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E Building

Re: E Building

Yume does a curious small bow from her bed at Ian's introduction, "My name's Yume. I came in on the first boat a few days ago. Oh, and thank you too then." She says directing the thanks to Al, apparently picking up on the glance. "I'll probably be out of here soon enough." Changing the subject, she looks back to Ian, "Your here from Australia then?"
Re: E Building

"Seems like," he says of her leaving soon. As she asks if he's Australian, he nods. "Yup." The answer seems to bring an easy smile to his lips. "Have ta pop back theah between years," he makes a gesture, seeming to be indicating being here at the school. "Keep the accent intact but ah keep comin' back heah for some odd reason. Might actually be learnin' somethin'. What about you, darlin'? Where'd your boat hail from?"
Re: E Building

"Well, other than from the ferry port across the channel, I don't really know. I woke up from a coma a few months ago. Apparently they found me after I fell off a building, but nobody knew who I was." Yume says quite plainly, "I stayed in the hospital for a while, and then they sent me here. It's a nice place. I think they're still trying to figure out where I came from." She explains, a hint of a amusement accompanying the last part.

From appearance alone it wasn't entirely obvious either. She certainly had a slight Asian look to her, as her name and sleek black hair might suggest, but not entirely with a recognisable Caucasian side to her. Neither was there any clear accent to her speech. It was easy to see how the doctors had been having trouble with her.
Re: E Building

Whilst the two were talking the nurse had managed to pick up snippets of their conversation while she was working, and to her surprise Ian had talked about the fight as if it had actually happened. Making a note of it the nurse made plans to investigate later on.
Re: E Building

Given the state Art was brought in and apparently still in, mention of the fight might be a bit of an explanation for that, at least for the nurse, anyway. Of course, Ian's comments were just as broad and puzzling, probably, as Yume's, given that he never mentions specifics.

"That's a bit odd," he remarks as she says that no one knew who she was. He scratches his head. "Could mean ya were visitin', if nobody around heah knows ya. Maybe them doctah's of yours need ta check with the local hotels. But Ah can't imagine ya bein' gone fer months and nobody's tried ta find ya." He chuckles a little. "Maybe yer bettah off not bein' found." He waves off the statement as a joke. "Or maybe yer really black ops or somethin' like that and ya don't exist because ya undah-covah." He grins and gives her an exaggerated wink.
Re: E Building

Yume shrugs, "Maybe. They say they've been doing everything they can, which is nice, though I'm not really in a rush. I don't feel like I've lost anything, and who else would I be anyway? In a way, the idea of finding out is kind of worrying actually." She says, though stopping to laugh at the black-ops joke, doing a fake 'shifty eyes' motion and putting her finger to her mouth in a shush sign.
Re: E Building

"Yeah, Ah can imagine it'd be strange if they do find out and ya still don't remembah. But, so long as yer gettin' by fine enough, Ah agree. No worries." As she plays up the 'black ops' notion, he holds a finger to his lips as well and then makes an 'x' over is heart, followed with an "ok" gesture. "Well, Yume, Ah just popped in ta see how ya were doin'. Gettin' on time for classes, so Ah've got ta get goin'. Can stop by lattah, if ya want or Ah can stop makin' a pest of m'self. Your call." He inclines his head and shoulders in something of a bow and after her answer will excuse himself to see about dealing with a normal day of classes.
Re: E Building

She giggles a little more at the continued black ops fun, and then looks up as the clock as he mentions time getting on. "Oh yeah, all right then. But a pest? Not at all Ian. It was nice chatting. Though I think I might try to get out of here around lunch time anyway. So I'll probably see you around." She says shuffling down in bed a little, trying to get comfy again and waving as he goes for the door.

She'd rest here a while longer. Looking at the calender on the wall, she realised that she wouldn't mind having an excuse to get out of her Wednesday morning classes anyway. Science and geography weren't her best subjects, and PE always seemed to tire her out far far more than it should.
Re: E Building

Lunchtime comes round and Yume is hungry and wants out. Without making any fuss, she quietly and swiftly gets out of bed, puts on the rest of the spare clothes she was given and her shoes. Picks up her doll and places her carefully into her bag, and walks out the door. Only calling back to say, "bye!" once she was already most of the way out.
Re: E Building

Emily opens the door to the infirmary and walks into the room. She quickly scans the room, spots the bed that Art is in and walks over to him.

"Looks like what mother said is true," She mutters quietly as she stares down at her comatose brother, a scowl on her face. "You're not supposed to lose to anyone but me. If it weren't for that damn spirit..." Emily stands there for about ten more minutes in silence, just scowling at Art before she says her goodbyes and sets off for class.
Re: E Building

The tall albino pushed open the door to the nurses office sharply, causing it to hit the wall to the side, albeit not hard enough to cause any resemblance of damage. She strode in a few paces, looking around, and asking the nearest person: "Good afternoon. I was told this would be the place to go to pursue a rumour regarding one of the, ah, younglings found in the forest earlier?"

Obviously, she didn't have much clue how to behave or who was in charge in the office...
Re: E Building

(assuming brief control of the nurse here)

The Nurse seems to jump a little at the sudden entry, turning her head with an annoyed expression, though it quickly wanes and goes back to a kind of acceptant weariness. "Afternoon. If it's not an emergency, I'd appreciate it if you didn't make such an entrance. There are people trying to rest here." She replies, not turning to face Michelle right away, seeming rather busy. Michelle would see Art and the young girl she'd been told about taking up the two beds. The plain looking girl seeming to be asleep right now, but her injuries, various small cuts and bruises very apparent. The nurse turns to speak again, "You talking about Clare here? I don't know what's got into this school lately, it seems everyone is trying to tear each other apart. I'm not sure what you want to know, but she's not answering any questions right now. I'll..."

At that moment the nurse is cut off by the door swinging violently open once again, as two others enter the seemingly ever shrinking room. An upper school girl leading a boy around the same age, the boy holding a red bundle of tissues to his mouth. "Oh what now?" The nurse exclaims sounding a little exasperated as she steps past Michelle to inspect yet another injured student.

"He took a fist to the teeth." The girl answers in explanation, "Here's one of them." She says holding up a messy tooth and placing it down with a tissue on the table. The three of them largely ignoring Michelle for the moment.

The nurse sighs and prys away the tissues to take a look, then offering a glass of water. "Swill and spit." She instructs, "I swear you kids can't stay out of trouble for a second. Can you talk? Any more teeth loose?"

The guy grunts, with pain, frustration and possibly some embarrassment showing in his actions. He rocks his jaw for a second, and checks his teeth before speaking, "Ugh... Hey I didn't do anything ok. They ambushed me for no reason!" he says with a little difficulty, but clear enough.

The girl to the side can't seem to help but pull a guilty smirk at her friends statement. "Of course, by "they" he means a single lower school girl." She says, finding it hard to contain her amusement.

"Heee-y... she struck out of the blue. How was I meant to see that coming?" He protests.

"Oh lord, lower school you say? Your the third one today. What is this?" The nurse says evidently bewildered by the string of patients she'd been receiving, as she steps away to pick up some fresh tissues and some paper work.
Re: E Building

Michelle blinked as she was scolded, tempted to forget her agreement as a flash of furious red pulsed across her eyes, though she fought it down with some effort, and a deep breath. This was interrupted by the newcomers, and the demoness' nose pricked up as she caught the smell of fresh blood, unable to stop herself from salivating a little as she eyed the boy.

She paid little heed to the conversation, until she heard it was a lower-school girl who did it, at which point her slightly pointed ears quivered, and she rounded on them. "Hmm? Tell me, who was the one who punched you? Since this... Uh... Clare...? Was apparently ambushed by one of the lower school also." she demanded, moving forwards eagerly, and grabbing the boys shoulder tightly. All three would notice that the albino was grinning broadly, and her pointed canines were showing as her eyes glittered, even though her face was in shadow.
Re: E Building

The pair recoil a little at Michelle coming at them, her appearance coupled with her mannerisms plenty disconcerting, the boy leaning his head away from her a little as he answers, "Uh, I didn't recognise her, but neck length reddish copper hair, lower school uniform dress. Looked a little dirty now I think about it."

"Don't forget about how short she was..." The girl chips in, then receiving a moody glare from the boy, and she apologises "Sorry. I'll stop. But yeah, we were just walking by N Building when she passed by going the other way, only as we went past she leapt up and nailed him in the face, saying, 'Surprise!' as she skipped off. She had a look as if it was all just some freakish joke."

The boy sighs, as he continues to clean himself up. "Yep. Never seen her before, I swear."

The nurse stands off side a little, raising an eyebrow at Michelle's strange behaviour.
Re: E Building

Michelle let go of the boy, grinning all the broader as she secured the description in her mind. "Excellent, you have proven very helpful, my thanks. Now, I will take my leave. Fare well." she said happily, before striding quickly out of the nurses office, now totally ignoring the those left in there.

Once outside, the demoness flexed her powerful arms, and cracked her knuckles and neck from side to side, before taking off at a sprint towards where the boy had said he'd seen the redhead.
Re: E Building

A few moments after Michelle's exit, the three men from the field entered the nurse's station, looking around. One seemed a bit peeved about something, however the others stared him down. Casually, one of the men produced Michelle's still picture, having been taken gods knew when, and approached the people in the room.

"Excuse me, we were hoping you could help us out here. We're looking for this woman, we saw her come this way and enter, however she managed to leave before we could speak with her. We have some information regarding one of her parents that we've been told to deliver in person to her. I was wondering if perhaps you might be able to point us in the direction she went?"

His features said he was American, however the accent clearly was European. His clothing seemed a bit out of place with the long brown cloak drawn, almost as if it wasn't warm enough for him, however he seemed polite enough.
Re: E Building

At the time the men entered the pair of students were sitting on the small office sofa, whilst the nurse prepared a few things and was continuing to go about treating the boy to the best of her abilities.

The nurse was about ready to snap and demand the trio of strangely dressed men leave her office immediately, and had they been any less polite she probably would have. Instead she takes a breath and steps over to look at the photo. "Oh yeah, she was just here a moment ago. Never said exactly where she was going though, sorry." She says handing the photo back and crossing her arms. "So can I ask who you fellows are?"

The girl on the sofa considered speaking up to suggest where she thought the pale woman might have gone, but there was something about these men she found strange, and so kept quiet.
Re: E Building

The three shared a brief looking, before the 'leader' spoke again.

"Acquantainces of her family miss. We're just here to honor our agreement with her father is all. If you see her, please tell her that we'll be in the forest area for some time. Also, if you see this man ...."

He held up a picture that would be of Siphon, if the nurse knew him.

"Please inform him we're looking to speak with him too. We have the computer software he was looking for. Thank you for your time."

Bowing his head once, the three exited almost as silently, and quickly as they had entered.
Re: E Building

A woman who was not the normal nurse but was wearing the attire of a nurse sat at the desk of the room fulling out some paper work with three vials just in reach of her hands. Two of the vials has what looked to be blood with a labeled EX.01---JC---AB+ and the third labeled EX.01---JC---LP. Her writing was quick but focused on what was at hand. She looked up every so often to make sure no on was watching before returning to her letter. She finished quickly and and place the letter in a envelope and set it aside with the vials.

She sat at the desk for a about an half an hour waiting with an bored look on her face for the time. It was late for student so she knew there would not be many here so she would just have to bide her time as she waited.

The clock was near nine thirty before a man in a black suit and tie. The "fake" nurse frowned as she stood.

"Your late... She said as she handed the man the vials and envelope...

"Be careful with those. I got lucky with him blacking out when he did. The boss will kill you if you should mess those samples up. She said with a cold tone. She then held her hand out as if waiting for something in return.

The man handed back a small and simple single button remote.

"You don't have to remind me..." He said as he put the things away for safekeeping.

"...So you are really going to stay around and play nurse just to keep an eye on him... have fun." He said before walking away and shaking his head.

The woman watched him walk off before letting out a yawn. Healing the subject had taking a lot out of her so she wondered off to find some where to rest.
Re: E Building

[Area just outside building]

Yume was sitting on one of the many benches around the school, looking out over the smaller courtyard between the E&G buildings and the tennis courts. She sat simply enjoying the sun and occasionally sipping on a carton of juice. Whilst she looks fairly happy, every now and then she looks to the empty seat next to her, or around the surrounding school grounds, as if she was expecting someone. The more she does so, the more she begins to look rather confused and anxious.

[Ed: Yume has left]
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