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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen really couldn't believe how effective this "treatment" was, though she wasn't sure if it was the skill of the groping hands as it satisfied her lusts or the oils they rubbed onto her skin a little bit later. Her lust was more or less satisfied for the moment, although her body was still pretty worked up, and if any male had pulled her aside she would have been ready for him in an instant. "I don't know how long we'll be able to stay, but we might need to spend some time here... For Celesta's health, if not the rest of us" she replied when asked to stay at least a week. They probably needed to get going, but then they probably would take some time to recover. Venturing out with her pussy constantly wet and in need was probably not a good idea, anyway. "Oh, don't you worry, I'll be back" she threw in at the offer to return, winking at the healers before walking out with one of them and a couple of soldiers.

The atmosphere of the village was a lot different than it had been before. The sounds of sex weren't everywhere this time, only a few moans here and there, and there were fewer warriors around in general. Maybe these things were related, but then maybe it was something else. Whatever the case, as soon as she walked through the door to the Grand Matriarch's temple Evelen was wrapped up into a tight embrace with many arms... Apparently the matriarch she had stayed with earlier had been the one to be promoted. She sat when offered, and then replied "well, you know me. If I had a plan you'd need to be worried" with a little wink. "I need to rest before returning to the Dragan city. From there I'll consult with the Dragans and decide what to do. You know we returned, but we weren't completely successful. We didn't get what we came for... Some sort of strange... copy of me that came out of me got it. I still don't know what happened, I wasn't in a state to notice. It's strange, I don't feel different now. Like, I don't feel as if there's anything missing in me. And yet, someone did appear from within me."

The matriarch then informed her about her family, the verdict of the healers and all. It seemed that things weren't so bad for Suzanne or Teresa; in fact Teresa may have improved just by nature of being able to accept other people seeing her naked, and nudity in other people. Celesta, on the other hand... she had been hurt badly by the experience in the temple, her mind altered by powerful rape she had gone through. "I see... I'll be sure to spend some time with her in between finding some relief for my own issues. And of course, it's really wonderful to be able to just... enjoy sex, without worrying about what might happen afterwards."

And that brought the brunette to her requests. "Mmm... There were some things I wanted to ask about. When I left for the temple some magic was cast on me, some runes placed on my body that made me infertile. I was wondering if it would be possible to do the opposite now. To make me more fertile, to speed up pregnancy, in general to make me the best breeder possible. I want to give back to this village, to give you some good little warriors. And also... my body absolutely aches to be bred right now, to be pregnant. I feel that I need it. Secondly, is there any special way I can signify that I'm especially available? That I'm ready and willing to be pulled aside and fucked whenever? The opposite of those virgin outfits we wore when we were first here."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It has been lately days with many stress and things to do. Still, i will post even when this could be a little resumed.

Heard what happened with Evelen and that strange being coming out of them placed many ponders not only in the new great matriarch but also in the few others half humans in the chamber. "Does this being born from you? Only the great matriarch from before know really what she place on all of you before the travel. But certainly if they were still active, nothing should had come out from any of your family" The four arm woman said, she looks to had tried to investigate from herself these runes yet these were still in part a mystery.

The words about the Dragans were accepted without troubles, givng to Evelen soon aim to her needed topic of wishes for her future porposses. Said before the strange and unknown of the runes placed on her before, the new Great Matriarch answer. "The natural way to grant your wishes would be living here and eat daily our food and drinks comming from the many monsters than we hunt. But in your condition we should use others methods." After said this the great matriarch mention the magic school where most of the spellcasters away for anyone to use theirs service.

If Evelen wanted to go now she will not go alone, the great matriarch would go with two female guards at theirs side. "I could spread my word and in a moment all would know than they must do their best to place on your womb some elite warriors" The four arms lady said with a grind showing than it was not needed a ritual suit yet if Evelen want one then it would be created by the wise mages of the academy, it would be mostly fertile spells in painted runes, they could even ask if the others of the brunette family wanted to breed too. Each single children was a great help and blessing for this needed village.

They also asked if Evelen wanted a race in particular to be the father of her childrens, the whole village would do theirs best to make her give birth soon and many times in her time here if she wanted more than a new child.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I don't think she was born from me. According to the guardian of the temple she wasn't mine or anything. I honestly have no clue what she could be or what she could have came from... unless it was some kind of strange side effect of the ordeal it took to get into the temple" Evelen replied, honestly pretty baffled even after having a little bit of time to think of it. Although maybe... maybe it had something to do with Kimberly's succubus? That was a possibility she hadn't considered. She scratched her chin a little bit, though of course it also could have been something in what the Grand Matriarch had done to her. It was all much too much thinking for the brunette's taste, in any case, and all of it speculation.

She listened quietly to the matriarch's reply to her questions, nodding a few times. "Ah, I'm sure one of the mages could help me out. I'll head there once we're done I think" she replied, and then grinned back at the four-armed woman at the mention that she could get the whole village ready to breed her. "I think I would like that. With this disease I've contracted from the temple and all this pent up desire I think it would be nice to never be lacking in ready partners. I don't really care what sort of race either, any male I catch the eye of who wants to give me a good fuck is fine by me. I have a vague desire to maximize the number of babies I have here, but I think it would be better to let these things happen organically than to try and give preference." All that said Evelen was ready to head towards the magic school, unless the matriarch wanted to chat a little bit more or had some kind of request for her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The new Gerat Matriarch have certainly a lot to think after what Evelen said of the strange being coming out of her yet after a sigh she softly confort the human with one of her hands touching Evelen shoulder. "Soon or later we will find it out what was that being. With what you has said we will take care of this. Now, this day should be of just joy for your return" Smiling said as she guide and walk at a side with Evelen, certainly not wishing to worry more the warrior after such journey.

"Oh, sure they can... im not so fond with their magic and spell discovery the last decades. You know how difficult a Matriarch life is, having sex and being pampered by others all the day. Heh, maybe you should try to be our next Leader in a pair of years" She add as they walk, giving chance to Evelen to answer after each sentence, even when thsi trun into a very lewd chat no one around them looks to be surprised, the whole place it was really open than this should be usual talk every day.

They soon get at the magic school, the place was full with young ones, but most of them were in an area. Suddenly, another voice come behind them "You are right, there is not much needed to fulfill your dream. Every one of your family is a fertile and fine breeder of top class, with such potent lustful scent every male would duel for a chance of lay their seed... I may take you first or why dont you impregnate me? Turning back by that known voice, Evelen find out than it was just the Kitsune Matriarch who was helped by Kiyomi to get to them. "Sorry, she is just joking, right?" Kiyomi said what made her mother the kitsune matriarch chuckle as she just said a little "maybe" as answer.

The kitsune matriarch was heavily pregnant but she could easily walk and she was so gogeous as ever, if she werent half broken by the corruption of the place she could had passed more time with Evelen and her family. The grat Matriarch invite the human to get inside the school as her face show some serious tone. "Please continue Evelen. Let me talk with her... about her almost complete pregnancy and check her if she is not worse than before."


When Evelen decide to get inside the "building" she got to see soon than at a large room Suzanne was surrounded by a inmense group of girls, maybe all the students and also some teachers who hug and talk with her. The touch of them was more than friendly, the place was full of need for sex, Evelen could heard many asking to Suzanne to take the virginity of every virgin there, no mater how young they were and Suzanne looks to just accept without have a complete idea of theirs needs.

Minutes later thanks to the Great Matriarch orders some of the teachers place their attention at Evelen. "Some weak runes and fertility symbols should work" one said before another add. "I heard from your daughter than you can grow a huge dick, there should be a way to find out how to use that to help you at increase our number" They said in a friendly tone, who know what has been saying Suzanne all this time, after these words many teachers wanted to help the human in practice, they mostly know the power of the explosion of that spell so they may really find out how to make this safe for all.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Yes, I'm not exactly looking to strain myself thinking about it all" Evelen replied with a wink and sticking her tongue out. "I want to have fun for at least a little while. It feels like it's been so long..." She walked along next to the new Grand Matriarch, holding one of her hands as she let the larger woman guide her along. As they walked they talked, and she let out a hearty laugh at the suggestion that she ought to try to become leader of the half-human village. "I'll leave that to someone with a little bit more wisdom and strength" she replied, "although being fucked and pampered all day long does sound fantastic~"

From behind them just then came a voice the brunette recognized spoke up, telling her that it wouldn't be hard to achieve that at all... That she and her whole family would make excellent breeders. When she turned she saw the Kitsune matriarch with Kiyomi, so very pregnant but still capable all the same. "I appreciate the offer, and the compliment" Evelen replied, bowing slightly to the matriarch. "Maybe some day I'll take you up on it" she added, winking a little bit. After that the four-armed matriarch bid her to go into the school, and she complied with a nod, saying "thanks for leading me here. I appreciate your help, and your company" before heading inside.

She found that inside her daughter was having a reunion with the half-monsters who had briefly been her classmates, as well as some of the teachers. She was as popular as ever, with all manner of girls trying desperately to touch her, and not at all in an innocent way. Many of the girls were asking Suzanne to take their virginity, and she seemed to be accepting without really understanding what they meant. Evelen chuckled a little bit, choosing not to intervene for the time being. Her daughter could handle herself, most likely. She didn't think anything bad would happen, anyway.

A few of the teachers approached Evelen then at the behest of the grand matriarch, listening to her as she explained what she wanted. "Ahh, I would appreciate your help" she replied, rubbing her belly a little as she imagined herself covered in runes... Another casually mentioned her ability to grow a dick for herself and suggested that she could help them with their numbers that way... She blushed a little bit and chuckled "heheh" quietly, wondering just what Suzanne had been telling these people. "I could do that. Of course, I'm not really sure if I'm even fertile with a dick, I don't recall ever testing that. Maybe later I'll give it a test~ But for now I just want to get fucked nice and hard, if I'm honest. So please, load me up with your runes so I can start serving your village~"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen's words incite the teachers around her to get closer. "Let's see... her channels must pass at this point" One of the beauty lusty women said touching in a teasing way the human back. "Im not sure, the scent of her magic is so erratic... sigh, the Great matriarch asked for a perfect work..." Other said even when she sight, her eyes shine in excitement.

"The only way to do it perfectly is make you cum until faint, girls go to call at least two... no ten males or more to help us" One of the most experimented said as her hands sensed the human precious breasts and hips, the sudden milk leakin from Evelen and her always wet neithers made her decide such huge number of helpers.

The women take Evelen to an open area surrounded by handmade structures, but this dont call the attention of the brunnette who soon notice many of the teachers run and return with the needed for the ritual. At least five of these women started to place some painting at Evelen's body, the marks were far of be naughty yet as these were made they said for what some of these were for. "easy birth" "pleasant continuos orgasm" these marks were placed over Evelen's womb. ""Matriarch milk" "Potence on the seeds and egg" "Breedmother body" "Goddess attraction".

Many more were placed all over her yet she couldnt feel any magic at all, then many young girls started to sit around them, then some mature males and women in the far sides. At the floor around them runes and shapes were writted. Evelen couldnt see herself completely but she can be sure than the many marks only magnific her already superhuman beauty.

Soon a line of powerful and vigorous males of many races with only loincloths wait for their turn, their potent scent and erected huge cocks dont take even an instant to cause effect on Evelen, she wanted them all for her and inside her, every single drop of fun and cum, if the healers havent healed her she would had just lost her mind and jump at them in mindless desire even worse than any beast in heat.

"NOW, EVELEN THE GLORIOUS! THE SURVIVOR! WILL BE BLESSED WITH AN ANCIENT RITUAL OF FERTILITY TO HELP OUR TRIBE TO INCREASE OUR NUMBER!" Many voices claim and soon all ovation her, soon the Great Matriarch joke about Evelen turn into their leader and main breeder was starting to be more serious at the human head. Fortunately neither this event or words from some minutes care enough to worry the brunette. "Evelen, dear. only focus on stay in the center and enjoy yourself, we will take care of all" The last teacher in mark her said as the teachers then completely naked mark tehmselves and placed collars, masturbating themselves as they chant and focus theirs attention on Evelen, then the first male come, he was strong anda hand of him could easily cover the human head, removing his small cloth from his delicious staff, he present it to Evelen, he was a reptilian creature as a crocodile, the bumps around his shaft look sharp but as she touch them she notice than they were pleasant and would feel amazing at her sluty tunnel if she manage to make it fit inside. He let her prepare and decide the position to be taken, it will last an hour yet after many loads he will let her and make the second follow.

The reptilian kind then will lift kindly one of the teachers than encicle Evelen, sit and them impale the woman who focus as she was used as a toy by the male. As more males fuck Evelen and the ritual ladies, more power was placed at Evelen's marks. Evelen could ask more of one to fuck her yet they would need to focus their elite sperm in another hole of the human. She was up to decide a long incredible fuck for hours or make this last less so she could get out to let all fuck her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen shivered slightly as the teachers touched her teasingly, gauging the way her magical energy flowed through her, how best to go about their work. As they did her breasts began to leak a little bit of milk, and she let out a quiet murmur of pleasure... "Now that sounds like a plan I can get behind" she teased when told that the only way to impart the necessary magic on the runes was to have her fucked into unconsciousness. Today was going to be a day for fun after all that madness in the temple! The women brought her out into an open space then and began their work, starting to paint runes all over her. As they went they told her what they were for, and she couldn't help but start to get excited... They looked so very lewd on her body, as well, which was nice as well, though they didn't feel magical. Not yet, anyway... That was probably where the fucking came in, though. There were probably other functions for the teachers to play during her little bout of fun as well.

Young girls began to gather and sit in a semi-circle around them then, soon joined by older men and women. Apparently Evelen was going to have an audience... which was also kind of nice. As the teachers finished up the runes a line of younger males began to form in front of her of a variety of races, all very clearly erect, potent and virile. She wanted them, she wanted them all! Her mouth was watering, and her pussy was oh so very wet... It took some amount of willpower not to run forward and jump into one of their arms. As she was thinking so the teachers called out her name to the crowd, proclaiming that she was glorious and that she was about to undergo an ancient fertility ritual. All of the assembled half-humans got on their feet and clapped and yelled, which gave Evelen a little bit of a rush truth be told. The teachers all put on some kind of collar, perhaps a magical item of some sort to aid in the ritual, and then stood off to the side chanting.

The first of the men stepped up then, a sort of part-crocodile... As he approached Evelen she called out "I didn't get to enjoy my first stay in your village as much as I would have liked. So come on boys, show me your hospitality~" The man pulled aside his loincloth and revealed his cock to her then, and she felt her mouth water; it was huge! Granted, it probably wasn't so big proportionally, considering that he himself was monstrously large, his hand big enough to just palm the brunette's face if he had wanted to. It was also covered in bumps that looked like they were quite sharp... but as he approached Evelen reached out and gently grasped his shaft, giving him a couple of teasing strokes, and found that they were actually surprisingly soft. "Mmmm... You're enormous" she murmured, stroking him softly, "I don't know if you'll even fit all the way~" Of course, she had a pretty good idea he would, given all the abuse her pussy had taken over the course of the game. After a few moments she turned and got down on her hands and knees, lifting her rump into the air and wiggling it side to side. "Come on now, give it to me, nice and hard~" she implored, and he didn't waste any time fulfilling that desire.

Before Evelen knew it the crocodile-man was kneeling behind her, and his massive cock was pressed up against her pussy. She pushed back to help him penetrate her, but it was tough going, slipping in fractions of an inch at a time. It felt so good, though... Being stretched TIGHT around his dick, her body resisting every step of the way and simply being overpowered. He claimed her slowly at first, her legs slowly spreading wider as she tried to accommodate his girth, and as the first of the bumps started to pass her lower lips her whole body quivered. "Ooooooh fuck" she groaned, scratching slightly at the ground. It felt so good, and it was only just beginning! Finally she felt him hilt inside of her, the tip prodding hard against her cervix and then pushing right on through. "Fuck!" she groaned, her legs quivering again, "that's a good dick~"

Now that the male had Evelen fully penetrated he began to fuck her, and this he was not slow about! He grabbed her waist with his powerful hands and pulled out, her inner walls clinging to him tightly and feeling every bump along the way, and then quickly thrust back in, making her body rock forward and drawing a gasping moan out of her. Barely seconds later he was pulling back again, settling into a fast rhythm that left the brunette reeling, her pussy on fire with pleasure! He wasn't exactly being gentle with her either, and she was absolutely loving it. It only took him a few minutes to have her moaning out with lewd abandon, her juices drooling down her inner thighs... and then to bring her to the first of many orgasms, making her cry out in bliss as her toes curled, her inner walls clamping down tightly on his cock as he just continued to thrust away until he found his own release, painting her insides with hot cum, pouring his seed into her womb directly! He didn't stop thrusting even then, making her squirm and squeal beneath him, still coming down from her own peak. She could tell that his stamina was incredible just by the way he never even paused, just continuing to slam his dick home inside of her again and again.

He fucked Evelen like that relentlessly to a couple more screaming orgasms, filling her with his seed until she began to overflow, the excess cum and feminine arousal drooling down her legs to the ground, before she moaned out "ohh please, hold me down, show me just how strong you are~" He changed his angle and obliged her, one huge hand firmly pushing between her shoulder blades and pinning her upper body to the ground as he continued to thrust fast and hard, and she cooed out as she reached up between her legs, teasing her clit with one hand. This was the life! Held down and pounded into the ground, not a care in the world, nothing at all to worry about! Just sheer, unadulterated bliss coursing through her body. He had her cumming hard in no time, her juices and his cum squirting out of her pussy just before he filled her with yet another load. For an entire hour he fucked her, the brunette losing track of how many orgasms she had around his cock, her fingers furiously rubbing her clit to squeeze as much pleasure out of every moment as she could.

Finally he pulled out of her though, and Evelen slowly got up onto her knees and turned to face him, wobbling a little bit as she did so, their mixed sex juices dribbling out of her pussy. She leaned in and gave his balls a tender kiss, saying "thank you very much, it's been a while since I've had a fucking that good." The half-crocodile walked off to one side then, sitting down behind one of the teachers and then gently lifting her up and sitting her on his cock, quickly starting to use his strong hands to bounce her up and down on his lap. What stamina! The brunette's attention was quickly turned to the second male in line, this one seeming to be a half-tiger. She licked her lips and slowly laid down on her back, hooking her arms under her knees and pulling her legs up towards her chest and then aside to frame her breasts and present her sloppy pussy. "Mmmm, your turn, huh? Step on up and use my needy little pussy~ It hasn't been a minute and it's already aching for cock~"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

No matter how powerful the males are these were kind as their mate with Evelen, the rubs from theirs hands only increased the pleasure as theirs large members pound vigorously inside her carnal flesh. The reptilian one show something more than a great stamina, his hand softly placed over her head as she licks his ball bring her some passion in his touch, he will certainly look for her and fuck her daily as a slut like her require.

Still drenched in the lustful virile scent of her first mate, Evelen soon was taken by the next male, a tiger hybrid than warm up by the position than show Evelen, he said something in their natal tongue, the human couldnt understand it yet the tone and the heat on it show than it could be a lustful answer to her words, at least his decisive moves toward her show his growing needs, soon his staff grow and take her right there, there was not need to wet her just press inside and make her love every inch of his cat like member, the fur on him cause soon a effect on Evelen, she couldnt resist it, each stroke, his purrs, that soft fur, his wild dominant postore over her, she was in heat soon as a beast or beyond this, rocking her hips in need for make the member go deep inside her, feel his tongue and even his fangs play with her sensitive skin.

It was like if every male wanted to make her decide to only fuck with him, she got it by how hard the cat like being wanted to make her stay high in lust yet he take time to feed her cunt with his seed, not until she scream and beg for it in her altered mind, only then Evelen got her reward what got her in bliss and stunned for the male take her in a more exposed position, lifting her to all to see her front, her legs spread as he pound all the way with her weight resting at his arms easily.

He lasted for a long while yet cum fewer times, taking more times between loads, then he softly place the completely wobbly Evelen in the floor where she remain trying to recover her breath looking mostly the space until she heard or mostly smell a new male coming, she was not at her senses, so her dazzed eyes aim to his cock and lost mostly aa chance to know what fuck her now after she serve the meat rod some moments in deep passion, licking and sucking at the dick like an addict make her ponder if this new male have such strong scent or was the cat like who have her in this temporal broken state, no matter which one she hungrily feed from the paste strong cum from her third partner, so much to drink yet she dont wanted to let any drop escape her mouth in vain of course as soon the first load come some of it drip down her lips and soak her breasts, another time and soon a next one not until four huge loads feed her was when her mouth get away of the member.

Drenched her front and hair of the powerful seed, she was positioned on the floor and her pussy impaled, her body was full of energy again yet she was out of this world, looking anywhere made her see mates having rough sex, she could only see bodies, cocks, males... the screams of women yet could only be her own lustful sounds, she was not sure of anything beyond the pleasure than she feel, the potent orgasms than she have every few minutes than get beyond intensity when a load was placed on her.

Evelen recover herself time later at the arms of a new lover, she never pass out or lost full counciest in any second, she could remember every stroke, every thrust but her whole senses were focused in mate and feel maybe that is why she lost focus on mostly all happening around her. The next male have dual dicks, one at her pussy and other at her back door, there was pleasure as if she have two pussies, both loving this worm like creature with six arms loving her, still he was in part humanoid, if she turn around she would find than six males were now having sex with the teachers, a lot of sex has passed mostly and she could remember some of each male, mostly the feel than cause inside her and their parts shape. Then before she could focus on this her partner pound deep, his members rubs her insides in strange yet pleasant ways going deep reaching to pleasure more places for Evelen to enjoy.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen looked up and cooed in appreciation as the big crocodilian practically petted her; she felt like he cared for her after a fashion, even if it was mostly a sort of sexual attraction. She had a feeling as he walked away from her that she would be seeing him again soon...

The tiger approached her next, speaking to her in a language she didn't understand as he took his cock out and crouched down over her. He seemed to be pretty into her, his shaft already fully erect as he wasted no time pushing himself into her sloppy pussy. The brunette groaned out softly in pleasure as his barbs rubbed against her sensitive inner walls; they were stiffer than her first partner's had been, a bit longer too, and they gave her just a tinge of pain as he pulled out... but it felt fantastic for her, sending little jolts of pleasure all through her body. Soon enough she was bucking her hips up to meet his thrusts, absolutely loving the feel of his soft fur against her skin, the way he gave her breasts teasing little gropes every so often as he thrust into her. He leaned in, licking her with his long and rough tongue, lapping at her neck and shoulder and then giving her playful little nips with his sharp fangs, making her gasp and moan. It felt so good she could barely stand it, and his stamina was incredible... Finally she couldn't take it anymore, and she cried out "fuck, please, please cum! Inside me, please, I need your cum!" He soon obliged her... had he been holding back? Whatever the case his warm seed gushed into her, and she could only scream out in orgasm as her whole body shuddered, her toes curling and twitching as she held her knees to her shoulders.

When the two of them were done the tiger pulled out of Evelen, cum drooling out of her pussy, and picked her up, turning her to face the crowd. She looked out over them lustfully, at the men who were waiting their turn to fuck her, the crowd, the teachers who were chanting their magic. She could feel the runes that covered her body now, could feel their power growing every time one of the men emptied a load into her, and she couldn't wait to feel the final results! The feline slipped himself into her sex again then and started to fuck her in earnest immediately, and she almost wished that he had started to use the other hole so that another man could step up and use her at the same time... almost. He held her up so effortlessly and pounded her with such vigor that she could do little but shudder and bounce in his arms, one hand moving to knead her titflesh while the other moved to tease her clit, rubbing it in quick circles for all to see as she leaned back into his soft chestfur. She was enjoying herself so intensely, moaning out with increasing lewdness, and soon she began simply to cum around the man's cock. Every few minutes like clockwork the brunette would cry out and convulse in the tiger's arms, her juices and excess spunk squirting from her quivering pussy as he just kept pounding away. He had much greater self-control and stamina than did the human, only reaching his peak a few times... but whenever he did she had an utterly incredible orgasm, her whole body wracked with bliss.

When he was finally done the tiger sat Evelen down on the ground and walked off to fuck another of the teachers, and she sat and panted as she tried to catch her breath. Another man walked up to her, who it was she didn't know. All she knew was that his scent tickled her senses juuuuust right, and she couldn't take her eyes off of his dick. "Oooooooh fuck, gimme" she moaned at him, and when he stepped close enough she pressed her face against his shaft, inhaling his scent deeply as she kissed him. "Such a nice fat cock" she mumbled between kisses, "sorry, gotta suck it..." She worked her way up the length of his shaft, her tongue lapping at his every inch, until finally she reached the tip. She took a minute or so to service his cockhead, swirling her tongue around it, teasing the underside of the tip, flicking her tongue over his piss-slit. One of her hands went to cup his balls, rubbing them gently, while the other moved to tease her pussy slowly, one finger running up and down her slit.

Finally the human could stand to tease him and collect his precum on her tongue no longer, and she began to bob her head up and down. She could barely get her lips wrapped around his girth, and before long she felt his tip poke against the back of her throat, making her gag softly. That was it. She couldn't control herself anymore, she just pushed her lips down his shaft and took him into her throat, impaling herself on his dick with a wet "gluck!" sound. Her eyes went half-lidded as her throat convulsed around his shaft; she was enjoying this so very much! She teased her aching cunt with that one finger, working the cum that oozed out of her into her puffy and reddened lower lips. She throated his cock with enthusiasm, bobbing her head rapidly, her lips pressing tightly to his crotch and then pulling all the way back to his tip. A lewd "gluck!" escaped her every time, her throat contracting around his shaft as if she were gagging, though her body was well-prepared for him.

It wasn't long before his tasty seed began to spurt down into her belly, gushing back into her mouth and then drooling out around his shaft, running down onto her breasts. The brunette let out a lewd moan around his dick, giving her clit a flick and bringing herself close to orgasm... But not quite there. It wasn't all that important, all things considered; there was precious cum to drink! She sucked as hard as she could, trying desperately not to spill any, though it poured out of her and absolutely coated her breasts, running down her belly. Once the anonymous man was done cumming Evelen went right back at it, bobbing her head rapidly along his entire length, now starting to vigorously toy with her clit. It wasn't long before she reached her peak, though she didn't let her orgasm distract her from the task at hand for more than a couple seconds. In an almost completely mindless state the brunette impaled her throat on the male's fat cock again and again, soon giving him a second orgasm, and then a third, each time failing to swallow the whole of his salty load and having it gush down her frontside to very nearly coat her. She brought herself to many orgasms along the way, twice as many as he got out of the exchange, her body quivering almost nonstop as she pleasured herself.

When the man had his fourth orgasm he pulled her mouth off him, splattering her face and hair with the last few shots of his thick cum. Evelen was in utter bliss, barely aware as another of the men walked up and pinned her to the ground, starting to pound her pussy hard. How many times had she cum? She had no idea. Now all she could do was experience this intense pleasure, letting them fuck her more or less senseless. Every time one of them came inside of her sex she could feel the runes get a little bit more powerful... She was becoming more fertile, climaxes easier and easier to achieve, and though she couldn't tell it her body was becoming more attractive and perfect. It also seemed to be causing her to have simply incredible orgasms whenever a man spilled his seed inside of her, comparable to very few other feelings she'd experienced. And while she was always conscious she was immensely focused on the feelings being given to her, not worrying about thinking or observing for quite some time.

When the brunette finally became a little more aware a sort of worm creature with many arms was upon her, holding her with so many hands. A quick look around told her that she had probably been fucked by six men by now, because there were six of them fucking the teachers that were still chanting away the spells that were helping her. This new man had two long cocks, and he wasted no time in slipping them into her sloppy cunt and her ass, thrusting away. It felt incredible, her ass feeling like a second pussy it was so sensitive, and his cocks seemed to stroke each other through the thin wall that separated her lower holes fantastically. "Uhhhh fuck... You're gonna make me cum again already..." she mumbled, "I'm gonna cum so fucking hard! Please, give me your seed and make me cum my brains out!"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Bouncing eagerly with each thrust given by the dual cocks, the lustful brunette could have problems to focus on something else out of the great sex happening to her. The male in turn say words in their natal tongue and looks to understand what Evelen said. But it was impossible for him and most of the maels to answer back, part of the curse of the fast growing and corruption in the place made difficult to theirs males to learn more than a lenguage, some of them could be even more feral and just growl as animals yet the ones taking the breeder werent in such level of infection.

As the time go on more correct places the worm human find to please Evelen, his members roaming all over her, fondling her breasts, giving rubs as massage until one of her fingers pressed on her nipple with some little more strengh, the enough to show to him and the others her supernatural features earned in her quests, without pain the finger got inside her tight lactating nipple, causing just more pleasure on her, giving a smirk he started to penetrate her with his wide fingers, making her feel as if two more dicks were using her, pounding every time faster and each pound cause more of her nectar and milk to leak out, her mouth was taken in a kiss by the creature and in her state only she moan before play and taste him in a deep kiss. This was interrupted suddenly as she notice the two members inside her swell and go deep inside coating her with his slimy precum before a load come out and fill her bowels as also her birth place.

His fingers went deep in that instant causing her to cum intensely, causing her inners to press and press the creature rods to suck as much as possible his seed, she was there exposed to all t see her most dirty side, showing how her body get rounded more every time than they fill her and mix their sperm, from her cum drenched hair to her toes coiling with each thrust, her loud sluty happy moans, strangely all this made her be proud and no one see her down, instead she was causing the viewers to look for something to calm theirs needs, most of them touching themselves or letting others do the job.

After some more releases and positions the brunette was placed on the floor and the male take his place, soon it was not one but three males the ones move to take Evelen this time, not a single minute was given to her to rest before her mouth and her two holes were filled with moisted delicious meatrods for her to serve, holded by this group of strong males, soon some smaller ones come and she could service them with her hands and others parts, she was not sure if thsi was part of the ritual yet the teachers werent stopping this to happen.

Soon her fate was sealed when the cocks at her lower holes create a knot in her insides, then a small one get between her breasts and use her milk orbs to preasure his member, it was when she notice than all these males were in part canine kobolts, wolves. The bigger ones takeing her mouth and lower love entrances meanwhile the small ones used all the remain of her to coat her in theirs potent members, not a single inch escape of their scent and seed and even her breasts were penetrated and used as cunts by the males.

As all this happen she could feel her body adapt and earn talents by the magic marks on her, every load give her energy to go on and a pleasant new feeling than she enjoy in middle of such blissful pleasure as if every sperm would help her to give to this people a healty new being.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen could only hold onto the strange worm-like male for dear life, trying her best to ride his twin dicks as he pounded her. He replied to her begging, something in the native half-monster tongue that she couldn't understand, but she felt like he knew what she had said. Perhaps he understood her language, his tongue simply couldn't form the sounds he needed to speak it. Maybe it was just something else related to the corruption of the monster they lived in. Whatever the case his many limbs began to explore her body in earnest then, teasing and stroking her supple flesh. Two of his hands migrated to her breasts, squeezing the soft orbs gently, his fingers firmly rubbing over her stiff nipples... until by chance he pressed a little bit harder, and just the tip of his finger started to penetrate her. The brunette gasped, squirming just a little bit in his grasp... He just smirked at her, his thumbs pressing into her nipples and piercing her in a way that was new and fresh even for her. A wave of pleasure washed over her, her back arching into the worm-like male, and she let out a loud "oh FUCK!"

It felt utterly fantastic, and he was soon pumping his thumbs in and out of her mutated nipples, white milk dribbling out around them and running down her chest and belly. It felt just like she had a pair of pussies on her chest, and she knew she wouldn't last long at all before she came if he kept stimulating her like this! He leaned in close for a kiss and Evelen parted her lips with a moan, accepting his tongue into her mouth and tasting him, her own flicking against the invading organ. Each passing second brought her closer and closer to her peak, her body growing tense with pleasure... she just needed something to set her off. It wasn't long until she got it; both the worm's cocks throbbed mightily in her lower holes, pulsing and drooling precum for a few moments before spurting off deep inside of her pussy and bowels, hot cum filling her once again. She let out a muffled scream into his mouth, her whole body convulsing as a powerful orgasm rocked her. The half-monster shoved his thumbs into her breasts all the way to the knuckle then, milk pouring out of her as her nipples squeezed against him fitfully, only adding to the incredible sensations she was already feeling.

As Evelen came down from her height of bliss she saw that she was at the center of a massive orgy; there wasn't a dry pussy or limp dick around, everyone watching either having sex or masturbating as the ritual progressed. A wonderful melody of moans and groans surrounded her, men and women joining their bodies in rapturous bliss, and she couldn't help but feel proud of her role in it all. The wormish man continued to pound her even after that first orgasm, his fat cocks rubbing together inside of her through the thin inner wall that separated her lower holes, his thumbs working in and out of her plump breasts. She could only quiver and whimper out in pleasure, her body rocked by orgasms every couple of minutes. Every so often he changed her position, turning her around and taking her from behind once, putting her shoulders and back onto the ground and pounding her into it, filling her with cum several more times and strengthening the magic of the runes that covered her body.

When the worm-like man was finally done and went to take his place fucking one of the teachers Evelen was laid on the ground, panting to recover her breath... but she didn't really feel tired at all. In fact it seemed like each orgasm recharged her, making sure she was ready to go for the next. This village certainly had powerful magic! As she laid there three males approached, furry and doglike; they seemed to be pretty large kobolds of a certain kind. That was just fine with her. "Mmm, come on and join the party, boys~" she teased as they arranged themselves... One of them lifted her up and scooted in under her, another knelt in front of her, and another at her head. Their intentions were pretty clear, and she could hardly wait.

The one underneath her slipped his pointed cock into her ass without much trouble; Evelen's body was ready for more or less anything at this point. His friend quickly forced himself into her pussy while she leaned her head back and opened her mouth for the third, her tongue running against the top of his shaft as he penetrated her. They soon began to fuck her in unison, not holding back even for a moment as lewd wet noises quickly started to emanate from the four of them. The brunette gagged softly on the cock that forced its way into her throat, bulging it slightly, but she didn't mind at all. Before long other, smaller kobolds started to surround her, two of them rubbing themselves against her hands until she took the opportunity to grasp their firm cocks and stroke them. Another positioned himself between her feet, giving her the chance to press them together around his shaft and rub him as best as she could while the larger kobolds rocked her world.

It didn't take long before the brunette felt one of their unique canine features start to manifest... Bulbous knots of flesh began to grow at the base of their members, pounding against her pussy, ass, and lips forcefully, demanding entrance... and then those knots pushed into her and locked their cocks in all of her holes! The feeling of both her lower holes wrapped impossibly tight around that pulsing flesh, almost crushed... her mouth straining to contain the other kobold's knot, his musky, sweaty balls resting heavily on her nose... Her eyes rolled back into her head as she felt them begin to cum copiously inside of her, her orgasm hitting her like a truck. This, surely, was what it was like to cum your brains out! If not for the magic that filled her she would have passed out on the spot, her whole world overwhelmed with pleasure... But she came down slowly, very slowly, the canines still hammering away at her. Their knots tugged hard on her sensitive flesh, stretching her to her limits, driving her wild! The smaller ones started to cum then as well, on her hands, her feet, others stroking themselves off onto her belly and chest, covering her in pungent seed.

One of the smaller kobolds mounted Evelen's chest then, straddling her with his cock between her breasts, squeezing them together around him and humping away. It was a pleasant sensation, but she knew what she really wanted from him... it took him a little while to figure it out, but finally he straddled one of her tits, pressing his cock against the nipple and ramming it in! Another joined him, and before long the brunette's entire body was being used. Mouth, pussy, ass and breasts, all penetrated and pounded, knots still stuffing her lower holes and causing her belly to bloat with cum, and she couldn't help but to keep stroking more of them with her hands and feet, trying to bring as much pleasure to as many of the kobolds as she could. Her body twitched and convulsed as she was triggered to small, pleasant little orgasms perhaps even more than once per minute, having an incredibly powerful one each time she was cum inside. She had thought that the teacher was exaggerating when she had said that one of the runes was for "pleasant continuous orgasm," but she was starting to think that by the end of this she really would be cumming every moment!
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Having her whole self focu at the endless pleasure, she could feel how the magic coat all over her, every orgasm cause her body to suit every cock of the males using her, pressing all tehir leng and let them pass further with some struggle, she couldnt wait for her next peak, slowly she could feel to be in the heavens, loving their scent and warm all on her needed being. This endless pleasure should fry her mind yet it was the opposite, she was on her full senses, more lewd than before of course but she could think straight, however all this made her remain focus on the pleasure and enjoy every part of it.

"Never have a human before, but Hero's body feels so good to be one" One of the small ones pounding inside her breasts said, his huge staff bigger than any man as any of his race was making small drops of milk mixed with his own cum escape from Evelen's nipple which remain without damage as if they were some extra pussies than were created for this work. Unable to say anything as her mouth was sealed with kobolt meal she got to heard others small ones praising her, they dont see her down at all, she was one of them an important being, she could feel their love raising her pride and goals in this village with every word and every load.

Evelen the Hero could see than it was safe to let her needs be sattled here, cum and have sex invigorate her, nourish and prepare her body for her pregnancy, she loved the strong virile scent pressing agains her nose, the taste of their flesh than her tongue couldnt stop to lick and panper, her body shivering as her throat feel the great load... she couldnt have enough of this magnificent hot cream, her others holes were also always hungry of it, her whole skin, from her hair to her toes, feel that fertile seed cause great excitement.

Time later after many males more she feel it, how the ritual was close to end, all of her feels great and in the best conditions, her vision fade and she imagined soon a great light coming from every inch from her, it was a great feeling, one than certainly will look to feel again mating in this village. Half sleep coated in pleasure she notice almost as a dream how was she lifted with care and respect, ovations mixed with the lust of the place, a teacher or maybe the great matriarch saying some words, mostly pointing than Evelen and her family were officially not only one of them but important figures for them and maybe she would be remembered for ages yet the brunette was not sure if this was real as all was fading and she have a peaceful sleep.


Evelen awake in a new room face down in a special rustic bed where two holes let her breasts hang softly, made of the best materials than she could find in this town, nude and completely cleaned her first instinctively reaction was of her hand moving to feel her belly, it was already slighty round what show her than she was pregnant yet it was unknown who is the father, all of her feels ready for sex, it was her main pondering yet she was not urged to it, she just feels than she instinctively need it and her children too.

She was not alone in the room, easily she spot Teresa who looks to had been taking care of her, her sister wear the virgin outfit and looks to be trying to read some stuff until she got to find out than Evelen was awake. " Are you fine? How do you feel? Maybe someone overdo it again." Teressa said in a motherly and in search to discipline her tone. "Its my fault for not be there... i was trying to put some sense on our sister... After you give birth we should get out" Her blonde sister was happy to see her awake, but Evelen could easily get than celesta was not right. "She want to make the ritual too, she have the age to decide things for herself but i feel than we should stop her"

If Evelen take some time between her sister words to notice her surroundings, she would find than all her things where there, even theirs weapons, it looks than the four girls were so precious than they have maybe all the freedom of the world here. Her body was tainted with the magic runes, she could feel easily the magic on them helping her own natural magic to drive in the correct way to have her improvements active. Her body could maybe place on shame any succubi, a suited breeder body for a lustful creature like her, out of her enlargement in some of her curves her bright brunete hair also grow reaching almost the end of her back. " They said than its a side effect of that magic, if you want it i can cut it for you" Teresa said when Evelen's fingers get to reach it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen was awash in a sea of pleasure, the kobolds pounding her and helping along the magic that was swiftly warping her. Every orgasm fueled it, made her body more beautiful and better suited for bearing children, her holes better at pleasuring the males. Vaguely she wondered what the succubus who lived inside Kimberly would think of her; she felt like she was almost becoming a sort of succubus herself. Her thoughts were crystal clear despite the intense fucking she was going through and how long she had been at it. Of course, at the moment that only meant that she could appreciate the feelings she was being given without desperation or need or diminished senses.

All the while the kobolds kept up their powerful assault on her body, one of the small ones gripping her breast tight as he pounded it, milk and his own cum drooling out of her nipple and down her chest. She could hear him praise her, could understand him, and wondered if that was because of the magic or if he just spoke her language. It was all so wonderful... There were so many of them fucking her, but she didn't feel degraded at all, rather they were lifting her up, empowering her. She remembered having put this village down for how it treated women, but... now she saw just how wrong she had been. It even felt as if they might love her, treasure her! It was a truly great feeling. This place, it was just what she needed after that horrible temple wearing her down.

The human was filled with cum again and again, eventually the kobolds switching out for others, the pleasure continuing on and on. Sometimes single half-monsters took her, fucking her hard and fast and gifting her their precious seed, and other times she found herself gangbanged by groups of them. All around her an orgy had broken out; every one of the teachers was being fucked by one of the males that had already deposited their seed in Evelen, and all of the onlookers by now were too horny merely to watch. And all the while she came and came, the magic of the runes reaching peak efficiency. The feelings, the smells, the sights... she couldn't get enough!

Finally, as she laid in the arms of a rather large feline, Evelen could feel herself starting to grow tired. "Mmm... getting sleepy..." she mumbled as the man took it slow, thrusting in nice and hard with a few seconds pause between. His barbs tickled her pleasantly, but she found it hard to focus on the pleasure anymore... One last burst of hot cum into her womb, one last powerful orgasm to rock her body, and she felt him lay her gently on the ground... A few moments later she felt herself picked up with utmost care, a voice calling out something or other... She was just too sleepy to really understand. Was she even still awake? It was possible she was dreaming she felt so good. The brunette laid her head against a soft, pillowy breast and drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Evelen awoke some time later feeling completely fantastic. She was face-down on a very soft bed, a couple of holes cut out of it to let her heavy breasts hang freely. They felt so nice like that... She reached down towards her belly and felt that it was swollen, pleasantly so. A sense of pleasure and fulfillment washed over her as she rubbed herself, happy to be pregnant. Of course, if she hadn't been after all that she would be doubting this town's magic very much. It didn't take long to spot Teresa, wearing the virgin outfit that would keep men from fucking her in this town. "I feel great. Absolutely fantastic!" she replied, slowly getting up onto her knees. God her breasts were big, much bigger than in real life. She couldn't help but cup their undersides with both hands, lifting them softly. She wanted sex, wanted to lay with another man right then, but it wasn't a need, and it wasn't overpowering. In fact she felt more completely in control of her sexuality than ever before, really.

Apparently Celesta wanted to go through the same ritual Evelen had, which was worrying... "We probably should stop her... But then, some of that magic would probably do wonders for her. I got fucked for probably hours by dozens of men, but I never once went crazy or even felt my mind dim. I want sex more now, but I'm super in control of it." She looked around as she spoke, seeing that their weapons were there in the room, along with all the rest of their possessions. And then, well... then she looked down. "Whoa" she mumbled as she saw her hips! They were wider, flared out nicely... probably to facilitate easier birthing, but fuck did it make her hotter too! She could also tell that she was lubricated without necessarily being aroused... she was pretty confident that if a man wanted her she would be able to present any hole he wanted and be perfectly ready to receive him with no warmup at all. She also could see her hair... God it was so long! Almost down to her ass! When her sister offered to cut it she quickly shook her head. "No, I wouldn't want that. Can you braid it for me instead? A couple of them, like really long pigtails? I think it'd be cute like that. After that I want to see Celesta. Maybe I can do her some good."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Are you sure?" Teresa answer after Evelen words in a worried tone than hide most of her attempt of look serious in put the brunette in her place. Meanwhile Evelen got great pleasant enjoyment when she cup her breasts undersides with both hands, even when they were larger of what she was used these will not cause any uncomfortability.

"If you think than that ritual could help her. But we could first talk both of us with her, maybe she could hear some reasons" Teresa was afraid indeed for what the magic could cause on Celesta but she could accept to do what was needed to make the plant woman to get recovered of her traumas. Of course, so let's see some cute pigtails. I remember when Celesta was young, it was hard to make her stay quiet" Teresa said with a smile. Soon she look for an hair comb or something similar to help in her next task.

Her hands were skilled and her kind strokes were of great enjoyment for Evelen, Teresa have a well cared blond hair, ussualy stained in blood in theirs adventures but the old sister have it well cared when they have free time like this. "It has been always so bright and beautiful? I was expecting than this could give us more time to talk." Teresa said as Evelen hair was easy to handle and comb. "Suzanne was here an hour ago... and some healers too. It looks like the runes had made unneeded that lotion, its good than we dont need to worry about that slut syndrome" Teresa said happy but blushing as she remember something, her hands ending to make the first braided pigtail. "I was thinking than if we had more time and Celesta get betteri could let you decide a new hairstyle for me, Suzanne could help you... just dont let Celesta try anything funny" Said this to warm up the moment both have a little more of time together before leave to look for the plant sister.


Time alter they depart, they dont have problems in find Celesta who has been all the time in the streets, letting any male to fuck her, her lustful moans not hide in all her empty look of her eyes. "She has been like this for hours, its easy to take her away but she then jump to the arms of someone else, i was thinking in maybe just tie her and lock her in a room until depart". Teresa was joking just a little, but Celesta state was seriouslyworse than when they come here.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Yeah, I'm definitely sure" Evelen replied, "this is just about as good as I've ever felt physically. And mentally too, really." She could tell that Teresa was worried about her, but then she was always worried. That was kind of her thing. And it was probably warranted, given what the brunette had heard of Celesta... "Well, maybe not going through the ritual, but... Some of their magic could definitely help her" she continued, sitting up on the bed and letting her older sister come around to start braiding her hair. It was nice to have it combed, she couldn't remember the last time she had cared for her hair. Probably never, if she was honest, in the EGG anyway.

Teresa was good at it too, brushing and stroking Evelen's hair with great care, taking it into her hands and dividing it up into two parts before starting to braid them together. "Nah, I don't think my hair was like this before. I think the magic definitely did wonders for my looks too. It made me prettier in just about every way. And yeah, I wanted some time to talk to you too. It's been a while since we've gotten to just talk." She watched as the first pigtail was completed and laid over her shoulder, running a hand over her soft hair. "A bit sad that I missed Suzanne, but... it's good that I don't have to worry about that medicine. This town's magic is incredible. I have to say, I've started to love this place. And as for your hairstyle... I bet we could come up with something nice. But you'd look good in more or less anything I think."

They sat there for a while, Teresa slowly braiding the rest of Evelen's hair, before finally it was finished. Two long braids laying to either side of her breasts. "This is cute... You should do my hair more often. And we could have these nice little chats. There is something I want to talk to you about, but we can do that a little bit later. For now..." the brunette turned and wrapped her arms around the angelic woman behind her, leaning in to tenderly kiss her cheek. "you're so pretty and strong and kind. I love you so much, Teresa. You're such a good big sister to us all. Now come on, let's go find Celesta."

Celesta, of course, wasn't hard to find. She was just out in the streets, getting fucked by any man who happened to want her, her eyes empty yet lustful. "Hmm... She does look bad. Worse than before..." Evelen mumbled, scratching her chin. "Let's take her back to my room and cuddle her together. The matriarch said that having her family distract her from sex could help her recover, so... maybe if we just hold her between us and talk with her we'll improve her situation. Want to? She definitely needs a break from sex either way." It was hot watching her, of course, and it made Evelen long for a good cock in her pussy again, but that was nothing she couldn't handle.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Maybe, but we should investigate more about this "Magic" Teresa answer showing than she not trust completely on the townpeople. "Talking about this magic, for their own good i hope than the changes are permanent or with side effects?" She soon ended to comb her sister, but even when she made a great job she stay looking at it for a moment and make some little changes trying to make it as better as possible, Evelen earning some extra pampers from her sister as this happen. "All of you are precious and beautiful at my eyes" She add trying in part to change of topic to focus on Evelen, but still she was caught of guard at the next move of the brunette.

"I-i love you so much too... please talk with me again soon and... when you attempt something like that magic again, i will try to dont get mad" She answer blushing as her wings surounded them softly in their embrance.

Moments later they went to meet their sister, Celesta was panting hard between moans, luckyly the males and females with her were kind and dont push her too much to sattle theirs needs,, for the quantity of soaked cum on her she could had been having sex with a huge bounch for hours "More... use me ... dont stop...i dont care anymore." Evelen got to heard from her young sister before Teresa take her out pulling her away of the others, the people dont protest and just get away as if this has happened before. "Just come with us Celesta" The big sister said trying to hold many words and what she feels now, Celesta dont struggle at all as she know pretty well the strenght of the blonde angel.

"Thanks to the great matriarch we have a private room to solve this" Teresa said as she lift Celesta easily even when all the cum make the plant woman slippery "Just let me here, i belong to this town... i cant resist it... is useless fight... we should just stay here" Celesta said with sobs all the way as they got to their room.

Celesta was placed in the biggest bed, her belly bloated by all the cum placed at her holes, still looking a little pregnant even when it has been leaking all the way, the scent of this was strong and make feel to the brunete a great regret to waste it."Just a little more, we will find the way to solve this. We could let you stay with the Dragans or the farm. You dont need to fight anymore" Teresa said trying to talk with Celesta yet this remain silent slowly moving her hands to masturbate herself as she look down at the floor.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Fair enough" Evelen replied, "we should probably learn a little bit more. Buuut... I think it will probably be fine. These are good people I think." When she hugged and kissed her sister she was a little bit pleasantly surprised to feel those soft angelic wings wrap around her, nuzzling cheek to cheek with the woman. "Talk to me any time. And, well... I'll try not to do too much in front of you. Hopefully. No promises" she said with a wink, taking her hand and walking out to find Celesta.

She was nearby, moaning and panting, covered in cum as men and women alike crowded around her, using her. They seemed to be treating her well though, despite that she probably would have preferred if they didn't... Her belly was huge, so full of seed, undoubtedly carrying one of their children already just like Evelen was. Teresa pulled the poor plantgirl out of the crowd and towards their private room, Evelen following along behind them. "Don't say such things" she replied to her little sister, looking at her a little bit sadly. She definitely was worse off... When they got in Teresa sat Celesta down on the biggest bed, cum leaking out of her onto the floor. The brunette felt the urge to get down between her sister's legs and lick her clean, to make sure not a drop of that precious seed was wasted on the ground... But she resisted.

Instead she got onto the bed next to Celesta and wrapped an arm around her midsection, stopping her arms that were moving towards her crotch and pulling her onto her back on the bed. "Shhhh, none of that now" she said, nuzzling close and pulling the plantgirl into a tight hug. "You don't belong to this town, Celesta. You belong to me. Remember?" It was teasing, but only a little bit. "You do remember that, right? That I'm not just your sister... I'm also your mistress" she whispered quietly in the plantgirl's ear, sort of hoping Teresa wouldn't hear. "I didn't save you from that tree so that you could become a mindbroken whore here, you know. I saved you so that you could be my precious little sister. You do want to be that, right?" She leaned in a little more, kissed Celesta on one of her cum-covered cheeks. "So, will you be a good girl and cuddle me without sex, or am I going to have to punish you?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta nods in her damaged state, her eyes almost empty show the clear defeat in her soul. "I remember it all... for more than i try i cant forget it" She answer as she press her cum used luscious body on Evelen the brunette could feel some cold shivering coming from the plantgirl. " Please let's just stay here, Sister... we dont need to fight anymore... just try to forget... until all end... like that woman said, when i was trapped in the paint" Celesta said between sobs yet she couldnt control her voice what made Teresa heard her yet not what Evelen said.

"That place cause great torment to all of us... Evelen please say me what i can do to help, there should be something than i can do to help her" Teresa said, she was so worried than she tried to dont focus on the virgin outfit soaked in cum and damaged by carry Celesta.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen held her sister tightly, a somewhat sad look crossing her face. Celesta really was damaged, had been hurt badly by the temple. "We can't stay here forever" she replied quietly, "because they're all counting on us. They didn't welcome us as heroines because we went to that tower, but because they think we'll save them from this monster. The Dragans are counting on us, and all of our friends there. Everyone will suffer if we don't keep it up. Including us. And I don't want that. Besides..." she gave the plantgirl another kiss, this one briefly on the lips. "I want my old sister back. It'll be tough, but we'll help you. The people of this town will help you, I'm sure they have ways. I feel a lot better thanks to their magic."

She turned a little bit to Teresa when she asked what she could do and patted Celesta's back. "Come here and hold her with me. I think it'll do us some good to have a family cuddle" she said, "it's been a little while." Hopefully the plantgirl's condition would improve with her sisters holding her close from either side, giving her all the love they could manage. "Tell me a story, Teresa. About when you two were kids. I want to know what you were like~" she said, grinning a little bit. Somehow she could imagine that Teresa being just the same when she was little.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta dont fight back, she could be aroused or in need for a hug, in anyway she pressed against Evelen. "Why us? there are many more than could do it, we even fail in get that key" Said this after receive Evelen's kiss. "Im fine... i just... dont want to fight it any longer, i just should have sex and breed".

Celesta was against any treatment because she was unable to notice the damage on her, still Teresa soon undress herself to dont damage more the virgin outfit and hug her sisters as kind as possible. There is not much to say, i was mostly out trying to earn something to eat and she studied as many books than she could. When mom died i tried to be the best sister for her but i could had been better, be more time with her, find a safe job... like a whore instead a treasure hunter, but the pride cause me be far of her." Teresa said trying to joke about the whore part but Evelen noticed how poor was their village when they were young, after 100 years it turn into a ghost town with only the graves there to show the shadow of their poor lives.

Celesta sigh before interrupt. "Evelen maybe is asking for time before that... Teresa was not so attached to my mother as i was, but soon she needed to learn about her when our father leave us, she was a mess even when my mother teached her what she could." Celesta said frowning softly yet stay hugging Evelen, Teressa who hug her from behind shake soon her head. "I was like your second mother, i was in charge of the kitchen, laundry, cleaning... do you know how expensive the water was? Always trying to please you and looking for you, i did my best"

"It take you months dont burn something... mom had to clean after your "pancakes" or that was what you call that burned paste. Then guess who had to clean when we were alone?"

"Then why dont you learned to cook something?" Teresa add starting to get a little pissed.

"Because you owe me to always cook for me after all that nasty food than i needed to eat when you trained to cook, all that stomach pain and nausea." Celesta said with a smirk and then show her tongue to Teresa.

"You know... if you can talk like that then you arent so bad, let that bunch of teachers make that ritual stuff if you want, but once you get a baby from them you will come with us. Because i love you and always try to do the ebst for you, that is why we will continue, i want you out of this monster have a life and be you, not just a breeder but a proud woman than can take care of herself, so guess who will learn to cook soon?"

Teresa and Celesta were close to have a long talk than certainly will end with Celesta accepting to do as Teresa wish, but that wouldnt heal her damage, at least this got her mind in something else, so it was an opening for Evelen to try something, Celesta wanted to be the little sister but also stay there and lost her mind, this last should not be allowed by Teresa but this problem was so deep for Teresa and Evelen to solve alone, if needed the angel would accept any magic or trick to make Celesta return as how she was.