he had shown. Additionally, if she attempted to help the swordsman to his feet, and either of them were hit, one would undoubtedly conduct the lethal current to the other if her barrier failed, making it a potentially fatal situation for both. She grimaced, and while the brunette inwardly told her legs to start moving, they didn't.

Raden weakly moved his hand towards the hilt of his blade, just inches out of his reach, in a daring move that Black immediately noticed. The professor was wise not to waste his last complete charge on the warrior, however, and instead opted for a cantrip, shifting his position just enough to let loose a short-range 'stun' charge upon the metal weapon. The tan-skinned knight was too groggy to notice, and grasped the handle of his sword only to find it turn on him with a shock. It caused him to pull back immediately, grunting in pain and clutching his arm. "Aggh!"

"Heh... f-fools," muttered Black as he looked up at the offenders with newfound confidence. His barrier still had some charge left, if he remembered correctly, so it was unlikely that Rythe could do much to hurt him at this point. The only one who could was Kurui, who made such a display with her crystal shard that it actually caused the man to release a low chuckle. He wouldn't say why, and instead chose to taunt her, his usual cool returning despite his severe injuries. "Oh? Show me then. For all your talent, could you really accomplish such a thing under pressure? Could you really harm me like that, after all that I've taught you...?!" There was some feigned desperation in his voice; it was the closest Black would get to begging. But he lacked sincerity, and it was but a ploy to get the Water Major to react in one of two ways: to hesitate and ideally surrender after believing that he was the one in control of this situation, or to go through with using the dagger-like crystal as a focus. Either one would work to his advantage.

Inwardly, a swell of hope rose in his chest. Focusing on an unrefined crystal was foolhardy, at best, and Black knew it. While another side of the lecturer might have been disappointed to see this otherwise esteemed student make such a mistake, it was to his advantage in this case, providing an opportunity that he was determined to capitalize on. When Kurui's plan backfired on her, causing the crystal to explode in her hand, that's when he would make his own move at Rythe, and add a second hostage to the deal. It wasn't a perfect plan by far, but step by step was how he was going to get himself out of this bind, as he always had in difficult times. No longer was his mind on receiving as much pleasure as possible from Kurui, as it was just minutes ago. After he rounded the lot of them up, they would be sent to the Labyrinth, to be humiliated and tortured at his direction, and never heard from again. The thoughts tickled his sadistic mind, and he struggled to hide a growing smirk upon his normally stoic face.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Even though Black seemed to buy into Kurui's ploy, the water major couldn't help but feel a rising nervousness as she tried to cast, she could barely even keep her hands steady. It should have been good news that her plan appeared to be working, and even better news that she caught glimpses of Raden moving off to her side (though still clearly disabled), but such good news wasn't helping as much as it should have. Lafton was still down, at the mercy of Black to be killed at any moment... from where she was standing, Kurui couldn't tell if he was even still breathing. To make matter's worse, Rythe's hesitations, caught out of the corner of Kurui's eye, were contagious. The water major found her mind rushing with thoughts of what might happen if she gave up now. These emotional highs, the stress and hyper alertness she had right now, all of it was strenuous, burning her out... making her want to just stop.
“Black is wounded right now, he can't do anything, it's a miracle he's even conscious. If I stop now, there's no chance I could mess this up. If I mess this up he kills Lafton or me or Rythe... If I wait, it's still over for him. How long can he stay conscious loosing blood like that? Even if he does, someone had to hear all the noise in here, right? No... too early in the morning, the building might be empty. But then how does he get us all out of here unnoticed or get over his injuries... he has connections in the constables, he could do that first part easy. For the second, maybe he has potions in here, he did when he shocked me that one day. I bit him hard, but I didn't tear anything off, a strong enough potion might stabilize him... stop the bleeding, then it's over.
But wait! If he has potions in there... maybe I can stop Lafton from dying if I'm fast enough. I have to do, I HAVE to. No stress, calm down... Calm!”

Kurui came to the conclusion that giving up wasn't an option, but this knowledge only piled the stress on higher. If she failed now, it would be just like the mine trip earlier, everyone would probably die because of her messing up. She tried to calm herself by bringing her mind back to last night, to the calm room back at Laftons, to her thoughts of sitting in there and reading books, to all the good things she had imagined and talked about with Rythe... but in an instant the realization that she could lose all of that right here and now made panic rise and her hands shake again. She dared not think anything about Sienna as a source of calm after that.
“Come on... it's just a water spell, it's not even ice. This is easy, focus... focus damnit! Everyone is going to die if you don't! This is easy so just fucking do it!”
Still no progress. But then she caught sight of a growing smirk on Black's face and everything changed. Where her attempts to calm her mind with happy thoughts didn't work, a new attitude took her mind in a tight icy grip. Pure justified hatred for the man in front of her. She could tell what he thinking, of the humiliations and pain he would put her through if he won. Never again was she going to let that happen. Her concern was no longer for what she would lose, but only how much she needed to wipe that damned smirk and everything it stood for off of Black's face. Her focus tightened instantly, with an almost zen-mode edge to it... despite her seething hatred, every part of her mind was now unified to this purpose.

Kurui's hand stopped shaking and she completed her spell in record time. All she was focusing was a single-target water spell, compressing the size of her gate to a bit smaller than the center of her palm. There would be no ice, no needle-thin shot focused for piercing, no other fancy tricks with the spell itself. By the time Black realized this though, it would be too late.
Kurui took aim, wanted to go straight for his face, but some part of her rational mind told her better, so she lowered her aim towards his chest, where she was more likely to hit. She was no expert healer with exact knowledge of how the body worked, but with Black already wounded, a success here would probably drive his body into shock... if it didn't outright hit something important and kill him... she knew she should be concerned about the possibility of killing Black, but that thought was but a whisper drowned out by the roar of a thousand screams in her head.
The hand around Kurui's Falenium crystal started to open up, the fingers uncoiling themselves from their grip. This was it, everything was in slow motion again. As her fingers started to pull away, she released her spell as a water jet behind it.
“His barrier might block the water jet... whatever item is projecting it probably picks up on the remnants of planar energy that linger in the elements for a few moments after being pulled through a spell gate. It probably uses this energy to turn the spell on itself and deflect it, even though water or ice are solid objects unlike Rythe's lightning or Lafton's fire, his barrier will probably block it... but Raden was able to cut him earlier, so the barrier doesn't have the power to block inert objects... that means my crystal should go right through. It's got some tiny traces of planar energy in it, but crystals are mostly just focuses, not sources of energy themselves. At the very worst, his barrier might crack it, but at the speed it's going, it will still get through... it has to.”
The thought of damaging her Falenium crystal, the one good thing to come from all of this, her only accomplishment of this whole ordeal, either through impact with the barrier or impact with her target itself, made a part of Kurui's mind wince... but to save Lafton, to save Rythe, to save Sienna, to save herself... it was no choice at all. The crystal's dagger-like shape and sharpness made it the best choice for this final gamble.
“Surprise you fucking bastard!!!”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Black did little other than stare as Kurui began her cast, bearing a strange, almost hypnotized look as he stifled his impending look of triumph. "Do it, you stupid bitch... like all the rest, in the Academy, Elynsor and elsewhere, you'll pay the price for not learning to your full potential!" he thought to himself, trying hard not to grin. The corners of his lips turned up ever so slightly as he readied himself to turn his spell on Rythe once the Water Major finished botching her own, thanks to the unbelievably poor decision to use the unrefined Falenium shard as a focus crystal. The teacher still had a difficult time wrapping his head around Kurui's choice himself, but none of that mattered--all that did was that she was about to do it. That was all he needed, and thanks to it, he'd be able to get out of this situation.

By the time Kurui completed the final words of her casting, the man could hide his excitement no longer. There was a point in any spell where there was no turning back; the energies she had likely sent into the crystal were already in motion, swirling in such a way that it would explode within a fraction of a second. Black knew of this, and without even bothering to confirm it, he broke out into a laugh, seeking to lift his own precast-holding Trartz crystal off of the supine Lafton's throat so that he could unleash its potent, stored energies upon Rythe, who was just starting to develop the nerve to actually make the move she should have made seconds ago. "Hahahah! You fool...--!!" he cried out maniacally, showing Kurui a triumphant grin just in time for the crystal to leave her hand.

His celebration was cut short by the startling realization that she hadn't used it as a focus, but merely as a projectile--that such a valuable crystal would be reduced to such means was beyond him. Black didn't even have the time to react as the dagger-like shard flew in his direction. It all happened so fast, with the notable force of Kurui's water blast propelling the missile to speeds comparable to that of a loosed crossbow bolt. Her target discovered this far too late, and the pointed tip of her treasured Falenium focus crystal pierced what was left of his barrier. The enchanted shield did what it knew, which was to dissipate planar energy sent against its exterior, and it crackled for only a sliver of time to show that it was indeed intact and working to repel the offending shot.

However, it broke just as quickly. Most physical forms from the planes themselves, like any of the five elements taught in the Academy, would fail to get through, provided they were only that, as the barrier radiating from the professor's enchanted stone absorbed them by nature, recognizing them to be imports from dimensions other than this one. But the piece of Falenium that Kurui sent in Black's direction was different. It was an item from this world, little different from Raden's sword or a mere arrow, save for the trace amounts of energy held within. And while the barrier would seek to reject it, it only succeeded in throwing the earthen missile off by a few degrees. The man realized this far too late, and as the fragment lodged itself somewhere between his shoulder and collarbone, hitting him with tremendous force. His body jerked to one side as he was thrown off of his hostage.

He flew back just a few feet, but the damage had been done, with his own piece of Trartz--and his last hope--leaving his grip. It slid on the floor in Raden's direction, and Rythe found the nerve at that moment to run towards it, batting it far and away from the noble's reach. As his senses returned, Black put on an uncharacteristic look of panic, scooting himself back towards the far wall until he could do so no longer. The window above him showed that dawn outside was slowly starting to set in, as the sky turned a lighter tint of blue. In contrast, the famous aristocrat's expression soured. He finally realized what Kurui had did, and cursed himself for not knowing it, cursed her for trying such a move, cursed the other students for helping her. Damned everything with barely audible mutters, made to himself as much as those around him.

His mind raced for answers. There had to be a solution to this--after all, there always was. Black had made it to where he was today by virtue of struggle, the purest form of achievement, not by birthright. Not a thing was handed to him as a fledgling mage. He deserved more than this, better than this, Kurui herself included, and every other student in the entire Academy if he saw fit! Why could he not have just one? He frantically searched for the answers in his head. Then, Black spotted a rising form not far from him. It was Raden, and the warrior had a less than pleased look upon his face. He shook off the cobwebs, scanning the room quickly before allowing his gaze to settle on the man who had fooled him. "D-Damn mages," he sputtered.

Raden thought better than to grab his metal weapon this time. Instead, he drew his backup tool--a simple hardwood stick--from his back and staggered towards the teacher, who could only sit helplessly. Black instinctively rose an arm to shield himself from the strike he knew was coming, but the knight sent the simple rod into his opponent's stomach instead, causing him to spit up blood and cough violently.

"Huurrchhkk! Guhaahhh... kuh, hahhghh..." Even in this situation, there had to be an out, somehow, or so Black continued to tell himself. "WAIT! You, y-you're a mercenary, aren't you? What are they paying you? No, don't even say it--whatever it is, I'll triple the offer! No, I-I'll pay whatever you want. You'll have enough money to live c-comfortably... to retire early! Just... capture that girl," he offered, pointing to Kurui, "and we can forget any of this ever happened."

The swordsman turned to look at Kurui, almost as if considering the bold proposition. Provided, he wasn't in great shape, but even then he could likely close the gap on her and carry out Black's desperate order. From a monetary standpoint, it really wasn't a bad deal, either. This caused Rythe to tense up, holding her hands up as if forming a spell, but she had lost it thanks to the nervousness that had taken over. She only hoped that the warrior would buy into her bluff.

Raden allowed the thoughts to fly through his head, then nodded to himself a few times and suddenly turned towards the noble with a second strike to his abdomen, causing the dark-haired professor to double over and wheeze for several moments.

"If you think the Order of Saint Lisle is anything like your pathetic, irresolute thugs for hire, you are mistaken. When we accept a contract, it is to completion, and besides, you couldn't even sign one right now if you tried," Raden scoffed as he lifted his stick at Black, looking down at the man's hands. One was trembling, the other useless. Even if the cornered aristocrat could somehow fire off another cantrip in the knight's direction, the simple weapon wouldn't conduct, at least not nearly as well as the sword would. "Also, I hate mages, and you seem to be a far more despicable one than the girl over there," he quipped, holding an ironic smirk.

Rythe heaved a sigh of relief to see that their hired sword wasn't about to turn on them after all, her shoulders slumping.

Seeing that his final attempt had eluded him, Black's voice struggled to take on a tone calmer than one of sheer desperation. "K-Kuhh... ffhhuhgghnngh," he grunted, rocking back and forth in pain. "Huhhgh... hahaha. What are you going to do? Huh? You're going try and arrest me, an esteemed noble, who contributed more to this society than the lot of you combined EVER WILL?! W-What a joke. Or maybe you're going to kill me, is that it?! Good luck in getting away with that, you'll need it! Guhrrkk!" He paused to cough a few times, making a face at Kurui. "And you. Have you even... h-have you even LOOKED at this sodding Kingdom we live in?! It's rotting from the inside out, filled with complacent, useless elites who haven't worked a day for their position! Is that what you want?! I thought you were like me... I thought you wanted to excel as much as I did! But it turns out you'd rather be the subordinate, the wife of some pathetic heir than someone as talented, as hard-working as I!"

"You could've been more... so much more, and what little sacrifices you had to make as a woman, you chose to reject, throwing the gifts I would have given you back in my face. Hurrrgghhh..." His breathing heavy, he looked down at his wounds. His exposed member, bitten and mangled thanks to the Water Major's efforts as well as those of the unconscious Lafton's, along with the wounds on both shoulders. Still, the man's apparent anger kept him awake, conscious, motivated enough to tell the ungrateful cretin what she hadn't realized. "Heheheh... d-did you know that in my first year after graduating, I developed current-based technology for our lightning mages--which was later used to safely quell a rebellion in Rydale?! The sting by our troops was... kuhahh... a success, and it was later discovered that the prisoners had an effective plan to set the capital ablaze, had my inventions not stopped them! Where would Elynsor be without ME?! Huh?! In the GROUND! What happens to this city after I am put away or killed? Is that what you really want? Just think of what you are doing!"

He took a deep breath. "Yes... perhaps it was my mistake. I expected far too much of you as a woman, even treated you like one when you were but a child. I don't expect you to see the long-range implications of your actions. But tell me. If not me, then who will change this stinking society?! The contributions I've made... the scholarships, for those who could achieve but couldn't afford to, the inventions... there's no possible way even I can list them all! If you kill me, you are but a murderer, and if you arrest me, good luck keeping me in court. I've the best representatives money can buy--what can YOU afford?! And besides that, you don't have a shred of evidence! Why, right now, all anyone would see is a pathetic student and her friends, having hired a... a mercenary, to team up and take me unaware, starting with the most despicable act that even the worst of whores wouldn't resort to!"

"Look at yourself. If this was truly a problem for you, you could have... talked to me about it, left a note, something! You could have done anything but THIS!!" He weakly motioned to his damaged genitalia, then to the wounds upon his upper torso, with his last good hand, which continued to tremble as he spoke. "If this is truly what happens to those who demand a bit of compensation for the good they have done... then there is no reason to contribute, now is there? I'm the reasonable one! You... y-you're nothing but an ungrateful whore! Hahh... hahhuhnnghh..." He panted for a while after what appeared to be his last outburst for the time being.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui stood transfixed even after her spell had fired. It took a few seconds for her to see the results of her gamble; even through the crystal projectile that was spearheading her attack had made it through the barrier around her target, the barrier completely destabilized and reflected the tail-end of her spell into a spray that obscured her view for a few moments. It didn't matter though, she heard nothing to indicate Black had made any sort of attack on anyone, no crackle of lightning or any other spell.
When the Kurui could finally get a rough view of what had happened, it was all good news. Black had been knocked back several feet, although Kurui suspected it was less from the force of her crystal (which wasn't too heavy on it's own) and more from her target probably jerking back in surprise. No matter the reason, he was off of Lafton now and far enough away to be unable to make any physical strikes against the fire major. The matter of his trartz crystal still remained, but off to the side Kurui heard a scuttling across the floor just in time to see Black had dropped it and Rythe had made a mad dash to kick it far out of reach. Kurui realized her target had just lost any ranged options of attacking now as well... and she doubted he had any more hidden on himself. Still, Kurui stood tense with a mix of almost fearful caution and unbelief at what she had just accomplished. Only when she noticed Raden getting back up did her hyper tense state begin to wane, replaced by a feeling of wary sense of safety at the thought of outnumbering Black three to one and his best tricks having already been spent. Still it wasn't over yet, Black was still alive, still conscious even, and thus remained dangerous... or did he?

The next few moments would be almost surreal for Kurui. Even with his best tricks spent, Kurui still expected something from Black to once again turn the tables on her. Instead there was nothing but muttered curses as the object of her fear and humiliation just sat slumped up against a wall barely moving. As he raised an arm to shield himself from a blow from Raden, Kurui realized this was it... as if coming to some profound epiphany she realized he had nothing left, he wasn't dangerous anymore. If he had been a deadly snake before, there were no fangs left anymore, no poison. Black was some pathetic and lowly vermin now, no more threat than a worm.
“DYING worm...” she thought spitefully as she noticed him beginning to cough up blood now, although he couldn't be THAT hurt if he was still conscious.
Even as he made a last ditch attempt to turn things around by bribing Raden to turn on her, Kurui just stood there unalarmed. While Rythe immediately tensed up, and rightfully so considering the swordsman could probably take both her and her friend out in a few seconds if he moved quickly enough, Kurui didn't even begin to believe that Raden would turn on her. She may not know the swordsman very well, but she had seen the guild hall, the way he lived, and had heard his rant earlier about the pride of his people as true warriors... he wasn't here for money. If he was, Kurui decided, then everything was so wrong with the world that there was no point in fighting anymore anyway. Luckily for her, her guess seemed to be exactly right, driving Black into a rant of self-justification and hate.

Had Kurui just been an observer to all of this, and not the victim of Black's humiliations, she might have actually felt sorry for him during his raving. Kurui was not a violent person, she did not grow up used to having power or control over anyone, and indeed she felt uncomfortable exercising such things even to a small degree unless it was to simply make people leave her alone. What she had done to Black was something she would have squeemed at under any other circumstance.
Right now though... Black's rant only served to stoke her anger even higher, and with the realization that he had no control, Kurui soaked in the sense of power like a drug. Her attention went complete tunnel-vision, making her forget about everything else as she strode up over to him and leaned in, unsure if he was even still conscious enough to hear her but not caring either way. Her voice dripping with an almost fanatical spite.
“Let me tell you something even a “child” can understand, Black. This kingdom has existed long before you were even alive, it was fine then and it will be fine without you now. It will have to be, because with the proof I have of everything you've done, you're finished. Oh yes... I have proof, lots of it. Why else do you think I played along for the last few days? Did you really think I was just letting you use me as a fuck-puppet? I recorded entire sessions of your's on memory crystals, even as far back as the mine I was saving crystals that could be tracked back to that mine... the mine YOU sent us to, everyone who came back is witness to that. I also soaked up blood samples from those voidic THINGS you set loose on us. Everyone from the the families of students in your class to the Church is going to want to see your blood. Not bad for a stupid whore, huh!? Then again, I DID say I'd show you that a WOMAN could surprise you.”
Her voice now calmed a bit, lost some of it's fanatical edge, but never the less remained full of fury.
“I'm not the one who wasted my potential here. You are. I'm not stupid enough to believe I would have lasted long under our arrangement. I tried to change it with less extreme measures than THIS once before, remember? It ended with you shocking me over and over until I couldn't stand. How long would it have been before you got bored of me... or taken out another flash on anger on me to an even more extreme degree and killed me? You never cared about teaching me, I was an amusement to you, nothing more. I'd rather be a “subordinate” than an amusement... Then again, after bringing you down, nobody is going to convince me I can't be much, MUCH more.
You on the other hand... you had everything... EVERYTHING! And yet it wasn't enough, was it? You need more. You threw away everything you had so you could take it from us... from me and all the other students who trusted you. We never even did anything to you! You threw away everything you had just to steal our futures! FUCK YOU!”

Her voice had gathered it's fanatical edge again by the end, and her eyes had started to tear up, but she didn't care. She was sure Black was in enough physical pain right now to be more pathetic than her, and if he wasn't, she was about to make him be. With her last insult she reached forward, grabbed her Falenium crystal, and yanked it out with a rough jerk, causing a fresh flow of blood from the new would channel. This was as cruel as she would get though, her inner fire finally appeased with this last act of physical violence.

“He's probably going to die anyway...” she said stepping back from Black and turning her attention towards Raden, her voice still filled with bitterness but much more under control now “...but if you or your guild wants him alive, you should start wrapping some of those wounds now. I'm going to go see if he has any potions around that might stabilize him a bit.” She removed her cloak and threw it to him as wrapping material as she made her way over towards Black's desk. “Personally, I think we should just let him die... I don't even care if that makes him right about me being a murderer... but after your help I do care what YOU think and it probably reflects badly on your guild to kill helpless opponents, huh? He's done either way though, so I don't care if we're the ones to end him or a public execution is, I have nothing to prove anymore. Since we all made it through this, I'm willing to-”
Kurui froze mid-sentence. It felt as if all her blood had just turned to ice.
“We did... all make it... right...?
Not waiting for an answer she broke into a run towards Black's desk, the one that had held the panacea he had given her earlier. Immediately she started tearing open drawers looking, HOPING for any other potions in there. Her search was frantic, throwing entire drawers on the floor when they proved empty. All the anger she had moments ago seemed to have completely burned out, completely replaced by a painful fear.
“No... no, no, no, nonono! Lafton better be alive! Please be alive! That fucking bastard Black, if Lafton is dead I'm going slice his throat out right here! I fucking swear it! Please don't let him be dead!”
Whteher Kurui found anything or not in her search, she would rush over to where the fire major lay, putting her head to his chest and trying to listen for a heartbeat or breathing, as even a potion was useless on someone who was already dead. It was hard to hear over her own heartbeat pounding in her ears though, the thought of being responsible for yet someone else possibly dying, especially Lafton who had done so much for her and actually cared about her, driving her into an unbearably emotionally painful panic of an intensity she didn't even think she had the energy to feel anymore.

“Please no... Black's taken too much from me already... hasn't it all been enough already?!
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Black's expression filled with dismay when Kurui made her retort. The thought of not being able to participate as a functioning member of society, or whatever it was he claimed to be, brought a new, strange sense of terror upon the noble, and it showed in a way that made him look even less like his usual self.

"N-No... it CAN'T be fine! Do you even know what you are doing?! I... I contribute more to this society than anyone! How could YOU, a mere student, tell me what's what?! What have you done to earn such a right?!" he cried, his voice laced with clear desperation. "This is illogical! You're framing an innocent man..." He began to repeat himself, as if attempting to convince himself of the notion that he was far too important to simply be put away like a common criminal. Additionally, it didn't help his state of mind any to hear that there was actually evidence against him. He was not completely ignorant as to what Kurui's words meant--that she must have recorded, in some form, one of their conversations. He grit his teeth, his hands slowly rising to rake at the sides of his head.

"You recorded me then...? When we were coupled, here in the classroom? You're nothing but a traitor. Your body, your instinctive cries, were far more honest than your lying tongue! What would the courts think, if they were to hear it all?" The man tried to revel in the fact that he had claimed her, at least physically if nothing else, in an attempt to claim some sort of triumph from what appeared to be an increasingly poor situation for him. After all, with his body in such a state, it was all too likely that he would never have the opportunity to have like he wanted, or even taunt her about it, ever again. But after seeing that Kurui had managed to keep much of her resolve, enough to continue to rip into him verbally, the panic rose in his chest. While it was a distasteful statement, particularly to Rythe, Lafton wasn't conscious enough to hear it.

"Uuuuggh... d-damn it," the noble muttered, his mind racing for some kind of better retort. He found none. Kurui was right. He had been so careless, so foolish to underestimate her the way he did, and yet he continued to stay hung up over the notion that this defeat could never actually happen because of his inherent 'superiority' to her.

The corrupt professor was simply reaching for something, anything at this point to make it feel less like the loss it was. However, it proved to be little more than a failed attempt, made worse by the fact that even Rythe and Raden actually began to look down on him with traces of pity mixed in with their obvious anger.

The other witnesses, and of course, even the fallen aristocrat himself, already knew the outcome of the fight by the time everything was said. He simply couldn't take their stares, and turned his gaze towards the ground, leaving himself open for the Water Major to retrieve her crystal at her leisure. When she did, Black cried out loudly in pain. Grimacing, he looked up at her, and for just a fraction of a second he found himself instinctively wanting nothing more than to strike her across the face, to strangle her, to resort to violence now that the advantage he had in reasoning was gone. But his body wouldn't listen, not in the state in which it had been rendered, thanks to the group's efforts. The best he could do was lift his lower arm at the joint, but a strong reminder from the end of Raden's stick ensured that no real retaliation would come to Kurui.

"As little as I care for this fool, he will be given his fair trial," said the swordsman. "Much less of a hassle than dealing with the laws involved if he were to be found dead thanks to our attempted arrest."

Taking the cloth that was thrown to him, Raden began to dress the defeated man's wounds before putting him in wooden hand pillories and forcing him to stand while maintaining vigilance over him. Black gave no argument, appearing almost catatonic as he struggled to cope with everything that was happening, and in the process appearing much more pathetic than anyone in class had ever imagined him to be capable of. He didn't even react when Kurui suddenly voiced her worries of Lafton's well-being. For as much as he could have gloated or taunted her, he didn't. Black only trembled faintly and remained silent, which in turn allowed the girl to hear an important sound... that of Lafton's breathing. Upon closer inspection, she would find that while unconscious, the Fire Major was still alive. There was a noticeable burn on part of his arm. His chest heaved in and out when she placed her head upon it, but for the time being, he was certainly in no shape to respond.

Rythe's mouth crinkled as she offered a healing potion that was pulled from her bag--one that may not have been noticed until after her friend had emptied out the teacher's desk drawers in a nearly blind panic. She didn't say anything, but instead kneeled down next to Kurui and handed the vial to her.

Meanwhile, Raden intermittently looked on with concern, but wouldn't allow his attention to leave the form of his newly acquired suspect. It was a hard-fought battle, a somewhat humbling moment for a proud warrior such as himself, but a valuable experience nonetheless. Black, on the other hand, was somewhere else, mentally at least, as he tried to deal with a degree of disappointment unparalleled to anything he had ever experienced before. The next few moments passed in silence.

For Kurui, it likely felt like a much longer time than it was, but Lafton eventually came to, his eyes squinting as he struggled to deal with the severe headache that struck him upon waking up. "Nnnnngh..." he grunted. "Where am I...?" The Fire Major's eyes wandered around for a short while, taking in his surroundings, before settling on the girl above him. He managed a faint, somewhat awkward smile. "Hey."

Rythe heaved a sigh of relief while wiping a tear from the corner of one eye, and Raden simply nodded. It was still at least an hour before class would start, but getting Black off campus and into custody was another matter entirely, and a new concern for Kurui to address, hopefully in good time.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui had felt about ready to pass out from her own nerves and panic, arguably in just as bad of shape on that front as Black, before she came to realize Lafton was still breathing. It had taken her a few moments of checking and double-checking to be sure, given her mental state making it hard for her to trust her own senses and train of thought, but finally she came to be certain of her conclusion.
This certainty came as a huge relief, dissolving a huge chunk of her panic so quickly that she was left shaking afterwards just from the weight of the quick shift. Things weren't over yet though. Breathing hinted towards stability, but didn't guarantee it. Her quick frantic search through Black's desk earlier had turned up nothing of use... and while she could go back and look again, she found herself unable to move, too fearful of the fire major's state getting worse if she left. It was an irrational fear, even a counterproductive one, but she couldn't bring herself to overcome it. Whatever fire she had felt only a few minutes ago when she was tearing into Black was nowhere to be found, instead she felt only too spent to continue fighting anything anymore... now resorting to hopes and prayers to sway fate in her favor. Luckily for her, everything was dependent on her being strong anymore, and there were others to share the weight now... others who hadn't been temporarily overwhelmed the way she was. A few moment's later she would find Rythe kneeling by her side with the one thing she wanted most right now.
Kurui wasn't sure if the lightning major had found the potion in the remnants of the drawers she had torn apart moments earlier or if the brunette had planned far enough ahead to have brought one of her own with her, but the water major didn't care. Kurui took the vial of potion in shaking hands, and while she said nothing (completely because she did not trust herself to speak, rather than out of ingratitude), her eyes were like those of a child scared of the dark being given a lantern or some other talisman to ward off fears. Through visible effort and a few deep breaths, Kurui steadied her hands enough to get the vial open, then carefully leaned Lafton upright and slowly tried to get him to swallow the potion tiny bit by bit while doing her best to make sure he didn't choke on it. Her efforts were likely laughably amateurish and wasting wasting a lot of the potion, but if even a little went down it would be better than nothing... and she no longer cared about saving any to stabilize Black whom was dimly aware was standing somewhere off behind her, that was plenty stable enough for her tastes. Lafton was her only concern right now, and she cursed herself for not knowing more about care or healing... despite having never had any reason at all to learn such skills before this. The next few moments to pass would feel like forever...

“Don't scare me like that!!!”
Whether due to Kurui's efforts or just the fact that Lafton hadn't been hurt as badly as she thought he had, Kurui's wait finally came to an end as the fire major regained consciousness.
“I-I thought you d-died!!!”
Kurui's voice cracked as she gripped him tight in a hug, still shaking and starting to cry again, but comforted by the grounding feeling of him being warm and solid and alive. She hadn't let someone else who cared about her die, she hadn't thrown away another life just to save her own, hadn't added to the guilt she already felt that had already made her want to die a few times. Kurui would spend the next few moments in this completely pathetic-looking state of weakness, but it was an indulgence she badly needed... a momentary escape and chance to let down her guard that made it possible for her to collect herself again and prepare for what still needed to be done. Although it had felt like a long time to her, Kurui wasted no more than a minute or two on this, then she wiped any tears away with a quick brush of her arm and got back on her feet to handle the situation that was still unfolding around her.

“We made a lot of noise...”
Kurui's voice sounded tired, but it was stable again. “...and yet nobody came. This building has got to be completely empty then. We can probably slip out of here without drawing too much attention... even if Black tries to bring it on us...”
As Kurui's came to rest on Black, she came to realize the full extent of his new mental apathy. She thought she would feel kind of vengeful pleasure at this, but instead felt nothing except a small sense of convenience for the simple fact that he would be less likely to cause trouble on the way out of here. There was no other senses of hate or triumph or fear or anything else... just an emptiness and weariness towards everything.
“You still have Jarelin's testimony on my evidence, right? That's as good as a warrant if we run into any monitors, but it's probably better if we avoid them all together. If we make our way out of this building we're close to part of the academy gate. The gate is mostly just for show, nobody is actually going to attack somewhere full of this many mages, or even try to steal from us... it shouldn't be too hard to get past it. If Lafton makes some fire gates I can focus them just like I did with my water ones and get the metal really hot. If that makes it soft or brittle, all we have to do is hit a few points and we can knock over an entire section of it. It would help with he had an earth mage for that... but we still have a tool that can do the job... and probably do it a lot better than a rock.”
Kurui made her way over to where Raden's sword had fallen and leaned down to inspect it. The charged air around it and small arcs the vibrations of her footsteps caused along it's surface did not escape her notice. It had been charged by one of Black's spells. This wasn't entirely unusual for lightning magic, the same way it could be “tuned” to leave a target paralyzed, it could also be “tuned” to soak into an object (especially a conductive one) and charge it, making it painful to handle. The charge would take a few minutes to wear off on it's own, but Kurui had no intention of waiting and no mood for games anymore. Taking a step back she began to chant.
A moment later a weak but decent size stream of water escaped a spell gate at her palm and flowed right onto the sword, creating a few seconds of sparking and hissing. Kurui never flintched the whole time, and when her spell was finished she leaned over and grabbed the sword's hilt with no hesitation. He spell had completely shorted out whatever electric charge it held. The weapon was still surprisingly heavy to her, enough that her attempts to hold it in any manner except point-down looked a bit unnatural... but that didn't matter, she wouldn't be the one using it to cleave through metal in just a little bit. That was... if everything went according to plan.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Ah-uhhff... huhn. I..." Lafton stammered as the girl embraced him, causing him to put on a look of surprise and a slight blush. He soon returned the gesture without much hesitation, though his grip remained light. The Fire Major was still somewhat disoriented, however, and took a moment to slowly shake the throbbing pain from his head even after letting go.

After releasing Kurui, his vision cleared up just enough for him to take a look around, and he saw Black, the man he meant to be punishing for all of the things he did to his crush up until now. His eyes widened, and he instinctively tried to get back to his feet. "You...!" he uttered accusingly as he moved to finish what he started.

The attempt resulted in him stumbling at first, and he wound up using one of the nearby desks for support, then raised a hand to the side of his head as if nursing a migraine. "Ugh. Guess I got hit pretty hard," said Lafton, calming down just a little after seeing that Raden effectively had the corrupt noble in custody, but still unable to shake off a grimace of sorts. While it might have been an opportunity for Black to chuckle or sneak in a witty comment, none came from the defeated aristocrat. He remained withdrawn in his own little shell, perhaps still reflecting on his recent failures.

But while the ringing in his head continued, Lafton was still able to start walking around given just a few more minutes to regain his bearings, albeit with a bit of support from Kurui and Rythe. With the concern about his health largely taken care of at that point, they could then focus their attentions on leaving the academy grounds without further incident.

"We did, but you're right--nobody seems to be around," confirmed Rythe, glancing towards the doorway. "Not that anyone comes this early anyway, and besides, even when someone does, it's usually you, me or Lafton," she added. "The testimony is um... right here, too, so I think we're set either way."

The other two mages looked at each other with some hesitation as to Kurui's plan. Damaging the school gate just to avoid having to go out through the front entrance might have seemed a little extreme at first. But the more they thought about it, the more it seemed to make sense. They simply couldn't afford to deal with a monitor if he just so happened to be on Black's side, especially if the noble snapped out of his little coccoon and decided to flee. That would probably be the messiest outcome after all of their hard work and sacrifice. With that in mind, they ultimately agreed to it, while the knight of Saint Lisle looked fairly indifferent on the matter.

Raden looked over at Kurui as she approached his weapon where it lay. He didn't have quite the level of understanding that she, as a mage (and a competent one at that) had about what had happened to his exotic blade, but he knew that it was unsafe to touch, and opened his mouth to warn her at first, only to find out that she had no intention of simply grabbing it. What she managed to do next visibly surprised him, as she dispelled the charge by way of her own brief cast. For once, Raden exhibited a most impressed look after witnessing this, and gladly accepted it from her with a few brief words of thanks if she so chose to hand it off to him.

With that matter settled, they made their way out of the building. Black seemed unwilling to travel at the same brisk pace that the others were, but a few harsh words and shoves from Raden got him to comply for the most part. By the time they reached the outside, a few students could be seen outside. Provided, there were only two of them walking around in all, but it did show that they were starting to filter in, if only little by little. The group moved hurried around towards the back end of campus, opposite to the front gate where students tended to enter. Reaching a relatively isolated section of it, they took a moment to catch their breath as Lafton tried his best to focus.

"Here goes," said the Fire Major, forming a head-sized gate of fairly intense heat. Kurui could then focus the energy as she needed towards the necessary parts of the black steel fence, melting them down and creating several weak points at which Raden could strike. And so he did, stepping forward and cleaving away at roughly half of the heated segments before getting fed up and kicking the entire thing down. It produced a clatter that was definitely audible, but the swordsman didn't seem to be bothered by it at all. He shrugged and allowed the other mages to hurry on ahead before going through the newly made gap, tugging Black along with him.

Once they were out into the city streets, the other mages looked quite relieved. The five of them reached an isolated junction, where Raden stopped to address Kurui. "I can take him back to the Order from here, if you have other things you need to handle. It won't be a problem for me."

"You know I can't let you do that," said Rythe in protest. "I think he'd be waiting for a moment like this. At least let me come along, too."

What they, as a group, were to do from that point on was up to Kurui.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“H-hey! Stop!”
Kurui chased after Lafton as he got up to move in and Black. She knew he wouldn't be able to move so easily right away after a shock like that. Black had floored her earlier with lightning magic shocks; and even if Lafton was probably tougher than she was, Kurui had to imagine the shock he took was more intense than the one she did earlier. When it happened to her previously, that was a mere punishment, but this was a fight... the shock Lafton had taken may have been intended to kill.
“It's OK. I got him, I got Black! Just take it easy for a little bit and let the potion do it's work.”
Kurui managed to reach the fire major right as he was catching himself on a desk and help him balance himself.
“Don't go get yourself hurt anymore! You're probably the only reason we won and my stupid plan didn't get everyone killed! I was strong for once, don't take that away by dying!”
Kurui was probably worrying too much, but she didn't care. As long as she was strong enough to make it through the danger, that was all that mattered, cracks of weakness like this were fine as long as they didn't ruin that. She had even allowed a few sniffles and the start of teary eyes to form before quickly wiping her face on her arm and focusing back on current business.

Kurui quickly went over her plan for leaving the building. A simple plan, but effective. Probably for the better, with her brain still flush with adrenaline and coming down off a fear spike, Kurui wasn't sure she could tackle anything too complicated right now. Everything took on a numbed state, and she was quite sure she was running on some form of auto-pilot anymore. At least her mental auto-pilot seemed decently competent if nothing else, as she had an easy time retrieving Raden's sword after the explanations were done.
“It's safe now...”
This was the only explanation Kurui gave as she brought the swordsman's weapon back. Normally she would have explained more, both as a reassurance and to show off what she knew, but she already felt too tired to bother. Even this early in the morning, even after decent sleep, the stress of this whole ordeal already had her worn out and wanting to at at least just be able to zone out for awhile and get over her nerves. She handed the sword back right after what passed for her explanation, having no use for it herself and neither the skill or the physical strength to do anything productive with it anyway. After this, the run to the academy gate, though there was a close call, would also go pretty well. Mental auto-pilot was still working... for now.

Once outside, this was where things started to get a little bumpy. Kurui found herself constantly glancing in every direction, feeling a sense of unease creep up from being out in the open. She was always one to prefer quiet, personal, sheltered spaces anyway... but never to the degree where being out bothered her this much.
“Nothing is going to happen... nobody is going to hurt me. It was just Black... just him and nobody else. Just because I was wrong about him doesn't mean EVERYONE is out to hurt us...”
It had to be because of this. She knew it. She knew because this was the exactly how Black had killed her fantasies of traveling around Elynsor by herself after graduation to learn about enchanting... But knowing the reason behind her new fear didn't seem to do anything at the moment as far as easing it went.
Heating the gate bars should have been a simple task. Even as Kurui started exerting her influence over Lafton's fire gates to focus them, she found that this part wasn't much different than it was for her water ones. This wasn't a huge surprise, as Black had done the same with water gates despite lightning being his specialty. Lafton was even pretty easy to work with... but despite all this, Kurui still had a hard time focusing enough to do her part of the job. She couldn't focus the gates enough to completely flatout liquefy the metal, even though she probably would have been able to under normal circumstances. Even softening the metal took her a few attempts, as she kept losing her “grip” on the gates.
Kurui eventually DID manage to do her job well enough for Raden to get the gate down with an impatient kick; although the crash and sudden jolt of noise made her tense up and almost withdraw into herself. Even loud noise seemed enough to make her brain worry about danger, and in her current state she was quickly losing the ability to cope with that. Mental auto-pilot wasn't working anymore.

“Distractions. Think of something... say something. This is just like the mine, anything is better than crushing panic...”
“Yes I'm coming back with you too! There's no way I wouldn't! Are we going back to your Order's guildhouse? Do you have somewhere there to keep Black? I don't remember anything the first time I was there... but I probably just missed it, right? I-it has to be there, because he has contacts in the Royal Constables. We can't turn him over to them!”
“Calm Kurui, you're starting to panic. Calm... focus on something productive.”
Kurui fell back to where Rythe was.
“Rythe still has that enchanted stone from earlier. It should put up a barrier like the one he was he was using to block our spells. If we're going back to the Guildhall, I don't think Black is going to be reckless enough to try starting a fight there or escaping... but he's REALLY good at magic and might be able to take on more than one of you at a time! I know you thought it was dishonorable or something to use enchanted stuff yourself, but at least give it SOMEONE when we get there so somebody can get a good hit on him just in case things go badly! Please, it will make me feel better at least!”
The starts of panic again. Kurui knew she wasn't being persuasive now, or honorable, or brave, or anything that would probably effective at winning her the swordsman's favor. If anything, she was probably insulting the honor of his Order, but she hoped he would at least understand it was because of the state she was in right now. She let her argument drop, lowered her head, and tried not to think about whatever threats, whatever accomplices she knew Black probably didn't have, whatever random street crazies were waiting to jump them, whatever else bad that her imagination was screaming at her existed just around the side of every building they passed on their way back through the city.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Raden didn't seem concerned in the least about what effects his rash move might have upon the others in the party, namely Kurui in this case. He had more 'important' things to worry about, like keeping Black under proper watch, and despite the dark-haired professor's apparent withdrawal, the warrior continued to be rough with his prisoner in pulling him along, employing a very authoritarian style of control.

However, the other mages Lafton and Rythe did notice the Water Major's reaction, and walked alongside her with concerned looks. The former looked as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't manage to start off on even a single word before Kurui went with a few of her own. Raden turned to her with a brow raised, curious as to the newly energetic tone she too. "Yes. We have some cells, at the lower levels. A guild like ours would not be so unprepared at a time like this, with the amount of arrests we make on a regular basis," he answered solemnly before giving Black another firm tug by his restraints, which earned him a grunt out of the fallen aristocrat, but little else. "We aren't so bound by the tape that those Constables are." The additional sentence caused Black to break out of his inward state in order to take on a thoughtful look for once, which Kurui did notice, but it soon passed just as quickly as she noticed it.

Rythe produced the black enchanted stone from earlier and presented it to the tan-skinned warrior after Kurui made her plea, and Raden stared at it for a few seconds, only to nod and quietly take it from her hand, stashing it on his person afterwards. "...Fine. He is craftier than I thought, so I guess it wouldn't hurt," he muttered begrudgingly.

For all the worrying that the Water Major did, the journey back to the guildhouse went by rather uneventfully. Some people had set foot outside of their doors to begin their daily business as early morning set in, but few had realized that it was a famous inventor that was being dragged towards the Order of Saint Lisle as a prisoner. If they did, they didn't bother to show it, with the somewhat intimidating Raden glaring daggers at anyone who so much looked at them for more than a second or two. With their return trip having gone uninterrupted, the group found themselves walking toward the main hall of the Order. As soon as they arrived, Brennir and the others laid eyes upon Black almost simultaneously, with the newest prisoner being the attention of their focus.

"The first mage you've taken down, and a master-level one at that? Hoh, I knew you had it in you, boy!" the old veteran exclaimed proudly.

"Not the first," replied Raden. "Though I really wish I could say it was the last. Besides, I had nothing to do with it this time. They were the ones that pulled it off. Hmpf... at any rate, I'm taking him to the cells," he added, frowning as he yanked Black over to what looked like a cellar door in one corner of the building. It was easy for Kurui to miss, as it was placed flat on the ground, though a closer look showed that there were quite a few steps leading downwards to an underground jail of sorts. Should she choose to follow, she'd find that it wasn't terribly large, with about six cells--three of them currently occupied by prisoners uninterested in talking. A stocky, red-headed swordsman was already there keeping watch, and he gave Raden a nod when he entered. Black was thrown into the furthest one, away from the rest, and locked in. Afterwards, Raden would turn to Kurui and give her a nod. "We have it from here. I'll watch him myself, if it makes you feel any better. Brennir will write a note for you. Go to your Academy and inform the headmaster of Black's absence so they can find you a replacement."

Finally, Black spoke up. "Yes, go on. I'll be just fine here," he said in an ominous tone, peering at Kurui from behind the bars.

"Shut up!" growled Raden, kicking the iron lattice, which caused the mage to instinctively take a few steps back.

Likewise, Lafton grit his teeth and clenched his fists, stepping forward as if he were to do something himself. "I wouldn't blame you guys if you ended up killing him," remarked the Fire Major in a sharp tone. "Sure you don't want me to stay too? He can probably still cast, even if he is wounded."

"Don't worry," said the redheaded warrior on duty, who brushed aside his cloak to reveal a hand crossbow at his belt. "We don't take chances with mages."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui seemed visibly relieved to see her ramblings not be completely ignored and to see Raden take her advice on the enchanted spell barrier. It calmed her at least enough that she was able to walk the rest of the way to the guild, although she still kept her down and avoided eye contact with everyone, especially Black. Between her and the professor, it was almost hard to tell who had retreated farther into their own little world. Her angry rant earlier back in the class seemed to have used up her last reserves of nerve, she was only just barely keeping herself from shutting down completely now.

As the group arrived back at the guild hall, Kurui continued this pattern of behavior. Even as Raden was quick to pass credit for the victory off to her and her group, Kurui only acknowledged it all with a brief nod of her head. In the books she had read as a child, the heroes always celebrated after a victory like this... lots of song and drink and merriment for all... but Kurui just wanted all of this to be over with already. She didn't care for whatever glory there was to be had... she couldn't understand... she had almost died... almost gotten everyone killed. This wasn't something to be happy about. This was something that was going to haunt her forever... even now she wasn't sure if the fear would ever dull.
Even as Black was lead downstairs to the holding cells, Kurui couldn't bring herself to do more than watch from the doorway. Inside there were others besides just him... others that would probably hurt her in a second for no reason other than that they could (if the bars wern't there). She could feel it just in the air. It was too much... it paralyzed her. She couldn't understand why such things were allowed to happen... that reality allowed this... that people never wronged by anyone would hurt her or anyone else without a second though, let alone a reason. It was all so foreign a concept compared to everything she'd ever known or experienced about the world... a dose of reality she couldn't get down and was choking on.
Nothing felt real... until Black's voice, one short line after all of this silence, snapped her back to reality. For a moment she just stood there, her brain trying to process the input... then adrenaline started flowing again, fight-or-flight kicked back in, and a second later without thinking about it she bolted back up the stairs as if running from Death itself.

Back upstairs Kurui had found a table to steady herself on and a chair to collapse into, breathing heavily as her hands tingled and felt like they were shaking. When Lafton or Rythe came over to check on her, she was still able to speak, but she was clearly at her limit. Completely and totally done. Her voice sounded no more substantial than when she was a child struggling through the bout of Crimsongrip Fever she had told Rythe about a few days ago, hallucination-induced fears and all. Arguably, she sounded even worse now, no longer being that child from so long ago... even if she felt just as helpless.
“I... want to go home. Just let me be safe... at least for a little bit... please. I can't take anymore of this!”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Whether or not Kurui's current train of thought allowed her to hear it, Black's laughter came echoing from down the hall as she ran towards the stairs and right up them. It didn't last long, however, as the sounds of a gate opening, then several blunt striking noises followed along with the man's pained grunts--likely Raden and Lafton dispensing a degree of payback on the distressed Water Major's behalf.

"Kurui, wait!" cried Rythe, quickly moving to follow her. Still, Kurui, in all her adrenaline-laced panic, proved much faster than the one giving chase, and the brunette was only able to catch up to her once she had stopped and slumped down into a chair at a nearby table. Placing a comforting hand on the other girl's back, Rythe tried her best to offer some comforting words to her trembling classmate. "It's alright... it's all over. Black's just saying things like that because he knows it, too, that he's done for. You -are- safe. He's in jail now and we have the evidence to put him away for good," said the lightning mage in a quiet voice.

Brennir looked over with concern, but after seeing that the girl had been attended to for the most part, he hobbled towards the underground cells to see if everything was in order.

Lafton soon hurried up the stairs just a minute or two afterwards. "Huh. That felt kinda good." Once he saw Kurui, however, he wasted no time in joining the visibly distraught Water Major, taking a seat right next to her just in time to hear her request. Both Rythe and Lafton allowed a silence to pass for a few seconds after her words, frowning. The other two mages, along with Kurui herself, knew that 'home' in this case, if she meant Veltria, was just too far away right now, and that the dorms at the Royal Magic Academy were technically unsafe as well.

After the pause, Lafton finally spoke up. "You can...stay at my place, if you want. I mean, the maids will take care of you if you're hungry or tired, and it's not as if we're going to have lessons anytime today, given what just happened. I can even just have my father take care of things with the Academy tomorrow. Besides, I think just about all of us in the class could use a day off or two, don't you?"

Rythe nodded in agreement. "He's right. No need to stress yourself out more with this--we've been through enough already. It's just starting to sink in for me, too..."

"Alright," the Fire mage chimed in. "I'll talk to Brennir real quick and then we can be out of here." With that, he headed back down to the prison, moving out of sight for a few more minutes. Rythe stayed with Kurui until the discussions were over, and after their conclusion, Lafton and Brennir emerged from the entrance to the jail. The former made his way back to the girls with a note in hand, which he stashed away promptly. "I have the clearance from him, so it can be presented to the headmaster whenever. Should we go?"


The trip to Lafton's manor proved much less tense than the journey from the Academy to the Saint Lisle guildhouse, Kurui's nerves aside. Raden wasn't with them this time, but on the other hand, they also didn't have to travel with Black, which may have made things somewhat easier. When they arrived at his place, Jarelin was nowhere to be seen, already having started preparations for his lectures no doubt, but the maids were up and about, and quick to greet Lafton and his two guests.

"Greetings Master Lafton," said the first servant to approach them. She didn't even ask as to why they were there at such a time--that was not her duty. "Will your guests be needing brunch?"

He paused to look at Kurui and Rythe, then shook his head. "Just have some ready for if they come down. I think they're just going to rest, since it's been a long day. I'll... uh... head over to the Academy for just a few, but I'll return in no longer than an hour or so." He gave the two girls a nod to go on upstairs if they wished, and tried a smile at Kurui, but didn't hold it for too long, turning around awkwardly if she remained in her shell.

The Lightning Major helped the taller girl up the steps if she needed, or tried her best to, locating one of the rooms they used before. When they entered, everything had been cleaned up as per the maids' duties, but that wouldn't stop Rythe from taking a seat on the side of the bed. "Now that I think about it, it's all kind of... surreal, isn't it? But besides a few more things, we're really done. I have to believe as much."
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