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E Building

Re: E Building

After classes had let out and after a short trip to the dorms to change, Ian wandered his way over to the gymnasium. His gaze trailed down the corridor to the direction of the nurse's office as he passed but no one should be there but Art and disturbing him was the last thing on his mind.

For the time being, he contented himself with a routine in the weight room. Starting out with a standard set, he built up to ones that anyone that knew him, knew would be much too heavy for the young man, and yet, he seemed to have no issue with doing a few sets that way as well. Winding down was the normal sets again. Not exactly a perfect workout for his abilities, but it was a start. He could practice some of the finer details in the privacy of his dorm room.

Sitting up, he wiped off his face and picked up his bag, intent on heading back to the dorms for a shower before subjecting anyone in the cafeteria to his current state.
Re: E Building

As Ian prepared to leave, he would hear someone call out to him.

"Hey, how's it going? Been looking for ya."

If he turned, he'd notice Aya had just come into the gym.
Re: E Building

He starts just a little, not expecting to be hailed, though a second later, a smile pulls at his lips. "Hey, darlin'. Lookin' for me, huh? Why? My in trouble again?" The smile gets a little cheeky.
Re: E Building

Aya smiled back at him, laughing lightly.

"No trouble, unless there's a reason you think you should be in trouble?"

She laughed again, then moved over towards him.

"Came to say hi and see what you were up to, thought perhaps you might be interested in showing me that hot spring this evening. Oh, and before I forget, looks like perhaps Siphon is back, at least for now. If you get back to your room tonight, maybe he'll actually be there."
Re: E Building

"Gettin' a bit of a workout in. Figure Ah might need it, what with all the craziness lately." He lets her get closer, but not too close, given the fact that, well, he was just working out and he hasn't grabbed a shower yet. "Springs sound really good right about now," comes out in a weary chuckle. "Tell ya what, lemme go drop this off and we can pick up suits for it. Meet me at the gate in ten?" He gives her a crooked little smile, though it turns into a bit of a surprised expression as he hears the news about Siphon. "An' this is a good thing, yes? Glad for it, though. Not quite used ta bein' in the room by mah lonesome."
Re: E Building

Aya smiled again in reply.

"Yeah, ten minutes works. I'll meet you there then, and yeah, I think it might be a good thing he's back so soon. At least if anything nutty goes on we have someone who can take the figurative brick house being thrown at them and tank it. Anyway, I'll see you in ten or so."
Re: E Building

He waits until they've separated before he chuckles. Someone's been listening to the online gamers way too much if she's throwing words like 'tanking' around in casual speech. Still, he finds it cute. Well, best to hurry off to the dorms and get his things. The hot springs might be patient, but it wouldn't do to keep the lady waiting.
Re: E Building

[Nurse's Office]

In the nurses office Art remains taking up one of the two beds. The lower school girl Clare, from yesterday, has been let out.

Harrel and Jonathan arrive at the nurses office, carefully escorting the sleeping Alveran girl to somewhere better to rest. The Nurse turns almost instinctively at hearing her door being opened. Looking concerned, though strangely not surprised, at seeing someone unconcious and having to be carried in again she stands up and steps over to assist if needed. "Oh dear. Lay her down. What happened here then?" She asks indicating the spare bed, hoping that it wasn't anything as bad as the recent cases.

"She just passed out in the cafeteria. Seemed like simple tiredness, though I don't know any details."
Harrel answers as the pair help to get Athanasia on the bed.
Re: E Building

Jonathan carefully worked with Harrel as the two men placed the girl on the bed. He looked at the Art, wondering what happened to that guy. After a brief moment, Bird faced the nurse. "She came into the cafeteria, barely awake, didn't even notice when she splashed herself with coffee, sat down at a table and simply dropped onto it after a moment." Jonathan described what he saw, then shrugged. "Kinda looks like she's overworked herself, though I don't know anything about her."
Re: E Building

[A few hours later, unless someone has any objections]

Athanasia wakes up and yawns, sniffing herself slightly and wondering why she smelled so strongly of coffee. She vaguely remembered holding something as she went to the place for food, then yelling at someone, then little else. Siphon had failed to show up during the time she had camped out at the body of water, which was not surprising to her, after all, the bastard was that kind of person. The trigger mechanism was still installed, however, meaning at any time she could unleash the deadly virus into the water system and create an outbreak within this dimension too.

She takes out the control for the system, she figures she was still in communications range at this point, except...

She looks around, realizing she wasn't in the place where she had fallen asleep. She instantly sees Art, remembering him as the monster that had attacked how ever many days ago it was. She frowns, was what she did found out and she was now in some sort of lock up? She turns around a few times and sees various medical supplies and relaxes a little, seeing that she was likely taken in for collapsing. A nice gesture from whoever had brought her here. Still...

Athanasia gets up and walks over to Art, shaking the sleeping boy slightly, "Hey! Get up!"
Re: E Building

As the nurses office door creaks open a young female voice can be heard, and from the sounds of it she was in the middle of a conversation and she seemed to be in some trouble.

"But mother...yes, I know what I did was wrong...How did you expect me to react?...Fine, fine...yes, love you too, and yes I'm about to check up on him. Bye." With a beep and a snap Emily slides her phone back into her bag and walks into the nurses office proper.

"Uh...what are you doing to my brother?" Emily asks Athanasia as she catches the other girl shaking Art.
Re: E Building

Athanasia lets go of Art as she turns towards the girl, pausing for a second as she composed herself. This monster had a sister? She briefly wondered if both were capable of the same, if so, she would be rather useful in her crusade against Siphon...

"Ah, my apologies, I was trying to wake him up, I needed to talk to him about something, his name was..." She frowns as she tries to think back to the day of the attack, what was it that they called him, or he called himself? "...Charles right? At least that's what I hear the other kids calling him."
Re: E Building

"Have you hit your head or something?" Emily asks, squinting slightly at Athanasia, the younger girls mood obviously bittered from the recent phone conversation. Firstly, my brothers name is Art. Secondly, he's in a coma so there's no chance of you talking to him until he comes out of it." Noting Athanasia's use of the name 'Charles' Emily makes a mental note to monitor this girl. Obviously she was at the fight that caused Art to fall into a coma but she seemed to not know his true name like Ellisia did, and this Emily thought was worth pursuing.

"So, what did you want to talk to him about? Maybe I can help." Emily's bag slides down her arm slightly as she crosses her arms over her chest, and with a quick shuffle she rights the bags position.
Re: E Building

Athanasia frowns as she hears the name, she hadn't heard the boy being called that before, maybe there was something this girl wasn't telling her, "I see... why were they calling him Charles before then? I mean..." She stops and frowns, then shrugs, "It was mostly about his unusual powers, and things he was saying... before he came here anyway, any idea what that was about?"
Re: E Building

Hrm...she doesn't know the whole story... Emily thinks to herself as Athanasia finishes explaining to the younger girl. "I imagine you've guessed by now but those powers are my brothers. Some spirit called Charles possessed him or something, and forced my brother to fight against the others. For what reason I don't know." Emily decides its best to let this girl know the truth, though the fact that she survived the fight means there's something Athanasia is hiding. Specifically any powers she may have. "So what was he saying? Like I said I've been kept in the dark about the reason why the spirit possessed my brother and I would like to know."
Re: E Building

She shrugs as she looks at the girl, grimacing on the inside slightly, there goes a chance to find a potential ally. Regardless, there was still much she wanted to find out, and she found it a little strange how little informed this girl would be, if she were the boy's sister, "Not much, just some mumble jumble about wanting to destroy things... as revenge or something like that, claims that it was betrayed by some sort of king."
Re: E Building

Emily, having now taken a seat on the edge of Art's bed is silent once more as Athanasia continues to speak. "Thats all you know? You don't know the reason for his revenge other than being betrayed?" Emily asks, doubt etched in her features.
Re: E Building

Athanasia shrugs again as she looks the girl over, scrutinizing her answers carefully in her mind as she speaks again, "It seems to want revenge on the entire world... I admit, my attention was not concentrated on it's ramblings for much of the incident. It did however, say something like how your brother's body was damaged beyond repair, something to do with the soul. But it mostly seemed like mystical jargon to me." She quietly adds to herself, "Or a way to cover up it's presence."
Re: E Building

"'Something to do with his soul'?" Emily repeats, trying to think where she had heard something about Art's soul before. After a few moments silence Emily remembers where she had heard it. "Oh yeah, that girl Ellisia, she said Art's soul was forced out of his body... Though the only thing I can think of that would damage Art's body 'beyond repair' would be his illness. Which kinda would make sense if that spirit possessed him because it wouldn't know that it would have to take the medicine to stabilise the illness." Emily then looks over to Art, a mixture of pity and worry in her eyes before the younger girls attention is brought back to Athanasia. "Anyway, I didn't catch your name. I'm Emily Wingate."
Re: E Building

"Athanasia Sibylle is my name. Nice to meet you." She thinks awhile about the name she was given, "Ah... Ellisia, 'Miss Second Sphere Spirit Knight of Etheria', wonder what she has been up to." She shrugs as she looks at Art again, "My apologies then for disturbing you and your brother."