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Girls Dorm and Communal Room


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The entrance to the dormitory emits a certain homely vibe when one walks through it. With the same crimson red carpet covering the floor, and the impressive Edwardian style of interior design, the check in counter immediately makes students excited to see their rooms.

The rooms are lined all around the first floor, and a few on the second. All the rooms are standard dorm rooms, including a bathroom. Each room comes equipped with the standard oak wood desk and twin-sized bed along with a wardrobe. The bathroom is has a simple tiled floor with the standard equipments of showers, sinks, and toilets. However, the walls of each room are different to give a sense of uniqueness. This allows students to find the room they feel like would like the most.

The rooms themselves aren't as well furnished, but do have a standard carpet and fresh coat of paint.

There are also rumors that within the dormitory building, there are several dorms scattered throughout that are extremely well furnished, ranging from plasma tvs and queen sized beds, to rooms the size of a regular sized kitchen. However, there has been no proof of any of these rooms existing, especially since students would never say they had such a room if they were lucky enough to be given it.

On the second floor is also the communal room, which houses the equivilant of a minature laundromat. The common room is also located here, with a small plasma tv with three large couhes posted in front of them.

The roof can be accessed via the stairwell that connects from the first floor up. The roof allows a perfect view of the entire school, as well as a very tiny glance of the waterfall. Most students come up to the roof to relax or do homework, and as such there are several picnic benches scattered about with parasols high above them.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Maria takes the girls through the dorms to the communal room.

"Well, this is the Girls' Dorm. The communal room here is mainly for socialising, annd also houses a kitchen and laundrette. There's also some food here, though you can eat at the cafeteria and buy from the shop in G building as well. You can also get to the roof up the stairs. The rooms are pretty much all the same, fairly standard. You've all been given one, and you can pick up the door card at the A building after the tour. Speaking of which, I think that's about it. See you all in classes, I guess."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Isabells chose a seat closest to the food. Once comfortable she picked up a pizza box and started eating the pizza inside.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Book in hand, down wanders one of the older students from what would have to have been the roof access. If one's paying attention, she looks like she's sniffing the air.

"Thought I smelled pizza. Gotta love orientation," she states, more to herself than anyone else.

Tucking the book into an inner pocket of the trench coat she's wearing, she circles around, mingling with the students, greeting new and old classmates alike, snagging a drink and a piece of pizza or two from the boxes as she chats with people.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Isabella looked at the new arrival over the edge of the lid of the pizza box. "Yeah, the food was brought here by one of the guides," Isabella said quietly after a couple of minutes. She then quickly went back to her pizza.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

As Trixie followed the other girls into the dorm, she massages her head, feeling the familier buzzing leading up to the usual headache of her concentration of staying human. "Aw shoot, forgot my keycard," she suddenly realizes, going to turn around and get it.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella walks into the common area as she smells, or well, more like senses, the pizza. She quickly walks over and grabs three slices before retreating to a corner of the room.

She shakily holds the food in her hands, staining her gloves. She slowly pulls down her flu mask as she looks at the pizza which began to look more and more delicious as she sat there. Her mind tells her that she was really hungering for something else while she trembles, moving the slice of pizza to her mouth.

She ignores her internal feelings and shoves the pizza into her mouth, chewing it violently as a few pieces flying out here and there. Not even waiting for the first piece to go down her throat, she shoves a second slice into her mouth, her sharp teeth ripping apart the dough and toppings quickly but not very efficiently.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Yeah, they usually do something nice like this to help welcome folks. Gives us a chance to get the jitters out before we have to start concentrating on being model students."

Her attention drifts toward Stella, mostly due to her unusual attire, though she lets it go. She's seen stranger. It's watching her eat that really raises a brow.

"You know, competitive eaters recommend folding the slice cheese outward so the toppings help lubricate your throat while you inhale your food," she remarks, mostly just teasing at Stella's furvor.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"He seemed kinda pervy to me though," Isabella said quietly though mainly to herself as she finished her pizza and grabbed a drink to wash it down.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella stops eating as she hears someone address her. Setting down the remains of her food, she pulls her flu mask back on, no sense in letting people see her teeth after all, and slowly pulls off her sunglasses,

"I... I'm just hungry, that's all."

She burps and quickly covers her mouth with her hand, the smell of wafting undeath and pizza entering her nostrils as she coughs slightly. Looking down, she saw to her dismay how big of a mess she made and hurriedly begins to try to pick the clean the large chunks off the floor.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

A little while after the end of the tour, Alazais deigns to join the rest of her fellow female students in the communal area, looking somewhat more cheerful.

Indoors, she can now brush back the enveiling hood, and strip off the irksome white gloves, the garments quickly vanishing into a convenient pocket inside her robe. It brings to mind the question of what else she kept inside those totally inappropriate robes.

Red eyes drift uneasily onto Sho, still wary of the girl after the incident with the Halloween-vegetable-that-should-never-be-named, and from there onto the new girl inhaling her pizza.

A moment of dry contemplation, then the British accent rolls out into the room.

"Suppose you'll be spending a fair amount of your time here eating, then..a pity. It's rare to see someone else who has to cover up all the time... I'd hoped you were somewhat civilised."

An amused glare is sent in Sho's direction.

"And won't resort to coming up with terrible nicknames."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Dumping the scraps of food into a nearby trashbin, Stella looks at the other girl who addressed her, trying to come up with something witty and smart to say back as she suddenly felt that there was something off about the cloaked girl...

She felt, was it fear? No, it was more than that, although there was definately a little bit. Reverence? Something similiar, but not quite. She tries to shake the feelings from her head as she mumbles,

"I need to cover myself up because I... get sick very often!" she smiles a little on the inside, as if proud of herself for speaking up, "What's your excuse?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Trixie returns to her room, massaging her head slightly. Looking around at the room slightly, she gives a few interested sniffs, smelling the air around her. For a second, she seems to freeze at what she smells, but just shrugs it off and goes to go to her room, unless interupted that is...
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Alazais holds up a strand of white hair to the light with a distasteful frown, examining it for a moment before letting it fall back to her robed shoulders.

"Albino. I have.. something of a problem with sunlight. Stop right there, by the way. I'm not a vampire. So kill that train of thought dead right there.."

A moment, then she mutters under her breath.

"And if you're another Twilight groupie waiting to ask if I sparkle in sunlight, God help me, but your death will be terrible.."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

At this point Aya entered the area. "Twilight? Piece of rubbish."

About the only reason Aya had heard the albino was because she had literally walked in right behind her as she said it. "Oh, pizza? Hope there's some left."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella notices that there was a relatively large amount of people in the room now and puts her hands in her pockets, ruffling around until she pulls out a slip of paper and a room key card, looking at the two items carefully before speaking up,
"No... it's nothing like that..." She adjusts her sunglasses, pushing them down slightly so she could read the slip better, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find a... Alazais, I'm suppose to be rooming with her until my room is fixed."
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Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Alazais was about to comment on Twilight, and pizza.. but the note read aloud stopped her. Red eyes widen, first in sudden anger..

"Does -everyone- have to get it wrong? Al-a-zay-is! It is really not so diffi--.

She stops.

"You're.. rooming with me? But I specifically requested a single room for this year... what's your room number? I haven't checked mine yet, but it might be a mistake.."

Even as she speaks the albino is frantically patting down her pockets, looking for the keycard..
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

She peers at the slip and the key card and offers it to the girl as she looks around uncomfortably,
"Are you sure you're the Alazais? Is there... another one...? Anywhere?" she looks at the slip again as she almost panicks, explaining her situation quickly, as if it mattered somehow, "My room last year got destroyed... somehow, not really sure about the details..."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

...No, I'm the only Alazais. Brilliant. Bloody brilliant."

For a moment, the posh side of her accent slips, betraying a more stereotypically British origin, before the albino covers it up, talking over it like nothing happened..

"Ah.. well. Best make the best of the worst, I suppose.. Pleased to meet you, roomie."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella extends her hand to shake Alazais' hand, but pauses as something in her guts screams at her not to touch the albino, and settles for a, "Nice to meet you too." She looks around, "I don't have many things, so I won't be too much of a bother, I hope."