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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Beyond the courtyard, the trees begin to thicken dramatically. The forest is different in that the trees seem to cover much more of the sky. Aside from the usual flora and fauna, students claim that there seems to be some sort of mystical property about the forest that surrounds them when they enter. Of course these same students would later get disciplinary actions due to entering an off-limits area of the school.

Still, bold students who venture into the forest may want to bring a compass or other devices that could pinpoint their location as one could easily lose their trail back. Especially during the night, where fog begins to condense and spread around the entire school grounds. Though the school grounds are only covered with a slight visual impairment, the forest is nigh impossible to travel in because of all the fog.
Re: Forest

"And this" says Corax as he brings the tour to the edge of the treeline "is the forest. It surrounds pretty much the entire area, and it's not easy to find your way around. It's therefore off limits to students. You can break this rule if you want, I suppose, but you won't want to. Or at least, you shouldn't want to."
Re: Forest

"Right, now it's just the dorms left to show," A mischievious grin spreads across his face. He turns to Corax. "Now, how about a game of rock-paper-scissors to see who shows them the girls dorms?"
Re: Forest

"I'd really rather not give you any chance at all, but I don't suppose I can convince you. Alright, fine."

Corax hides his hand behind his back and counts to three.
Re: Forest

Art hides his hand behind his back and they both count to three. At the call of three they both pull out their hands to reveal what they chose.

"Hell yeah!" Art shouted out triumphantly as he showed a scissors, beating Corax's paper. "Well ladies, how about a personal tour of the girls dorm?" Art says to the two girls as he puts his arms around their shoulders. "Tough break there Corax," Art calls to him and grins widely.
Re: Forest

At this point Art recieves a painful smack to the head from behind. A brown haired girl in a hoodie walks out from amongst the students.

"Oh no you don't. I'll take the girls."

"Ah, Maria. Perfect timing."

Maria takes a final puff from her cigarette before stamping it out and grinning.

"Well, it's not as if I'd leave it to you to keep him under control. No offense."
Re: Forest

"OW! Hey, you didnt need to hit me," Art said in a mock hurt tone. "Ah well, there's always the dance," Art called back to Maria as she took the girls to the girls dorms.

"Well, I guess I'll accompany you to the boys dorm," Art says wistfully to Corax.
Re: Forest

somehow managing to find her way to the forest outskirts, Trixie finally allowed herself to collapse, whimpering in pain, as she let the memory flash get itself over with...


Darkness. Utter, complete darkness. There was the feeling of movement, but in her semi-consious state, it was hard to tell.

Then suddenly, there was several loud sounds- yelling somewhere, loud popping- gunfire?- and the movement seemed to increase, making her head loopy with vertigo. Then, there was a jarring smash and a loud crashing noise-


Trixie found herself sprawled on the earth, the dress she had worked soo much to keep neat slightly disheviled, but actually mostly unscathed, considering that during her spasms she had transformed back to normal. Sliding to a crouched position, she thought hard on what that may have been...
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Re: Forest

With a slight yawn and a stretch, Trix scratched behind her ears as she thought more about the last vision, now at least transformed back to human, though being right on the pathway area on a nearby bench didn't hurt.
Re: Forest

Kyo emerges silently from the woods only a short distance from the dorms, making sure not to be seen, stifling a quick yawn as he does. Noticing a girl on a bench, Kyo decides to find out how the party went after he left, to make sure nothing too eventful had happened because of the punch, though he'd bet anything that at least all of the returning students would notice the punch was spiked before even tasting it.

Walking up to the girl, Kyo makes sure she can actually sense him coming up to her; it'd make a poor impression if he were to sneak up on her.
"Er," he begins, "is the party over already, or did the punch not agree with you? Oh, I'm Kyo, by the way. I think I remember seeing you around before, but I don't think we've ever actually met?"
Re: Forest

Trixie's face brightens up as she sees Kyo. "Hihi! Remember me? Trixie?" she said, extending a hand. "I had to get some air was all," she pointed out, straitening some of the wrinkles on her dress.
Re: Forest

"Ah, yeah, I understand about needing air," Kyo says with a slight chuckle. "Like I said, though, I think I remember you, but my memory's not the best. Did you like to spend time walking around in the forest, 'cause that may be where I remember you from. I like to train where there's lots of room, you see," Kyo adds the last part on quickly, hoping she wouldn't think it too weird that he spent time in the forest if that was, in fact, not where he remembered her from, though he could swear he had seen her out there quite a bit...
Re: Forest

She grinned a bit. "Partly the reason you didn't remember me probably is the clothing," she notes, allowing her scythed limbs to appear, streatching slightly in the night air, but leaving the rest of herself unchanged.
Re: Forest

"Probably. Don't you usually wear a fur or something," Kyo asks, unfazed by her limbs; he had, after all, seen his share of oddities, what with a student who could become a demon, another whose shadow wasn't under his control, and then there was Corax... it wasn't his power as much as it was his personality that made that one odd...
Ah, yes, and then there was Barry, with a spell book for anything and an artifact for everything. Hell, even that glove he liked to wear gave off an odd aura, and that thing seemed normal in comparison to what else Kyo had seen that guy with at times.
Re: Forest

'Fur clothing, yeah, stuck to the forests," she said, sighing as the added limbs didn't help jog his memory, "lived in a cave..."
Re: Forest

"Ah, I think I remember you now, then," Kyo says, trying hard to think back to last year. He hadn't been around that much, what with this and that keeping him away from school quite a bit, but he remembered seeing a red-head with fur in the woods quite often.
"Fur clothes... red hair... likes caves... can apparently transform your limbs (and that's just what she showed off... who knows what else she can do)," Kyo regurgitates information out loud - quiet enough that only those in the immediate vicinity could hear - and his face creases a little in concentration.
" . . . AHAH! Now I remember you!" Kyo says suddenly.

italic = thought, not out loud
Re: Forest

She grins a bit. "Took ya a bit though, head lost a bit in the plants?" she asked.
Re: Forest

"Nah, last year was kind of a blur for me. Wasn't at the school much, but I definitely remember seeing you while I was training, though, if anything, I'd lose my head in the water," Kyo says, chuckling at that last part.
Re: Forest

She giggles a bit at the remark. "Good point. So, out wandering, were you?" she asks, streatching again before patting the bench to offer a seat.
Re: Forest

"Nah, just relaxing in the Spring is all," Kyo says, sitting down next to Trixie. "I've found that a relaxing float in the Hot Spring is the best way to start a school year."
Kyo leans back on the bench, stretching out to his full extent before resting his hands in his lap and letting his feet simply hang.
"So, did Matt get in trouble, or is that being saved for later," he asks, curious about what happened after he left.

(Logging Off: 2:00 a.m. and I need to wake up today >.<)