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Games Discussion Thread

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This is for everything, EVERYTHING that has to do with games on consoles or PC, MMORPGs, FPSs and what else there is. There've been a bunch of threads like this before, but they were all pretty topical (only talking about multiplayer games or flash games or. . .)

First I'd like to bring up something that I read in a Gaming Magazine (I know, I'm way old school that way). According to them, they are going to make Dead Space 2 less scary because some people were so scared of the first one that they couldn't finish it.

No. That's exactly the wrong thing to do. Your target audience for that game is adult and WANTS to be scared. Dead Space was so enjoyable BECAUSE of the scares and BECAUSE of the great atmosphere. Don't got down the same line as Resident Evil, I beg you.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

First I'd like to bring up something that I read in a Gaming Magazine (I know, I'm way old school that way).

Heh, I too read gaming magazines. Mainly Official Nintendo Magazine and PC Gamer, though I do pick up others occasionally.

Anyway, I maybe on a late train on this one, but apparently Leona Lewis (some dumb bitch who won(maybe) in a 'talent' show in Britain) is doing the main theme for the European release of FFXIII. Now, this may be me being biased because I don't like her songs but I have a feeling that the song is going to be one long fail train that may or may not obliterate FFXIII. Though that being said, if the song is a success, and she releases it on a single/album of hers then will video game music slowly become more 'mainstream' and accepted by people who otherwise would consider video game music to be shit because it was sung by a mainstream British artist?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You refer to a variant of the Streisand Effect, in which, once something of a particular genre becomes popular, the entire genre becomes popular? If so, then I really do hope that it happens. It'd be nice to be able to discuss the works of Nobuo Uematsu with more people.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Or Halo's music. I can not think of the composer right now (but I'm sure someone will tip me off), but the music he did for Halo was really good. Love or hate the games, they had quite fitting music.

As for the Dead Space thing, though I've never played it (I've looked at it, seen demos and such, and just not liked the way it was played) I know that to take away the core aspect, that atmosphere and creepiness wouldn't work. Especially in a sci-fi setting like it is. Take away the scariness, next thing you know its just like any other "I'm a space-faring alien ass-kicker" game.

Though I will argue that the latest Resident Evil games are quite good, and I've enjoyed them more than previous installments, I'd like to see the two styles of the series blended together.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

As for the Dead Space thing, though I've never played it (I've looked at it, seen demos and such, and just not liked the way it was played) I know that to take away the core aspect, that atmosphere and creepiness wouldn't work. Especially in a sci-fi setting like it is. Take away the scariness, next thing you know its just like any other "I'm a space-faring alien ass-kicker" game.

Though I will argue that the latest Resident Evil games are quite good, and I've enjoyed them more than previous installments, I'd like to see the two styles of the series blended together.

Resident Evil 5 IS a good game.

It is NOT a good horror game, however. There's barely any kind of creepy atmosphere. Doom 3 did the same thing within one game, going from creepy horror game to standard shooter within a few levels. Dead Space kept it going for the whole game, and I'm probably going to buy 2 just because I didn't buy the first one, but if they really did take the scariness out I'm not going to be a very satisfied customer.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For creepiness nothing beats the Penumbra games... Namely because you don't have any weapons.

The composer for halo was O'Donnell or something...

Michael, Martin, Marty.... Something with an M, definately something with an M...



The composer is M*cough* O'Donnell
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Resident Evil 5 IS a good game.

It is NOT a good horror game, however. There's barely any kind of creepy atmosphere. Doom 3 did the same thing within one game, going from creepy horror game to standard shooter within a few levels. Dead Space kept it going for the whole game, and I'm probably going to buy 2 just because I didn't buy the first one, but if they really did take the scariness out I'm not going to be a very satisfied customer.

Are you kidding me!? I was totally drawn in by the horrific atmosphere when I was walking through broad daylight fighting zombies that had absolutely no original quality or scariness in them! And besides that, it's set in Africa, which is frightening! I mean, imagine if you get AIDS!

No but seriously, I was not happy with RE5.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Didn't bother to play. RE4 with a shitty AI partner and that fucking faggot Chris Redfield instead of kickass motherfucking Leon.

Think about this: Leon kicked the shit out of more threats than Chris did, and Chris needed some stupid bitch helping him out. Instead of getting a partner, Leon actually had to ESCORT an even MORE useless bitch.

Plus, consider the fucking proportions on that fucking character model. His biceps are the fucking size of his head.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

But biceps are EVERYTHING in a third person shooter. The game is NOT a game without massive biceps. Just like you're not ubercool in any mmo EVER unless you have shoulders approximately one quarter the size of the Earth.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

yeah, i mean i had fun with RE5 but its not a good game and with the exception of co-op it is inferior in every way to RE4.

Halo music kicks ass, the first game was composed by martin o'donnell and micheal salvitori but after that i think salvitori droped out. At least thats what my mp3's are telling me.

Dead space was excelent, although being a bit of a survival horror buff it was about as scary as an embankment, but that was a good level for it. It didn't reach to high and didn't fall on its face, it had ripped the best aspects out of several games (controls from RE4, monsters from doom 3 and everything else from system shock 2) and wound up with something good. Removing horror from it would just leave it purposeless, not unlike RE5 is to RE4.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Why so much hate for RE4 and RE5, damnit? Just because they lack the same horror elements their predecessors had? This is equivalent to picking on big breasted chicks with down syndrome or blonde hair.

And wtf? LESS HORROR in SEQUEL? That's like less income from a promotion.

Speaking of which, I really wanna play Bayonetta.. Er, we are talking about games in general, right? Not just horror games?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Why so much hate for RE4 and RE5, damnit? Just because they lack the same horror elements their predecessors had? This is equivalent to picking on big breasted chicks with down syndrome or blonde hair.

And wtf? LESS HORROR in SEQUEL? That's like less income from a promotion.

Speaking of which, I really wanna play Bayonetta.. Er, we are talking about games in general, right? Not just horror games?

Yeah, just games. And I tried the demo for that, it seemed pretty much like a sexy Devil May Cry (not to say that Dante isn't sexy, but whatever) with a hot as shit female lead.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Why so much hate for RE4 and RE5, damnit? Just because they lack the same horror elements their predecessors had? This is equivalent to picking on big breasted chicks with down syndrome or blonde hair.

i don't think anyone is hating on RE4, just 5.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Speaking of scary games turning into non-scary games, there's painkiller(mostly non-scary having a sudden part that's sometimes scary). Yes, painkiller, the game where you get several huge guns and can blow up everything. And then there's a level where you are suddenly not the bad-ass going around destroying everything and nailing pathetic creatures to walls with a sharpened dildo-gun.(or just less)

As youtube links as examples(Because it's the closest we can get to playing a game without downloading it or actually playing), here's the basic gameplay, not pictured are the player character's giant balls of steel shielding him from damage.

Just going around, shooting some stuff, and then suddenly you find one of these levels..

Notice the comments may show difficulty has been set to as low as possible, and the player is using the most OP weapon(s) available. Along with playing safe and not taking any risks at all. Also fun is the gutted giant teddybear around 5:20 of the second video.(With a better view at 6:10) The second video(Which is part 1 of the level) ends with piggy banks made out of the skin of presumably children.

And then the game resumes it's regular schedule and the scary bits are gone.

And then there's the expansion, which brings a level that's...laughable, even though they really tried to make it scary.(This is not the same team that made the full game)
Here's the vid.

So, demon dogs, undead kamikaze chickens, mechanical knife-men, guys with saws for head, identical guys with cow-heads, and bouncing chickencoops with an evil face on them.
That's not scary, that's anti-scary.

Also, I never played RE5 or dead space, but game music in general seems to be better then the usual crap I hear people play. Also, it's 2 am, I have no idea if this post is coherent or even on topic. I'll go sleep.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

i don't think anyone is hating on RE4, just 5.

There are haters, surprisingly. But most of the time they hate it for a different reason. I dunno, I always assumed what they meant was that RE4 is what caused the series to take a wrong turn. Whatever.. They're all trolls anyways so gives a shit. RE5 haters on the other hand are actually logically stupid.

^ You know, the best horror games are the ones that give you NOTHING. You have no firearms, you play as a fragile japanese girl and the enemies are usually invulnerable or invisible.. or BOTH.

Ju-On on the Wii - all you get is a fucking flashlight.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

There are haters, surprisingly. But most of the time they hate it for a different reason. I dunno, I always assumed what they meant was that RE4 is what caused the series to take a wrong turn. Whatever.. They're all trolls anyways so gives a shit. RE5 haters on the other hand are actually logically stupid.

^ You know, the best horror games are the ones that give you NOTHING. You have no firearms, you play as a fragile japanese girl and the enemies are usually invulnerable or invisible.. or BOTH.

Ju-On on the Wii - all you get is a fucking flashlight.

Dear god, don't bring those games up. I pissed my pants far more often than once playing Fatal Frame..

The memories......Oh fuck, the memories...

That's why I mostly just stick to L4D2 and other zombie related games when it comes to horror.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

L4D is consider a horror game?? It's made by freakin Valve! How can it be scary? You'd be too busy laughing your ass off from it's silly contents! XD
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am a sucker for ridiculous bullshit packaged in with the collectors editions of games. The games themselves I can wait for(>.>), but the shiny toys that come with the games will usually get me to pay extra.

Why did I bring this up? Because the Bioshock 2 set is going to include a soundtrack on vinyl, I guess to match with that whole lost city thing. And sure I'll probably never be able to listen to it, but it's still awesome.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

L4D1/2 aren't horror. >_>

Also, why does everybody think bayonetta is hot? She looks like Sarah Palin, but with a really nice ass.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

