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Evelen (Tiffanian)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne was having a peacefull deep sleep, her belly was making sounds from time to time and Evelen could notice that the strange slime was filling the monster skin and her daughter skin.

Thanks, but any other person would had do it the same, as our people give all to protect the life of the needed.

Your child is really cute, you really are lucky to pass time with her, as a matriarch, im not allowed to pass even a night with my babies or do something more than give them a name before give them to the caretakers. A matriarch life is a lonely one, no matter how much power you get being a normal citizen is much better.
said the woman, as her hands caress her pregnant belly until she focused once again in the little Suzanne

Be ready, she will need food when she wake up, i dont have anything to feed her, as my milk will only increase her lust and grow rate. Also, try to mantain her in control but also is needed to fullfil her needs. If something get wrong she could lost her old self or even get into a sexual frenzy for days, i will try to say you what to do, but remember that i dont know too much of her kind.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen frowned as the matriarch related what it was like to be her, and what happened to her children. "That would suck... Having a daughter is one of the best parts of my life" she said, looking down at Suzanne. "I don't think I'd trade her for all the power in the world."

She listened to the rest of the matriarch's instructions, nodding as she heard them. "That shouldn't be too much of a problem, I figured it would be the case. I wish I knew more about this, or even that her daddy was around to help, though that wouldn't work out well even if 'he' was."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

You are right, i would leave all this to raise this little one, but i cant leave my responsabilities with this town. said before make a little smile when Evelen talked about "Suzanne father" What kind of creature he was? it must be a rare one, as i havent see anyone like her

Some minutes later, Suzanne start to shiver and moan softly, even then she was really warm and a strange smell was filling the room, with her belly roars and licks on her lips was easy to know what she need.

Meanwhile Evelen was starting to get wet and also the matriarch was starting to hug herself Maybe i should leave the room, my body has been corrupted by the flesh of the monsters for many years, i dunno how much time can i resist


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen pondered Suzanne's father, remembering Emerald's instructions not to tell anyone about her heritage, because people might be scared."Well, her father was a cum puddle, way deep in the monster. I was really quite lost at that point" she replied, knowing that the matriarch was probably smarter than to think that a simple cum puddle would be able to sire something like Suzanne, but maybe she wouldn't ask further.

Soon after that conversation the girl awoke, though, shivering and moaning as she emitted pheromones into the room and her stomach growled. Evelen pulled the girl to her breast again, waiting for her to suckle away her hunger, trying to resist her growing arousal. Still, she had been in much worse situations for that, and she was sure she would be able to resist for quite some time. "No, don't leave. I don't know what I'm doing enough without you, and I need your help. Besides, there'll need to be some sex eventually anyway, right? As long as you can avoid doing anything crazy, you might be useful for that."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The matriarch just nodded when the identity of Suzanne father was revealed, there were much more important things to do right now.

Understood, i will try to endure it as best as i can, but then i will try to say you when i will need your service. Said to Evelen when this place her daughter close her breasts, Suzanne dont lost time and start to suck half sleep, but soon both mother and daughter noticed that Evelen's breasts were completely emptly, the human had been drained completely by the slimegirl in the bath and she havent eat anything to create more.

Suzanne was burning up, her conciest dropping to a small girl whinning for food and then one of her free weak hands start to caress Evelen's lower lips, maybe expecting to sattle her needs with her mother sex juices.

Is something wrong? your child is acting weird. Say me if you need something. say the matriarch as she get close and caress Suzanne on the back to try to calm her. Evelen should act quickly and inform what was happening to the matriarch, maybe eating something could help her, but there was only the matriarch milk and the meat of the cave monster to choice.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen nodded to the matriarch, perfectly willing to help her with her arousal in exchange for help with her daughter. Unfortunately she soon found that she didn't have any milk to give anymore after the slime bath, and she muttered "damned slime." Suzanne was burning up with fever, one of her hands running to Evelen's moistening pussy and beginning to rub, as if she were looking for an alternative to the milk. "I'm out of milk right now, the bath drained me. Maybe I need something to eat quickly" she replied, not wasting any time.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Food? damn, i dont have any right now... Evelen suck my breasts and try to resist, it may be too much for you, but eating the cave monster meat must be avoided Said the matriarch as she place her breast close Evelen, there was not other choice and the time was crucial.

As the human suck, a incredible sweet adictive milk sprout from the matriarch breast, Evelen tried to control herself but it was not use, her lips suck with need more of the milk and soon even the matriarch lost the fight against her pleasure, the three rested on the floor and then Evelen notice her breasts get swollen like never with milk, but Suzanne still caress her mother weat cunt.

Peacefully Evelen stay drinking the addictive milk, she was in a peacefull bliss, being feeded and feeding her daughter at the sime time as Suzanne give attention to her needed holes, she could stay like this for the rest of her life, but then Evelen was separed by someone, she struggled like a little baby for a time until her eyes get focused on the woman holding her No! Miss Evelen you will lose your mind, return to yourself was the last than she heard before feel a pain on her cheeck that make her wake up a little more. There was Zunasse holding her hands, as the matriarch was caressing herself on the floor. Suzanne was still sucking her breast and her body was more liquid? yes, Suzanne was turning into something but at least her body was more active, for some reason her legs were melting into a puddle not of slime but of warm cum and before Evelen could get more scared she notice that Suzanne was more calmed and just focused on feed herself.

This make Evelen notice a extra weight on her breasts, they were painfully filled with milk and she was sure than she was loving even more being milked by her daughter.

Never try that again if you dont have someone to stop you, now your breasts will be filled for days or years


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright" Evelen replied, willing to do almost anything for her daughter at the moment, and she leaned in to suckle at the matriarch's ample chest. The milk that came out was incredibly sweet, and she quickly felt the need to drink more, her resistance to it melting away. She sucked heartily, feeling her breasts swell up with milk, allowing Suzanne to feed from her. Her little girl continued to stroke her wet pussy, and she laid on the floor in a peaceful bliss as she suckled eagerly at the matriarch and was suckled in turn by her daughter.

Suddenly she was separated from the matriarch, and let out a whimper before being reprimanded and slapped hard by the returned Zunasse. "Haa... thank you..." she muttered, looking down at Suzanne and seeing that the girl was becoming almost liquid... Her legs seemed to be turning into a puddle of cum, much like her father had been, which disturbed Evelen greatly, but at least she seemed to have calmed down. Her daughter was suckling calmly, no longer rubbing at her crotch. Now that things were calmed down, Evelen noted that her breasts really were tight and tense, filled to the brim with milk, so much so that it was painful, and her daughter's suckling was a pleasurable release of that tension. "I didn't really have any option at the time, but I certainly won't try again" she said, almost wanting to grope the breast Suzanne wasn't using in order to relieve some of the pressure, though she didn't.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

At least nothing really bad happened, maybe your breasts will grow a little before the pain subdue. Anyway, the help will come soon, just rest until they come here Zunasse said before aid the matriarch to get out, the place was still with pheromones but now that Zunasse opened it was more easy to endure. The time passed and the little cumgirl still feed from Evelen breasts, showing the incredible quantity of energy than Suzanne need to remain healty. After some minutes someone knock the door and Zunasse let them get inside, it was a heavy dressed woman and two others naked girls please, just remain calmed as we check her said the full dressed woman as she order to mantain the door opened.

They then check Suzanne's body, her skin elasticity, taste, smell, vital signs and many more. We had never saw something like this, she is changing like the slime girls and still her hair remain normal, also her head is still a solid... she could had a temporal reduction in her intelligence and must stay here until be able to control all her body. Sorry but we can only wait until she get better, stay with her. said the woman before leave with the others.

I cant believe that our best healers dont know what is happening to her, i hope that the gran matriarch and your sisters have better luck

Suzanne remain calmed and her slimy hands move to hug her mother, leaving some cum as they touch her cleaned skin.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It was lucky for Evelen that Zunasse had showed up when she did, as swollen and aching breasts were the only side-effect of her time suckling at the matriarch, and she could deal with that. Now that the door was open her daughter's pheromones were dispersed more, and much easier to resist. Suzanne suckled for quite some time before a number of women came through the door to check on the girl. "Alright, I wasn't about to leave anyway" Evelen replied, willing to stay as long as needed for her daughter to be okay again. She really hoped someone would know what was going on and be able to help them, or that Suzanne would just be able to get through it okay without them, because she didn't know what she would do if something bad happened to her little girl.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne was starting to fall sleep, her arms were turning into lively cum and her legs had dissolved until reach her hips, she was sweating little tears of cum everywhere, but yet she was without pain and peacefully just try to get close her mother, as both rest now in a puddle of warm cum.

The moment was decisive and the matriarch give her best to focus again and give a last advise between moans and whines E-evelen... talk...her ahhhh... sing to her...make her feel you...gahhh

Zunasse tried her best to mantain all the cum at a place, meanwhile Suzanne closed her eyes maybe for a last time.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After a time Suzanne seemed to be falling asleep, still peacefully suckling as she continued to melt into a puddle of cum. The matriarch suggested that she sing to the girl, which made some sense, so she began to sing a lullaby that her mother had sung to her many years ago. Her singing voice wasn't very good, and normally she would have been somewhat embarrassed about doing it, but in this moment it didn't matter to her at all, as she hugged as much of her daughter as she could, gently rubbing the girl's back as she sang.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The time looks to get slower and the matriarch was very aroused to help more, leaving Evelen as the only one with the knowledge to help her daughter.

She sing as best as she could, trying to make Suzanne to understand that she was not alone and that her mother was there to protect her and love her. The cum puddle was getting bigger until her chest start below her ample white breasts, just then Suzanne whisped half sleep M-mama...Mama cuddling her body remains to her lovely mother who soon feel as if the cum move until surround her completely, it was like if the cum was giving her a cute odd hug.

The minutes passed and Evelen noticed that Suzanne had stoped to melt and instead the cum was returning to her core and slowly her body return to looks more like a human. With her daughter close to looks normal, Evelen hug and show her feelings with a kiss on her cheeck, just then she notice that her children was more soft and elastic than before, her body was so enjoyable than Evelen could fall sleep just cuddling at her side, yet still Suzanne remain to smell to cum and a strange sweet essence that hide the odd smell and make Evelen turn on. How can she enjoy this smell, it was like her body jump of happiness and even had the great needs to lick and kiss her little children.

Suzanne in part wake up, her soft body get even close to Evelen, using her legs to secure her and allow her hands to caress both of her mother breasts, her soft lips get close Evelen ones Sorry Mama, Suzanne's body needs it a lot whisper before kiss pasionately the lips of her aroused mother, now out of danger Evelen dont have to sattle her daughter needs, but maybe this was a moment that both need to get joined even more


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne continued to melt into a puddle of cum as Evelen sang to her, until the girl was little more than liquid from just below her breasts up. Finally her daughter whispered to her, the cum moving to curl around her in a bizarre, slimy sort of hug as she drifted off to sleep. Minutes passed quietly until finally Suzanne ceased melting, the cum actually moving back into her body until she was more or less in human form again. Relieved, Evelen leaned over to give the girl a kiss on her cheek, and found her inhumanly soft and pleasant to the touch, also emitting a wonderful sweet smell that began to turn her on again. Soon Suzanne woke up again, and got close to Evelen, wrapping her legs around her and beginning to caress her breasts, kissing her passionately. There didn't seem to be any danger of ill-effects anymore, and Evelen was filled with relief, horny, and just plain wanted this moment. She wasn't sure how the others in the room felt about incest, but she didn't care much at this point. She returned the kiss, her own hands wandering to her daughter's breasts, returning the stimulation she herself was getting. She kept up the kiss and the foreplay for some time, mostly wanting to maintain the level of intimacy, but eventually her body couldn't take it anymore, and she gently pushed the girl to the ground. Once they were on the ground together, she turned herself in place, getting into a 69 position with her daughter and pressing herself tightly against her soft skin, beginning to lap at it, gently groping the girl's soft ass as she anticipated the favor being returned.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen had nothing to fear, as even the matriarch said her at the start that she should fulfill her daughter needs and Zunasse was more slut than her, she even went to use the four hand woman to sattle her needs, after know that all was right.

Both mother and daughter were once again loving each other, like when they were trapped in the illusion monster cave, but this time Suzanne was right and both were out of danger. Evelen was reaching her limit with her super sensible breasts being pleasured and milked by the soft hands of her daughter, Suzanne's sweet saliva also was helping and soon both were moaning and making lewd noises, like any local whore in heat of this town.

But this foreplay was not enough for the lusty human and soon she put her daughter and her in a 69 position, the inocent Suzanne was completely clueless, until her mother start to lick and press her soft butt, the little girl moaned softly and start to imitate the moves of her beloved slut mother even sometimes they were better thanks to her innate talents. Evelen was happily licking her daughter honeypot, as more lick more of an addictive substance sprout from her child and Suzanne lick her better and faster, she was now in an endless cycle that only would end if she stop, but that was the last thing that would pass through her mind.

Soon her temporal corrupted mind understand that this was the real nature of her beloved daughter, her body, mind and even her sex juices and talents could turn her in the perfect lover, Evelen just need to teach her all what she know of sex and she would make a man completely happy... wait why a male? Suzanne could be her own lover, maybe she could impregnate and make her happy everyday.

Just then Suzanne cum and a huge quantity of the lovely substance start to fall, making Evelen reach her climax too, but still she was horny even when Suzanne was tired, she could make her recovered with her milk and start again or Evelen could drink more sweetjuice


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

At first when Evelen switched their positions, Suzanne seemed not to know what to do, but when she began to lick her daughter the little girl got it, beginning to lick her in turn. She was incredibly skilled with her tongue, far more so than she had any right to be considering her age and inexperience. The sensations started to drive Evelen wild, especially with the help of the girl's love juices, which seemed to be a powerful aphrodisiac as Evelen lapped it up. It was a wonderful feeling, the two of their bodies pressed together, her daughter's skilled tongue working over her pussy. She began to let out lewd moans, getting lost in the pleasure as she kept up her end of things eagerly, her tongue seeking ever more honey.

She began to feel an intense bliss, and the realization hit her that this was probably due to the nature of the half-human she was having sex with, and the thought crossed her mind as her pleasure built to dizzying heights that she could stay like this forever, taking her daughter as her lover. It didn't take long at all for Suzanne to cum hard, squirting her love juices into Evelen's mouth, which set her off as well. She let out a squeal of ecstasy as she squirmed on top of her daughter, sucking down her honey. She was still intensely aroused, and wanted more, but something told her not to. Suzanne seemed tired, and somewhere in the back of her head she thought that it might not be good to keep going at it like this. She tried to pull back and roll onto the floor in a sitting position, panting in her arousal, before saying "well that was... quite good..."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne was breathing hard as she turn and smile to her mother, maybe glad that Evelen had loved it or just happy to just be able to pass the time together. Evelen then notice that Zunasse was resting over a little poodle of her own juices and the matriarch at least get recovered of her arousament, the woman get close Suzanne and check her for a minute, making that the young girl turn to her. Yes, the danger had passed, now she could just get on heat in the next days, maybe she should stay a week in this town until she can control herself and her body. Said the matriarch before get up and start to put all once again at her room.

Sakura passed a time resting before went to were was her mother. Why Mama breasts still leak? Something bad happened? said before try to lick the trial of milk from Evelen chest.

The time passed and Zunasse wake up after her sexual encounter against the lusty matriarch. Ohh, that was incredible, maybe i will use some of your moves against my next lover, matriarch The four arm girl just laught and continued her job.

Maybe i should look for your sisters, miss Evelen. They will be glad to heard that the little Suzanne is fine now. But before, should i take you to other place, maybe to train a little or eat something?


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne seemed happy, which caused Evelen to smile warmly at her. Though she was still very aroused, she was able to control herself. Looking around, she noticed that Zunasse was passed out in a puddle of sex juices; apparently the matriarch was quite good. The four-armed woman came over to check on Suzanne, and related that she was okay, but perhaps in heat. "Hm... A week? I was hoping to get to where we needed to go before that, but I don't want her to be in danger" she said, resting and cuddling with her daughter.

"Nothing bad happened, they're just... a little excited" she replied when the girl commented on the trickles of milk still leaking from her breasts. This could get really annoying she thought, not wanting to lactate 24/7. After a time Zunasse awoke, asking Evelen if she wanted to go somewhere. "Well... I could train grappling here, if the matriarch would allow it or could. If not, then I guess you might take me to the warriors to train a little" she replied, not wanting to eat after the matriarch's warning.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As the talk continue, Suzanne happily played a personal inocent game to clean her mother chest of the milk trials, giving soft licks to the aroused Evelen chest, as she giggle and whisper Mama's milk cant be wasted

Looking Evelen actual state the Matriarch apologize again as she answer to the female human Im so sorry, it looks like our milk is very potent for humans, maybe we get a tolerance after the many generations that eat our food. But dont worry, your body will get used to the pain and when your breasts grow the enought you will stop to lactate, yet still you should avoid to feed her or they will lactate even more with the use and you will end with a cute ample blossom like many of us.... well mine are very small... said the matriarch touching her breasts who were at least 1 or 2 size bigger than Evelen breasts.

I reach to heard that Suzanne must stay a week, that is fine, but the next time that the ruins get opened will be in 18 days, they dont have that time as the others human would maybe take all the treasures from there.

Hmm... well Suzanne could get pregnant, that could end her heat as any of us, but i doubt than tht is an option, maybe the great matriarch have a better way to solve this. Suzanne turn into a Mama? It sound great but maybe Suzanne is not ready said the little girl between licks and the matriarch decide to continue her talk

About the lessons, i cant train you more Evelen, you must look for opponents who want to fight you, it will help you more and make you ready to face any danger in the future. Also i will make a card to give to Suzanne a personal escolt, she will need more people to protect her as she go to learn something in the town

true, her fluids may dissolve the virgin outfits, so she can only wear the symbols and that may not be enough to stop some of our warriors


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen, Zunasse, and the matriarch continued to have their conversation, Suzanne started to lick the trails of milk off of her chest and stomach, causing the aroused woman to let out soft moans. "Ahh... please, not now" she whispered back, not really wanting any more stimulation at this point. She might just get to the point where she couldn't control herself again otherwise.

"Wait, grow more?" she asked, looking down at her breasts. They were already bigger in the game than they were in real life after they had grown due to her pregnancy, and she wasn't sure she wanted them to grow much bigger. She knew certainly that she didn't want them any bigger than the matriarch's. Still, apparently it could have been worse, so she supposed she couldn't complain much.

"Hmm... We'll have to talk to the grand matriarch again then. I don't want to wait too awful long, but we can't afford to go out at a disadvantage like this" she said, patting her daughter's head. "I don't want to be a grandmother just yet, I'm a little too young for that."

"Alright then, I guess I'll have to go to the warrior training area to learn more" she replied to the matriarch's assertion that she couldn't train her anymore. "Well, if someone rapes her, a pissed off mother will impale them. Maybe that will discourage people" Evelen said with a wink, only half joking.