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Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Emily moves through the exit that was laid out for her by the map and finds herself in a room with a man who if she glanced a bit harder she could see he was standing in the corner and masturbating wildly. He hadn't even seemed to notice her. There was nothing else she noticed of importance. It was obvious he was one of the crazed humans in this dungeon.

{Wait} {Run} {Talk To} {Attack}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily looks at the man with a mixture of pity and horror. She's not sure what to do; obviously he's lost all his sanity and, if he has the chance, he will probably try to rap her like everything else in this cursed place. She makes a decision and stalks forward, trying to catch him defenseless with a surprise attack.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

ENCOUNTER: Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][15]}

Emily tries to lunge forward with a blow to the man's back but when she hits it, she fails to get enough force behind her blow and she ends up just alerting the horny crazed man of her prescence in the room. He let out a grunt as he obviously hit his release against the wall before turning around and looking at Emily with crazed lustful eyes.

{Wait} {Run} {Talk To} {Attack}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily attacks the man again, fighting off her own fear as she kicks him.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][79/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

ENCOUNTER: Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][15-8=7]}

Emily's kick connects to the face of the crazed human, the human falling to the floor and not even making a move towards her it seems stunned. Whether it was or not, was not really clear. Though it hadn't made a move after her kick.

{Wait} {Run} {Talk To} {Attack}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily watches him fall, and for a moment considers leaving him alone. Then she remembers the way everything else she has encountered has reacted and moves in with another kick while he lies on the ground, "You're not going to fool me."

Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 2
Experience: 165/250
{[Health:][89/90]} {[Stamina:][120]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][DEAD}

Emily's final blow to the crazed human was a kick to his face and after she registered what she just did, she registered the fact she heard a loud crack when she kicked him in the face. No doubt she snapped his neck. The rest of the room was empty.
Gained 71 experience!
Level 1 >>> Level 2
Health 79/80 >>> Health 89/90
Stamina 100 >>> Stamina 120
8 stat points to do with what you wish.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily looks down at the dead man and shakes her thead sadly, "It. . . It was him or me. He would have. . ." she trails off. Turning away from him to move on.

(For stats +1 STR, +1 CON, +3 SPD, +3 INT)
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 2
Experience: 165/250
{[Health:][92/93]} {[Stamina:][126]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Lion, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][84]}
Emily's triumph over the crazed man was one step further in this place. Though as she entered the next room it was nearly pitch black, to the point she couldn't see her hand in front of her face. Though when she heard a loud roar from some kind of animal, she was no doubt fully alert even without sight. Though when the second roar came from the front of her, six-ten torches on the walls shot up high in flames and she was faced with a voroacious lion.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Try To Calm Down}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily forces herself not to scream, but realizes her odds unarmed and undefended against a hungry big cat are not favorable. She tries to throw one of the torches between her and the animal, hoping the beast's fear of fire will work in her advantage, as she runs away.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 2
Experience: 165/250
{[Health:][92/93]} {[Stamina:][126]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Lion, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][84]}
Emily's toss of the torch only angered the lion more, it just took a leap over it and knocked into her, halting her exit some as she sturdied herself but to her dismay, the lion was now blocking the exit. It'd posisbly be able to escape by him yet but it had definitely thwarted her plans of escaping this time. It let out a thunderous roar that could send shivers down the strongest of men.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Try To Calm Down}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Seeing no other option now, Emily charged the beast letting out a roar of her own, wondering if it would be possible to intimidate a creatre like that. She attacks out of desperation.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 2
Experience: 165/250
{[Health:][92/93]} {[Stamina:][126]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Pinned (Nearly Full Strength)

Lion, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][84-12=72]}
Emily's roar didn't scare but did surprise the lion and in turn the line was hit over the nose hard. It snorted and moved back a bit before it let out a loud roar. It took a leap towards Emily and within seconds it had her knocked down to the ground and pinned under its massive paws.

{Wait} {Try To Break Pin} {Attack} {Try To Calm Down}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily thrashes underneath the Lion, trying to find some way to slip out from under its pin. "Get off of me!" she screams, trying to squirm out under the animal's legs.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 2
Experience: 165/250
{[Health:][92/93]} {[Stamina:][126]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Pinned (Nearly Full Strength)

Lion, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][72]}
Emily's squirms and words were fruitless but on the same token. The lion hadn't seemed to make any more advancement but keeping her pinned to the ground. It was wanting something but it wasn't 100% sure what it was until she felt something tap her inner thigh, the lion's member was hard as most all of hte creatures in this place.

{Wait} {Try To Break Pin} {Attack} {Try To Calm Down}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily keeps trying to break free, using her legs to push hard against the Lion's hindquarters, trying to force it off of her.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 2
Experience: 165/250
{[Health:][92/93]} {[Stamina:][126]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Lion, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][72]}
Emily's squriming this time succeeded as he moved away from her due to her pushing. Though he didn't make a risk to leaving. Though it didn't take long for it to lunge back towards her but missed her, the lion let off a growl of annoyance no doubt.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Try To Calm Down}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily kicks some dirt off of the dungeon floor into the lion's face, trying to distract it while she makes her escape. She hopes that any kind of confusion will give her the moment she needs to run away from the huge cat.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 2
Experience: 165/250
{[Health:][92/93]} {[Stamina:][126]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Pinned (Nearly Full Strength)

Lion, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][72]}
Emily's trick only kept him down a few seconds as it took a lunge for her and slammed her against the wall, its big paws on her wrists and its nasty breath hitting the back of her neck. She could feel its member tapping against her skirt as well as feel its claws on her wrists. It was trying to make her submit to him, though that was unlikely.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Try To Calm Down The Lion}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily gasps as she is slammed against the wall. She groans in a mixture of shock and horror as the smell of the creature's breath surrounds her. Feeling the touch against her butt she closes her eyes and whimpers, "No. . . please not again. . ."

She tries to attack, slamming her elbow backwards, trying to hit the lion in it's throat.