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Day Job (Tiffanian)

Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Luckily for Tlech she still didn't spot Shenk on her trip to the dining area, and he wasn't the type to have to eat in such a lowly place. She quickly made her way right up to the counter, and though the offer of mashed worms from the cook was tempting enough to consider she really didn't have the time. "Naw, jus' sum worms, raw's fine" she said, though that immediately raised suspicion from him. Of course, her disheveled and almost fevered appearance didn't do much to persuade him that all was fine... She was about to answer when she felt someone from the mortal world trying to summon her. That was... hm. It didn't feel like a combat situation they were trying to pull her into. Could that be an out? The pudgy fighter took a moment to think; time passed when she was summoned, and her body had still gone through the effects of that even with her soul absent in the past. If it wasn't combat, then they probably wanted her for sex, something she could do even while in the throes of withdrawal, and perhaps if she could stay in the mortal world long enough she would beat her addiction and avoid falling into Shenk's grasp... Yes, it was foolproof! Well, besides the part where she would fall unconscious in the middle of the cafeteria, that might not be good. Still, it was a better plan than just running to the demon. "Jus' real... tired" she replied finally, "feel like shit... urggg... tink I'm gonna... pass out" and then answering the call, allowing herself to flop face-first onto the counter in front of the cook. Whether or not her acting job convinced anyone was another matter, of course, but it was all she could do.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Summoned

The cook seemed to hesitantly accept Tlech's explanation, and after handing over her plate of raw worms would watch Tlech in shock as she faceplanted into her plate. Little did he know that her astral projection was taken to the mortal world, where she showed up...

In a bedroom, of sorts, sitting on a bed with an unnaturally beautiful woman with the sort of figure that the paltry succubi and other lesser demons that lived and ruled in her little corner of Hell wished they could pull off. It wasn't purely visage either, but poise and posture that made her their superior, the sense of power and dignity greater than Tlech had seen from any demon she'd ever met. They had tiny pointed horns on their head, sported a cock that glistened with someone's fresh love honey but only halfway down, and a pair of black feathered wings that immediately reminded Tlech of the whispered stories she'd heard of the dreaded angels back home. "Huh... Not what I was expecting... Or looking for... But I guess you'll do!" she said, grinning at Tlech while looking the goblin up and down.

The source of the juices coating the woman's cock were probably the only other woman present in the room. She was surrounded by humanoid figures with cloven hooves, reverse jointed legs, horns, and inhuman faces. All of them were sporting erect cocks, some normal looking and some not, though the more unusual looking ones had the strange ones. The woman in the center was tall, just as beautifully statuesque as the woman sitting on the bed she'd been summoned onto, but sported green scales and a reptilian tail in addition to a pair of pronounced sharp horns.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech could tell that her story had, if not fooled him, at least satisfied the cook before she fled to the mortal world. She arrived with something of a start, sitting down on the edge of a bed beside... easily the most beautiful creature she had ever laid eyes on. Not just the woman's body (though that was utterly without flaw, from the pleasantness of her curves to her blemish-free skin), but also the way she looked down at the goblin she had summoned, a sense of easy power and grace far removed from the forced and almost desperate dominance of the demons back home. The hair on the back of her neck began to stand on end just at the look of the woman's face. Of course, slowly she started to get a handle on just who it was that had summoned her... Could this be an angel? It had the wings that everyone talked about, and the beauty too matched the description. Did angels have horns? She didn't know. All she knew was that this could very easily have been a terrible mistake. Angels were more dangerous than demons by far, and perhaps even more vicious. Ruthless and uncompromising. The ultimate killing machines. The boogeyman who hides under your bedding if you're a bad little goblin, to snatch you up and eat you while you sleep.

So why would one summon a demon? Apparently it had been something of an accident, but still... was this scene of impending debauchery normal for an angel? So many questions, and yet there were likely to be few answers. Tlech turned after a second to see that there was another woman there, almost as beautiful as the angel, though instead of wings she had scales over parts of her body, as well as a long tail. She was surrounded by men of some kind or another, seemingly human from the waist up, but with some sort of bizarre animalistic face and with the lower body of... she knew not what animal. The lot of them seemed as if they were about to be very busy though, which left the goblin potentially alone with her angelic summoner. Her eyes wandered back to the winged woman, specifically to the rather large cock that stood firmly at attention. She gulped a little bit and quietly mumbled "I guess yer wantin' me ter take care o' dat fer ye, eh?" A daunting task to be sure, but her member still wasn't quite the size of Shenk's, so it was probably doable depending on how understanding the angel was.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Summoned

The angel seemed distracted, watching the antics of the other woman in the room with a wide smirk, but Tlech's question drew her attention back to the pudgy goblin. "Well, that was the idea~" she said with a giggle, but then the other woman was heading over with one of the strange looking men, lying down on her back as he climbed on top of her. The angel reached out, sheathing the strange abhuman's shaft in some sort of magical light, and the draconic woman said; "Might as well do that for everyone, Love. I don't plan on leaving anyone out."

The angel giggled before playfully replying; "Oh I will... But only when it's their turn~ I wouldn't want to keep you from finding out how they taste!" Then she turned to the rest of the men in the room, grinning, "well, you could... I was considering doing a bit of fluffing, but I wouldn't mind making my Mate's friends wait a little while longer for their turn~" She said the word "mate" with a degree of significance, though she didn't seem at all distressed that she seemed to have a lineup of men waiting their turn on her, and one already lining up a long glowing cock with her folds.

Looking back at Tlech, the angel reached out and patted her on the head reassuringly, but then suddenly adopted a trouble look. "Huh.... Somebody got you strung out eh? I can fix that," she said, and suddenly a surge of magic rushed through Tlech. It seemed to wash through her starting at her head, alleviating the nearly insatiable ache she had for Shenk's seed. "Much better!" she said casually, as if what she'd just done was nothing, "I like it better when my partner's minds aren't elsewhere~" She sat back on one side of the bed, beckoning Tlech over and letting her do as she liked, at least for now.

The other two people on the bed had gotten to it rather quickly in the meantime, the goatman starting to fuck the half-dragon at a slow but steady rate while the rest were left waiting their turn. It was a quick but intense session, it seemed, and after a few minutes it ended with the man cumming inside of the woman... But not leaving his liquid gift inside of her as one might expect. Instead, after he pulled out and stood up, the tip of his gleaming rod had a bulge containing his seed, and upon seeing it the angel that Tlech had been summoned by playfully said; "Mmmm, you gonna do anything with that little treat you earned?"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

This was all so very strange. Tlech watched as the scaled woman walked over to the bed she was sitting on with one of the bizarre half-furred men, quickly laying down on it while the man straddled her. That drew the angel's attention, and she quickly reached out to cast some sort of spell, a bright light wrapping around his stiff cock. The goblin could only guess at the purpose of it, and she wasn't in the proper state of mind to guess anyway. Her own question was soon answered, the beautiful angel telling her that despite vague plans to the contrary it would be a fine idea to have Tlech pleasure her for a bit. Of course, she also said that the scaley one was her mate... even stranger still. Angels mated? Not only that, but they were pretty loose about it, much more so even than the average goblin it seemed, to be sharing her mate with so many men. Still, the chubby goblin certainly wasn't going to judge.

The angel patted Tlech's head then, something the blonde didn't know if she liked or not, but then realized as if it were obvious that the one she had summoned was in the throes of addiction. She nodded in reply when asked if that was the case, and before she had even finished she felt a rush of magic like none she had ever felt before move from the palm of the woman's hand into her head and all the way down through her body until her toes tingled with it. It was a pleasant feeling, but it was much more than that... her craving, it was gone! All traces of that growing need for Shenk's seed had been erased in a moment. Truly this was the most powerful being Tlech had ever seen... Far more than any of the piddling demons she encountered on a daily basis. She acted like it hadn't taken even the slightest effort for her to clear the goblin's mind. "Tank'ee" she said after a second, staring at the angel almost in awe as the other woman reclined a bit on the bed.

That was Tlech's cue, and now she felt she owed her summoner quite a debt. She could hardly hope to repay it just with her mouth, though she intended to try until something else was required of her. She quickly scooted over in front of the angel and brushing a long lock of hair behind her ear as she leaned down towards the impressive cock the woman was sporting, still glistening with the juices of her scaly lover. She took the tip into her mouth without hesitation, getting a taste of those juices, and then began to bob her head up and down at a brisk pace. As she did so her gaze wandered over to the other couple sharing the bed. The two seemed to be enjoying themselves well enough, the strangely furred man thrusting into the green-scaled woman at a nice and steady pace, and after a time Tlech paid them no mind. She had her hands full, after all, and her mouth too! She pushed herself to take more of that long, stiff member with each pass of her lips until the tip hit the back of her throat. The pudgy goblin gagged for a moment before pushing herself deeper, forcing herself to take it into her throat. It was quite possible that a cock of this size was beyond her ability to deepthroat properly, but that alone wasn't going to stop her from trying, and unless she was stopped she would keep bobbing her head at a fairly rapid pace, advancing down the angel's length bit by bit, giving only the occasional glance to the other goings on.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Summoned

The angel, it seemed, was not too picky about how Tlech returned her favors. She felt a hint of saliva and love honey already on her shaft, but only the barest taste of it that was quickly overridden by the delectably sweet taste of her pre. It was at once like Shenk's addictive seed and not, no less wonderful and no arousing to taste but so much less insidiously addicting, even if her body did begin to crave more of it as she kept tasting it on her tongue.

"Well, come on over here~ I owe you my own thanks for that night!" she said after the draconic woman denied her playful query by saying; "Not now. If milady wishes to claim it all she needs is to ask. Besides, I still have research to complete, and I wouldn't like to keep my volunteers waiting." She beckoned the seemingly blind satyr over - and then spoke aloud to signal her intent after a choking grunt when she realized how pointless that was - stuck out her tongue to receive the copious amount of goo contained in the tip of that glowing rod.

She left not a drop, even sucking the tip of the goatman's shaft for a few seconds, and then swallowed all of his seed before she kissed the tip with a grin. Her efforts were much more playful than Tlech's, who found her direct methods appreciated in a largely physical sense as her steady bobbing drew a steady supply of that delicious pre from the angel's long rod. She felt it shift slightly in her mouth as the angel worked on the satyr, growing thinner so that it was easier for her to deepthroat, but when Tlech began to push herself further down she let out a delighted squeal and briefly smirked down at the pudgy goblin.

The otherworldy beauty seemed quite able to split her attention as she at once enjoyed Tlech's attention, teasingly licked and suckled on the pale furred goatman's still erect cock, and watched her partner take the two other humanoid looking goatmen. Tlech, with what little attention she gave to the other group in the room, saw the two go from getting sucked on, to rather forcefully fucking her mouth, to spitroasting her, at the beginning of which the angelic woman paused and playfully said; "Naughty boys~" Ultimately they started taking her in both holes at once, and it was a steady and noticeably loud rut after that started before they finally found satisfaction all at once. Then the dragoness ended up glazed in cum as the angel caused their protection to burst over her face, saying; "Your turn!"

In that time, Tlech had felt the angel finally starting to throb, and the goatman seemed to be doing much the same. A bit more effort would earn her a flood of war, stick, gloriously sweet cum that left her mind swimming with arousal for every drop she swallowed, its effects far more potent than Shenk's even without the highly addicting quality. The angel merrily swallowed her own liquid gift courtesy of her partner, groaning and swallowing at once without any apparent discomfort or difficult while giving Tlech her own delicious treat.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech set about pleasuring her summoner quickly, and found herself rewarded for it almost immediately... Though she could briefly taste the evidence that the shaft had been dipped into the beautiful draconic woman to their side that was soon overwhelmed by the appearance of a little bit of pre-cum beading up and dribbling out onto her tongue. It was one of, if not the, sweetest things the goblin had ever had on her taste buds, and she couldn't help but let out a murmur of pleasure. It also had aphrodisiac properties very similar to Shenk's cum, although perhaps even stronger. It wasn't magically addictive, though, wasn't creating a physiological need for her, though a craving for more and more was growing quite naturally within her.

Tlech's eyes wandered from gazing up at the angel, who soon began to give her own oral attention to one of the strange goatmen, to just gazing idly in front of her down the length of the dick she was sucking, seeing just how far she had left to go to reach its base, and then back up again to that flawless face. She could feel the shaft changing shape in her mouth, slowly getting thinner, which suited her just fine... Her jaw would probably thank the angel later, anyway. It also allowed her to plunge herself farther and farther down it with each bob of her head, until finally with a loud gag the chubby goblin managed to press her lips against her partner's crotch. She stayed that way for a few seconds, looking up at the smirking angel and squirming a bit before pulling back and gulping in air around the cock, only to force herself back down a moment later. It was just too difficult to use the whole length of the angel's member with every bob of her head, though, and so she settled into a steady but brisk rhythm of sucking the first half of it most of the time (although even that was enough to wrap her throat around its head) and then going all the way down every so often, holding herself in place with the angel's dick fully inside of her until she couldn't stand it any longer.

The room was quickly filling up with the lewd sounds of sex, and even if she was busy Tlech couldn't keep from noticing the goings on. She almost felt a tiny bit jealous of the dragoness when she saw how the goatmen lit into her, fucking her face with what seemed like a delightful amount of force, and again when they shifted to take her from both ends at once. Only a tiny bit, though... It wasn't as if she wasn't having her own fun. Each drop of precum that graced her tongue sent a thrill running down her spine into a growing warmth at her core, a desire for ever more of the sweet liquid. One of her hands trailed down her belly to begin gently rubbing at her pussy, finding it really quite wet. She really could have done with a good hard fucking right about then, but voicing the desire would have required that she pull away from the angel's cock, and that simply wouldn't do. The goblin could settle for her fingers for now, at least, for a little bit of teasing that quickly turned to fingering in rhythm with the bobbing of her head.

After some time happily suckling at the angel's shaft Tlech felt it start to throb in her mouth, ever so slightly at first, but soon more pronounced... She redoubled her efforts, knowing that if the precum tasted this good then certainly the main course would be beyond description! She began to deepthroat the angel's cock rapidly, powering through the her gagging reactions in an almost desperate bid for her reward. At about the same time the angel brought her goat-ish partner to his climax the chubby goblin coaxed one out of her, and what a reward it turned out to be! At first as she felt the angel's climax begin she pushed herself all the way to the base and held there, letting her throat wrap tightly around the throbbing, pulsing meat as it pumped hot cum down into her belly. The pudgy goblin had to pull back to breathe soon enough, and when she did she got a taste of that wonderful spunk, even better than the precum before it! She had to gulp it down quickly to keep from having it flood out of her mouth, but it gushed out so fast it was practically a steady stream bursting against her taste buds. The goblin's eyes fluttered mostly closed, her fingers really pumping her pussy rapidly as a haze of bliss descended on her mind. With a loud groan she found her own orgasm, her body shuddering as she squirted a small quantity of love juices onto her hand, dripping down to the bed below.

For a long moment Tlech was reduced to a shivering, moaning mass of unthinking bliss. She couldn't keep up with the angel's output, some of that delicious cum forced up and out of her mouth, dribbling down the glistening shaft... All good things must end, however, and eventually the angel's cock stopped spewing her seed. It took a few seconds for Tlech to react, swallowing what she could and then pulling off to lap up what she had failed to hold in her mouth, working dutifully until her summoner was nice and clean. Her ability to think was slowly returning to her, and this time there wasn't quite that drug-like effect, though the arousal the spunk had caused was almost unbearably intense. Even though she'd just climaxed the chubby goblin's desire had only grown, her pussy practically drooling with need... this was happening a lot lately, wasn't it? She could certainly get used to it, but it was probably a pretty dangerous thing to get used to. Now, in any case, there was only the question of what her next duty was to be...
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Summoned

The dark angel before her let out a pleased sigh as Tlech began lapping at her excess release, groaning as her cock twitched excitedly against the goblin's tongue cleansed her shaft of every spilled drop of seed the angel had left. Every drop that she swallowed only enhanced Tlech's growing lust, however, and as the goblin's folds were already drooling with need it seemed time that she find something to fill it. The angel she had just sucked off wasn't showing any signs of going soft, and opted to idly tease the goatman she'd sucked off in the process with slow strokes of her tongue.

"Mmmm.... You really are a surprise~" she cooed ultimately, reaching down to stroke the side of Tlech's face. "Lets see if you can keep surprising me!" She sat up on her knees, dragging the satyr closer so that he stood on the edge of the bed and gesturing for Tlech to come closer, her summoner guided Tlech into place with gentle caresses and soft pushes. She ended up bent over, with the satyr's cock nestled gently between the plump cheeks of her ass while the angel knelt beside her, her cock erect and more or less right in front of Tlech's face.

Reaching over, her giggled as she grasped a handful of Tlech's plump rear, kneading the soft flesh and giving her a quick jiggle. "Man, you've really got some meat on you, huh? Lets see how much he can make it jiggle~" Without further adieu, Tlech felt her summoner grab the goatman's cock and guide it down to press against her petals. A few strokes and she tugged it in, pressing against and ultimately parting her out lips before releasing it as the blind goatman pressed into her depths inch by inch. He was hardly the largest partner he'd ever had, but he did fill her nicely enough to tap her cervix as he bottomed out and was thick enough to leave the goblin's folds singing with much needed pleasure.

"Mmmm, lets play a game too! Lets see how good you are with just your tongue and lips. No sucking, just licks and kisses. Make it good and I'll let you have a ride when he's done!" the angel cooed, shifting to sit in front of Tlech and sitting on her feet, leaving her stiff rod once more presented for the goblin to appease with her mouth while the goatman behind her panted and waited for her pussy to adjust and for the shock of pleasure from her folds wrapping around him to abate. He seemed to need a moment longer than she did, at least with her libido flaring from the angel's aphrodisiac cum, and if she started moving her hips before he was ready in her desire for sensation he would shudder briefly and groan, drops of pre spilling into her moist passage despite the blowjob he had received from the angel and the first round he'd taken with the dragon.

Even if she started bucking back before he could start thrusting, the blind goat didn't take more than a few moments before he began to thrust his hips back and forth, rocking into her gently but firmly so as to plunge his length in and out of Tlech's soaked womanhood. Only light impacts and the accompanying pulses of pleasure came at first, satisfying but not enough, leaving Tlech to take what satisfaction she could from it and from what attention she provided to the prick that kept leaking that delicious pre so long as she kept up her good work. Soon, however, he broke suddenly into a wild rut, one that had Tlech's more compact rocking back and forth as he did exactly as Aescila had commanded and made her plump rear jiggle, panting all the while. The wild rut promised to be a quick one, but as he hammered into Tlech's backside the goblin felt a constant stream of glorious pleasure that provided some relief for that burning need in her belly.

It quickly got to the point where she needed either to plant her face into the bedding or place her hands on her summoner's hips to keep herself stable, but if she did the latter in order to keep sucking on her summoner's cock Aescila would gently grasp her by the hair, lining up her cock with Tlech's mouth and slowly sliding forward to press the tip into the goblin's mouth. She didn't stop there either, letting Tlech lick at inch after inch of her shaft while it pressed into her mouth, and all the while the satyr was pounding into her pussy from behind like the wild animal that he so resembled. As she might have suspected, he was a quick shot, but he managed to go long enough for her to feel an orgasm welling up alongside his pulsating throbs. By the time she felt him getting ready to cum, the wild rut reaching its final logical conclusion, Tlech had had half of Aescila's rod slowly crammed into her mouth, the head pressing into her throat as the angel humped her face.

The spitroasted goblin had only a few moments to enjoy having her throat stretched by her summoner's cock before an orgasm drowned out all rational thought, sparked by the first rope of sperm splashing against her deepest depths as the satyr started cumming inside her, and only built further as he simply kept on wildly thrusting while groaning. Rope after rope of baby batter filled her moist passage, but just as his release seemed to finally be ending Aescila leaned forward and pushed him back. Her own cock bottomed out into Tlech, pushing down her throat and choking her lightly, but the last few shots of the satyr's cum erupted over her rotund backside instead of inside of her. Cum began to ooze from her folds as those last few shots landed on her cheeks and lower back, glistening pearly white against her green skin.

"Wow... He's getting pretty enthusiastic huh?" her summoner said without withdrawing from Tlech's mouth, but before she could say anything further the satyr thrust himself right back into Tlech and started pounding the goblin anew. Her summoner chuckled and pulled back, all the way out if the goblin allowed it, and then watched as he built up to a fiercer rut than ever that had Tlech's pudgy frame shaking hard. He quickly grabbed her hips and pulled them back, keeping her up but otherwise uncaring of what she did as the goblin was used, pleasure shooting up her body harder than ever as the goatman sped towards dropping another dose of his seed into the goblin's already pregnant pussy. Once her own orgasm hit just when his did, but this time he bottomed out and gave shallow thrusts, pouring rope after rope of fresh seed into her deepest depths, firing as much as possible right against her cervix and ultimately into her womb.

The satyr kept himself inside of her to the hilt until even the dregs of his release were emptied into her folds, and when he withdrew a creamy mixture of his and her sexual fluids coated his shaft from base to tip. The satyr seemed to have expended himself by then, however, and stumbled back and away while Tlech's summoner liesurely returned to her reclined position. "I think he likes big butts," she said with a smirk, "and may Mate really riled him up with her new little trick~ Why don't you take a turn being on top? Lemme know if you want it smaller or bigger, I'm happy to accommodate!"

She laid back, letting Tlech climb on top while her cock shrunk slightly, the saliva slick shaft reducing to about the same size as the satyr's and then shifting as the goblin demanded. Her hips gave a little teasing buck, grinding her shaft against the goblin's clit as she clambered into position, but she would otherwise wait and then let out a pleased groan once Tlech sank down onto her. It would quickly become clear that she was in for the ride of her life though, as her summoner gave the slightest of shifts to press her cock into Tlech's sweet spots that she seemed able to find on pure instinct alone. Those slight return shifts and bucks ensured that the goblin's body was singing in absolute bliss within moments of her initial penetration, her own honey and the excess amount of cum that had been left inside of her by the satyr allowing for ample lubrication and ensuring that Tlech would have an especially messy clean up once she was done.

Despite those slight shifts, however, the angel let Tlech have the majority of control over their session, allowing the goblin to set the pace but easily ensuring that she rocketed to orgasm if she rode hard or making the build up especially intense if she kept things slow. She had had plenty of time to get her partner ready by that point too, and Aes gave a soft groan and set one hand under Tlech to give her plump rear a squeeze while the other trailed up the goblin's side, ultimately settling on her breast and giving the heavy orb a soft squeeze. "Mmmm... Got big ones huh? Maybe I can give these a try... Nnnn... When you're done!" she grunted between bouts of moans and coos, and would let out a long course of those as she bucked and bounced beneath Tlech.

It would be several long minutes of some of the most intense pleasure that she had ever experienced, even compared to her drug induced session with Shenk, before Tlech felt the telltale throbbing of her present lover's impending release. Orgasm after orgasm ripped through her body, the quantity and quality depending on the pace she set but all of them intense and at least three hammering through her before Tlech was set to receive a good cream filling. When she was getting close, the dark angel suddenly cupped the goblin's plump rear in both hands and lifted her slightly only to immediately begin jackhammering into the now suspended goblin. The sheer pace of her thrusts sent another climax tearing through her, and in the midst of that a groan of finality preceded an explosion of white hot cream into her folds, larger and hotter than that of the satyr by several measures and enhancing her orgasm to the point that by the end of it Tlech was left seeing spots. Aes continued her rough pounding for nearly a minute after the seventh and final rope of cream had been expelled into Tlech, leaving her pussy a sopping, gooey mess.

Before they could proceed onward, however, a distraction came in the form of something happening in the other portion of their impromptu orgy. The green scaled woman, having been pressed between the two largest and most inhuman men in the room, let out a squeal of pleasure unlike any she'd emitted to that point, and the source of it was revealed a moment later. Her summoner sighed and gently lifted Tlech off, setting her aside to go over to where the largest of the bulls was slowly pulling out. There was a gap in the glowing sheath that protected his immense rod, one that allowed several globs of fresh cum to ooze out onto the half-dragon's finely sculpted backside while more trickled out of her sex. Most of it seemed to have remained trapped in a bulging bubble left on the goatman's tip, but her summoner still let out a soft sigh, "well... I guess it's not a perfect trick... Not yet anyway."

The goatman, eying the prone, panting half dragon he had just given a modest creampie, replied; "I believe there was some talk of letting milady enjoy a round without such... Sorcerous aids... If one proved able to best one?" The angel looked surprised initially, but then smirked and replied; "Well... A promise is a promise, even if I intended that as a joke~ Alex dear, why don't you go ahead and clean him up! Then you can show him a real good time." She then spun promptly to face the other goatmen, the cock she had conjured bobbing but then shrinking back into her body, "You boys, in the meantime, will be entertained by me personally~" She gestured them over, leading them away while her Mate was placed on her knees on the floor, but Tlech soon found several more goatmen hovering in her immediate vicinity. The other inhuman one that the dragon had been blowing was pushed onto his back, and her summoner promptly mounted him and said; "Don't be shy boys, I'm ready to be stuffed full!"

She then proved it by sinking herself onto nearly a foot of quite unusually shaped cock, the flared tip reminiscent of the nightmare that Tlech's mistress kept trying and failing to breed with, and despite her comparatively petite frame she seemed to handle the whole thing with ease. The other two more human looking creatures traded a grin, a quick exchange of hand signs, and the larger one moved behind the angel and started rubbing his manhood against her ass. The other, in the meantime, would take the front, but before he could shove himself into the woman's mouth she gestured towards Tlech. "Don't be shy now~ Mmmnnnn, nnnfff, come on over and be my little fluffer!" she said, beckoning the goblin over while both the goatman in front of her and the blind one who had been fairly dazed up until that point began stumbling closer.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech sucked in a ragged breath as the fallen angel stroked her cheek, moving along with every suggestion and nudge of her summoner like a pet hoping for reward would with a trusted owner. Soon enough she was bent over on all fours facing the center of the bed, with the satyr the angel had been sucking off behind her, his cock resting in between her asscheeks while the angel knelt beside her, tempting her with that beautiful cock mere inches from her face. The pudgy goblin groaned softly when she felt a firm hand groping and squeezing her rump, the flesh jiggling when released...

She didn't even last until the satyr's cock was pressed against her pussy, though, to lean forward and take a lick of that exquisite dick again. She was almost entranced by it, though when the blind goatman slipped his cock slowly and steadily into her folds she was drawn back to a reality outside of that shaft with a quiet gasping moan. He had a nice cock. It didn't quite compare with some of the ones she had had recently, but it really didn't have to. He was long enough to give her cervix a nice little tap at his deepest, and thick enough to brush against her inner walls in a way that would more than satisfy her, especially with the intense aphrodisiac she had just chugged down. Even with him keeping mostly still Tlech was a shivering mess of pleasure.

The angel's proposal registered in her mind only after the beautiful woman had scooted around in front of her, sitting down with her cock pointed at the goblin's face. That seemed a fine challenge, and the proposed reward was more than valuable enough to attempt it. She leaned forward just that little bit, giving the tip of that member a kiss, her tongue flitting out to flick against it. Tlech was glad the satyr wasn't moving just yet, it gave her a chance to focus on this for a little bit, and also adjust to the feelings of pleasure coursing through her. She began to kiss her way down the shaft, though she was only about halfway down when the goatman began to thrust into her, slowly at first but nice and firm, his tip grinding softly against her cervix. She groaned out in pleasure, kissing her way down to the base of the angel's member where it met her womanhood, then leaning down and parting her lips so that they brushed against the sides of the shaft. Like that she ran her lips back up the fallen angel's length, her tongue flitting against the underside of the cock all the way. The chubby goblin could feel hot precum dribble slowly down her cheek, just waiting to be collected and lapped up...

The satyr, of course, had other ideas. His slow and steady thrusts quickly gained pace as he acclimated himself to the pleasure, and only a few moments later he was pounding himself into her with great speed, intent on sating himself. His stamina was admirable, considering how little time it had been since he had last cum. Tlech's body rocked forward with each thrust, falling back into place on the outward stroke, her hands reaching out to the angel's hips as she hung on for dear life!

For a brief moment she was too overwhelmed to continue servicing the angel's cock, leaning her head back a bit from it and letting out a loud squeal... which was soon muffled as her summoner grabbed her long blonde hair and forced the tip to her parted lips, slipping it inside! A little bead of precum hit her tongue and she felt like she was catching fire. The goatman behind her was clearly headed for an orgasm, but for the moment he showed no signs of slowing down, and the potent aphrodisiac inside of her had Tlech groaning out in bliss, each thrust sending a jolt of almost painfully intense pleasure running up her spine. She tried her best to keep up with pleasuring her summoner, her tongue swirling around the shaft as the angel slowly claimed more and more of her mouth, thrusting in bit by bit... Almost as soon as the tip slipped into her throat she froze up though, her eyes rolling back into her head as she muffled out a groan of pleasure, the satyr's wild movements driving her to orgasm just before he himself began to unload hot cum into her womb. He continued to rut her powerfully, pounding away all thought and replacing it with only the experience of bliss, all the while filling her up with his seed. She was barely conscious of the fact that the angel gently shoved the goatman back, pushing him from her so that the last shots of cum hit her plump rear and ran down her back, warm and sticky.

Tlech hadn't even recovered before the satyr grabbed her hips and pulled her back, thrusting himself deep inside of her once more. She groaned out in pleasure, gripping the bedding tightly as the fallen angel pulled away from her slightly, her cock slipping from the goblin's lips. Her flesh rippled softly, her body rocking with each forceful thrust, breasts wobbling beneath her... She was building rapidly towards another orgasm, each and every thrust a jolt of electricity that made her nerves sing out in pleasure. So was he, his thrusts growing more frantic and wild as the moments passed until he hilted one last time, pumping hot cum against her cervix while tapping gently at it with short, quick little thrusting motions. It was more than enough to send the goblin over the edge, her back arching as she let out a sharp cry and then went silent, her teeth clenched in bliss.

By the time Tlech was done with the latest in a string of incredible orgasms her satyr partner had pulled out of her, nearly falling over backwards as he stumbled back on wobbly legs. She was hardly in better shape, panting to catch her breath and still clinging to the bedsheets, cum drying all over her back and rear. Even so there was no way she could have refused the angel's offer of a ride, not when she was still so very aroused. "Looks fine ter me" she mumbled, not particularly worried about the size of the angel's cock; as long as it was neither huge nor tiny she was sure to be satisfied. The goblin crawled forward to straddle her, noting that the fallen angel had shrunk the rather large member she had conjured to roughly the size of her previous partner, a fine enough choice. Just as she was getting into position the beautiful woman bucked up her hips, her dick sliding between the goblin's puffy lower lips and striking gently against her clit, making her shiver and groan in pleasure. It was a sign of things to come, of just how skilled her summoner would prove to be in the arts of pleasure...

Recovering, Tlech took a few seconds to steel herself before slowly slipping the angel's dick into herself, sliding down that length with a lewd moan. Of course her partner wasn't idle, shifting ever so slightly on the way down, teasing her cocktip against the most sensitive bits of the goblin's inner walls all the way, causing her moan to shift upward in pitch accordingly. Such small little motions were almost enough to bring her to her knees, and she knew she had to act quickly lest she be paralyzed by the pleasure. She rose up on her knees slowly, her summoner's cock slipping from her folds, and then quickly plunged herself down again only to rise once more. Before long the chubby goblin had to lean forward and use her hands to steady herself and keep from falling, conveniently resting against the curvy angel's breasts. She began to grope and squeeze those perfect orbs as she rode her partner almost frantically, her body begging her to go ever faster, racing towards yet another orgasm! The fallen angel gave her jiggling butt a good groping, squeezed one of her heaving breasts, and at that moment she let out a primal scream of bliss, gushing her juices onto her summoner's crotch.

They were far from done, of course. Tlech could only hold on for dear life and move her hips wildly, left only to hope that she could retain her sanity in the face of such pleasure. Less than a minute later she was crying out once more, her toes curling and her whole body quivering in another earth-shattering climax, her eyes starting to glaze over... On every downward motion the angel shifted herself, her dick stroking the goblin's inner walls in a way that was almost painfully pleasurable, driving her to new heights with each passing second. It was easily the most intense couple of minutes in Tlech's life, and they seemed to stretch on forever as she repeatedly came, every couple of thrusts bringing her to another orgasm even before the last had subsided. By the time her summoner was ready to cum her motions had slowed, her coordination slipping as she acted purely on instinct, her mind nearly overloaded by the experience.

Just as her efforts were waning the angel took control, grabbing onto her rump and pounding into her fast and hard. It was a wild rutting, enough that Tlech's eyes rolled back in her head, her back arching as she lost all sense and thought to one long continuous orgasm! It was perhaps the peak moment of bliss in her life thus far, especially when she felt her summoner begin to unload spurt after spurt of cum into her, so hot she could barely stand it. Her screams of pleasure died out, her mouth gaping as she managed barely a gurgle of ecstasy. The angel didn't stop even with her own orgasm, continuing to slam her cock into Tlech's quivering pussy rapidly, and by the time she had finally ceased the goblin had coated her belly with her arousal.

Tlech was only dimly aware of being picked up and pulled off her summoner's cock, and she laid on the bed staring down with glassy eyes, panting to catch her breath and hardly succeeding. She was well and truly spent, oozing cum and her own juices onto the bedsheets copiously, her whole body shuddering with the aftershocks of her experience. People were speaking to her, calling her to action, but she only barely heard them, as if they were very far away. The bedding felt so soft... so warm... She felt herself slowly drifting away from consciousness in the warm afterglow of her pleasure.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

(I... Have completely forgotten what was going on in this thread. So I'm just going to timeskip to a few days later instead!)

With her consciousness fading, Tlech would fall asleep with cum and honey leaking in copious quantities from her well used sex. When she awoke, her fatigue was gone and she was exactly where she'd been when summoned, the whole experience a little jarring to go from sexually exhausted to completely fine in a matter of seconds.

Her next work shift came and went without incident, and Ab was too busy when she got back to bother her for head. The curing of the addiction that Shenk had inflicted on her made things much easier to deal with, and the next few shifts went without problem and without running into the demonic overseer. Her belly was getting increasingly large, and two shifts later she was recovered enough to try and find something to do with her time again, though she would have to avoid Ab if she didn't want to end up draining his balls until it was time for her next work shift, another bit of cleaning the halls.

Rumors were floating around, of a large goblin tribe on the move through the area. Such wasn't exactly uncommon, but for a small place like this such could be something of an event if they decided to pay the small fortress a visit. It wasn't unheard of for women like her to be enslaved by their male kin, used for brood sows to increase the numbers of the tribe, but Tlech could at least offer some defense from that sort of treatment.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech awoke from her summoning still in the kitchen, having been sent back in her oversexed stupor, suddenly with perfect mental clarity. It was all very strange, but it had worked out wonderfully. She would brush off what had happened, trying to placate the stunned cook; she could and would explain later. When she got back to her room she would hunt down Irving and give her a talking to about pranks, and which ones were funny and which were potentially the cause of eternal slavery to the worst sort of wicked bastard in Hell, and which of these didn't amuse Tlech very much. It had all ended well, though. Well, sort of. But no harm, no real foul.

The next few days went by uneventfully, partially by design. The chubby goblin tried her best to stay out of trouble, managing to avoid the dangers of Shenk and even staying away from Ab and the others she owed favors to as well, just quietly doing the work she had to and then staying in her room. It probably didn't help anything, but she felt she needed to reset her life after all the craziness that had just taken place. All the while her belly grew and grew, her pregnancy becoming really quite obvious at a glance. It was sort of difficult to adjust to the feeling, but Tlech could manage. Her thoughts drifted towards what she was going to do with this kid. She had never been a mother before, never raised a child. Eh, how hard could it be? There were some rumors going around the fortress, a large tribe of goblins roaming around nearby, but it didn't concern her too much. The unwary woman might be kidnapped and used as a breeding slave by a tribe like that, but she had learned well enough how not to stick out she thought. She also felt confident that she could defend herself against such kidnappers. She was more worried about what Shenk might do to her when they finally met again...
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Tlech wouldn't have too much trouble keeping her head down, her room mates warding off Ab when he came looking for her once. Her last work shift before giving birth was simple enough, some light cleaning work, and it passed uneventfully. She didn't feel the pangs immediately as she headed back to her room, but later that day she did, and Dorpina moved to assist her while Irving ran off to let one of the greater demons know that Tlech wouldn't be working for the next day or so unless Tlech prevented her from doing so.

"Uhhhh, so... Uhhh, d-don't panic," the more sensible of her roommates said nervously, "just, um... Do what comes naturally... Try to relax... And um... Push?" She had about as much experience with this as Tlech did, and it showed. Whether or not she wanted to direct her to try and get someone else, however, was up to the increasingly pained Tlech.
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Things went more or less to plan the last day of Tlech's pregnancy, with an easy work shift and more or less no unwanted interaction with anyone who might annoy her. She managed to get back to her room without incident and just lay around on her bedding, holding her swollen belly. It was really getting to be an inconvenient pain in the ass, and she could hardly wait until this baby was outside of her. She didn't have long to wait. When the pain started Irving immediately ran off to find their demon overseers to inform them of the birthing, that Tlech wouldn't be able to work for a little while. That was fine. What was less fine was Dorpina sticking around and trying to give... "advice." As if she'd ever given birth before herself. The pain was getting worse in waves, and already the chubby goblin was starting to grit her teeth. "Dammit Dorp" she practically hissed, "go git someone wot knows wotta do!" She had no intention of watching her roommate learn how to midwife alone.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Dorpina didn't need to be told twice, and quickly took off with a relieved look. Tlech was alone for a few uncomfortable minutes before she was joined by Dorpina and two elders, Ongbra and Kailein. They were the two oldest goblins in the warren, the two most experienced, and Ongbra at least was actually fairly powerful. A sorcerer, though one self taught, the goblin sported a long white beard that reached almost to the floor, a curtain of hair wrapping around his head but that left his crown bare, and a club foot. He was old and crosseyed and a little bit mad, but reliable enough. Kailein, supposedly elf born, was the oldest goblin in the warren and nearing close to the end of her life, so old and infirm now that she no longer needed to work to earn her keep. She mostly dispensed wisdom to the other goblins now, and helped where she could. Her skin was withered and wrinkly, and her once voluptuous frame had once resembled Tlech's but now was fairly lean, flesh hanging off her bones in sagging globs. She had had dozens of children, many of them dead or fled for various reasons but some - like the cook - still in the warrens, though now she was barren.

"A'right, ahhh, this one. Yer first eh? It's alright dear, just relax," she said in a matronly tone that was comforting despite how raspy her voice had become of late. She ambled over, Ongbra dragging himself along behind her and muttering to himself with a grin on his face, and proceeded to talk Tlech through what she needed to do, holding her hand firmly despite how brittle her own bones had become. Ongbra helped in spates and worked healing magic into the goblin's body, though it was hardly needed like it would be for a mortal. The magic running through her blood let Tlech go through the ordeal with only a modicum of pain in comparison, and in just under an hour Tlech had delivered a wailing goblin girl.

Dorpina swooned, Ongbra started laughing and poking it in the nose before Kailein took it, shot him a reproachful glare, and handed the new goblin off to Tlech. A few others poked their heads in, but Irving arrived and shooed them away.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Dorpina quickly raced off, looking rather glad to be released of any responsibility for helping to birth Tlech's baby. There were a few minutes of increasing pain that the chubby goblin passed alone before her roommate arrived with perhaps the two oldest of the goblins in her warren, named Ongbra and Kailein. Ongbra was a magician, and a very good one at that despite having had to teach himself everything he knew, though he had gone a little bit crazy in his old age. Or maybe he had always been that way... it was hard to say. Tlech looked up to him if only because she hoped some day to become as powerful as he was. Kailein was certainly the oldest of the goblins, it was a wonder that she had lived as long as she had, and she was a veritable font of wisdom. She had had many, many children, including the cook, and Tlech was glad to have her there to guide her through her ordeal.

"Yeh, first'un" the chubby goblin replied, holding onto the elder's hand when offered. It was a little bit odd, the way Ongbra talked to himself and giggled a little bit, just a tad unsettling... but Tlech had other things to worry about. Her labor was painful in waves of increasing intensity, though it was truly nothing she couldn't handle, and Ongbra eased the process a bit with magic. Unnecessary though it may have been it was appreciated all the same. The whole process took a little bit less than an hour, at the end of which Tlech had given birth to a little girl. Her first child. She breathed a sigh of relief, though a rather annoyed look quickly spread across her face as the old sorceror started poking the baby in her nose. Crazy old coot. Kailein took the little girl and handed her to Tlech, who held her carefully and ignored the room around her. "Yer a cutie, ain'tcha?" she asked, holding the child to her ample chest so that she could have her first meal.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Tlech's squirming child, a girl unsurprisingly given the nature of how it had been fathered, latched onto her breasts with both hands and soon began to suckle. She hadn't even opened her eyes yet, but still had a fair bit of strength already, and as Tlech soon found out a mouthful of teeth. Goblins did not take long to grow, a necessity created by their hostile environment. It would be a months at most before they practically an adult, and Tlech would be free of the responsibility of caring for her... But that was not now, and she still had to give her firstborn daughter a name.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech cradled her little baby girl tenderly, cooing softly as she began to suckle. A feeling came over her then somewhat unlike any she had felt before. It was a warm feeling deep within her, and even though the girl's sharp teeth hurt her as it clung to her she couldn't help but feel a need to protect the little one and see her grow. As close to love as anything she had ever experienced. And in a way she felt... proud? It was something like pride, silly as it was, that she had produced this little life. The girl wouldn't stay little for long, a defense against the hazards of Hell, but she would be difficult to nurture to adulthood all the same. "Pond" the chubby goblin murmured after a minute or two, "yer name is Pond." Almost certainly a nonsense word to nearly everyone else in the fortress, it was a simple reference to the place the girl was conceived, and it sounded nice enough to Tlech's ears. After a few more moments she looked up again at the elders somewhat expectantly, wordlessly asking for whatever scraps of advice they might feel like giving her at the time. She wasn't exactly full of parenting knowledge, after all!
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine

"Pond? Eh? What kinda dumb name - gah! Hey! What'd I do?" Ongba began to say before being smacked sharply across the back of the head courtesy of Kailein. The elder goblin gave him a withering look, at which he glowered back, but the argument went no farther than that. "I think Pond's a lovely name!" She continued once it was clear that the mad old sorcerer would hold his tongue on his opinion. The baby goblin nestled itself into Tlech's embrace and promptly fell asleep, beginning to snore loudly and giving the occasionaly hicup.

With that out of the way, Ongba would glare at Kailein for a few more moments before realizing he was no longer needed and wandering off. Kailein, in contrast would kneel down and start showering Tlech in advice, from how to hold the young goblin to how to feed her. How to teach her, what to teach her, who she could trust to help care for it when she got stuck back on the work schedule, how fast she might grow depending on her parentage - all things that Kailein shared. With the commotion settled, people began to creep in, though eventually her roommates would realize and chase them off... Only to become minor annoyances themselves trying to cram in as much affectionate attention towards young Pond as possible. Irving at least didn't pull any pranks though.

Ab poked his head in, looking hopeful, but upon sighting the child in Tlech's arms promptly scampered. Tyduk did much the same, staring for a moment before issuing some quiet well wishes and returning to his own corner of the warren. Gronn and the cook showed up together, and stayed for a few minutes offering their well wishes with greater enthusiasm before leaving Tlech to her rest. Kailein eventually left, being an old goblin and not having the energy she once did, but would offer advice if Tlech ever needed it.

Luckily, the next day would be fairly uneventful.... At least until the end of it, and even then it was nothing that would immediately both Tlech. The goblin tribe that had been sighted was moving closer across the barrens, heading towards the fortress. If they continued on their present heading, it would be only six days before they arrived, and their leader allegedly road atop a gigantic hellhound with one eye, and wore a monstrous creature's skull as a helm. Whatever she did with those rumors, Tlech's next few days would be quiet and easy, at least besides the occasional bout of Ab bugging her for blowjobs. The regular attention seemed to be making him a bit more confident, and even though she was being made to drain him regularly his loads were getting bigger.

Eventually she was put back on the work schedule and made to clean the dungeons, luckily without Shenk's oversight, while Dorpina watched Pond, who was growing steadily. It was at this point that Ab, on the very same work detail, simply walked up and smacked her on the rump lightly. "Eh, c'mon. I need to let one off... Feelin kinda pent up," He grunted, fondling her backside through her dress. They were supposed to be working, but the overseer could be heard berating one of the other workers down the hall, and Ab gestured towards an out-of-the-way little nook that would be out of the demon's direct route back to her usual hangout near the doorway. "Nnnn, wouldn't mind if'n ye got naked for it either. I'd be happy to paint them tits o' yours too, an' watch ya lick it all up. Unless ye wanna have some fun too, eh?" He groped her rear suggestively, even going so far as to reach for the edge of her primitive dress and tug it upwards a few inches, but whether or not she wanted to acquiesce was ultimately up to Tlech. Once she was off work she was supposed to meet Gronn to pay off her debt to him, so she would be having plenty of "fun" after this, but whether or not she was willing to risk the overseer's wraith for a little more was up to her.
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech didn't show much reaction to the crazy old coot making fun of her little girl's name, as she had more or less gotten used to his eccentricities and had been expecting it. Still, she chuckled a little bit as Kailein slapped him on the back of the head. He surely deserved it in any case. As Ongbra left, his "job" such as it was done, Pond settled in to sleep for the first time, and Kailein began to explain at length all of the things Tlech needed to know about motherhood and rearing a child. There was a lot of information to take in, and she was sure she would need some refreshing on it later, but she was glad to have it. Part of her hoped that she would some day be in the position of the much older goblin, a repository of wisdom helping the goblins of the fortress in any way she could. Of course, that was a long way off, and the odds were poor. Part of what made Kailein exceptional was that her longevity was so rare.

Once the older goblin left to rest a small and steady stream of visitors came to Tlech's little room to see her for one reason or another. Ab came, though he left immediately upon seeing the little girl, so his intentions were pretty clear. Tyduk did a little bit more, congratulating her a bit before he left, though he probably had the same motives as his friend did. Gronn and the cook came as well, and it was nice to see the two of them. They seemed to be a little bit more genuine in their well-wishing, and they weren't annoying about it at all. Unlike her roommates, who were being quite obnoxious by this point, fawning over the baby. Finally Tlech had to grumble "she's sleepin', leave 'er be" to try and get them to stop fussing over her.

The next few days, almost a week really, were mostly empty of excitement. Tlech wasn't made to work given her newborn, so she spent much of her time with the child giving her as much affection as she could. Pond was already growing pretty rapidly, which was good... The beginning of life was a vulnerable time, and even as cute as Tlech found the little girl she would need to grow up fast. Some rumors started trickling in about the goblin tribe heading towards the fortress, but she paid them little mind. It would certainly bring excitement to the place if the rumors did turn out to be true, but that bridge could be crossed later. The chief of the tribe was made out to be a complete badass, some of which was likely only dubiously true. Of course the leader of a tribe out in the wilds would be powerful and charismatic, but taming a giant hellhound? Almost surely nonsense.

All the while Ab approached her more and more for blowjobs, which was a welcome distraction despite how frequently it began to happen. He was getting a little bit more assertive as time went on, which was almost a little bit worrying in a way. He was starting to become more like Tyduk, but less clever. And indeed, when Tlech was finally forced to get back to work cleaning the fortress he worked with her and approached her, giving her a little slap on the rear and urging her to take care of his arousal. The chubby goblin looked around as he groped her, trying to find the overseer... She was off yelling at someone or other, though, and wasn't watching.

Normally she wouldn't have given a second thought to a request like that, would have dismissed it out of hand. Tlech didn't usually take those sorts of risks... but there was something a little bit different at play today. The overseer she had been assigned to today she knew to be quite lenient compared to many of the others, and today was the day she was meant to repay the debt she had racked up with Gronn, something she had been idly daydreaming about all the while she cleaned. She still didn't like it, but she was more receptive than normal. "Naw" she replied, "dun wanna git caught. I git in 'nuff trouble as is." Of course, nothing in her body language or tone suggested that this was a strongly held position, and a little bit of cajoling might well get her to sneak into that little notch in the room with him...
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine

"Awwww, c'moooooon!" Ab whined, "Don't be like 'at! We won't get caught! I promise!" He gave her rump another squeeze before sliding up against her, reaching around to fondle one of her breasts through her dress. "Hey, if we DO get caught, I'll take the blame for it? How 'bout that, eh? C'mon, I need ter get off... I feel like they're gonna bust!" Close as he had forced himself, Tlech could feel that Ab's rod had already come free of his loin cloth. It was rubbing against her still clothed backside, pressing into one of her soft cheeks and angling up to prod against her lower back as he shifted about.