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Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

The werefox nuzzled closer to Ceit as they lay together near the warmth of the fire. Her arms pulling her lover closer as she kissed her on the cheek before laying back in the grass to rest. Staring up into the overcast skies her eyes closed just as Ceit's did and she echoed her last words with her own. "We'll make sure of it together."


Ceit felt herself wake up still lying in the arms of her lover. The rays of a bright spring sun shining through the branches of the forest were already drying the grass as she stirred. The fire had died down sometime during the night, leaving a slight chill in Ceit's body where she had been wounded. The sun however would quickly change that thankfully. It wouldn't be long she knew before this ordeal had come to an end and she found out what fate had in store for her.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

With a slight groan at the stiffness in her joints, and the aches of her adventure starting to come back to some awareness, Ceit slowly disentangled herself from Brigde. She made her way into the bushes where she squatted to urinate, before returning to the makeshift camp sight, scattered embers and ashes so it would not alight again in the forest, and that the grass may grow through again.

Taking her time in dressing, which meant her boots and makeshift skirt, Ceit sat beside her lover, stroking her hair softly and smiling, waiting for the werefox to awaken.

"Good morning mo gra," she said softly when Brighde's eyes did open, giving her a warm smile. Then glanced outwards into the forest; it was time to go.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

The were-fox lazily stretched her limbs as she sat up, an exhausted yet pleased smile spread across her face. Looking up from the ground at the sun shining through the branches above she rubbed her eyes before lazily standing. Her smile never faded as she gave her lover a soft kiss on the cheek before heading over to the small stream to wash.

Once they were ready the last leg of their return trip began with Brighde leading the way once more. Ceit found the travel much easier today after a good night's rest and the pleasant spring sun certainly helped as well. Ceit could now tell roughly where she was as she caught a glance of the mountain through the branches before the trees began to grow ancient once more.

They were very close to Sileas' cave as they traveled under the untouched glade. Ceit could not help but notice that the sapling she carried looked very similar to these trees. There was a strange scent in the air as well, something she couldn't quite place at the moment.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Her nostrils flaring slightly as they passed through the glade, Ceit slowed her pace. There was something familiar about the scent, but she couldn't quite place it. Yet, she was so close to the end of this journey. So close to what could become home to her that she was reluctant to stall anymore, to push off the inevitable.

Looking to her lover, she gently tapped Brighde's shoulder, carefully tucking the sapling closer to herself.

"Do you smell that?" she asked, glancing about again, as if the source would reveal itself. "What is it?"
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

"Smoke, probably too far away for you to recognize the scent." Brighde said as she lifted her head. The were-foxes pace slowed considerably as she smiled back at her lover and added.

"My senses are quite a bit keener than yours, at least they are now. Sileas and the other guardians have pretty good senses as well. I wouldn't worry though it's nowhere near the grove." Finally they arrived near the entrance to Sileas' cave, the same strange symbols etched above the entrance. The same darkness which now seemed all the more frightening now that Ceit had an inkling of what awaited her.

"I'll wait here, mo gra." Brighde said as she stopped and planted a soft kiss on her lover's cheek. "I'm afraid I can't actually enter the cave with you but I can promise to wait for you right here."
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

"I assumed they were," Ceit said with a smile as they stepped towards the foreboding cave. A shudder ran down the hunter's spine as she looked towards those carved runes. When she felt the soft warm caress of lips on her skin, she smiled, turning to give Brighde a proper kiss on the lips.

"I will see you when I emerge," she said softly.

Then, steeling her herself, Ceit grasped the sapling tightly, and entered into the darkness of the cave. The cool dampness surrounding her, the smell of blood. She wandered in to where Sileas had been before, the light behind her almost a memory already.

"Sileas. I return, my task complete," she said, taking just a moment before speaking to make sure her voice wouldn't waver.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Descending into the deathly still blackness of Sileas lair, Ceit found herself almost gagging on the smell of blood. It somehow seemed stronger than it had been on her last visit to the cavern. Slowly putting one foot in front of the other she made her way into the abyss where she would finally find out what lay in store for her. The gentle drip of either blood or water told her she was near the cave where she had first met the supposed guardian. After the briefest of pauses she spoke her voice cutting through the silence of the caves like a knife through butter. A few moments later and she heard the sound of movement echoing from somewhere in the darkness.

She appeared as though from nowhere, a mere foot in front of her staring from the darkness like some wild animal. Not Sileas but another woman, her pale skin framed by short black hair. She was tall and more broad at the shoulder than all but the strongest of men. With a nod of her head Ceit understood that she should follow as she scrambled deeper into the cave. They moved deeper and deeper into the earth until Ceit felt as though there was no escape from the utter darkness and stillness. Finally they reached a much larger cave, lit in the center by a fire which threw unearthly shadows on the walls of the cave as it crackled and roared.

"Take the sapling and guard it near the fire. It will be the last you feel such warmth, sister. When the sun falls we shall commence till then I must rest." The voice was almost more like an animals than a human's and yet it seemed almost motherly to Ceit's ears. It wasn't long and she found herself alone on her vigil in the cave, the other of the lhiannan scrambling back above.
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Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit said nothing else, merely nodding when spoken to by this other Lhiannan. Alone again, Ceit sat on the damp floor, not sure if it was blood or water soaking into the skirt she had made. She saw far enough away from the flickering comforts of the flames that the sapling she had taken all this way would not catch, but close enough she could let the warmth seep into flesh. She watched the flames, caught in a silent vigil now.

Her time was coming she knew. For now, she just savoured these last moments of humanity.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Sitting down upon the cold stone and dirt of the cave Ceit held the sapling in her lap away from the flames. The warmth of the fire only helped enough to prevent her from shivering as she looked about the room.

The light of the fire did little to make the room seem more hospitable, it very much reminded her of a den of animals. The sight of bones here and there and the scent of fresh blood filling her nostrils reinforced the thought. Yet for all her worries she knew she would always have the thought of Brighde to keep her company.

Along the walls she could pick out more symbols as unrecognizable as those on the entrance. Her eyes followed the line until she noticed some that she had seen before. Her father and mother had shown her the symbols found on pictish stones before but even they were unable to read the older writing.

Still there was little else to keep her mind occupied and so she studied the pictograms for a while. Something about a mother, a father and their children. She was teaching them, showing them how to use the same powers she wielded. Then the father left her and he took the children with them to a great city full of other people. Finally it all seemed to end with a deluge which killed everyone, save the father. She could not piece together the rest as the pictograms seemed to faded to read.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit wondered what the engravings meant, what story they were telling. It was quite possible she would learn soon enough. Again and again, between warm thoughts of Brighde, the hunter looked to those markings, and pondered over their tale. They grew more and less fanciful in her imagination the more she did as the hours of the day stretched on.

Only once though did she think of home. Only once did she let her thoughts turn towards family. She knew now, that she could not return to them. That her parents had lost their only child to something greater than she had known before trying to carry back a dead deer that fateful morning.

And so Ceit waited, sometimes humming to herself, sometimes watching the flames. Then back to thinking of her lover and those markings. And above it all, loomed the end. Of what she wasn't quite sure yet, only that it was an end.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

The hours seemed to pass slowly as Ceit held her lonely vigil deep beneath the earth. Her thoughts occupied as they were between her lover and the strange story she had pieced together on the walls of the cavern. She had made little headway in deciphering them when she heard footsteps from the darkness above her. She had spent almost the entire day lost in thought and she could feel the stiffness in her legs as she stood.

It wasn't long and she was joined in the cave by the woman she had met the night before. She of course said nothing as she moved to one side of the room where she knelt on her haunches like a wild animal. Her eyes seemed to show a moment of fear as she eyed the flames in the center, yet it quickly faded as she turned her animalistic gaze to Ceit. A few minutes later Sileas entered, despite the obvious blindness of the woman she seemed to have no trouble in moving through the room. Stopping directly before Ceit, where she stood, a smile spreading across her face as she held out her hands for the sapling.

"It is good that you have succeeded where other's have failed, sister. Some of us had our doubts in your abilities." A growl from the other woman suggested it was she who had harbored doubts, though she was quickly silenced by a glance from Sileas. "We have some time before the moon will have fully risen and you have certainly earned some answers. No doubt you have plenty by now?"
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

She couldn't stop the groan that spilled free as she rose to stand in the cave, presented before these two women who were far from human. She listened to Sileas speak, felt a chill from the almost animal nature of the other. It made her think of the berserkers that charged the British shores. Scarcely human. These two were further down whatever path split from humanity.

She pondered for her questions, wondering what she could say. "A few... so many. But, we'd be here much of the night. I feel something is coming, and I don't think we have as much time as I would like," Ceit started, and looked to the other woman, before turning her full attention to Sileas again.

"What are you? I already know you will bring me to the same fate. About the woman who's life I took, she said something about a blight, spreading through the forest. Killing all that Gods toiled to make," Ceit said, letting it all tumble outwards.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

"As you have no doubt surmised we are not from the land of faery as mortals think, mortals do not in truth understand the world around them. They call our kind many names in many places though I suppose the most common would be vampire, a word with little meaning in your mind. We are the undead, kept alive by feeding on the life blood of mortals." Sileas said after a few seconds of thought her voice seemed calming and alluring despite the horrible words she uttered. Ceit found herself wanting to know more as her fear subsided somewhat.

"We continue to live after our death so that we may spread and protect the garden of our father and mother. There are unfortunately many blights that stain the land and very few of us left to keep the blight away. It can be heartbreaking to live such a difficult existence and perhaps that is what our sister spoke of before you freed her soul." Ceit could not help but note the hint of sadness in Sileas voice as she spoke of the one that had been destroyed. Though she could not dwell on the thought for long as even more questions formed in her mind.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

"She knew, that you would take me. Would make me a... vampire, like yourselves. To take her place. Why me? What makes me so special?" she had to know, now that her fear was slipping away. She clung to her memories of Brighde in the back of her mind, believing they were stronger than that of home, of her parents. For a child must eventually move on.

A love might not have to.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

"Ilisa was very gifted when it came to seeing the truth as well as the future, she was the one who chose you. Perhaps she saw her death in your birth and knew that it somehow made you important. I can't really say for certain why she thought you were special." Sileas explained finally mentioning the name of the one Ceit had been sent to destroy. She could sense the other more feral woman moving away from the flames to join them, though she did not seem to hurry as Sileas continued.

"I myself find you special because of your bravery, your reverence for nature, and your unsual blood. Something all of our coven had before they left to find their fate." By now Magda had joined them, still saying nothing as she stared into Ceit's eyes from only a foot away. Until now Ceit had not noticed the fangs but up close the elongated canines were easily visible even in the dark of the cavern. Finally after a few moments she spoke her voice more growl than anything else.

"I may have doubted you before sister but you have proven me wrong already. Perhaps one day soon we will get the chance to hunt together under the full moon. Your skill in finding Ilisa is more than enough to make you special in my eyes."
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit couldn't stop glancing towards the fangs. Despite all the oddities she had witnessed these past few days, the strange world she had plunged into, the fangs were like a seal on her fate. There was no backing away from any of this now.

She looked between the two, wrestling with fear, resignation, excitement, hope, and determination. Like going into battle in a way. She let out a slow controlled breath, before nodding to Magda.

"I thank you sister," the last word slipped so easy from her lips. "Perhaps we shall."

"One last question. What of Brighde?"
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Sileas smiled her fangs now showing through in the darkness of the cave just as well as Magda's. She simply nodded her head and thoughtfully said. "The were-fox has long been our closest ally, like her father before her. I'm sure you will find her as useful to our cause as we do. I would perhaps caution against growing too close to one who is mortal but it's probably too late for that. And now if your ready we should get started, you will have a lifetime to learn everything else you want to know."

Both Magda and Sileas took Ceit by the arms and lead her near the fire where they kneeled. Ceit could feel a shudder of fear from both of her future sisters as they looked at the flames, though it quickly passed. Before she could even contemplate what was happening, she felt their fangs at her throat. A momentary prick of pain followed by pleasure, she wouldn't be able to fight back if she wanted to. They were draining her of blood and there was nothing she could but think about what she was leaving behind.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit smiled, a little sheepishly, at Sileas's last words of Brighde. It was indeed too late for that. Then she straightened her shoulders, and nodded. "I am ready."

Cold hands grasping her arms, she rose to her feet, moving with them towards the fire, felt the shudder of fear in their grip as the heat of the flickering flames grazed over her flesh. She took in a long breath as they leaned in, fighting down her own fear as she felt their fangs at her throat. She blinked and then there were pricks of pain followed by a flood of euphoria. A gasp, almost sexual, spilled from her lips as her knees went weak.

Life flowed out from her, her toes and fingers going cold, numb even. Her eyes rolled back as the sensation spread, somehow not unpleasant. In a way, it felt like she was being freed. And to do it, she had to leave behind everything. Her family, her village. They would fade into distant memory and she would remain forever more. Something no longer human.

Her heart began to slow, she could feel it almost. Dull thumps in her breast, further and further apart.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Both Magda and Sileas voraciously sucked at Ceit's neck, desperate to drain every last drop of her blood. Her vision faded more and more as she lost each drop of blood in her veins and yet she did not care. The feeling of being fed from was so wonderful that it was beyond comprehension, even as she felt her heart still she could do little but moan with lust. Finally as the last of her blood was drained she felt herself fade away, leaving behind everything she had ever known.

Hovering at the edge of death Ceit became aware of a cup being pushed to her mouth. Something warm and salty trickled down her throat she somehow knew it was blood, yet there was nothing she could do to either stop or aid the process. Once the blood had made it's way down her throat she felt herself fade away into oblivion. No dreams, no thoughts, nothing.


Ceit woke with a start, her min barely it's own. She could feel a barely repressed hunger filling her every thought. Yet it wasn't really her who needed to be fed, it was like there was another being inside her mind. She looked about the now completely dark cave. Her senses seemed sharper than ever before, the scent of old blood that she had noticed before was now stronger but it was no longer repulsive. She was alone yet she could hear the sounds of movement somewhere in the caves above. It was all so strange she thought as her tongue ran over her newly elongated fangs.

She knew she could not stay here any longer, the need to feed on blood was almost too strong to resist. She needed more answers while she remained in tenuous control of her body and mind.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

The distant dripping of water, such a natural sound in a cave as this, sounded more akin to a waterfall. She felt the sharp tips of new fangs, the coolness of her mostly bared skin. Yet the damp, the cold in the cave, was of no discomfort to her. She was though, very hungry. Desperate for blood. She knew this, on some instinct she couldn't quite understand.

She needed answers. To find where to put her feet to continue on her journeys in life. But she needed to feed. Now!

That, otherness, in her mind, her spirit, demanded satisfaction. Something akin to a snarl spilled out into the cave as she scrambled over rock towards one of the pools of blood, plunging her face into it, lapping at it almost wolf like. It was feral, beastly, her actions, but she didn't care.