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Evelen (Tiffanian)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The matriarch rested at her hamoock using a pair of arms to rest her head Hmm... they ussually read romance stories or writings to earn sexual skills for their relasionships. "Sigh"... nobody read my best writings about others towns and cultures.

She place her other two hands over her belli and continued Of course than i can teach you some grappling lessons, but if you dont have time, maybe the arena where our warriors train, could be a better place to earn your training. Do you want some tips or learn the basic ?
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Heh. It's a shame I can't read, it'd probably be interesting to see what you thought about my culture" Evelen replied, smiling a little. "Well, I have an hour or so, so I'll take anything you can teach me in that time."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... only an hour? And the texts can help you... It looks like we can only solve this with a intense sesion Said, as slowly she get up until she have her legs hanging at the air and she saw her before continue Well, first i must say you that learn to sumit your opponents will dont work against slimes and other very flexible creatures, but at least you can escape from their grapples more easily... hmm also this battle style is about use your opponent body against then, so you dont need to use too much strengh and instead it need knowledge and dextelity in your moves... She yawns again and get out the hamoock, the matriarch point to a free space in the room where both can practice, even when she was heavily pregnant.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I didn't expect to be able to put slimes into a submission hold, I just want it to be harder for them to do the same to me" Evelen replied, moving to the free space and preparing to practice. "Are you sure this is okay, though? You are quite pregnant..."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Frowning, the matriarch shake her head slighty I will be fine, this is just a introduction class, if you want to practice the moves, maybe your friend over there could help you to do it Said pointed to Suzanne who was trying to read the writings with the others girls or maybe only looking the symbols with slighty curiosity.

She is her daughter, maybe i could be a better helper

The woman just shrug her shoulders and the classes started. It was an easy class, the mathriarch only show to Evelen the pressure points, how free from some moves and basically the way of turn the oponent body in his cage. It maybe will dont be enought to use in a battle, but with some practice it could turn into a helpfull tool.

Soon the time passed and it was time to leave, the matriarch was a little more awake now that she had moved her muscles. Fortunately for Evelen, the intensity of the class had not caused more than a little of muscle pain to her limbs, even when the teacher only used two arms and the needed streng Done, it was little but now you can learn some moves for you own, maybe the warriors can help you in that. She said before walk toward the study group.

[learned grapple artist 0]


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright. I'll probably bug Zunasse to help me practice some later" Evelen replied, chuckling. The class wasn't too intensive, mostly just teaching her the most basic points of grappling, and how her body worked at doing it. She was a little bit sore at the end, but she felt like she had learned a little bit, at the very least the foundations of hand-to-hand fighting. "Mmm, thank you. It's always good to get the basics down. Now that I have some idea what I'm doing I can improve as I go along" she said, thanking the matriarch as she walked over to Suzanne. "Can you read any of it?" she asked, wondering if her daughter was just curious, or if she was actually learning their language.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

...Yes, mixing new things with your style can turn you someday in a great warrior Said, as she sit and cuddle between two girls, maybe in an attempt to help them to end quickly, so she can rest again until give birth.

When Evelen ask to her daughter, this just nod, before return to her lecture Suzanne has been hearing and watching everything from the start, its a very different lenguage and Suzanne still dont know many symbols. Maybe it could be very difficult to Mama to learn it in these days [/color]

Zunasse was close and tried a little talk with Suzanne and after some minutes, she smiled and pet the little woman head her accent need a little of work, but she really had learned our dialect, is a very smart girl. Maybe she could be a wise matriarch in a few years, but i doubt that you will love it

Said to Evelen before said her to get ready, as they will look for her sisters, now.

[OCC: Really, nearlly every dice roll in each post was succesfull for her, its a monster ]


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hm... I like this matriarch, a lot better than the other. Maybe there are some half-decent ones here Evelen thought as the woman got between two of the studying girls, seemingly helping them with their own lessons.

"Hm, I hadn't really planned on learning the language in a few days, last time I tried to learn a new language I barely got the basics after a few years" Evelen replied to Suzanne, thinking back to school, and her ongoing struggles in foreign language classes. She then listened on somewhat amazed as her daughter conversed with Zunasse in the town's language, sounding to her almost indistinguishable from one of the natives. "Jeez... You're a smart one" she said, coming over to hug the girl, proud of her abilities. "Maybe you should have gone with Aunt Teresa or Celesta, they might have been able to use a translator" she said with a giggle, before following the guide out to search for her sisters.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The young Suzanne giggled and accept her mother's praisses and returning the hug said. Thanks, Mama! But, this is in part thanks to Gerald, he teach Suzanne a lot of things and some of them were from this and others cities.

The time to leave, come and the two wave to the girls and the Matriarch, before Zunasse bow and smile to her, as she closed the door. The stairs toward the first floor were easily to find, now that they had walked a small portion of the second floor. After return to the first floor, they hadto walk for a while until with a lot of look, they found the two sisters. Celesta was using all her willpower to remember the figures in some walls, as both girls were without their backpacks, from the time when Zunasse take them in the entrance.

Hello, we had back! Our free time had ended, so we must go to the grand matriarch meeting, unless any had something really important to do.

The two sisters were fine to leave, but Celesta looks like she had found something important and she had used her blood to write somethin on her hand.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hm... He's wider read than I thought he'd be Evelen thought about Gerald; he really was an impressive figure. After that they paid their respects to the matriarch and headed off to find Celesta and Teresa. It took a little bit to find them, with the plantgirl seemingly desperately trying to remember something, apparently having found something important enough to write it down in her own blood. "Suzanne, can you help Aunt Celesta for a bit? Can you give us a few more minutes while the two of them try to figure out whatever this is?" she asked, not wanting to force her sister away from a possibly important discovery unless she had to.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta turn to Evelen and Suzanne, confused about the possible fact that her niece could read these ruins. Really? but these ruins are from a old culture that i can slighty understand, can she really read these simbols? The young Suzanne shrug her shoulders, as she get close the stone wall and start to try to read them, but soon she shake her head. Sorry Mama, these simbols are diferents, maybe like the ones of the others ruins

Yes, more certainly are the sames. They are even older that the last empire who dissapear in these lands.

Hmm... i will give you something to write, later .

So, all are ready?, we really must go to the meeting .

Celesta nod, not before write a little more, in an attempt to dont forget anything.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Ah, alright. I didn't know it was something like that" Evelen replied, shrugging a little sheepishly. "I'm ready for the meeting" she said, not having anything left to hold her back here.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Heh dont worry, im just so lucky to find it, it looks like there are only a few of these kind of texts around these ruins. Maybe are conected at the ruins below the meat floor.

The girls started their walk toward the Grand matriarch's rooms, it was really hidden and well guarded inside the ruins, but thanks that they were waiting them, all goes easily. The door get opened to reveal a big chamber of two floors, with stairs and a place in the base, where the visits sit and ask to the Grandmatriarch who was in a chair like throne in the second floor, silky curtains were in front of her, who made a giggle when the visits reach the meeting.

Greetings! strangers. Before we talk, can i offer to all a bath? that monster smell... hrm, we are against time, maybe when we end this meeting.

The girls were not the only in the floor, two prominent muscled warriors were in front of the stairs, one looks like a monstruos dragon and the other a six hand helm masket male with an armor mixed with bones and scales. The driver was there too, but just when Evelen get inside he walked away at other door.

So, lets see. We have to talk about who are you and why your group want to get in our most sacret lands. Thats so boring, but is needed to know. Any other thing to discuss or ask? The woman said, as her body remain hidden and then Zunasse who never get inside, made a big bow before start to leave the place I will wait outside, good luck to all.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen followed Zunasse and the others to the grand matriarch's room, finding a huge, multi-floor room, with the matriarch behind some silky and thin curtains on the second floor, with a seating area down below, looking up at her. It was fairly impressive, but she knew it had been set up for just that purpose, and tried not to be too awed. "A bath after this would be nice" she replied to the matriarch, taking her seat down below her. It seemed that their driver was on his way out, which was a shame; it would have been good to know what he had told the matriarch.

Then, of course, came the question about what they were doing wanting access to the ruins. She decided not to lie, but not to tell the whole truth either. "My sisters here are researchers. We'd like to enter into the ruins to study them, and hopefully learn some interesting things. I'm not well versed in what can be learned, of course, I'm not the brightest person. "


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Oh! researchers, they are always good welcome here~

said between giggles and then get to rest at her seat, looking to the ceiling for an instant before turn to them again, maybe remembering what the others said before.

Your city had bring us good researchers and even some accept us and live here, maybe a few still live bellow us. Now, all of you look great fighters and nobody had made something bad in our lands, normaly i dont let any female researcher wear that kind of clothes, but i grant them protection and even rights when they accept to be impregnated.

Before continue, i want to give some important imformation. The worse matriarch give birth at least a time per week and normaly a baby grow to his mature stage from 3 months to a year, to were he can be able to protect us.

Now, if a female is taken by the monsters, they will make her get pregnant every day or even each 8 hours. Now if you add that the births are of 5 to 15 creatures, that these sometimes are stronger than the mother and they can look for more females after a day had passed. We have a great difference between both poblations, isnt?

These facts made to our females to throw away their rights and freedom of this town in order to have the lower quantity of kidnaped women. Thats why, i or any person on this town, will never let four females go to that dangerous place without a truly important reason.

Now, dear. Do you have something more to add?


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sat back and sighed as the matriarch spoke, not liking this situation one bit. She really wasn't certain how much she should tell this one. Finally she said "if I understand the research properly, it could lead us to a discovery that would get us closer to getting everyone out of this monster." It was true enough, though not very specific, and also dramatic enough that the matriarch might let them do as they wanted.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Outside the corrupted guardian!? That sound like a great discovery to give your life, but i guess that i had heard about it a time ago. In this moment your city army and others humans groups are fighting close the ruins, as this is not the only way to get inside them, but maybe your group cant use other.

She get close the curtain, her ruby like eyes placed their gaze against Evelen Maybe i can allow to all get inside, if we find a way to let all unable to give birth monsters for some days, maybe 4 or 6 days. That will be enought time to find all of you, in case that a monster kidnap anyone. Im sure that we can know the exact location of each of you, if we place a special rune in each of you.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... I guess this ruins is famous, if people are fighting to get in Evelen thought as she stared back into the matriarch's red eyes, not wanting to seem intimidated by the gaze. "If there's a locator rune, isn't there also a rune that would make us temporarily infertile? That would probably actually be very helpful anyway. If you could do that, would it be acceptable?"


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The Grand Matriarch stay silent for a time and her eyes look every part of the four women, like if she were analizing their actual feelings and souls.

A rune with that power would be useless for us, dont you think?. But you are lucky that we have something similar, we can use that ancient method and made the four unable to get impregnant by the monsterd for a week, but i will be glad that the four return before the seven days had passed or there could be side effects.

If all accept, there will be not problems to let the four go with the rest of your group. Do we have other thing to discuss?
Her voice said calmed and authoritary, maybe expecting to pass more time talking with her guests.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"What kind of side-effects?" Evelen asked, not wanting to put something in herself that might damage her permanently if she could at all avoid it. When she got her answer there she replied "I don't think there was anything else I had in mind to talk to you about, but if you have something yourself I'd be glad to stay a little and talk. I'm looking forward to learning what I can about magic and fighting while I'm here, and hopefully we'll be able to get in and out of the ruins quickly."