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Faylin (Farren)

Re: Faylin (Farren)

It was just as well that Faylin had resigned herself to reality. She wasn't prepared to overcome the Summoner and his pet dragon. Her shot ricocheted off the dragon's horn, the energy bolt coming very close to hitting her! This proved enough of a distraction for the dragon to counter her, leaping atop of her and pinning her to the earth with its massive claws each clamping down atop each of her wrists, her wand skittering towards the summoner on his throne, who stopped it with his own foot and slowly picked it up.

The dragon roared triumphantly, as dragons are wont to do, and then brought its hungry looking teeth down to Fay's face, so close, she could feel her face warmed against the dragon's breath as if it were an open oven set to roast.

With a snap of its jaws, the largest fangs slipped inside of the stylistic opening of Faylin's witch leather top and tore it easily from her body, leaving her breasts bare and visible to the summoner.

"Enough, you can keep her like that," the summoner told the dragon casually, to which the dragon snorted and grinned toothily. Fay could tell there was an intelligence there that belied its monstrous form. This dragon knew exactly what its master's intention was.

"You are quite entertaining, and I must say, I'm enjoying seeing you unwrapped as well..." the summoner snapped his fingers, and the dragon's hind leg came up and hooked Fay's pants with surprising dexterity, dragging them down her legs and off of her without scratching her skin on the razor sharp talons.

"What a lovely concubine you are," the summoner said, running his eyes up and down his defeated opponent's body. "Tell me, how did you like my dragon?" A smile crept across his face as he began to remove his robes, showing off an impressive figure as he did so.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' winced as she found herself pinned by the dragon, testing it's hold quickly before smiling up at the beast. Despite it's closeness and just how easy it'd be for it to hurt her like this, she wasn't worried. Nothing in the game thus far had so much as attempted to seriously hurt her, she had no reason to believe this battle would be different. With the loss not effecting her greater story either, it was surprisingly easy to giggle as the dragon ripped her clothing from her body.

"He's cute, I hope he won't hold the cuts against me, would be a shame if we didn't get along." Fay' replies, fairly giddy with the possibilities here. She squirmed under the dragon's hold while looking back at the summoner, glad to see she hadn't been wrong with her expectations.

"Such the flatterer, do all the girl's get such praise?" She teases, not about to miss out on having some fun herself. This game was far too good for it's own good.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The summoner's smile stayed etched on his face and his eyes gleamed at Faylin's playful reply. Bending down low to her, he caressed her smooth cheek with a delicate touch, then ran his fingers casually across her lips, barely brushing them, tempting her to do something about their playful presence.

"I am a man who appreciates quality and unique tastes in others. You have the makings of an excellent sorceress... with the right master to train you, you could go far. But at the same time, I think you show even more potential as a trained sex slave, with a body like yours, and these perfect, full lips."

He ran his finger over her mouth again, slowly and sensually.

The dragon growled and snapped its mouth, and made a low controlled screeching sound to which the summoner seemed to listen.

"Ah, my friend here is a bit impatient. It is an attribute of his breed. Let me tell you a secret about dragon summoning - it isn't as easy as picking up a spell book and learning the correct intonations. Of course you must do that, but the words are useless until you actually seek out and convince a dragon to bind itself to your spell. They are magic resistant you see... and quite sapient and willful. All these factors would make it impossible to summon them without their permission. So you see... I had to make a deal with this one long ago, in order to summon it. It has a... peculiar desire for human women that is not seen in many other dragons. Can you guess what it might be?"

His smile turned into a crooked grin as he continued to brush Fay's face.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay smiles at the summoner's words, waiting for his fingers to trail back along her lips before parting them slightly, trying to catching a fingertip briefly between her lips. She continued to squirm playfully beneath the dragon, not attempting any real escape at this point.

"Better sex slave than sorceress huh?" Faylin comments after releasing the finger, "So no one has developed sex powered magic yet?" She teases again, shifting her head as best she can into the touches. The attention was nice, though she felt a little guilt at the thought that she wasn't with Abby right now. She would make sure not to tarry too long her, as much as she probably could happily.

"Hmm... I bet he likes to provide for a nice human girl, he probably wants to go hunt me some fresh meat and lay beside me so I can scratch his chin, right?" She makes sure to stare up at the dragon as she speaks, mischief dancing in her eyes. She doubted very much that he would like being referred to like a pet dog, which should well make what she actually expected he wanted all the more enjoyable.

"Want to be my little pet cutie?" She asked, her voice just daring him to make a move.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The dragon's ire was visible in its eyes, and it lowered its jaws so that they were inches away from Fay's face. It's upper lips curled back in a hideous grin, before it's hot, forked tongue flickered out and draped over her neck and cheek, licking upwards leaving a trail of saliva up to her ear.

The summoner laughed and brushed her hair back.

"Some people have developed tantric magic, though I am no master. Perhaps you may delve into its secrets while you service us both, mm?"

The dragon's tongue withdrew and an unsettling chuckle came from the dragon, sounding incredibly human, though loud and echoing, for the rumble came from deep within the creature's belly.

Looking down between her legs, Fay noticed that a long red shaft had appeared out of the dragon's normally bare and armored pelvis and it now lay very close to her exposed nether lips. The shaft was ridiculously long, and would tear through and kill her if it were put inside her any more than a quarter of it's length, but the reptile's penis looked just thin enough that it might well fit inside her, though it would undoubtedly stretch her.

"Normally, after I take my turn with them, I like to give women sent to me a choice," the summoner said, and his tone was dark and malevolent. "They can either become my dragon's next meal, or they can become its concubine as well. He can get very frisky when in the throes of his mating, and he has been known to break a few toys from time to time, but even if they survive, no woman ever goes back, once they've had a dragon."

He laughed as the dragon's member slid up against Fay's pussy folds. The cock was intimidating, and the summoner's vile nature was evident in the way his eyes gleamed to see her in such a compromising position.

"But I'm sure he'll be gentle with you, won't you big guy?" He said as he pushed one of his fingers into Fay's mouth, dipping it in and out to make her suck on it.

"Let's not rush it though, I want my turn..."

With that the dragon pulled the fearsome shaft away and instead craned its neck so that is mouth was down between Fay's thighs. It's hot tongue came out again and this time lay heavy and course across her slit. The powerful muscle bending and sliding across her, causing her immediate pleasure.

At the same moment, the summoner undid the fastening of his pants and proffered his own rod in front of Fay's lips. It was of decent size for a human, and probably would have been enough for Fay. But that only reminded her of what awaited her when dragon's turn was to come.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay only found herself grinning more at the dragon as he threatened her, knowing full well that he wasn't going to hurt her, at least not yet. Being slobbered all over by a dragon wasn't something she had expected to experience, but right now it was certainly making her glad to be testing this game.

"Oh? That's a shame. Could have killed two birds with one stone that way." The mage smiles, looking down at the dragon's shaft, having to shiver. It really didn't look like anything that would remotely fit inside her. She wondered just how much leeway the game would take with her body before something like that could actually be fatal. It sounded like she didn't have much of a choice in finding out though.

"Aww, poor thing. How could I say no to such a big teddy bear like him?" She teases, thoroughly enjoying playing with the dragon. Of course, quite how likely he'd be to break her because of it wasn't something she'd think on for the moment.

She played her tongue over the man's finger as it slid into her mouth, sucking gently on it as he continued. Her body shifted, the feeling of having that monstrous shaft at her entrance filling her with a delightful mix of excitement and fear. Was she really this bad? She knew this was a virtual environment, but to be having so much fun like this.

She didn't have too long to think on it after the dragon moved though, feeling that hot tongue between her legs. Even his tongue was so much more than she was used to, her body shivering in pleasure as she moaned. Her legs trying to close a little at the sudden strong sensations.

She smiled as she saw the summoner work his pants open, happily opening her mouth to accept his shaft when it was pressed to her lips. She wasted little time in swirling her tongue around his head, more than happy to let him do what he wanted to her. She wasn't really in a position to resist after all. Not that she would at this point.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The dragon's reptilian eyes focused and narrowed at being referred to as a "teddy bear." Its large tongue forced its way up Faylin's pussy, widening her entrance and filling her as much as she'd ever been filled. The heat or the great lizard's tongue was amazing and completely enjoyable, making her feel as though she could come at any moment.

The summoner's cock was an appropriate size for such a man as to command dragons. It was warm, erect, and smelled and tasted wonderful to her sex-addled senses. She looked upwards at him as she let her tongue swirl around the tip of his member, and she saw his gleaming blue eyes staring back into her own, pleased with her eagerness. He did not force himself further into her mouth, preferring to be considerate and letting her mouth explore his manhood at her own pace. Fay soon began to take more of him inside her, and he lowered himself to accommodate her wanton hunger.

A large grin stole over the blond summoner's face.

"You are something entirely unexpected..." he said, and as he did so he made gesture and the dragon removed its tongue slowly from Faylin's depths, the motion of which made her twitch and shiver on the brink of orgasm. Her thighs tightened against one another as the tongue came away from her flesh, leaving behind a long ribbon of hot dragon saliva behind it. The dragon then let her arms free and sat back on its haunches.

The summoner removed his swollen shaft from Fay's lips and then reached down and hoisted her up. Numbly, still sapped of her strength, she let the summoner direct her up onto her hands and knees, facing the dragon's cock now as the summoner positioned himself behind her.

"I must take you now, as is my right for defeating you," the summoner said confidently, pressing his tip against the moistened and engorged lips of Faylin's honey hole, which easily parted, awaiting his entry so that they could swallow his shaft into her. "I think you shall enjoy this as much as we do - a most gratifying experience for us both. It is not every day that I find such a -"

He entered her then fully, in one poignant thrust, causing Fay to gasp aloud, for his cock felt wonderful inside her, and the dragon had more than prepared her body for its master.

"... receptive maiden entering my domain."

As the summoner began to pound Faylin's pussy from behind, rocking her body back and forth, the dragon's gigantic phallus, fiery orange in color at the upper extremity, pushed its way against Fay's mouth just as its master had done minutes ago. It felt hot, almost to the point of being uncomfortable, but not just quite. Instinctively she opened her mouth to let it pass into her, and felt its hard ridges pass over her tongue. A satisfied growl rumbling somewhere above her bobbing head told Fay the beast was enjoying her efforts.

Fay did her best to relax her muscles and provide good leverage for herself as both man and great beast worked her at both ends. The summoner was slamming his full length into her, and it didn't take long for her to be brought to her limit. Her thighs tightened and clenched, and she felt the wave pass through her loins as ecstasy consumed her. Little more than the tip of the dragon's cock was in her mouth, but she felt it throbbing as she herself came, and suddenly a hot spurt of liquid dribbled onto her tongue - likely some sort of precum, for she imagined a true orgasm from this beast would be more than her small mouth could handle.

A few more minutes passed by as she rocked back and forth, continuing to feel immense pleasure from the hard fucking the summoner was giving to her, then finally with a loud grunt of pleasure and release, she felt her captor fill her with his cum. She felt his hands upon her ass then, rubbing it affectionately. The dragon's cock withdrew from her mouth and Fay was allowed to let her upper body fall to the floor, her ass still up in the air, allowing her to rest and regain her breath.

"Now, we must ensure that my dragon does not break you... For normal maidens there can be no such guarantee, but you are not normal, are you?"

He grinned slyly and then looped his arms underneath her shoulders, drawing her up into a kneeling position, cupping her breasts with his large hands, kneading them, pinching her nipple with the metal talons that he wore on stylized rings. Fay sensed him summon a modest amount of magical essence, and then one by one, the great chamber began to darken as the flame lit torches died off, until only a handful remained. The treasure room was flooded with shadows.

"The deep magic which I saw you employ is a living thing, my young pet. It is a dangerous thing, such living magic, but you have already braved the joining process - so the greatest worry is already behind you. I wonder if you knew how truly dangerous it was when you agreed to let it within you... no matter, now it will serve YOU."

He kissed her neck then, breathing deeply of her scent, her perspiration. "Access its power, let its essence build within you. Here, you are weak from battle, let me guide you..."

Fay sensed another spell being cast, and heat began to course through her from wherever the summoner touched her... from his chest to her back, his hands to her breasts, and his cock, still nestled within her womanhood. She felt strength returning to her.

"Summon the deep magic within you. Gather it to you..."

He pulled out from her pussy then, letting his seed spill and pool beneath her. Then he leaned her back on to him and in a dizzy haze she saw the dragon before her, its enormous cock coming towards her.

"Quickly. Use your magic... or I cannot guarantee your safety..." the summoner said, still holding her, trapping and bracing her for what was to come.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The dragon was continuing to prove itself to have been a good decision for this test. She had no idea how she managed to avoid climaxing right there and then as it's tongue filled her so much. She couldn't recall anything filling her with such intense heat, her body already quivering against it's attentions. The gripping of her walls only making him feel even larger inside her.

She was glad that the summoner decided to let her go at her own pace. Trying to breath around a more eager assault of her mouth would have been a chore with her mind distracted by the pleasure from her sex. Considering her last less than enjoyable oral experience, she set about his shaft with attentive detail, working on finding any sensitive spots. She continued to work, arching a bit to take in more and accepting him when he started to give her what she wanted.

The young mage couldn't help but whine when the dragon's tongue left her, feeling so empty as he body quivered, so very close. It was torture, but she held her hands above her head when they were released, knowing she'd pleasure herself given the chance. Thankfully the summoner left her mouth soon enough, guiding her to her hands and knees, to which she happily complied. The sight of the dragon's cock before her reminding her of what was to come after this, a small shiver running through her.

Fay' listened to the man's words, smiling a little as she felt him pressing against her body, a soft little gasp escaping her lips. She couldn't help but push back, wanting him so desperately at this point. She wasn't left waiting long, that first thrust making her arch back against him, pressing her hips back firmly against him. Driving him as deep as he could go inside her, aching to feel the release that had been denied to her earlier.

"Mmmph... yes... just like that..." She moans quietly, doing her best to buck back in time with the summoner's thrusts, helping to drive him deep. It was so hard to pay attention to any one thing though, the dragon's shaft soon stealing her immediate attention as it pushed against her lips. She smiled to herself, parting her lips and letting him pass, tasting the strange cock as she did her best to pleasure it. The heat was such a rush, so different from anything she'd experienced before. The males doing a number on her senses between them.

The strain on her body was soon pushed to it's limit, her senses exploding in bliss. It took everything she had to keep even her basic motions through the haze of pleasure, feeling her walls grip and caress the summoner's shaft as he continued inside her. Her body urging him to continue as she moaned happily around the dragon's shaft. The taste of the hot liquid she found in her mouth only exciting her more, knowing she was bringing some amount of pleasure to the great beast.

The continued motions only prolonged her bliss, leaving her body shivering in pleasure for far longer than it otherwise would have been. Her body starting to ache a little from the constant fucking she was receiving. It was almost a relief when she felt the hot wave of the man's release inside her, despite how she would have loved to feel him go on forever. Her body was quick to fall to the floor when the dragon withdrew, her breaths coming quickly. She knew there was more to come, far more, she took what time she was given to try to ready herself. Though she wasn't sure how ready she would ever be.

Fay' couldn't find her voice as she was drawn back up, feeling the man's hands working over her breasts, her body still sensitive from her release. His pinching making her moan and shiver against him. Even as she was ready to loose herself to his attentions, the sense of his magic caught her attention, her mind wandering to thoughts of what he might be doing.

His words brought some clarity back to her mind. His mention of her magic reminding her that this was just a diversion, as pleasurable as it was. She did her best to concentrate on his words, having to wonder how much of a challenge controlling what she had taken was going to be.

The young mage tried to summon up the dark magic from where it lie inside her, pulling it to the surface with her own energy. She didn't get very far until she felt the heat in her body from the summoner's spell, returning her strength and giving her a better grasp of her powers. She squirmed a little against him, the heat sending a rush through her body as she concentrated on amassing the deep magic.

With her attention so focused, she barely noticed the dragon moving closer to her. A slight pang of fear helping her to focus harder, using all she knew to release her magic, even as she felt the summoner's seed spill from her body. At his urging she let her power release, drawing all she had to the surface.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

As Faylin drew on her magic, she felt the coldness of it well within her core, starting within the pit of her stomach and then spreading outward to her extremities. More and more she drew on it, and the shadows began to coalesce about her. Her eyes took on the image of shadow sight, and she saw at once her surroundings both as they were and as their negative, with contours and color becoming visible in the dark and invisible in the light. Eventually her normal vision faded and she saw only in this negative imagery.

Tendrils of shadow began to creep across her skin, which had darkened in its pigmentation as well. A heady feeling entered her consciousness, a soporific musk, and she felt the magic within her awaken and move of its own accord. An unsettling awareness of a possessing being dwelling underneath her skin took hold of her, but the revelation was dulled by her current state of arousal.

Something hot touched the coolness suffusing her, melting it away. Pleasure returned to her, and she saw - then felt - the large phallus of the drake push up against her already well-used folds, the head of the mighty thing already the size of her whole entrance, and its length from base to tip the size of a great sword. Dully, through the haze of her wanton lust, Fay realized that were the dragon to thrust to its full extent she would surely die.

"Good, young sorceress... very good..." The summoner whispered in her ear. His voice calmed her, made her forget the dragon's massive size for a moment.

Then the pressure built, and the throbbing spire parted her, beginning its gargantuan journey inside of her. The heat of it melted away at the coolness of her deep magic, and the feeling was a mixture of pain and utter bliss. Surely it must tear her apart at any moment! Yet it felt so unimaginably good.

She stole a glance up at the dragon, and in the dark vision she saw its eyes as pools of dark crimson wells against the glimmering shadows of its scales. The dragon was staring at her as it worked its way inside of her, and it seemed to grin wickedly as it did so.

She reached a point where she felt her womb stretch to its maximum, and knew that not yet half of the dragon was inside her, yet still its great weight pushed against her, and the beast let out a roar and pushed forward. At once the coolness within her seemed to fluctuate, and a sensation she couldn't quite describe occurred within her belly. The stretching sensation continued, but the pain went away, leaving her only the enjoyment. She saw the shape of the creature bulge from within her, moving along her belly and pushing up her chest cavity towards her breasts. Her whole body reaches a point of climax as the rediculous penetration continued. Then, having put nearly three quarters of itself inside her, the dragon retracted part way, and she felt the pleasure on the way out just as much as it had come to her upon entering.

With a softer roar, the dragon put its hips forward again, and once again, Fay's belly bulged, her insides seeming to shift aside somehow without harming her. The thrusts became faster now, and Fay's whole body rocked with the force of each mind-shattering motion. Behind her, still cupping and kneading her breasts, the summoner laughed triumphantly.

Vaguely, as the fucking continued, Faylin was aware that only her deep magic was making this possible. If she somehow lost touch with it, she would certainly die. She seemed to know this as pure fact.

The dragon seemed to be enjoying the feeling greatly, and its hot tongue hung out between the front of its massive fangs, dripping hot saliva down upon her as its cock seemed to use her whole body as a sleeve. She felt the lips of her pussy become raw with the force, yet she didn't want it to stop. Again and again, the dragon heaved, and she was held in awe of what was happening - mating with a fully grown dragon. There was something deliciously unholy about it, and the dark thoughts entered her gleeful mind as she bucked against the great lizard's force.

With a load roar, she felt the onrush of cum begin to surge. The thick cord of muscle penetrating her swelled to an even greater size.

Fay's eyes went wide and her pupils - white within black as she looked at the world through her shadow vision - became pin pricks within her inky orb, like a single star in the void of space. She struggled to make a sound, but could not.

The cum was so hot, she felt she would melt, but the coolness within her fought against it. She felt it coat her insides, oozing down inside her. She felt it somehow enter her throat - how was that possible? Her body didn't work like that! - yet even so she coughed, and dragon's cum dribbled out of her mouth, then spurted up like a fountain as she coughed a second time.

The dragon withdrew himself, and Fay's belly, swollen with cum, began to instantly deflate. Gouts and gouts of hot cum poured from between her legs, so much that she did not know if it would ever end. The coolness within her stayed for a long while, until her belly finally returned to normal size. Only then did the coolness subside, and she felt her body's core return to its original state of being. She had been thoroughly used, and she heaved in large gulps of air as she lay on the floor. Mercifully then, her world began to fade away, the last memory being that of the summoner's hand brushing a stray lock of her hair away from her sweaty brow.


Time seemed to fly by, and she woke up from what felt like a long, deep slumber. She was nude, but her body was covered in jewelry - bracelets, anklets, rings, necklaces, and a head dress all adorned her. With a shock, she saw her nipples had been pierced and a delicate golden chain hung from two studs, connecting both teats. Her belly button, nose, tongue, and clit were likewise pierced and adorned with studs, and long ear rings looped down the side of her head. A thick golden collar with a heavy chain leash was clasped about her neck, and she lay on fine velvet cushions, burgandy in color with gold linework. Her leash was locked to the throne where the summoner sat above her.

"Rejoice, my concubine, for you have become my newest treasure - one I shall hold especially dear," he said, and his hand came down to stroke her hair. "While you were recovering, I took the liberty of adorning you to mine own satisfaction, and most importantly, I have sealed off your access to magic. It is a powerful abjuration - and has cost me many priceless spell components to perform it, but you are too good a treasure to pass up..."

Time passed in a blur then. Faylin was allowed to cast magic only at the summoner's whim. She became his favored concubine, and indeed his only permanent one, for any other women who were brought before him were unable to withstand the dragon as she had. For months, Faylin lay at the summoner's feet, until at last he began to allow her to practice magic regularly, and always under his watchful tutelage.

A year passed. She was still not allowed to wear clothes, but she was trusted to walk the halls of the summoner's fortress. The summoner taught her great and forbidden magics, and the deep magic within her grew as well. The lesser servants of the summoner - orcs and goblins and the like - had at first riduculed her as a mere slave girl. But with time, they learned to fear her, for she was a fast becoming a powerful sorceress, and was their master's favorite minion next to his dragon.

The dragon as well favored Faylin, and she spent many nights as its sexual mate, forging a bond of submission to the great red beast.

Another year passed, Faylin still wore her collar, but now she was garbed in sultry red and black silks, held a staff of magical power, and stood beside her master as he surveyed his armies from the fortress ramparts. His evil horde marched against the lands of humans and other fair folk, the dragon soaring above, belching its fire and filling the land with fear.

Months later, Faylin lounged in the master's bedchamber, longing for the summoner's touch as she always did, when he appeared before her bearing a large dark egg.

"A gift, for your devotion," he said, smiling benevolently down at his concubine. "The realm whispers in fear of the dark sorceress who serves the dragon overlord - it is only fitting that you should have a dragon of your own to summon in battle against the weaklings who stand against me."


The world fades away, and Faylin is brought back to the start up menu of the game world:

New Game
Load Game
Quick Fight
Exit Game
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' felt the magic welling up inside her, spreading through her body as she drew it to the surface. She embraced the spreading cold, drawing as much on the power inside her as she felt she could, using everything she had learned about her magic. It was hard to keep her focus when she noticed her vision changing, wondering just how much this power could affect her. The thought was quickly banished by her need to concentrate though, the matter at hand not giving her a choice.

Soon her worries began to fade entirely. With her body still high from it's bliss and only anticipating more, the loss of control didn't worry her as perhaps it should. She let the magic inside her do as it wished, leaving herself open to it's whims. With her senses dulled of worry, there was only the pleasure to focus on.

The dragon's shaft still felt so very hot against her, even with the cool feeling flowing through her. Still so large and long. Huge even, far too much, far, far too much. Everything about the dragon was too much for her. He was pushing against her now though, it was too late to stop it. How could she ever stop it? It was going to get what it wanted from her, what she wanted, oh why did she want it so much.

Praise filled her ear. Reassuring her that she was in capable hands. He was there with her too, and he didn't seem to want her broken.

Then the dragon finally entered her. Fay' couldn't think. She couldn't even make sense of what she was feeling. It was huge, far beyond what she felt her body could take. Yet she was taking it. She felt so full of him, so delightfully full.

She moved her hands as she looked up at him, trying to hold something, anything. She had to steady herself more, she had to push back against him. She knew from his grin that he wasn't going to hold back. After her taunts, she wasn't surprised.

He filled her so fast. Before she knew it she felt her body at it's limit already and yet he still pressed to her. So much more of him to go. Too much, he'd be too much. Maybe she would be broken, maybe this game would end like that. It was hard to concentrate on anything, so the feeling in her belly escaped her description. When the pain left her though, there was little to do but moan happily at the overwhelming pleasure. She couldn't draw her eyes from the sight of the bulge the dragon was making inside her, more and more of his insane length filling her. Before she knew what was happening she came hard around the shaft filling her so completely. She hadn't though she could get any tighter around him.

Then the dragon started to move inside her. The young magic user could do little more than go limp at the pleasure that was flooding all of her body. Her moans and cries of absolute pleasure only growing as the beast started to take her. The more normal touches to her breasts only adding to her building bliss.

She had no reason to doubt that she was alive because of her magic. Though she'd be at a loss to come up with a reason why it wanted to keep her alive. She couldn't concentrate on anything beyond the pleasure flooding her body.

Fay' had indulged in fantasies about dragons before, but never like this. They had always been smaller, more her size, able to fit inside her. This was, beyond comparison to anything she'd imagined or felt before. She played her fingers through the saliva dripping upon her as she was used so fully. She wasn't even sure if she was making any noise now, her body panting as it tried to keep up with the feelings threatening to overload her conciousness. She didn't care how she was used any more, so long as it felt like this. So long as she was his. Her body did all it could to reciprocate the motions, though they were little compared to what the dragon was providing.

Just when she thought there was nothing more she could feel, he came.

She could only focus of the warmth, no the heat, the scorching heat flooding her body. Anything beyond her body was lost to her as she felt him empty inside her. It was so strange, tasting him in the back of her throat when she knew that was impossible. Yet soon enough she was coughing it up, even as it continued to flood her.

She couldn't tell how long she lay their when he finally withdrew, leaving her feeling beyond empty, despite the volume of cum that had to pour from her body. She lay their, revelling in the bliss that had been afforded to her as her world slowly faded away.


Faylin spent a few minutes in the EGG when the world finally faded. Considering how much the game had already impressed her, it was hard to think it had then gone and topped itself again. The epilogue was a nice touch, and she would have to remember to ask about the possibility of saving other worlds. It seemed like it would be a fun diversion to have the ability to cause some havoc with her pet dragon from time to time.

She smiled a little at the thought before shaking her head. Another time perhaps, she had some more pressing matters to attend to though.

Navigating the menu, she would set about loading up her original game. She'd left Abby alone long enough to indulge her fantasies.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The EGG Chamber went blank, then there was a whurr of computer activity followed by a graying of her surroundings, as if light were about to be shown, and then had stopped.

Profile Loaded....

Faylin, 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 6/6 MP 1/?? DP, Magic Expertise Level 2, Spells Known: Web (2), Shadowsight (1*), Summon Shadow Tendril (1*)

Accompanied by:

Abby, 7/7 FP, 0/10 AP, Whip Expertise Level 3, Dodge Level 3, Acrobatics Level 2, Knife Expertise Level 1, Known Techniques: Whip Entangle 1

Priestess, 4/4 FP, 0/10 AP, ??/?? MP, Skill Set Unknown

Faylin opened her eyes. The sky was bright, suggesting that somewhere above her rested the sun in all his glory, beating his rays upon the earth. And something inside her recoiled at the thought. Who knew how long she had lain there in the middle of the cobblestone street, just resting and being thankful to be alive and not a meal for that wretched tunneling beast that lurked just meters below them in the sewers.

Beside her, Faylin heard Abby laugh softly and lurch onto her side, so that her hand could move to brush against Fay's cheek. "Well done, my pet. But we've rested as long as we can. People are awake. We must find a way to hide or disguise ourselves."

From where Faylin had dumped her in the midst of trying to free her hands in order to save Abby, the priestess rose her head, her eyes slowly focusing. "I - I'm alive... and free. Praise be to the Goddess... praise to the eternal fire that lights our path..." Slowly, numbly, the priestess sat up, tucking in her feet and laying a hand to support her upon the cobblestones. At last she faced them clearly, and a burning light that had not been there before shown in her gray green eyes.

"You two... you are servants of the Spiral... fallen out of favor with your dark masters." The priestess clasped her hands and held them to her lips and brow in what must be a holy sign before continuing "Such is as we are taught, evil is the seed of its own destruction. You have much to atone for. But since you have chosen to save me, perhaps there is hope for your own salvation beyond purification through holy fire."

To this Abby rolled her eyes. "We're not going to be judged by you or your fanatical priesthood. And you're not going to be let go so you can round up a bunch of paladins to hunt us down."

"You are already judged by the Goddess," the young priestess argued, her voice raised, though not carrying much harshness. It was more appeal than accuasation.

"Poor deluded girl," Abby shook her head. "How did they trick you into coming to the old city, throwing your life and your chastity away like that?"

The reminder of what horrors and violations she had just been through shut the priestess up, her eyes closing and tears threatening to come to her eyes. Abby looked callously upon her, as if she'd seen this sort of thing many times before.

"We don't have time for a crying fit. Let's have your personal revelations occur somewhere out of sight. Fay, can you help our new 'friend' up?"
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"Mmmph, well... I guess we should move then." Fay' replies quietly, shifting a little as she watches Abby for a moment. She might as well savour this moment of peace before continuing, things were not going to be easy for them. With what she had learned about her deep magic, she was sure she wasn't in for an easy trip.

The young mage listened as the priestess spoke up, quickly followed by Abby. She stayed out of the conversation, knowing the pair of them were not going to see eye to eye. It was to be expected she guessed, if she hadn't been captured by Abby she'd probably be assuming the same as the priestess about the slavers. Things were not so clear cut though. Hopefully the girl would understand that, or at least be useful if nothing else.

"Sure, do we have a plan?" She gave a nod to Abby, moving to help the priestess up, though ready to restrain her if needs be. Hopefully she wouldn't regret saving the girl, despite Abby's clear dislike for the idea.

"We can worry about judgements later, first of all we need to get somewhere safe. Don't worry, we're not about to hurt you." She tries to reassure the girl as she helps her to stand. "Do you have a name?"
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"A plan?" Abby let the question hang in the air for a moment as she thought about it. "Yes, we do. We're going to Jerry's. Even if he's not trustworthy to me, he'll not want to see you collared like that. And if he can uncollar you then he'll do the same for me."

Abby indicated the padlocked iron bands around both of their necks.

"As long as we've got these things on, any slaver is bound by the under laws to subdue us or barring that, kill us."

The priestess scowled at the mention of slaver laws. "My name is Xhi," she said, pronouncing the name "Zee."

"My fellow priestesses could remove that band from you as well," Xhi said to Fay. "You have mitigating circumstances surrounding your actions against me and your involvement with slavers. I'm certain you could be forgiven for your crimes and find a place among us at the cathedral."

Abby looked mad about this. "She doesn't need your brand of help, my Fay is a free thinker, a powerful sorceress, and she's now a part of something that will do more to undermine the dark powers than your church ever did for the Old City."

Xhi ignored this, calmly looking at Fay. "You don't have to do things her way, you know. There's a brighter path. Let me take you to my Sisters. We can purify you."

Abby frowned and looked to Faylin to see what she'd say.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"Guess it's worth a shot. He didn't look all that happy to send me off, though things turned out fairly well all things considered." Fay' smiles, nodding her agreement to the plan. The young mage listens to the pair of them, deciding that it was going to be a pain to get them to work together, if it was possible at all.

"Xhi, I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to decline." Fay' smiles, to the priestess. "Abby has given too much to protect me, and since she won't be afforded the same grace by your order, I can't accept such a path." She explains, casting her eyes back to Abby for a moment. Regardless of how they had met, she had proven to be caring. The fact that the thought of turning her back on all that they had been through made her feel guilty was a good testament to how engaging these characters, or rather people, were.

"I owe her my current freedom, and the power I'm nurturing may well be the best chance we have at dealing a blow to the queen. I can understand you'd have reservations about it, I did push you into that chest after all, even if I pulled you out later." Fay' drops her eyes for a moment, trying not to think too hard on the pain she had caused Xhi, despite her reasons for doing so.

"But, I have no desire to use this power for my own benefit. It's... probably going to be a dangerous path, I don't know if I'll be able to really change anything. If I don't use this chance to try though, I'll only be back to where I was, a useless mage captured by the first people she runs across." She can't help but grin a little to Abby at this, still a little amused by what had transpired since then.

"I'm probably wasting my breath huh?" Fay looks back to Xhi, clearly directing the question to the priestess. "I don't want to fight with you, or the church. I just want to use this power to try to help everyone in the city. It might work, it might not. If I give up now though, everything I've done up until now would have been a waste." It was a long shot, but perhaps the girl would be at least a little receptive to the idea that Fay' might not just be out for her own hide.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Xhi looked down, her eyes searching perhaps for answers at her feet or within the cracks of worn cobblestone. Not finding them, she closed her eyes and said a silent prayer to her Goddess. Abby grew bored and looked away after the extended silence, but Faylin managed to pay attention enough to see a tear stream down Xhi's face.

"I've asked forgiveness for what I will not do," Xhi said, finally. "I will not turn you into the Church as our strictures demand, even though you be on the way to damnation. But since I have been defiled, I can no longer reside in the church as a keeper of the Holy Light. I must be a missionary, walking among the darkness and spreading the light of faith. I shall begin with you, sorceress. I will aid you to battle the darkness, and I will endeavor to pray and protect your soul, in return for your saving me from the dark fate I was put in by slavers... like her."

She indicated Abby with her eyes.

"It is my holy duty, please let me safeguard your soul." The priestess asked, now opening bleary eyes. It seemed the girl's faith was strong, such was her guilt at not following the strictures set out for her. "The Light has long fought a losing battle against the Shadow in the Old City. Perhaps if you were to harness the Shadow power and use it against the Queen, with my guidance, some good could come of it."
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' listens closely, not really sure how much help she thought the priestess would be for her soul, but she might come in handy. She really didn't know what she was dabbling with and the last thing she needed was to end up as an even worse deep queen. That didn't even seem all that unlikely given the time skip she experienced with her little diversion.

"Thank you Xhi, hopefully this will all work out for the best." She turns her eyes to Abby for a moment before returning her gaze to Xhi. "Though, I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from more snide remarks about my mistress. She wants to see this over with as much as you do and, had she not saved me, I wouldn't have been able to save you." She didn't need the pair of them fighting, as much as she doubted they'd be placated so easily.

"For now, lets focus on getting these collars off, then we can plan out next move. I don't really want to be carrying this darkness any longer than I have to." Faylin explains, giving Xhi a nod before moving up to Abby's side and leaning against her, hugging her gently.

"I know you don't like this, but thank you for putting up with me. Lets go get these collars off so we can work on getting Geero back." She softly explains, more than ready to make a move.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Xhi nodded her head and fell silent.

Abby on the other hand pulled Faylin tight to her body and gave her a long, vigorous kiss, without shame or care for what any onlooker might think. The familiar taste of her mistress' tongue softened Fay's surprise and allowed her to melt into Abby's embrace.

For a long moment the kiss continued, then Abby broke it off with a smile.

"Good girl, now come on, we've got to move quickly," Abby said and began to stride down the side of the street with purpose. Fay and Xhi both followed behind.

From what Abby had told her, they were moving south. Eventually, the distant steeple of the church came into view over the low buildings nearby and Faylin began to recognize how close they might be to Jerry's building and her starting point within the game.

Suddenly, she saw people in the streets. Garbed in commoner's clothing, dirty and worn. There were men and women, old and young. They were lining up at a few makeshift stalls where some salesmen were trying to call them over. The items for sale appeared to be preserved foodstuffs. Heavily salted meats, hardtack bread, not quite fresh looking vegetables and fruits. One man's stall seemed to sell only one thing, a rice soup of sorts.

"Corner markets," Abby said. "Old city residents are allowed a daily quota of food that comes through the wall. Occasionally some peddlers will be able to purchase things such as clothes and furniture and other creature comforts from the guards on the other side, usually paying for it with scavenged luxury items. In the old city, you're either with the spirals, the scavengers, or you throw your lot in with the church. Not too many people left who can run a place of actual trade. Jerry's one of the few exceptions. He's got connections on the outside and by being a slaver in the past, he managed to buy enough material to afford him some comfort. Though now that the church has got a hold of him, he's gone all repentant."

Xhi didn't say a word as the passed the corner market without stopping. The followed the winding street until it reached a major intersection. That's when Abby took them down a seemingly dead end alleyway.

"Can't use the main streets. Church patrols during the day have orders to capture or kill spirals on sight," Abby said.

The alleyway turned out to not be a dead end, but rather led to a long narrow street with barely enough room for two to walk abreast.

"This is an uncleared lane," Xhi said, looking about. "There may still be denizens of the deep lurking here."

Almost on cue, the three women heard a shifting up ahead and to their left. A boarded up doorway seemed to be leaking some strange reddish liquid underneath it...

Then the red liquid began to quiver and move by itself, and form into a strange half-humanoid, half blob figure. Two yellow eyes blinked into existence in the things head as it moved towards them.

Red Slime 10/10

Faylin 5/5 AP 0/10, MP 6/6, DP 1/??
Abby 7/7
Xhi 4/4
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' returned the sudden kiss, fully enjoying the affection they'd not had time for since their trial. She wasn't all that worried about Xhi's presence either, this was probably the tamest thing the girl would see if she was going to walk this path with them.

She followed close to Abby, though she made sure that Xhi was able to keep up with her. She was a little surprised to see some semblance of life in the city, she had seen no one other than the slavers since her arrival really. Although she'd have to use living in the loosest sense, it didn't seem like they were well off by any means. Everyone seemed to think only crazy people came here, perhaps they were right.

"Didn't seem all that repentant to me, he practically threw me out. Not that I can complain too much about the outcome." She smiles, listening to the information and happily following Abby into the alleyway, trusting her mistress' sense of direction.

When the slime moved in to block their way, Fay almost felt like sighing. Nothing was ever easy, least of all here. After the tunnel lurker though, she was happy to see something that seemed killable if nothing else.

"I guess we get to do the clearing ourselves then." She comments before levelling her wand, ready to blast the slime.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin's energy blast scorched the slime as it lurched forward, spraying itself from one side of the narrow corridor to the other before forming two tendrils and lashing them forward, aiming at both Fay and Abby. Both girls were able to duck beneath the slime's attacks. Abby then flicked her whip out but the slime spread its body to allow the barb to whirl harmlessly through the air. The alley was so narrow however that Xhi stood behind the two other girls, unable to fight.

Red Slime 9/10

Faylin 5/5 AP 0/10, MP 6/6, DP 1/??
Abby 7/7
Xhi 4/4
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' did her best to keep out of the way of the slime and out of Abby's way so she could attack properly. The narrow alley wasn't exactly helpful, but she did her best, launching another bolt of energy at the slime.

"I guess this is a bit tougher than the first thing I fried in this city then." She comments, keeping her eyes peeled for the slime's next move.