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Down Time and Hospital Time


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Olga was lying in her hospital room, now getting heavily drugged to help dull the pain of her lost arm. The cleanly cut wound that was her shoulder was currently heavily wrapped up in bandage after bandage, mostly to keep a special paste on the wound. The special paste made to keep the wound from closing over, while keeping it clean, so that it would be easier to replace the lost limb in a short while.

So that probably left her in a rather poor state of mind when Viktor burst into the room again, looking to deal with the most heavily injured of the pilots.

Takehito on the other hand was still in (relatively) perfect shape as he lay in a bed on the other side of the room. The doctors insisting he stay in the hospital for the rest of the day to ensure there was no more serious injuries.

Charlotte was well and clear of her EVA by now, an army of maintenance crew going to work on the damaged leg of the EVA while she was pulled aside by Nikolai and brought to the hospital room that her fellow pilots were currently occupying.

Meanwhile 20km away a fourth EVA was being moved by a plane so large it would make even the biggest bombers look like mosquitos beside it. The entire thing kept under wrap by a giant tarp to avoid the eyes of the populace, though it was doubtful they could even see the plane flying so high in the cloudy sky. Inside the plane were a whole team of people, armed soldiers mostly, but the only two that were really of any importance were an older lady who was tapping away at a PDA, one Doctor Lucienne Cavey, a French scientist who was one of the major researchers in the EVA project, assigned to Minsk after the resounding success of the last battle proved that they could keep the base below the city safe. The other was Lynn Marshal, the pilot of the EVA currently riding in the back of the aircraft. The rather tall girl of Irish decent left to entertain herself by her own devices for the duration of the flight, which was now coming to a rapid end as the plane descended toward the very large airstrip held inside the fortress cities walls.

(A.k.a. our first non-combat thread. I'll advance the time along when I feel its necessary, and I'll move us on to the next angel fight when I decide to. So go nuts, have conversations, and if you do well you get XP awards!
GM Note: Olga is in the hospital for a month before she is fully good to go again
Takehito is a viable candidate for Therapy
Everyone else is good)
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Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

As Viktor burst into the room, Olga would immediately try to sit herself up, only feel to a racking pain lance through her body, clutching her arm tight and winching terribly, and doubling over in pain. If anyone looked closely, they would see her cough up a small bit of blood before promptly lying back down, "K-K-Kapitan...." She said out weakly before gazing down to the floor. She would stare at the floor for a few moments before hesitantly and uncertainly looking back up to the OD, "....H-how long do they believe it to be before I am 'fit' to be back in Unit 02? I.... do not like being here... I prefer to be in my quarters or Eva." She said sullenly. Being created solely to battle the Angels, Olga felt..... out of place, disconnected; in any place but her quarters or her entry plug.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

She wasn't sure why, but Lynn could never stand planes. The whole trip from her original base was agonizing on the young woman and all she could really do at this point was pace the length of the plane in an effort to burn off her energy. She was finally able to get into some real action! Real combat! No more damn simulators and no more lectures about weapons handling and the like! Her training was over and it was time for her to finally prove herself. But if the rumors were true, the current set of pilots just polished of the first big bad, denying her her first taste of real combat...for now. She just continued to pace, gripping a small necklace in her hand as she did. She would also occasionally scratch the back of her ear in a quick, frantic fashion. Enough time would pass and she'd finally calm down, sitting next to the scientist that had been put on the plane with her. She needed a distraction. Something. Anything. "So Doc, anything you can tell me about this place? Bout the people? My boss? My team mates? Anything? I just can't sit still anymore! I gotta get down there!"
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Takehito, laying mostly undisturbed as the doctors went to work with Olga, muttered things to himself in a low voice. Occasionally, he shuddered, as if remembering some horrific thought. Staring blankly at the ceiling, he made no response to Viktor's entry, quite content to stay in his little trance.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Doctor Cavey looked up from her PDA, giving the the pilot an exasperated look before she said "Minsk, located in the Russian Union, is one of the largest 'Fortress Cities' that the country has produced. Picked for NERV use because of the significant base infrastructure below the city and because the Russian Union was willing to pay for it. Your boss will likely be Operations Director Viktor Sokolov, known for being excessively accommodating and friendly with everyone he meets. As I have not met your future team mates its unlikely I've got any more information on them then you do, though I can tell you they don't pilot EVAs like your own."

With that she looked back down at her PDA, but added (with a well hidden smirk) "We will soon be landing, if you need to distract yourself in that time then why don't you get one of the guards to play fetch with you or something."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

The captain looked to the side, trying his best to swallow the reality of the situation before addressing the mangled pilot. “It’ll be a month before you are fit to fight again.” Viktor said with his head down in a gesture of solemnity. “Sorry… if I hadn’t hesitated and given you the order to eject before…” The man walked toward the wounded pilot, his eyes never actually looking at the missing limb on the girl, and instead focusing on her eyes.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Doctor Cavey looked up from her PDA, giving the the pilot an exasperated look before she said "Minsk, located in the Russian Union, is one of the largest 'Fortress Cities' that the country has produced. Picked for NERV use because of the significant base infrastructure below the city and because the Russian Union was willing to pay for it. Your boss will likely be Operations Director Viktor Sokolov, known for being excessively accommodating and friendly with everyone he meets. As I have not met your future team mates its unlikely I've got any more information on them then you do, though I can tell you they don't pilot EVAs like your own."

With that she looked back down at her PDA, but added (with a well hidden smirk) "We will soon be landing, if you need to distract yourself in that time then why don't you get one of the guards to play fetch with you or something."

Lynn let out a sigh as she listened to the doctor drone on and on about a few of her questions, going into literally the most boring possible details that anyone could. For someone like Lynn, this was hardly enough to keep her interested. It did get the information across, but it almost put the poor girl to sleep. So her boss was going to be Viktor Sokolov? And he was accommodating? Well from the sounds of it, she might have a really easy time with her new pack. However, she neglected to say anything about her fellow team mates, leaving Lynn a little disappointed. Well, she'd find out soon enough.

However, the doctor seemed to close her mouth after all that information, but added an additional quip. Fetch? The young pilot let out a low growl in the womans general direction before hoping out of her seat and making one final comment. "I'm not an animal damn it." With a little bit of anger still hanging in the air, she opened her hand to reveal her token, revealing it to be a combination of dog tags from one parent and a locket belonging to the other. Her only memories of her parents and her only connection to home. Heaven help anyone who tries and touches it. She pocket the item and removed a book from her back, reading in an effort to pass the time.
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Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"Wolfpac would suggest otherwise girl," The scientist said without looking up from her PDA, "I mean just look at the other pilots. All of them synched up perfectly with the humanoid EVAs and your probably the only one of them that could get 14 moving at all." Then she stopped for a bit and tapped her chin in thought "You know I wonder if you could even synch up to a humanoid one these days. Note to self, see if I can't get you in for a synch test on one of the other EVAs before we get to far."

Now Doctor Cavey was talking to herself more then anything, "Maybe EVA 02, Pilot Olga's synch ratio is the closest naturally to you despite being made for her EVA, or maybe EVA Type 1, though you might have more difficulty running it then Charlotte, I mean you weren't trained with it in mind. While EVA 03M would likely just blow out your own mind due to its overclocking. As it is I'm amazed that Takehiko kid hasn't managed to melt his brain yet in that thing."

*All passengers prepare for landing*

Then she looked up and said, "Well looks like we've finally got here. You might want to get into 14 now, they are going to need to move it atleast away from the plane if not to the elevator," Then smirking again she added "I know it might be against your nature but try not to use the hydraulic lines to mark your territory ok?
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"Wolfpac would suggest otherwise girl," The scientist said without looking up from her PDA, "I mean just look at the other pilots. All of them synched up perfectly with the humanoid EVAs and your probably the only one of them that could get 14 moving at all." Then she stopped for a bit and tapped her chin in thought "You know I wonder if you could even synch up to a humanoid one these days. Note to self, see if I can't get you in for a synch test on one of the other EVAs before we get to far."

Now Doctor Cavey was talking to herself more then anything, "Maybe EVA 02, Pilot Olga's synch ratio is the closest naturally to you despite being made for her EVA, or maybe EVA Type 1, though you might have more difficulty running it then Charlotte, I mean you weren't trained with it in mind. While EVA 03M would likely just blow out your own mind due to its overclocking. As it is I'm amazed that Takehiko kid hasn't managed to melt his brain yet in that thing."

*All passengers prepare for landing*

Then she looked up and said, "Well looks like we've finally got here. You might want to get into 14 now, they are going to need to move it atleast away from the plane if not to the elevator," Then smirking again she added "I know it be against your nature but try not to use the hydraulic lines to mark your territory ok?

Much as she hated to admit it, the woman was right. Wolfpac moved for no other person but her and she was damn proud of herself when she found out she'd be piloting that beast. How appropriate that someone like her to be piloting the only wolf based Eva in the entire group? It's almost like fate. If you believed in that sorta thing. But that wasn't the last she'd hear on the subject, as the good doctor began to compare her to the other pilots and her chance of piloting their unit. Again, the last thing she needed to hear was how she compared with her team. She'd prove herself when the fighting started. No numbers or charts would tell you that.

But a voice came over to the coms, telling them that they were going to be landing soon. The doctor adding in that she should make her way to 14 in order to move it properly. A simple enough task and one she would have done without question had the scientist not added that last bit. "Would you shut up?! For gods sakes, I'm still human and last I checked, humans didn't do that. Just leave me alone! In a huff, she stormed off to the part of the plane where her eva was being stored and began making preparations.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Charlotte came in late, just as Viktor was making his apology to her broken sister. She scoffed, quietly, thinking no one else could hear it.

"She stayed until the enemy was neutralized. Was I to fight it by myself? If she ejected and I'd been cut like 03M had been, there wouldn't have been anything to stop that thing from killing us all. She did her duty and was wounded for it, and now NERV will do it's duty to her and fix it. Why aren't they doing that, for that matter? Surely ICU was prepped for us - are the soft little doctors too busy having their after-nap coffee?"

Looking at Olga's pained expression, she looked around the room for the attending nurse or someone.

"She needs more painkillers."

Man, how could she have just been assigned to to our success if she's already on a plane nearby almost touching down? :I
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"Charlotte..... I am fine... I was created for the sole purpose of piloting the evangelions and defeating the Angels... I am more concerned for the... psychological damage, that pilot Takahito may have suffered... If he is suffering from some sort of trauma and declared unfit to pilot, we will be short one more pilot; and therefore less capable when the next Angel arrives. I sometimes wonder if civilians should be allowed to pilot the Evas, regardless of synch ratio... They are not prepared for such stress." Olga said flatly as she looked both to her sister and the OD. Her words were not meant to belittle Takahito, but merely speaking things she had been thinking since her creation...
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“The doctors will see to it, for you have to worry about yourself, all of you are invaluable to this endeavor.” Viktor said, not really minding Charlotte’s comments, and instead more than just relieved to see the girls concerned about each other. He took a step forward setting a hand on Charlotte’s shoulder and on Olga’s stomach.

“Girls, you should both drop that kind of thinking. Maybe you were created to fight, but the both of you are alive, you should cherish that… But I’m talking too much… For now I can only repeat, all of you did a splendid job. You should be proud.” He said, giving them a friendly pat on the shoulder (and in Olga’s case, a quick little tummy rub).
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Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

".......... Th-thank you...... Sir....." Olga replied a slight pink hue appearing on her cheeks at the OD's compliment, growing stronger when he rubbed her stomach lightly, uncertain of how she should feel towards the action. If it had been another person or not a superior officer; and she was not in such sad shape; she likely would have removed his hand normally. But as it was she simply laid there and accepted the show of affection as she mulled on Viktor's words....
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Having had said what he wanted to say, Viktor looked at his clock, annoyingly as he was, he was running against the clock here and there was very little he could do about it. “Charlotte, I can trust you’ll keep Olga company.” Viktor said absentmindedly as he pocketed his hand to look for something.

“Here, if you need anything, just ask for this person, and he will bring anything you need.” Viktor said, handing leaving a small note with an specific name on it. Folgson Nikolai.

“I hope you don’t mind the team getting bigger, we might be receiving an addition to our ranks today.” Viktor said, walking out of the room in something of a hurry, leaving the girls without an answer as to what he meant. "Oh, yeah." Viktor said, peeking over the edge of the door for a second. "Try to get some rest, all of you earned it."
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Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

(Big bloc post incoming)

Lynn, now devoid of clothes other then a grey and dull purple plug suit, and a pair of A-10 clips which looked more like wolf ears then the usual bulb like ones other pilots used, stood infront of the the only part of the EVA not currently covered in tarp. The plug open and ready for the pilot to enter, though it was currently devoid of LCL.

If Lynn had been hoping to get away from Doctor Cavey her hopes were promptly dashed when a video chat window opened up infront of her left eye, the scientist with her odd dyed pink hair appearing in the window.

"Ok Pilot, this is going to be the first time these Russian jokers are going to be seeing my Wolfpac, so make sure you synch up properly and avoid fucking up on something this basic, or I'll make sure you have to wear 'The Outfit' for the rest of our stay here."

While Lynn didn't so much mind the color of the plug outfit (Grey was a favorite color for her), the one thing that annoyed her about it were the A-10 clips that were shaped like wolf ears. As if she didn't stand out enough with Wolfpac, she had to wear these silly looking things on top of it, much to Doctor Cavey's insistence. Her contemplating over, the plug was open and waiting for her to enter.

However, her peace and quiet was broken by the appearance of the good doctor in the video chat. The woman's hair always did freak her out. Just who wore their hair in that color? Of course, she never had the courage to say anything, cause she would punish her by wearing...that outfit.

She kept herself silent as the doctor began to lecture her on the very basic objective given before her. Maybe it was her training kicking in, but Lynn had no hostility in her voice as she responded. "Yes Ma'am. I won't mess this up. I know how important this is to you. Preparing synch now." Taking a deep breath, she knew it was time to at least score some points with Cavey. She climbed in and made her final preparation.

"Good, initializing LCL injection," The doctor said as the plug twisted into position on the back of 14s neck. As soon as it had locked into position a number of vents opened up on the sides of the plug and the yellowish LCL flooded in.

"Make sure your comfortable in there, you might just be stuck in that pod for a while after we land, I want to check some of your synch scores, ontop of that for all we know their elevator moves at the pace of a snail. I'll keep you shut down when you aren't moving just so we avoid any incidents this early on," The pink haired women said, before muttering to herself just loud enough for the call to pick up "Don't need this OD to learn about the side effects after all, might just mothball Wolfpac immediatly."

An extended stay in Wolfpac wasn't a very pleasurable experience, the odd shape of the EVA meaning that the pilot seat wasn't so much a seat as it was a bench that the pilot layed down face first on. Where the pilots legs were linked into a rail system and their hands on some butterfly controls set up on similarially. The view screens were even off and instead of displaying on the front of the pod they were instead displayed along the bottom, which worked well enough thanks to how the entire system was set up but it would be rather disorienting for anyone unusued to the system.

With a bump the plane landed on the runway and began its rapid deceleration.

"Setting plug depth to .08, be ready for synchronization. Synchronization in 3...2...1"

As with all the EVAs the ground would seem to fall out below the pilot when synchronization first activated, and like always the pilot would feel a slight pressure on their mind, a slight intrusion from the EVA. The entity connecting with Lynn feeling less like the humanoid mind that the normal EVAs did, and instead feeling like just a beast. Then the feeling went away and the screens lit up fully, leaving Lynn with a view of the tarp that was still surrounding her EVA.

"All vital signs are good, ready to show these Russians what a real EVA looks like Wolf-chan?" The pink haired doctor said from a larger window on the EVAs view screens, before muttering "If only we had gotten here a few hours earlier we could have shown them by curb stomping that Angel."

All she could do at this point was remain calm. All her training, all the practice, everything had preparaed her for this. Even though it was a mere demonstration of Wolfpac's abilities, she would till need to be at the top of her game in order to show the Russians just what they were getting. Impress them right out the gate.

Once again, her training took over and she got herself in position, heeding each and every word of the doctor. "Understood ma'am. I'll await your orders." However, she could only raise a curious eyebrow at that passing comment she made. Side effects? Well, didn't all these things have some sort of effect on the pilots? So how could hers be any different, save for the obvious facts.

Of all the things she didn't like about Wolfpac, it was the pilot seat. Damn thing was so uncomfortable and the unit was hardly accomidating to begin with. Even the viewscreens were hard to get used to and to the untrained pilot, they were hard to get used to. But for Lynn, it was like nothing. She was ready and raring to go. No questions asked.

She felt the bump of the plane. More words crossed her ears as the final countdown began. Lynn closed her eyes in preparation, opening them at one and just in time for synchronization. Unlike the other EVA, Lynn would not feel the typical intrustion the normal pilots did, but rather that of a beast. Something more primal. A low growl could be heard escaping Lynn's lips as the feeling went away, and the screens finally lit up, her gaze meeting the tarp around her.

Te doctor came over the coms again, confirming that the process was compled. "Ready as I'll ever be Ma'am. Russia is in for quite a wake up call. Tme to show them how we do things in the west. And don't worry. We'll teach them how to fight when the time comes. What are your orders?"

"Thats the spirit Wolf-chan. EVA will be disengaged shortly, ground teams will be waiting outside to lead you to the elevator, but thats rather boring," a small beep and a map appeared near the bubblegum haired scientists window, a single path leading along it, "So how about we give them a proper show, here is the fastest route to the elevator. Just go at a full cruising speed, no need to break out into a sprint for this one."

Then a genuine (if rather sinister) smile came to the scientists face, "Try not to damage any buildings when you leap over them, and don't worry about dealing with Viktor or the Base Commander, I'll take the heat for this one." Then she looked off screen for a moment and tapped at buttons only she could see, the tarp drawing back away from the EVA before she continued, "Disengaging in 3...2...1"

With that the quadruped EVA dropped the remaining distance to the ground with a rather loud thud, causing the ground to shake. A number of ground crew were a fair distance down the runway waving some glow rods in a direction that wasn't highlighted on the map Carvey had left, the pink haired doctor now sporting a one million megawatt smile (that was still no less sinister) as she said "And let the race begin!"

Seems there were at least a few things she and the doctor could agree on. A simple walk would hardly be an appropriate demonstration of Wolfpac's abilities. A real chance for her to show off to the big wigs and the grunts. She obsserved the map next to the woman on screen, making mental notes and memorizing the layout. "Understood ma'am. A little razzle dazzle never hurt anyone. Full cruising speed confirmed"

The smile that followed from the doctors lips was rather...unnerving, but enough to keep her focused. "I'll try not to, Ma'am. Last thing I want is to tick these Russians off. I know they're one to hold a grudge." She would quiet herself as the doctor tapped a few buttons that resulted in the tarp being removed and the disengage count down being activated. It was time. At long last it was time.

Lynn braced herself for the drop and clenched her eyes during the short decent. Upon landing, her eyes shot open, as she saw the men holding the glow rods in the distance. Her gaze met the doctors on the screen, the doctor now smiling like she had never seen before.It was strange. For the first time since she knew the woman, their thoughts were one. "Yes, Ma'am. It's time to hunt!" With little hesitation or fear, she took off, ignoring the boring path laid out before her and following the doctors instructions.

The flattop below the EVA buckled as it leapt out from the shadow of the EVA Carrier, revealing the purple quadruped which somehow had grey fur running along much of it, including its tail. Taking off with a speed that left the crew on the airstrip stunned Wolfpac cleared the entire airfield in only a pair of strides before leaping over a few blocks of short buildings. Tearing up more roads both where it landed and where it jumped off from moments later, carrying it over a larger building, a column of tanks sitting still in the street as their crews watched the EVA leap by. Its final leap carried it over a five story building, skimming a single brick off the top of the building before it landed on the elevator to the EVA hangers, coming to a stop with a loud screeching skid. Surprisingly, other than the damaged roadways and the brick, there was no damage from the EVAs sprint, including no one injured.

That was mostly thanks to the fact that all the civilians were still sitting in their refugee shelters, though Doctor Cavey’s route also avoided all the military units still running through the city, somehow. Back at the airplane that very same doctor was walking along the tarmac with that same smile on her face as she looked at the ground torn up by the EVA, and at the stunned looks on most of the personnel in the area. It seemed the Operations Director wasn’t here though, most likely going off to harass her pilot instead. Getting onto a road car she headed off.

Meanwhile the elevator grinded to a halt, before a number of conveyor belts started to move P-EVA 14 to its hanger bay, Lynn having to get out before the final steps were done due to the odd placement of her pod and how the hanger wasn't built for a quadruped EVA, forcing it to stand up on its hind legs. Which left her, still in her plug suit, standing on the catwalks around the EVA hanger.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

(OOC: And just because, another bloc of words. Joint work between Aust and me, after this, normal posting should return.)

The rush. The sheer unstoppable feeling of what she just experienced couldn't be matched by anything else. Bounding through the streets and leaping over buildings was something else. Something those damn bipeds couldn't match. Deep down, a part of her loved the rush. It tapped into something primal. Something she couldn't quite explain.

The odd positioning of her unit made things rather difficult for her, forcing her to climb out of it before the final steps were completed. She was left to wander the catwalks, only casting a glance at her Eva. "You and me are going a long way. This is just the beginning." She brushed a few trands of loose hair as she sought out whoever she was suppose to meet to get a debriefing.

"You won't be going anywhere for the time being, though." Behind her came the voice of an older man, as Viktor walked on the catwalk with a very disapproving look on his face. He heaved a sigh, not sure what to think of what he had just seen... The display had been something to behold, that's true, but what compelled this idiot to endanger military and civilian infrastructure and equipment?

"This little stunt of yours could have put many people in danger if they hadn't been on the bunkers at the time. Having a giant creature loose through the cities is something we're trying to avoid, not encourage."

Lynn cast a glare at the dissapproving old man, not surprised that he would find something wrong with what she did. Damn Russians had a stick permanently embedded in their behind. "With all due respect, sir, I would not have done that unless I knew it was safe, and it was. But the doctor wanted to put on a better demonstration then the one given to her. As the pilot, I was obliged to follow her orders. Wolfpac is her's afterall. All I can do is get it to it's new home. If you're going to chain me because of that, then you're making a mistake."

"There are mistakes, and then there's stupidity in the guise of knowledge. The city was just under attack not two hours ago, with people on the edge, the worst thing you could do was that. I had to order the units around city to stand down several times, otherwise they would have attacked your unit." The man growled back, clearly trying to contain his emotions for a much less explosive and more controlled delivery.

"Don't ever address me lightly again. I will have you understand I'm not going to put up with your stupidity disguised as eagerness. Whatever you think of yourself or that 'doctor' is not of my interest in the slightest. You ARE lucky there were no civilians on the streets, you are lucky I managed to get a hold of the troops out there before they opened fire on you. Don't push your luck again."

"So instead of appreciating the fact I was willing to show just what my unit is capable of, you scold me like a petulant child? It's not my fault your men are jumpy!" The Neo felt she had a good grasp of the situation. Real soldiers were never jittery or shoot the first thing that seemed dangerous. If that was the case, half the city would be full of holes.

"And don't call me stupid! One thing I can't stand is being called that! I didn't spend all of my life learning how to pilot this thing to be called an idiot! I made the decision on my own and I felt it was safe enough. Only time I don't follow orders are when they're stupid ones." She turned her back to the man, knowing she wouldn't reach any middle ground with him. Under her breath, she muttered. "Not like your current crop did any better keeping the city safe. Maybe the army would be less paranoid if they did a better job." She took a few steps, looking to leave this man’s company. Less time she speant with him, the better.

Viktor let out a long, tired sigh, his teeth clenched the hardest they'd ever been, this woman was nothing but a prideful sack of shit if he had ever seen one. "I only call the truth when I see it. You, however, better shut your mouth now before I punch your cute little lips blood red. Your fellow comrades stopped the angel's attack and protected the city from damage at a dire cost already. You are an idiot if you believe I'm going to let you just waltz in believing yourself our savior after what you had just said and done."

The man could only look at the woman with unadultered fury already. This was what he had to deal with? Heaven forbid. Expecting a nice and exemplary addition to their battered forces, and he instead got a bitch so full of herself...

"I am Viktor Sokolov, Operations Director of this base, and your direct superior during combat." He spat out the greeting he had planned to give to the new pilot from the beginning, if with a much different intonation than the rage filled growling he delivered instead.

"Your actions bring harm to my pilots or this city? I'll have your head."

"Forgive me when I say I don't agree with you, sir." She said flatly, tired of being spoken down to. "I never saw myself as a savior. I just was suggesting they be better prepared next time. And I'd like to help with that." She turned back towards the man and gave him the approprate salute he deserved.

"Lynn Marshall. Proud daughter of Mother Eire and pilot of Provisional Eva 014 Wolfpac. I'm sorry if I angered you, but I calls them as I see them too. The program has that effect on you. But I swear on my honor that your city and your pilots will be safe in my hands. That's why I'm here."

Viktor could only grind his teeth. Figuring already he would be in for a hard time just dealing with this woman, what the hell did he do to receive this kind of punishment? "For your own good, I expect that not to be a lie." He said, clearly not impressed in the slightest nor buying into the girl's words at all either.

"You will come with me now, however. As I was to meet with both you and your handler here if things had gone as scheduled."

"It won't be sir. I only wished I could have been deployed earlier and could have helped you clean up the first target. Could have minimized the damage to the city. But what's done is done. I'm here now, and I hope I can help. I don't know where the Doctor is, but I'm sure she'll find you before you find her. It's just how she is."

Lynn knew she was in hot water and that her words hardly helped, but she only spoke what she felt was right.

“I politely ask you refrain from speaking anymore, at least for the time being.” Replied Viktor as the platform came to a stop, finally letting them abandon the catwalk they had been standing on for a while now. He walked ahead, looking more than just seriously displeased. If she tried to say anything, he would ignore it from here on out, instead turning to the staff, talking to them in the local language, seemingly ordering them to do ‘something’, most likely regarding the new arrival on the hangar.

"Y...Yes Sir. Sorry...sir." Maybe she was a little too rash in her words. Maybe the rush hadn't worn down and she was still in hunt mode as a result. Maybe she was too quick to call the OD out. Whatever the reason, her fire had been dampened by the man’s words, which had sunk in and hard. She kept her gaze locked at the ground. Not a great way to start her career
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

(You know that thing about that being the last of the block posts, well it was a lie, here is the last one)

“Could you please stop damaging my pilot’s synch ratio, even if it is only temporary,” A voice came out of nowhere, or well it came from Lynn’s plug suit. Which was followed momentarily by a video screen popping up a few millimetres infront of her face. Doctor Cavey appeared on both sides of the screen with a look of displeasure on her face.

"I take it you are this pilot's handler?" Viktor said, not really surprised at the woman on the virtual screen, nor affected by her mug in the slightest. "I am not impressed by that display, nor do I condone recklessness on my watch"

"D...Doctor Cavey!" Lynn's eyes brightened at the prospect of the doctor coming to her aid. She was still dejected from the previous conversation, the rush from before long dead. Maybe she'd be able to help him see reason, or at least understand why they did what they did. She was praying for that much.

“Yes I’m Doctor Cavey and I’m the maker and handler of Wolfpac,” the pink haired doctor said with a small nod, “And what recklessness? I had it all planned out, no one was going to be out of the civilian shelters yet and Wolfpac only landing on streets where the military had no chance in hell of being on. Your EVAs probably caused more damage already!” Then her mood got less annoyed and she said “Anyways I’ll pay for the road work with one of my older grant funds, the information I managed to get from that test more than counts as an experiment.”

"My name is Viktor Sokolov, local operations director. I don't care what you think you know, this stunt put the city I protect at risk, and no one is going to use it for field testing. You overstepped your boundaries believing you were in the clear just because we requested you and your pilot's presence." The man said, no sign of the anger he held receding one small bit. If this bitch thought she could do as he pleased, the she was in for a rough awakening.

"I more than expect that to be the case, doctor. These and any damage this place incurs because of your antics will be coming out of your pocket."

Now more than ever, Lynn was scared. She learned firsthand that Viktor seemed to be a very passionate man. He loved this city and would do anything to keep it safe. And he had a tempter to match. but the doctor was no weak willed woman either. Having spent time with her prior to moving to Minsk, Lynn knew that Cavey was equally devoted to her work. Wolfpac was her pride and joy and to be denied the chance to use it would have angered her greatly.

Now to see these two clash in a war of words would be something to see. By the end of this, someone was still going to be mad at her.

“Actually I think I was perfectly within my boundaries,” Cavey said with her smile coming back, “Cause when we aren’t in an active fight with an Angel I fall above you on the organization chart!” Her smile getting even more vicious, “So if you have any complaints about what I do the only three people you can go to are Base Commander, the Sub-Commander, or myself!”

Then she got serious again and continued, “And we will be using the city for our testing, both with Wolfpac and on the Humanoid EVAs. There is only so much we can do in the simulators and since I think most of our fighting will be done in the city itself the pilots and EVAs need to actually know what they are doing in it. I’ve already collected more information in that short sprint then I could have in dozens of simulator test and I plan to run a few more as soon as I’ve analyzed the rest of the pilots on the base to compare data.”

"No, you will not. Not within this city. You nerves coming here believing we will just bow down to your orders as thought you own the place." He growled back, he would be dead before letting a woman like her loose within his city. "You better watch where you stand, doctor. This is not Ireland anymore, whatever you think you are entitled to, it was left on that place. You will respect this place, or I will personally make your life hell."

With that, he turned around, marking the end of the discussion on his end.
"S...sir, I must insist that you listen to Doctor Cavey. She wouldn't do anything unless she was absolutely certain it was safe. Plus...wouldn't it be better to learn the layout of the city anyway? I can only learn so much by maps and scans of the city. Actually moving through it will help me learn the layout better and help me prevent tripping over something and causing more damage down the road. In essence, I was taking preventative measures."

She tried to make her stance, knowing she'd gain little ground. But she at least had to try. "If I may say so, you may be letting your emotions get the better of you, sir. And that's hardly how someone in your position should act." She took a deep breath, knowing full well she'd get chewed out for this.

"At this point in time, I believe I told you to stay silent, pilot. I will not have any unauthorized movement within the place, move out of place again and no matter what kind of immunity you think you have, I'll have your heads.”

“I don’t see why you’re being so hostile to my pilot and myself, she was following orders from one of the heads of the base which I don’t know about you but I would expect such orders to be followed,” The doctor said, serious again, “No one was hurt and the damage was minimal.”

Then she tilted her head and said “And though I am certain you’ve been informed already, Lynn is supposed to be staying with you during our stay here. I would prefer it if she didn’t come to synch tests and combat in a bad mental state so I hope for both your and my pilots sake that your attitude improves.”

Viktor didn't seem to even register what the doctor said to him, instead looking with silent anger at the freak attaction that seemed to be the prototype, which drew the attention of all the techniciansin the area. He yelled a couple of things down at the crew, and continued walking on ahead. "You stick to the norms of this place and there will be no more problems." That's all Viktor reduced say before continuing ahead.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Her efforts fallen on deaf ears and the Cavey not being able to reach the man, Lynn was in more hot water now then when she arrived. Good lord could this day get any worse? Worst of all, the man was not going to be hearing anything else from the pilot. At least in regards to the incident. Maybe if she changed the subject, she'd be able to calm him down. W...Well, sir...I guess I might as well get settled in. Would you be able to show me where I'm staying? Since it seems like I'll be...staying with you, I figure you would know where we would need to go."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Viktor looked at the frightened teenager, sighing with some exasperation to his voice. “Alright, I take it you don’t mind going to my house looking like that.” He replied, motioning with his hand at the tight skin suit Lynn was still wearing. “There’s a shower here, if you want to clean up first, if not the apartment has one.”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Lynn's perked up at the prospect, hearing that she'd at least get the chance to clean herself up. But her outfit options were limited. Well, she could at least try. "I guess I could give it a go. But I'm not sure where my bags are and I have nothing to change into. If you could find them, I'd be grateful. Just lead the way and I'll take care of the rest." She almost couldn't believe what she saying, but she had to say something. "And again, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused."