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E Building


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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In an attempt to continue the theme set by A buliding, the E building looks like a long, three story Edwardian manor however is nowhere near as grand. The inside is remarkably different and has its floors covered in some type of speckled crimson carpet that has a little give each time yo ustep. Its walls are a strange wood panelling that you aren't sure is real or imitation wood. The furnishings are modest with several large potted plants and a few wooden benches for people to sit on.

The bottom level of this building has been dedicated to physical education and has a modest gym as well as storage rooms for equipment. Also the nurse's office is here.
Re: E Building

After the A Building comes the E Building. Stopping just a few yards from it Art addresses the new students.

"This is the E Building, most notably used for Physical Education classes. You'll also find the nurse's office here just in case you get yourself hurt somehow."
Re: E Building

While Sho's been chatting about the various teachers, she's also been guiding the two of them to the building that housed the gymnasium. It doesn't look overly crowded, but then, they're just on the outside at the moment.

"Let's head in. We'll see if there's any choice seats still left or if they've all been claimed already. I prefer an aisle, if we can swing it." She grins.
Re: E Building

Trixie soon takes a spot in the back, watching intently at the stage.
Re: E Building

"Yeah, aisle sounds good, I hate benches." Autumn agreed readily. Nevermind the fact they were uncomfortable, but everyone sitting on the same bench as her would be able to feel the lean from her weight, definitely a bad situation. "So, do you like to read?" She asks, trying to keep the conversation moving.
Re: E Building

The two of them get situated and since the talk hadn't started yet, she's more than happy to keep up their own. "I do. It's funny. I hate reading assignments in class but if I feel like reading my textbook, I've got no problem doing it." She shakes her head. "Of course, I like reading for pleasure a lot more, mostly because you can do it outside just as easily as in. I like my fresh air." She chuckles.
Re: E Building

Autumn nods and smiles broadly. "Definitely. I can curl up under a tree with a good book so song the insects start thinking I'm part of the scenery. I'm a bit behind on the newer novels, but I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy. Do you recognize K.A. Applegate?" She asks,
Re: E Building

"I hear that. Part of the reason I keep a flashlight in my pockets. So I can read even after dark." She shakes her head chuckling. "The only thing popping into my head is Christina Applegate at that name," she chuckles. "Though...sounds familiar. The...Weather Wardens?"
Re: E Building

Autumn shook her head a little. "Nope, though that's pretty good as well. The one I'm thinking of is the author of the Animorphs series. They're meant for a bit younger of an audience, but I read them all then and I still go back to them every so often. Have you ever read them?"
Re: E Building

"Those. I remember those. Can't say as I did. Never really got into them, I'm afraid. I think I checked them out once, a long time ago but for some reason, I never got into them. Probably because they came out after I was done reading stuff for that age. Though I am finding I'm going back to it now and again." She chuckles. "Funny how that happens."
Re: E Building

"Mm-hmm." Autumn agrees. "I like the characters in it. They're kinda thin compared to most of the more mature stuff, but I really felt connected to them. So what kind of stuff do you read?"
Re: E Building

Kyo peeks in and notices only a few students have made their way inside for the speech so far. Letting out an annoyed sigh at the fact that he was about to have to sit still for way too long, Kyo walks over to a corner in the back, and almost immediately is lost from sight; only someone within arms-length would be able to actually see him. Not because Kyo had any special disappearing techniques or what not, but simply because Kyo was good at not being found unless he wanted to be; years of avoiding the 'bullies' and such at previous schools was all the practice he needed.
Re: E Building

"Nothing wrong with thin now and again. Sometimes an easy read can be just as good as something indepth." She pauses, considering the question. "It varies, depending on my mood. I like sci-fi with a smattering of fantasy. And biographies. And suvival stories. Isn't that an odd mix?" She chuckles.
Re: E Building

Autumn chuckled a little. "The biographies seem a little out of place, but the rest fits together alright. Which side of the Aasimov fence are you on?" She asked. She was smiling quite widely now, it would seem Sho has a new friend.
Re: E Building

Stella groggily makes her way into the E building, looking around for a seat while checking herself over a few more times to ensure that there would be nothing to give away her true nature.

She felt tired, and a little hungry. She hoped that the assembly would end quickly before she suddenly realized something. It was going to be pretty damned hard to hide certain "features" in the school uniform.. she was going to have to ask someone high up about that later maybe they would have something that she could use..
Re: E Building

Corax had managed to make it to the gym on time, and wading through the crowds of people he managed to push past to a seat at the back of the stands. Sitting down he let out a sigh of boredom, though a moment later Maria appeared as if out of nowhere.

"Morning," She said to Corax, she too looked as bored as Corax was.

"Oh hey,"

"Art not coming?" She asked, still sounding bored.

"Lazy bastards' still in bed. He even wrote me a note asking to pick his stuff up for him."

"Ah, he must've been up late last night then. Seen his handiwork before coming here." Maria then lowered her voice. "Did he mention anything from last nights patrol?"

"No, I was asleep by the time he came back, though if there's anything he'll most likely tell us later on." The two of them then sat in silence.

Isabella had finally decided to turn up to the E Building, and noticing Grace was already here she tried to put a lot of distance between each other. She opted to sit at the front row, hoping that she hadnt already been noticed.
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Re: E Building

Barry casually walks into the hall, hands in his pockets. Again, the normally rather brooding looking young man has a suspiciously good mood this morning. His eyes dart around to see if he can find Matt as he walks to an empty seat somewhere in the middle and plops down.
Re: E Building

((So Isabella is wary of Ellisia now? Just checking you haven't got Grace and Ellisia mixed up here. A best avoid the room mate too mindset or something?))

Grace arrives at the gym, and fairly quickly spots Ellisia sitting up on the stands. She waves and walks across the front to reach the stairs at the centre. Straight past Isabella, but looking over the top of her head. Taking a seat beside Ellisia, "Hey. Don't suppose I've missed anything?"

"Nope, nothing at all." Ellisia replies, with a face that almost looked like she was meditating.

"Hmm..." Taking a short look around the room she sees nothing but the back of peoples heads, so she leans back and relaxes. Her gaze ends up on one of the many lights above, and she does a bit of magical fidgeting. She stares directly at the light, and begins silently mouthing unreadable words. The light seems to grow dimmer for a moment, alternating a few times, bright, dim, bright, dim. She pauses for thought, then starts once more. The light slowly fades from white to an orangey shade, then further to red. The light then begins to grow unnaturally dark, as even the light from the rest of the room seems to fail to reach it. Graces silent lip motions change to a whisper of "Crap!", though quiet enough that even Ellisia barely hears it. The area around the rogue light shimmers ever so slightly, and in a sudden instant the light seems to flash back to normal.

'Oops...' Grace thinks to herself, 'Kinda lost that one for a moment there. Need to practice some finer control over the spectrum.' It was a strange sight for the unlikely few looking at the ceiling, but dismissable enough as a trick of the eyes. She goes back to leaning back in her chair and waits.
Re: E Building

((well, after what happened during and after the dance, I think Isabella would be a tad embarressed.))
Re: E Building

"Hmm? Sorry, zoned out for a second there," Sho chuckles. "It's too early for this." Even though it's nearly noon. "Eh, they're pretty good, actually. It's a rather intimate look into the lives of famous people, some of which you'd never get a chance to meet otherwise." She shrugs a little. "And there's an Aasimov fence?" That might tell her something right there. "I've only read a little of his stuff, to be honest."