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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Handing Roy over, Valencia seemed genuinely concerned about Roy's well-being. It was no surprise either, they were partners for so long, and now Roy has taken on a whole new existence. With a sad expression, she turned her head away once Roy was in Grave's arms. She was light weight, and felt very fragile. Even Envy, who's smaller than Roy, didn't feel so weak in his hands. If he squeezed, Cynder felt sure that he could crush Roy's life into fine powder. Worse yet, Roy felt ready to float away on her own.

Carried into the tent, Roy asked to be laid out on the sleeping bag prepared inside. Laying flat, Roy's eyes looked up, through her glasses, at the roof of the tent. "Grave... As I said back then... I'm a demon now..." Roy announced, straining as she tried to hold back the urge to cough. "I will become exactly like Envy... I will become a parasite to this world..." Roy took a moment to breathe, concentrating not on surviving, but on refusing the succubus magic eating him from within. "The note I was holding in my hand was something I already knew... But dreaded all the same..." Roy closed her eyes. "If I touch Valencia, and use her to sustain myself... I will turn her into a demon as well... This means... That my existence... Right now, is solely dependent on you..." Roy took a deep breath, before turning her head, and looking at Cynder.

"I don't want to live like this... Grave... I don't want to become like this..." Roy confessed, shaking her head, before reaching out, and putting a piece of paper in Cynder's hand.

"Please, I want you to kill me... And give this note to Valencia after you do..."

"I've had a good life with her... But all I am now is an empty existence... Envy is the same..."

"You have a right to want to protect your sister's life... But no reason to sustain mine... Please, spare everyone of my parasitic life..." Roy pleaded, tears streaming down her face as she looked ready to accept her fate.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"BUT-!" Grave started to shout, only to stop himself at the very last second. He stared at Roy, horrified, the paper clenched tightly in his hand. This was something he didn't expect - mainly because it was something he didn't want to do. Something he couldn't bring himself to doing. Because if Roy was already beyond all hope... Then what about Envy? "Come on!" Cynder hissed, his voice half-commanding, half-pleading. "There's got to be something we can do about this! Maybe there's someone who could help you resist this, remove the corruption, anything! Maybe Cynthia knows something!" He spoke quickly, his voice cracking. "There's got to be a third way out of this! I... I don't want to. I can't... Please..." The half-blood tried to compose himself, without much luck. "Just... Let's try to look for something. Anything. I refuse to believe it's this hopeless."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Grave!" Roy barked sharply at him, frowning at him. "Do you intend to support me with your own soul!? And you made a stance that day, don't you remember!? You'll have to... Feed me, again and again..." Roy said with a bit of a flush of embarrassment. "Not only that... But I'll have to... Get used to it..." Roy said. "... I cannot tell you how absolutely 'not' thrilled I am to... Do it... With another man..."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Ugh..." Grave looked away. "I don't like the idea either!" He spat back before taking a breath. The half-blood seemed to mull over the questions for a few moments before turning back to Roy. "I've made my stance... But if I intended to simply kill every demon, do you think Envy would be here? I've had a chance to let her die." His voice was grim. "But I don't want to give up on my sister. And I'm not going to let you give up, not when I intend to fight this. Besides, I can handle losing a little energy." Cynder stared into Roy's eyes, grim determination reflecting in his eyes. "I thought about Envy and what her existence does to this place. But I can't let go of the hope that something can be done. For her and for you. Besides, you've said you'd explain some things to me. I'm still waiting for you to make good on that promise."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"This is the situation which I think needs no explanation, that I wanted you to know... I least expected this answer from you, of all people, but... They say people change under certain... Circumstances..." Roy hesitated, before adjusting her clothes, removing her vest, showing the shoulder strap shirt underneath. Some of his clothes were replaced with female wear, such as the heels he wore now, likely an addition during his capture, but everything else was what he wore when he was a man. "I've never really felt self-conscious about my body before... But I suppose having a suddenly attractive form will do that..." Roy said with hesitation. If the situation were any different, there would be no signs at all that would have told Grave that who he was sitting with was a man.

Slowly, and nervously, Roy slipped her undershirt over her head, revealing Roy's perky breasts underneath, as well as her curvy, toned waistline. Roy looked like a fairly athletic woman with that appearance, and unbearably attractive with the nervous expression, and embarrassed blush. Roy's nipples were pink, like Club's, but Roy obviously had more weight to her chest than the goblin.

"This damn magic running through my body..." Roy cursed, nipples erect with excitement. "I can't make up my mind, whether I'm disgusted or excited over the thought of... Ngh..." Roy turned her head away in shame, before bracing herself, and seeking to get it over with as she gripped at the waistline of her black pants, which looked a lot like stockings with the skirt she wore, and slid them down, revealing why Roy was cursing the magic in her body. With all of her clothes off, Cynder was allowed to see the entirety of Roy's new form. An attractive, curvy body, glistening with sweat, with fair breasts, and healthy thighs that shined with all of the juices flowing from Roy's genitals. There was nothing left to show of the man he used to be, instead there was only an excited, pink pussy that Grave could tell was just aching to swallow his length inside, no doubt causing an internal struggle with Roy herself, who wanted to deny those demonic instincts.

Silent, Cynder would recall Roy's stance on the situation. He didn't want to end up like this, but Grave was insistent that Roy live. Now, hesitant, ashamed, disgusted, and of course extremely nervous, Roy laid on the sleeping bag, eyes averting Cynder's. Despite the situation, Roy appeared as no more than a shy girl who was about to have sex. "I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack..." Roy whispered softly, before she laughed a little, "I know you like smaller girls... Sorry about that." Roy decided to throw in a joke to try and reduce the tension.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Oy. You could have spared me that last one." Grave replied, looking really embarassed. "Club's the only one, and I'd like to see you say no to someone who breaks marble with bare hands..." He felt guilty over pressuring Roy like that, but reasoned that the ex-man was the one who made a decision. Would he decide to do this if she didn't want to live? Envy probably felt something similiar - deep loathing about her nature fighting against her desires. It was not their fault, and they did not deserve to be punished for it - he would find a way to turn them back. With a sigh, Cynder took off his jacket. The neo-girl was undoubtedly a wreck right now. Perhaps if he undressed as well, he would make her feel like the playing field was even. Taking off his shirt, the half-blood took a good look at his partner (previously, he was too busy trying to cover up his own shame and embarassment). He had to admit that Roy had a body many girls would kill for, and the sight was very exciting. His lower half agreed, as he found out after taking off his pants.

"I'll... try to be gentle..." Grave started, blushing almost as heavily as Roy. Truth be told, he could feel his heartbeat echo throughout his entire body. The hum of blood in his veins made it difficult to think, and with his libido and conscience locked in a fierce battle for domination, the half-blood had a hard time deciding what to do next. His experience was hardly helpful in those cases - usually the initiative was in the hands of women he encountered. Even as he leaned over Roy's body, getting really hard from the sight, Cynder frantically tried to come up with a course of action. Should he try some kissing, or petting, or massaging, or something? Or maybe go straight for the main part? And what would Roy prefer? Blinking, the young man realized that perhaps he could let his partner decide. "So, uh... How do you want me to do it? I'm, ah... Kinda not used to taking the lead."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Roy gave a start when Grave announced that he'd be gentle, and the following question to Roy made the blond turn to face Cynder, her breasts bouncing slightly from the sudden motion in an appealing way as she stared Grave down with a bit of irritation. "Don't say shit like 'I'll be gentle!'" Roy shouted out. "I'm not a damn woman! At least not one at heart! So just...!" Roy threw her hands up in frustration, before her eyes focused on Cynder's penis, and immediately was taken aback by the sight of it. "... Got hard quick, didn't you..." Roy said with clear nervousness. Roy sounded so against this, but what was clear was the direction Roy was staring. Eyes locked on Grave's length, there was a bit of intent behind the stare as well as Roy's unwilling disgust.

"I don't know what to do either." Roy responded, considerably frustrated. "At least you know what that thing is for in the end... At least you still have your thing." Roy grimaced, before she began to tremble, and face him directly. Supporting herself up with her hands as she leaned back, Roy spread her legs in front of Cynder in a way that made his already hard length become twice as excited, beyond what he'd think possible. As if with perfect grace, Roy had given Grave a most perfect invitation. "Jeez..." Roy grimaced. "Just do... Whatever comes natural..." Roy announced to Cynder, leaving her trembling legs spread open for him to do as he pleased with Roy's new attractive form.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

'Well excuse me, princess, but you look a lot like a fine woman if you ask me...' Grave had to bite his tongue to hold back the verbal jab. It seemed like Roy wasn't in the right state to continue the discussion anyway, as she was probably being a bit preoccupied with going into shock at the sight of what was about to go inside her. At least Cynder wasn't the only one who felt at loss when it came to performing the act. Taking a deep breath, the half-blood moved closer to position himself properly before slowly pushing his penis inside Roy's pussy. He moved with care, to ensure that the whole process wouldn't be painful, and paused for a moment after he was completely in, to give the neo-girl a chance to adjust to the new sensation before he began to move, doing her slowly to let her get accomodated to what was happening before he went any faster.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Roy put her hands on Grave's shoulders as her face went possibly as red as it could go. Breathing heavily, Roy laid flat on her back, and let her head rest against the pillow of the sleeping back. Her mouth was open as she was near hyperventilating, and Cynder could see her clenched teeth, as tense as tense could be. When Grave pushed the head of his length against her folds, he could feel her warm genitals kiss the tip, and wrap around it. "G... Ah... Hah..." Roy panted, before her back arched as he pushed his way inside. "Gyaaah! A... Ahn..." Roy moaned with such an attractive voice. Her moans of shame and pleasure rang through Cynder's mind like music, arousing him even further. Her pussy throbbed around his dick, pulsing and squeezing him. He could feel her pussy nursing on his length for energy as he held himself inside her. As if a second mouth, Roy's pussy sucked on his length awkwardly, unlike Envy's who squeezed him relentlessly. It seemed Roy wasn't used to her new body.

"Hah... Ah... Mmm..." Roy moaned, "I can actually feel... How much I'm pleasuring you..." Roy shook her head, bewildered by her apparently innate ability. "Damn it, Cynder... Why do I have to know how much you're enjoying being inside me?" Roy asked with a tone that suggested disgust, but Grave could very well understand how much fluid was flowing to lubricate his length. There was little doubt that Roy was incredibly aroused with the sensation of knowing how good Cynder felt with his length wrapped by her vaginal lips. "So much..." Roy panted, her pussy quivering around his length. "Spurting so much energy into me..." Roy moaned with a tone tinged with madness. A demon's sexual hunger was truly strong, as evident by the person under neath Grave right now, who used to be someone with a calm, calculative mind, and is now a woman moaning about how wonderful Cynder's cock feels inside.

When he began to move, it only got worse for Roy. Eyes opening wide, Grave would find Roy staring at him directly with shocked lust as he slowly began to grind his length around inside of Roy's velvety soft pussy. Moaning, Roy's hips moved on their own. Cynder could feel Roy's body moving, grinding with his thrusts to brush his length around inside Roy in a pleasurable way, making his length slide along the upper area of Roy's pussy. The better he felt, the more Roy seemed to moan with pleasure. It got to a point where Roy no longer looked disgusted. Acceptance spreading through her facial expression, Roy now looked at Grave with a face that begged for more pleasure. Her hands on his shoulders were no longer trying to fight between the ideas of holding him away or close, and were now simply encouraging Cynder to come closer, and enjoy Roy to the fullest. "I can't fight it..." Roy admitted her defeat at the hands of the unholy pleasure torturing her. "I love it..." she moaned, as Grave would feel one of Roy's hands descend to his ass, and encourage his thrusts. "I love it... I love it...!" Roy announced with a smile of mad lust. Truly, there was nothing left of the previous Roy Cynder met. Now, all that remained was a woman who had fallen in love with his dick.

"My humanity be damned... I love feeling you throb inside of me...!"
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

'Alright, carefully now... Don't go wild, don't go wild...' Grave tensed when he heard Roy moan during the first penetration. Even if she wasn't used to this and acted awkwardly, there was a certain charm to this as well. And he could also see the change that took place in the woman under him. Despite the displeasure Roy voiced, it was pretty obvious that the neo-girl was falling into a lustful frenzy, just like Envy did when she was low on energy. Cynder grit his teeth. His sister returned to normal after the act - well, sort of - so perhaps he wouldn't have to worry about this. Still, it spoke volumes about the strenght of emotions burning inside due to corruption. Hopefully there was a way to counteract this, maybe even purge it entirely. For now, however, he'd have to focus on feeding Roy with energy, and considering how excited he got thanks to her, it wouldn't be much of a problem.

And it really wasn't. The neo-girl was quick to help out, even, and Grave soon found her matching his rythm with incredibly pleasurable motions. And she wasn't the only one feeling better and better, too. The half-blood began to reflexively quicken his pace as things went on, driven by his own urges and the need evident on Roy's face. Still, even as he embraced the woman, doing her faster and harder, Cynder couldn't help but curse silently as she made her final declaration. This was getting bad... But he couldn't stop, and he doubted that his partner would let him stop. "Damn it..." He grunted, grasping Roy's shoulders and staring into her eyes. "Come on, there's more to you than that... Just cause you love it doesn't mean you have to give up outright, for crying..." Then again, if he felt it with such intensity... How bad was it for a demon?
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"W-with all due respect, Grave..." Roy replied, before grabbing him tighter, her eyes bulging wider, "Your DICK is INSIDE of ME!" she shouted out to him.

"Stop bwagging!" Club chided Roy.

"I don't really care... Anymore..." Roy said, shaking her head. "I'm like this... and... There's no known way for me to turn back... If I'm to live, I have no other choice but to accept this..." Roy said, rational thought wrestling it's way through her mind to speak and respond, even though Cynder felt Roy's pussy twitching around his length, and her hips squirming as well, demanding more.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"... Point taken. Sorry." Grave replied to Roy's shout, doing his best to ignore the fact that apparently they were far more audible than he thought and considered comfortable. Still, at least it seemed that the neo-girl was still capable of forming coherent thoughts, much to his relief. His worries dealt with, he decided to finish what he started. Cynder could feel that Roy wanted more and to be honest, he wanted more as well. He responded on pure reflex at first before starting to move with better precision. Embracing her closer, the half-blood decided to take things a little further. He began with some simple petting, slowly moving to more intimate forms of touching, trying to find out what the neo-girl liked. If she had to accept it, then he might as well try to make this feel good for her instead of simply fucking her cunt, even if that was pleasurable as Hell.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Roy blushed deep red when Grave embraced her closer, and began to treat her gently, petting her tenderly. "G... G-Grave..." Roy moaned. The more he treated Roy like a woman, the more Roy seemed to completely act like one. But as time went on, it seemed less and less like an act. Breathing with every thrust, moaning as his length slid in and out of her, Roy's eyes, previously closed or avoiding looking at Cynder, slowly seemed to migrate towards him, until Roy was staring straight at Grave, all while moaning and blushing. Holding Roy so close in embrace, it took only a small motion...

Roy's arms wrapped around Cynder, and her head rose, locking lips with him. Without any doubts, Roy's transformation was complete.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave was rather suprised by the sudden kiss, though he didn't break it. Has Roy completely accepted the fact that he was a woman? Probably. The act has been going on for a while, after all. Now all inhibitions were gone, the point of no return has been passed. The half-blood could tell he could treat Roy completely like a woman. Cynder's hands moved towards the girl's chest, massaging, fondling, exploring. He leaned down a little further, moving to kiss her on the neck. The whole situation seemed nearly unreal, though only by the standards of the old reality he used to live in. That was a thought for later, however. For now, he enjoyed the sex, groping, fucking, licking, pushing himself and the girl under him to the inevitable climax.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Hands to her chest, Grave could feel the sizable breasts that grew from Roy's chest fill his hand and squish through his fingers. Soft, attractive, and perky, yet another part of Roy became present in Cynder's conscious thoughts to make him even more aroused by Roy. As he moved down and began to kiss her neck, Grave would only be rewarded further with the beautiful sound of Roy's womanly voice moaning lewdly with pleasure. "Grave...!" Roy moaned aloud, her pussy squeezing suddenly much harder on his length, tightening rather snug. "I... I can feel... I can feel you... Getting ready to cum..." Roy moaned loudly, getting so excited over the fact. Her legs lifted and wrapped around his waist, pulling him in and refusing to let him pull out, while her arms did the same, encouraging him to remain locked to her as he came. "Of all things... I... I can't believe I want you to cum inside me..." Roy confessed. "My pussy... Is so hungry for your seed... Dump your load inside of me...!" she pleaded.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Guh..." Grave knew he was getting to his limit, but he didn't expect Roy to pick up on that so quickly. He could barely recall her mentioning that she could experience what he felt, but he must have missed the implications of that fact somewhere along the ride. Now the girl was preventing him from pulling away just as he was near his peak, ensuring that he'd come inside her. With that in mind, Cynder decided to put more effort into the act, reasoning that if he was going to come, he might as well try to get Roy to come along with him. Squeezing, kissing, nibbling, fondling, he began to work on areas where he suspected the girl was sensitive - neck, breasts, ears, collarbone among others. At the same time, he picked up his pace, fucking her fast and hard before finally slamming all the way in. "I'm!" He didn't even manage to finish the sentence before he erupted inside of her, filling her womb with his seed.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

As Grave only got closer to his climax, Roy only moaned louder, her lewd voice encouraging his climax more and more the further he came to it. Being touched, and stimulated all over by Cynder's hands always seemed to yield a moan or twitch from the woman embracing him. And when he finally came, pressing his length in until he hilted with her pussy lips, Roy let out nearly a scream of pleasure as her pussy squeezed around his manhood like a vice. Grave would be not allowed to move as the seal of Roy's pussy kept him trapped inside of her. The throbbing of his length became insanely more intense while surrounded by her vaginal walls. "Filling... You're filling me up..." Roy moaned as Cynder released globs of his gooey cum inside of her, as well as the essence of his own soul straight into Roy's hungry vaginal mouth.

"I feel... So warm... So happy..." Roy voiced, panting underneath Grave, and continuing to hug him to her, to make sure the last of his cum drips into her. "I've never... Ever felt such content before... The succubus curse is truly sickeningly alluring..."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Ugh!" Grave could hardly believe how tight Roy got all of a sudden. It actually reminded him of sleeping with Club, seeing as the little girl was incredibly tight as well. Now he was held in place not only by the woman's arms, but her pussy as well, unable to move as he filled her insides with his cum. He could also feel the familiar sensation of his essence being drained from him, which meant that the energy transfer was a success. 'Well, at least that went right. Hope I won't have to do it too often.' Cynder had to admit that he felt unusually tired after the session. Sure, he was quite certain that he had more energy to spare than this, but between the shock of an insanely strong orgasm and the drain he felt wiped out. It took him a while to stop cumming, eventually settling down in Roy's embrace, resting. "Damn... You're tight... Can't be... Taken lightly..."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Sorry..." Roy winced, before Grave felt her pussy relax and allow him to leave her. "It's like... a second mouth or something... The more you fill me up... I have to tighten up... To swallow your energy... I guess..." Roy explained nervously.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"I'm fine." Grave sighed as he finally pulled himself out of Roy, enjoying the feeling of freedom. Sure the sex was awesome, but there was only so much pressure he could deal with. "Anyway... How do you feel? Think this is going to be enough?" Hopefully the energy Roy managed to absorb would sustain her for a while. There was no way to tell when an enemy might appear and strike, and sooner or later they'd run into one, no doubts about it.