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Faylin (Farren)

Re: Faylin (Farren)

Abby flipped through the air, leaping from a rung on the ladder and landing with a splash in the water near by to the enraged tunneler. Smiling with sadistic intent, Abby whirled her barbed whip above her head and brought it down and across her body with a thunderous crack, drawing the creature's attention away from the annoying web caster. The creature roared again, but Abby just grinned maniacally before spinning and lashing one of the roping tendrils with her barb. Blood flowed quickly from a deep laceration at the tendril's base, causing a note of pain to enter the tunneler's roar.

Meanwhile Fay hoisted the mercifully light priestess onto her shoulders and then proceeded to climb the ladder with haste. The priestess was still conscious, and did her best not to cause any unbalancing for Faylin during the ascent.

Reaching the top of the ladder, Fay saw the tunneler rush at Abby and catch her against a wall of the sewer tunnel, slamming into it with great force. But then at the last moment, the acrobat leaped forward, daring to jump on top of the creature, above its open maw and just barely avoiding becoming an early lunch.

Faylin opens the grate above her and daylight hits her with full force. Hoisting herself up one last time, she and the priestess find themselves back on the side of the street in the Old City.

Looking down into the sewers to check on her mistress, Fay is pleased to see that Abby has not wasted her near escape attempt, running down the creature's back and dashing like a gazelle to the ladder, climbing it like a squirrel up a tree. The tunneler shakes away the daze of having crashed itself into the brick wall of the sewers and rounds on the figure climbing the ladder. With a roar of frustration it closes in, its roper tendrils flailing towards the acrobat. One of them whips around her ankle just as she's reaching the top and threatens to pull her back into the darkness below...

Instinctively, Faylin's hand shot out and grabbed Abby's, preventing her from falling back. The tunneler's momentum carries it into the ladder, smashing it from its bolts and ruining it, but Faylin grabs her mistress by the other arm and lifts her up to the surface, where Abby is able to grip onto the sewer grating and bring herself up beyond the tunneler's reach...

The three women lay exhausted on the streets above the sewer grate, free, for the moment of any immediate danger.
Faylin learns Magic Expertise Level 2! Faylin gains max MP of 6.

A moment of broken immersion causes the world to pause and fade to gray in the background as a screen prompt pops up.

You have been playing for some time now, would you like to save and quit?
-Save and Quit (recommended)
-Save and Continue
Re: Faylin (Farren)

As hard as it was for Faylin to concentrate on climbing while Abby distracted the beast she somehow managed it. She was glad the priestess wasn't too hard to carry, counting her blessings as she made as quick an ascent up the ladder as she could manage.

When she reached the top she risked a glance back down. It was hard to imagine how she could ever doubt Abby at times as she watched just long enough to see her jump on the beast's back. She quickly worked the grate open, wincing as she found herself looking up into a light sky. Putting the priestess down quickly, she turned back to watch Abby, hoping she could make good their escape. She got her chance to be helpful, though grabbing Abby's hand and holding on for all she was worth wasn't putting her any more at ease. She was thankful that her strength didn't give out before Abby was up with them safely.

After helping Abby escape the tunneller's grip, Fay' felt exhausted, both physically and mentally. She was surprised when the pop-up appeared, not sure that she would have counted the side of the street as a safe spot. Either way she selected the 'save and quit' option, knowing that as much as she wanted to make sure they were safe, she could do with the mental break after that encounter.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The game faded to black and a weightless feeling ensued as Faylin was brought back to a conscious state in the real world. The door to her EGG chamber hissed open and she was able to exit and found Beth putting papers into a folder at the small table where she sat.

Looking up at Faylin, Beth nodded. "Good, you're finishing up. Most day employees are headed home and the night crew is coming in. How was it the second time around?"
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' slowly pulled herself from the machine, glad to feel her body was more responsive than it had been in the game world just moments ago. She hopped out of the machine when she was ready, smiling over at Beth.

"I guess it was pretty intense, but enjoyable. It's remaining engaging, though those prompts were a great idea, it's so easy to loose track of actual time." She explains, stretching some as she adjusted to the real world again. She didn't honestly think she was going to be thinking about much other than what was going to happen next tonight.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"Yes, we discovered the need for prompting very early on during the early testing stages," Beth said, her eyes looking up to the ceiling in the act of recalling some memories. "I remember when I was told I'd been in the game for 8 hours straight, and it had felt like a month had gone by. Prompting was introduced two days later. Now only the testers who stay over night tend to go for more than three hours."

She giggled and then finished collecting her things. "Well, you're free to come back any time. We're open seven days a week. If there are any problems or suggestions you have, make sure to write them down and bring them back to us when next you come in."
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin nodded, having to smile a bit at the way Beth seemed to be thinking back fondly on her own adventures. This really was an amazing game. It seemed like it had potentially unlimited re-playability as well, even if she reached an end in her current story.

"I'll be sure to have a think. Though I don't know if I'll come up with too much, it's really hard to think of much to improve." Fay shook her head a little, making a move herself since she knew she wouldn't otherwise. "I'm sure I'll be back soon, I've got the free time and I'd be hard pressed to think of better ways to spend it."

"Thank you for the unique experience, I can guarantee you've sold at least one copy whenever you release this to the public." Fay' smiles, giving a wave to Beth before she headed home for the night. She wouldn't be particularly surprised if she found herself thinking of little else until she found the time to come back in though.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay makes it home without any incident and relaxes in her usual way, though thinking of her experiences with Abby and Geero and the strange creatures that she fought against in the creepy Spiral. She felt no adverse effects from the experience, save for perhaps an understandable fixation on what she had just experienced. Arousal came easily to her, and she found herself wishing she could be back again inside the EGG world.


Fortunately Faylin did have some free time in the next few days, and she was able to return to the facility while her memories of the events were still fresh. It was a new day, and she felt fresh and anticipatory. She was allowed into the testing area on her own, since she was now familiar with the protocol. She had to wait for a bit as her EGG machine was prepped, but eventually she was let in to the testing room and a technician she didn't know got her started without any real discussion.

The EGG door closed shut again, and Faylin was greeted with a start up screen, with a new choice added to the list:

-New Game
-Load Game
-Quick Fight
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Despite how hard it had been to put off going back to play the egg for whatever fee time she had, Faylin managed to wait until she had the whole day free once more. She knew how she could get with the few games that really grabbed her attention and she didn't need to come off like some addict when she was working as a tester. Despite this though, she was glad to so quickly be allowed back into the embrace of the EGG.

It was very tempting to just crack on with the session she had been in, but she was curious about the new option on the screen. She was supposed to be testing after all, and it was a 'quick fight', so she decided to at least open up the new menu.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin clicked the new choice and was greeted with another screen of options:

Load Persona:
-Faylin (FP 5/5, AP 0/10, MP 6/6, DP 1/?? Lvl 2 Magic Expertise, Known Spells - Shadow Sight (1), Summon Shadow Tendril (1), Cone of Web (2).)
-Create Heroine

Select Opponent Type:
-Human Male/Female
-Demihuman Male/Female
-Slime Family
-Tentacle Family
-Other (Create Unique Opponent)

Select Opponent Level (1-10):

Select Setting:
-Master bedroom
-Living Lair
-Other (Create Unique Setting)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

So like a drop in battle mode for when you don't have a lot of time. Though I have to wonder if it's only for battles... hmm, given the nature of this game. She finds herself biting her bottom lip, as she thinks on the options. It had been hard to not think of a few of her experiences in the Egg and this might be a nice little warm up. Also she was totally testing out the custom options that was why she was doing this, she was a tester, testing. It's just what she had to do.

With a bit of deliberation she inputs...
'Talkative Dragon summoner'
'Dragon's lair'

This game is so bad for me... she mused, wondering just what the game would come up with based on her inputs.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The game whirred into life, as the screen faded away and Faylin found herself weightless in the void once again.

Then the game world formed in front of her and she was dressed as she had been when last she exited the game, in her tight witch leather outfit and her wand in hand.

She was in a large cavern of some sort, and at the far end of it was an ornate man-made wall with a large tunnel entrance. The stones were carved and decorated with many runes, that reminded her of several fantasy series she had read as a teenager. Littering the floor of the cavern were massive piles of gold and other trinkets and treasures. Tremendous wealth lay around her, and in the middle of it all, sitting on a golden throne was a man, dressed in long red robes and wearing a golden crown with two long prongs in the front that curved like horns. In his right hand he held a long black staff, and around his neck hung a red globe set within a golden pendant base in the shape of a dragon's claw.

"Welcome," the man on the throne said with an imperious ring in his voice. "Have you come to kneel and serve me? You seem different from the girls that I am used to. In fact, I see you have some magic in you, judging by your wand..."

As she drew near, she saw that he was a good looking man, appearing to be in his mid 30s, clean shaven with long blond hair hanging loosely about his shoulders.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Wow... this really blows those other games with user input out of the water by a mile. Considering her expectations the game had managed fairly well. While it wasn't exactly what she had been picturing, she hadn't been expecting it to read her mind with the input she gave. That would keep it more fun in the long run she imagined, she could play with so many little variations of this scene or anything else that came to mind.

Approaching her summoner, she smiled a little, noting his good looks, not that she imagined the game would give her anything she didn't find attractive unless she asked for it. Or it made sense in the setting, but she wasn't fond on remembering that particular encounter.

"That would depend on what you could offer me for my service," she replied, leaning a little to one side as she appraised the impressive treasure horde. "Or is this less about trading and more about forcing hmm?" She grinned, having no idea at all if she was anything close to level five, probably not though since she'd only been playing for a day. She flicked her hair back as she watched him, wondering what her little creation would choose, all while giggling mentally at how she was acting. It was fun to be able to act more like some of her characters would in games, only as herself.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The dragon summoner (for that's what she knew him to be) smiled and laughed softly to himself through closed lips. Then he leaned casually on his throne, resting the side of his head on the knuckles of his left fist while idly toying with his black staff with the other hand, looking Faylin up and down.

"I am so used to having concubines sent up to me by my minions, I had forgotten what it was like to see a woman with some spirit in her. If you are a mage, I'm certain that I could offer you much knowledge, but I don't feel like being your teacher at the moment. I think I would rather watch you entertain me. Put on a good show and maybe I'll consider it. Your manner and fashion already amuse me quite a bit, this will be quite fun I imagine."

With his staff raised casually in the air, Fay sensed a powerful wave of magic gather. She was surprised at the force behind it.

Summoner 22/22 MP 35/35
Faylin 5/5, AP 0/10 MP 6/6 DP 1/??
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"Always nice to make a good impression." Fay' smiles, even as she shivers a little at the power the man seemed to posses. Level five seemed like it was a good ways above where she was right now, oh well.

Shifting one hand she tapped into the darkness inside her, aiming to form a tendril of shadow. Since this was just a battle she assumed there would be little harm in tapping into the deep magic, despite the uneasy feeling it gave her. She figured it'd give the summoner another target to deal with, however temporarily.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin let the darkness within her coalesce and meld with her magic to form a tendril of shadow. Meanwhile the man poured a significant amount of magical energy and suddenly, phasing into existence behind him was a dragon. It was not a great wyrm like one reads about in the books. This was a small dragon, young and wiry, about 20 feet in length from head to tail, and red in color. It had several beautiful horns adorning its head and smoke rose from its nostrils as it gazed down at Fay.

"Impressive... I have not seen magic like that before," the man's eyes were bright and intense. She certainly had his full attention, even though he had not stood up from his throne. "Take her and subdue her," he ordered the dragon, and with a snort it moved to obey...

Summoner 22/22 MP 27/35
Young Dragon 12/12
Faylin 5/5, AP 0/10 MP 5/6 DP 2/??
Shadow Tendril 2/2
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Looks like I have some awesome magic to look forward to. Fay grinned a little, liking the looks of her opponent. It'd be a shame if she did end up killing it, she'd always had a soft spot for dragons. All the same it was time to practice her magic. She didn't know if she could practice so much, still a little unsure on if the game had any hidden mechanics, but it would make her feel better to try. At least here she could only get herself into trouble.

She pools her magic once more as the dragon approaches, aiming to unleash a web spell to slow it down. She would order the tendril to attack once she had attempted her cast and would quickly join in with her wand. She didn't have the stamina for long fights, something which had become painfully obvious, but she could put on a quick show.

(Fay' will attempt to web then attack normally, feel free to automate it until she takes a hit.)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The web spell goes off, but the strands of webbing fade as they reach the dragon scales.

Her failed attempt receives a chuckle from the summoner. "Certain breeds of dragons are famed for their magic resistance - reds in particular, as they are so dangerous and aggressive."

The dragon snaps at Fay, but the shadow tendril flicks at it like a whip, forcing it back for a moment. With a snort, the dragon rears back on its haunches and spreads its wings wide, then flaps them rapidly, enough to buffet both Fay and her tentacle with gathered wind. Fay aimed a shot at the Dragon, but it went well wide when the wind threw her to the stone floor, landing her on her tush and blowing her dark hair back in the wind. The shadow tendril was not so easily moved however, and lashed the dragon against its armored chest, causing the creature to stop its wind attack and come back down onto its front claws.

The summoner seemed unhappy, not because of the dragon being hit but rather because one of his spells happened to fizzle, costing him a small fraction of magical essence.
Summoner 22/22 MP 26/35
Young Dragon 11/12
Faylin 4/5, AP 0/10 MP 3/6 DP 2/??
Shadow Tendril 2/2
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' frowned a little as she ended up on her rear, she guessed it figured the dragon would be resistant to magic. She gets to her feet quickly and sets about backing up her tendril while it was the beast occupied. She moves around to try to get to one side of it, hoping she might be able to stay away from the front of the thing.

Just like monster hunter Fay', stay in it's blind spot and chip away at it. Of course given all that she had seen in this game she doubted it would have a set attack pattern. All the same she didn't want to stand in the way of whatever breath weapon it may or may not possess.

(Again, feel free to automate a few rounds, unless Fay takes a large health hit.)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay circles and blasts the dragon, in the rear, but its armored scales reflect the energy bolt. Dragons seemed to be quite tough beasts in this game. Even this young one was quite majestic in Fay's opinion, for she did like dragons. But the shadow tendril seemed to be effective against it, lashing the dragon again. Enraged at the second painful lash from the shadow, the dragon swiped it with a mighty claw, just as the summoner on the throne raised his staff and zapped the shadow, the two attacks combining to disintegrate the tendril.

Fay charged up another blast, aiming at the dragon's face, and drew a better result, the blast still reflected partially off the scales, but it rocked the dragon, disorienting it for a bit.

The summoner aimed his staff at Faylin then, and sent a lance of magical force against her, hitting her in the shins and flipping her head over heels, landing her on her back. Then before Fay could react the dragon's tail slammed down on the ground next to her, and the shockwave hurtled Faylin several yards away, further discombobulating her.

Summoner 22/22 MP 26/35
Young Dragon 9/12
Faylin 2/5, AP 0/10 MP 3/6 DP 2/??

((The bad guys are getting their good rolls on now... you're lucky to have avoided several criticals thus far.))
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The double attack made it hard for Fay' to make sense of too much as she dragged herself back to her feet once more. She stumbled a little as she tried to aim another bolt at the dragon. She was pretty sure she wasn't getting much further with this but she'd do what she could to make an impression at least.

I do have a ways to go. At least I managed to hit the thing though. It was refreshing to not have to worry so much about loosing at least, not that she would trade her current story for anything. Her adventure with Abby and Gerro was far too enthralling. She would have to find a way to learn something more than her basic magic zap though, webs and tendrils were fine but she could do with something that packed more of a punch for these larger monsters. Maybe she'd have to find some time to just play with her magic.

Getting back into the swing of things, Fay' launched off another bolt at the dragon. Despite the situation she was still smiling.