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Dark Gate OOC Thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
I'm checking interest for a new PbP game, in the style of AWMBI, but with a different system. I'm still planning things out, but so far it's looking to play kind of like a mix of Slave Hunt and AWMBI, set in a universe of my creation with (I'm hoping) a fairly simple character creation system.
Re: PbP Interest Check

but so far it's looking to play kind of like a mix of Slave Hunt and AWMBI,

This made me raise an eyebrow. The two games are quite different from each other, how would they be mixed?

Also, interest shown.
Re: PbP Interest Check

You'll see if this gets off the ground.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Wouldn't it be wise to tell things of interest about your game, if you're looking for interest? (Mainly, I'm just haggling you for the details :p, I dun wanna see the game come up, and end up seein' something I don't like, and end up not joining the game because of it.)
Re: PbP Interest Check

Sorry if I was a little rude earlier, too little sleep.

Three of the four character types are essentially standard run-or-rape fair, while the fourth is the inverse, in that in order to attack they actually have to have sex with the monsters.

There are three main stats, and I plan on everything being divisible by 2. Besides the main stats, there are four character types, which behave very loosely like classes, and then there are Talents, which determine each individual characters abilities.
Re: PbP Interest Check


Interest shown
Re: PbP Interest Check

interest shown
Re: PbP Interest Check

Interest shown. No guarantees I'll be joining.
Re: PbP Interest Check

More details:

The setting is Sword & Sorcery, as in Lord of the Rings or D&D type stuff. To start off, all of the characters are going to be alone, unless individual players decide otherwise and ask to start in a pair. The PCs are going to be investigating an abandoned town, in the center of which is a rift to another plane, through which all sorts of nasty things are coming, and other nasty things are being attracted toward it. There will be NO convenient safe house from the start, if you want one you're going to have to put it together yourselves, possibly with the help of a few NPCs.

If I get enough people within the next couple of days or so, I'll ask Aika or Nunu for a subforum. If all goes according to schedule, I plan on having character generation up by this weekend, and will have started the game by the middle of next week.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Rule of the GM: Don't give dates, just say "soon" and they will be happy.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Too true, RJ. Too true.
Re: PbP Interest Check

I tend to be fast paced, usually, so I should be able to get everything running by then. The entire game system besides the sexy parts are already complete, just need the details, and the sex part is almost done. One thing to note though, character creation is going to involve a lot of math. Namely, addition and division by 2.

So far:

Interested = RJ, Burrito, Feris, 24FM, Dreana, plmnko, and greatone. That's 7 people, 2 of whom are maybes.

I can ask for a subforum soonish, or wait to see if there's more interest. Opinions?
Re: PbP Interest Check

Better off asking for a subforum, not everyone checks the signup forum, and would be more likely to notice your game if it's on the main page.
Re: PbP Interest Check


I'm holding off until I see your system before deciding. You may get more interest once people can see your character creation as that usually gives a hint as to what the game is like.
Re: PbP Interest Check

I'm interested enough to want to see the system, though I really must hold off anything further until I see a little more on those lines.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Fair enough. Now I just need to figure out a name for it, and ask for a subforum.