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Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Been slightly following this guy for awhile, the author made a few gifs of a redhead having sex with zombies, and recently released a game, currently version 0,01, so there isn't much to it, you can smack some zombies around (but currently if you die to them, nothing happens) and there's a zombie at the end of the stage (about 3 maps or so) that you can talk to to see some rape.


Game: (Given this is an uploader, expect this to probably change and me to be too lazy to update it)

Current version 0,02
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Re: EACT ゲーム

Try running into the elevated floor in the third screen.
Also,Q quits to main screen.
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Re: EACT ゲーム

You can get raped by the moving zombies simply by jumping at them, and they hump you in the air.. The only difference being they stop after a while and stay frozen, and her top is still on while she's getting raped.

I REALLY liked this animation style, I'm gonna keep an eye on this.
Re: EACT ゲーム

good game :rolleyes: but where is the download link, i can not read japanese .

by the way, why did you change your avatar ? old one is more " ulmf " than new :rolleyes:
Re: EACT ゲーム

good game :rolleyes: but where is the download link, i can not read japanese .

Maybe you didn't notice the 2nd link with the page that had the large download button on it.. ( )

Or maybe you were too distracted crying about moonspeak...

Hm... Hard to tell which..
Re: EACT ゲーム

how do u play this game, i downloaded it but it comes up as a wierd file and asks me what should it open it with? any ideas?
Re: EACT ゲーム

how do u play this game, i downloaded it but it comes up as a wierd file and asks me what should it open it with? any ideas?

The download file comes as a zip package, so you'll probably need Winrar to open it and extract it. I'm not sure, but you also might need to switch to Japanese Locale to play it properly.

Besides the glaringly bad bugs and oversights in the demo, the animation looks cool and actually might be worth playing later on. Consider this followed.
Re: EACT ゲーム

There is a v2 in his blog. But it is actually worse than v1 (he actually said so in his blog.) You just fight mobs of zombies and no one to talk to either. This game look like it will take a while to be developed; but i think it will be nice in the end, even if they did steal music from Country Princess Mushroom. Or maybe it's just something in well known in Japan.
Re: EACT ゲーム

the standing pose of the girl when in free condition is not very good :p

make her more cute

it just an idie, i just play, not help for u anything, i shouldn't say the idea :D
Re: EACT ゲーム

You don't need japanese locale or any of that bs to play it, it's just one of those fighting game maker programs, a simple .exe

Anyway, this version in my opinion is better..

The arrousal bar has a function, and there's cheat keys..

S for full health, and W restarts the game..

Anyway you can't get "Raped" per say until your arrousal bar is high, and you get killed before that happens, so you have to use the full health button once or twice to get there..

Then, they just sort've grapple you in what looks like a toonpimp style pre-rape hold, with a timer-based struggle bar. (Meaning you can't control it, you just wait for it to fill.)

Multiple monsters can get on you at once, but they all do the same thing on top of each other, and it doesn't make the timer last any longer.

And... Iunno, but it almost seems like she got a little scrawnier than before.. Which I don't like a lot, but I'll accept..

Definitely a good game in my eyes, and worth the wait.

As far as I know they can't rape you on your back like in the first version, so currently, both versions are unique.

The first one had actual rape (And an area where you could talk to a zombie to get raped with your breasts exposed), with no sound effects, and you had to do something weird to execute it, and this one has a sort've pre-rape grapple, again, only executed by doing something slightly specific.
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Re: EACT ゲーム

Re: EACT ゲーム

Anyone have an upload of version 1? The link on his site for ver 1 don't seem to work anymore.
Re: EACT ゲーム


Although in hindsight...probably isn't worth the download. You might as well just wait for an update =(.
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Re: EACT ゲーム


Although in hindsight...probably isn't worth the download. You might as well just wait for an update =(.

Well, the first one actually had rape, and the second didn't.. And seeing how long it's been before an update.. Well...

You get the point, and thanks for uploading.. Saved me the trouble of doing it.
Re: EACT ゲーム

Here you go


Although in hindsight...probably isn't worth the download. You might as well just wait for an update =(.

Alright but thanks anyways, I'll be downloading it.
Re: EACT ゲーム

Version .03 is up.

It's actually structured like a game. You take damage from enemies attacking you, or just touching you; A bee, a jumping monster, and a rolling eye have been added.

The eye increases your red bar, which I'm guessing is lust; when that's high enough, enemies can have sex with you. Press Q to restart the stage your on; R to restart the game.

The last zombie is a boss now; I lost to him, but pressing Q didn't restart the stage.


After beating the boss, the perverted eye shows up. Letting it touch you results in a game over too.
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Re: EACT ゲーム

what iss the password of download anyway:rolleyes:
Re: EACT ゲーム

Right below the link to download.
Re: EACT ゲーム

It looks like it requires a password.. What is it?

EDIT: Oh, it's huro. Might wanna stick that on the 1st post, some people can get confused.
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