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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen ran as fast as she could, shedding most of the beekeeper suit and not looking back. She had to help the pink-haired girl up after her headlong rush into the door, but they were still moving faster than their pursuers. From the sound of things the horse-like creature was too big to move properly in the confined space of the greenhouse, smashing things and knocking them over as he rushed towards them… it was great motivation to move quickly. She managed to open the door and pull the girl through, slamming and locking it behind them just in time to keep the futa woman out. She didn’t allow them to rest, though, as she knew the creature could smash through walls given enough time. "We’re going, don’t worry!" she shouted at the girl, rushing her as fast as she could without thinking through the final door they had yet to enter.

Something large fell on top of the two of them as they got inside, though, and the pink-haired girl screamed and ran. Evelen took a moment to get used to the darkness in the room they had come into and to rub her head, noting that it seemed to be a dining hall of some kind. There were webs everywhere, which was odd… Then she heard a hiss, and looked up to see a giant spider. The brunette went white with fear, breaking out into a cold sweat as she screamed loudly. She grabbed whatever she could, not caring what it was, just needing to be out of there as quick as she could, pulling the pink-haired girl behind her if she needed to.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With the creature over her, Evelen scream as loud as she could, joining the pink girl as both try to get away of the terrific creature. But with the creature over her, Evelen cant do too much, the hiars of the creature start to cause a strange reaction at her skin, it feel itchi, but she have a more important thing in hands, her attempts to escape are in vain and the pink girl jet stunned completely in panic, both girls are unable to even think what to do until the dunb girl get softly struck on a web at her back. No, no,noooo. go away!!!! Help, help im scared!!!! She said crying and struggling to get free of the sticky web. The struggle of the pink little girl make the spider turn to her, giving to Evelen a chance to just run away, taking as she can and the pink girl also run with some web at her back, holding as imitating to Evelen and both manage to run to the other door, as the spider screech and run behind them, just at the last second they get out and close the door.

The door looks to be strong enough to endure the spider hits, claws and bites. The pink girl drops the two things than she manage to get and hugs Evelen as she shiver on fear. I want to go to home. the zoo animals are so creepy. The girl said between sniff and whines. T he two girls had taken the nightpolice club, the milk baby bottle, the antibeehat and the twinpopsicle.

Unfortunately, Evelen has leave behind the scizzors and some others things, she could return but before she could decide, her eyes notice than she was getting close to leave the building. A door in front of her is the entrance to the zoo park, fortunately there are others two doors, one used by the personal to sell tickets to the people outside and other a little place where baby animals were show to the kids, maybe she could find what is behind the always only personal doors. It make me tickles the girl said cuddling at Evelen, both could notice than Evelen have a endless quantity of really small hairs in her whole body, white little nearly transparent ones, the brunnete girl could feel her rear starting to make her feel uncomfortable, she want to scratch herself in middle of her little rear and also her forehead, she suddenly notice also than she have some dark dirty big spots in some parts of her back, legs and arms, but they werent so dark at the moment, so her complete pale skin could hide them in part.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen’s entire body began to itch as she tried to get away, but the terrible legs of the giant spider were squeezing in around her, keeping her in place. The pink-haired girl was freaking out, she could tell, but she was too. Her struggling seemed to distract the spider, though, and the brunette was able to get up and run away. Her companion managed to run off with her, and by some miracle they managed to get out and slam the door behind them just barely in time to keep the screeching arachnid from getting them. Evelen was breathing heavily, hugging the dumb girl as the two shivered, still shocked and scared. "I want to go too… I just want out of here" she replied, looking around. There was only exiting left to do now. They could go out the main way, or a few places that were normally only for staff. Oddly enough she could feel that she had little hairs all over her body, and she felt the need to itch all over herself. There were also strange dark spots on her arms. "Let’s just try to find some shoes for you before we go" she said quietly, trying not to panic and starting towards the ticket booth area.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Shivering the pink girl nodded and follow the brunette to check around. They check both rooms. The one used to sell tickets have two dark orbs, as also a sexy black tie. The place is filled with burned papers and some particles get inside the room over what looks like a white liquid drop on the floor, when both were leaving after take and use what they can, Evelen notice than the liquid was reacting with the substance once she nearly closed the door.

At the other room they notice many little boxes opened and broken, a door opened lead to a complete dark room, but before check it, Evelen notice a pair of pink tennis, but even the pink girl could have problems wearing them, at a side they notice a clean diaper bag with 5 diapers than could fit both of them [Evelen could break them if she try them]

Just as he decide, her forehead start to bother her more and her rear was so needed to get scratched than she already have a hand there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The ticket booth was small, and it didn’t take Evelen long to see what there was to see in it. There were two black orbs, which made her very suspicious, and some kind of black tie. There were also the burned remains of papers and things all over the room, and some sort of white liquid dripped from the ceiling. Vaguely she wondered if it was the same as the burn soothing stuff that had poured over her earlier. She closed the door quickly, though, not wanting to stick around those orbs, and went into the other room. There were a ton of small boxes there, most opened, some simply shredded. There was another door there, which was slightly open and led to a pitch-black room, though there was a pair of pink tennis shoes laying on the floor near them, and a diaper bag with some clean diapers. She pondered whether to try and put them on, but her forehead and butt were really itching badly, and she went to scratch them with both hands. "Alright, you need to put on those shoes before we go outside" she said quietly, willing to help the girl put them on if necessary.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Without too much things to choice, Evelen decide to focus on scratch her rar and forehead, she enjoy the moment as her hands try to calm her needs, however she soon notice two bumps at her forehead and another between her buttocks, the pleasure of scratch them is at least 30 times more better than scratch a mosquito's bite, but these three bumps were really bigger and she can notice than arent red, as the pink girl donk looks to notice them. She also could notice than the white tone was more intense out of her front torso. Her limbs were very white and have many black stains.

The pink girl girl whimper and sit on the floor maybe waiting to feel an intense pain as Evelen place these tiny tennis at her sored feet's. I dont want, they hurt, please dont hurt me. The girl whimper between sobs. So Evelen started and even when she tried to place them softly, the pink girl looks to feel pain as her feet's get inside. With difficulties they fit, but she looks to dont enjoy every step. They could now search more, return to another room, get inside the dark room or just get ready before get out, toward the zoo, Evelen know than they need to pass somepaths inside the zoo, she could choice the mamals zone, the acuarium, the monkeys, there were also a museum with some fossils and finally a path where she will pass for the suvenir shop and the shows stages.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Scratching those spots made Evelen feel really good, there was a great sense of relief, but she could tell that there were huge bumps on her forehead and her butt. Just what had she gotten into? She was also turning white as a sheet, with odd black spots all over her arms and legs. This was getting to be really worrisome… The pink-haired girl objected when she tried to put the shoes on her, but she insisted, saying "we have to go outside, it’ll hurt worse not to wear them." She tried to be gentle, but it continued to hurt the poor girl even once they were on. After that there was only figuring out where to go to get to the warehouse. She wasn’t totally sure where it was, but she knew that very close by there was the part of the zoo where they showed off the old fossils. She didn’t think there’d be animals there, and hopefully it was near the warehouse, so they would go that way with all possible speed after giving the pink-haired girl the beekeeper's hat to wear to protect her from the radioactive snow.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Trying to try to dont think in what was happening to her, Evelen prepare the small girl to get out of there, it was hard for the dumb pink girl to wear the helm, it was big and moved all the way as her little head was not suited for an adult helm. But once ready they just opened the door and move to the museum.

Outside, both can see the same mist trying to get inside the building once they manage to open the door. The trees looks weir, also the place was in deep silence, bu that is weird as the animals should be making some noises. Their walk was safe and they could see some cages opened by the inside, some having broken bars. A hot dog shopping car remain resting at the floor after something drop it to a side, maybe they were the only sane humans at the whole zoo or maybe even at many kms around, they were alone against what they could find inside the museum.

The door was opened and Evelen dont even feel the particles when they touched her soft skin, but the pink girl could dont stop to whimper as they were walking outside. They could see the entrance room, with the usual info and things, some plushies at the side store, yet some strange things were happening. The ussual shirts were just rags, as if a creature had eaten them, many things were at the floor and they could see some things shining there bellow the others ussual things, one close the entrabce of the shop, other bellow a table and other close a mug.

Suddenly they heard something moving down the floor, maybe the bsement have someone hidden there, they could also go up to the others two floors using the stairs, other corridor go deep inside the museum, there close them is a broken map where they can read than there is a exhibition of descovered creatures and extinc ones at the first floor
The ussual animal zoo one at the second, but they cant see really well the map, so they cant check what is the third room or if this museum have a basement or two.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It took some time to get the beekeeper’s helmet firmly on the pink-haired girl’s head, as it was quite a bit too big for her, but finally they managed it and moved out the door. The pink mist that pervaded the outdoors was here in the zoo too, and as soon as they opened the door it rushed in. The place was utterly silent, disturbingly so, because normally it was full of noise and life. Evelen and the girl had a safe walk, the radioactive snow not bothering either of them, either because of their headgear and clothing or for some other, more disturbing reason… There were even a few things knocked over as if they’d been thrown to their side, like the little hot dog car and some of the animal cages. They made it to the museum without trouble, opening the door and getting in. They were at the little gift shop, which had a few odd sights. The shirts and such had been torn ragged, almost like something had eaten them, and on the floor there were tons of shiny things. Evelen didn’t care, didn’t want to investigate. They were probably dangerous anyway, and she just wanted to find the warehouse so they could hide out there until this supposed shipment came, and they could maybe get out of here. As such she would try to move towards the back door, looking around outside to see if there were any buildings that looked like where they were going.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Trying to dont lost more time, Evelen decide to try to find for the back door, fortunately she have a vague idea of where could be the back door, after her time here, she and the pink girl moved, in their atempt to get free of this place as fast as possible. However the door was closed and even when the key could be in another room, they dont needed to search for it.

Evelen could heard someone at the other side of the door, it was a female voice, her tone was serious and she looks to be talking by cell phone to someone or maybe someone more was inside there.

The examples are ready and secured....

Dont worry, all is going well and we havent finded any menace or had any mistake...

...yes... the prototype cure is also secured... but we only have an example

Evelen tried to heard more but then, a intense pain start at ther forehead, she tried to endure the pain, but it was so much and after a moment a pair of little horns sprout from there. The noise from her has maybe been noticed and all remain in silence, she could escape or try to talk with the woman, meanwhile she is glad than the pink girl only get worried by the way than Evelen act by the pain, but she havent noticed the pair of horns.
(Evelen have two little cute horns)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen had a pretty good idea where the back exit for the museum was with the time she’d spent in the zoo before, even though this area wasn’t exactly her favorite. She led the pink-haired girl through the building as quickly as she could, and thankfully they didn’t encounter anything. The door, however, was closed and locked, and she couldn’t open it. She could hear a voice on the other side though, a feminine one with a very serious tone. She said something about examples and a cure… Before the brunette could say anything she felt an incredible pain in her forehead, and she cried out in pain as a couple of little horns popped out. Her dumb companion seemed worried for her, but not afraid of the horns, which was a good thing… It had gone silent outside, though, and Evelen thought that this woman might be the one with the notes about the evacuation from the warehouse. "Wait" she cried out, "open the door! We’re sane, and we need help! You have to help us!"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The brunete's shouts dont cause any effect instantly, the place remained at silence for a moment, until a little noise at a side of her make her turn to a camera.

Why should i do it? Both of you looks to be infected, so i cant take any of you out of the city even if i had the time to do it. The voice stop for a moment, both girls looks concerned about what the woman had said, but this would not be the worse. Hmm... both still try to wear some clothes, looks like both are at the early stages. We could make an agreedment. I could offer you a possible cure, but i cant allow you to have any weapon at your hands and we will take both to our research facility.

Of course than you dont need to accept, but it could be your last chance to save yourself of turn into one of the strange mindless creatures walking around the city The woman end to say, waiting for Evelen answer, meanwhile the pink girl loks to dont really understand it, but she repeat the pleads from the brunete, asking softly for help.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

At first there was only silence in reply to Evelen’s shouting, though eventually there came a noise beside her, and she turned to see a little camera. The voice came through again then, asking her why the woman should help them. Apparently they had been “infected,” and the brunette whimpered as she thought of the supposed mutations the news video had spoken of. Before she could object, though, the voice wavered. It offered her a chance at a cure since they were apparently in the early stage of the mutation, though they wouldn’t be allowed to have weapons. "we’ll do it!" she said quickly, "we’re just kids, we don’t want weapons!" She didn’t fully understand, but this really would probably be their last chance, and it was exactly what she had been looking for in coming here.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

So both are just kids! My apologize, but you dont looks like that, yet that other girl looks like to be at the elementary school. Anyway, please place that police baton at the floor and i will open the door. The voice said and wait until Evelen do it, afen that a little lock noise come from the noise and then the woman talk again.

I had open it for a moment, come outside and dont get scared for what you can see, we must leave soon, so i dont want to explain anything until we leave this place.

Both girls then opened the door, at the other side they notice a small parking lot, with a passage to another little building than should be the warehouse, as Evelen could see some broken bags with animal food close the entrance, close them was another little room than have a small frame, but just when they were at the other side the door get closed behind them.

Sorry for that but i cant allow than another filthy creature try to do anything with us. The woman said as the door get opened and she get out. She have an open lab coat, a black small skirt with some transparent thights, some black shoes and glasses. However her skin is blue and have a silver hair than reach her shoulders from the front and a large pontail at her back. She have a hat yet she looks to have something pressing against it.

I dont have the time, so help me to get some things at the car and we will talk there, my name is Miss Bianca and yes i get mutated too, so dont get in panic. The woman looks to dont have the time to introduce herself better and she quickly move and hold Evelen hand and pull her to the room, come with me, i need you to carry some things to the car quickly or we will get some unneeded visits. In hurry the woman named Bianca place some bags at Evelen hands and then she carry some others, the pink girl tried to help but the woman stop her of do it, maybe because she suppose than the pink girl body was very small to help.

After some meters they get to a side of the warehouse and a last year huge car waited for them, she turn off the alarm and then opened the back door to place with care all the bags than looks to have papers and others important things. She then let the girls get at the back seats and then turn on the car and opened the electric door from the zoo, just then Evelen could heard something hiting the door from where they were at the museaum a time ago, the impacts make them think than it could get broken in any moment.

They then leave and they could see others moves around the place, maybe animals or mindless victims, but as they move at the first street a pain at her back make Evelen groan and then suddenly the pain stop, her hands soon tried to check and she notice than she have a large thin object at her back between her buttocks.

(Evelen earn a cute Tail)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"The orbs did it to me" Evelen replied with a blush when the woman claimed that she didn’t look like a kid. And it was true, she had quite a lewd body… she wondered if her mom would have recognized her even before the horns on her head. She quickly put the baton on the ground, and once she had there was a quiet unlocking noise from the door. The woman spoke to them again, telling them to come outside and not be afraid. The brunette didn’t hesitate, opening the door into a small parking lot, and then a pathway to smallish building that had to be the warehouse. There were huge packages leaking animal food from wide rips and tears out front, confirming the thought. The door slammed behind them, making both of them jump a little, but the voice reassured them that it had been the woman who had done it.

The door to the warehouse opened then, and the owner of the voice came out. She was wearing a lab coat with a small black skirt beneath it, kind of odd for a scientist look, but she had the glasses for it… but her skin was blue, her hair a silver color, and the hat she had on looked like it was straining against something. Evelen took a step back, but she spoke quickly and confirmed that she was indeed the one who had been talking to them, and that she had been mutated a bit. Her name was Bianca, and apparently they were running short on time. She pulled the brunette into the warehouse and told her she would need to help carry things, and she was quickly given some bags. They weren’t terribly heavy, but they would be too much for the pink-haired girl, so her attempt to help was refused. It wasn’t far to the huge car, and they put the bags in the back seat before the two girls got in and Bianca started the car and pressed a button that opened the door to the outside.

There was a pounding at the door to the warehouse, maybe something like that horse creature that had attacked them earlier, because it sounded like the door could break at any time. The blue-skinned scientist figure began to drive quickly, getting out of there before whatever it was caught up to them, and Evelen could just make out the shapes of moving things all through the radioactive snow, though she couldn’t tell what they were. They were probably animals, but then again they could just have been mutated people… They hadn’t gone far when she felt a sharp pain in her back, bad enough to make her groan out loudly, but in an instant it was gone. She wrapped an arm around behind her, hand groping around to see just what had happened. Finally she felt something long and thin poking out of the top of her butt, some kind of tail having sprouted from her, and she whimpered softly, not wanting to mutate any more than she already had.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The woman dont turn when Evelen groaned, instead she turn on her cel phone and mark a number.

Hi, Robertson get ready to open the door, i will be soon there

...Also, i have two visitors with me, dont worry they are just two kids.

yes... i know... just get all ready and stop complaining about the protocol!!

The woman shout at the end closing the cell phone slighty pissed.

Damn hat and clothes, they are so bothersome with this body. Bianca mutter and take out her hat, showing to both girls her long devil's horns.

Calm down, the dust caused it and i have also a tail, but we are trying to get a full cure.

The woman stop talking, just answering any question than Evelen and the pink girl have at the moment, just then Evelen notice the yellow superanormal eyes than the woman have, also she notice than Bianca tried to dont look too much her image, really pissed by all, maybe this is one of her bad days.

The car passed by many streets and had to evade many closed ones. Then after an hour, they finally reach a hidden building behind the woods, Bianca needed to get out and pass a card to open what looks to be an iron door.

Soon they get inside and some person were waiting them, Bianca talk with them, maybe talking about the changes at her and what she got, however Evelen dont reached to see it, she was busy looking her tail, she could bet than it looks like a cow tail, even when she havent see any at live. Soon she and the pink girl were taken inside, where they check them and give them a towel to cover themselves and ask for their info.

After an hour Bianca get inside the room where they had placed the Brunette, the woman wear her lab and a summer dress bellow it. She placed her glasses at the desk and looks to Evelen.

I need to talk with you, i doubt than your family get out of the city, as we cant find any info of them at the army, also we cant let you get out at your actual state and as you can feel, your body slowly is changing and that pink girl is also getting worse, we could find a cure with the help of one of you, but i must ask you do you want to be used to find the cure or should we use that other girl? We could reduce the effects of the mist on one of you, but we must use part of the prototype to create more, but it could take time. The serious tone of the woman inform her than all this was really important.

We could increase the speed of the cure using both of you, but both could not make it without the cure for too much time, is a gamble and even when the pain at the experiment will be reduced if we use both, you could get free of all this. Inteligence expect than the other girl brain will get worse and her skin will start to change in some hours just like you, but at least your mind havent been completely affected like her, in the worse case you will end with a non human body, but that other girl could loss herself completely.

Evelen then get a time to answer as Bianca wait for her answer and clean her glasses, she was saying maybe the truth, as the brunette body has slowly changed from her time here, her breasts were hurting and her body arms were filled with a fine white fur, her ears were feeling funny and her soft skin was feeling uncomfortable when she wears any cloth.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen worried about her new tail, Bianca called someone on a cell phone and seemed to arrange their getting into a secured area. The other person seemed annoyed at her bringing the two girls with her judging from her reactions, which was somewhat worrisome… but at least the woman was willing to fight for them. She took off her hat, and when she did the brunette wondered how she had ever put it on in the first place. The blue-skinned woman had a pair of long, curved horns, like a devil or a demon of some kind… She wasn’t scared, though. She had horns of her own, after all, and she felt like the mutations were mostly random. She kind of wished she had watched the video on mutations that had been in the security room, looking back, but she would just have to trust that this scientist lady knew better than her.

Bianca drove the car through quite a lot of streets, having to duck and weave and take all manner of detours due to the closed roads and the busted up cars in the way, and it took about an hour for them to get to a wooded area in town, a gated building Evelen had never known was there. They had to jump through some security hoops to get inside of the heavy iron door, and when they were finally inside she felt safe for the first time in a long time. There was someone there to meet them, maybe the Robertson fellow their blue-skinned guide had spoken to on the phone, and Bianca spoke to him again as the brunette grabbed her new tail and pulled it around to the front of her to get a good look at it. It sort of looked like a cow’s tail… She hadn’t seen a cow up close in real life before, but she had seen them on TV before, and that was what it looked like to her. There were at least worse things to be transforming into, more dangerous things…

After a brief moment Evelen and the pink-haired girl were taken into a different room and given towels to wrap around their bodies, a welcome thing given that she was quite embarrassed to be nude around men, especially with this lewd body of hers. They were asked various questions then, names and other personal information, things like who their parents were and that sort of thing. There was an hour or so between the time the others left the room and when Bianca came back, which made the young girl incredibly nervous… She spent most of the time fiddling with her new tail, making very shallow small-talk with the dumb girl next to her. The blue-skinned woman looked at her kind of sadly with those odd yellow eyes. Apparently, she said, the brunette’s mother hadn’t gotten out of the city, that there were no records of her with the army. Tears formed in her eyes, and she began to cry as she listened to the rest of it. She was slowly mutating, as was the pink-haired girl, but the scientists were trying to find a cure.

Apparently the two of them could help to find a cure for the mutations, to be experimented on… Evelen was still crying, but she nodded quietly, listening to the possible consequences. Apparently there was a lot of risk involved in the experiment, and it wouldn’t be pleasant for either of them, but it really would help in finding a cure. The brunette could feel her body changing too, so she knew she didn’t have much time for a cure, and she kept thinking about her mother… "We should both do it" she said between sniffles, "I want to find that cure."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Bianca sigh saddly. Are you sure? At the moment you arent so mutated, so once finded the cure you could have a normal life, we could find you anyone blood related or even a new family Bianca then bring some papers, Evelen tried to read them but she couldnt even understand half of it. It make all legal, if all fail, you can stay here as much as you want, also we will take care of what remain of the little one, it also said than we wil not stop even if you beg, it could even take weeks and i must confest than both will be threated as less than humans in order to find the cure, we will inject you, take many samples and do many experiments and then we will give you a prototype cure at the end, but i fear than this could get even worse.

I... i want to stay with you, but please not more pain The pink girl manage to say.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen listened to the blue-skinned woman quietly, though she did whimper a little bit. "I have no family anymore" she said quietly, looking down at her tail. "I don’t think I could live normal after all this anyway…" She tried to read the papers that were handed to her, some kind of legal agreement or permission slip she thought, but she couldn’t really understand a good deal of it. She was right, though, Bianca explained that they made the experiments legal, that if they failed she and the pink-haired girl would be able to stay and be taken care of there with the scientists. They wouldn’t stop no matter what if she signed the agreement, not even if she wanted them to, and apparently it could go on for as long as weeks… It sounded incredibly unpleasant. "I can’t make her do it alone" she replied after a little while, "and I want to find a cure, even if it doesn’t help me that much. Mom… Mom would have wanted me to do it." Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she signed her name where she was told to. Before signing for the pink-haired girl, though, she would look to her and ask "do you want to do it? It will hurt, but it might help people like us and Miss Bianca." She wouldn’t force the girl into it, even though she sort of wanted to.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The pink girl whimper, shaking her head softly, she was closet o cry as she look to Evelen and then to Bianca, suddenly she stop and remain stunned for a second. yes… I will do it to… the girl said nearly emotionless, maybe she was getting affected by the infection or she get in shock by the reduced intelligence on her. Miss Bianca made a worried sigh and let Evelen firm for both, letting her end before check and take the papers when they were ready.
Thanks, but both of you don’t needed to do this for me. Unfortunately I drinked a dosis before meet both of you, so I cant be used to find a cure, im sorry and please endure all this. The woman said cleaning her beautiful blue face as she opened the door and leave, at the same time 4 men get inside.

Be kind with them, please Where the last words of the woman before leave, as her steps disappear at the distance. The persons were wearing a full protection suit used for segurity level four.

Fine, group B take the patient B to the Zone C and made her first a MRI before continue. We will take from Patient A some samples before start, do the same there. An old man said inside a suit before two young well built persons of the four suit mens take the pink girl as if she don’t weight anything.

She struggle and whimper No…no!! I don’t wan…mmhfg before be taken away nude after the persons remove her towel. They placed a little car with some medic tools and frasks inside the room and then locked the door behind them, then the last two starting again a check up at Evelen, the old man check her eyelids with a light, her hands started to rub Evelen’s ears and then add to the other who write the words than the old man said. The subject A Ears have changed from the last time, they are moving of place and have soom fur on them, they are also slowly growing.

The notes were not so good as they continue, Evelen muscles mass is bellow average, she react slower, her skin is so sensitive and even when the check up is so humillating she really is loving the touch and attention of these medics. They touched her lips and she nearly at the instant opened her mouth, her breath increased as her mouth opened slowly to display her inside, licking the latex gloves and playfully moving her tail, her teeth was checked and pictured, they notice than they don’t needed a wood stick to press her tongue to see deeper, then they take a drool sample, then fur of many parts of her body, even hair from her tail and head, they spread her legs and take a sample of her sweet juices too, she just then notice the wet than she was now after all this, the other man leave his notes and then get close and help Evelen to get to a side room. There was a training toilet and place her there
Is the only one than we manage to get, sorry we must proceed now.

The man said as she get placed there, of coure than she could struggle but the other man looks really strong and she could get there easily. Once there and secured by the other man, the old medic start to touch her privates, without any emotion and looks like it was just a rutine, but for Evelen this was not so normal, as she notice two cameras placed at the corners walls, recording everything as her lower body soon started to react by the experimented touches of the old man, at a minute she couldn’t hold herself anymment and started to drop her piss at the little toilet, as maybe she get recorded, she could bet than the camera have a perfect angle to record each inch of her body, they then let her end before remove the toilet and place the liquid at a frask. The man then place her to rest at the training toilet, as the other man restain her, but then she notice than the man have a big enema for her, she cant get out and slowly the object get pressed inside her, the liquid slowly started to fill her dirty hole, slowly broating her belly, they sealed her rear hole for a moment as the old man fill the instrument again and then a second and third dossis get inside her. She tried to endure as much as she could, but then the man spank her nude rear, one and other time, each soft hit making her lost more her control until suddenly the leftovers from her instestines started to flow just when she get placed to at the toilet to don’t dirty anything more. The process get repeated at least three more times until her insides get completely cleaned.
The persons looks to don’t have pity of her and they were in a hurry, so they lift her and clean her thighs before continue to take her to another room after store her fluids and solids in more frasks. She then get placed in a bed and they slowly remove her of her heels and any other remaining cloth, they secured her limbs and then placed sensors at her chest, head and others parts of her body, she get touched everywhere, with cold objects and hands with gloves, her intimity completely taken away as she notice than many persons were looking her as the room have a glass ceiling and many persons were checking her as the experiments continue, a tube get inside her mouth, thenother at her lower holes. They take blood from her, make her orgasm with electro shocks, between others experiments as they check her pulse and breathing. It passed some hours without let her rest, t the end they placed a tattoo at her right thigh really close of her sweet place and then she fall sleep.

When she awaken she was at a plain bed without any blanked, nude and with a medic collar with a barcode as her only object at her body, her whole self still hurt her everywhere and she could see at least three cameras looking at her, her hair has grow until reach her breasts, her breasts hurt too and she could feel some little drops traing to get out of her breasts, it must be early night or the dawn, she could notice than the door was opened and some bread with water as also some pills were at a plate close the door.