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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen rushed to take the blouse off, desperate to get rid of it before the woman really did something to her. The woman was clearly quite insane, and as she grabbed the torn up shirt she gently rubbed it against her face, grinning wickedly… And then she shouted something about making the young girl dress like a whore, and threw the shining green orb in her hand on Evelen as she ran away. The brunette yelled out, closing her eyes as it exploded, and though before long whatever it had appeared to be doing was done. When she opened her eyes her fishnet dress was pink and almost see-through, though she couldn’t tell how much so due to the poor lighting. It was tighter though, as were her heels, so she tried to take those off… and failed. No matter how hard she tried, they were stuck firmly to her feet. No… No no no… she thought, trying desperately before finally giving up, tears once more in her eyes.

Defeated, Evelen carefully picked up her things and moved to the office, finding that it had already been gone through. The chest inside was empty, and there were papers scattered around, but the only thing that interested her was a pair of pink gloves. They would probably be useful in picking up things that she didn’t necessarily want to touch with her bare skin, especially outside in the burning snow, so she slipped those onto her hands. If nothing else that needed immediate attention happened she would start to make her way to the nearest exit, because she certainly didn’t feel safe here anymore. It would be down the stairs and the right hallway, through the gymnasium. The locker room and showers led directly out to the football field, so she would make her way through there and out past the football field to the parking lot between that and the baseball field, trying to find her next car. If all went well, of course.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Humillated and defeated, Evelen just was very scared and affected to look more at the very dark room, she moves to the closer exit after wear her new pink gloves. Her path was unlucky, falling two times before reach the stairs, then at these rolling and hurting herself softly as she reach the first floor, the many falls were starting to feel so common now, she wonder if crawling could be more easy, even with her shatered dignity she get up again, walking holding the walls with her sore body and erected breasts pressing the net.

Just when she reach the gym, she notice someone coming out of the showers, a girl filled in plasted cum everywhere, she slowly get close Evelen with a gazed sight yet worried face. Please, help me to clean this cum... its too much... The girl looks to be at the same age as Evelen yet this have a very rare pink hair, for weird than looks it dont looks to be an artificial color and her body is curvaceous as a hourglass.

If Evelen accept to get close to use her gloves, she would heard Dont worry, it taste fantastic the girl wide smile as tears drop from her lifeless eyes, moving toward the brunnete girl.

Dignity and Stamina has been reduced after the falls, yet her low dignity will avoid more reductions by falls.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen left the office pretty quickly after putting on her new gloves, which were made of pink leather. They were smooth and comfortable, the one bright spot of having come upstairs. She wasn’t being careful anymore though, and she fell first on her face, and then again on her ass before she even reached the stairs. A few tears ran down her cheeks as she held her sore butt, finally getting to the stairs and grabbing the railing firmly, being very careful as she walked down them. Not enough so, though, and as she stepped out into the lobby again she rolled her ankle, causing her to cry out in pain and go down. She sat there for a while, holding onto her ankle and crying softly, before she finally managed to get up again. It was a relatively uneventful walk to the gym, though she used the wall to steady herself and keep from falling over, though when she got to it she saw a girl walking towards her, from the area of the locker room.

She looked like a sophomore like Evelen, though she had pink hair that didn’t look dyed somehow… Her body was also far more curvy than any sophomore’s should’ve been, but she had probably run up against the same issues the brunette had. Her nude body was covered in cum, and she begged Evelen to help her clean it off. The young girl thought she had finally found someone else to help her escape, and she quickly said "sure, but there’s showers that way. Is there still water? We should head that way" as she got closer. Of course, then the girl said that it tasted fantastic, and started to move a little quicker towards the brunette, an empty look in her eyes. It was creepy, and she almost looked broken… "No… No, stay away!" she shouted, trying to run to one side and get around her to the showers, though hopefully there were still basketballs on the gym floor she could throw at the girl if she insisted on getting closer.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Please clean me! said the girl with thears as she dont stop to move toward Evelen, the brunette turn and at the instant she fall hurting her legs even more, she tried to get up but the pain was so much, the naked woman hold her and tried to turn her, but Evelen struggled and get up, but before try to run the crazy girl slap her breasts, the pain make her lost the balance again, the cycle get repeated three times more, each time hurting her legs even more until the woman manage to subdue her and press her head over her cum covered pussy, resting on the floor, Evelen slowly start to lick the girl flower without control her body, she just feel degraded even more, each moment giving up to the moment until a part of her brain make her notice than she could get out now as the woman was pleasuring herself.

Evelen push the nude girl away and run away, aroused but with her full adrenaline allowing her to lift her heavily tired sored body.

With just her will she reach the exit door, she could check the lockers but that woman could reach the place soon and if she fall on the floor again she could not be able to get up again.

Stamina 15
Very sored and tired
Lewd increased as also lust
Humillation goes even more down
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"No stop, you don’t know what you’re doing! Stay away from me!" Evelen shouted, though as soon as she pivoted she lost her balance and fell down hard. Her ankles were hurting badly, and she just couldn’t get up before the nude girl got to her, grabbing her from behind. She resisted the girl’s attempt to spin her around and managed to shake free, getting to her feet once more, but the pink-haired girl slapped her breasts hard, which set her off balance enough that she fell again. The brunette fought her way up, and then was slapped back down four separate times, each time hurting more than the last, until finally she was too weak to get up. The girl grabbed hold of her head, fingers digging into her short hair, and then began to hover just a little bit above her mouth, positioning her cum-covered pussy just right…

Evelen had never seen another girl’s sex this close up, and she didn’t really like to think of herself as the kind who would want to. Of course, she had recently begun to notice girls in her class much to her chagrin, to have little fantasies about them just like she had about the boys. She tried to resist them, to deny it, but they were definitely there. And though she hadn’t taken time to notice it before, this pink-haired girl had a really great body… As the soft flesh slowly pressed down against her she timidly lashed out with her tongue, dragging it over the girl’s lower lips. There was a lot of salty cum there, but there was the little background taste of something else, a slight tang as she tasted feminine juices for the first time. The girl had been right… it tasted fantastic. The young girl closed her eyes and continued to lick, her only thoughts about it being how embarrassing and wrong and degrading it was, but also how good this girl tasted. She was giving up, giving in to the girl’s strength, and there was a definite itch between her legs… deep down she wanted to feel the girl’s tongue on her own virgin pussy, to be pleasured like she never had been before.

Eventually, though, Evelen realized that the girl wasn’t holding her down anymore, instead pleasuring herself as she just sat loosely on top of the brunette. This was her chance… She moved quickly to push the pink-haired girl off of her and then roll up to her sore feet, running as fast as she could manage. She wobbled several times in her heels, but didn’t fall before getting to the door, and she threw it open with all her might, desperate to get into the locker room. She would try to find somewhere to hide and rest, her ankles hurting so badly that she felt as if they might be sprained, and maybe if she fell again she would hurt them even worse… Either way, if the brunette hit the floor again she might not be able to get up, and if the girl or something else caught up to her there was a good chance she would give in again, but deeper this time.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Exhausted and very affected after what just happened, Evelen just run away as fast as she could dont looking for anything useful at the gym or showers and then open completely the lokers's room. Just at instant a huge amount of warm paste cum fall over her, so much than it dirth her everywhere and make her fall, she even eat a little of it what dont help her in her confused state. She feel herself so weird now, she is slowly getting used to the white odd substance smell, a small voice in her head ask her for taste it and lick herself, even making her think a little than she wouldnt had escaped from that girl or she should return to clean each other.

Cleaning her mind for the moment, she notice than her nurse hat has droped from her, she could place it again if she wanted, she dont understand it but it was starting to be hard to remember things, maybe she need to calm herself. She manage to find some pom poms close a locker, maybe a cheerleader outfit could be here, there were 2 balls here, a blue and a pink, as also some sport shoes. She open a locker to hide herself, just at time of avoid being seen by the naked woman who get inside the locker room, looking the cum at the floor for a moment before beg for someone to help her to clean her body.

Stamina 5 [15 minutes to get recovered]
all clothes are heavily covered in cum
Int reduced by nurse hat [can be placed again, yet Evelen could feel worse by placing her cum filled hat]
Lewd increased
Humillation craver is close to be reached.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen managed not to fall all the way through the showers, wobbling and shaking on her heels but keeping upright, though as she opened the locker room door that little triumph became meaningless. A huge load of warm, salty cum poured over her forcefully, knocking her down as it splattered all over her body. She was covered in the steamy stuff, it was in her mouth even, and without thinking she swallowed the tasty slime. She felt so strange, and she was actually used to the smell of the spunk that covered her. In fact, the young girl was starting to like it… A part of her wanted her to wait for the pink-haired girl to catch up to her, to accept to lick the wonderful cum off of her curvy, beautiful body and to be cleaned in turn by the girl’s tongue. She could almost taste the girl’s pussy, the soft, warm flesh against her tongue…

It took a while for Evelen to clear her mind, and she grabbed her soiled nurse hat when she saw it, wanting to put it on even though by now it was futile to do so. Her memory was getting a little bit spotty now, but that was probably because of stress, right? She crawled forward, trying desperately to get into the locker room, trailing cum behind her in a long streak. There was a pair of pompoms, sitting on the floor, and a blue and a pink sphere, as well as some real shoes that she dearly wished she could put on now. She just got to a locker and opened it, crawling inside and pulling it shut behind her, hiding from the nude girl. In such an enclosed space the smell of cum filled her nostrils, making her shiver and shake… The girl was in the room then, loudly begging to be cleaned, and the brunette put her gloved hand over her mouth to keep her soft whimpering quiet. She would wait until the girl was gone, though if the girl didn’t leave she didn’t know what she would do…
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Dont looking too much options at her actual state, Evelen decide to get inside a locker room, fortunately this is empty and she manage to get inside, the dense cum over her fill the close place with the lewd smell, the sluty dressed girl remain quiet feeling how the fluid slowly drench and sink at her body, sliding though her dressnet and ample breasts to set at her belly or going more to the south, slowly reaching the locker's base, her hair is a mess, slowly pracing drops at her already soaked face. Evelen even dont had tried to clean it as she remain quiet trying to fight her naughty thoughts and avoiding to make any noise.

The woman looks to stay there and Evelen could see her thanks to the little locker's line holes, she see her go down and a lap sound with moans invade the plaste.

ohh... is so tasty, but i need someone to clean me, so i can place more of this at my body <3 "giggle"

The giggles and moans slowly get close where Evelen is, just then her slow brain notice than she has placed a really good clue of where she is, her body has leaved a wide cum path toward the locker, but just when Evelen closed her eyes wishing than the woman dont get closer, the noises stoped.

Evelen give a muffed sigh of relief, all this time she has been getting wet by all the event and the deep cum smell, not sure if he really want to let the woman get away, her cum covered gloves were licked softly more of a time as Evelen get calmed by the noise lack. Then some thing pressed the locker making a metal noise, the lewd nurse get surprised and nearly scream. Then after heard some licks at the door the silence return.

After remain there for a while, Evelen get out with caution, making a peek before get completely out, heavily aroused and more used to be covered in cum, she could take a bench to sit and clean herself a little but that could be used to be in danger if something more come, she could also look if she find others things at the lockers or just leave the school.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The locker room was free from threats, so nothing stopped Evelen as she crawled into the locker, leaving her to wait nervously for girl to stop following her. The smell filled the tight space, and she could feel all that cum soaking into her skin, slipping between the holes in the fishnet to coat her thoroughly. It felt so good on her, it was making her skin feel so soft and warm… Her hair was absolutely soaked and matted to her face and neck, dribbling and dripping onto her face and running to either side of her mouth, which she had closed tightly. The pink-haired girl wasn’t too far behind her, coming into the locker room not long after she had settled into the locker, though she knelt on the ground almost immediately, and though the brunette couldn’t see her she knew what was happening. The girl moaned out lewdly as the sounds of her lapping up the pile of cum that had splashed onto the floor spread throughout the room.

This continued on for some time, until finally the girl moaned out how good it tasted, but also how much she wanted someone to clean her off so that she could roll around in it and get even more on her… The moaning, giggling girl slowly got closer to Evelen, she could tell by the sound, and she realized with a start that she was easy to track. She had left a trail of cum as she crawled from the entrance to this locker. She was going to be found! The pink-haired girl would open her locker and drag her out, overpowering her. The brunette would be made to lick the cum off of her curvy body, to stick her tongue deep into that hot, wet pussy… She wouldn’t get off that easy, just eating the girl out either. She would have to lick her all over, even in ways that were humiliating. She would be licking cum off the girl’s breasts, her armpits, maybe even her butt! And when she was done to the girl’s satisfaction, she would get similar treatment… This was what the young girl thought about as the pink-haired girl approached, and without even realizing it she had begun to lick the tasty cum off of her gloves.

After a while there was a pause, the noise ceasing strangely. Had the girl suddenly gone away? Was Evelen safe now? She thought so for a little while, and began to calm down… until something pressed suddenly against the locker door, the metallic sound almost making her jump out of her skin and scream. She managed not to, though, and there was just some licking at the door before the silence returned. The brunette sat there in the locker for a while, waiting until she could be sure the pink-haired girl had gone, and then finally opening the door, peeking out carefully. No one was around, so she got out more fully and stumbled over to one of the benches. She was badly aroused, moreso than she had ever been in her life, and she was sort of disappointed the girl hadn’t caught her deep down, which disturbed her badly. She needed to get this cum off her, it was warping her mind… She began to try to get it off, and would do so until either it proved impossible, something came after her, or she was finished, at which point she would continue with her plan to get outside and move on to the parking lot.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Once on the bench Evelen rest on a bench, whimpering softly as her red rear still is sore by the street heat and the many falls on it. The brunette started to clean herself, fighting her urge to taste more of it, however after many minutes she notice than her attempts werent cleaning herself as fast as she expected, by the large amount and also the many times than she daydream about how she wanted so badly to look for the nude cum covered girl.

She then notice an easy way to clean herself, she just needed to start for her hair and then use her cum covered clothes to clean herself better, however someone hug her in middle of all, she feel two well endowed orbs at her back and a tongue liking her earlobe.

"giggle" Please, accept to clean me and i will do the same to you <3

I beg you, please.

Evelen was close to try to run before another voice come close the exit door from where she was thinking to leave.

Maybe you should accept dear, if you do it, i could tell you some useful things than could help you to escape of your lusty destiny. A female voice come from a fully mantle covered woman, she is at least a foot smaller than Evelen, maybe had been in front of her looking her clean herself all this time, yet only after talk Evelen had notice her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sat to rest on the bench for a little while before cleaning herself off, getting used to the feeling of her sore ass against the hard wood. It still hurt from not only all the times she had fallen in the school, but also the time she had fallen outside and burned herself on the hot pavement in the parking lot. She whimpered quietly, starting to clean herself off with the gloves she had on. She had to fight to keep from licking herself, from tasting the wonderful cum, and despite the difficulty involved she managed to stay in control of herself. It was taking a really long time to get herself clean, though, especially since she caught herself fantasizing about the pink-haired girl every so often, sometimes for long stretches… She could swear that she could still taste the girl’s pussy on her tongue, but she wanted more of it, and the itch between her legs only grew as she thought about being rewarded for her attentions…

The brunette was almost thinking clearly after a little while, though, and she thought of a better way to clean herself, to use her clothes to wipe the cum off. She was about to start when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her body, a pair of heavy breasts pressing against her back. She screamed in surprise, nearly jumping as her ear was licked slowly. The girl begged her to do as she had asked earlier, to clean her of the cum, offering to do the same in return… Even though Evelen wanted it, she was about to try and shake the girl off and run when there came another voice from the door she had intended to run towards… It was feminine, and she turned to see a rather short woman in what looked to be a full set of wizard’s robes. How long had she been standing there? And how old was she? Evelen still had some growing to do, and the woman looked at least a full foot shorter than she was. The voice told her that she should do as she had been asked, and that if she did the woman might teach her some important things… She had no choice. She told herself that much, anyway. The woman would stop her if she tried to run anyway, right? She wanted it anyway.

"D… do I… do I have to use my mouth?" Evelen stuttered out, blushing furiously, but she knew she wanted the answer to be yes deep down. Sure enough, the pink-haired girl confirmed that her mouth was the only way to go… Slowly, timidly the brunette took hold of one of the arms wrapped around her, gently lifting it up to her lips and beginning to lap the salty, tasty cum off from hand up to shoulder. She would then get up and turn around, continuing on to the girl’s other arm, licking all the way down to her hand. Next she moved back to the girl’s chest, licking her way around the upper chest before moving down to her breasts… The young girl would spend an inordinate amount of time cleaning the ample orbs with her tongue and lips, even suckling a little bit as she had her first real experience with another woman’s chest. She would then work her way down the girl’s stomach, then down one leg all the way to her foot. She would then shift over, starting with the other foot and working her way up before finally being able to give lots of attention to the pink-haired girl’s pussy with her tongue again, cleaning it extra-thoroughly, making sure to clean deeply… And then moving on, lapping underneath it, towards the girl’s rear…
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The cumgirl cooied, cuddling on Evelen before answer. Oh yes please, you need to use just your tongue <3 The girl then slowly yet lovely lick the brunette ear and neck. It taste sooo good...i cant wait to return the favor "whimper". The pink girl get over the bench giving all her help as Evelen clean her whole body, caressiing her head and cheeks as this get close her breasts, removing the nurse hat to pat Evelen more easily, licking her lips after get her hands soaked in the cum at the brunette head.

As Evelen continue her work, she feel so dumb to had tried to run away of this woman and also dont had tried something like this in her life, she just wonder how the other girl will pleasure her soon. The mantle girl stay in place not trying to join the fun, but even then Evelen start to feel warm as she make these things in front of someone and with an strange. She then lost herself as her lips feel the taste of a woman, the pink girl moan lewdly as her breasts are almost milkded by Evelen who soon goes down and clean the girl feet, not caring than these had been walking bared accross the floor all this time, then she finally reach the pink haired cunt, loving the taste as she remain there for a while, sucking, licking and laping it as if it were a delicious fruit, filling her mout of the interesting taste until the girl cum and fill her with her nectar, slowly the very aroused shy girl continue with the rear hole, in an interesting way both holes looks to be filled with the warm seed, could be than this girl has been fucked just a moment ago.

With the time Evelen end to clean her in some way, not completely, but then the girl cant endure more and start to pleasure the brunette one, both soon start to pleasure each other, even if Evelen could be against it at the start, the pink haired girl lick and take as much cun as she could with her mouth, cleaning even the fishnet dress as she move through the brunette body. You are a fun girl like me, isnt it? "giggle" cum taste so good, right? <3

We should do this everyday, together... The girl said between moans and soft giggles as she end with a long french kiss, mixxing both mouth fluids between both. Then both started to go to the lower holes of the other, nearly as Evelen has daydream before yet it feel so great beyond her own dirty imagination. Both pleasured each other reaching theirs peaks, Evelen just lost herself completely, her mind gt more dirt as her body get cleaned and pleasured by the girl, even the clean passed at second plane as both only give pleasure to the other.

Make them less sluties The mantle woman said and some blow up ballon sound like always happen, both girls opened theirs eyes as if a lust's curtain get away of theirs minds, both blush and look each other.

The brunette just remember the first three letters of her name and she feels really slow at her mind to understand too much of what happened, the other girl also looks like the same, yet her clueless look make her looks to be more affected.

W...wait, looks like i lost my clothes, i remember than be naked is bad but dont remember exactly why... it hurt too much think in that.

The girl remain without think lost at her world for an instant before answer. Sorry for what happened, dont know why but i wanted to fuck, fuck is good or bad, do you knwo?"giggle"

Of course than Evelen feels a genious in front of this girl, but not so much as she should feel, her mind looks to also had been affected.

Before she could answer the girl at the mantle answer. I know than this could be hard to understand for both, but lets just say than things are in a strange way changing the persons, maybe radiation or magic are the guilty. In others words some things are bad or good. Drinks, Orbs, clothes are good or bad, however infected people with bad things affect others as also theirs cum and fluids. The girl take a moment in a way to see if both nearly airhead girls understand them. Of course than the pink one just giggle and nodded before lost herself looking her naughty body and touch it. My body is so sexy..."giggle"

Eve... the Pure Dumb Masochist Nurse
Stamina 97
Int:2 Lewdness:10 Humillation cleaver.
Last edited:
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen couldn’t stand how wonderful the cum that coated the pink-haired girl tasted, the amazing texture as it oozed against her tongue. The girl’s skin was nice and soft too, and she was really enjoying licking it. She even suckled a little on the girl’s fingers when she got down to them. It was nothing compared to what she did when her lips sealed around one of the pink-haired girl’s nipples, though, and she moaned right along with her. The way the girl patted and rubbed her head and face only made her feel better, more right about what she was doing… The brunette felt so stupid for having gone through all that trouble to avoid this, stupid for having held on to her virginity as long as she had. Why hadn’t she asked that cute girl in math class to go somewhere with her? Or the hot guy in bio? Those thoughts were all pushed from her head fairly quickly by anticipation of her eventual reward. Soon the girl would lick all over her, and make her feel so good…

Evelen continued to lap and suck at the pink-haired girl’s breasts with something that approached passion, really spending an inordinate amount of time with them that wasn’t necessary for cleaning. Her hands gripped the edge of the bench as she trembled, her pussy quite wet. The woman who had essentially forced her into this didn’t make any moves to participate, but the young girl could still feel her presence, and doing this in front of someone added a whole other level to the arousal she felt. Finally after some time she began to work her way down, her tongue slowly dragging over the girl’s slim belly and lapping up the delicious cum, teasing at her bellybutton for a while before going lower. She got down on her knees then, slowly licking down the girl’s thigh and to her knee, then having to go all the way down to all fours to get to the lower leg and finally the foot. That it was disgusting to lick a foot added to her arousal much the same as being watched did, and even though she felt so embarrassed and humiliated to be doing it, she was enjoying herself… She even took a little while to suckle on the girl’s toes one by one, moaning softly as she degraded herself.

As she worked her way up the other leg, Evelen could only think of licking the pink-haired girl’s pussy. The thought shoved everything else to the side, and when she was finally there, kneeling between the girl’s legs, she dove in with enthusiasm. Her nose nestled into the girl’s pink pubic hair, her tongue worming its way deeply into her wet slit. It tasted so wonderful, and there was so much delicious cum inside of her. It was as if she had taken the time the brunette had used to try and clean herself to get fucked quite thoroughly, and had just been filled with fresh spunk. The pink-haired girl was moaning continuously, the young girl’s inexperienced attentions apparently appreciated, before finally she cried out and squirted a little bit of her own juices into Evelen’s mouth. The taste was so wonderful she could hardly stand it, her hands twitching against her thighs as she resisted just plunging her fingers into her sopping pussy. She wasn’t done yet though… gently she nudged the girl to stand up, prodding her until she could slip fully under her, and then did the most degrading thing possible…

Evelen was more aroused than she had ever been in her life as her tongue worked against the girl’s asshole, and she couldn’t help but let out a soft, muffled moan as she wormed it inside to get at the cum that stuffed the girl’s rectum. She continued for some time before starting to slowly work her way up, but the pink-haired girl apparently couldn’t wait to give her her reward any longer, and guided her to lay down on the bench. The brunette trembled with anticipation, hardly able to stand even the little wait… and then she felt the girl’s tongue against her ample breasts through the holes in the fishnet. They seemed to have become more sensitive as they grew, and she mewled out in pleasure as she was cleaned there. The pink-haired girl was almost as thorough as she had been, and as it was Evelen’s first real experience with being pleasured by another person she was soon reduced to a quivering, moaning mess. That she was so in front of a third party enhanced that, making her squirm a little bit more and moan a little louder as she got off on her own humiliation.

The pink-haired girl was even licking Evelen’s fishnet dress clean, which was taking long enough to make her squirm with anticipation as she was made to wait to feel the tongue against her skin again. Slowly the girl worked her way down her belly, the brunette trembling and whimpering, until finally she made her way underneath the short dress, her tongue lashing out against Evelen’s sopping cunt. She let out a little squeal, bucking her hips up slightly, the new sensation quite wonderful to her. It was over far too soon, though, and she didn’t quite cum. She needed it so badly, but the girl spoke out instead, talking about how good cum tasted and suggesting that they should do this all the time. The brunette’s heart quickened at the idea of what they would do to get filled and covered with cum together, thinking that it would probably be quite fun… "Y-y-yeah…" she managed to stutter out before being kissed, meekly accepting the girl’s tongue, and the cum that was in her mouth.

The two weren’t done yet, though. Evelen was still laying on the bench, and now the pink-haired girl maneuvered herself up over her, spinning around so that they were both face to crotch, and began to lick her again. The young girl mewled out happily, twitching and squirming on the bench for a while before quickly pressing her face against her partner’s groin, her tongue quickly worming its way into the girl’s cunt. She came quickly, letting out a muffled squeal of pleasure before going back to her attentions to her partner. There wasn’t even a thought of cleaning each other then, they were just interested in pleasuring one another, and they did so for some time. Evelen lost all track of time, but she knew she came more than once. This pink-haired girl was good, and her resistance melted away along with her mental faculties in the face of so much pleasure and cum.

Something happened then, a balloon popping noise again, but it was different. Evelen felt better now. Granted, she also felt really, really dumb. Like, what was her name again? It started with an E, she knew that much. Was it… it was Eve, that was it. The pink-haired girl, now she was a real doofus. All she could really do was giggle. The magician girl was there to talk to them, though, saying something about people changing. Well yeah, there was that. Drinks and balls and clothing could be either good or bad, but something about people who were “infected” could change people as well. "My hat" the brunette said suddenly, feeling the top of her head, "What happened to my hat? I want my hat." She looked around for it, disregarding everything, just wanting to put the nurse’s hat on in a very childish way.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Just when the mantle girl take a moment to check them, Evelen notice her lack of hat, she dont know why but her way of act is a little childrish now, making the pink girl get surprised and having a fright. Hat? l...let me help you...ouch...sorry The pink girl girl forget her doubts and start looking around however she and Eva just hit each other and fall on the floor as they tried to get up, after a moment where both bodies press against each other and lost themselves looking the eyes of the other, they move and start looking again, opening lockers and looking at the floor, sowing theirs nude forms at the mage girl or anyone who were looking at them.

Is at this side dear, let me just clean it a little. The girl said, as she put away a little of the cum on the hat than looks to had been at a pool full of the naughty substance. Both girls were returning when suddenly the pink ball bthe salow and hit both of them, as the third girl jump away.

I...i feel so funny. The pink girl said smiling. Eva also notice how her body react after the explosion, she feels her body itching in a good way, her skin was now more soft and femenine and her hair slowly grow until reach her shoulders. The pink girl skin ended looking like something even more extreme, she looks not only more femenine, but her whole body was starting to look as a doll, she at least cant see the danger on this and just move in a childrish way toward the mage. Im so happy for you, we had found the hat, yaaay. The girl said hugging her odd body over Eva who feel it as nearly latex.

Is a shame but, that is what happen if you dont use the orbs quickly, at least the other dont break, for the color both would had been in serious problem as the blue ones affect the intelligence. As the girl talk, Eva wear her not so cum covered hat, feeling a slowly change at her mind, maybe she cold remember her name soon. I can use it to cure both of you but the effect will be divided and could not be so helpful when something reduce the mind of any of you in the future, we need to act quickly, so decide now.

The pink girl was so focused on show her friendship to Eva tha she dont looks to had understand anything at all, so the brunette nurse must decide now. She could recover her mind completely using that orb for herself or could help this girl to have some mind with the risk of be in problems if she is affected by another mindcurse.

Once she decide, the mage girl will cast an spell saying some simple words "fill them/her airheads with knowledge" Then the ball will bright and the girl or thr girls will regain a little more of theirs minds, or Evelen will remember her name and be close smart as she was.

She then notice than they had open a locker, nearly of them were empty or closed, but from this one she notice a small cheerleader skirt and blouse as also some thights all of them with her collegue colors. I have a car an street of this place, hoverver the parking lot is closed by some cars at the exit and there is a fire too out of here so i cant get it close, prepare both of you before get out as the mist and particles falling will make both get worse if you dont have something to cover yourself. The mantle girl sit and wait for both of them, Eva could take all or give some to the sexy pink girl who still cuddle at her in joy, they can also still look inside the school but for what it looks the mantle girl will wait them here. Of course than Eva could ask some things too.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Eve quickly began to search for her hat, but unfortunately so did the pink-haired girl, and the two bumped heads quite hard. The two fell to the ground, the brunette crying out "Owwwwwww" and sniffling a little bit as she rubbed her head, holding back tears. She felt like a seven year old, so childish and wimpy. Both of them tried to get up, but it was hard from where they sat and they both moved the same way, causing their bodies to press up against each other. They stopped, staring at each other for a little while, before finally focusing again and crawling around, looking on the ground and in various lockers even though there was no way they could have been inside any of the lockers that had been closed the whole time. The magician, in the meantime, had been looking on her own, and found it. "Yaaaaaay!" Eve shouted, clapping happily before crawling over to her to get the hat.

She didn’t notice the pink ball near her, though, and it exploded suddenly as both she and the pink-haired girl were going past it. Her body began to itch, but in a strangely pleasant way, and Eve felt her skin growing even more soft than it had been after being covered in cum, the imperfections slowly melting away. Her hair grew as well, from the short, somewhat boyish cut she normally wore until it came down to her shoulders, flaring out cutely at the tips. The pink-haired girl’s body changed in an even more extreme way, her already incredibly curvy form becoming more feminine. She almost looked fake, as if she were some kind of sex doll. She hugged the brunette, who felt her skin so soft she could almost get lost in it, and couldn’t help but cuddle against her gently. The magician was speaking then, but what she said sort of went over Eve’s head until she placed the hat on her head.

The nurse’s hat seemed to have some effect on the brunette’s mind… She felt better, a little bit less dumb. Eve wasn’t her name… What was her name? She strained to remember, but just couldn’t do it. The magician offered a spell to make it even better, but maybe the two girls should share it, to split the effect. That didn’t have much of any effect on Eve, though, and she quickly said "me!" It wasn’t out of any sort of logical thinking or reasoning, it was just childish selfishness. Almost as soon as she did, the ball the magician was holding began to glow, and a simple spell was cast. She felt quite smart all of a sudden, and remembered that she was Evelen, and much of what had happened. Now the magician girl was talking again, telling them that she had a car of her own in the parking lot, and that they should prepare to move quite a long way. It was more or less the plan that she had come up with before. The pink-haired girl was still cuddling her close, which made her blush brightly. "You should put on the cheerleader outfit" she said quietly to the girl, petting and rubbing her beautiful hair. "I’m already wearing something, sort of. You should put on those shoes back there, too." As the girl went to put on her clothing, the brunette turned back to the magician. "You can… use those balls? They can do good things?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. She had thought they were all bad. "And what do the colors mean?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl giggle happily as Evelen pet her. Can i? really? Thanks. The girl then walk toward the lockers, having problems to even find a way to start placing the clothes at her. Meanwhile the mage decide to answer any question.

Of course than i can use them, but the true is than they are a little hard to handle even if you know how, even some of them looks to have a really potent bad luck curse on them.

I dont have all the answers, but if you can handle them they could increase or decrease things on you. There looks to have a lot of orb colors: blue affect intelligence, pink looks to have many different effects but lets just say than alter your body; green is for clothes; there are two types of clear orbs, one is lust and the other make you more a sex lover. These are all the ones than i know at the moment...

The mage then get interrupted as the pink girl fall on the floor, the skirt could not really cover her lucious sex doll hips, some of her privates and rear were exposed, but her bigger problem is try to put on her blouse, her empty head remain traped, as she whimper trying to put on the cloth, making her big sex orbs bounce softly with each move until she finally manage to put it on, unfortunately the uniform completely backward. The uniform looks to be made for a young A cup little girl, so the result at the pink girl was not good for her. It hurt... awww, i preffer to be naked. The girl whimper nearly leaving far a tear, as the two others girls help her to dress her.

Finally with the skirt, thights, shirt, shoes and pompoms, the pink dumb girl looks exactly as a really sluty cheerleader than could animate any male who look at her. The girl jump happily moving her pompoms, making by mistake let her skirt fly with each jump to show her little pussy. Evelen could bet than this outfit make the girl looks more dumb as before, but maybe all will be good.

Fine, i suppose than both are ready to leave, so follow me. The mantle girl said before open the door, slowly the gas start to get inside and the three girls could feel the harsh enviroment around them. Without her white blouse Evelen slowly get hurt herself, feeling how the particles pass between her pink string dress and then she fll again, breathing by misteke some of the mist before get up, the dumb girl tried to catch her but she also fall.

Ouch...hurt hurt...ahhh. The pink girl said cring as they get up, but the damage was already done, both girls were slighty sored by the hot floor and theirs breasts were pressing hard against theirs clothes, Evelen nipples were completely out of the dress and her soft skin looks to be tied in strings as if this were a bondage dress. The other girl dont have it easy too, her breasts were close to get free of her shirt, even the middle of her nipples were close to get out from the bellow part of the shirt. Of course than the feeling of have her breasts growing was not so bad but this could be a problem at the future. The mage decide to help them to move. Hold me, if both fall many times one of these you will be unable to lift yourself with the weight of your breasts.

As they walk something pass Evelen's clothes and insert a long object at her cunt, certainly the guilt is using the mist to cover. Evelen could take the time looking around but at the mist and without a weapon that could end bad, thepink girl placed a pompom over her head to cover herself. The time passed and all looks fine until suddenly something trap Evelen and then nearly make her fall, they struggled for a while, the woman nearly fall each moment thanks to her heels, but the mage help her to dont lost the equilibrium, at the end some kind of cursed panty get placed on her with a dildo on her rear, making the end of the path harder but at the end they reach the car.

all looks like be what the mantle girl said, cars in fire and streets closed by some of them, Evelen body feel really bad as she is nearly unprotected at her body out of her head, she nearly faint, but then the pink girl used a pompom to cover her. The car than the mage owns looks to have two seats in the front, yet one have the window broken at the co pilot seat, at the back it have a horse wagon. Well, i will drive and both of you can get at the back. The three girls have little time to decide, Evelen hole need help before it get more sore, yet she cant use too much the front seats as the window is broken and this could expose her to more pollution.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Yeah, go ahead" Evelen told the pink-haired girl, confirming that she could have the cheerleader outfit for herself. Once the girl had gone off, the magician answered her questions. Apparently the orbs could do good things in the hand of a magician like her, but they were quite difficult to deal with even so. As for the colors, blue orbs had to do with intelligence and mental ability, pink made alterations to your body, green changed your clothing, and clear ones changed your level of arousal and lewdness. Just as the explanation ended she heard a fall, and turned to see that the other girl was just a mess. The skirt hardly covered anything, most of her round rump peeking out from beneath the frills. Even worse, the little top was stuck on her head, and she was having so much trouble getting it on… Her breasts bounced and jiggled as she tried, making the brunette turn away and blush. The spell that had been cast on her had at least made her a little bit less lewd.

The pink-haired girl needed help from Evelen and the magician woman to dress herself properly, as she’d even put the shirt on backwards. When they were finished she looked like an incredibly slutty cheerleader, her huge breasts poking against the too-tight fabric. She even gave a little happy jump at being dressed, which flipped up her skirt and revealed her pussy to the two of them. Evelen blushed, looking away again; surely anyone who found women attractive would be practically drooling at the sight. "Alright… I know I’m ready" she replied to the magician, wanting to be out of the school and away from the city as soon as possible. She followed along as quickly as her heels would allow her, watching that vile mist seep into the school once the door was open. She had some vague idea what the mist did by now, and she surely didn’t like it.

As they stepped out into the open air outside Evelen realized that her fishnet dress alone wasn’t going to be enough. Before the white blouse had kept her safe from most of the radioactive dust, but now it was just floating down onto her bare skin, making her yelp as it burned her. She was too focused on that to pay attention to where she was stepping, and she turned her ankle the wrong way, falling to the ground. She inhaled the pink mist deeply before she could get up, screaming a little bit as she hit the burning hot ground. The pink-haired girl fell too at much the same time, and Evelen couldn’t really tell if she had tripped her companion or not… Once she was up she felt her breasts swelling again, and she whimpered as she cupped them lightly. They were now as big as they had grown in her EGG game proper, though she couldn’t have known so, and they strained against the fishnet almost painfully. Her nipples protruded from the holes, and if her chest grew any more it might begin to break the fabric. The magician made the two of them hold onto her then, so as nott o fall again, and the brunette quickly put her arm around the girl’s shoulder, leaning on her heavily as they continued on towards the parking lot.

When they were about halfway there Evelen felt something get through her fishnet and slither into her virgin pussy, making her squeal and slap at her crotch with her free hand, trying desperately to keep it from going in. She couldn’t feel it slide out, but she didn’t feel it inside of her either… This wasn’t good, not good at all. Tears welled up in her eyes, and all she wanted was to be somewhere else. They hurried a little bit, right into some sort of trap. Something grabbed the brunette’s legs, nearly knocking her over, but after a long struggle she managed to keep from falling flat on her face into the mist again, mostly thanks to the magician. She didn’t come out of it unscathed, though, as at the last moment before she was free some sort of strange panties were forced onto her under her dress, and a big, thick dildo slammed into her virgin ass. She screamed in pain and surprise, her eyes going wide as she stumbled and nearly fell all over again.

The magician had to practically drag Evelen onward after that, the young girl whimpering and whining with pain and distress at having had such an awful thing happen. Maybe she would have been better off still being quite lewd of mind… In any case, they finally reached the parking lot, and got a view of the street. There were cars strewn about on fire, some blocking entire streets, just as the mage had said. The brunette was in very bad shape from all the little burns and the fake cock stuffed up her ass, and her legs were getting quite weak as she made her way towards the car they were walking to… The pink-haired girl began to cover her with a pom-pom to protect her from the burning snow. "Thanks" she said weakly, finally getting to the car in question. It was a simple four-seater, though the passenger-side front window was busted out, and it looked like there was a wagon hitched to the back. "Let’s sit in the back" she said to the pink-haired girl, leading her towards the rear door. Once inside she would try to pull the panties down with all her might, not wanting to sit down with the dildo in her ass.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen tried to release herself from the panty, the dust than had fell over her, was starting to make her feel sick, nearly making her fall at the hot street. She then notice than for some reason the pink girl looks a little bigger than before, but maybe it was just her imagination, she then get free of the strange panty, yet she is now very tired and needed badly to rest.

Aww you looks a little bad, dont worry i will cure you. The pink girl said between giggles and then help Evelen to rest on the seat as sh get over her, the mage close the door and then start to drive, as the cheerleader kindly kiss the sore body from the brunette, Evelen notice as she tried to move over the girl than for some reason the pink girl could restrain her more easily than she should, maybe the girl was two times stronger than her for some unknown reason, at least the airhead girl is not trying to do anything bad to her.

Unable to do too much, Evelen notice the car move for a while, having problems to pass through the nearly closed streets, but then they pass bellow some kind of ceiling.

When the car stop, the mage take the keys and went out, opening the lock from the backdoor. Both girls get up when the cheerful girl notice where they are now.

Evelen notice easily than they were in what looks like an abandoned big industry building, a huge car door has been closed right now behind them, there were some books at some desks, as also two doors at theirs sides and an elevator in front than has been used by the mage.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tugged on the panties with all of her might, trying desperately to get them off, but she was quite tired. The radiation burns and walking all that way had taken their toll on her, and she very nearly fell down. Just as she managed to throw the undergarment down off of her she noticed that the pink-haired girl looked really, really tall… That was strange. Still, she shrugged it off as the girl opened the car door, and then helped her into the back seat. The brunette was so tired and weak after all that had happened, so as she was helped to sit down she sighed out in relief. She couldn’t do anything to stop her slutty cheerleader companion from kissing all over her wounded and burned body, and really she didn’t want to. It wasn’t meant with lewd intent, so she thought, and it didn’t feel that way either. It just felt loving and tender, and it eased the sting of her burns a little bit.

Evelen relaxed as the magician began to drive the car, wondering why the pink-haired girl seemed to be so damn strong… She was probably twice as strong as the brunette was at this point, which hadn’t seemed to be the case not that long ago… Still, she was just glad not to have that dildo crammed in her ass anymore, and to be out of the radioactive snow. The car had some trouble getting anywhere, as most of the streets it seemed were blocked or mostly blocked by burning cars and rubbish. Still, eventually they got down beneath some sort of ceiling. The car stopped, the mage taking the keys and getting out in order to come around the side and help Evelen and the pink-haired girl out of the back door. They were in what looked to be an abandoned factory, and a garage door closed to bar the way out into the street. "So… is this some sort of safehouse? Is this where you’ve been staying?" the young girl asked, following the mage wherever she went. She didn’t want to step on any toes by exploring on her own and touching things that weren’t meant to be touched, so she would likely keep her hands to herself.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Once they leave the car, the pink girl look everywhere before try to follow the others, falling when she get out the car, yet she get close and just caress her head and ample breasts, cleaning herself a little before reach the others.

You could call it a safehouse, yet you could get in troubles soon if we found any intruder. The mage answer before reach the elevator and wait the others to gt inside.

She then turn to Evelen, thinking for a moment before continue. I havent too much food here for the three of us, also the water could be a problem, so i must ask. What both of you have in mind to do now? I want to stay here a little more, maybe some days, but that will be possible onl if i stay alone or we go to look for more food and water, also the car could get out of gas soon.

The pink hair girl stay clueless and hug Evelen again. Ehm...uhm I want just to do this "giggle"

I see, what about you Evelen, will you leave this city? I suppose than ou have your family waiting for you out, i guess