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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen enjoyed the feeling of hugging her little sister, that warm skin covered in cum... She just wanted to lick the plantgirl all over. "We didn't get the key, but we will eventually. And besides, there's more to life than sex and breeding you know. Even I know that~" she replied, just a tiny bit discouraged by how broken Celesta seemed to be. She got even more discouraged when her request for stories from their childhood backfired... She had hoped that Teresa would tell a funny story or some such and they would all have a laugh together. Instead she talked about how their mother had died, and she had spent all of her time trying her best to provide for Celesta. The story quickly drew antagonism between the two sisters, Celesta clearly getting under Teresa's skin by complaining about her cooking until she actually got the angelic woman pissed.

And honestly, so was Evelen. "Hmph. That's enough of that, I suppose" she said firmly, looking past Celesta and speaking to Teresa. "Would you be a dear and go fetch me some rope? Make it a couple of good long lengths if you can find it. I'm going to have to talk with the matriarch, see if I can't find some sort of magic to help our dear sister. Before that, though..." she turned to gaze into the plantgirl's eyes, nose to nose. "Before that it looks like I'm going to have to teach her a lesson~" She leaned in for another little kiss, whispering "if you're going to be a selfish and ungrateful little girl, I'm going to have to treat you like one for a little bit~" Her tone was teasing and playful, but something in her eyes would tell Celesta that she wasn't just kidding around right now.

When (and if) Teresa decided to follow Evelen's request the brunette would just continue cuddling Celesta on the bed, nuzzling her affectionately, though there was a hint of menace in her voice as she asked "do you know why I'm annoyed with you right now? All I wanted was to have some nice family time, just the three of us. To relax and hold and love each other now that we're out of that awful temple. Because I do love you, very much." Another kiss, this one deeper, longer before she broke it. "But you ruined the moment, you know? You went and ruined what could have been so nice for all of us. So you're just going to have to be punished until your attitude changes~"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa was not expecting what Evelen need now, she fight against her ponders, maybe trying to remember than this could be to help Celesta to be normal again and mostly her mind state after the small argue with her little sister still have some effect in her mind. " Rope? Certainly i can go and get you some, please stay with Celesta, i dont want to see her jump at the arms of this people again."

Said this she leave in the instant to dont make this bigger, Celesta was worried but heavily aroused, blushing as Evelen tease her and make her imagine more or less what could be waiting for her. "B-but i havent done anything wrong... i mean, im thinking in our safety... we had done a lot and im tired of get in dungeons filled with traps and monsters... please Mistress, dont hurt me so much" Celesta tried to return the kiss to Evelen and caress her body. "Im sorry... we had a hard childhood, the happiness with you and Suzanne has been more than before meet you" ... "can we cuddle and have a good time?, if you still want it" Celesta was slowly getting more lewd at her touch trying to pleasure the brunette one body and softly drench it more with the cum at her whole self.


Teresa will return later a while later, just then Evelen notice than the virgin outfit was on the bed and Teresa has leave naked in her bad mood. When she return her body was not clean, there was mark of fluids and hand over her, she just lend the rope asked for Evelen and sit on the bed frowning looking at the outfit. "So, what do you ahve in mind Evelen?" She said as she try to act normal after who know what happened to her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen grinned up at Teresa, replying "oh don't you worry... She's not going to be jumping into anyone's arms without my say-so~" The angelic older sister left then, leaving her and Celesta alone on the bed. The plantgirl seemed... worried by what Evelen said to her, but also quite obviously aroused. She tried to explain herself, to ask the brunette not to hurt her, if she still would have preferred to cuddle... Evelen gently rubbed her sister's cheek, staying nose to nose, lip to lip with her. "Well..." she said, smiling softly as Celesta's hands wandered her body, lewdly groping her, "you know it's hard to say no to you, but... I'm going to hurt you, and I'm going to deny you. Don't worry though... I think you'll enjoy it. And you know I would never try to cause you real harm. So until Teresa gets here..." one of her hands wandered down the plantgirl's back, rubbing her until getting to her ass, giving it a nice squeeze, "we can lay like this and enjoy each others' company."

The brunette laid there with her sister, pressing her chest against Celesta's, holding her tight and groping her rump, kissing her tenderly, though she wouldn't go further than that. Though of course, she wouldn't mind if the plantgirl tried to pleasure her. That was just a bonus. Teresa came back after a while, naked and with odd fluids on her body... She had forgotten her virgin outfit it seemed. That sucked. She had found lots of rope, though. "Well, our dear little sister here is going to cooperate with us" Evelen replied, disentangling herself from Celesta and grabbing the rope. "Aren't you, Celesta?" She would bring the plantgirl's arms around behind her back and bent them, getting some of the rope and tying it around her arms from one wrist to the other, knotting it tightly. "There we go~ Try to move them" she said, checking her work against Celesta's struggles. When she was satisfied she murmured "there's step one. Now for step two..." and bent one of the plantgirl's legs back, taking a second length of rope and binding her ankle to her leg, testing to see if Celesta could still move it before moving on to the other leg and binding it the same way.

"There we go. But just for good measure..." she mumbled, before finally tying both legs together nice and tight. "And now you're nice and helpless~ Teresa, help me lift her. We're gonna move her over to my bed I think." She would lift her sister by the legs, leaving Teresa to carrying her upper body. "Alright... now let's lay her down so that her boobs go in those holes, yeah? It'll be nice and comfy for her." She laid her sister down as she said, gently patting her rump and saying "there. Now what do you say we clean her off a little? Can't have her covered in cum" as she started to rub the sheets on her, getting as much of the warm fluid off her as she could. "Now we need to talk to the matriarch, see what her advice is. You go on ahead Teresa, I have a little bit more talking to do with Celesta, alright?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The plant girl softly whimper lustfully, showing how good she feel close Evelen, soon trying to use her tongue to fit inside Evelen's motuh and her hands caressing her sister in an attempt to make her get the aroused enough to take her, punish her as a real slut like her deserve, but Evelen was completely on control, her body loved the touch of course but Celesta was not a male and the only useful for the human breeder was her rare milk and the cum all over the plant sister, easily she could take it without sattle Celesta needs. Her sister was more plant than human, there was not exactly a heart beat on her and the warmless was different too, her skin could endure more torture yet Celesta was so sensitive and a crybaby sometimes, still deep inside she was a masochist adapted by the plant than capture her for 100 years to cum with some rought punishment as Celesta should enjoy any giant tendril and loads of seed.

Still, it could turn into an addiction to feel her body or strange violet long hair, squeezen her luscious ass, Celesta's body was just so naughty, completely different of a succubi, one just could think in fuck and do any wish against the plant girl will, fill her with monsters or childrens, it was easy to find out for what job she has been turned into this permanently.

"Maybe i was a little altered... but i only wanted the best for all... i love all of you... Teressa is so kind and for my good trained herself to be like our mom, yet after get there she tried to be better to improve any house job and task, maybe instead this we should help her to find a strong husband than care for her, here... she could make great things for this town and each of us could too... we could or not go to end that key stuff but we should think in enjoy this place isnt?" Celesta said as she try more and more to pleasure Evelen, she was doing a great job but the brunette would decide to return the favor or not, still see her try hard and tease her, beg her to stay and her whimpers was a delight.

When Teresa return she dont said anything about what happened to her, instead she even help Evelen to tie Celesta, she was confused at the start but she just suppose and said than it could help to hold the girl in control until they find a way to cure her, lift Celesta was an easy task with the angel helping, it was just harder to make the plant large breasts to fit in the holes, at the end they fit yet press on them all the time so she moaned by the feel as little drops of her purple milk escape from her nipples. "I-i accepted to cooperate and all, so, what else i should do... im sane and all you dont need to...hmm tie me? Why place me in a milking bed of them?" Celesta said and if Evelen ask Teresa would just say than the nurses place the brunette there to take her milk and clean her, thing than they would do to Celesta soon, yet the palnt girl body ended with a naughty shine after "clean" the cum on her and it was a shame waste all that nutritive cum, Evelen havent eaten anything and what is on her needs large quantity of thsi if she want to have a strong baby.

"Very well, then i will then go for her, but first i will solve something" She said as she put the virgin outfit on her not before try to clean her body, at least she looks to dont have cum inside her precious holes. Dressed Teresa leave them alone and after just instants Celesta wiggled her taunting rear cheeks as she ask what Evelen have in mind for her, clearly she was begging for a release.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta touched Evelen skillfully, hands wandering all over the brunette's body and teasing her while aggressively kissing her. At another time it might have been enough to make Evelen give in to what her sister wanted, but not now. Now she could hear the way the plantgirl whimpered, could tell that she was feeling really good but wanted more... and she knew how much of a masochist her little sister was. It only made her want to punish her more, to make her work for the release she craved. "You have been altered" she whispered back after Celesta gave her little speech, "you definitely have. You seem different... and I don't like it very much. Something in your eyes... I want the old you back, and I'm going to work to make that happen." She pushed her rump back into the plantgirl's groping hands, enjoying the way she kneaded her soft flesh. "And don't worry, I intend to enjoy this village for a bit. We need to rest and relax and recover for a while after that temple."

When Teresa returned and helped Evelen tie Celesta they picked her up and took her over to the bed, struggling to fit her breasts into the holes in it; they seemed to have been cut for Evelen, not the larger plantgirl. Still, they fit with a little squeezing, and once she was clean Teresa accepted to leave ahead of the brunette... All according to plan. Once the older sister was gone Evelen turned her attention back to Celesta, grinning somewhat wickedly as she rubbed her wiggling rump. "Mmm... But I do need to tie you, little sister. Or else you might leave this room in a moment of weakness. First off... Tell me something. Who owns your body?" she asked, then smacking that plump rear nice and hard, making it jiggle. "Hm? Who owns you?" She smacked the plantgirl's other rump cheek, continuing to spank her until she gave the correct answer (that Evelen did) and then a little bit more, until there was a pinkish tint to her butt.

"And if I own you, that means I can do whatever I want with your body, right?" Evelen asked, now gently groping that stinging flesh. "You've been awfully slutty with this body of mine lately you know. So in the future... you're going to have to ask my permission to take a cock~" Her fingers started to rub Celesta's anus gently, teasing it for a moment before slipping inside and starting to pump ever so slowly. "You can still please men with your hands and mouth, but you aren't allowed to be penetrated without my explicit permission. Any time you violate this rule, well... I'm going to have to punish you hard~ Do you understand, Celesta?" She pulled her fingers out of the plantgirl's ass then and gave her another couple hard spanks. "Mmm... the way you whimper is so delicious~" she teased, squeezing that hand between her sister's thighs and teasing her pussy, checking how aroused she was. "Hah, you're absolutely dripping, aren't you? I bet you want to cum so badly. Beg me for it~ Beg me for release, and maybe I'll give it to you~"

She would keep rubbing Celesta's pussy while she begged, teasing her, giving her pleasure... and then abruptly stopping, leaning over her sister's body and whispering in her ear "well you can't have it. You're being punished, and you'll cum when I say you cum. So lay here in my bed for a while and I'll go find the matriarch and have a chat. Just relax and enjoy... and anticipate what I'm going to do to you when I get back~" With that she gave the back of Celesta's neck a kiss and patted her rear, and then got up and left to go find the matriarch. There had to be some way they could help... But in the meantime Evelen was having fun letting her more dominant side show.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I-im fine, really... there is not reason for this... please stop, let me do what i want" Celesta said between sluty yelps and groans after each spank, Evelen could feel the warm at the green slutty skin, she could punish it as much as she wish and for long time, after all Celesta was not a human after her changes her body could endure the most long and terrible torture than the brunette could imagine. Even then Celesta was leaving some tears flow, it was not for pain certainly, maybe she has been spanked when she was young, maybe it has been Teresa or her mother or it could be just the pleasure than she get for each hit.

The palnt ass was not the only thing getthing red, her begs go on until she take a moment to heard and answer to Evelen question. "Its yours... its your body... please stop, Mistress please" Celesta pant and squirm, Evelen dont needed to feel the wetness of her petals to know how sluty her sister is or her need for a climax. She nods giving a soft yes as she close her eyes, her whole self was getting a fine sweet dew, a fruit ready to be eaten by a lucky male, but Evelen was her owner, she made clear than nobody will take her if she dont accept it first.

"I-im sorry... mistress... please, not t-that... i cant resist that... is so much, i need ah coc...ahhh~" Celesta begs for meat inside her were cut, she wanted to move and do the right move to cause Evelen's skilled fingers to reach her climax, but she couldnt move an inch, her toes and her back arching show when the human needed to stop, Celesta was just at her mercy, even her horny cry was nothing between the constant lustful townpeople's melody.

Yes...YES... please!, i will only suck cocks and pleasure them with my hands... just let me cum... use my naughty holes... they only belong...to you... please... Mistress" Celesta whimper in aroused agony, but Evelen could enly enjoy each sound and beg from her pet sister, her little sister was a beautiful toy easy to read and control, she know than Celesta will remember this with joy, a natural masochist maybe even before be trapped by that tree. Celesta show a worried face yet also her whole body was in an arousing shock by that whisper, she struggled the whole time trying to finish herself yet it was in vain as her sisters had done a good job in seal her movements.

Evelen then leave the room as she heard begs for her return and make her cum, Celesta screams for help were almost nothing after just some feet away the first corridor, the festivity of the whole town and the usual fun from all the matriarchs would hide it.

It take some time to find the four armed woman, she was with teresa and some others talking about Celesta, when Evelen got there tehy invite her to sit and join them in their talk. "At the start we were thinking in leave her have a children like you... but your sister said than both want her to get as before, there is not than we cant do with our magic as it feed from the owner arousal and mating" The matriarch said and then others take the word.

Some propose to place a chastity spell on her, others to place magic to make the stress in her mind get reduced. Teresa wanted to have her in a room and talk and take care of her. Evelen could understand than it was unusual for this people to stop against their will a woman, they needed to procreate to survive. "Maybe be with her and make her focus on something else... i could be with her all the time, maybe with four or five more, that could work" Teresa end and so it was turn to Evelen to talk and decide what she think could help Celesta of her mental state.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen chuckled as she left, pondering just what she was going to do to Celesta when she did return... So many options. The plantgirl could cry out all she wanted, no one would hear her or think it was abnormal where she was... Perfect. It took some time for the brunette to find Teresa and the matriarch, the two of them and some others talking about Celesta and what to do about her. The matriarch didn't seem to think there was anything they could do, since their magic revolved mostly around breeding. Some others of them proposed that they enforce chastity on her with magic, others claiming they could use a spell to de-stress her. Teresa just wanted her to have her own room with the girl, to be with her always. Evelen listened to them all, pondering it... "Well, I know some part of the magic you guys cast on me has put me really in control of myself. Something like that, something to help her with her urges. I think it will help if we just stay with her and help her focus on other things, and control how she experiences things. But some magic is probably going to be necessary to give her that focus."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Maybe, but we should be careful, she is unique and who know if the runes could have a side effect on her" A stoat girl said, she was cute and lovely huggable yet she looks to be wise and mature for be there, also as any woman at town her curves were of a fertile one even for her little size as cutie face than make her look really young.

"Then we should add some extra ones so in that way the magic source dont focus at her brain... if she have any" A Lamia said, Teresa soon get ready to defend her young sister. "She have one and she has been a smart girl from the start, that plant as the Dragans said made her brain able to endure the torture and dont break for the tree own enjoyment, thanks to Evelen she got saved before that could change her to the last stage... i will say this only once, dont look down at her"

The Great Matriarch then take a moment to calm the bunch of nude women and Teresa of their useless talk before decide. "As their family, i will let both to decide what to do with Celesta, this is a special, so we will try all and check her daily... i remember her likes for reading so we will try to give to her all what we have available."

"Oh? you arent trying to make her cum by just licking or reading a book isnt? There is a rune to than we could do for that and so control what can and when make her reach a climax" The stoat girl said with a grind mostly as a joke but also as a truth in case if all want that yet at the end the Great matriarch decide to let to Evelen decide when the mages could see Celesta so they could decide which runes fit better on the plant being.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen listened to the others talk about what to do quietly until one of them, a lamia, mentioned her doubt that Celesta had a brain. If looks could kill the woman would have been dead immediately, the brunette's glare intense and angry. She didn't say anything immediately, letting Teresa spring to her defense, and just after she said "I would rather you not talk shit about my little my sister." The great matriarch shushed them all then, offering her own opinions. Evelen put her chin in her hand, mumbling quietly to herself, thinking. "Definitely get her some things to read, yeah. Things to make her feel more normal. You guys can come by after a little while and evaluate what sort of magic you think she might take well to, what might help her. Until then I guess we can just see how she does" she said after a while, nodding. She had already been thinking of controlling when the plantgirl came, hoping that might help, though of course it was always possible that it would backfire too. Really she didn't know what to do.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"If is possible, we will go to meet her in three hours, it will give us time to investigate and earn information from others... Also, some of us need to sattle theirs needs to have a clear mind" One of the sages said, not trying to go more deep in theirs requirements, Evelen already know how much the lust affect these women if they dont have daily interaction with theirs males.

"Evelen, i will go to see what they have for Celesta to read, we cant let any mistake happen and give her erotic material" Teresa add blushing in the last words. "Then i could share some of our females to avoid than she go back to our fraternal public mating area" The Great Mistress add, before Teresa take the word. "She is at our room and is dont needed any help, thanks.... We can take care of her" Teresa then look to Evelen, maybe the angel dont want to let them see her little sister tied and in such horny state.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmmm... Three hours, huh? That sounds fine to me" Evelen replied, nodding. She understood their need for some personal time, after all. She could use some of that herself right about now... "Yes, some books would be good... Not sure how much they would have here that wasn't erotic in some degree though" she said to Teresa, "and I think we can take care of Celesta ourselves for now. If we need help I'll definitely let you guys know. As for me, I think I'm going to take a trip to the market and see if there's anything that might be useful to have. Maybe just walk around and give myself time to think about it all. Might help me come up with something."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"They should have something, the lore from this land could be vast if we are lucky" Teresa said just to Evelen, trying to trust in this people for the safety of her sister.

The Great Matriarch tehn heard her words and nod. "Very well, then proceed and in your return we certainly have all ready for your sister" Evelen then leave, yet her walk would bring the eyes from not only males. " Hero bring us the honor to feed you" "Your children needs our life nectar to grow strong" Males and even females said, the hands of many roam all over her and she already was marked to be used, she should thank than they just dont take her in any place and see instead if she was in mood.

Of course she was, it had been at least a pair of hours maybe more after awake, deep inside she know than her time to the birth would be longer if she dont let them do their work.

Once seh get to the market she will find many shops with different products, most of them made from monster remains or from townpeople biologic products like scales, milk, cum, feathers, even some horns, many with magic on them but she cant be sure if that was truth or not. Anything than she could have in mind could be found there in these materials or be made.

Evelen has lost track of the schedule, but she could see many slutty females trading theirs goods for something to eat in large portions, mostly milk, eggs and cum and not much meat so it only could be for a breakfast. Mostly the few males were the ones in charge of the food stores in the street and women were in charge to create items with what they have in hand. Today at least it looks like the males were busy in the festivity and the town defense.

Then Evelen got some luck to find a male using caparaces and others monsters remains to create flasks and pots, focus his great power needed experience for his great job, in the shops there were some toys to use, not many as raw sex was mostly used. Human milk was cheap certainly, but her position as legendary hero and breeder runer should had raised the value, also the sex with her yet who know how they will receive the need to pay for it as she has offer herself to do it for free in that ritual.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, if anyone can find it you can" Evelen replied to her sister, grinning. Surely there was some lore left over from an older time if nothing else. They parted soon after that, the brunette walking through town towards the market casually. Men and women alike gawked at her, reaching out to grope her teasingly, asking her if she wanted them. And of course she did, her body craving sex after having gone so long without it, but she could resist it and she did. "Maybe later, boys~" she teased, knowing she had limited time and that she would probably get into shenanigans of some kind or other at the market. She did need a good fuck for more reasons than one, though... their cum would help her along with her pregnancy, she could feel that instinctually.

The market, once she got there, was certainly interesting... Men ran most of the shops, producing various things for sale but mostly food made from monster bits, while women seemed to be selling mostly items they could make on their own; milk, cum, various things like feathers that came from their bodies, and on and on. Evelen took some time walking around and looking for various things she might like to purchase... The only things that caught her eye really was a man making many containers, such as she could use to store milk... From herself surely, but also from Celesta. There were also some shops that sold sex toys, though she would have to shop around a little more and see if there were any BDSM tools she could use on her younger sister. For the moment though she approached the man making flasks and pots and leaned over his counter, her plump breasts rubbing against it. "Hey there~ I'd like to buy a bunch of flasks to store milk in. I'm afraid I don't have much to trade, but... I do hope you can think of something you'd want me to give you~"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen easily got the shopkeeper attention, turning to her and asking to the human to wait a moment. He then place the new vessel in a safe place before go to the counter. "Ah, the human hero... is a bless to see you here" The half male as any other male looks to be in good healt, Evelen was not sure what kind of race he is,he looks to be sane enough to dont focus on her sexy being and instead talk about bussiness.

"Just some moments ago a beautiful trio come and trade their time with me... oh a shame you are already pregnant" He add after smell her scent and see her round belly. "I can see than your hair is of top quality, good to make ropes of many kinds and not only that... but such precious gift would be terrible to share for a beautiful lady... even then four vessels could be the trade if you are interested, it will grow to that size in some days."

He then proceed to tocuh her breasts, leaving to leak a small drop to taste her milk "It's without doubt the best human milk than i had tasted, is still far to be the average here, maybe with more nutrients and time... also it looks like someone has milked you... but if you eat my seed you will certainly produce enough to fill two bottles"

With that price, Evelen could buy up to six vessels but would be out of things to trade. It was not until he ended to say than she got some help. "Let me give you an offer, after all your family has decided to fight for us. That plant lady, her milk and hair can be maybe used to create new things, also that winged lady her wings have feathers of great quality... only a handful is what i ask and we can make another trade"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen listened to the half-monster quietly, looking him over as she did. He was actually pretty well put-together mentally, able to focus completely on his business. That seemed fairly rare for this place, especially for the men. "Nice of you to say that, it's certainly a blessing to be here" she replied, thinking again of that dreadful temple. He told her that her hair would fetch a decent price, worth four vessels, and she stroked one of the braids thoughtfully. She didn't want to part with it, even if it were a nice exchange. Not after having just got it done. The man touched her chest next, a little bit of milk dribbling out against his finger for him to taste... He declared it the best milk he'd ever had from a human, though still not of great taste compared to the half-humans. She could get two vessels for it, and that was fine by her.

Of course, the shopkeeper also offered that she might get something better for Celesta's hair and milk, and also some of Teresa's feathers. That was intriguing. "Well, I was wanting to get the vessels so that I could fill them with my sister's milk and use that for trades, basically. And I'll certainly ask Teresa if she wouldn't mind having a few feathers plucked. I don't want to cut my hair, but I'd be happy to give you my milk. And if I have to suck you off for it, well... that's even better if I'm honest~ "
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Looks like we have a deal here" the shop owner said as he prepare teh place for her to come inside. "Please, make yourself confortable" He said giving space to Evelen to get at her knees and start drinking her favorite meal. The human could see others trading services like her and she was exposed to be seen by all like the rest, of course her fertile marks make her be more visible among the crowd.

The male was young like everybody else in this place, his inmense cock and balls were an enjoyment for Evelen and she could pleasure them in any way. "Take all what you wish, that creature need as much as you can get" He add, placing his huge hands at her head when the time for his first load come what would take some minutes.

As always she loved every drop comming from her mate, tasting it and leaving it a moment before drink it as if this was the best drink in the world to sattle her great need, she could see her body warm and feel better, her breasts slowly creating milk and some of her always wet pussy nectar sloyly droll and fall over the meat floor. ""No doubt than your mouthpussy dont have any to ask for our matriarchs".

The male could go on for hours, but Evelen dont have the time to sattle all his needs, so he soon after at least some more of an half hour started to prepare her to fill the two bottles he could let her do it alone or get some help what he said could make all faster.

Once she get the two full milk bottles to get her reward, she will leave. The male would be wainting for her, ready to get more products for her for a cheap price, as she walk she noticed restrains to hang on huge males torsos, sluts like her would have a cock inside as she order where to go, also come with monsters hollow tendrils to milk her in the process, it looks to be a wonder and desire for many whores in this town.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sank down onto her knees in front of the half-monster, seizing one of his balls in each hand and massaging it gently. "Wow you're big" she murmured as she looked up at him, "it's a shame I don't have more time. I could spend aaaaaaaall day pleasing a cock like this nice and easy~" After that she got to work, putting her lips on the base of his shaft and working them up, her tongue lapping at his underside all the way until she got to the tip. She wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, marveling at how thick it was even there, her tongue swirling around it for a few long moments. She teased him long enough to get a bead of his precum to leak out onto her tongue, giving her that nice salty taste, and from there didn't waste any time to start bobbing her head. There was a time when she would have been moving frantically, a hand desperately toying with her clit to find release, but she still felt herself in complete control of her urges. Her hands continued to tenderly tease the man's huge balls, coaxing them to give up their contents to her.

And so the brunette kept bobbing her head, claiming a little bit more of his length each time until she felt the tip of his cock bump up against the back of her throat, gagging her. She still had so very far to go, too... She just kept going, letting out repeated "gluck, gluck, GLUCK!" sounds as his dick slipped into her throat and back out, her throat convulsing around him as she gagged, though she soon got used to the feeling. Anyone looking for it would be able to see how deep he was, a bulge clearly visible in her throat where he stretched her. She hadn't even pushed herself halfway down his cock when she felt him start to throb, his balls twitching in her hands, and she sped up her motions to coax that first orgasm out of him... He held the back of her head with both hands firmly but not unkindly as his shaft pulsed in her throat, a hefty spurt of cum gushing straight to her hungry belly. He let her pull back on his member a little bit after the first few gouts of spunk down her throat, allowing her to let the tasty stuff burst into her mouth, coating her tastebuds and filling her mouth completely, though she managed not to spill any.

Evelen swallowed a fair bit of that copious load before the half-monster's orgasm subsided, her hands moving up to the base of his shaft so that she could stroke him firmly all the way to the tip, squeezing the dregs of his cum onto her tongue and then holding it there, enjoying the taste for a moment. She felt fantastic, warm and fulfilled despite her arousal... Her breasts were starting to swell with milk just from the taste of his seed, her pussy drooling her juices down her thighs and onto the floor, where it started to pool. Finally she swallowed the last bits of his load as he complemented her, and she pulled off him to nuzzle his cock with her cheek. "Mmm, so tasty~ I might have to trade for a jar of this stuff sometime to save for a rainy day~" she teased, not thinking about how her analogy might fall flat in the middle of this monster cavern.

The brunette didn't waste any time, immediately taking his cock into her mouth again and pushing her lips down his shaft, one hand returning to his balls to tease each in turn, the other staying on his cock to stroke what she didn't have in her mouth. Her throat was warmed up now, and his cock slipped into it without much trouble, allowing her to take him deeper and deeper... until finally she found her lips pressed firmly to his crotch in a lewd kiss, his entire length inside of her! Her eyes went half-lidded with bliss as she looked up at him, her body quivering softly... She couldn't hold herself there for too awful long before she needed to pull back to breathe, but as soon as she had drawn in the air she needed she pushed herself back down, starting to throat his dick vigorously.

It only took a couple more minutes for Evelen to bring her partner to his second orgasm, and this time she didn't pause, didn't even slow down as she looked up at him and milked his shaft with her throat. She let out lewd wet noises as she repeatedly deepthroated him, muffled moans just barely escaping her lips as they sealed around his throbbing meat. She continued on through another of his orgasms, his erection never once flagging, his balls still heavy with seed... She really could have gone on doing this all day long, but by the time his fourth orgasm came along she felt she had probably paid enough for what they were trading, and when she felt him get close she pulled back to his tip and took the whole load into her mouth, drinking it down in big gulps. When she had finally coaxed the last squirts of cum out onto her tongue she pulled back and held it in her mouth for a while, closing her eyes and basking in the warm feeling. As she finally swallowed she reached down to lightly pat her pussy, making a little wet sound... She was so aroused it was absurd, and she hadn't even touched herself until just then!

While the shopkeeper prepared the bottles he would fill her milk with Evelen cleaned his cock thoroughly with her tongue, getting all the remains of cum off him. He told her then that she could milk herself or have someone help her, and she quickly replied "I'd love it if you would give me a milking. My tits are nice and swollen thanks to you, it'd be a shame not to let you relieve them~" with her hands gently cupping the underside of her breasts. She got onto her hands and knees and the man sat the bottles beneath her chest, quickly gripping her soft orbs and pinching her nipples. He tugged firmly on those stiff peaks, the palms of his hands kneading her flesh inward, drawing squirts of milk out of her and into the jars. The brunette arched her back and cooed out softly, closing her eyes again. It was such a nice sensation even though he was being fairly businesslike about it, quickly taking his payment from her. "Ohhhh yeah, that's it... That's the stuff~" she moaned out as he milked her, filling up the jars at a steady pace. Pleasure radiated from her breasts, causing her to pant and moan, her arousal still drooling down her legs even moreso than before... yet still she hadn't touched herself or climaxed by the time the jars were full. Even so she didn't protest when the half-monster was done, turning on her knees and giving the head of his cock a quick kiss, saying "thank you. That was a nice trade, and I had a wonderful time" as she looked up and gave him a warm smile.

From there the brunette gathered the jars she had traded for and wandered off through the market, a spring in her step and a pleased glow about her despite her intense arousal. Her search for bondage supplies was... well, she found something, something very intriguing, but it wasn't suited to her current purposes. A harness meant to strap a woman to a man, his cock embedded in her, a pair of tentacles from a monster attached to it to milk her breasts while the man walked around town. She considered it for a moment; a fat cock always in her pussy or ass, jostled around whenever the man moved, her breasts stimulated constantly... Or perhaps reversed, her lips wrapped around the dick while the male had the option to lick her or not as he saw fit... A fun fantasy, but not useful for Celesta. She would wander around looking for a little bit longer before heading back to her little sister, however, holding out hope that something useful would turn up.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Out of that strange fashion bondage object, she could see dildos, milkers, restrains, small tentacle creatures than could be used to pleasure any hole or breast, even ones to use at the head as helmets to pleasure ears and facial holes. Between the most harcore stuff and expensive ones was parasite clothes, raised and used to pleasure not to wear, of course once placed cant be removed without help and the variety was from bikini one to full suit, hidden stores have some others more strange products as pills to be a temporal futa or make your breasts cocks also temporal of course.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen looked around, searching for things she could use... Dildos, a few restraints, some milkers, all were possibilities. There were even a few small tentacle creatures that could be set to pleasuring a person, some of them meant to be helmets to cover the head and use its every hole. There were also a few pieces of clothing that were more or less nothing but parasite, varying styles filled to the brim with tentacles and other such things to tease and pleasure and abuse their wearer, impossible to take off on your own once put on. That looked pretty fantastic, but also not quite what she was looking for. Maybe something to think about in the future... For now, though, she would ask about the pricing on some of the restraints, and if she didn't feel they were reasonable would just go back to check up on Celesta. Hopefully she still had time to give the plantgirl her "reward" before Teresa and the others got there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The brunette decided to ask about some items in stock at many shops, the luscious women and virile males had different prices depending on the material and objects, the most expensives would need her to even get pregnant of someone or find some rare things from her sisters to pay for it, but fortunately the restrains could get to be sex and some of her fluids.

Celesta should be waiting in terrible need, as Evelen has just spend an half hour at least in her little shopping.