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Gossamer Falls Woods


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"Hey are you alright over there? You don't seem to be too well...

"Me?... Oh no, I'm..."

A sickening thud, the sounds of shock and surprise and... the last gurgle of blood as the body crumpled to the forest floor...

Mia stood amidst the students that had been unfortunate enough to come upon her in her frenzy, holding her last victim in the air by the neck with one hand his blood dripping onto the ground below him. Each of the small gathering had been dispatched simply, some simply run through and left mortally wounded on the ground, some with their arteries cut precisely cut. Once again the girl was surround by a sea of corpses, and once again her hands were stained crimson. Such was her fate, stranded in the lake of blood and the dead around her. Such was another moment in eternity, unable to escape from her destiny...

(>_>, quick post to get things moving. Let me know if NPC slaughter isn't allowed)
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Vulkoran, having followed Mia from the Nurse's Office, spots her among the trees and dashes straight at her.

"Oi, you! The psycho bitch! What'd you think you're playing at?"
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((Looks like I was too late on the posting Bartnum, ah well.))

Siphon entered the woods, cloaked and unseen by the two. He was now seething with anger, both at Vulkoran and Mia. He growled lightly, his plan now going to need to change. He drew his weapon, but did not de-cloak yet. He would wait to see what happened, and if need be, save Vulkoran from a very nasty death.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((Hope you dont mind Keylo, gonna have Art intervene too.))

"So, this wood was out of bounds was it?" Art says wandering around the border of the wood. "I wonder why...maybe there's some kind of monster or chimeric beast kept here..Or some kind of sacrificial pit.." It doesnt take long to wander into Mia's 'domain' and spots the scene of carnage.

"What. The. Hell." Art says slowly looking at the area, students littered upon the floor. "Christ, what the hell did you do to them?" He half shouts at the girl standing in amongst them. "You better have a good enough reason or I'm afraid I'll have to do something about it." He says as he puts his bag down and forms two items; a rapier and a simple shield mainly to serve as an extra source of Mythril seeing as he cant store any in his pyjama's. Art has yet to notice Vulkoran.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((Don't count Vulkoran out just yet, he's got plenty up his sleeve.))

Vengo creeps through the woods as quietly as he can. Crouching low on the ground, he spots Mia, Vulkoran running towards her, and Art wondering over.

"Alright Vengo, stay calm. No need to give anything away. Just wait, just watch. See how things play out."
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

As Vulkoran gets nearer to Mia Art spots him. "Isnt that Corax's brother?" Art says quietly to himself. "Well, cant let him get hurt, Corax will kill me if he knew that I was with him and something happened to him during a fight. I've pissed him off too much already." Art makes for Mia as well, though he has no intention on attacking her as of yet.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Vulkoran skids to a halt as he spots Art.

"Hey! You in the pyjamas! I don't know who you are or why you're here, but you better know how to use that sword, or you should get the hell outta here."
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"How the hell did you forget me already? We met at lunch just yesterday. I'm rooming with your brother, Corax." Art too stops mid-run and for a moment completely forgets about Mia. "And dont get into too much trouble, I'm only good at keeping one target, if I have to look after you then it'll get complicated for me."
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I remember. And just what make you think I need you to look after me?"
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Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"I dont need Corax pissed at me anymore than he already most likely is. If he knew you and I was fighting someone else and you got hurt, I dont want it to look like it was through my neglegance."
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"You think so? He knows what I'm like. In any case, I suggest we return our attention to the homicidal woman."
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"Oh, oh yeah!" Art replies now remembering what he was doing.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Turning her attention to the newcomers, Mia dropped the boy she was holding, her eyes crimson. Watching as they conversed among themselves, the demon licked he blood running down the length of her arm. Sweet, too sweet. Normal people simply lacked the taste she desired. It wasn't that she disliked it, it was that it was simply too common to her. A twisted smile emerging on her face, she spoke for the first time after her earlier "slaughter".

"You there... tell me, what do YOU taste like?"

Letting out a burst of demonic energy using the life she had swallowed earlier, she caused many "shadow tendrils" to spring forth from the shadows all around, including the ones the "would-be interlopers" themselves possessed.

(>_>, just woke up after a nap. Joy)
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Son of a bitch, Siphon thought to himself. This was going to end badly now. He was hoping he could sneak in behind her and blast her, but given that she had gorged herself now, he wasn't confident a stun blast would even touch her. It was with some measure of hesitancy that he finally won the war with his better side, and his thumb pushed the setting of the pistol over one more spot. Simply labeled, 'Kill/Vaporize.'

He began circling the area, looking for an opening to shoot, and praying to god he wouldn't have to. He suspected a demonic possession based on what he knew, not knowing the real truth.

((He is still cloaked and out of phase.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

(((Okay, by the fact you said 'three', I'm assuming she knows Vengo is there.)))

"Quite the parlour trick. Have you seen mine?"

Vulkoran suddenly flashes, and for a moment his body appears to turn grey. He then vanishes completely, leaving a series of holes in the ground where he stood.

Vengo bursts out of cover and tears through the clearing at insane speed. Anyone watching might catch a blue flash from the bushes before he bursts through them. Taking cover behind a tree, he slams his palm onto the ground. His eyes begin to flash yellow.

Meanwhile, a series of spinning spikes force their way out of the ground and fly out, revealing chains attached to them. The chains form a human shape, which suddenly turns to hair and flesh. Vulkoran stands grinning on the other side of the clearing.

"My turn."

A spike tipped chain shoots out of his palm and lashes out at Mia, trying to slash at her neck.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Mia stood there as the chain shot towards her, unmoving. Then, in a sudden burst of demonic power, Mia focused the refinement of shadow to her arms and grabbed the speeding chain, mere inches from her neck. Turning towards her offender, she smiled... then yanked it as hard as she could with the enhanced strength, her own shadow rising out of the ground and taking form. In a series of quick chants, the "mass" of "liquid shadow" behind her took hold of the chain, attempting to "devour it" and assimilate it.

Whispering silently to herself, Mia uttered the name of her ability.

"Shadow... creation."

In a tree laden forest with almost limitless shadows in addition to the amount of lifeforce she had absorbed, it was the perfect place to test her abilities in creation while under the twenty eight seals. After all, she would rarely have the chance to use minimal power to summon such a quantity of shadow after all.

((In other words, Mia's still crazy enough that she's wants some more blood, but she's sane enough to prioritize testing her limits in this world. Blame Siphon for making her suspicious of the movements of the Watchers. (Extra note: Mia is letting her shadow creation "devour" things to serve as a medium similar to how she forms her own body. That way she doesn't have to expend as much power to give it "physical form" (although this way, the end results are alot more sloppy)))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

The chain simply drops off Vulkoran's hand and lies on the ground. Before he makes a move, a volley of fireballs is launched out of the nearby forest. Vengo stands there, a yellow flame burining in his eyes. He launches another round at Mia, while Vulkoran shoots chains out of the soles of his feet into the ground. They slowly burrow towards her, unnoticed.
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Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

With a swish of her hand, the demon's shadow lunged to block the strike, absorbing the balls of flame before they touched its master. Unmoving so as not to disrupt her manipulation, Mia chose to expand the "field of control" she had over the shadows, beginning to link many of the shadows to one another and using them as a medium to continue "feeding" her own shadow, the "blob" growing larger by the second. She would begin the "refinement" of her creation after she had accumulated enough material to work with, for now it was enough to issue it a simple command of "devour"...
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Strolls in the woods were often pleasant. Simon often came here when ever the school grounds became too busy for him. This time he was following his whispers, and the scene was not so pleasant.

As Simon approached he could hear light commotion, and vaguely make out a gathering through the trees and undergrowth. Climbing over the upturned root mass of a large fallen tree he came into sight of the event. He stood atop the roots, and looked on as a wave of bitter nostalgia hit him.

There were writhing shadows and fresh gushing blood. Lots of both. Only in this occurrence it hardly looked like an accident. She shadow girl revelled in the centre of the carnage. While others were already moving to intervene. Simon stood upon the mound in plain view, on the outskirts of the fight, watching in distaste.

Mia would once again see the immaterial presence of Simon's shadow when shifting. It seems to engulf the entire shadow plane, but does no more.