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[Complete - Full] エルミア剣闘物語-少年剣士VS戦う乙女たち-/Gladiators of Elmia -Boy Swordsman VS Fighting Maidens (Machine Translation)

Really, just redownload the patch. I've updated the file on mega, not the link itself. It should be translated (at least it is for me).
View attachment 18937
View attachment 18938

in Map065.txt:

> CONTEXT: Map065/events/16/pages/0/0/Dialogue
old man. 「The signboard player here is Miel - chan of
bunny girl. I wonder if she will go out to martial arts
tournament as well. No, indeed it is not it ......」#MTLed

@Cleanfeel what exactly do you need to fix?
Best way to edit a script is with RPGMaker VX Ace.

Hmm, I just tried downloading the file again from your link posted under:

Translation (game 2.03, translator ver0.7.6, patch 2019/01/06) [new, untested]:

I applied the patch but Unfortunately im still getting the same untranslated errors.
The parsing error should be the same (and doesn't really matter).

But the areas in the screenshots should be translated.
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New update:

  • 2019年01月09日 誤字脱字修正不具合修正内容追加 文章とCG表示のミスを修正。
To those that keep getting errors with missing files.
-Download the game on DLSite
-Delete the assets folder in the RPGMT patch then patch the game (additionally delete Scripts.txt in the patch folder if the issues persist)

-Enjoy the game
-Consider buying the game

I will not share Data files. I hope you understand.

Edit: updated to 2.04
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To those that keep getting errors with missing files.
-Download the game on DLSite
-Delete the assets folder in the RPGMT patch then patch the game (additionally delete Scripts.txt in the patch folder if the issues persist)

-Enjoy the game
-Consider buying the game

I will not share Data files. I hope you understand.

Edit: updated to 2.04


Done both suggestions but still get the error:

Error parsing Script メニューに変数表示: String out of bounds: RubyParserState(string=..'d'.., index=2485, ruleStack=['Base', 'SingleQuote']) # 88:2405; leaving untranslated

And the patching stops at 99%

Keep in mind that the game works fine. It's translated and I don't see a big issue (just started playing) but this error still persist while patching.


P.S Yes, I did buy the game on Dlsite as I must support my femdom games. :)
Please don't mistake the errors.

Missing file errors are things that are bound to pop up when you use an untrustworthy pirated version of the game. They are game breaking--they crash the game. You can still fix them as explained above.

On the other hand, the error parsing Script is an RPGMT issue, so you have it no matter which version of the game you are using. That error can be ignored as it as no impact on the game (I fixed it, believe it or not). It prompts when you build a new patch for the game and because RPGMT builds a new patch each time you ask to patch a game (this allows it to patch even modified/updated games), it prompts every time. I already solved the issue but I just can't prevent the error message.

Now, please stop speaking of メニューに変数表示: String out of bounds: RubyParserState(string=..'d'.., index=2485, ruleStack=['Base', 'SingleQuote']) # 88:2405; leaving untranslated or address your complains to the RPGMT dev.

Huge thanks for the translation and support.

The patch is now made after game ver. 2.04. Slight improvements were also made to the translation.
I'm marking this project as complete. I'm not going back except for fixing bugs or if the game receives a massive update and no translator is working on it.

This has always been a sub-project of mine and I don't think I'm going to update it anytime soon.
Now, the new patcher allows you to translate everything directly in the .txt files (Ex: NamePop)--so feel free to try your hand on translation.
Do you think machine translation is unreadable and misses the poetic talent that existed when people created it?

Posted the with power of google translate:
English > Japanese > Slovak >Ukrainian > English
To be honest it is surprising how little was lost.
Since I cannot really read Russian, can you pls mail me the new russian file when you feel it is ready for publishing?
Thank you for working on this

What do you mean by that? I don't think there's any Russian translation files here.
So, I've been trying to get the patch to work but when I get to the ">Click Ok to the message box telling you the Game was patched successfully, the game will quit automatically" step instead of getting the box telling me the patch was successful I get this instead
Any idea what I'm doing wrong because I can't figure it out.
P.S. I've followed the steps in both the readme and BEFOREYOUCOMPLAIN files and the game is from DLsite. It is the Gaijinizer Translation (game 2.04, translator ver0.8.4, patcher ver 0.2.4, patch 2019/04/09) [new] I'm using and the game is from Dlsite and was last updated the 5th of March 2020 (Not sure how much of that is useful but I'm just covering my bases at this point).
Hi, I've had an issue with the last available translation patch for this game as well. As mentioned above me, it's probably due to the creator updating the game. Now I couldn't get the patcher (v0.2.4) to work with what was posted originally by the OP, but I managed to patch the latest version of the game with the OP's latest patcher (v0.2.5).

First off: Some parts will be untranslated. The obvious new content isn't translated. Seems like menus, items and some scenes (though not 100%) are translated. However, a lot of NPCs in town went back to Japanese.
Second: I'm just trying to help those who want to patch the latest version; so I hope this helps.

Ok, so let's get started with the patcher. I'm gonna assume we already used the decrypter tool for the game's files (if not, see here: https://ulmf.org/threads/how-to-apply-a-partial.7918/)
1) Download Gaijinizer v0.2.5 from here: https://ulmf.org/threads/tool-rpgmaker-vx-ace-patcher-gaijinizer-patchmaker.12841/

2) Paste the extracted contents in your game folder (should be the "Gaijinizer" folder, Backgorund.bmp, Game.ini)
Should look like this (Note: "1Game.ini" and "1Game.rgss3a" were the original files.):


3) Inside that Gaijinizer folder, open Gaijinizer.ini with Notepad. Change "on_start=patch_game" to "on_start=show_ui"

4) Run the game. Hit "Create Untranslated Files." Once it does its thing, close the game. These files will be in the "Gaijinizer" folder, inside folder "New_Patch" (directory: \Gaijinizer\New_Patch)

5) Rename folder "New_Patch" to just "Patch". If you wanna see what's untranslated, just make a copy of this folder and name it "Patch".

6) From the OP's original translation, copy and paste all the files from their patch to the "Patch" folder. The OP's translated files should be in \Gaijinizer\Patch_190409

7) Run the game. Hit "Patch Game." If you wanna see what's untranslated, see step 8. Else, wait for the patch to finish and then run the game again.

8) Before you launch the game again make a copy of the Log.txt file. The Log.txt file will accurately tell you what's untranslated. These files are from the folder in step 5.

You're done. All credit goes to Lv1VillagerA (the OP). I believe they said anyone can dive in and edit the translation, although I haven't really looked into this (and I'm not a translator either).
Notice the new staircase going up. Menu is translated but character names are back to Japanese.

Well, your help has managed to get the patch working but the opening seems to be in English for anything that is not stated by a character but Japanese whenever a character speaks. Seems to be like that everywhere. I'm also now running into a load of new issues sadly. Enemy art for fights is positioned so that the head is cut off, I'm missing an option to adjust the sound on the title screen, and I am no longer able to leave the village. I receive this message when I try.
The number after 0xe is different every time.
Well, your help has managed to get the patch working but the opening seems to be in English for anything that is not stated by a character but Japanese whenever a character speaks. Seems to be like that everywhere. I'm also now running into a load of new issues sadly. Enemy art for fights is positioned so that the head is cut off, I'm missing an option to adjust the sound on the title screen, and I am no longer able to leave the village. I receive this message when I try.
The number after 0xe is different every time.

Sorry to hear the issue. I created a new game, fought the first npc in the village successfully and was able to leave the village. No issues on my end so far.

As for the NPCs speaking Japanese, I noticed an issue when I looked at the Log.txt/Untranslated files and compared it to the OP's patch.
> CONTEXT: CommonEvents_5/262/Dialogue < UNTRANSLATED
Untranslated: 「そ、そんなっ……」
OP's Patch: そ、そんなっ……
The brackets or whatever they are breaks a lot of already translated dialogue. Not sure if this is the game or the patcher.
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Permanent ban.
So can anyone give me the original untranslated version of the game??
I apologize for the necro, but the Gaijinizer patch for this game and Devil's game are no longer on mega. I tried the github variants, but couldn't figure out how to work them including with RPGmakertrans. Couldn't find the patch in those files. I only bring it up because I value all your hard work for the translations and would love to play them.
Likewise as above. Would love it if anyone still has the translation.