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Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"I see. The matter of the usurpers was purely a political issue between Pallas and Isleena. I cannot admit to any personal hatred of the Tremere or their creations, but then I do not have the same connection to them. Though I must admit I would rather face an enemy I know rather than an unknown." The primogen again seemed to muse out loud as he looked back towards the fire. It almost seemed like he was making a conscious effort to avoid eye contact.

"Perhaps it is a bit to soon for one so young as yourself to think of open rebellion, when you seem so surrounded with potential enemies. If you were willing to act as an intermediary between Isleena and Pallas, I would change my vote on the usurpers. I cannot guarantee Isleena changing her mind but one vote should be all that is needed to have the court turn their attention to the usurpers destruction.

I would also be willing to question my contacts within the church in return for a future consideration of some kind. I cannot guarantee that any of them will know where to search for this noble patriarch but it will not hurt to make an attempt for a potential future ally."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina genuinely brightened at what Donegal was saying. It was only a promise at this point that he offered, and promises were only raven's caws on the wind, but it was a way forward for the Tzimisce. A way to gain audience with all members of court and that would make her useful to many a Cainite. Useful enough to have concessions made on her behalf, perhaps.

His efforts of shying away from her gaze seemed to be precautionary. He called her young, but he might not know for certain her generation, and her clan was known for their powers of Domination. What other reason could there be for him not being willing to meet her eye, she thought to herself.

"That it was only politics is a heartening thought, Sir Donegal. It may yet allow me to convince you truly of the threat they pose. I need only time to gather more proof of their crimes against our kind."

She listened then as Donegal continued through his offer, and after a moment's thought she nodded and answered him.

"Your offer of making me an intermediary is perhaps quite wise. The last thing our Court needs is to be paralyzed by politics when more concerning matters are afoot. I will be pleased to act as the voice of temperament between Pallas and Isleena, provided that your vote changes the Court's attitude towards the Tremere.

"As for this matter of the archbishop, yes, I would be willing to repay any aid you could offer me, when it is within my capacity to do so."

There, she thought. Minor boon given. No one enjoyed being indebted, but favors were the true currency of her kind, and she was a newcomer. It was always going to be difficult finding her niche, but this prospect of being an intermediary between factions might do for now, at least until she knew enough about each side to know where to cast her lot.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"I should warn you that Isleena and Pallas almost never see eye to eye on anything. I've never been able to get far in convincing either to work together in the slightest but perhaps a more feminine touch is what's needed. Either way you will have my vote the next time we are gathered in elysium." Donegal said with a thin smile on his face as he stood and offered his hand to assist Vezina in standing.

"Now I'm afraid I must be off. I'm afraid a number of my charges will go hungry if I do not deliver the remainder of this bread. I look forward to being closer allies at some later date." He added as they parted from the room.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina took the hand that Donegal offered and rose to her feet. She had a feeling that perhaps the Brujah might consider this a sign of weakness, but she didn't mind being underestimated by him. The last thing she wanted was for any of the established primogen to see her as an upstart or a rival to their causes. Better if they all thought they had a chance to control and make use of her. She'd have an easier time maintaining her existence that way.

"Your warning is noted. I shall make an effort nonetheless. Do you know of any current message Isleena was wanting to get across? If not, I shall approach you and her at the next Elysium, or you can send a runner to find me or my servants."

Vezina gathered herself and walked with Donegal from the room. "Do put the word out among your contacts within the church. I would like to sort out the matter of the missing lord quickly."

She told him that any message should be relayed to the second inn where Vezina had stayed upon entering London, to the innkeeper, who by the end of this night would be offered payment and receive a domination command to keep such messages reserved for her in all confidentiality.

She said nothing about Donegal's excuse to deliver bread. In her mind, the concept of a Cainite delivering mortals their food was an appalling reversal of the natural order - doing both the vampire and the mortals involved a disservice. To be given sustenance by their betters would soften the herd, making them weak by not winnowing out the survivors. As for the Cainite, time spent feeding the herd was better spent elsewhere. It was a human's place to offer up tribute to the gods of the night, not the other way around.

"Tell me though, before we part ways. Where would I find this Baron Nathaniel? If I did desire to make an offer to the Baronies?"


After she had left his presence, Vezina sought out the innkeeper of her second residence in London and made him an offer to be a collector of messages for her.

She would then give consideration to where she could source further information about the whereabouts of Berenice's father. Eric had been her best lead, but he had not known. Had she exhausted his knowledge yet, however? Would he have been able to tell her who his cousin associated with besides him? Who he would have trusted to house the lord while arranging for the takeover of his house?
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"The latest argument was about a number of bolts of silk, a bit petty if you ask my opinion. Still I consider Isleena to be a valuable ally and would be glad of any assistance you might provide to her in the matter." Donegal answered as they made the're way from the common room before adding.

"I will be sure to send a message if my contacts discover anything, and I know the inn you speak of. Just across from the one owned by our dear absent seneschal, Valerius.

Baron Nathaniel does not often travel far from his domain in Carlisle, far to the north near the border with Alba. It would probably be better to deal with the primogen in London, each of us being the right hand of one the barons so to speak."


Once Donegal and Vezina had departed she made her way as quickly as possible through the desolate and grimy streets of Southwark. Her ghouled owl proved quite invaluable at leading her back to the main thoroughfare and the great bridge over the Thames. Once there she quickly made her way to the inn that until now had served as her haven.

The elderly innkeeper sat much as he had the other nights she had stayed there. It seemed he did not get nearly as much business as Valerius' inn across the street. It would be a simple matter to arrange for any messages to pass through the innkeeper to her.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

After parting ways with Sir Donegal and creating an accord with the inn keeper across the way from Valerius' more successful inn near the London gate, Vezina took stock of her situation.

Bernice's father was still out of her reach. If he yet lived, he would not survive long unless some direct action were taken. But politicking with the various primogen was taking time.

Perhaps it was high time she approached the abbey and the archbishop's residence directly. She had no intention of harming him. But perhaps he or a close aide would know something that her powers of suggestion could draw out.

She knew there were risks to this. Would she be perceived as overstepping her bounds? If she dare harm him, she certainly would be. If she did not act however, she would waste precious time.

At last, she decided on her course, and rode her horse towards the abbey, knowing she still had the last half of the night to potentially track down her quarry.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The ride along the well-traveled road to Westminster was long but necessary or so she felt. She did not have the luxury to plan and build her domain as her sire had. The usurpers needed to pay for their theft of vitae and to make them pay she would need a domain.

Soon she was in sight of the abbey and the accompanying palace where the archbishop wielded his power. Granted it was a risk to meet with the archbishop directly as she was but she felt it was a worthwhile risk. Of course she had no way of even knowing if the archbishop would be in the village but he no doubt had retainers who may be able to help her.

Finding a stable for her horse she continued for the short distance to the church itself. If she found no one of use within the palace would be her next stop. The tall windows of the gothic church stretched into the sky overhead as she made her entrance. There were few people within the church at this late hour and none of them looked like the one she sought.

A few commoners and an elderly priest were all she noticed but perhaps they could point her in the right direction at least.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina approached the elderly priest, making sure to keep her cowl drawn over her face to hide her pallid features. She remembered to draw her clothes close to herself, to affect the notion that this night's chill had any effect on her undead flesh. Making the sign of the Christian's cross as she appeared in front of him, Vezina inclined her head.

"Good father, forgive my intrusion on your thoughts, might I ask if you were to know where his Grace the Archbishop makes his rest? I have a matter of some urgency to discuss with him, such that it might not wait until the dawn."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The elderly priest had been almost asleep in his prayers as Vezina spoke. He seemed to stare more towards her than to look at her suggesting that his eyesight had faded long ago. He smiled kindly as he stood before the altar and spoke in voice faded from years of sermonizing.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please forgive me for resting my eyes, I was just trying to read this passage in the book of Job. At one time I would have remembered it like my own name, but age has robbed me of much.

I do believe his grace is currently in a meeting currently. He mentioned that he did not wish to be disturbed, though perhaps if you were willing to wait a bit."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"A priest is still a man, and a man needs his rest. You tax yourself, reading so late at night by candlelight. But you say that his Grace is in a meeting? Could you guide me there, father? That I might wait and see him at the earliest possibility?"

Vezina thought it very odd that these men of God should all be awake so late at night, when mortal folk should be at rest. Perhaps something important was happening now, a meeting between the Archbishop and his masters within the kindred. If this elderly priest could invite her inside the church where this meeting took place, she could perhaps find out something of this mortal foe's plans, or the whereabouts of Berenice's father.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The priest smiled as he continued to stare through her rather than at her. "I thank you for the kind words, my child. Alas his grace seems to prefer me as a doorman of sorts, though I can't say why. I'm hardly an able guard at my age and with my sight so poor.

I suppose if you wish to wait outside his grace's chambers it would be alright, though it might be more comfortable here in the chapel? I'm quite sure he will come this way when he leaves, as this is the only exit."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"I shall wait for him outside his chambers and trouble you no further, good father."

Vezina mused about the blind priest. Indeed, he was nothing in the way of a guard, but he would not be able to see the monsters of the night that passed him by to speak with the archbishop. Perhaps there was a meeting going on at this very moment that she could listen in on.

As she moved through the chapel in the direction of the bishop's chambers, she allowed her keen senses to heighten beyond the ken of mortals, so that her ears might pick up the distant whispers of this archbishop and his guests, and her eyes might pick up a trace of any guards lurking nearby.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The priest nodded and pointed roughly in the direction of a door leading deeper within the grand church. Vezina paused at the door for a short moment as she focused on overcoming the background noise from her keen hearing. The old priest reading his bible under his breath, the chewing of some rats in the walls, the soft patter of footsteps.

Eventually she opened the door and stepped through into the poorly lit passage beyond. Normally she would be glad there were no guards to deal with but it only roused her suspicions as she moved towards the three doors at the end of the passageway. The clanking of goblets and soft murmur of voices drew her attention, stopping Vezina in her tracks as she heard the name.

An older male voice spoke, "I will do what I can Abetorius, but my contacts in their vile little court do not have the means to free your servant."

Followed by the voice of a woman, not used to taking no for an answer, "Then have your contacts give the information to my childe. I will not have my plans foiled by a mere band of vampires, We must get to him before they learn anything of note."

The older male sputtered once more in response, "Of course, Regent Meerlinda."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Abetorius! Usurper!

He was here. He and his conspirators, the other Tremere and their servitors and accomplices. She let the murmur of their distant voices flood her senses as if she were standing among them.

Abetorious. Another male. A female called Meerlinda, with the title of Regent. Her voice bore the telltale tones of a leader. The rage of her Beast was tempered by instinctive caution. She had wandered into a viper's nest, and she would doubtless not survive discovery, yet she needed more. She must see these individuals, know them by sight, and be able to tell what sort of ties they had with this church and its archbishop.

The unnamed Usurper mentioned contacts within the court, a concept that filled Vezina with dread. That there were traitors among the court was a disturbing truth, but there was also some comfort in knowing that it was no one powerful enough to gain access to the gargoyle prisoner.

She could count on any such individuals as confidants in this matter, then... at least to a small extent.

She looked around to make sure she was in a place that she could be hidden, and she checked her exits, needing to know where to run if she needed it. She listened more to see if any of these Tremere would say something else that could provide her more insight.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

There was little to no places where Vezina could hide in the small hallway save for perhaps one of the two other doors. Though she would not be able to see the usurpers from there, and she very badly wanted to see them. They had to pay for their crime against her clan and she would see to it herself, one day. She knew there would be little to no chance for her to defeat two of the usurpers by herself, even with the advantage of surprise.

"You have done well, Tirel, but we do not pay for incompetence. Do what you can to find where the slave is being kept and then we will retrieve him ourselves." The woman, Meerlinda said.

"Are you expecting visitors other than us bishop, I could have swore I heard something in the hall." The younger male said.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Now was the time to go and hide, Vezina decided. She moved out of the hall and headed back the way she had come, entering the room with the priest. She wondered how deadened the old priest's senses were. Did he notice her presence when she came back?

If she could, she would avoid alerting him, and look for somewhere to hide in the room of prayer itself. Unlike mortals, she had no reason to breath or flinch in a way that would give her away. Even her body's warmth was the same as the surrounding chill night. She just needed a place that would not be obvious... then she could wait for these Tremere to pass by and leave. Then she would find the Archbishop when he was alone.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The last thing Vezina heard of the meeting was the frightened voice of the Bishop Tirel as he answered in the negative. She had already moved as quietly as possible back to the main chapel, for she knew that the usurpers had somehow noted her presence. The old priest looked as though he may have dozed off once more and so she quickly looked around the room.

Thankfully the other mortals had left by the time she returned. After taking a quick look at the likely hiding spots only two seemed truly useful for hiding from the keen senses these usurpers possessed. The confessional booth or the ladder leading up to the bell tower, the only other choice really being among the rows of high pews.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The Tzimisce's mind whirred with activity, knowing she must not delay in making a decision. She chose the ladder leading to the bell tower, climbing it quickly to get to the upper level before the usurpers came looking.

She had chosen the tower over the confession booths because it offered her a means of escape. In desperation, she could slip over the side of the tower and fall. She could also call her ghouled owl to come to her aid up there as well, and if it came to a fight, she would need every advantage available to her. Even then, it might not be enough, she feared. Instinct suggested that Abetorius would be a challenge, and this Meerlinda doubly so.

She made an effort to be still, once she had traveled up the ladder, hoping the Tremere would pass her by. Still, she drew her dagger out and waited, poised to strike should they attempt to follow her.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Quickly Vezina scurried up the ladder. She had little time to worry about appearances at the moment and so she pulled her thick skirt up to make it easier upon the narrow, rickety ladder. She had just managed to reach the top when she heard the sound of footsteps on the stone floor of the church below.

Carefully stepping off the ladder she found herself in a small storage room of sorts: rope, tools, and other assorted sundry items. Another small ladder lead up to a trapdoor, which most likely lead to the bell itself. Her senses did not pick up much from the church below, though she had no doubts they were searching. Especially when she heard the bishop speaking with the old priest who had been on guard. Though thankfully his description would be of little use as he was indeed quite blind.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

If it weren't for her need for silence, Vezina would curse to herself, for she had not made it very far up the ladder before her pursuers had arrived in the chapel. They might well hear her if she moved up the second ladder and open the trap door, so instead she lay herself down behind the largest pile of sundry items in this small storage chamber and made every effort to remain still.

She concentrated on the powers of her animalism discipline, calling to her nearby owl ghoul and sending it to a nearby window to serve as a distraction. Fluttering its wings and hooting to disturb the efforts of a searcher with heightened senses.