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Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80-13=67/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used)

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][16-12=4]}

Emily kicked towards the dog's midsection and connected a very heavy blow that had the dog whining and yelping before it recovered back to its paws with a snarl. You could see that it was angered and it wasn't so much looking at her legs anymore as it was looking pissed off. The Hound took a leapt towards Emily's arm and bit her on the wrist, pulling her down to the ground a bit but mostly hurting her before it let go and ran a bit away and turned around as if it was getting ready for the next attack.

{Attack} {Wait} {Run}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily yelps in pain, grabbing her injured wrist as her eyes flash with anger. This place, these creatures, bringing out a side of her that she never knew existed. With an angry shout, she rushes the dog, attacking it again with the intent to kill; kicking with all the built up anger, frustration and pain that she had experienced since waking up in this dungeon.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][67/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used)

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][4-2=2]}

Emily kicked the hound once more with a hard swift kick but the hound was able to barely survive the kick. Though the hound's anger was showing as it let off howls and barks that could burst an eardrum. This time the hound took a leapt, the horniness must've gotten to him as he tries to pin Emily once more but this time she's ready for such a leapt and gets out of the way before he can pin her.

{Attack} {Wait} {Run}

(oh the irony on the damage >.< XD)
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

"NO!" she shouts, as the dog lunges. She grits her teeth and makes another clubbing overhand strike, attacking the doberman's head with both hands. She pants for breath a little, not used to this kind of intensive excercise.

(If I hit for 1 damage on my next successful attack, I'll be very upset :p )
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][67/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used)

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][DEAD]}

Emily sent a heavy blow to the hound's head as it came leaping for her, though the hound was dropped square in the air, the tongue of the beast hitting her foot as it landed limp by her feet.
Gained 94 experience.

{Wait} {Move On}
(Fyi, it was 5 dmg XD)
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily falls to her knees, sobbing, overwhelmed by what she had done. She rubs her wounded wrist, waiting for the pain to subside a little before she moves away. Her eyes flicker over to the fallen doberman and, with a hesitant touch, she closes it's eyes and tries to lay it in a comfortable position.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][67+12=79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used)

Emily rubs her wrist and waits in the room, hoping the pain subsides. Luckily for her, it subsides rather fast and she had no more encounters with other creatures as of yet that is. Her pain in her wrist is nearly completely gone.

{Wait} {Move On}

(Closed the eyes? Damn I'd kicked the fucker. XD)
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily stands up, just shaking her hand to make sure everything is alright. She takes one last look around the room before moving on.

(But it was just a poor misguided puppy. And Emily has probably never killed anything before :eek: )
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][67+12=79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used)

Emily slowly enters the next room to find that she is facing a man who was raping a cardboard box, groaning and humping it as hard as he could possibly do. Nothing else was in the room as far as you could tell.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk To Him}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily is momentarily taken aback by the sight of the man assaulting the box. She stops, watching him closely while scanning the room for other exits. What is going on in this place?, she thinks when her mind recovers from the shock, Have all the male creatures in this place been driven mad somehow?

She waits, unsure what to do.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Emily's uneasiness kept her from healing any but luckly for herself the man continued to assault the box with no regards that she was even in the room, a moment passed and you could hear him groaning as if he hit his climax before he continued assaulting the box after just a few more seconds. It was obvious there was only one thing on the male's mind.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Sneak Away}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily scrunches up her face in disgust, but decides to simply leave the man to his pursuits. She quietly attempts to sneak away, hoping that his box will keep him busy.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Emily slowly starts to sneak to the exit which is scarily close to the man and his box. As soon as she's nearly home free she hears the man grunt and then let off a loud groan/scream. She turns to think he had seen her only to see that he had just came again. She quickly sneaks out of the room. As she enters the next room she can see a combination of levers on one wall and no exit to the room.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Levers} {Use Levers}

(@_@ a box...I'm twisted. >.>)
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily breathes a sigh of relief as she leaves the pervert to his pleasure. She looks around the room, surprised to see a dead end. I hope I don't need to go back, she thinks. Noticing the levers on the wall, she moves a little closer, warily examining them.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Emily starts to examine the levers and upon further examination she can see that theres numbers labeled above and below each of the levers, almost as if there was a specific way to pull each of them. Though in such a place, you'd have to be careful not to pull a wrong trigger. Though Emily's examination of it made her think of it as a puzzle, not a trap.

{Wait} {Move On} {Use Levers}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily examines the levers, looking around for obvious trap doors that will spring open if she were to pull one of them. Satisfied that they're not that kind of a trap, she decides to use the levers.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Emily takes a very close look at the numbers and as she pulls on the one that says '1', and moves it towards the direction of the number. A small shifting can be heard and the wall opens up next to her. Though it just leads into another dead end. So she continues to switch them in order of numbers and direction of where the numbers are (up or down), until there is an obvious corridor with something sparkling at the back of it.

{Wait} {Move On} {Enter The Corridor/Examine Sparkle}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

"That's weird," Emily says, mostly to herself. She cautiously moves to the corridor to examine the sparkles. She tries to make sure that the lever isn't going to chang positions and close her in there.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Emily goes into the corridor and as she gets to the sparkling item it was a piece of glass (light reflecting off the glass) covering a small piece of paper, upon further examination of the paper she found it to be a sliver of a map. No doubt to this very dungeon itself. She was quick to take it and soon as she took it, the wall where the piece of the map was started to shift and reveal an exit.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily examines the map.

"So there is a way out. . . maybe. That's the first good thing I've found while I've been here," she adjusts her blue bra nonchalantly. "Let's see, it says I should go this way. . ."

She moves on.