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Emily Sherrow [Janna]


Dec 9, 2008
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Emily Sherrow [Janna]
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: A slender young woman, about average height with long light brown hair and dark brown eyes. She is quiet and more than a little shy, mostly keeping to herself and happiest when she is alone with a good book to read. She is very dedicated and kind-hearted when someone can get her out of her shell, but she is uncomfotable around strangers or people she does not know well.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Emily Sherrow slowly wakes up in a seemingly empty room, raggy clothes on and in front of her she sees two small gold lined cases. Each containing something that she immediately knows is something special, they are the only things in the room besides the torchs on the wall or the spiders by the exit to this room.

{Examine} {Open Cases} {Move On} {Wait}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily sits up a little unsteadily, rubbing her head and blinking. "I don't. . . where am I?" She looks around the room, examining her surroundings and paying special attention to the pair of chests.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Emily examines the room but nothing out of the normal dungeon chambers. It has torchs dimly lighting the room and the walls are of solid stone. Only one exit to the room and there was some chains adorning the wall, but most nothing unique besides the two cases which were still catching her eye. Though while the cases and the empty room was catching her eye, from the exit to the room there was some panting and what could only be heard as some kind of liquid hitting the stone ground in a splash every few seconds.

{Call Out Towards The Noise} {Open Cases} {Move On} {Wait} {Become Very Quiet}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily becomes very quiet, not sure what to make of the weird dripping noises. She tries to move herself into a position where someone looking into the door wouldn't see her.

This isn't good., she thinks. I don't know where I am or how I go here and now there's some. . ., she blushes, . . .some I don't even know what breathing heavily right outside. What happened to my clothes?
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Emily moves quickly and quietly just to the side of a wall where the thing or person can't see her. Though her eyes are pinned to the door as if it was a thriller movie. Just as she thought it had passed a snout of a doberman hound appeared into the room where Emily was, drool dripping down onto the ground and the snout up in the air sniffing. However, it seems not to be able to find Emily...yet at least. Emily had remained well but the drooling Hound laid down right in the door way and started to what could only be described as snoring.

{Grab Cases And Run/Sneak Passed Him} {Grab Cases} {Run/Sneak Passed Him} {Wait} {Try To Remain Hidden}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily lets out a quiet, relieved sigh. Just a dog, she thinks, I don't know why I was panicking. If I just stay calm I should be okay. She glances over at the cases, deciding that while the hound was sleeping it might be a good time to grab the cases and sneak past him.

She watches him carefully as she tiptoes across the room.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Two Unopen Cases}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Emily moves silently and slowly passed the sleeping Hound, she however, does successfully make it passed him and into the next room. As you enter the new room, the Hound out of sight, you clench the cases to yourself and you hear a voice calling from the other side of the new room. "Welcome to my coven. Do you wish to stay for a bite?" He said with a smile that only could be seen by the torch shining against one fanged tooth. He made no movement towards Emily and all she could tell was that he was covered in solid black attire.

{Run} {Talk To Him} {Open Cases} {Attack} {Examine Room}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily looks up nervously, not sure who this stranger is or what "coven" he is talking about. She tries to surreptitiously open the cases, hoping that she can find out what is inside of them before this stranger approaches.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), 1 gold stat boosting pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Emily opens up the cases to reveal a blue bra in the one and in the other a gold pill inside a pill bottle labeled "booster".

Aquired Blue Bra, +6 to INT when worn. As well as a gold stat boosting pill.

Just as quickly as you open the cases you see the man approaching almost as if hes teleporting by the speed he's moving you cannot quite see. He then stops a few feet away, "Why have you come into my coven if you wish not to speak to me?" He said in a hurt kind of tone but it was more of a teasing tone. He didn't make any sign to attack but he was definitely very strange.

{Run} {Talk To Him} {Eat The Pill and/or Put On Bra} {Attack} {Examine Room}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily looks chagrined, speaking to the mysterious man, "I am sorry, sir. I don't know where I am or really how I even came to be here. I apologize for my rudeness but. . .", she blushes again, ". . . I'm not properly dressed." She indicates the shreds of cloths she wears.

"I had hoped that these cases contained some sort of proper clothes. I'm terribly embarassed to have to speak to you in this state."
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), 1 gold stat boosting pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Emily tried to converse with the man but all he had really done was stare at her body. In a perverse way that Emily no doubt felt uncomfortable about. He smiled finally and then answered, "I can get you some clothes my dear, just follow me." Though he was lying and it showed through his posture all he was, was looking for her body. The man hadn't attacked yet but it was inevitiable if she paid close attention.

{Run} {Follow Him} {Eat The Pill and/or Put On Bra} {Attack} {Examine Room}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

"Um. . . thank you but I think I'm finding some clothes on my own," Emily replies, laying one arm over her breasts trying to block his stare. She pops the pill into her mouth and swallows, "I'm really going to keep looking around on my own."
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Pinned (Against The Wall)

"Fine then I must insist." The man removed his glasses and stared into Emily's eyes, the eyes were a reddish color.

Vampire, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][111]}
Description: He wears a black leather jeans, jacket [no shirt], black boots and gloves. He has black hair and wears black sunglasses, nearly every part of him is covered in black, giving him perfect ability of surprise. He is silent and strikes fast.
Special Vampire Ability Enhanced Abilities: failed, not giving him his vampiric strength this round.
Special Vampire Ability Charm: succeed.

The vampire's eyes started to hypnotize Emily to the point she was staring into them with a blank stare, he took this time to pin her to wall. Though soon as he forced her up against the wall she came to. "This is my coven and you shall survive me as my queen. The first act is, pleasing me." He said brushing his hand against her cheek.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Wait(easier to escape next round, but risks being pulled deeper} {Attack}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily blinks, confused, ". . . wait. . .what? Hey! Let go!" She brings her knee up between the man's legs, trying to attack him where it would hurt the most. She struggles to keep his hand away.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Pinned And Being Felt Up (Against The Wall)

Vampire, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][111]}

Both Vampiric Kiss and Enhanced Abilities: failed.

Emily quickly went to bring her knee up to his crotch but his vampiric agility was able to pin her leg before it reached its target with his own legs. "If you wanted to feel it, you could always ask." He said with a wink as he leans in and started to lick your neck and move around your neck, sucking with his hand firmly holding your breast, massaging it every once in awhile. It was obvious what this vampire wanted.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Give In(easier to escape next round, but risks being pulled deeper} {Attack}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily moans, arching into his touch as his hand massages her breast. Her face flushes with a mix of embarassment and pleasure as she feels her nippls hardening. She whimpers when his tongue flicks out against the pale skin of her neck, letting the thought of giving in cross her mind for maybe longer than it should have.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Penetrated (Against The Wall, Vampire's Cock In Vagina)

Vampire, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][111]}

Vampire's Enhanced Abilities: failed.
Vampire's Vampiric Kiss Ability: SUCCESS
Giving In: Success +30 modifier through next action.

Emily had given into the touches of the vampire whose licks soon turn into a piercing bite on her neck, causing arousal to rise int Emily and making her mind be lost for a few seconds just enough time for him to piercing her womanhood with his manhood. He had let one of his hands slip to his pants, unzipping it and with a quick brush moved her skirt up just enough to feel her womanhood closing in around his member. "Aaaaahh. You were definitely worth the trouble." He said in a teasing manner. Even through the pleasure, Emily could feel her head being a bit more straight. With her new found energy she keeps her stamina stationary and she even through his newly worked thrusts, she keeps her cool and doesn't lose herself in the pleasure.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily's body stiffens, the feeling of his penetrating member snapping her out of her momentary reverie. Her legs spasm, and she knows she must get away. She twists in his grasp, trying to escape the pin, even as she pushes with all of her strength at at his shoulders, trying to force him back.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Pinned (Against The Wall)

Vampire, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][111]}

Vampire's Enhanced Abilities: Success. His stats increase some.

The vampire's thrusts got strong and strong as his power increased but then almost like a miracle Emily was able to shove him back out of her and away from her. He groaned in pleasure at his member leaving her inner depths but then bared his fangs as he got very angry she pushed him away. "Was I not pleasing you too? You're gonna pay for that one!" He hissed as he lunged for her again, pinning her back against the wall. "How dare you! I'm gonna enjoy raping you until you plead for more." Emily feels the extra energy she got to push him away leaving her.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Wait(easier to escape next round, risk going deeper)}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily lets out a paniced cry as she sees his fangs. Up until this moment she hadn't realized what she was facing and now her terror only adds to her need to escape. She squirms, trying to escape his pin as she desperately twists her body around.