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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I don’t have a few hours to waste enjoying myself" Evelen replied firmly, "so if I have to be boring for a little while to do what I need to do, that’s fine with me." She was trying to project the sense that she was dutiful in addition to telling the truth, because the maids seemed to like that. The girl she had “rescued” continued to thank her, which made her frown a little bit, and she replied quietly "don’t thank me just yet. I haven’t saved you from anything yet." They made their way to the room where they left Teresa and Karn, only to find a scene that made the brunette quite angry. The man was chained to the bed that was in the room, blindfolded and gagged, and her sister was on top of him asleep, absolutely filled and covered with cum from head to toe, her belly inflated by the excessive spunk. There was also a girl’s form hidden beneath the blankets, probably the one from the academy they had brought with them. "Dammit…" she muttered, clenching her fists as the maids giggled at her. "I intend to relax, but that doesn’t mean getting my brains fucked out" she said curtly, slowly taking off the underwear that was still pleasuring her and laying it carefully aside. She noted the expression on the girl beside her and rolled her eyes a little, saying "she’s not a real angel" to try and reassure her a bit before sitting on the bed, trying to find space to lay down on it and rest her body for a little while before beginning the next trial. "Get some rest yourself. You’re going to be helping me if at all possible."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Fine... the red maid answer dont looking to completely believe on Evelen but at least she smile a little, maybe interested on see how suitable could be the human for work as maid, the four walked with the girl taking her belt and wondering why Evelen said that, very worried for her future close the brunette girl.

Oh please! All this time are you trying to hurry yourself, but fine go to rest we will let you sleep a little as we solve some things Said the blue girl said trying to dont start a unnesesary talk and just start to work again or just prepare all for the next trial. The maids banished but certainly could appear in any moment and all the others doors were closed, so maybe Evelen could not open them at time.

Evelen tried to find a space, as Karn is at the middle bellow Teresa and the possible girl is sleeping at the other side of the bed, fortunately the bed is huge enough for all and once undress herself Evelen rest on the bed, but just then she notice a strange object ver her, she move the blanket and notice a dildo with some cum at the point, it also looks to have a small hole in it. Teresa remain sleeping covering both blondes bellow her dirty wings, Evelen could use them too or use the bed veld.

Sorry to interrupt you but what is all this trial and what are they? The soldier ask politely trying to get some answers as she undress herself of her nearly destroyed gauntles and boot. Why were you cleaning me and then said than you still havent saved me?

Once answered and talked until Evelen decide, both girls went to rest, They tried to sleep but after a pair of pleasant rest on the soft bed a potent scream awake them. Teresa was the one who do it, she was out of the bed stand and covering herself, trying to clean her body very confused and trying to find a cloth rag or something to clean her body of all the cum until she blush completely red as she notice the bondaged man.

What is happening here? who made all this mess and why that man is chained like that on the bed!? The angel girl soon tried to find a way of free the youngman yet she more likely is trying to find a weapon or a key-
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, I like to do things fast if I can" Evelen replied to the blue-haired maid before she left, and then watched the phantoms disappear into thin air again. The doors were all closed now, so it seemed likely that her mobility would be severely limited, and she wanted to wait until Teresa and Karn were awake to really do much of anything. Luckily for her the bed was enormous, so even though it was covered with people there was still enough room for her. She laid down on it and then jumped up with a start, feeling something on the bed beneath her… she moved the blanket and found a strange dildo with a hole at the tip and cum all over it. That was odd… What was it doing there? In any case she laid it aside with her underwear, not opposed to keeping it around, and then laid down again.

Evelen’s quest to rest herself was interrupted again by the soldier she had “rescued” asking her questions. "Well, those ghosts caught me making my way through the temple, and now they’re making me go through a number of trials in order to get them to leave me alone, basically" she began to reply, "I was cleaning you as part of an order they gave me. They wanted me to play Simon Says as one of the trials. The angel is my adopted older sister, she’s normally a human, but one of the trials involved eating something that made her like that. The man is just a soldier I found along the way who’s been helping me. And as for why I haven’t saved you yet…" the brunette sighed a bit, "I don’t know if they’ll let me keep you after I’ve completed the trials, or if they’ll take you back. I’m not about to fight for it either, these ghosts can’t be hurt as far as I can tell." With that done with she laid back down and slowly went to sleep next to the mess that was Teresa and Karn.

Evelen managed to get in a bit of a rest before she was awakened by a loud scream, which made her dart upright with her heart racing. It seemed that Teresa had woken up and didn’t remember what had happened. She was standing and trying desperately to cover her body, looking around to find something to clean her. "Teresa, calm down. I don’t know what happened, I wasn’t here at the time. How much do you remember? Do you remember who Karn is?" the brunette asked, getting up and looking to the chains that bound him to the bed. "It’s probably the maids playing a trick on us." She would try also to find a way to unchain him, because it really wasn’t necessary to keep him strapped down like this anymore, and he had spent so much time bound during these trials it wasn’t funny.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl stay hearing all what Evelen had to say about the strange ghosts and what they are trying to do with them. She cover her mouth with one of her hands to calm herself and dont show her amusement and fears. So... we are just they plaything? How they can transform someone into an angel with just giving her food? She ask to herself not really waiting an answer, she just noded confused and worried by all this terrible situation. We should find a way to beat them or at least escape, we dont know if they will really free anyone after the trials, why they do it?


Once the sudden scream, Teresa turn to where Evelen start to talk, frowning and touching her forehead.

Yes, i know but all is so fuzzy and i cant remember after we... oh... is so hard, i just remember being resting on the bed bellow you and then i see something and that make me fall uncouncious... I feel so weird, confused and sick. Teresa end falling at her sexy rearand having her hands on her head, she looks to be trying hard to remember and recover her mind but she just looks so bad at trying it, her wings surround her in an instintive attempt to feel herself better.

Evelen look around for a while at something than could help her to release the uncouncious warrior, finally she search at the blankets, the key soon appear after look for some minutes and she also notice the academy nude girl resting peacefully and rolling to hug Karn as a teddy bear to warm herself, placing her young leg over him and his very sore dick and her arm over him, but even this dont awake him, he looks to be very tired after all what happened, making just a soft groan by the nearly knee at his privates.

With the key on hand Evelen free him and then she could do more questions or go to rest more, however Teresa looks so sick to be able to sleep right now, even the warrior girl awaken and stay hearing all. With Teresa mind still altered, Evelen looks to need to wait for someone else to answer what happened or give her some hours more to her sister to get better
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Yeah, we’re pretty much their playthings. But they haven’t really lied to me yet I don’t think. They’ve twisted things, but they haven’t outright lied" Evelen replied to the soldier before going to sleep, tying up why she thought the ghosts would set her free afterward. "Besides, I don’t think we could do anything to get away from them if we tried, so we might as well play along and see what it gets us."

Later on, though, when Teresa had awoken, she replied to Evelen’s questions. She remembered things, apparently, but it was very fuzzy and strange, and she didn’t feel well. She fell down, folding her cum-covered wings around herself. The brunette decided to leave her alone for a short while to let her get her bearings, and looked around for something to free Karn with. There didn’t seem to be anything in her vision, but she started to feel around beneath the blankets, and eventually she found a key. During her search she saw the academy girl for the first time in a while, and thankfully she looked okay just by outward appearance. She was even hugging the man tightly in her sleep, warming the two of them. It was kind of cute, really. She unlocked the shackles that held Karn to the bed then, and turned to her sister again. She slowly walked over to her, going around behind her and gently massaging her shoulders and back. "Just relax, you’ll feel better if you let yourself" she said, not intending for anything sexual to happen, and for the first time in a long while wasn’t being pleasured herself. "We’ll get through this." She would wait until the angelic woman was settled down a little bit before trying to find out about the next trial, given that she was fairly well rested by the standards of the last little while.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen could see a cum mess at her sister back, what had caused this to her when she was alone looks to had tried the best attempt to dirty her. But caresing the celestial back is pleasant even with the cum at her making nearly a slimy cape in some parts, her body looks to have some kind of supernatural attraction.

Teresa sigh and whimper in relief, holding her head and leaving her sister to rub her back. Thanks. I will try but, i feel like i should remember it, it must be something very important.

Ugh... ahh ,,, ok, maybe i will try it after rest a little
Teresa end with her head hurting badly after try to remember it, she looks confused and unable to understand what is happening completely at her, she just let Evelen continue giving her some massage and then get up and rest for a while in the bed without get so close of Karn, pushing the warrior girl toward him so she could rst at a corner of the bed.

The time passed, for a while Evelen remain awake in the silent room, she could heard some distant sounds, there could not be a way than she could determine what could be happening, but they appear from time to time and sometimes get a little more closer but for what she supose are really far of them, she could also heard some muffed moans comming from that place, even in that distant silent room they could not forget what surround them,

After a while the silver maid appear with a mop and others washing tools, certainly she was not expecting to see Evelen awake,

Exited for your next trial, Rookie? You should calm and sleep like the others. For what i heard you had made a great job so you should succeed at this game, The maid was close to leave but then turn to her and with some doubts to say it she continue. Look, we are very busy these days and you had helping us a lot to reduce the stress, of course than we cant get sick for that but our relashionship always get damage every month at these days, so we had decided to make the things easy for you, just to show you my gratitude, i will try to answer you 3 questions, but dont blame me if i cant answer them, then you should go to sleep and we will awake all of you to say the next trial
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen enjoyed rubbing Teresa’s back, in no small part because of the slimy cum she was rubbing in, but also because it just felt good to be helping her sister this way. Whatever had done this to her, though, had been quite thorough in coating her with spunk. This continued for some time, trying to get the angelic woman to relax, until finally she decided to rest some more. "Before you try to sleep, let me clean you off a bit. You’ll feel so much better if you aren’t covered in cum" the brunette said, giving her older sister the same treatment she had given the last three women she had cleaned, but gentler and loving in its execution. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long, and she felt a lot better now that she wasn’t being fucked mercilessly by the underwear and she’d had a rest herself, so she probably wouldn’t have many problems and it would hopefully help Teresa to clear her mind.

Once her sister had gone to sleep, Evelen just sat at the edge of the bed and listened and waited, feeling quite alert. She could hear some things, strange things that she couldn’t place, that seemed far away. Every so often there were muffled moans too, barely penetrating the thick walls of the room to remind her just where she was. She was thinking of trying to call for one of the maids before the silver-haired one appeared, carrying a mop and some other tools meant for cleaning. She seemed surprised to see the human awake, and told her that she ought to rest, and praised her for how she had performed in the trials. The phantom was just about ready to leave again, but after a moment’s pause she turned and continued speaking with the brunette, indicating that she had done a lot to make the ghosts happy after a stressful few months, and repaired their relationship, so they would probably make things easy on her. She then offered to answer three questions. "Three questions, huh…? Let me think a bit" she said, sitting back for a moment. "Well, first, what happened to my sister here, both with the transformation and while I was gone with that last order? Second, do you know anything about a key that’s supposedly somewhere inside this temple? After that… I think I’ll hold on to my third question until I think of something" she continued after a brief pause.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Uhm... sure Answer the angel confused yet glad for the offer. She feel relaxed, more for the massage over her whole body than for get her body more clean. It was as if Evelen was rubing her sister with a relaxing oil, slowly the plaste get removed leaving a bright cream Teresa more relaxed and both passed a good time together. Thanks Evelen, the next time will be your turn to get a massage Teresa said opening her wings to let Evelen help her to clean them, Teresa almost cum many times as her sensitive wings get cleaned, but once ended she hug the brunette for nearly a minute before say goodnight and go to rest.

Oh... good question, unfortunately i was not here when that happened, but i heard from my work partners about her transformation, our cooking help to prepare or aid our guests to see our Mistress, not all our food give bad things to them and i must admit than what happened with her is more than unique, in the most rare cases they give small animal parts to the person, normaly it clean imperfection, turn you into a futa or make a man to change completely into a delicate woman, however this is permanent unless you find another way to return her to be a human. Also, all looks normal here, but i will ask for what happened here when you was not here.

About the second, only the Mistress know where is the key than all looks to be looking here, i wish you luck to get it, but countless of people in all these ages had come here to fail.
The maid decide than Evelen could ask her later if she want, once this has ended of decide.

Hours passed and the whole group was having a good rest, some hugging the others bellow the blanket as theirs skin caress the others, until the place get a little cold and four of the maids come inside. The red looks to have a hurry, as the blue and a blonde talk each other, the grey get closer and give a soft good morning to Evelen.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen continued to slowly stroke and massage her sister, trying her best not turn it into anything sexual. "Mmm, well, when this is all over and we’re back with the Dragans I’ll give you all the massages you could ever want" she replied, slowly and carefully trying to clean the sensitive angel wings. They were so soft and delicate, so pleasant to the touch… under different circumstances she would certainly have loved to explore them in a more sensual way, but she held herself back this time. "And if you wanted to return the favor, I certainly wouldn’t mind…" She had to stop a few times, letting Teresa recover from the pleasure that came from having her new appendages touched, not wanting to make her cum, but finally she finished. The angelic woman hugged her sister tight for a solid minute, a gesture the brunette returned gently before Teresa finally went off to sleep.

As for Evelen’s questions to the silver-haired maid, the answers kind of depressed her. The transformation to her sister was apparently quite unique compared to what normally took place, the food sometimes causing sex changes for men or turning women into hermaphrodites, sometimes giving them small parts of animals like ears or a tail. What was distressing was that it was permanent. Well… at least it didn’t give Teresa a cock. She would have freaked the fuck out and I don’t think she could have handled it she thought, scratching her head. The maid didn’t know what had happened in the room while the brunette had been gone, but said that she would ask around amongst the others. As for the second question, only their mistress knew where the key was. "Hm. Well, I’ll probably need luck. And I had better get it. The world outside this temple is dying."

The third question Evelen was allowed to keep, and the maid went off to wherever she came from. The brunette decided to take her advice and moved to the bed then, settling in on the other side of Karn, allowing herself to drape her arms over his chest and rest on the academy girl as she drifted off to sleep. She was awakened by the silver-haired maid, who this time had returned with three more of the maids. "Mmmph… good morning" she replied, getting up and stretching with a yawn. She felt good, damn good. She was as rested as she had been since leaving the half-monster town. "So, how about this next trial?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Is that your third question? Said playfully the maid as Teresa awake streching herself, as her wings show her complete glory, the blonde cover shyly her front body when she notice the maids, yet it looks to be instintively as slowly she stop doing it.

I still cant believe than we will give them that chance, but fine The redmaid said to the grey one, meanwhile the blonde ghost has cuddle at the blue one, both looks to be close to had a good time together, as the blue one looks to just frown and let the other continue.

Oh please, we dont have more free time to test them. Ok newbies, we had decided to make a final trial for the hot blonde and the rookie, as they had proved to have some skills to be good maids.

The next trial will be a choice of what path take to reach our Mistress home. To go deep inside the temple there are 13 paths, some are so impossible than are nearly a dead end, but your choice will be between just three of them. The courage path, the wisdom path and the secret Virtue path.

The courage path is the most used, is filled with monsters than have many ways to turn you into just a helpless breeder, mistress think than only clueless warriors and hopeless sluts can choice that, so she ussualy dont have an use for that people.

The knowledge path is a maze filled with puzzles, as this is a path to see how smart someone is, it dont allow groups.

The virtue path is used for only servants, is a direct crystal teleporter to the Mistress hall or rooms near the Mistress rooms, it value you soul, body and mind, so bad people cant get inside, is the faster way to reach the mistress, but you cant wear anything, fortunately you can get some things at the other side.

This trial is only for the rookie and her sister, the others must wait here unless the courage path is taken, all can take the courage path or like we say it, the garbage can
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Heh, no" Evelen replied with a chuckle, hopping up out of the bed and then turning to watch the others wake up. Teresa, as she stretched, was absolutely beautiful, her wings spread and practically shining… It was quite the scene. When she spotted the maids she stopped stretching and covered her chest and crotch with her hands, but slowly she stopped, which made the brunette kind of hopeful that she was getting over her shy prudishness. It would be helpful outside the temple, where several times she had almost cost them opportunities because of her opposition to sex. Now that the two of them were awake the maids seemed ready to speak, the redheaded one grumbly as always, but the silver-haired maid had seemingly intervened on their behalf.

The silver-haired maid was the one to speak, explaining the final trial. Evelen leaned in closer as she spoke, eager to hear it all; hopefully soon she would be free to continue her mission and find the rest of her family. As it turned out, the final trial was her mission. There were thirteen paths to the mistress of the temple, but she and Teresa would be made to choose from only three. They were called “Courage,” “Wisdom,” and “Virtue,” and each was vastly different. The Courage path was full of monsters to fight, and was the only path they could take where they could bring everyone, but it was made out to be very difficult, and the mistress apparently didn’t like the sorts of people who chose it. The Wisdom path was basically a puzzle-filled maze, meant to test the brainpower of the one who chose it, but it could only be traversed alone. The final path, the Virtue path, was a sort of teleportation system to the mistress’ chambers using the crystals, apparently something meant only for the servants. As its name implied, it would weigh her mind, body, and soul to check whether or not she was a good person, and if she was she would be allowed through.

Evelen scratched her scalp around her right ear, thinking it over briefly. The Courage path was out; she didn’t even have her proper weaponry, and her group was beaten up as it was. Besides that, she didn’t really want on this mistress’ bad side if she could keep from it. The Wisdom path sounded good for Teresa, but it was definitely not something she wanted to do; she had never been good at puzzles, and she didn’t fancy herself particularly smart. But a good person? Was she a good person? What standards would the crystals use to determine this? She felt like she was at least decent, and though she had done bad things in the past, they had all been meant to save or protect her family in some way. "Well, first" she said with a little shrug, stretching one more time and rolling her shoulders, "My last question. What are things I could do to earn the mistress’ favor, and avoid pissing her off?" After the answer to that question she would say "alright then. I’ll try the Virtue path, and see where it leads me."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen think her choices the warrior girl take the word asking what the others three will do, Karn could recover his things, but both girls were nude and unarmed, the warrior girl is also pregnant by the tentacle, without food and in middle of be a breeder, they could have low chances. We see that later, we are more interested in the trial The maid said in a malicious word.

Then Evelen said her next last question, all the maids were amazed and looks to be more than proud of the human choice, even the two spirits kissing each other stoped and look to Evelen.

Wow rookie, nice choices. The silver maid and the others clap in joy before look each other. Mistress loves loyalty, the truth, manners, respect and all the good things than a human should have. For make her get mad you can talk when she havent said you to do it, as Mistress always is busy protecting the whole palace or at her researches; take anything without get allowed to do it; hurting others persons... but over all She hate to lost her time The last part was said by the four maids, as if this is what the Mistress more hste, soon they start to move to guide the two sisters to a hidden room after some corridors, after the maids bright, the wall move and reveal a huge and amazing cristal where Evelen could fit easily, the place have gems and gold in an artistic way, the silver maid touch the crystal and this shine in a purple way.

Teresa turn to the brunette, worried for her Evelen, Let me go first, please. I fear than something could go wrong The angel soon get interrupted by the maids who had bring two cute sweet breads. These will clear your mind of bad throughts, please dont fear as there arent side effects Now Evelen was there, nude and with two choices to make, even if Teresa go first they couldnt end in the same place. eat the food and Teresa trial.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen didn’t really like the way the redheaded maid snapped at the warrior girl she had saved, but then again that particular ghost always seemed to be an angry bitch. In any case, her final question was quite well-received by the maids, and they seemed impressed that she was interested. It was only common sense, of course; if possible, it would be best to convince the mistress to give the key to her without a fight, and save the energy and risk that would come from such an endeavor. Apparently she valued loyalty, honesty, good manners, things like that. Things that would piss her off included speaking when not allowed, stealing, hurting other people, and wasting her time… the last was a particular point of emphasis, because while the silver-haired maid had spoken the first part of the answer, all of them combined to say the last part in unison. "Oooookay. So, just be a decent person, a little reserved. And don’t waste her time. Got it" the brunette replied, scratching her cheek a little bit. She was nervous about this whole thing. It was all coming down to this, perhaps the fate of her entire little virtual world hanging in the balance.

Quickly after the end of the answer the maids began to lead Evelen and her sister out of the room, through a long corridor and into a room hidden behind some crystals. The phantoms did something strange and the wall instantly moved aside to reveal a huge, beautiful crystal ringed with precious gems and gold. It was a pretty sight, really, but there was no time to appreciate it. The silver-haired maid touched the crystal and it began to glow purple, as many of them did, signaling that it was ready… Teresa turned to look at her then, expressing her desire to go through first. Before the brunette could reply, the maids interrupted by bringing them a couple of nice little pieces of bread, saying that they would clear their minds and that there were no side-effects. "Hm… I guess I’ll eat it, you haven’t steered me wrong yet" she said, taking the bread and eating it slowly. "Anyway, I would rather go first. If something has to go wrong, I would rather it go wrong for me than for you" she continued to her sister, "and also, remember what they said. Let’s try not to piss this mistress of the temple off, at least not early."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen eat the bread, it had something sweet inside, she even lick it once she notice than the delicious bread has ended leaving her wonder if she could get other later, the food effect was starting to happen, cleaning slowly her mind of any naughty throughts, even the nearly permanent warm at her thighs.

I know, just take care, we will join soon. Teresa then hug her sister and start to eat her bread to get ready to use the crystal too if all goes right, as if she use the knowledge path maybe she would not be able to reach that place so fast as Evelen.

The silver girl waited for Evelen until this move toward the portal, she could feel an intense feeling as she get close it, maybe the magic was so strong than she could feel her body shiver as this move toward it, placing her hand on it, she slowly feel as if she was getting slowly sucked into the purple like mirror crystal, it feel like liquid, allowing her get inside without problem, slowly forcing her to the inside, giving her time to say some last words before get completely engulfted. On ce inside a potent power invade her surroindings, she could feel her body get pressed by it, soon she was in middle of an endless purple space, her ears could notice static and from everywhere some kind of energy get inside her, then all get worse and really strange.

As the static of a tv all changed around her, maybe the game has some problems or this was natural at the portal, she suppose until she turn to her runes impressed at her body, dark sparks coming from them were mixing with the magic, she feel some pain at her body, making her close her eyes for an instant.

She open her eyes and notice herself on the egg machine, a red light and alert at the screens appear before the place start to shake and break appart, she closed her eyes as she heard the loud explosion, her life passed thourgh her eyes as she feel her clothes and true body receive the impact.....


Evelen opened her eyes, clueless and very relaxed at the bathtub of her house, completely dry and naked, she dont have any memory of the EGG or her game, even more she has an inocent and inhibited mind, her body is younger close her 15ths, she remember to started to have more conflicts with her mother and even when this could have some differences with her true old life, Evelen feel them like the complete truth. Young and more inocent than she has always been at that age, the young Evelen tried to use the shower, but there looks to dont have water, even the toiled is completely dry, there was not anything at the bathroom, not even a towel to hide her body and bellow her belly she can see some strange mist than make her have some problems to see bellow, but then she spot a metal chest,, as also a unknown tank with a strange grey substance, she could go using the door, but she just hope than no one see her completely naked.

This part of the thread will have special stats and rules, it is based in some texts ero games. Evelen have others stats too.

She have an stamina bar than will decrease as she walk but if she sit or crawl will slowly recover, also there is a purity, orgasm bar. Her stats are reset so she have now an stamina bar instead hp, her lust could affect her options too, but she can masturbate if she find a free place to do it.

Evelen the pure girl
lust 0-100 stamina 95-100
Strengh 5 Inteligence 5 Dexterity 5 Dignity Refined
Breast cup B Chest slim Hips normal
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen munched on the bread nice and slow, and found that it had some kind of nice, sweet filling, almost like a candy pastry of some kind. She was done with it far too quickly, and she wished she could have had more. She would have to ask later… In any case, it quickly began to work on her, purifying her thoughts and making her feel almost normal, despite the slight arousal she still felt. "Yeah, I’ll see you on the other side soon" she replied to her sister, hugging the angelic woman tight and giving her a quick, innocent kiss on the cheek before turning towards the giant glowing crystal. Even with the brunette’s minimal amount of magical training and skill she could feel the intense magical output of the thing, which got oppressive the closer she got to it. It was almost a little bit scary, but if this was all a setup for some kind of trap the ghosts had wasted a ton of time and left open more choices that didn’t spring the trap than ones that did in the end, so she wasn’t too worried.

Evelen reached out to touch it when she was close enough, and her entire body shuddered. She felt as if she were being sucked into the crystal via some sort of vortex, sinking into it like it was some kind of liquid. It felt almost like mercury, in a way. "Alright… take care of the rest until we get back, please" she said finally, giving her last request to the phantoms before she was sucked completely into the purple light. She couldn’t really see anything once she was fully inside, just purple, and there was a sudden power all around her, pressing against her body as she stared out into the endless color. There was a strange static-y sound, as she were watching TV and the cable box had gone out, and she could feel the energy flowing into her… it was almost like electricity. The magical runes that had been placed on her body began to crackle then, dark sparks shooting out of them as the magic invaded her, pain spreading throughout her body. The brunette closed her eyes tight for just a second…

And when she opened them, she was back in the EGG pod. A dim red light pervaded the small space, and there was some kind of warning on all of the screens around her. "What the fuck?" she asked aloud, looking around for some way to open the thing before it started to shake and shudder… She closed her eyes again, holding her arms over her face for protection as she heard and felt the explosion, her life flashing before her eyes…

When Evelen opened her eyes again, she was back in her home. In the bathtub, as a matter of fact, though there wasn’t any water in it. She didn’t remember the EGG, or anything from the last few years in fact. She was about fifteen, right around the time she had started fighting with her mom a little, maybe a year before she had started fooling around with boys, and a couple years before she had started including girls too, and started down the path towards slutdom that had led her to apply to test the EGG. She had been meant to take a bath, she could vaguely remember, so she tried to turn the tap on… and nothing came out. There wasn’t even any water in the toilet, which was bizarre. What’s going on? she wondered, getting up out of the tub and looking around. The bathroom was more empty than she remembered it being, and why had she forgotten to bring a towel? And where were her clothes? That didn’t make any sense… What had she been doing the last hour or so? She shook her head, looking around closer. There was a metal chest there, and a strange tank full of gray goo. Just what in the fuck was happening here? That chest hadn’t ever been there before. She would try to open the chest, and once that was done and she had looked around for a bit she would crack open the door and peek her head out, shouting "Mooooom! Something’s wrong with the water!"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The young girl opened the metal chest, it made a rusty sound and a strange gas start to fill the bathroom yet it is so dense than remain at the floor, it have an strange pink color, maybe a gas tub was broken or it was a joke of someone, but who and why... The crate also have an empty baby's bottle and this just turn all more weird. She then notice the door close locked for her side and once she make a peek and shout a deep silence appear, her mother just dont answer, so maybe she is outside.

Evelen notice with her brief peek than the next room looks like if someone has come and take nearly all, yet she see a large sack in middle of all the mess, her room door is closed yet her mother one has the door half opened. All this make her suppose than something really bad happened and maybe she was at the bathtub for a reason.

She now can stay at the bathroom, try to open her room to get inside, check if her mother is at her room, see the sack, see other room or go down.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen opened the chest with some difficulty, and it made a loud rusty sound. Some kind of strange gas began to leak out of it, dense enough that it stayed very close to the floor. It was light pink, and she just couldn’t comprehend what was going on. Christ’s sake, there was an empty baby bottle in the chest! What the frick is this…? What kind of sick joke is this? she thought, not yet to the point in her life where she cursed regularly. She had locked the bathroom door, but that wasn’t unusual; she never wanted her mom to walk in on her, a little embarrassed despite the fact that they were family and the older woman had seen her naked plenty of times. She opened it and shouted out for her mother, but there was only perfect silence, which was a little weird… maybe she was tending to her little garden out front?

The young girl peered around, and found that the next room’s door was ajar, and it looked mostly empty… But there was a sack in the middle of it, full of stuff. Her eyes went wide and she quickly closed the door and locked it once more, her heart pounding against her chest. They were being robbed. There was probably someone else in the house with her, some stranger. Had she been hiding in the bathroom? Why couldn’t she remember? Crap… crap crap crap… she thought, looking around. She finally settled in to sit on the toilet, trying to gather her thoughts. She would hide here until the police came. That’s right, that would work. They wouldn’t try to get into the bathroom. Of course, she realized that wouldn’t work when she realized that pink gas was still spewing from the chest, and was now almost all the way up to the lid of the toilet… That couldn’t be good. She made her way to the door again, slowly unlocking it and trying to open it very quietly. When it was open Evelen would make a mad dash for her room, trying to get in and close and lock the door as soon as possible.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With the gas going up, Evelen dont have other choice than get out from the bathroom, first looking than all was clean and then she run toward her room, the hurry make her miiss for a moment to open the door but then she get inside without look behind or make a peek.

Inside, she notice than her room has also been assaulted, her bed was without any pillow or blanket, her clothes were missed or turned into shreds, but from a closed she found a can filled with a red liquid and a fishnet dress at a closet, her hands by mistake move the light switch for a moment, but the lights dont turn on, she also notice than the phone is death.

Finally at the side of her bed she notice a battery radio close a wooden crate. She could see than her window show her the lack of people in the streets, or even animal noises, it was midday but the sky was covered with dark dense clouds, the wind moves the trees and she could see some doors opened at others houses.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The coast was clear, at least according to Evelen’s brief peek into the hallway, so she just made a run for it. She was too afraid and was rushing too fast, and she couldn’t get the doorknob to work at first, taking a few desperate tries before she was able to fling the door open and run inside, closing and locking it behind her. Her room was absolutely trashed, the bed stripped bare down to the mattress, her clothes either taken or lying in shreds on the floor. The young girl began to cry, unable to believe that this was happening. Where was her mom? Was she okay? And where the fuck did some of these things lying around come from? There was a wooden crate beside the bed, an old handheld radio, a bucket full of red liquid, and a fishnet dress. Were the robbers leaving them there? That couldn’t be it, there had been this sort of stuff in the bathroom with her. No one had been in the bathroom with her. Why couldn’t she remember that no one had been in the bathroom with her? This is messed up… what’s going on…? she wondered, flicking on the lights… or at least, trying. The switch went up, but the lights didn’t turn on.

Evelen had a phone! That was it, there was a phone in her room, she could do this. She would call the police. She picked it up and began to dial and… nothing. Not even a dial tone. The phone was dead. Had they cut the electricity? Out her window the sky was incredibly dark, clouds covering the sun thoroughly, so maybe there had been a storm. How in the flying fuck could she not remember whether there had been a storm or not? And why was the door across the street opened…? Slowly she moved to the crate, curious as to what was in it… The brunette opened it to inspect further, and if nothing crazy happened she would try to find something to barricade her door with, hoping to keep anyone still in the house out of her room. After that, she would fiddle around with the radio, trying to check if it worked, though she would try to keep the volume really low.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With all what happened to her, Evelen opened the crate to just find a pair of 4 inch leather heels, she never had see them and she havent trained so much with heels, she could have problems with these, even at her room, Evelen feel ashamed of be fully nude for all this time, if something get inside she would be helpless, even a not so healty male could have high chances to beat her.

She tried to secure the door, pushing her bed and others fornitudes to the door, now sweaty and exhausted the radio pick her interest, just when she turn her on a strange loud naughty moan come from the radio, she quickly reduce the volume and change of station, yet nearly all is static, out of service tones, two of music and then she found a news channel.

It was not on live, more likely a warning message serie and it is hard to understand.

"leave the city"..."holocaust"... "radiation storm"...thieves reports...

Just then Evelen remember a rumor in some science channels, something about a huge incident from the space affecting with solar explosions at these days, then some words made some more sense.

it said than strange things had come out thanks to this disturbance, all the people is going out the city and only thieves remain there, even all the police is very busy helping the people to find a safe place.

This mean than Evelen could be in serious problems and no one will come to save her, she just dont know why all this happen, why she was at the bathroom or where is her mother.