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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm very much old-school. for the SNES.

I agree. My first game ever was Link's Awakening and my favorite games are Oracle of Seasons/Ages. As far as the 3D Zelda games go, I liked Majora's Mask quite a bit but I feel it slows down a great deal after the Great Bay Temple (the best temple). I also enjoyed Skyward Sword because of the upgrade system and the collectables galore, and I didn't find Fi annoying at all and the only control issue I had was with the Bow. And Twilight Princess for the Gamecube is the best 3D Zelda.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's why Adventure of Link is the best Legend of Zelda

I like Adventure of Link. I'm not gonna say something it's the best Zelda game evar, but it shows a wish to further the series by giving it a more robust combat and dungeon crawling engine. And though it may sound weird I get this feeling that it played a major influence on the creation of Ocarina of Time.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Best Zelda? Obviously, there are only two potential candidates for such a query.

Spirit Tracks and Crossbow Training.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Have you guys seen Strength of the Sword 3? It looks like what Medievil would have sorta become, at least art-wise, if it kept going (man I miss that game). Hilarious how its made by only 2 people, and you've gotta read their kickstarter page, its hilariously honest. They're like 'ya know, we should have made this a 2-D 8bit thing, but nah lets be stupidly ambicious' and 'yeah there is a point in the game where we don't know if its even possible to beat, but oh well', its great :D

So if you guys have any spare time and cash, check out their kickstarter page and maybe back them up, if this goes out on the PS4 and Xbone I'd be so happy :D

Re: Games Discussion Thread

so i've been playing dragon ball xenoverse
(codex cracked offline version of course):D

and i must say the team fights and rpg stuff is really good,
(no need for online playing);)

but the fighting stuff is too much focus on ki plast (super/ulti)

i mean i have a female earthling (stronger ki blast dmg) lvl 80
and a female saiyan (stronger skil attacks than male saiyans) lvl 80
both with 100 ki blast points and blasting everyone with 1-3 super/ultra ki plast in the next world
i mean wtf:eek:
(girls power i quess):)
(ki mages are op there):)

but how can they make it possible to be so overpowered in a online game
that's not fair,:)

on the other hand the melee attack and strike supers sucks

i mean i have a male saiyan (stronger normal attacks) warrior build 100 points
in normal attacks,

but making like no dmg and cant get a melee combo up because you doesn't hit often enough and if manage a combo its only like 6 hits,
warrior build sucks there:(

the melle combos can also be easily dodge by youst flashing behind or using a ullti blast or just stepping aside:eek:
compared to older dbz games (i have bt 3) the melle fights youst suks:(

anyway how you guys think about it?

someone playing it online how is it online?
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Why are you the only one on the forum who uses the smilies excessively on the forum?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I bet you do, sunshine.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Because they think if they use smileys you'll ignore their abhorrent grammar and spelling.

On topic, Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1 was released on PC a little while back and it's description piqued my interest. While that description was a lie, it is in fact not a JRPG, but instead a game that features the storyline tropes from JRPGS with a battle system akin to the last valkyrie profile title.

Story is, well not to my taste, but whatever I'm sure it'll appeal to a number of people. There's like 5 male characters in the game, none are playable, only 3 of them have actual pictures next to their text boxes, so that was a little odd. I think there's yaoi (IDK japanese lesbo stuff), but honestly I zipped through most of the story.

Gameplay is pretty fun. You can craft new dungeons, along with new enemies and item drops from gather points within those dungeons using the plan system, in which you exchange MB and materials you get from monsters for the things you want to make. You can also construct new costumes, armor, weapons, and accessories using the plan system. Only thing that bugs me is you have to go buy them in the shop afterwards, so why not just have them in the shop, and unlock them with the items/MB there?

Combat is neat, tons of combos to construct, and rather easily manipulated into overpowering yourself, you only get 3 active characters, and 3 that are their "partners" which can switch in with them unfortunately this leads to alot of the characters you get being left out since you've got 6 slots and like 12 characters.

Tons of grinding to do, but it's not god-awful, just find an enemy that gives alot of xp and SHOULD be too strong for you, figure out their weakness/strength, then abuse/protect against it.

TBH if I'd seen a trailer of this game I probably never would have bothered with it. But it's quite fun to play.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

My best friend enjoyed one of the hyper dimension neptunia games.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

so i've been playing dragon ball xenoverse
(codex crack ki b-snip-elle fights youst suks:(

anyway how you guys think about it?

someone playing it online how is it online?

the melee fighting makes a lot more sense when you fight another human, as does the back attacks and perfect guards, all the ki blasts have a wind up which leaves you open to getting wrecked, been doing fairly well with a no super move character in pvp, though the pve is weak to ki spam.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

War for the Overworld: Australian Edition

In other things, Spider shoutbox linked to something that contained this,

An open source downloadable collection of the oldest command and conquer games. Including recreations of C&C (Tiberian Dawn), C&C: Red Alert, and Dune 2000.

It also led to me discovering this...

Which I know next to nothing about, but it looks pretty awesome and targets my nostalgia with a fun twist. So will probably be looking into it too.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wonder when gamestop is going to start taking preorders for Xenoblade Chronicles X. Getting close to want to spend this $60 on something else. Maybe I'll actually buy some hentai to share here.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I'm sure people heard it by now

But steam is now taking money for workshop mods. A full 25% of the income goes to the mod creators(Before taxes), and they must sell at least 400 dollar worth before they are paid at all

In response, people are rightfully calling steam moneygrubbing retards and are pulling support for the workshop, in addition all the paid for mods are moving on to piratebay
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just to add to the above; Bestheda and Steam each take roughly half of their 75% share of the mod cost, it is optional, and to be honest, and this is my opinion, mod-authors who put an awful lot of work into their creation ought to be able to charge, or at least have a -direct- donation option, rather than such money they can actually earn mostly going to the service provider that incurs little if any cost themselves for this whole deal.


I don't take his thoughts as Gospel, but it is pretty measured and thought out.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

(...)or at least have a -direct- donation option(...)

This is the big problem a lot of people have, Valve is actively scanning for and removing donation links from mods

Which is basically a giant dick move and an extended middle finger to the modding community
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Which is sad to hear - I've seen forums where modders have donation links, so perhaps that might drive said modders away from steam - more so if their work is taken and monitised without permission- using forums or alternative means to advertise and other sites to upload their mods. Perhaps an extreme, but possible, methinks.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

On one hand, I've never even thought about paying for a mod, so I'm sad to see that people are attempting to monetize this.

On the other, there are alot of mods that take a large amount of dedication and time to create (better texture packs for skyrim anyone?). And it's pretty reasonable for the people who create them to ask to be compensated for their time.

Valve and bethesda don't deserve a 75% cut. Yeah Valve has to pay for it's servers and bandwidth so figure 30%? Bethesda doesn't deserve shit though, sure the mod is nothing without the base game, but they're not entitled to any payment.

Think about furniture for a minute. You buy a chair and decide it's pattern doesn't match your decor, then take it to an upholsterer to change it. The upholsterer doesn't have to give a cut of his business to the original manufacturer does he?

Of course that's ignoring all the bullshit intellectual property laws that they've cooked up in the past decade. Which brings up another point, does games workshop get a cut if someone's selling terminator armor mods for skyrim on steam?

This whole can of worms needs to be shut back up immediately, before valve gets in a legal battle with a third-party IP holder and the fuckers make mods illegal.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Paid mods gone, but Valve said they'll try again later(tm)

They heard the community tell them to get fucked and they decided they didn't want that

So they pulled paid workshop items
Re: Games Discussion Thread

To play devil's advocate, without telling my own stance on the situation.

Not all modders are happy about it being pulled. While some were all for free mods and were angry about the situation, many saw it as a way to justify pouring more time into working on their mods and getting some compensation.

I know a lot of people don't like that linked site, but the article is interesting if only to get a different glimpse at the situation.