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Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Well, that took longer than I thought. Should be getting back to normal by Tuesday or so, though.

Michelle's binds were hardly professional, but then again the farmer's daughter seemed particularly pitiful in her struggles against her bonds and Xetal's hold on her. And Jessica seemed to be enthusiastically taking to her task, fucking the brown-haired girl with increasing confidence and vigor as her energy continued to drain. The girl seemed almost on the edge of orgasm already, for all that she was fighting it with her entire being.

With that all seeming to be in order, the would-be queen headed back for the orchard and the other two girls. The trail of clothes seemed untouched, the little camp fire still abandoned. But heading back into the orchard, she quickly found her targets. Moans of passion faded as Xetal approached, until she finally spotted two nude bodies tangled together in the soft grass below the trees, rubbing gently together in the afterglow of their passion, smelling strongly of feminine sex.

Xetal: 127/106 EP
Jessica: Back near the road, last seen raping Michelle

Michelle: Back near the road, last seen bound, gagged, and being raped by Jessica.
Betty and Serene: Just had sex.
Menfolk: Last seen in the house, probably out of screaming distance.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal moved behind the tree and slithered up into its branches. Then she dangled a few tentacles from above. All of them struck at the same time. Two of them stuck themselves to the girl's mouths. The others reached for their limbs. Still more encircled the girls, tightening and tying them together. Before they could resist, Xetal began to force her tentacles in their mouths into their throats and pumping her fluid into them.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Betty takes 7 resistance damage.
Serene takes 5 resistance damage.

The two girls, still caught up in their passion, started kissing again, rubbing gently and rhythmically against one another rather than checking the trees for threats. Xetal easily took both by surprise, wrapping slimey tentacles around the two together, and slipping part of her between their locked lips before they knew anything was wrong.

There was a moment of shock where they couldn't do anything, but it wouldn't last. Already the slime could feel both girls tensing in her grasp, their bodies responding automatically to the threat. But at the same time, she could see their faces - already flushed from sex - go a little more red, as both swallowed a portion of her aphrodisiac slime.

Xetal: 127/106 EP; Grappling Betty and Serene, a tentacle in their mouths.
Jessica: Back near the road, last seen raping Michelle

Michelle: Back near the road, last seen bound, gagged, and being raped by Jessica.
Betty and Serene: Grappled by Xetal, minor resistance damage.
Menfolk: Last seen in the house, probably out of screaming distance.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal had to work very quickly this time. She had never tried to hold two targets at the same time. In the wagon, the slave had been unconcious by the time the guard had come in. Before doing anything else, she doubled up the bounds on the girls, pushing them against each other. Only after they were more secure would she continued. She created a tendril covered in bumps and slipped it between both of the girls. Then it was rise, forcing them onto their tip-toes while moving back and forth. At the same time, she would continue to force her body into the girls. If they succumbed to the pleasure, it would make her work much easier.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Round 1: Xetal attempts a submission hold

Grapple (Xetal): 51
Grapple (Serene): 28
Grapple (Betty): 48

Success, on both girls. They will have to escape that before they can escape the grapple.

Round 2: Foreplay

Grapple (Xetal): 49
Grapple (Serene): 44
Grapple (Betty): 42

Both girls fail to escape the grapple, and Xetal is free to foreplay them.

Foreplay (Xetal vs Serene): 3,1+6 = 10 - 4 = 6
-> Xetal drains 3 EP
-> Serene takes 5 damage from resisting
Foreplay (Xetal vs Betty): 1,1+6 = 8 - 4 = 4
-> Xetal drains 2 EP
-> Betty takes 7 damage from resisting

Serene takes 9 resistance damage, and becomes Aroused.
Betty takes 7 resistance damage, and becomes Aroused.

The two girls struggled. Neither alone would have any real chance of overpowering the slime, but even uncoordinated, their efforts added up. Xetal managed to get a better grip on both of them, but only after Betty nearly escaped.

After that, though, things started to go downhill for the new lovers. A heavily textured tendril threaded between both their lives, forcing them to their toes and forcing unrelenting pleasure on them however they resisted. Xetal could feel their energy starting to flow into her, and at the same time their muscles weakening. And she forced a little more of her aphrodisiac slime into their mouths, forced together in a mockery of a kiss.

Almost at the same time, both girls shuddered, nipples growing rock hard, the signs of arousal now no longer possible to ignore. Or even to blame on their recent experiments. Whatever their minds said, their bodies wanted pleasure and didn't care how it came.

Xetal: 132/106 EP; Submission hold on both Betty and Serene, a tentacle in their mouths, and one touching them between the legs.
Jessica: Back near the road, last seen raping Michelle

Michelle: Back near the road, last seen bound, gagged, and being raped by Jessica.
Betty and Serene: Grappled and submission hold by Xetal, Aroused, Weakening Arousal, tentacle in their mouths.
Menfolk: Last seen in the house, probably out of screaming distance.
Last edited:
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal decided against gloating, as satisfying as it might be. She realized it would just be a distracton. Or it could cause the girls to struggle harder. As the girls began to lose control, she changed the tendril underneath them. As it rocked beneath them, the bumps began to lengthen. Eventually, it would become locked underneath them, filling the girls. The tension of the tentacle relaxed, letting the girls back on their feet but only if they let the tentacle-cock push deeper within them.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Grapple (Xetal): 37 (ouch)
Grapple (Serene): 32-6 = 26
Grapple (Betty): 38-4 = 34 (and... saved by Weakening Arousal)
-> Both girls are penetrated

Penetration (Xetal vs Serene): 2,8+7 = 17
-> Xetal drains 9 EP
Penetration (Xetal vs Betty): 4,2+7 = 13
-> Xetal drains 7 EP

Serene takes 5 resistance damage
Betty takes 7 resistance damage

Betty glared at Xetal as the tendril changed shape, forcing its way into her pussy, and finally started trying to scream. It didn't do her any good, the slimy tentacle in her mouth effectively gagging her even as it continued to push aphrodisiac down her throat. Serene, on the other hand, seemed to give up, embracing her new lover and squeezing her eyes shut.

Both girls, the would-be-queen discovered, were virgins. A pair of pained gasps fixed that, and neither girl seemed able to force herself to remain on tiptoes, instead dropping down onto the penetrating tentacles as their rape began in earnest. Energy poured out of both girls, and into the slime, bringing shudders of involuntary pleasure.

Xetal: 148/106 EP; Submission hold on both Betty and Serene, a tentacle in their mouths, and one touching them between the legs, penetrating both.
Jessica: Back near the road, last seen raping Michelle

Michelle: Back near the road, last seen bound, gagged, and being raped by Jessica.
Betty and Serene: Grappled and submission hold by Xetal, Aroused, Weakening Arousal, tentacle in their mouths, another in their pussies.
Menfolk: Last seen in the house, probably out of screaming distance.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal looked in Betty's eyes and made a cooing noise. She slipped through her body and, instead of letting the tentacle continue its work, kissed Betty personally, the tentacle turning into a tongue that twined itself with Betty's tongue. She reached out to Betty's clit and began to finger it. She almost had them. She suddenly regretted leaving the clothes out but she couldn't take it back now. Hopefully the father left his daughter and her friends alone.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Grapple: Girls can't win with those weakening arousal penalties

Penetration (Xetal vs Serene): 2,5+7 = 14
-> Serene cums
-> Xetal drains 14 EP
Penetration (Xetal vs Betty): 1,2+7 = 10
-> Xetal drains 5 EP

Serene takes 7 resistance damage, and becomes Horny
Betty takes 8 resistance damage, and becomes Horny

The slime focused her attentions on Betty, continuing to force aphrodisiac cum down her throat as she gave a gross approximation of an intimate kiss, fingering the farmgirl's clit even as she continued penetrating her. There was little to be shocked about when the girl shuddered, and suddenly started returning the kiss with passion, pressing her hips against the intruder she had been fighting only moments before. Inhibitions already lowered by alcohol had snapped, and Betty would be ready to fuck anything that moved. The fact that she had no choice already didn't really matter.

Slightly more shocking was the sudden warm wetness as Serene - subject to a similar treatment, but without the extra attention to her clit - orgasmed, hard. And while it was hard to tell under the spasms of her peak, turning around would reveal eyes a little too wide and vacant for simply an orgasm. The second girl had been driven beyond her will by the slime's helpful fluids as well.

Xetal: 167/106 EP; Submission hold on both girls, a tentacle in their mouths, one in their cunts.
Jessica: Last seen back near the road, raping Michelle

Michelle: Last seen back near the road, being raped by Jessica.
Betty: Grappled and Submission hold by Xetal. Horny, weakening arousal, tentacle in her mouth and pussy. Low energy.
Serene: Grappled and submission hold by Xetal. Horny, weakening arousal, tentacle in her mouth and pussy. Moderate energy. Stunned by orgasm.
Menfolk: Last seen in the house, probably out of screaming distance.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal smiled. She was nearing the end point. She continued caressing the girls, fucking them until they dropped. She'd drag them a little farther into the forest. She clamped a tentacle over their eyes and began the conversion, keeping their insides full of tentacle cock and cum.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Sorry about the delay. Real life has been seriously busy the last two weeks, and likely will be for another week or two.

Also, slight note: as a slime, Xetal doesn't actually have cum in the traditional sense. At least not without some external aid, in the form of a spell or enchanted item that would grant her a cock. In that case she'd still form a slime penis, but it would have "real" cum.

Since the girls can't actually fight anymore, I'm not going to bother with rolls.

Serene continued to shake her head in denial, even as the former virgin rode Xetal's slime tentacle for all she was worth, the other various pseudo-limbs helping her keep balance more than binding her.

Betty was just as enthusiastic, but marginally more talented, insofar as the slime was any judge. She came again, even harder than the first time, and the sudden weight on Xetal's body was the sure sign that she had been fully drained. She let the girl slump to the ground and focused her attention on Serene, who was struggling somewhere between shock at seeing her friend fuck herself into unconsciousness and the intense desire to do the same herself.

The second girl lasted longer, cumming three more times before she went still.

With both farmgirls fully drained and unconscious, Xetal retreated a little further into the orchard. It was a little closer to the fire and farmhouse, but noise wasn't an issue if both girls were out cold, and it was a little darker. In the faint light of the moon, more than dark enough to hide.

Hidden, she turned first to Betty, slipping a fat tentacle of slime back into the unconscious girl's cunt, and secreting the special slime that would start the conversion process.

The corruption spread quickly. At first it was mostly internal, but soon enough a wave of faintly green translucence rippled slowly out from Betty's pussy, as Xetal continued gently fucking her, draining her soul away and replacing it with slime. An occasional thrust or two to Serene insured the other girl remained unconscious and ready for her own conversion.

The wave of transformation was nearly at Betty's head when a masculine voice called out. "Serene!? Michelle!?" The man sounded worried. His voice was coming from the direction of the fire.

"Betty?" It seemed as if he were circling the orchard, in the direction Serene had run. "If you're out there please just answer, and I'll go back inside!"

Xetal: 197/106 EP; Converting Betty, holding Serene
Jessica: Last seen near the road, raping Michelle

Michelle: Last seen near the road, being raped by Jessica
Betty: Unconscious, drained, 90% converted
Serene: Unconscious, drained

Menfolk: ???
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal almost growled out loud with displeasure. She was finally on the cusp on getting a few new servants. She just had to keep getting interrupted. She crouched to the ground, scanning the area for the man. The men had finally realized the girls were gone, it seems. However, it didn't seem like they had found Jessica, since they were searching for Michelle as well. Xetal narrowed her eyes for a moment, then attempted something she had never done before. She changed her vocal chords, attempting to mimic Serene's voice. "Daddy, you are embarrassing me! What are you doing?"
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Deception roll: 15 v 15 = 11+4 (Giving him a +4 on recognizing his own daughter's voice, even under less than ideal circumstances.)
... tie.

Also sorry for the huge delay on posting. A lot going on in my personal life, including a new job and some medical issues. I remain optimistic that I'll get used to the one and clear up the other in the relatively near future, but don't be surprised if I drop to one post a week for a while.

The man immediately stopped moving, but it was a few seconds before he answered. "Sweety? Are you all alright? Why did you leave the fire?" There was a hesitant quality to his voice, as if he'd really rather not be talking, but afterwards he started very slowly walking towards Xetal and her victims.

Xetal: 197/106 EP; Converting Betty, holding Serene
Jessica: Last seen near the road, raping Michelle

Michelle: Last seen near the road, being raped by Jessica
Betty: Unconscious, drained, 95% converted
Serene: Unconscious, drained

Father: Still concerned, approaching Xetal.
Other Menfolk: ???
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal was almost done with his daughter. She just needed a little more time to finish with her friend. Xetal spoke with an exasperated tone to her voice. That was no trouble to do because Xetal was feeling pretty exasperated herself. "Daddy, we're playing a game and you're ruining it. Michelle and I are hiding and Serene is looking for us." If Xetal grabbed him, it would almost be shouting that something was going on. ("Take the hint, human!")
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Well, I'd roll deception again, but, uh...

> She changed her vocal chords, attempting to mimic Serene's voice.
> "Serene is looking for us"


"Uh, well, as long as you don't stay out too... wait. S-Serene!?" Xetal's impression may have improved a little as she practiced it, but confusing his daughter with her friend had been a mistake. And the continued talking had apparently been enough for the man to pin-point the slime's location. He strode towards them, resolving suddenly out of the gloom as he approached within a few feet.

At the same moment, Xetal felt a shudder go through Betty's body. And keep on going. The texture of her pussy changed, suddenly slime - rather than flesh - wrapped tightly around the Queen's phallus. Something like eyes blinked open, looking confused. A new slime had been born.

The farmer stopped, staring at the scene in horror. It was impossible to say if he understood what had just happened, but he could certainly see his own daughter - naked and fully human - unconscious and held by a slime, and he seemed momentarily torn between staring, transfixed in horror, and averting his eyes. His hands, however, didn't seem indecisive. One made a fist, while the other grasped at a knife in his belt.

Xetal: 197/106 EP; Converting Betty, holding Serene
Jessica: Last seen near the road, raping Michelle
Betty: A brand new slime! At half EP, as all slimes start, and confused/newborn.

Michelle: Last seen near the road, being raped by Jessica
Serene: Unconscious, drained, body held by Xetal

Father: Staring in horror at Xetal and the scene in general.
Other Menfolk: ???
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo


Xetal almost slapped her forehead. In the heat of the moment, she had made such a stupid mistake. Oh well. She pounced toward the man, attempting to grab him. She motioned towards him while she did so to the slime. "Help me!" She would attempt to keep him quiet first. She might get injured in the process but she would be able to regain her form easily enough. Then she would disarm the man and attempt to strangle him until he went down. Unconcious was preferred, dead was acceptable.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Attack (Father): 14+30 = 44 v 37 -> Hit!
Damage (Father): 1,2+15 = 18 / 4 = 5

Grapple (Xetal): 20+22 = 42 v 25 -> Hit! Xetal and Father are now grappling.

Betty (confusion): 1d20 = 4 -> Betty is very confused, and it's going to take a while before she's a full, contributing member of Xetal's party. She may be a bit... derpy... forever.

Grapple (Xetal vs Father):14+34 = 48 vs 40 = 30+10 -> Xetal wins
-> Father is... gagged? There's no rule about that, but I'll interpret this as having grappled him in such a way as to prevent him making loud noises until he breaks the general grapple.

There's also no rules about smothering. So that's basically going to be just attempting unarmed (nonleathal) damage every round until he KO's. (But there is a rule about disarming: it's a specific skill, that Xetal doesn't have.)

Grapple (round 2): 50 v 50 -> Tie! No reult.
Grapple (round 3): 36 v 48 -> Farmer wins!
Damage(Father): 6
Grapple (round 4): 48 v 43 -> Xetal wins
Damage(Xetal): 12
Grapple (round 5): 47 v 37 -> Xextal wins
Damage(Xetal): 13
Grapple (round 6): 44 v 38 -> Xetal wins
Damage(Xetal): 11
Grapple (round 7): 44 v 36 -> Xetal wins
Damage(Xetal): 10
-> Farmer is KO'd.

Betty - or rather, the slime who had been Betty - stared at the scene, a look of confusion on her - its - face. It still looked like a slightly-transparent, green-tinged version of the visiting girl.

At Xetal's command, it moved towards her, looking more and more confused. But by then the farmer was on top of Xetal, knife flashing, a look of fury on his face. The knife didn't hurt much, just stung a bit as it moved through the would-be queen's 'flesh', which apparently healed immediately. Nevertheless, a little slime leaked out from the "wound" before it healed, and didn't rejoin her body. If she ignored him too long, she would be reduced to something less, and eventually collapse into a pool of non-living slime.

Of course, there were other options available. The one she choose was to grab on to the farmer. He didn't look very surprised, or any less angry. He just tried to make another swipe with his knife, and failed to strike anything solid, while Xetal flowed until the mass of her body was around his head.

It wasn't a perfect way of suffocating someone. She wasn't completely airtight, and his struggles would be sure to add some extra air even if she were. But if she could hold him still long enough, it would work.

While she adjusted her hold, the knife again passed through Xetal's body, and again she ignored the damage. Instead, she continued shifting, until she could pin his arm to his side.

The man kept struggling for a while. First trying frantically, futilely, to move his arm enough to slash through her. Then to escape. Then just to breathe. Finally, he stopped moving, and after a moment Xetal was fairly sure that he wasn't faking. She moved off his head and he started breathing again, but didn't otherwise stir.

Looking around, Xetal would see that Betty had grabbed onto the farmer's leg, and was quite effectively smothering it. Or would be, if he breathed through his foot. She smiled questioningly, as if looking for approval.

Serene lay nearby. She was still unconscious, but as Xetal watched her breathing sped up noticeably, and her arm twitched, moving from her side to across her thigh. The girl would likely wake soon, left alone.

Xetal: 186/106 EP; smothering farmer
Jessica: Last seen near the road, raping Michelle
Betty: A brand new slime! At half EP, as all slimes start, and confused/newborn.

Michelle: Last seen near the road, being raped by Jessica
Serene: Unconscious, drained. Starting to stir?

Father: KO'd
Other Menfolk: ???
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

A big sweat drop drips off of Xetal's head, only to be absorbed farther below. "Yeah, that's really helpful." She flings the knife farther into the woods and looks between the daughter and father. She wraps Serene in her slime and begins to transform her. Her slime begins to seep into Serene, beginning to change her into a slime.

As for the farmer... She looks at Betty-slime. "Your name is Betty. I created you and you will follow me and help me. First off, I better show you how to feed so you don't starve to death. The knee is not the best place to attack people." She opens the farmer's pants and gestures at his member. She wrapped her hand around his cock and gave him a quick hand job to get him stiff. Then she gestured. "Rub that, lick it, do what feels natural. Don't be too rough. Be gentle and you'll be able to satisfy yourself."

Her attention switched back to Serene. She placed a tentacle around her throat, letting it hang loose. She keeps her attention on all three of them, making sure the farmer and his daughter weren't about to wake up.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Realized I forgot to do this for Betty...
Resistance(Xetal v Serene): 23+1 = 24 v 35 = 23+12 -> Failure

The slime conversion ritual fails. Serene will be retaining her humanity for the time being. You can try again at a later date, but not immediately. For the purposes of RP, you can try again after about a day.

Xetal easily slipped a tendril inside the still-unconscious farmgirl, plumbing her depths and beginning the process that created new slimes. And while she waited, she dealt with the already-created slime, undressing the farmer and taking his member in another slimy protrusion.

Getting him hard was a little more difficult than she might have expected. Perhaps it was because he was older, beyond the point where such things come easily. Or maybe being choked unconscious put a bit of a damper on him. But nevertheless, a minute's effort was enough to get the man's unimpressive cock hard.

Betty touched it gingerly at first, tentatively. But despite her hesitant, awkward touches, it was enough that little bits of energy passed between them. And as she gained energy, she grew more confident. By the time the ritual on her former friend was halfway complete, Betty had her mouth over the unconscious farmer's member, bobbing up and down merrily, and Xetal saw a string of white, gooey liquid shoot into the young slime's body, along with an especially large burst of energy. The farmer went even more still than before. Betty bobbed up and down a few more times, then pulled away, turning to Xetal, face creased in worry. "Did I... hurt... him? Something came out, and then he..."

At which point, Serene stirred. By now there should have been patches of greenish translucence over her nude body, halfway a slime already. Instead, a more through inspection would show absolutely no signs of conversion. She was fully human. Before Xetal could answer Betty, the girl sat up. She looked around, eyes wide, drew in a deep breath, and opened her mouth to scream.

Xetal: 186/106 EP;
Jessica: Last seen near the road, raping Michelle
Betty: A brand new slime! Still short of "nominal" EP - the farmer wasn't a very good meal.

Michelle: Last seen near the road, being raped by Jessica
Serene: Conscious. Naked. Very low EP.

Father: KO'd, drained.
Other Menfolk: ???
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal was glad she had taken the precaution of wrapping a tentacle around Serene's throat. Before she had even finished drawing in a full breath, the tendril had tightened. Almost ignoring Serene, Xetal talked to Betty. "Don't worry, you didn't hurt him. When they do that, that means that you did a good job." Then she turned back to Serene and frowned. The tendril wriggled, allowing her to breathe but any attempt at making sound would make it constrict. "You know, it probably would have been better for you if you had stayed down. Betty, come over here." She gestured for Betty to come closer. "This is a woman. The key areas here are her tits and her pussy." She gestured at the appropriate areas. "Now, just like before, be gentle but firm. You can play with her tits." The tendril inside of Serene became firmer and pumped in and out of Serene while she watched Betty. She occasionally glanced at the farmer but he was probably going to be out long enough for her to finish.