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Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Someone link these people a dice roller! :p

I'm using wizards of the coast, though theres also online things where you can prove what you rolled, forgot the name, presuming no one here would cheat to win, whats the fun in that.

Soooo... honor system. Gotcha.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Okay, found a place (hope you can see them all right)

4, 3, 6, 1

6, 3, 3, 5

4, 6, 1, 4

6, 4, 1, 4

Aaaand... apparently I can only post urls when I write 15 posts or more. *sigh*
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Someone link these people a dice roller! :p

I'm using wizards of the coast, though theres also online things where you can prove what you rolled, forgot the name, presuming no one here would cheat to win, whats the fun in that.

I found other RPers on this site using it.

heads up: I don't expect this to be one big team fight.

Main reason.. bane of all online things, timezones.

It just works better to divide into 1on1 and 2on2's rarely more for story stuff.

Over the times I've done this I've never seen a huge party form, so keep that in mind. Infact, after people got the hang of things I can see some folks fluffing off to do a fight over chat, etc, happened a few times in prior installments. ^^

Oh and, if any of this looks complicated, don't worry, the combat is literally 'take turns chugging d10's at one another. oh and heres about a hundred ways to chug 'em harder with, now attach hentai, have fun.'

Yup timezones... mine GMT+7 by the way.
I'll come up with character after I'm done with breakfast then.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Question, for abilities like Evil General it's listed as

Gain 20 points +15 points/Rank

Is this 15 points divided by Rank? Wouldn't that mean its worse to have a higher rank in it?
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Question, for abilities like Evil General it's listed as

Gain 20 points +15 points/Rank

Is this 15 points divided by Rank? Wouldn't that mean its worse to have a higher rank in it?

No. Each rank gives you 15 points.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Started reading through this stuff purely out of curiosity about the rules set, but gotta say, actually kinda interested now. Ideas start coming together and such. The directness of the premise has a certain appeal. Looks like there's ample would be heroes around. I might experiment with creating a villain, and see if it works out on paper.

Also, a welcome to the visitors from that other forum I skim read about on Pervy's site.
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Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Bit of a head's up: I tend to be graphic when it comes to blood and the like, with references to limb cutting. You've been warned.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

I'll be getting my character up in about two days or so, just swamped/procrastinated on ulmf too much right now. But it'll definitely be up before the weekend, is that all good?
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you.I am new to this forum and I am excited for what is to come. I just posted my character sheet and I look forward to fighting with or against all of you.Quick question though how on earth do I use spoilers to reduce the amount of space my image takes up?
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you.I am new to this forum and I am excited for what is to come. I just posted my character sheet and I look forward to fighting with or against all of you.Quick question though how on earth do I use spoilers to reduce the amount of space my image takes up?

Put the word spoiler in brackets like these [] at the top of your post or whatever you want to conceal. Then /spoiler in brackets at the end of it.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Thank you very much Tassadar.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

I remember reading one of these tourneys a while ago and my biggest regret was not being a part of it back then. Never again! I'll have a few characters up as soon as I can!
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Bit of a head's up: I tend to be graphic when it comes to blood and the like, with references to limb cutting. You've been warned.

Yeah fair warning, no killing or dismembering anyone that isn't done to it or you're out, frankly, even if you wanna do gorey stuff or other fetishes that are commonly known to be problematic I prefer you keep it in private with whoever wants to do it.

Started reading through this stuff purely out of curiosity about the rules set, but gotta say, actually kinda interested now. Ideas start coming together and such.

It's written to inspire. ^^

Put the word spoiler in brackets like these [] at the top of your post or whatever you want to conceal. Then /spoiler in brackets at the end of it.

Yeah, they have no hotlink button to it but you still can use most common forum codes.

I remember reading one of these tourneys a while ago and my biggest regret was not being a part of it back then. Never again! I'll have a few characters up as soon as I can!

Thats the Corruptive spirit.

I'll get to judging characters soonish, first comes an IC establishing shot and before that some responses I'm owed.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Yeah fair warning, no killing or dismembering anyone that isn't done to it or you're out, frankly, even if you wanna do gorey stuff or other fetishes that are commonly known to be problematic I prefer you keep it in private with whoever wants to do it.

Define problematic. I mean, I already have a general idea of what might be problematic, but it's probably better to be specific.
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Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Simple, anything your rp partner doesn't want. If you are uncertain please contact them. To qualify this, I assume common sense on everyones part, like if you fight Veskor The Beast Master and his wolfpack you're propably down with bestiality.

For this scenario while injury is possible death without explicit permission is not, house rule.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Yeah fair warning, no killing or dismembering anyone that isn't done to it or you're out, frankly, even if you wanna do gorey stuff or other fetishes that are commonly known to be problematic I prefer you keep it in private with whoever wants to do it.
I'll try, but it's something I have a little difficulty avoiding whenever I'm in combat mode.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Alright, introductory post up to give you a basic starting point, I shall reveal more of the lore over time as the setting progresses. It is up to the heroes to chose to defend the city, or, more risky and rewarding, try to liberate an area. Remember, you can, but do not have to team up. Please only post IC once you got an approved character ready. Amusingly it seems we start out with lotsa villains, so I'll be making a hero myself to start things off..

No need to rush yet ofc, I expect there'll be a need for some edits in current characters, I expect us properly starting towards the weekend.
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Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

What luck XD managed to refresh right when you posted the in game thread!
Anyways, once characters get approved let me know if anyone wants to team up with Lizzy or not! Thats assuming Lizzy gets approved. Just setting this up to catch some interest before the game really starts going.
Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Alright, everyone, of the characterst that seem done so far:

Lizzy: You can't combine Defense mastery and Regeneration, that proved too strong in the past.
Whats your Rank of Inexperienced?

Sigrid: Kinky, I don't quite see the combination of distracting and honorable, but I guess you're going for more of a warriors honor thingie, Approved

Alera: Either not done, or a bit famished backstory wise?

Lets see if this works, honestly I think I have half a dozen Villian ideas already. (Help me I can't stop)

Heh, not the first time I heard this. To the character:
Looks kinky, sounds kinky, bit short backstory. The Bane is way too high rank and way too many points for something that specific, also why is darkness a bane to a shadow creature, that seems counter-intuitive.

Other ideas below don't seem developed yet and it may be best to seperate them into their own posts for better visibility.

You can use all the teleport variants and yes you can use it with abilities, but Fell the Giants is defensive. English is not perfect but understandable and its believable you can write some kinkies, thats all I require. Approved

Almost looks a bit very human for a demonic character.
Special attack is: 1d6, Drain body, Lower defence
I don't quite see a super menacing aura for a lazy sleepy demon, knock that marked down a point or two and shes Approved

Hmnn.. tell me a bit more about the evil generals realm and equippment, picture might help him too but seems a bit missing there, perhaps wasn't finished?

-If your character hasn't been Approved please post an update here once they are readied so I don't miss them, bonus points for a link.
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Re: Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

Lizzy has been updated and is ready for inspection!

Also just a guess but, Cili's bane might be because shadow cant exist without light.
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