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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen's attack failed miserably, the strange creature managing to defend itself from her without problem, though before it could retaliate against her a massive crystal sword smashed into it. Teresa had taken notice, and was apparently quite eager to see it dead. The brunette readied her weapon to attack again, but suddenly her wounded arm jolted on its own, headed towards her pussy... She couldn't wield her spear with only the one hand, so she had to rely entirely on Teresa to slice the thing open once more. With it distracted Evelen launched another attack, hitting it this time one-handed, and yet still it wouldn't go down, and it turned to spit the hot liquid all over her body. She groaned out in pain and pleasure as it burned her, her hand still masturbating her quite against her will. There was nothing she could do besides stabbing at it again, desperately trying to kill it before her body gave up on her, before she descended into utter depravity. The battle was raging everywhere around her, but she couldn't bring herself to notice, she was too focused on the pleasure she felt and the intense need to kill this vicious creature in front of her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The fight should come soon to an end or Evelen and the others would not see another day or have the mind to notice anything out of eternal pleasure. The Brunette push herself to stab the thing in front of her, she could feel her body burn in a mix of pleasure and pain, her brain was losing focus and turning in huge steps to a in heat feral beast. But still Evelen roar in search for vengance and protection of her family.

Fighting to move her arm and stab as deep and many times as possible until she lost all control of her body, the monster close to die bite her and her mind get filled with a strange bunch of images... females getting theirs limbs removed and fused to monsters, used to breed perpetualy as theirs childrens hunt for new wombs to increase theirs gore army, for what it looks the need to stop the darkness in the continental guardian was reaching an upper limit. Before earn more info and lost more of herself, Teresa sword killed the monster, Evelen return to this world only to being unable to control her body and moaning pittyfully for a monster take her and use her limbs as payment to allow her to cum.


The fight against the last two monsters continued with only three soldiers still in shape to fight, the female soldier on the floor gasp and groan as her body start to fight against her, pinching her hyper sensitive nipples and clitoris, as her legs try to push her each second more close to the monsters, as the others affected by the red skin she was making a mess with her fluids behind her. A soldier's weapon slice the limb holding the poor victim as the other female roar and use her spear to push and penetrate the creature until incrust it at the wall.

The leader fight against the worm for some minutes, almost losing part of the soldier's body r life, until Teresa join. The battle cry of the remain warriors for the rest of the fight hide the meat slave moans of the place until the fight end. Evelen as most of the others wounded remain in the floor begging for a release and perpetualy in so close climax than only her many experiences in side this creature made her not lost her mind. To hold them and give them some stop to theirs masturbation, the soldiers tied theirs limbs yet Suzanne remain fighting against her tendrils, her monster side made her able to control most of her body.

Evelen and the others will lost the sense of reality for hours until something was as a lotion was placed on them as also some substance was given to them to drink.


Suzanne then awake her mother, making the brunette open her eyes to notice her temporal pink skin blushed body, the sensibility was not so high and her body was under her control again. Celesta was holding herself in a wall as her hand hold the one of Teresa, the angel was standing talking with a pair of soldiers. The others affected by the fluid like Bedelia were uncouncious and pink blushed fully as Evelen, for what it looks another group has found them and help them to reduce the effect of the monsters on them. The leaders were deciding the next step than resume in run and escape as fast as possible or wait holding in place until the others get recovered or at least recover conciousness. The brunette could join the talk or let Teressa try to choice for their family.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen could barely control herself, could barely even move, but still she reached deep within herself to stab at the creature again and again, desperately trying to kill it to protect herself and her family. Even with all the damage she was doing it was still able to lash out and bite her, and as a result she found herself transported into an odd and terrible vision... Women being torn apart, turned into limbless torsos locked in perpetual breeding with these horrible creatures, constantly birthing more of the things to seek out more women to convert into nothing but breeders for the terrible army... Teresa managed to kill the monster then, jolting Evelen back to reality, but still her body was moving on its own, furiously masturbating as she whimpered and mewled, desperate to reach an orgasm that was being painfully denied to her. Even losing the use of her limbs seemed like a small price to pay in that moment.

The fight carried on around her for some time, the brunette more or less oblivious to it all until someone began to slather some kind of lotion all over her reddened skin, forcing her to drink some sort of foul liquid. She snapped back into mindful reality then, with her daughter gently touching her and waking her. Her skin was a sort of pink, flushed with arousal and still fairly sensitive to the touch. She slowly stood, taking a few moments to get her feet under her and looking around. Celesta and Teresa were standing off to the side with the soldiers, having a talk about strategy, while many of the others were still unconscious after their ordeal. Beyond that it looked like there was a new group of soldiers that had come across them and were helping them. Evelen had to decide what she wanted to do... She walked over to the talking group, chiming in that "we can't stay still for very much longer. We're on a time limit to get out of here, and the longer we wait the more risk we run of more of those sorts of creatures finding and catching us. It would be nice if some of the others could be woken up before we left, though..."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With a lot in risk if they stay for a long time in this place, Evelen fight to get up and talk with the girls talking about their next plan. The brunnete could feel her body hot in pleasure, the lotion, cum and slime mixed with her own sweet sweat slowly drooling down to others parts of her body, feeling each move getting aroused from it thanks the sensibility of the remain of the curse placed on her.

Her soft whimpers and moans unable to hold in place made most of the girls turn to her before she get to talk to Teresa and the others. "Indeed, your sister Teresa has inform us what she could about our actual predicament, but the cure given to all only worked partialy as this new disease is new for us" One of the new soldiers said, of curse the danger of the whole temple looks to had stop any conflict against the soldiers of the different nations.

"We are lucky to got the help of your family in the fight and have a new healer between us, your daughter got to help our medic just some minutes ago" The captain of the female soldiers than were fighting against the deadly monsters said, giving a bow and more to Evelen as she was in great debt for such brave choice and combat skills.

"Indeed, fortunately the medicine for the *Meat Slave Dissease* should heal them in a week if we are lucky, for now they must be just able to awake and move" A young nude woman without an arm said, clearly the medic of the troop, the blush in her face show than she is not used to be undresed or ready to endure any possible first carnal contact.

"Then lets awake them all, we must protect them as they will be an easy target for teh beasts if this sickness is similar to the *Meat Slave Dissease*" Teresa said and all prepare to gather and prepare to move, awakening the infected girls than were fighting a terrible fight with themselves with every step. Celesta meanwhile cant stop herself to talk with Suzanne and Evelen as they lift now some extra equipment, mostly chating about what was the *Meat Slave Dissease* It was impossible for Evelen to avoid the cheerful talk and in some parts serious one, still she got to heard a male voice between teh female moaning sounds of the infected ones and the talk of still in combat capacity soldiers, it was a familiar voice, so Evelen soon turn to notice this new person in tehir group.

Going to send you a pm with the explanation of the dissease and place it here later
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The scene that Evelen walked up to would have been heartening if she hadn't been so aroused, if every little movement didn't make her feel more and more on edge. Even just the feeling of all the fluids that covered her body slowly dribbling down her skin were enough to send a shiver up her spine. In any case, it was nice to see that the soldiers were now joined by many from other nations, the adverse environment of the temple causing them to cooperate to survive, as humans so often do in the end. "It's no problem" she replied to the captain, who thanked her and her family for helping to win the fight, "we couldn't just pass you by."

She was a little bit perturbed when the medic mentioned this "meat slave disease," but apparently there was medicine for it that would work. It would take quite some time though, it would be long after they got out of the temple if indeed they managed to do so before they were cured. It sounded like quite the awful disease, but Evelen didn't ask any questions. It would be better not to know and to think about it, most likely. Even so Celesta told her all about it as she started to fetch some more equipment, getting ready to move out while Teresa woke some of the sleeping soldiers. The plantgirl seemed oddly happy, perhaps because she felt useful for her knowledge again. Evelen's ears perked up when she heard one of the voices in the crowd though... It was a man, a familiar one. Who it was exactly she couldn't place, however, so she turned to try and pick him out, looking for the source of that voice.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen move across the temple's rooms used as camps for the humans. She could see some remains of soldiers in a near room, most of them certainly males, lucky ones at the side of some girls turned into just lustful torsos, of course there were some than were with the idea to kill them yet the leaders had in mind take them with them, as with some rope they could tie them behind health ones as backpacks, so theirs family could see them and help them once they get out, if they can escape of course.

One of these leaders was the one than Evelen recognize his voice, he was dressing still a full suit what has save him of the many curses of this place. Talking with some soldiers, (most of them nude or wounded) he soon noticed the small not intentional aroused sounds from Evelen, turning and taking a moment before ask to the others to continue their work.

Then he move, taking Evelen from her arm with care, clue than he know how sensible is she now. Then once in an empty room, he said.
"I cant believe than you are sane enough to walk so soon"​
As he spoke, Evelen remember him, the voice even altered by his helm was without doubt the one of Darius. "As promised, i come to take your bubbly butt and your family out of here... you dont need to explain me now why all of you are so changed, i had seen it happening to some of my partners" As Darius talk, Evelen could feel her needs to take him just there, maybe she was in love or it could be just that strange sickess messing with her body and mind.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen walked through the little camp the soldiers had made, passing alongside several groups of humans... Many of the soldiers that remained up and in fighting condition were men who had resisted the madness of the temple, many of them caring for women who had been reduced to nothing more than lewd torsos, just like in her vision. How dreadful this place was... they all needed to get out of here as soon as possible. There were some leaders among the men, one of whom was the familiar voice... He was in a suit of armor that covered him entirely, probably one of the primary reasons he was still up and ready. He noticed the brunette coming towards him and he gently held onto one of her sensitive arms, leading her aside. When he spoke to her tears welled up in her eyes; it really was Darius. Of all the people she wanted to see, he was top of the list. Tears started running down her cheeks as she whimpered "Darius... I've been hoping to find you... I... This place is terrible. I feel like I'm going crazy!" She wanted to jump on his dick right then and there for more than one reason, but she held herself back, she had to hold back. There would be time later for the two of them to make love. For now she needed to focus all her energy on getting out of the temple, and suppressing her intense sexual desire.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Understanding maybe her feelings, the full covered man placed his hands on her shoulders, maybe stoping in hug her as just the small touch has made her shiver in arousal. "Yes, this is the worst place by far than i had seen, but i know than i would find all of you in time. Now, try to rest, stay in the center to let us protect all of you" Darius then let Evelen stay close as he open one of the army backpacks, sharing some remains of food and water if she need it, she could eat them but she know than this place has made her thirst and hunger only fade completely with a hot white liquid.

Two nude sluttified women, without doubt two poor soldiers come, trying to act correctly even when theirs bodies were in need to fuck someone, something than Evelen understand pretty well "C-captain... the cocks... i mean our males, they are ready to let us, ride them..."

"She mean, the fuck torsos... i mean oneholes" The other tried to correct, making the mess of the news even worse, but it was easy to understand, the eyes of these poor lustful creatures were unable to stop looking for the male under part even when these were fully covered. Darius just say them to inform the others than he will be there soon, making both leave wiggling theirs lucious butts.

Darius with only Evelen in the room focus on the talk again, giving a oil potion and some pills to the brunnete. ""Its uncertain, but you will get cured of your illiness if you use this treatment a time per day." He was close to leave but then turn " Oh true. As we advance try to protect the males, as if theirs suits are damaged they will need to drink that genderswap pill or they will turn into horny beasts in that meat maze... half ours female women were male" Darius certainly will not risk himself unless it was needed and only if Evelen were in danger, she could help with the tactic easily dividing the troops in males, women and incapacited. Darius want her in the middle and use the others women able to fight as decoys if a monster come, then the males would attack and protect them yet having the suit and a slut torso in theirs backs could reduce the males speed.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen was practically quivering when Darius put his hands on her shoulders, her desire to be taken by him right then and there so great... He told her his plan, to have her and her family in the middle of the group so that they could be protected along with those who were no longer able to fight, but also to help out where possible. That was just fine with her... "Some others gave us a cure too, some kind of lotion... Hopefully we get out of here and it becomes relevant." She would also need to help the men if they got into trouble as well, though... damage to the suits they were wearing would require that they change gender with the pill or go mad from the chaos of the cave. All in all she would be glad to be out of here. Hopefully they wouldn't run into too much trouble, though the brunette was certain that there were more terrible creatures and obstacles to come.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"It must be the same lotion, there is not enough of this to place a second dosis on the infected soldiers, it must be a wise choice hide it and use it only on you if we dont find today how to escape from this place" Said this Darius went to prepare all to leave soon, it was unclear how much Teresa has shared to them, but for now Evelen made what she have in hand.

The brunnette could remember that man than they meet before find these soldiers, she was not sure in which side he was, but one of the suit soldiers lend him a pill to change of gender what he decide to postpone, just looking in what some of the male soldiers are now after change in females and fall into traps could had make anyone ponder what was better between insane males or complete meat slaves.

The huge group work as fast as possible, theirs hurries increasing as they could see the increment of cracks and quakes as the minutes pass, it was as if the temple was close to fall apart yet still Suzanne and Teresa were focused on help any woman in need, the big sister even tried to carry as much weight as her body could carry. Leaving just in time as they could start to heard new roars in the passages behind them.

Evelen will have problems if she fight for long periods, her hands and mind could fall if the monster pleasure her, her family were in better condition and she could use the soldiers to defend herself and her loved ones. Darius also was thinking in his own safety but Evelen was a priority maybe above his own.

Walking the group focus on what they have around them, the few crystals in her way started to reduce in number as they progress and the ceiling as also walls were increasing in damage, in some parts it was almost as if they were in the meat maze what made her remember that naked male from before. She couldnt see him, there had been some monsters and a few pair of rests but she couldnt find him, four soldiers with theirs suits damaged were pondering if they should use the pills now, but the transformation will make them need to take some minutes until the change end and they could detect some monsters close them and the passage will get temporaly better after 50 feet's ahead.

Evelen could try to use her weapons against these monsters and give them time or hurry them in continue walking. She was not sure of the number, amybe these were just a small group of monsters or she could find a way to support these four males who will be dead weight for few minutes.

(A last choice before maybe find the exit, the choice is open. If you choice to give them time i will make the next fight in auto with any tactic than you have in mind. Still even with bad luck the worst to happen will not affect Evelen and her family in the fight... but out of them four many things could happen in a fight : p )
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The group of soldiers was hurrying to get under way, the whole temple quaking beneath and around them as time grew shorter. When they started walking again they could hear the horrible creatures roaring somewhere behind them, clearly hunting for more women to convert... It took Evelen everything she had to focus on just walking along, and fighting whenever she needed to. She wanted so badly just to stop and pleasure herself, but she managed alright. She would stay in the middle of the group, helping out with the reach of her spear when she could while still staying behind the soldiers. Her family was a little bit better off, and they helped fight off the various threats the convoy ran into as well.

The temple was really beaten up in the area they were in, more and more of it being reclaimed by the monster. The walls were crumbling in places, and the crystals that lighted the way were fewer and fewer in number, with more of them having been smashed. She wondered vaguely where the guy who had helped her before all this when she was alone was, if he was alright. Probably not, given all the craziness that had gone on since then. And if he was, he was probably a woman now anyway. That, or insane because he had resisted changing gender for too long. All around her were soldiers who had the same dilemma because of damaged armor, all wondering whether to take their pills immediately or to wait. Evelen was feeling alright for the moment, a little bit more focused... "Go ahead and take the pills, we'll cover you for a bit" she said, steadying herself for a fight against what was hopefully a small group of monsters. Her family was nearby to help if things got dicey, and there were other soldiers not too awful far... so hopefully all would go according to plan.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It was a small moment of doubt between the male soldiers, but Darius and others leaders aid the brunette words and trust to her. She was there with most of the female soldiers who could still fight, some mental or physical damaged yet still aiming to resist and fight. The total number of humans was around fifty, maybe less or more but not all could wear a weapon, the hands to fight decreased as the males in need rink the pill, soon they fall on theirs kness or at the floor as a mix of pain and mostly pleasure invade them.

The monsters appear comming from some passages slighty far and at the side, not much what made the fight safe for all, still Darius and others males helped with range weapons to take them down. Evelen family helped too yet the brunette one could sense the urge to jump at the endless limbs of monsters, something than her mind got to stop of her body to do. She was not alone, some of the still full armored soldiers had the difficult task of stop the almost broken sluts in theirs lines.

It dont take too much for the lustful moans and roars cause than more creatures come, this time in bigger number. Suzanne come to shoot at them with her spells as Celesta with others soldiers shoot arrows, but they were too many to stop there. Teresa join Evelen in the help behind the front line, facing the weapons against the many powers of the bizarre creatures, soon more than later the creatures got to hold in some female soldiers, before try to run away with them or throw them to the horde of monsters.

Evelen could see the most nude male soldiers starting to loss some of their shape and the unlucky ones got to still hold theirs dicks and balls as their change continue. Being a horny herm in a sea of monsters hunting you was not some good news. The army tried to recover the soldiers taken, Evelen was not sure if they had loss any female soldiers between that last fight yet she could see a few half fucked and drenched in more than cum, some wanted to fight as others wanted just a cock, at the end these soldiers were placed in the middle.

They only needed some little precious minutes more, but more creatures were coming.

(1 post more of battle before get the males than drink the pills turned into females)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The men whose decision it ultimately was hesitated for a few moments, obviously none too keen on becoming female, but even so they saw the necessity of it, and Darius and the others helped with the convincing. It was a motley crew that Evelen faced down the monsters with while the men took their gender change pills; most of the women who could still fight, even though most of them were beaten up physically and mentally. This temple had taken a toll on everyone... The monsters were soon upon them, though it wasn't a large number of them, so the fight wasn't too terribly difficult initially. The brunette could feel herself drawn to the terrible creatures, her body demanding that she throw herself to them and allow herself to be broken, but her mind was strong enough to resist the urge. Many of the women around her were in the same predicament, though they didn't lose anyone just yet.

Once they had fought off the first wave a larger one came to replace it though, a much more dangerous one. Everyone had to step up to fight desperately, Evelen just barely holding her own against the creatures as her family helped her. This time some of the monsters managed to capture women, fucking them during the battle and trying to carry them off. Whether or not they were successful Evelen couldn't tell, though she knew that some of the women were now even worse off, fucked vigorously and drenched in aphrodisiac cum. Many of them had to be moved to the center of the little circle that held out against the monsters to keep them from jumping at the creatures and being carried away. The transformations were going fairly well, there would only be a few more minutes before they could start moving again, but a still larger group of enemies was on the way, and Evelen didn't know if they would make it. She could only try her best to defend herself now, to keep from ending up like the poor women in the middle.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The monster army come toward them, some of them could had made her Evelen run away in fear if she would had faced any of them in her first day inside the cave creature, but now she stand firm in her place even with her weak lustful body there was something precious than she must protect. The others women should have a reason to survive and get out there, hope should be the reason, that wish to fight and defend would be tested again.

As before the creatures rush toward them, many with supernatural powers dodged the endless arrow rain and spells, others monsters fall death before reach the warriors. The conflict was inminent and so it happen, weapons of many kind faced sharp apendages and unknown ways to subdue a woman. Evelen tried her best but she only could protect her own life and freedom, Teresa tried to save as many soldiers as possible but when she rescued one others two get at the arms of the creatures. Slowly lossing feet after fet of the battlefield, Evelen was unsure of succedd in give the soldiers time, wishing than the transformation ended to get some support.

After take down many creatures, finally one got to take Evelen off guard, her weapon fall many bodies again as she found herself resting on the floor, her body was waiting to be taken, she could already taste the cum of the creature, the need of her holes to be filled sattled, but before the creature could have that instant to take her a soldier come and kill the thing using ballest arrows first and then Evelen weapon. Darius was this person, quickly move to caarry Evelen away enough to get recovered, some monsters attack and Darius defend her with all what he have even his body.

She was confused and her mind was a mess by the pleasure, fear and the image of have Darius maybe baddly wounded, she have her weapon close and her body as mind react...

The last monster fall after the new females get in the fight, Darius choice to get at front and protec the brunette and her family could had made him lost his suit, he was still uncouncious as some soldiers carry him.

The exit of this nightmare should be close, the crystals shine with intense light even when they are so few now, theirs trops were a mess, most of them exausted and many suits broken in the fight, Suzanne and others healers could heal the wounded soldiers but if they were close the meat maze entrance them someone else could need to make a hard choice for Darius if he couldnt awake soon.

(Great victory, not a single soldier lost but there were many injured... Evelen know in her insides than they were almost out and the soldiers had killed most of the soldiers of the area, so a rush will make them get out of any problem, but Darius suit is broken and not many of these full suits are still able to be used)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen stood to fight as the monsters approached, her body quivering in the face of the terrifying creatures... But she wouldn't back down. She couldn't back down, not now. The other humans who weren't transforming fought alongside her, some with magic and arrows managing to kill the monsters before they got to the frontline fighters, but plenty got through. Evelen had to focus all she had just on surviving, barely getting by and being pushed back a little at a time. It seemed like they might fail in their mission, that they wouldn't be able to protect the men as they transformed... It made her fight a little bit harder, to stand her ground more, which of course caused her to slip up, one of the monsters managing to knock her down onto the ground. She looked up at it, shuddering, her pussy terribly wet and ready for the thing to take her... but before that could happen a man in armor attacked it, killing it before it could do any more damage. The brunette's mind was foggy, her body weak... but the man protected her quite well, though he was wounded somewhat badly in the process. And as it turned out, it was Darius... His suit was broken now, and he was in danger as long as they were in the temple...but they were almost out now. Very near the entrance. All they had to do now was to rush as fast as they could to try and get out of this awful place.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Darius was wounded and uncouncious, Suzanne would soon aid to help him, but they dont have time and the continuous fights had reduced their number of possible soldiers able to fight. Evelen know than the exit was near or suppose than it could be as they were surrounded by broken walls and meat ceiling with just some few crystals for them to follow, helping to make all rush to the exit.

The luck was at their side as they at the distance noticed one of the black doors than divide this temple with the meat maze than surround it. Evelen remember the terrible place than they will face, a place of complete darkness, living walls and dangerous creatures hidding, the warm creamy transparent slime eternaly falling over theirs nude horny bodies as rain, never leaving the arousal fall and always increasing theirs needs to be taken until the madness. Some of herself shiver in need for that place, the tainting pleasure than she could get soon, the taste of corrupted cum and cocks all over her, it must be the same darkness secret wish in most of her female soldiers.

Many walk toward the door with a lustful smile, rubbing theirs privates, Evelen could be maybe one of these women but she have Darius at her side to have something else in the mind, then the door get covered in a dense crystal, the brunette was not sure what was happening or if any meat slave who was a soldier before was taken by the door before the door was sealed. The last hall who was close to be full of meat started to get surrounded by beautiful crystals, as Evelen have the pill close Darius a voice from one of them make her face turn to see who was. " Everybody, get in the middle of the room, hold closer the ones affected in tehirs minds, as the Guardian, a friend of us will open a safe exit for us." Suzanne said and then Teresa help her to make the ones dont caring make what her loved one demand.

Soon, they were surrounded in crystals until a transparent plataform of intense bright was made, the ceiling created by the corrupted cave monster retreat by such glorious light as they go up over the plataform, they go up for a while as many stop the others to touch the meat walls or get close them by fear of a monster appear from them. The tunnel continued up until finally they reach a place out the temple and the meat maze. Suzanne shout for them to leave the plataform quickly, Teresa and Celesta help to push the soldiers away, minutes later the light fade and the meat engulf the crystals a little. But they were out, all of them, the joy was huge then yet soon the groups would divide, Evelen know the place where they are now, they were close the halfhuman village, just an half hour from there.

The Dragan army and theirs allies wanted to go to other city not so far from there, of course some of the soldiers could be cultists who will hide until find a moment to escape or backstab the others. Teressa was interested in bring the dog girl, the tentacle woman and some others affected by the corruption to the halfhuman village, the remain dragan leaders were in a rush to heal theirs soldiers in another place. Evelen could take Darius with them or let the army take care of his still male ally, her family would love go to the halfhuman village, a friendly place for them as now the three of them were so different of a human could look, Evelen got to see herself in a transparent slime fluid puddle, she was so sexy and perfect now, even her hair was so beautiful, her sizes and fuck holes, breasts, her silk skin even her lips and eyes... it make her ponder if she was still a human.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen and the soliders made their way quickly toward the exit, which simply couldn't have been far now. There were places where the temple was open to the monster at the top, where the walls were broken down, and the density of crystals had fallen dramatically. Now there were only a few to light their way and guide them on, many of them broken... but finally they laid eyes on the one of the giant black doors that guarded the entrance to the temple. Evelen shuddered; that had been an awful place, very difficult to traverse even when she and her family had been fresh and ready to go. Could they even make it now? The way her pussy tingled just thinking about what she had gone through in that door, the way she had to try desperately hard to keep from touching herself even at the sight of it, she knew that there was no way. Many of the female soldiers seemed to be having the same problems, a number of them just walking towards the door with a dull smile while masturbating...

But then something happened. Crystals covered up the door, sealing it tightly, their source not immediately obvious. They were trapped in this terrible place, weren't they? Evelen brought out the pill she was going to have to give Darius in order to change his gender and save his mind, albeit reluctantly... but then a voice rang out telling everyone to get into the center of a room that was swiftly forming out of bright and shining crystals. It was Suzanne, oddly enough... was she somehow in contact with the Guardian? In any case she promised a safer exit from the temple, so Evelen helped Teresa and some of the others corral the more mind-altered women in the middle of the crystals. A platform appeared under them after a few moments, and suddenly they began to fly upwards, the ceiling retreating ahead of them as they went up and up and up.

And then they were outside, in the monster. Just like that. They had to evacuate the platform quickly before it was swallowed up by that horrible temple again, but they were out! Evelen collapsed on the meaty ground in joy, breathing heavily. She hadn't thought they would be successful, truth be told. Now that they were out they had some decisions to make though, mostly about where to go from here. The soldiers from the Dragan city wanted to head to a nearby town, but that didn't really appeal to the brunette. She had business to take care of in the half-human village, and it had been a friendly and helpful place to them before, so that was where she took her family, Darius, and anyone else who wanted to go. It would be a long trek back... and she felt that this trial had changed her. Her body certainly. She would need a long time to recover, but she probably wasn't going to get it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"If this sickness werent at me... i would go with all of you" Bedelia was in terrible state affected by the slut dissease yet not so bad to talk to Evelen and try to be ready to fight even when hold the weapon made her be unable to rub and masturbate with it. It would be the same for others soldiers and with Darius uncouncious and wounded state there wwould be few than could support Evelen and get more soldiers to follow her.

With her short number the brunette and her family prepared to depart when suddenly one of the females in charge of the Dragan army whisper her " Be on guard, we could have cultists or slavers among us" The woman then wish their best wishes for the small group and see Evelen and the others leave.

The group continued through the darkness and fields where often monsters jump at them, in their tired state many got to penetrate them and let out melodious sounds for more creatures to try to capture them, of course this was a kid game after escape that temple and with theirs crystal weapons the demise of such monsters and beasts was faster.

As the hours passed, less monsters come to them proof of civilization near them and this made their trip faster in this last part. Before notice any trace of the village many half humans come, Kiyomi and many more warriors than they know come first with kind and warm hugs, it was almost like when someone return from death, tears in many of theirs faces yet all was for full happiness, four of them has returned from a place worse than hell.

Evelen's daughter soon ask for Zunasse, her teacher and her classmates, most of them in the town safe waiting for them. "from distant lookouts some of us got to see your group, but let's talk of this later, please come, all of you need rst and care" The matriarch than have them in her home for days said, still the ruler of this people was not with them, but Evelen remember than that woman must hide of any eye for the safety of any else.

From there all was happiness, the many warriors help to carry the wounded ones and not a single monster would even think in attack any of them. Evelen and the others notice than the almost endless orgy has stop for them, all the eyes of every of these horny beings were on them yet it was for shout theirs names and welcome them beyond any other hero on these lands.

Yet before any get close the brunette, the Matriarch take her to a group of healers in a closed area for no one to bother them, the many seductive women of soft touch were kind with Evelen as they check her in many ways and using many kinds of treathment than help the lance woman to endure her arousal and mind of such terrible days.

"If it were possible i would beg than the four stay forever here... our people would give to each a large and enjoyable life, but if that is not possible, at least stay for some days, is evident than the four need a time to recover" One of the healers said, yet soon other said than Evelen would need to meet the temporal great matriarch soon. These words bring many questions to Evelen, yet they only said than the one than casted the spell on them had leave for now with many warriors and many think than the reduction of monsters in this area is proof than they are still fine.

(Evelen can go direct to meet the temporal great matriarch now or g to any other place before this)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"It's okay" Evelen replied to Bedelia, "we've gotten through the hard part. Even as battered as we are we should be able to make it without too much trouble." She hoped so, anyway. There weren't many soldiers left with them who were in a state to fight, and all of them were in trouble... but the monsters out here couldn't be anything compared to the ones they had faced in the temple. They parted with those of the Dragan army that wanted to go on to the other city there, one of them warning Evelen about possible traitors in their midst. "Alright, you too" she replied, but she wasn't all that worried really. No one would betray them for a little while due to the suicidal nature of fighting in this state amidst the monsters, or at least so she thought.

So the brunette headed off with her comrades, not quite in the lead but close. The path was dark and grim, and monsters ambushed them every so often along the way, forcing a few difficult fights. Some of the monsters were lucky or strong enough to defeat individuals and begin to fuck them, even Evelen getting penetrated by tentacles and dicks a few times, crying out in glorious pleasure until others of her group freed her. Despite these setbacks the monsters mostly attacked as individuals or very small groups, and so the whole of them wasn't ever threatened. It was actually sort of nice... It provided temporary relief for the burning in her loins without much danger. A few hours into the trek the monsters thinned even further, and they knew they were getting close to the village. They had to be.

And sure enough, even before the village came into sight over the horizon a large group of half-human warriors appeared, Kiyomi prominent among them. Tears of joy began to run down Evelen's cheeks as she saw them, and she rushed forward to hug the foxgirl, squeezing her tightly. "It feels like it's been forever! You have no idea how glad I am to see you guys" she said, still crying as she clung to the warrior. The group began again to head back after a long greeting, the half-humans helping to carry those of Evelen's group that couldn't walk on their own anymore, and with a band this large no monster dared to come close. As they walked they talked, enquiring about the various people they'd met in the village and how they were. It really hadn't been all that long though, despite how it felt.

Their welcome once they got past the gates absolutely blew Evelen away. Whereas normally there was an immense orgy in the village at more or less all times now you couldn't spy a single couple having sex, all eyes focused on them to cheer as if they were conquering heroes! It wasn't true, strictly speaking, but it sure felt like it was. They approached the group, but before anything could happen one of the matriarchs whisked Evelen away to a small enclosed room with a group of healers.

The brunette trembled as they touched her, their soft hands caressing her gently all over. She felt like she was floating as the myriad of hands groped her from head to toe, and for the first time in a long time she could just relax and enjoy it without worrying about the consequences. A pair of hands teased her breasts expertly, fingers pinching and rolling the stiff nipples, testing her sensitivity, while another kneaded the soft flesh of her rump. Still another pair of hands rubbed up and down the slit of her sex and then slipped a couple of fingers into it, pumping them slowly and gently while the other hand rubbed and tweaked her clit. The human was absolutely on fire, her pleasure building rapidly, and before long she was practically singing out in bliss. It was barely any time at all before her whole body convulsed in their gentle grasp, her pussy squeezing hard around the fingers teasing her and squirting her juices out around them as a powerful orgasm rocked her.

That seemed to have been what the healers were after, and then they began to slather Evelen's body with oils and balms, rubbing them into her soft flesh all over from head to toe. It felt amazing, and it quickly began to soothe her burning, aching arousal, even dulling her hypersensitivity somewhat. The brunette felt much more normal than at any point before she had entered into the temple, though still not completely so, and it probably wouldn't last forever before the arousal came right back to the fore. Still, it was very nice. "Ahhhh... Thank you. That was just what I needed! I can't stay here forever, but I'll definitely be here for a few days at least. We need a rest badly, and there's some things I need to do before I go" she replied to them, slowly, very slowly getting onto her feet and pacing just a little bit to get her legs under her. Her body still felt beaten up, even if she wasn't in desperate need of a cock at the moment. When told she needed to see the temporary grand matriarch she nodded, accepting their explanation without question. "Alright, lead the way. She might be able to help me with a few things I'd like to do now that I'm here."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The pleasant treatment lasted close to a full hour, time where Evelen enjoy many different ways of arousing cures. At the start the human could think than the healers were aiming for something completely different of heal her cursed body, but when she stand up that terrible lust and heat state than has been constantly hunting her for days dissapear at least for now. Of course her flower remain wet and ready to be taken, yet the urge to fertilize it was not a need for her inner instincts.

"If is not much to ask, please stay at least a week or more. No one than has escape from that place remain sane for too long, of course all of you are far away in better condition than the usual survivors." A succubi healer said soon followed by a gnoll girl than recomend to Evelen return to them every day, of course the human certainly will get from there many more than just another session of healing.

Evelen then was guided by two soldiers and a healer to see the great matriarch deep inside the huge temple in middle of thehalf human lands. The place was the same as before yet the guards in the building were fewer, the sounds of lustful moans lack too, maybe most of them were focused on Evelen's group or something else was in theirs mind now.

The last door to the Great Matriarch got opened and before the brunnete could enter she was hold kindly. "Please take a seat. I know than all would return" Evelen heard from the woman than was the matriarch of four hands who has shared her room with them. "Maybe you want just to rest and forget about all, but im interested in know your next goal and the next move of the dragan army to help them if they accept." Said this, the new great matriarch let Evelen to calm if needed as after some minutes she add than Evelen family has been also checked by others healers, her tone show than all werent good news.

Celesta was the worst of them, her mind, soul and body were used as toys by many creatures, the great matriarch said than some birth and mating could help yet have her family close and distracting her some times with something different than sex could help more. Suzanne also changed but only at her body, as usual of her the soul and mind of the young one remain firm and uncorrupted.

The four arms woman stop before continue with Teresa, Evelen could know than she was a pseudo angel, but for the half humans she was a strange harpy as never they had seen an angel, maybe no one has heard of it even the more old matriarchs. But Teresa was more normal than before, dont caring be naked if someone was in need and mostly worried for Suzanne as ever. Maybe her time in the temple has changed somehow her perspective.

After all this she let Evelen ask her all what she wanted