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Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina silently moved behind a small stack of crates within the storage room. It was perhaps a poor choice of hiding places but it would have to do for now, to exit onto the roof would be unwise. Her own senses could pick up the sounds of two people searching about the chapel, while the bishop suggested that maybe Abetorius had heard a simple rat. He was soon ordered to remain silent while the others searched in an angry tone.

While continuing to remain still Vezina couched her hands around her mouth and called to the owl, hoping her commands would reach her pet outdoors. Her call of course was heard by those below but she hoped that they would simply mistake it for another owl. Within minutes she heard the sound of her pet as it repeatedly slammed it's claws against one of the windows of the church and screeched.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Her undead body gave off no signs of of the stress the Tzimisce was in, which was fortunate for her. A mortal's heart rate would be thundering, her brow glistening, her breathing irregular and constricted, hiding from the two searchers.

It took all the courage she could muster to mimic the call of the wild owl, summoning it to provide her aid. She then waited as the moments stretched out. They had surely heard her below, but would they consider her merely a creature of the wild? Or would they investigate and discover her? If they did, she would have to fight her way out, but she vowed she would meet her final death rather than be taken and turned into some usurper thrall.

She resisted the urge to move her hand to her knife. Best to remain still.

Remain. Still.

She heard no approach to the ladder, no creak of wood under the weight of a climbing body.

Her ghoul arrived, and she heard its screeching and clawing below. Its raptor talons scraping against stone. She weighed its noise against her heightened senses. Was it painful? All encompassing? Would it drive her pursuers to reduce their senses to avoid a sensory overload? If she felt such were the case, she would dare to climb the ladder to the tower during the distraction. Let them resolve that the creatures of the night were merely being restless, and give Vezina her moment to further draw back into the shadows, away from their hunt.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The constant screeching of Vezina's ghouled pet and the loud scrapes of it's talons upon stone and glass was certainly loud in Vezina's ears. Loud enough that it was only possible to catch the slightest hints of movement from her pursuers, much less discern where they were coming from. She hoped it would be the same for the usurpers as she quietly moved from her hiding spot in the storage room and up the ladder.

She paused at the trapdoor where a mere mortal would take a deep breath before attempting their escape. Slowly she pushed up on the heavy wooden planks allowing the cold air to seep into the storage room. A few moments and she was safe in the open air bell tower of the gothic church. As far as she could tell her ruse had succeeded but she would not truly be safe until she were upon the ground and away from the church.

She was at least fifty feet from the ground and though her undead body was strong and tough it would be unwise to simply jump to safety. Thankfully there were a number of lose stones and mortar that she might be able to climb down. It would be no different from her youth in Carpathians scrambling over the crags of her home in pursuit of game, of course she had wore no cumbersome dress at that time.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The cold air from outside hit Vezina in the face, reminding her of the wind that, while not fully dampened by the drafty cathedral, had been swirling with noticeably greater force outside.. It did not pain the Tzimisce's undead flesh, but she knew enough that the sudden onrush of air might flicker candleflames or be felt by the tactile senses which the ghoul owl's screeches could not obscure.

She closed the trapdoor behind her and then swiftly slung herself off over the edge, pulling up the hem of her dress to gain her initial purchase. It was a long fall, enough that it could inconvenience her. She would try to make her way down further before dropping.

As she clung to the walls, she called again on the powers of her Animalism, giving a hooting call to her owl on the far side of the cathedral, bidding her to recognize and follow the pale skinned male who searched for her below in the cathedral. He would be Abetorius, master of the abomination being kept at Sir Rodger's estate. She must know of his haven.

Vezina moved down the outside wall, trying to harken back to the days of her mortality, the scraping, survivalist lifestyle she'd lived as a fur trapper's daughter. She had scaled surfaces like this... perhaps the memory would be enough to guide her, perhaps not. If she slipped, she would have to call upon the blood as she fell to invigorate her constitution for the impact.

Vezina uses Animalism to order her owl to follow Abetorius once he leaves the cathedral.

She will attempt to climb down the wall as best she can.

If she falls, she will spend three vitae to increase her Stamina by that amount to help absorb the blow (and whatever other misfortune might follow). Her goal now is to escape.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Hiking up her skirts and quickly climbing over the edge her foot found purchase on the jutting edge of a brick. Though she was not inconvenienced by the cold of the wind, the blowing made her trip downward more difficult. Roughly ten feet down from the top of the bell tower, she found a small ledge of masonry to steady herself upon. Here she once again called upon the powers of her blood to command the lesser beasts, telling her ghoul to follow the pale skinned male she knew to be Abetorius.

Her commands given she continued down the side of the windswept tower. She had gone no more than five feet when a particularly vicious gust of wind threw her off balance. She felt the cold air rushing upwards as she fell, even as she concentrated on increasing her constitution and prepared for the landing. She hit the roof of the church hard though her body barely felt the blow, what would have broken a mortal's bones barely caused her a bruise.

Once she had gathered herself once more she moved for the side of the roof, a mere twenty feet and she would be safe on the ground once more. Swiftly she clambered down the last twenty feet and moved towards the shadows of a nearby alley, where she could plan the rest of her escape.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The necessity of her flight and the very real risk of the Second Death hounding on her heels drove Vezina to pick herself up after her fall and continue her descent without pause. It was not the most graceful escape she could have hoped for, but it couldn't be helped now. All that mattered was to make a clean get away and reach the safety of Elysium.

She sought the shadowed alleyway and moved down it, calling to her horse through the Summoning. Her hatred of the Usurpers and the all too real longing for the succulence of their blood - her clan's stolen blood - was strong, but her instinct told her that to hunt either of these Tremere would require surprise and preparation.

She looked over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't being followed, and quickened her pace just in case. She wanted to get to her horse and ride it all the way to Sir Rodger's estate and the prison of the gargoyle, whom she now was certain held many secrets that the Tremere greatly feared would fall into her hands.

That their contact, the archbishop, did not have anyone with ready access to the grotesque meant that she could at least trust the Cappadocian in this respect, and his Gorgon bodyguard, with whom Vezina had recently developed a healthy respect for. The information that the court was being infiltrated by Tremere spies must be call for concern.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina's senses were still on edge after her hasty escape and she imagined every sound she heard to be one the usurpers hot on her trail. Thankfully it seemed her fears were without merit as she exited the alley into a large field where she called for her mount.

Once mounted she began the return journey to London and the gargoyle's prison. Her mind could think of little beyond vengeance upon this group of usurping warlocks. The enormity of the task would give mortals pause but she had all the time in the world to find their lair and bring misery to all who aided them. She would have to find out who had access to the monstrous creature first and foremost. She would also have to warn the necromancer and his bodyguard of the possibility the usurpers had spies who would seek the creature's release.


Steam and sweat were pouring from her mount's flanks as she finally slowed to navigate the treacherous moors around elysium. She had rode hard on the return to London as the time was growing precious. She doubted there would be enough time to question the creature tonight, at least not fully. Still there was enough time to begin before she would need to find haven from the dawning sun.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina dismounted and searched about for the stable boy to take the horse off of her and see that it was given something to drink and eat. It would need to recuperate quickly if she were to reach safe haven before the sun and still have time to question the beast.

She made her presence known to one of the servants and waited to be announced and allowed entry into the necromancer's halls, as decorum demanded. The Tzimisce wondered perhaps if she were showing a sign of her relative youth by trying to accomplish so much in one night. And she feared, perhaps rightly so, that signs of her mortal peasant roots were showing in her apparent need to scurry about busily, doing these tasks herself rather than engaging others to do her dirty work.

And yet, like any sensible magistrate, she felt that she could trust only in herself to mete out the justice that her blood demanded upon the Tremere - and in truth, the thrill of the hunt was something she discovered she had long missed, these past years learning her sire's version of elegance in the sacred limestone caves of her rebirth.

If and when she were given admittance into Elysium and to Rodger's inner sanctum, she would look about for the face of the Lamia warrior that had stood by her and Aethulwulf. Lysandra with her fiery hair and touch of the soldier-occultist appealed to Vezina's sensibilities concerning the hunting of the Usurpers. She and the Warmaster at least could be trusted to kill the witches, or so the Tzimsce supposed - and there might be much that she could learn from that woman.

But more still that she could learn from the Gargoyle.

Vezina would look to inform Rodger that she desired to see the prisoner once again, as was her right given that she had been the one to bring it to the court. Recent events, and the knowledge of how desperately the Tremere wished to be rid of the monster, had changed Vezina's attitude towards the grotesque. Perhaps it could be of better use alive - and unshackled from its thralldom to its masters. But such a process, she feared, could be beyond her for the time being. She would have to learn more of her enemy to attempt it, and strengthen herself with all the arts that her craft and blood could provide.

Don't know who is going to be up and about when Vezina arrives, but she would generally like to confide her findings in Lysandra first, before Rodger, but she would like to inform both of them eventually that the Tremere appear to have Tiriel in their pockets and they are actively trying to infiltrate the Court with traitors among the court's servants.

She'll then want to have a brief chat with the gargoyle, whose name I can't recall at the moment.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The scrawny stable boy took Vezina's horse with no questions asked and his eyes held downward. She recalled that he was the only living soul she had ever seen at the mansion as the door was opened by one of the Cappadocians more typical servants. Her adventure this evening making her wonder how well these walking corpses would fare against an assault by the usurpers.

She did not have long to ponder this thought as she noticed the venerable chamberlain descending the steps from his library. The pale parchment-like skin stretched thinly over his bones, giving one the impression of a walking skeleton. His eyes however gleamed with cunning intellect in opposition to his appearance as they fell on the young Tzimisce.

"Ah, greetings my Lady Vezina. What brings you to elysium at such a late hour? If you were planning on meeting with someone aside from myself or Lysandra you are out of luck."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina bowed her head and curtsied in deference to the elder Cappadocian.

"It was you I sought, m'lord chamberlain, and that we are alone save for the Lady Lysandra pleases me greatly, for I have discovered a disturbing truth concerning the stony guest that is housed here and its foul Tremere masters."

She raised her eyes to meet the gaze of the gaunt vampire whose face was tightened like a death mask over his skull.

"I bring news that the Usurpers are actively trying to infiltrate our court, and have already turned contacts here to their cause - contacts they have garnered through the mortal, Tiriel, the Archbishop of Westminster, who is supposedly a creature of Mithras, or so I had been told. I tell this to you because I have overheard these Tremere speaking to him, and they command him to find a way to free or silence the gargoyle prisoner for fear of what it could tell us. I know you are not a part of this conspiracy because if you were, they would have no difficulty in extracting the prisoner."

She paused to gauge the chamberlain's reaction, to see if any of this surprised him.

"I believe the prisoner must now be preserved, made to turn on its former masters," she said slowly. "It will not be simple, but we must learn what secrets it holds."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The chamberlain's scholarly mien remained upon his skeletal face as he continued to descend the stairs. Once he had joined Vezina on the ground floor he lead the way towards the dungeons with a flourish to allow the younger vampire to go first. "Lysandra is down in her chambers I believe, probably filling my servants with holes. I also presume you will wish to examine the creature once you have explained your reason for visiting us."

True to his word the pair found Lysandra in the armory of the mansion, practicing upon one of her master's dead servants with a bow. Her last shot thunking into the center of the creature's forehead before she set the bow to the ground and joined them. Lysandra seemed to listen intently as she seemed a far more passionate creature than her master. Her lips curled in disgust at the mention of the usurpers as she of course had first hand knowledge of the abilities like Vezina. The chamberlain's face showed neither worry nor alarm at Vezina's revelations, not surprising considering his role as a scholar and counselor of the prince. Finally he spoke again a small smile spread across his deathly visage. "I don't doubt that you are telling the truth my lady Vezina. Yet I fear you may be mistaken, you see Bishop Tirel is one of my creatures. Though perhaps he could be entertaining these Tremere, he has a few dark hobbies that I help him with on occasion. These Tremere are mages as I recall from the diary."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina waited until she and Sir Rodger had joined Lysandra in her martial practice before explaining the reason for her arrival. The Cappadocian's answer drew a raised brow, but she factored that bit of information into her own approach. Sir Rodger was Mithras' chamberlain, and therefore his spokesperson while the Lord was asleep. He was a man of considerable power, and she could only hope that the presence of the Tremere in the surrounds of London would eventually give him cause for concern. If Rodger was tempted by the notion of learning from these mages, it would harm Vezina's desire for revenge.

"If he is one of your creatures, chamberlain, then it is important that you are aware he seems all too eager to please these Tremere in their quest to infiltrate our Court. Already, their hold on him may challenge yours. Without Lord Mithras' word to rule on them, the Usurpers exist on the outside of our political system - they are an Other, and they have sent creatures like our prisoner to attack members of our court, without provocation. Like you, I would not begrudge a mortal of capability his little dalliances with the occult - but not at the expense of Cainite interests. Whatever small glimpse of arcane secrets these Tremere allow him will be as nothing to the damage they shall surely try to reap. Mark my words, they are a danger. Or ask your bodyguard. Lysandra stood with me and Aethulwulf against one of their number, and I believe him have been one of their younger mages. This Abetorious, whose journal we found, was with Tiriel tonight, along with a woman, Meerlinda. That one had the air of authority in her tone. She may have potent blood indeed... stolen blood, as if I needed to remind you. We cannot allow the Tremere to skulk about in the shadows. We must drag them into the light and make them answer for their actions."

Vezina raised her chin, hoping that her words might convince Sir Rodger to say something more about the matter.

Eventually, his predication about her wanting to talk to the gargoyle would be vindicated, as she desired to get a few words in with the creature before needing to retreat to the safety of a haven for the day. Even now, she was conscious that the dawn would approach soon and it was unwise to chance the sun.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Rodger's corpse-like face betrayed as little emotion as one of his dead servants might, though his voice did suggest some contrition as he nodded. "Of course, my lady Vezina, you are quite right in your appraisal of the situation. I simply cannot help but wonder what secrets we might learn from these usurpers, as they have stolen from us perhaps we should steal from them."

A furious scowl erupted on the gorgon's face though her anger remained under constraint. "Secrets should be sought out and learned not stolen. It is not right for us to steal secrets anymore than it is right to destroy a source of secrets. Grrrarrragh." Lysandra spun around drawing her seax and throwing it towards the creature she had been using for target practice. The slightly curved blade sinking deeply into it's flesh as it struck. The Lamia moved away from the conversation to retrieve her weapon leaving Vezina and Rodger to continue their conversation alone.

Rodger shook his head like a parent might do to a child throwing a tantrum though he said nothing until his gaze returned to Vezina. The ancient looking necromancer seemed unworried by the near frenzy as he said. "I will try to arrange another meeting of the court, though I doubt if it will be possible before next week. In the meanwhile I urge you to find any information that might sway the court's opinion regarding the Tremere. When Lysandra has calmed I will have her ensure the captive and my haven is secure from intrusion should the usurpers be so bold."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina held her tongue as Lysandra lost her temper at the mention of stealing secrets. It was a reaction that the Tzimisce had not expected from the warrior woman, who had seemed so at ease even in times of battle.

"The Usurpers will not give up any secrets of value willingly - I daresay they will ask for far more than it is worth. Their strange sorcery is all that protects them from our vengeance, and our lack of understanding is the key to that advantage. However, that is not to say that it is a power greater than any other discipline of the blood. We can deny their plans if we react in time and uncover the traitors in our midst."

She looked to the window and frowned.

"The dawn comes all too quickly, I fear. It was imperative that I inform you of the Tremere designs on Tiriel. I wish to question the prisoner on the morrow night, to see if I might convince it to share its knowledge with me. There is something that it knows, and we must have it before the creature is silenced."

She curtsied to Sir Rodger.

"I shall return to my haven and call upon your household tomorrow night, if you would welcome me. I should wish to discuss the options that our court has in using Tiriel and the creature to locate these Tremere dangers."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Rodger nodded sagely at Vezina's remarks regarding the Tremere menace as he added. "You are always welcome, my lady Vezina. I assure you that Lysandra will ensure that the creature remains safe until tomorrow evening. I will think on how we might use the tools at our disposal as well. I will also keep the news of traitors in our court a secret until the correct time to weed out such problems. Until tomorrow evening, milady."

The Cappadocian added a small bow in response to Vezina's curtsy before following her back upstairs to the door. Vezina hurried to her horse and mounted to begin the journey back to the city. Her precious dirt had been secured in her saddlebags and she now had to decide if she should chance the longer trip back to Berenice and Eric or if it would be safer to use inn for the evening.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina considered the time and the state of her horse. The animal had already been ridden hard that night, and Berenice had been notified that Vezina might not make it back that evening.

Gyulu had trained her to act with caution in such cases. She was immortal only for so long as the hateful rays of the sun did not shine upon her. Chancing the dawn was to unnecessarily court the Second Death. It was a foolish gamble to make casually.

She returned to the inn within the city and settled into a room, hopefully before dawn broke. When the next evening arose, she would ride back to Berenice first to update the girl on the situation and check in with her prisoner, the young man named Eric, who she might ask further questions of. Perhaps Eric would have seen this Abetorius or Meerlinda.

Then she would deal with the gargoyle, and delve further into the Usurper treachery.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina arrived at the inn with time to spare though she was beginning to feel the urge to rest. Securing her horse with orders to see that it was well-taken care of after riding it so hard during the night. She was safe and secure from the sun in the same room that she had previously stayed in and by the time she had carefully spread her dirt upon the bed she had little time to think over her plans.

She awoke to the next night with renewed energy. Even knowing the forces that were arrayed against he she was filled with cautious confidence as she began the journey south to Lambeth Moor and Berenice. Arriving early in the evening at the once rich mansion of her prospective domain in London. The door was answered by the elderly maid who quickly bowed at the sight of Vezina and led he inside to the dining room where Berenice was eating.

The young woman looked up at Vezina's entrance an eager smile forming on her face at the sight of her would be savior and master.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina swept into the dining hall with as much an air of dignity and dominance as she she possessed, already treating the manner at Lambeth Moor as her own domain and thinking of ways in which she would adjust this hall to be more in keeping with her own preferences. She knew little of what mansions were meant to look like beyond the auster, stone castle that had been her sire's haven during her mortal years - and the first point at which she had entered under his tutelage in the most noble art of pain and its endurance.

She would honor Gyulu by making of her domain an homage to the dwelling of her ancient homeland. The cellar would need to be expanded and a portion of the adjacent land excavated to create a deeper foundation. She would need spacious chambers dug out beneath the earth, and she would prefer to bring some of the limestone from the cave of her Embrace to rest here as well.

These thoughts and future plans pleased her and made her feel more at ease. She had a direction and a cause to fight for. What more could one blessed with immortality hope for? She would grow in power and might and make the Tremere bleed for their crime of existence. Perhaps they need not all be exterminated... she would enjoy breaking one of them, certainly. That was getting ahead of herself though. First she would need to gather more evidence and investigate Tiriel. She must make of herself an ally to the Cappadocian, and turn him against the Tremere if possible.

Her eyes fell on Berenice and she put on a smile for the little ghoul.

"Good evening, my dear Berenice. It is pleasant to see you in rousing spirits. I have been busy tracking down the whereabouts of your lord father. He has made a most terrible enemy by somehow incurring the spite of the Archbishop of Westminster. I have learned, however, that the archbishop is merely a puppet to a greater evil - one that will take time and the aid of powerful allies to counter. Berenice..."

Vezina cupped the young woman's chin in her cold, pale palm; she gazed apologetically at the soft pools of blue that looked up at her with adoration and apprehension.

"You must armor yourself against those who mean to bring disaster to your household. If any harm has come to your lord father, I shall take all measures to see that vengeance and justice come to them. Your own vengeance must be in not succumbing to their designs. Life is suffering, but this suffering is a gift for those who can endure, for it shall teach you how to be more than what you are now. Trust in me to do what is best in your interests, and be willing to open yourself up to the scars of this conflict of the night. Bear the cuts proudly. Let them be your declaration of defiance against all who would array themselves against us."

Vezina lowered her head and kissed the ghoul upon her soft, rosy lips.

"There's a good lady. Now. How is our guest, Eric? Has he been fed? He will need means of recovering strength. I have more questions for him."

Vezina would wish to be led by Berenice to see the prisoner. She hoped that this Eric would be able to tell her more if she dropped details of Abetorious and Meerlinda... and midnight meetings at the cathedral.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Berenice's soft eyes lit up as her saviour told her of what she had learned. The young ghoul eagerly listening as she was promised justice for any misdeeds that might need repaying. There was still perhaps a hint of fear in her eyes at the mention of suffering and yet she seemed so eager to please that Vezina knew she had little to worry about. One day she would make an excellent servant to her mistress, just as her lands would make an excellent domain.

She blushed just the tiniest bit as Vezina softly kissed her lips and a enthusiastic smile spread across her face as she pushed her chair back from the table to lead Vezina to their captive. "I personally saw to it that everything was taken care of exactly as you ordered, mistress Vezina. Of course he tried to act as though he was not hungry but he still ate a bit, hopefully it was enough."

They soon arrived at the room Eric had made to satisfy his fetish for pain, which now served as a prison. Berenice unlocked the door and quietly led Vezina into the room lit by a single torch along a back wall, which left Eric standing in the shadows. He was still chained exactly as she had left him, a frightened broken man compared to what he had been originally. Still there was emotion in his eyes as he looked up, a mix of fear and lust lingering in his forlorn eyes.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina appreciated the respect with which the young Berenice had spoken to her - the power of the blood and the poignant lessons of her knife had had the desired effect upon the young woman. She would learn to serve Vezina as Vezina had learned in turn to serve Gyulu, just as Eric might learn as well, each discovering their own path through the lessons of suffering.

Tonight, however, Vezina required answers. She swept into the bloody chamber where Eric awaited her tutelage and regarded him silently as Berenice walked behind and closed the door and slammed the bolt home. The sound of metal locking against cold stone produced in Eric a shudder, which told Vezina that the man was learning.

"Your cousin, Tiriel, has made alliances with many terrible people. A hazard of his position no doubt, but unfortunately for you, his designs run counter to mine. He is betraying a powerful group of nobles, which I, in my own capacity, am representing. I want to know what you know, dear Eric, about the man and woman who have been meeting with him in the cathedral at night. You can save yourself some pain by telling me everything. Fail to tell me... and we'll have to start where we last left off."

To illustrate her intentions, Vezina drew her knife from its sheath, slowly and deliberately, letting the blade slide along the hardened leather.