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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The pink-haired girl turned to look at Evelen for a little while, blinking as if she were trying to understand what had been said, and then struggled to move towards her. Those huge breasts of hers were clearly in the way, so big that it was hard for the girl to balance… they also somehow kept their shape even as she walked, jiggling slightly, but remaining perky all the same despite their size. The brunette didn’t have time to admire, though, and she struggled as hard as she could to escape the rope hanging her from the ceiling. It took a little while, but finally the rope snapped and dropped her painfully to the floor again. She inhaled some of the pink mist before managing to get up, which had the same effect as before. Her breasts grew even larger, until they were quite obscenely big and the fishnet that encased them snapped a few strings, straining against her chest. She tried to make her way quickly to the orbs, but something about the orb that had exploded on her had made her worse at walking in her heels, and she fell painfully, twisting her ankle once more.

As Evelen uttered her wish, both she and the pink-haired girl were surrounded by smoke, the spell taking hold. At least it didn’t seem to have backfired, as she didn’t feel any dumber, and her companion seemed much more capable of thought than she had been before, maybe about on the same level she had been in beforehand. The pink orb was next, and much the same thing happened as with the blue one, a cloud of smoke exploding around them. The girl’s makeup had been mussed and rubbed off by the spell apparently, and her skin looked real, as opposed to the more glossy and perfect way it had looked earlier. She was still quite short, though, and her breasts were still huge. She said something about an owner, maybe the house owner, who had said something about “completing” them when he or she found more orbs… Someone was trying to make the two of them into mindless sex dolls. There was a wooden chest and a closet, and she quickly went for the closet, hoping to find clothes, before she would run out with the pink-haired girl to flee.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Not wasting her time, Evelen opened the closet, she then heard a little noise before a dart is shoot direct to her nearly completely exposed breast, soon her body arched by a sudden bolt of pleasure than invade her whole body, making her whimper and pant, as her breasts feel like never pressed completely by the stringtop.

Heavily aroused she could see a panty and big bra than could fit her, both were white with black spots on them, she also found a can with pink liquid sealed with a plastic. The closet have also a narrow hole than could be maybe a tunnel or just a passage to a very dark tunnel.

Meanwhile the pink girl stay looking to her breasts groping them and frowning. Aww... they are cute but also very heavy... my legs are a little tired "whine" Even with her complains the pink girl continue playing with them and sometimes look in awe the brunette body. With the time against them, Evelen must act fast, even when her aroused body is getting really wet and she start to touch herself softly without think on it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen opened the closet quickly, and paid for it almost immediately. There was a quiet noise, and a dart shot out from the closet and lodged in one of her breasts. She whimpered as her back arched involuntarily, making her very nearly fall over. It had felt really good for some reason, and she didn’t know why… Her breasts were pressed against her fishnet top harder than before, and it felt as if they would just pop free at any moment. She was so horny now she could hardly stand it, but she was able to spot a few things that might help her. A pair of panties and bras that might fit her, white with black polka dots, and some kind of can full of pink liquid. She would take all of those things, though she wouldn’t take time to put on the underwear. There was also some kind of tunnel in the back of the closet, but she didn’t give that a second thought. A tunnel under the house of some creep who was trying to turn them into sex dolls? Not the best place to be. "Hurry, we gotta get outta here" she cried, beginning to run towards the open door to the outside, not thinking about the radioactive snow that would surely burn them. She just wanted to get out of there, and quick. She didn’t even notice that her hand had drifted between her legs even as she began to run…
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Without think twice, Evelen take all the items and run out the house, wait...i cant run too fast whimper and whine the pink girl who groppled her breasts to run as fast as she could. They inmediately feel the radiactive snow cause small burns on her body, making both groan softly and let fall some tears, Evelen oversensitivy body make her feel an strange mix of pain and pleasure, her body soon get more wet and her breath get agitated nearly after some seconds of her torture. The pink girl dont suffer less and her little feet's make her jump and cry as her hands hold her massibe breasts. it hurts, it hurts... please stop it she whimpers and loss stamina very fast, she soon could faint at the floor, as Evelen could at her kness.

Both nude girls were in a critical moment, the brunette could feel something strange at her hair as the snow fall at her, as also her body. She now pants after run for a while, missed and unable to identify where she is, just in an intersection she notice the comercial plaza, a zone than she meet a pair of times when she was a young child, it could be opened, yet it is not her only option. At a street she could see the zoo and at a other side at nearly the same distance she can spoot a huge house than looks like a mansion, each place could be closed and if that happen she could be maybe doomed, but she must choice fast , as the pink girl is maybe close to faint and then she could lost her ally forever.

[both girls are losing stamina really fast]
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The pink-haired girl complained when she was told to run, saying that she wasn’t able to move quickly, but Evelen wasn’t hearing it. They needed to get out, and soon, before anyone showed up. As soon as they were outside she realized her error, though. Immediately the radioactive snow began to take its toll on the two of them, burning their skin all over now that they had nothing to protect them. The brunette groaned long and loud, tears welling up in her eyes, but her body was strangely sensitive, and somehow those burns were starting to feel good… She was wet between the legs, her breathing quick and troubled. She felt like she might just fall to the ground right then and there, passing out from the pain and pleasure. There were a few different places they could run to in a last ditch effort, though. An old strip mall she had been to a few times as a kid, the zoo (where she had spent lots of time as a child), and a giant house. Without thinking about it for more than a split second grabbing the pink-haired girl’s wrist and running for the zoo. Even if it were closed, there were some overhanging awnings outside that she thought they could stand under to recover for a while.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Both nude girls run the whole street toward the zoo, both feeling theirs bodies burn in each place and without stop, Evelen slowly stop her groans and turn them into moans of pleasure, as her body tried to endure the hard trial adapting her mind, who know if this could be permanent. Her run was not completely safe, as she could heard some noises from time to time crawling and soft far moans at some places, giggles, roars and more strange sounds than she havent heard before, mixing with the leather noise of her heels pink boots.

The huge breasts of both bounced and make the run a pain, yet fortunately Evelen still have her pink transparent stringnet top than could break in any minute by the pressure. I cant more, it hurt... i feels weird... i cant, i cant ahhh ahhh nooo. The pink girl cry at the middle of the road, many times close to fall down, the torture looks to be endless but just at theirs last breath they reach the zoo doors, all looks to be damaged and many strange noises come from it, they tried to get bellow a awning, but bellow each of them the floor have the same burning temperature, Evelen leather heels were also starting to melt, she notice the zoo door closed, yet there was still a passage opened in the grille, they could go there, yet the pink little woman is just so exhausted than could pass out in any moment, Evelen also is close to pass out, the pleasure at her whole body make her hang her tongue and softly rub her heavily needed body, she havent feel these in her whole life, her mind wanted to dont do it, but she needed baddly to pleasure herself now, the pink girl also looks to be now in the same problem, she try her best to resist but her little feet's are heavily burned and her legs are completely tired of jump at the street to avoid more damage, she wanted to just fall but the pain would be more if she do it, yet her little mind looks to be close to accept her fate.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The two girls ran as fast as they could towards the zoo, the snow burning both of them constantly. It hurt, a lot, but somehow there was something else creeping into the sensations… little tingles of pleasure at the edges of the pain, making Evelen moan out softly. What was this? How could she be feeling this way? It didn’t matter, she couldn’t think about it, she had to just keep running. There were all sorts of awful sounds in the mist, moans and roars and creeping, crawling sounds, which only spurred her on faster. Her chest was bouncing and jiggling, bigger than she had ever conceived of it getting, though at least her tight fishnet tank top provided some support for her, keeping it easier to run. The pink-haired girl seemed to be weakening, crying that she couldn’t keep going, but the brunette quickly shouted out "not that much farther, we have to get there!" in encouragement.

Just as both of them were about to run out of steam to continue they managed to get to the zoo’s entrance. It looked like it had taken significant damage, and there were strange noises coming seemingly from every corner of the space. They managed to get under an awning, but they couldn’t stay there long. The ground was burning hot, and Evelen’s heels were melting… The pink-haired girl’s feet couldn’t have been feeling pleasant. The door to the zoo was closed and locked, though, and they really needed some place out of this radioactive snow… There seemed to be a passage open for them, so she took it with all possible speed, desperate to get indoors again. She felt like she would pass out, her body feeling so much pain, but also intense pleasure. Had that dart done this to her? Ever since she had had the dart shot into her breast she had felt really good, and it was so hard not to just collapse and masturbate, even though her feet were hurting so bad. Just a little bit more, though, and they would get to some sort of safety, she knew it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With her exausted body, Evelen tried to reach the opening of the ceiling, however, the pink girl was unable to give other step and fall without being able to stop herself, fortunately Evelen manage to hold her hand, the knees of the girl touched the hot floor for an instant, making her groan and nearly fain. Dont unable to hold all, the brunette lost the grip of the pink can than fall and break at the floor, she then used all her remain energy to pull the girl to yhe inside of the zoo.

Fortunately the ceiling hole guide them to the back unlocked door of the main building of the zoo, she quickly closed the door to dont let the mist get inside and then drop herself and the girl at the floor.

Just then Evelen could check herself. Her heels pink leather boots were close to be unnable to remain in one piece, her heels were smaller than an inch and the lower part is close to melt completely, a little of the warm has reached her own feet's, burning her softly, her top is burned too, many strings were rotten so in general with all her strengh she could rag both things to get free of both things. her skin have a soft tanned collor, a little red, as also the pink girl, who pink hair has grow until reach her the start of her rear, the poor girl have bright red her lower feet part, she certainly will be unable to walk for a while, both girls nails had grow significaly and they still feel theirs bodies needing to feel a release of theirs lust.

Evelen still have the white underwear, she can see than they are at a corridor than lead to three doors and some stairs at the distance, a little frask with lubricant and a sack are some feets from them. The doors are two to the left and one to the right, she could heard strange noises from the outside and she could use the trees to parcially protect herself from the radiactive snow.

Stamina 7 Extremely sensible and aroused.

Pink girl is nearly close to faint and cant walk.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tried to reach up to the opening she saw in the ceiling, trying to get a good hold on it and pull herself up. The pink-haired girl was at her limit, though, and fell to her knees on the burning hot ground. Evelen managed to keep a hand on her and keep her from falling, though she let go of the pink can she had picked up earlier, and it shattered against the ground with a loud noise. She hoped it wouldn’t have been helpful, but it couldn’t have been more important than keeping her companion off the ground. She wasn’t that strong, but she had to do what she had to do, and she found the strength and will to not only pull herself up into the ductwork in the ceiling, but also to help the pink-haired girl up into it too. She was utterly exhausted after that, but they crawled through the ducts to the other side, which thankfully led to an unlocked door in the back of the zoo’s main lobby building. They ran in and slammed the door behind them, making sure the mist wouldn’t seep in, and then collapsed to the floor.

The two of them were so utterly exhausted and in so much pain… Evelen’s heels were almost torn to shreds, the soles nearly melted off, the heels themselves shrunken down from the burning ground. Even her feet were burned a little through the shoes, making each step painful. Her fishnet top was mostly broken and burned, enough so that she could probably tear it off if she wanted to. The two of them were both a little bit tan after running around in the radioactive snow, a tinge of red to them. "Let’s just rest" the brunette said quietly, laying on the ground and regaining her breath, letting the pain work out of her body. If allowed to rest as long as she wanted, eventually she would tear off her shirt and try to put on the underwear she had picked up, and then look through the sack she saw over at the side. After that, she would pick the rightmost door and begin exploring this building as much as she could with the pink-haired girl.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Expecting to be in a safe place, Evelen said to the pink girl than they can rest now, however the little woman just whimper in answer with her eyes closed. Nomether how much rested, her body could need days to recover completely for the burns, she at least fill her arousal get reduced something. Once restored she rip of her top, making her ample breasts bounce free, she dont like that feeling and quickly wear her new underwear, it fit her perfectly and make her moan softly as they attach to her burned skin.

Evelen opened the sack to get surprised by some kind of dust than fall over her whole head and top body making her cought for a while, unfortunately the sack was filled with a strange dust.

Evelen could get quickly tired of walk by her sore feet's and the little woman could only crawl to follow her, even this looks to be a pain for her, her breasts were pressing each moment at the floor and her pink hair reach to the floor. Opened the door revealing an office room with another door at a side, Evelen noticed many papels on a table with a huge difficult map at the wall, there were a white and a red orbs at the floor, a still cold fridge without energy with a baby bottle with maybe milk, a sweat blue twin ice tub palette. a set of office tools like pen, pencil, clips, etc. She notice a locker and two mediun boxes at a side of the room.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen and the pink-haired girl rested for as long as they felt was prudent, but the burns they had suffered were rather intense. No amount of resting would have done much to heal their bodies after that, especially the other girl’s feet, but at least they regained a little bit of stamina after all the running and rushing, and the brunette’s arousal went down a bit. Her fishnet tank top was easy to rip off now, so broken and burned was it, and right after she finally got it off she slipped on the underwear she had picked up earlier. It fit perfectly, nice and snug against her ample breasts, her sensitivity making her let out a quiet moan as it brushed over her. Next she looked to the sack, which unfortunately was filled with some kind of bizarre dust that covered her upper body, making her cough and wheeze as she recoiled away from it. At least it didn’t seem to do anything to her, at least not immediately…

The two girls made their way through the door after a while, Evelen’s feet somewhat sore, the pink-haired girl having to crawl in order to follow. This was a really bad situation… if anything came after them, the brunette would just have to abandon her companion. The door opened easily to reveal an office with another door behind it. There were a ton of papers on the desk, and on the floor was a pair of orbs, one red and one white. There were also a few other things, and a locker and two boxes. She decided to open the boxes and locker to try and find something, and then if nothing terrible happened to try and use the orbs… She didn’t know what these colors did though. With the red one she would ask it to make their bodies less sexualized, and for the white she would ask it to make them less aroused.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

(Dont forget that there is a refrigerator with a twin ice tube pallet and milk at a baby bottle.)

Once inside the Ofice, Evelen decide to risk her look and tried to find anything useful for them, she first opened the boxes and there she found what looks to be a bunch of papers and a lot of notes than looks to be from today, her eyes notice between all the letters something about a trasnport at the werehouse zoo, yet to open it she should look for the keys of the bus and werehouse, the other box have what looks to be some animal food and a little car to pull it or something else of the same weight, she could use some horse like rope to pull of it, they could fit pretty good around her torso or she could use her hands but at this last way she would be unable to hold more things. She then tried the locker, but just after open it a bunch of a transparent white liquid soak her completely from head to toe, the impact make her fall at her kness, so her back also get filled with the substance. She was trying to get recovered when suddenly she found what looks to be a small defense stick and a official hat filled both with the same substance.

Evelen could try to remove the substance, but it was just too much and remain stick at her body like glue, but she decide to continue looking for something helpfull, her wet steps filled the room, as her white underwear was more likely transparent, showing her stiffed colored nipples and still virgin place, her taned body feel at least refleshed yet somehow more sexy than before, just as if she had placed oil at every part of her body, even the fine wind make her feel naughty.

She then tried the orbs, the first time she asked to be less sexualize, the orb shine and surround her with some smoke, she dont have too much time to check the change, her mind looks fine, but once she carry the white one, it looks to be more heavy than the other, she asked to be less aroused. Evelen get surrounded with the smoke again yet thiss time the effect was more evident, her nipples start to drop milk and they looks to get more heavy slowly making them grow, her clit also looks to be slighty expose out, making eaxch step more pleasurable for her, just then she notice than the milk little drops were going out of her bra just as if it werent there, it was even more big than before and cover a little more her now more big breasts.

Once decide what to do she went to the other door, scared the pink girl crawl behind her, whining softly with each move. The next door looks to be also unlocked so they get easily inside, there they found what looks to be a passage up to a segurity room with maybe many screens, but before go there, Evelen can see a white long tank, she cant reach the liquid by herself, then also she notice a big dildo with a hollow in the point, she could suppose than it is empty. She also notice a strange button on a wall and some kind of machines at the distance close what looks to be a liquid carrier.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen opened the boxes, finding papers and notes that were actually from that day. That was weird… who would be taking notes today, and then why would they stuff them into these boxes? They said something about transporting something from or to the zoo’s warehouse, so maybe there was a chance the two could get there and maybe get out of here. It was at least a better lead than she had had before, at least. There was also a strange little animal cart, complete with animal food, though she didn’t think that would be of any use to her. It would only slow her down if there were trouble. The locker was next on her list, but as soon as she opened it a strange, mostly transparent white liquid splashed onto her, soaking her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. It had hit her with so much downward force that she was knocked to her knees, allowing it to flow over her back too. The brunette whimpered a little bit, wiping her eyes, but she did find something useful. The hat she would take, putting it on despite the liquid that filled it. After all, she was already covered in it anyway. The nightstick might be useful in possibly defending herself too, so she took that as well.

There was so much of the weird stuff that Evelen didn’t even try to clean herself off, but thankfully some good had come of it. It had soothed her burns to a significant degree, as if she had rubbed aloe all over her body, which was nice. She wished the pink-haired girl had been in the path of the splash too, she could probably use this feeling. Of course, it also made her feel like she was oiled up and ready for some kind of ridiculous porn, her underwear now well and truly see-through, and every little breeze made her feel nude. The orbs were next for her, since they could explode if she didn’t use them right away. The first one exploded, but didn’t seem to do anything, at least not right away. The next caused a little problem, though… Her nipples began to stiffen and grow slightly, milk slowly leaking out of them, and her little clit began to grow just slightly. It made it catch and rub against her panties in a way that was intensely pleasurable…

The young girl decided then that her companion would need some help. "This stuff that fell on me feels good for the burns" she said quietly, nudging and urging the girl towards the puddle, making her roll around in it for a little while and then beginning to gently, almost tenderly rub it in, paying special attention to the pink-haired girl’s poor feet… After that they went into the next room, finding it unlocked. There was another passage there, and a long white tank that seemed to be filled with liquid. There was a button on the wall near it, and some machines obviously meant to carry liquid, so maybe it was all a system to draw whatever this was from the tank? There was also a huge dildo, which made her blush and look away. Evelen decided to go deeper in, towards the passage, not seeing anything of use here.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The pink girl ws loss at her own world, the sudden noise and smoke has make her turn her attention to Evelen's body and she remain with her mouth opened and looking her in an inocent awe. Evelen words werent enough and she only heard her after get pushed softly toward the puddle on the floor, ehm? it feel good? the girl answer in happily before be rolled over the puddle like just a sow by the Brunette, then the tender care from Evelen make her moan and giggle happily, feeling tickles as her whole body get filled with the same coax than the Brunette have over her whole body, however she groan softly when her feet's were touched, maybe they will be better but they would still be far away of be fine.

Once taken the items, both girls move out the room and went to the next, the pink girl tried to walk at the start but it hurts so she decide to continue crawling. The items at the room were ignored by Evelen before thsi went to the segurity's room. However the pink girl remain behind looking the many things at the room andclueless take the hollow dildo, before crawl to where Evelen went.

The next room is filled with screens, without light at the city, Evelen supposed than these cameras could not help her in all, but she then notice some red lights at the controls, maybe the room have a emergency light source. With the pink girl at the door and not sure what she could find, she start to check what she could find and notice than she could with difficulty try to turn on all, yet she could not be so smart to use this in a correct way, but fortunately the pink girl by mistake or maybe luck make one of the videos load at the screen.

The video show a part of the street, the gas is there and a woman with her raged clothes tried in panic room to open a car at the street, she looks to be trying to escape of something, yet then Evelen notice a huge wolf come out and tackle the girl at the floor. The video dont have audio, but she can see the girl in pain struggle as her front is burned at the street, Evelen fear than the wolf would start eating her, but instead it penetrate her honeyflower and restrain her in place, not letting her stop to breath the mist and burn at the street, the torture continue and the woman is too far to let Evelen see clearly what exactly what is happening.

The video continue for some minutes more, with the woman being constantly raped by the wolf who looks to had cum at least twice at her, her breasts had grow a lot and once the wolf had ended with her they were so big for the girl than she couldnt get up by herself, she tried to pull herself using the car as support, her whole body has changed, her breasts were now at least a V size maybe even more and they looks to be perky, her body shine and her now large hair reach a size than it could hide her butt, just when her face was out the mist, she stop trying and instead used one of her hands to pleasure herself, her hair color changed and slowly her skin and body get more naughty until she turned completely into a lust mindless lesser humanoid, hanging out her tongue and just resting at the mist until for some reason her body get fully covered in the mist and both girls could see her move down the fog. There was not anything than they could had done to save her, as this video was from maybe some hours ago, but Evelen dont know what day is today, the date at the video say the same as she has heard before this had happened.

Unable to understand all, Evelen can see than the last person who used these videos has placed three more with some tittles as "12am News" "mutations" "insane". That was a creepy movie... do you think than they have some sweet carttons here? i just hate these kind of scary movies The pink girl whine, after see the video and slowly try to check for more videos at the place, maybe this could make all turn into a mess.


After take a moment to decide, Evelen take the video named "News" and place it at the screen. After a static moment the usual news local channel appear, just giving an emergency notice. Unfortunately it was just when the problem started, so the program dont show what started all this, jet Evelen could see how the people tried their best to get out of the city, accidents and a little view of the worst of the men. The image stop for a moment and another scene appear. A reporter appear in middle of the street using an umbralla to protect himself of the burning snow, his words talked about how something like a new exodus was happening at a pair of hours starting this, the country sended help, but it was stoped when the incidents of unknows mutations were happening around the city, the fear growed at scaled fast way, the trees were changing, the water stop of being potable, all feared than the radioactive event could had polluted even the food at the markets, many cars started to fail, the most new ones just failed completely as theirs software started to fail until completely melt, many people hide at theirs houses as they waited for help, but Evelen know than the help would never come.

Suddenly something appear behind the man, a female figure with strings at her body, nude and with lifeless eyes, an armed person start to shoot and cause the creature to hide at the mist. They then started to move as they started to talk about how the water and others kind of foods were affecting the mind of many persons, making them forget and act wil, making crazy things and raping others, many expect than it is temporal and shut them in jails, rooms or even chain them wishing than they could get recovered soon...

He was then talking about how suddenly stranger orbs were appearing when a female lewd voice in a cheerful tone answer him "like these" "giggle" and from nowere a bunch of orbs were sended to them and hit the floor, the gas surround them and then the female creature jump over the transgender people, the orbs were turning them into easy targets and that creature know it pefectly, giving an end to the transmision as the camera melt on the floor.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The pink-haired girl looked absolutely dumbfounded as she looked at Evelen’s body, her mouth opened wide. They needed to find more of those blue orbs… she seemed to just be spacing out at random, and didn’t respond to the brunette. It took some nudging, but finally she rolled around in the puddle of liquid quite happily, and then accepted the rubdown with a few giggles and moans. Hopefully this would do some good, and even though the girl groaned when Evelen rubbed her sore and burned feet she thought that maybe it would help her walk again. After that she took her things and moved into the next room. The pink-haired girl started out trying to walk there, but it hurt badly enough that she took to crawling again fairly quickly, which was a little upsetting. If anything came after them, the brunette would probably have to abandon her and run… could she really do that? She didn’t notice that the crawling girl didn’t immediately follow her into the next room, instead picking something up from this one…

Still, the next room was full of TV screens all along one of the walls, though they seemed to be out. There were little red lights on the control panel, so at least there was power getting to the system from somewhere. The pink-haired girl was screwing around with some kind of power source, and before Evelen could tell her to knock it off for fear of breaking something she made a video load on one of the screens. She watched for a while, curious as to what it would be about. It showed a street, for whatever reason, the pink gas already flooded everywhere, and there was a woman trying to open a car door in an utter panic. The brunette watched with rapt attention, but then the woman was knocked over by what looked like… was that a giant, bipedal wolf? She covered her eyes for the most part, only watching a little bit, afraid the wolf would eat her right there on camera. Instead it shoved her head into the mist and began to fuck her hard and fast. Evelen looked away, not wanting to witness the rest of what went on, but she peeked over again from time to time. By the end the woman’s breasts were so large that she couldn’t move on her own, but she seemed completely broken by the experience, just masturbating herself mindlessly… It was absolutely awful, and she felt bad for having watched any of it.

There were a few other videos, and Evelen could choose to play any of them, hoping to find out more about what was happening and had happened. One of them was labeled “12am News,” which was promising, so she popped it into the player and began to watch. It was the local news people, she had seen them on before when her mom watched the news, and at first it was just an emergency broadcast, showing the evacuation efforts and the initial looting and thieving. There was a pause before another recorded broadcast, this time with one of the reporters on a street she recognized, holding an umbrella to shield himself from the radioactive snow which had already begun to fall. Apparently there was another round of evacuations, and help had been sent from the country, but they had turned away when there were reports of mutations… that would explain the wolf creature from the earlier video. The water wasn’t drinkable, food was polluted…

The video continued on, but Evelen didn’t want to watch it. At the lewd feminine voice she quickly stopped the tape and popped it out of the player, not wanting to see the people she’d watched for years on the news raped and mindless. She quivered a little bit, worried even more now. They had to get to that warehouse, to find a way out of here. Slowly she led the pink-haired girl back through the other rooms, looking to pick up any food and drink she could find along the way and continue to explore the main building. Once they had suitable clothing and hopefully shoes they would start moving towards that warehouse cautiously, hoping to find a way out.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Aww...but i want to see the cartoons... The girl saw Evelen with pitiful eyes, she whimper in sadness as she was taking out of the room, they walked out of the dark room and then returned to the corridor, it take a little of time, but after a while, Evelen notice than her skin is more white, maybe the oil at her whole body was making wonders, as the burners are maybe getting healed, even she was to have to be nearly the same tone than her wet white underwear, the one than has been nearly get transparent by the liquid, except by the dark huge spots on them. She returned to the fridge and take any comestible thing there, she got a baby's milk bottle and a twin popsicle, her lack of a bag would affect her soon if she wanted to carry more things.

They then opened the last door, it have a sweet scent and nearly make them get inside without notice it, the sweet smell could lead them to something delicious and soon the pink girl crawl inside happily, Evelen soon go too and they find a little green little corridor filled with flowers than guide them to a greengarden, before they could notice it, they had walked deep inside that place and found themselves surrounded by an amazing group of beautiful plants and flowers. Evelen notice her heavily arousal and without notice it, she started to caress her breasts and touch her naughty place, the pollen on the place make her feel happy and glad to had chosen to come here, but then she for some reason could feel her fingers going deep inside her, just then she notice than her underwear looks to be broken in some parts, she looks to have her pussy and rear hole exposed and also her neeples were leaking freely her warm milk. It was just as if the underwear has melted by the oil, but the black spots remain there and they looks to be a little bigger. However this dont turn to be her worse worry, as the pink girl is now sucking and eating from these flowers, making soft moans. Evelen can see some shadows at their right, very close of the greenhouse walls, also she notice a scizor close them, she could try to get it, but she could be noticied by the owners of these huge shadows, inside a transparend lock locker she notice a suit to gather honey from the bees, it could protect one of them.

Her arousal was hug on them, but she quickly tried to get the scizors and was able to take them before be noticed. However she then tried to get the suit, but the thing is struck at the support and it fall at the floor making a loud noise than soon make the things at the outside of the greenhouse get inside. They were a naked woman with a large manlike member, her breasts werent so huge like Evelen's but they were leaking milk as also precum from her dick, behind her the brunette notice how another creature was starting to get inside, this time a horse like creature but at the moment it remain slighty struck at the back of the greenhouse. With the pink girl still lost on pleasure herself as she eat the plants, Evelen could try to fight or run away, but with the pink girl behind she could not be sure if she could succed in get out without fight or lost the dumb girl against these two.

Hello babe, Just drop that thing before someone get wounded. Dont worry, i will dont hurt both of you too much "giggle" The futa girl said before start to move toward Evelen, licking her lips and making a lust face.

Status: Horny. Stamina 75.

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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"There aren’t any cartoons" Evelen said quietly, getting out of the room. Her skin was more pale than it had been earlier, almost more pale than she had been at any point thanks to the white liquid, which seemed to be healing the burns she had suffered. She stopped by the refrigerator then, picking up the things she had seen earlier but not taken, just a bottle of milk and a pair of popsicles. Her arms were starting to get a little crowded, though, and she really needed to find a bag or a backpack or something to carry all these things in. They opened the next door, and there was a really nice, sweet smell coming from the room. They were in a hallway with lots of flowers, and they kept moving forward until they got to a little greenhouse area. The brunette remembered this now from her trips to the zoo, and she had always liked it here.

It was absolutely beautiful inside the greenhouse, though something was off… all of a sudden Evelen felt really aroused, and before she knew it she was touching herself. She blanked out for just a moment, only coming to her senses when she felt her fingers really plumbing her virgin depths, and she looked down to find that her underwear seemed to have melted off partially, exposing both her lower holes. She was also leaking quite a lot of milk from her stiff nipples… She started to tell the pink-haired girl they were going to leave, but the girl was sucking on one of the flowers… There were shadows outside, very close, but there were also some things that might be useful. A pair of scissors was hanging close by, and there was also a beekeeper’s outfit that would be great for protection against the radioactive snow outside. "We need to get out of here, snap out of it" the brunette said loudly, making a run for the things.

The scissors were easy to pick up, and it didn’t seem like anything noticed Evelen, but the beekeeper’s outfit was stuck on something. She pulled and pulled, and finally it came free, but it fell on the ground with a loud crash, and clearly the things outside were alerted. "Come on, we need to get out of here" she shouted at the pink-haired girl as the two shadows entered the greenhouse, but the girl was still absorbed in sucking some sort of nectar from the flowers. There was a nude woman walking into the greenhouse, but she had a huge cock between her legs, dribbling precum… There was also a strange horse-type thing behind her, though it seemed to be stuck in the door. The woman was between Evelen and the pink-haired girl, and the girl didn’t seem like she was going to run, so the brunette would have to fight. She held the scissors tightly in one hand, looking at the mutated woman… and resolved to attack her. For the first time she went after someone with malice, stabbing with the scissors to try and protect herself and the pink-haired girl.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The pink girl dont move anfter Evelen shouts, she remain greedy sucking the flowers as she rubs her honeyhole who itch her without she being able to understand what was happening. With her full courage, Evelen tried to use her scizors to hurt another human, however her first attempt was stoped by the futa woman wh get surprised by the sudden attack. How dare you? Are you insane? Im just trying to make you a favor. The insane woman tried to grab the brunette but with that sharp object she just remain on guard. The noise make the pink girl notice what is happening and she slowly get up. What is happening? Is she a new friend?...ouch The dunmb girl happily said getting up and falling on the floor by the pain, however this was used for Evelen to hurt the futa and make a wound on her nude skin. Awwww, you will pay for that. The futa started to try to pull away the knife and try to rip the underwear at Evelen, but she couldnt find where the panty or bra end and the fabric was so attached to the brunette than she cant pull of it, as both struggle, the greenhouse wall cease and the horse like creature get free. The monster made a potent roar, calling the two girls to turn at him. My sweetdear will enjoy to show you some manners, bitch. Oncce both get healed we can happily pleasure each other? do you would love it. The girl get excited and her member get harder, she moaned lustfully as she turn to the monster, as if she could get close to orgasm with just be close him.

Fortunately the pink girl was not at mood to do the same, as the creature really scare her, it was big terrible and looks to be close to stand at his two feets, as his loooong hard member point at them. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh a monster!!!!!! The girl scream and runaway like no tomorrow, crying as a girl as she hit the closed door with her airhead. Evelen punch he futa away and run for her life too, but the creazy manlike woman hold a leg of the suit, Evelen could still try to take to helm and run or struggle more to try to get the whole suit.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen scowled at the pink-haired girl when she didn’t move, apparently too captivated by the taste of the flowers even to notice her shouting. The brunette’s charge at the futa was easily stopped by the larger, likely stronger woman, who seemed quite surprised by the assault. She was able to keep her enemy at arm’s length thanks to the scissors, though, using them fairly effectively as a weapon despite being afraid of what was happening. Her dumb companion noticed what was happening, and as she stabbed at the futa again she screamed "no, she’s attacking us!" at the top of her lungs. She actually managed to do it… she stabbed the scissors into the woman, making her bleed, and managed not to get caught by the counterattack. At the same time though, the wall of the greenhouse fell down with a loud crash, and the bizarre horse-like creature rushed in with an awful roar. The futa woman seemed to get really excited by its presence, her cock jumping and twitching until it was fully erect.

Thankfully the roar scared the pink-haired girl, and she was ready to run. With a scream she got up and ran with all her might, crying… and hit the door at full speed, not thinking to open it. Evelen muttered under her breath, but she managed to deliver a punch to the futa woman and then run after her. The mutated girl grabbed the lower half of the beekeeping suit, and without a second thought the brunette let her have it, taking only the hat portion as she ran for the door, to open it for the pink-haired girl and get out of the greenhouse. Once inside she would slam the door and try to lock it if possible, but she wouldn’t stop moving for long at all.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With the futa and the strange creature behind her, Evelen decide to just let part of the suit and just take the helmet. Quickly she turn back and run to the door, helping the other girl to get up and then open the door to get out of there. Fortunately for both, the horse monster was too big to move quickly between all the thinfs, flowers and the greenhouse inside in general, crawling to the door as the futa reach the now closed door and start to hit it. Nooooo, come back!!! I want to help both of you!!

At the other side of the door, Evelen had locked the door from the other side, but she know than this will not hold the creature. The pink girl hold her head, drowzy and crying by all this. It hurts, i want to leave, im scared! She whimper holding the red mark at her head, thaan start to drop a little of blood. But soon Evelen decide to make her continue to get out of there as fast as possible.

Evelen then make both leave the corridor and take the last door, she open it and from above something fall ober her, the pink girl fall at her side and scream as she get away of her. Once recovered in part of the hit, the brunette girl notice than the door lead to a little hall, where some seats and tables could be used as a dinneroom. The place have webs everywhere and it dont have any light or window, so she cant see too well except from the slim light comming from the corridor. She heard a hiss over her and she notice than the thing over her was a really big spider bigger than her. Her things were speared at the floor after she let them free by the stealthy attack. She was not sure if she could take her weapons and only the helm and the food was close her, as she feel her body be touched by the strange tarantula like legs..
