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Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Re: Corruption Tourament OOC discussion and planning

You should wait for the character creation thread before fully writing up the character, not that you can't form ideas in your head, but sure, high fantasy it is, thats actually back to the roots for this.

Don't worry everyone reading this and waiting for more information, its coming together with the character creation thingie.

I think I'll be going with a last bastion of hope defending against a corrupted world, with heroes trying to reconquer the lands, to mix the formula of 'evil forces attacking' up a little bit. ^^

Random motivational:

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Re: Corruption Tourament OOC discussion and planning

This sounds amazing to me! Yah got my imagination running from all the possibilities! I'm total up for being on the Hero side. As for setting, Sci-fi or fantasy of any kind. I might wait to write out a character till I see some examples, but defiantly will get some in my head first.

Edit: Well High fantasy, here I come!
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

I'm very interested in this, so I'm up for it. Although I recently read other people RPing, I myself have zero experience in this. Preferably heroine. :)
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Alright, I'll still be adjusting the basic rules to a high fantasy setting (and updating them while I'm at it, which trust me, takes a while), but heres the basics as theres lotsa interest, so you can get an idea:

We'll have 4 stats, one being how ready to fight you still are, one physical one mental one sexual.
Each turn one of those can be used to attack with that stat bonus plus a roll against the enemies stat and roll as well as use special powers, then we'll switcheroo and you are the attacked one, though theres some defensive abilities too.

Character creation in itself is simple, roll dice, describe who you are and what you're into, the complexity comes in that theres points you will be able to buy like.. a lot of different abilties with.
To give you an idea, in the past we had a corruptive goo-woman of liquid rubber, a succubus summoning her own futa beasts and turning players into more futa beasts, a living, parasitic uniform and various giant tentacle monsters, or on the heroes side, fire, lightning and air mages, gravity controllers, female Dio, a character I wrote after playing too much crypt of the necrodancer who'd literally make her enemies dance in fight if or else..

The original system was taken out of the BESM point buy but heavily modified by me to be more sexual, less lethal.

Oh, and per usual design demons are slightly stronger than heroes, while not impossible to 1on1 by any means this makes it so heroes have to work together.. or be more likely to get corrupted. More interestingly perhaps, defeating either demon or hero also grants additional points to buy powers from, while corrupting heroines allows you to change their points around to lewder powers (within reason ofc)
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Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Just confirming, we can make a character for each side right?
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Just confirming, we can make a character for each side right?

You can make several if you can keep up posting wise. I had a few folks make characters 'because its fun' sometimes. ^^.

Record must be somewhere around 20, and no thats not my total but from someone else in one game.
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

also @Raffa: If you get the others, might write out the climax of no.5 here.

I don't think I'll be able to convince them. On that note, there has been a re-surge of activity, and some people came back even...

On another note, I'd kind of like to see a high fantasy setting (maybe set in Industrial Era?) as well. I think it'd be interesting.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

You go away for a few hours, and thread shoots up in traffic...

Anyways, High-Fantasy/Sci-fi sounds awesome, and as I said before, Hero side sounds more appealing than evil, I just have to think up some power, more than likely something based on support.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

You go away for a few hours, and thread shoots up in traffic...

Anyways, High-Fantasy/Sci-fi sounds awesome, and as I said before, Hero side sounds more appealing than evil, I just have to think up some power, more than likely something based on support.

Well, Deva (or Pervy, however you wanna call them) will implement their system, so there's gonna be plenty of abilities to choose from.
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

I don't think I'll be able to convince them. On that note, there has been a re-surge of activity, and some people came back even...

On another note, I'd kind of like to see a high fantasy setting (maybe set in Industrial Era?) as well. I think it'd be interesting.

Eh, ya win some ya lose some. Wish 'em fun but they can't run it like I. Anywhoo

High fantasy it is, alright the order by which I'll do the posts is:

Character creation and rulez of the setting is the next post.

Listing of powers (mainly because theres so many it breaks the character limit ^^)

In character introduction to help orient people still unsure/Undecided what they wanna do (go wild and have fun with each other.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

This looks really cool, When do you think it would start up?
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Aaand post is up for both creation and power guidelines.. it may seem like a loooot to read, but this is the best way to 'Codifiy' fantasy battles, without a huge list of spells and whatnot.. you can describe your own spells with magic/elemental control/special attacks all you desire, for example

Had to split the power listing because.. huge. Now I'll go link up the ooc and creation and power listing posts so everyone finds stuff.

By the way, not perfectly alphabetical, I know, a pain to sort all them abilities, I'm here for all questions, also, if you find any reference to modern world thingies, thats because I overtook it, with only a few balancing updates from the last time I made this setting, point 'em out, I'll fix 'em.

This looks really cool, When do you think it would start up?

Depends on what characters come popping out soon, I could propably start it tomorrow, buuuut best I give people 'till the weekend
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

One question: Where would one post a character sheet?
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

One question: Where would one post a character sheet?

Oh isn't that clear? Directly under the character creation thingie. I'ma rename it to be clearer.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Just a heads up to the hero party people so we can get a balanced party, I'm looking into making a support character. Restricting and harassing enemies, and buffing/possibly healing the team.
Edit: Never mind! I'm using one of my other ideas then!
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Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

heads up: I don't expect this to be one big team fight.

Main reason.. bane of all online things, timezones.

It just works better to divide into 1on1 and 2on2's rarely more for story stuff.

Over the times I've done this I've never seen a huge party form, so keep that in mind. Infact, after people got the hang of things I can see some folks fluffing off to do a fight over chat, etc, happened a few times in prior installments. ^^

Oh and, if any of this looks complicated, don't worry, the combat is literally 'take turns chugging d10's at one another. oh and heres about a hundred ways to chug 'em harder with, now attach hentai, have fun.'
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Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Throwing together a character, though I'm not sure what type means or what to do with the attributes since I don't have the needed dice.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

How do I do the thingie with the dice things? This new place scares me and confounds me.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Someone link these people a dice roller! :p

I'm using wizards of the coast, though theres also online things where you can prove what you rolled, forgot the name, presuming no one here would cheat to win, whats the fun in that.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Okay if I post the character sheet without the attributes and then edit in the attributes later?