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Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Serene was conscious, but just barely. You don't get a full meal every few minutes, she'll need a couple hours at least to recover fully. Though if you continue to abuse her unconscious body she might wake up much sooner. Which *can't* be good for her, if it continues too long.

Betty nodded, then moved curiously over to Serene, who made a few choking sounds as Xetal stopped her from screaming and then went silent. The farmgirl's eyes were wide, looking frantically around the dark orchard, at her unconscious father, the slime that had been Betty, at everything except Xetal.

The new slime responded wordlessly, surging over Serene. She hesitated for a moment, then focused on the girl's tits, which Xetal had indicated first. She tentatively licked at the nipple, then stretched her slime mouth open wider and wider, until the entire breast was slipping into her mouth. Then she pulled back, starting to bob up and down just as she had when giving the farmer a blowjob.

Serene struggled even harder, but wasn't obviously aroused, only the smallest trickle of energy moving to Betty. But before Xetal could correct the newborn slime, she absentmindedly enlarged and hardened the tendril that had been trying to convert the girl, instead using it to idly rape her. A more significant flow of energy started from Serene into the Queen... and abruptly cut off, Serene's eyes rolling back as she went limp again.

Xetal: 187/106 EP;
Jessica: Last seen near the road, raping Michelle
Betty: A brand new slime! Still short of "nominal" EP - the farmer wasn't a very good meal.

Michelle: Last seen near the road, being raped by Jessica
Serene: Unconscious. Naked. Drained. Immune to conversion for a while.

Father: KO'd, drained.
Other Menfolk: ???
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal almost frowned, then thought of something. That might be something worth considering. In the meantime... no witnesses. She finished the job on the farmer, constricting his throat until death. She swiftly searched him for anything worthwhile, then spoke to Betty "Stay quiet and follow me." She moved back to where she had left Jessica and Michelle. Hopefully the two were still there. Otherwise this would have been a total mess. She brings Serene, carrying the girl, still with a loop around her throat.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Jessica was just where Xetal had left her, her body partially enveloping the still form of Michelle, who was by now unconscious, still bound, and still breathing. The slime pulled off her victim as the would-be queen approached. "Mistress?"

Betty paused, looking at Xetal as well, her head cocked to one side. "'Mistress'? Is that your name?"

Xetal: 187/106 EP;
Jessica: Around normal EP
Betty: ~2/3 EP

Michelle: Unconscious. Naked. Drained. Poorly bound.
Serene: Unconscious. Naked. Drained. Immune to conversion for a while.

Father: dead!
Other Menfolk: suspicious!
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

"No. My name is Xetal. Eventually I shall be called Queen but for now you can call me My Lady or Mistress. Betty, this is Jessica, my first subject. Jessica, this is Betty. This one," She pointed at Serene "Has resisted the transformation. However, the men have been alerted. You two are to stay here and make sure the girls stay quiet and don't get away. If anyone attempts to leave the area, Jessica, you attempt to catch them. Betty, you are not to leave the girls alone. It's your job to keep watch if Jessica has to leave." She tied up Michelle and Serene with the clothing left here and approached the house. "I'm going to go get us dinner. When I call for you, take the girls with you.."

Xetal is going to attempt to sneak up to the house, trying to figure out if the other two men are in the house. If they are, she will attempt to sneak up on them and grab them.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The two new slimes glanced at each other, then turned back to Xetal with a simultaneous "Yes, Mistress." Neither girl was showing signs of stirring, yet, and Xetal left them watched over by her first two subjects as she herself moved back to the farm.

She didn't have to go far to find sign of the other two men. The younger one - likely Serene and Michelle's brother - was holding a discarded skirt, looking concerned, and already about halfway from the house to where Xetal had left her followers and the girls. He was moving towards them, slowly, stopping every few steps to look for more discarded clothing, or to shout, alternately calling out for Serene, Michelle, and 'Father'.

Xetal: 187/106 EP;
Jessica: Around normal EP; guarding the exit
Betty: ~2/3 EP; guarding Michelle and Serene.

Michelle: Unconscious. With Jessica/Betty.
Serene: Unconscious. With Jessica/Betty. Immune to conversion for a while.

Father: dead!
Brother: searching!
Other: ???
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal waited for the young man to get closer. She tried changing her voice again. Either it would work... or it would make him suspicious and draw him in. Either outcome was fine. "I'm over here! Something hit me on the head and dragged me over here! Bring some clothes over here!" Whether or not he came closer due to suspicion, Xetal would attempt to jump him once he got close enough. She'd drag him into the shadows and, like his father, throttle him into unconsciousness. However, she would not kill him. She'd bring him to the other slimes, tell them he was their meal and instruct them to hold on to him as well. She hoped the last male was in the house. If he was, she would enter and overpower him, then signal for her minions to bring the captives with them into the house.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

You're doing an awful lot in this post... but on the other hand, I've been too busy to post much lately, so fair enough. I'm going to do some simplified rolls rather than playing out two entire combats in one post.

Plan to distract Young Man: Success!
Attempt to defeat young man (with bonus from distraction): Success!
Do the young slimes royally screw things up?: No! Actually, they do pretty well!
Attempt to defeat old man (with no bonus): Success

Fortunately, either Xetal was getting better at doing voices or the young man was less suspicious than his father. He hurriedly picked up the nearest piece of clothing, and after a moment of turning it about trying to figure out exactly what it was, gave up and hurried towards the source of the sound.

Only to find a slime landing on him from behind, covering his mouth immediately. With no weapons in his hand - just a club at his belt - and her initial advantage of surprise, Xetal easily choked him unconscious with hardly and sound of struggle. She dragged him back to the other two slimes, who eagerly took to their new charge/meal.

Which left the would-be queen to deal with the final human on the farm. She got nearer the house, until she could look in through un-shuttered windows. Nobody was moving, not anymore. Eventually she located the old man... asleep in his bed.

Whatever strength or power the man might have had wasn't enough to stop the slime from choking or even killing him outright, and a few minutes later the two new slimes joined Xetal in the house, along with their three captives, all three nude, unconscious, and fully drained, or near enough to it.

Xetal: 187/106 EP;
Jessica: Above normal EP; guarding the exit
Betty: Around normal EP; guarding Michelle and Serene.

Michelle: Unconscious.
Serene: Unconscious.
Brother: Unconscious.

Father: dead!
Old Man: ??? (up to you if you want him KO'd or dead. You rolled quite well in your attempt to "overpower" him.)

Other: No sign of anyone else about the farm.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal snapped the old man's neck and moved him outside near the body of the father. She covered them up with leaves and other detritus, though she wasn't planning on staying long. Xetal attempt to transform Michelle. "Alright, we are going to rest here tonight. Tomorrow, we'll feed them and then feed ourselves. They are going to be our food supply but we'll need to keep them fed too." She will find rooms that look secure, or at least don't have windows. She puts Betty and Serene in one and Jessica and Michelle in the other. "Your jobs are to watch them. If you make sure to keep them here and quiet, you'll get to feed on them first. I know it might be tempting to have a snack but they will be best when they are fed and rested.." Xetal attempts to find rope or something like it to tie up the captives, resorting to sheets if she has to. She makes sure the humans have something soft underneath them and leaves for the front of the house. She'll stay there and wait until the morning comes and their food is ready.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Unfortunately, the farmhouse was never meant to be a prison, and made considerable use of natural light to avoid the expense of lamps or candles.

After some consideration, Xetal sent Betty and Serene to the basement. It was a small storage room, cooler than the rest of the house. And while it did have a window, there was only one, and that high on the wall, and set in a well, below ground level. A small, flexible person could probably make it through, but not easily, and likely not without noise.

Jessica and the young man, meanwhile, were taken to the attic. This room was larger, running the full length of the house. But while it had two windows, neither was intended for opening. It would take a few minutes and a good deal of noise to break one open, which would leave the would-be escapee with a significant fall to the ground. There were two trap-doors out, each with a ladder, but it was simple enough to remove one ladder and pile boxes on top of that trapdoor, leaving only one way in and out here as well.

While moving boxes to that end, the slimes discovered a saddle, and a box of related gear. Including a riding crop, a pair of long ropes, and a few long strips of leather that might have been used for repairs on the saddles. It wasn't exactly high-quality bondage gear, but it would let her leave the girls alone for at least a few minutes, used right.

A glance at the sky outside suggested that it would be another hour or so before dawn, and likely not much longer until the farmgirls woke, left to their own devices. They'd had enough 'sleep' now that it wouldn't be useless to feed on them, but they also wouldn't be fully recovered, not yet.

With the other four inhabitants of the farmhouse settled, Xetal turned her attentions to the older sister. Her eyes flicked open in surprise as a thick phallus of slime pushed into her cunt, but only for a few thrusts before they rolled back as the girl's little recovered energy was pulled free. A slight change to the bit of herself already inside Michelle and the change started...

Xetal: 195/106 EP;
Jessica: Above normal EP; in the attic with the young man
Betty: Around normal EP; in the attic with Serene

Michelle: Being converted...

Brother: In the attic. Unconscious, starting to show signs of stirring.
Serene: In the basement. Unconscious, starting to show signs of stirring.

Other: No sign of anyone else about the farm.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal hummed quietly as she converted Michelle. Once it was finished, she would tell Michelle her name and tell her that in the morning breakfast would be served but for now she had to wait. She would give a lecture on the right ways to pleasure someone, though she encouraged creativity.

When morning came, Xetal would get some food for the two humans. Then she would lay out the situation. "Both of you are now my prisoners. I understand that you might not be happy with this but I don't really care. For now, I need you to stay healthy and keep fed. If you decide to try and escape or injure us, I'll punish the other. Maybe I'll just kill them or maybe I'll transform them and have them fuck you."

She paused to let this sink in. "For now, I want you two to stay healthy. Jessica, you need to cook up a meal for both of you. Ummm... hmmm... I don't know your name. What is it, boy?" Once she had his name, she would continue. "There are livestock here, correct? I'm going to go with you and you are going to butcher them. I'll leave Jessica here with the girls." She would then give "the girls" instructions to watch Jessica carefully and make sure she didn't get away. They would also watch her to see how non-slimes behaved. Hopefully it would make them a little more useful.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

This transformation, at least, went smoothly. When dawn came there were three young slimes, and while a lecture wasn't going to produce a world-class performance, at least Michelle likely wouldn't be quite the embarrassment the other two had been the first time they saw a human.

There was a reasonable amount of human food around. With the livestock added in and only two humans there likely wouldn't be problems for at least a week or two, even with a vigorous feeding schedule for the slimes.

The human girl was silent, cringing away from the slimes as best she could, nodding slightly at the end. When Xetal left her, arms unbound and out of the basement, but still naked and watched hungrily by all three young slimes, she had started gathering food for a small breakfast.

The boy - who had grudgingly admitted his name was Jake, only after the Queen's threat to transform his sister - lead Xetal out to the barn, where he reluctantly selected a stall containing a cow. There were more animals, but the one would rot long before two people could eat it. The young man picked up an axe, testing its blade with a finger, and walked up, laying a hand on the cow's neck. His eyes flickered towards Xetal, and he gripped the weapon more tightly.

Xetal: 195/106 EP;
Jessica: Above normal EP; in the kitchen with Serene
Betty: Around normal EP; in the kitchen with Serene
Michelle: Around half EP; in the kitchen with Serene

Jake: Butchering livestock.
Serene: In the basement with "the girls".

Other: No sign of anyone else about the farm.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal raised an eyebrow. "Really, an axe? Boy, you could cut my head off and it would only slow me down. So be realistic.." If he attempted to attack her anyway, Xetal would make it clear why doing so was a poor idea. Nothing that would hurt him. Just something to remind him Xetal was in charge. While Jake working on his chores, Xetal would speak to him, her hands crossed. "Alright, Jake, I know that people will be coming to your home. At least Betty's family is going to stop by to see where she is. You need to think of some way to get them to leave for the day or at least come back in the evening. If you chose to try something, we will disappear along with your sister and you'll be left alone. I have faith you'll think of something."

Xetal's plan was as follows: Get Jack and Serene fed, get the group ready to leave . Xetal will watch Jake and the girls will be responsible for Serene. After that, they'll have a quick snack, letting the hungriest go first (not completely draining Jake or Serene) and then set out. Xetal still needs to find the foundation for a kingdom, after all. Also, Xetal designates the outskirts of the town that Xetal and Jessica left as the place to meet if they somehow get scattered.

Xetal wants to get the group away from the farm as soon as possible. People are going to show up, they are going to find out something happened and that will be extremely dangerous. Xetal wants to get far away before that happens. Jake and Serene's hands and feet will not be bound tight but they will be fettered, making it difficult for them to try and run. They'll all be carrying supplies for the two, since they need the humans fed, watered, and rested to get any use out of them.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Oh, and before I get... Xetal gains 8 XP for converting two new slimes, killing two farmers, and taking two captives. You can spend this immediately, or bank it for later, but it can't be spent during tense situations.

The frustration on Jake's face was palpable, but after a long moment he turned, taking the axe into the stall with the cow. It took a few messy hours to turn the animal into a pile of meat, and another to add that meat to the stores. But at least for a few days there could be no worry about food.

Back in the house, the newly-convereted Michele eagerly took her former sister. She started off slowly, touching Serene's breasts, flowing around her hands as she tried to protect herself. Touching the girl's pussy was more rewarding, and after a whispered reminder she formed a cock. Soon enough screams of horror turned to screams of orgasm, and Xetal pulled the new slime off before Serene could go unconscious again.

Jake fared little better, fighting as best he could against three slimes at once as they shared his energy until a little burst of white made Betty go crosseyed trying to see what had spilled into her, and they had to back off to leave him able to walk.

Soon enough the group waited in a small grove of trees while Xetal looked down on the town. The bonds weren't as good as they could have been - not leaving both able to walk, and carry food, but a pair of gags and fetters on a pair of naked young adults watched by three inhuman captors would be enough. At least for a little while.

The town hadn't changed in the time since Xetal had last seen it. The same houses, the same small population. The only real difference was that while the last she had seen the slavers had been unpacking and unloading their wares, now they were all back on their wagons, just leaving the town and continuing down the road that left past the farm Xetal had raided.

Raiding the wagons would be difficult - especially after she'd revealed herself to them before - but potentially rewarding. More converts, or food, of course. But in her first foray into the wagons Xetal had also seen gear purpose built to securely hold humans who desperately wanted to escape. Even the wagons themselves... cages that could be moved around, and which women had tried futility to escape for years.

Xetal: 200/106 EP;
Jessica: Above normal EP;
Betty: Above normal EP;
Michelle: Around normal EP;

Jake: Fettered, gagged, naked, low EP.
Serene: Fettered, gagged, naked, low EP.

Other: No sign of anyone else about the farm.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal realized she was beginning to become stronger. She focused that power, pushing it in the direction she wanted it to go until she managed to fully form her new strength. She had gained power that involved using her mind on the world and the minds of others. This would be extremely useful in her bid for power.

When they got back to the town, Xetal had a small list of tasks. First off, though, she had to evaluate her three minions. She explained the situation to them (that they needed better equipment to hold and transport the humans/food) and asked what they would do. Unless one of them had a brilliant plan, she'd probably go with her own ideas. She just had no idea at the rate they would mature. From her birth, Xetal had had her ancestral memories to depend on but those three had only what Xetal had explained to them and what they had managed to pick up along the way.

Xetal's first chore was to secure proper equipment for Jake and Serene. She would sneak into town and use her new powers to secure gear without having to expose herself. It would drain her a little but that is what Jake and Serene were there for. Not that she would probably need them at the moment. If possible, Xetal would spy on the slavers, hoping to notice their techniques involved with using the items she stole. A wagon though... that was going to be more difficult. Xetal would spy on the slavers and the wagons entering and leaving the town, hoping to find a pattern. She was looking for a wagon that would be less guarded. It didn't matter if it was empty. The wagon and the animal that drove it were the important parts. Everything else was just gravy.

Oh goodie goodie goodie!
I've been waiting!
I'll spend 6 xp on getting the Natural Spirit Wielder, then get Psion.
I'll get Mind Cutter, Mind Worm, Telekinesis, and Telepathy.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Okay, you gain those abilities and bank 2 XP. It can be saved up for another talent later, or spent on your stats the next time you rest. You can't spend XP until you're firmly out of combat for an extended period.

Unfortunately, while the new slimes had developed beyond the pitiful state they'd had on creation, the best any of them could come up with as far as a plan went was "Ask them nicely?"

Sneaking closer to the town wasn't hard. Actually getting inside wouldn't be easy, but since the wagons would clearly be leaving by the only road, things were simple. Xetal spread out in a low ditch, and waited.

As before, there were two wagons, each pulled by two horses, and a total of six men. One man rode on the front of each wagon, guiding the horses. Two of the other men walked next to the driver of the front wagon, the other two behind the second wagon.

The front wagon held the two pitiful women Xetal had 'met' the other day. The second wagon only held one woman. She was blonde, and held just as securely as the other two, but her simple grey garment was mostly intact, and she didn't look nearly so unhappy.

As the final two men passed, she could just barely make out one of them talking. "Three isn't enough ... few farms along this road, then nothing for ... eyes open. If we want to make a profit ... farmgirls ..."

Xetal: 200/106 EP;

Jessica, Betty, Michelle: Left with Jake/Serene.

Jake, Serene: Left in partial bondage, guarded by the slimes.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal didn't sigh, didn't show any signs of irritation. She simply patted them on the head and said "Maybe I'll ask."

And now she was here. Funnily enough, she actually had asked one of the girls nicely. And she had agreed. The other one had said no but that didn't worry Xetal. She could be used as a food source if Xetal succeeded here. The third... Xetal didn't understand. Had she volunteered to be a slave? Trying to escape something? And her clothes weren't tatters. Did she take them off when she had a visit from the guards? Xetal could try and extract the information directly with her new powers but she had a feeling that if she tried the girl would be able to sense it and she didn't want to tip off anyone.

She was amused by the conversation of the slavers. They had the same ideas she had. Only thing was that she had gotten to a farm first. Hmmm... there would even be a benefit if these slavers were to be allowed to continue. Perhaps Xetal's actions would be blamed on them. That would be excellent. She would connection herself to her minions, letting her know she would be missing for quite a while. She made sure there were no problems before she continued with her plan. She was going to follow the slavers, waiting for them to enact their plan, if they were going to do what she thought they were going to do. That would leave less guards.

First, she slithered forward, hoping to hide under a wagon or even a big rock. She wanted to get a closer listen to the conversation.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Hiding under the wagon might not be impossible, but the guards all around and reasonably attentive it wouldn't be easy. A rock would take longer - there weren't any convenient rocks around at the moment - but it would be safer if she could arrange it.

With no pressing need to rush, Xetal pulled back into the trees and moved ahead until she found the right sort of rock. And so it was that two hours later the slime queen found herself hidden under a boulder that seemed to have been used to mark where a path led away from the road in each direction, presumably to more farms, with the slavers' wagons approaching.

Just past the boulder, they stopped. The two wagon drivers dismounted, and took care of the horses, then all six men stood together, only a few feet from Xetal's rock.

"You two will stay and guard the wagons. Some of the townfolk were a little too happy to see us go, and none of this has much point if we lose what we already have. You two check the path north. See if there's any houses, and if there are see if you can spot anyone appropriate. Me and him will do the same to the south. Take a net just in case, but unless they practically jump in, report back here in an hour so we can make an educated decision." The slaver indicated his fellows in turn as he spoke. Immediately they broke apart, the two drivers going to the front wagon and opening a chest under the seat. One tossed a net to the group's apparent leader, then went North with the other driver. The leader headed along the South path with one fellow, leaving the final two slavers with the wagon.

The pair sat next to each other in the grass beside the road, facing the wagons, on the opposite side of the road from the boulder. Unfortunately that put them out of earshot... but also the rear wagon between the only remaining guards and the boulder.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal grinned. Everything had happened like she had thought. She pondered the various approaches she could take now. She could jump them but two at the same time would be difficult. Maybe she could use her new powers to aid her. She concentrated on one of the guards and concentrated. She connected their minds and gave a thunderous command, seeking to force him to obey. "DON'T MOVE" Hopefully that would keep him from interfering. She would go after the other guard, slithering along the ground and approaching him from the back. She would grab him and incapacitate him. She would then use the gear for slaves to bind him, doing the same with the dominated guard once she finished. She approached the wagon with the strange slave and slid in. She looked at the slave and said "Speak quickly. Who are you, what are you doing here, and why don't you look like the other two? You clothes aren't damage and you don't look as worried as they do. Keep your voice down. If you try anything, the guards won't be here fast enough for me to make you suffer for disobeying.."
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Telepathy Dominate: 15+8 = 23 v 35 = 14+21 -> Xetal wins

Grapple (Xetal vs Guard2): 34+1 = 35 v 31 = 1+30 -> Xetal wins. Freaking both of you rolled ones.

During a quiet moment, once she was sure the others were well away, the queen forced her will onto the further of the two guards. She could practically feel it bend, buckle, and break all in a fraction of a second. It wasn't gone, but she had wrested control of his body from him. Working out how to use such a different body might have presented difficulties, but simply forcing him to remain still was a simple matter.

The other guard was a little more tricky, but only a little. Even taken by surprise, he struggled for a good thirty seconds before his strength finally proved insufficient to stop Xetal from reaching his neck, after which he quickly went still.

Carefully keeping out of the view of the first guard - every time he heard her moving about he struggled a little harder to regain control of his body - the slime moved to the front of the first wagon, where the other slavers had apparently drawn nets from. There were a few more nets, but more interestingly a veritable treasure trove of rope, leather, and metal. Collars, cuffs, halters, everything Xetal could have imagined and more. It was all sized to fit women, but two pairs of cuffs and some rope was enough to tie up and gag both men.

All in all, it was nearly fifteen minutes after the slavers had split up that the would-be queen started interrogating the woman in the forward wagon. Despite the difference in look between this woman and the two slaves in the rear wagon, she was held just as securely. The cage was firmly locked, and a short leash held an identical heavy collar to the side of the cage. Her hands were even bound behind her back. The only difference in gear was that she wasn't gags, as the other two slaves had been when Xetal first saw them.

She knelt as soon as she heard Xetal's voice, facing Xetal but looking at the floor just in front of her. "This one is Free Samples. She is a slave, here at the will of her Masters. The other two slaves are newly caught, only a month in their collars. This one has worn a collar her whole life." Free Samples spoke quietly, and while she sounded confused, she asked no questions.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Well... this was interesting. She might be very helpful. Xetal looked for the keys on the guards and began to undo the restraints. She continued to talk as she did so. "If you are so obedient, why are you locked up like the other slaves?" While she did this, she used one of her powers to make sure the slave would be more amenable to Xetal's wishes. She let the idea of friendship and even love gather in her hand, then waved it at Free Samples. She didn't have enough fine control to rewrite memories but hopefully this would be enough to win the slave's compliance.

Using Charm