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Gossamer Falls Woods

Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((Generally speaking. Although if anyone's played the "Jak" series, my inspiration for the "shadow portals" comes form the dark eco pools in that game. So think perhaps like "dark metallic liquid" or something of that sort.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((the shroud lasts until you can no longer believe what is happening, knowing it is a trick has no effect on the power. That being said it is a lot easier to disbelieve something you know isn't true. however there is no epiphany that you are being meddled in when the shroud is shattered, only the realisation that whatever was shrouded is there. Logic and reasoning cannot protect you from lying to yourself, which is what her power makes you do in a sense. when the effect is shattered the persons mind comes up with a reason that they saw what they thought they saw.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((You really need to ask if I've played the Jak Series? Seriously? After my character Vengo is obviously based on Jak?))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

(( That was directed at squidie :p))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"T-this girl, her power is beyond what I'd ever dreamed of," Art says to himself quietly as he watches the portal expand under him and through the forest. He then begins to violently cough, blood spattering into the palm of his hand. "There's something odd about the air here...I cant have be- No, it cant be possible.." He says to himself again as he grabs more Mythril out of the bag ans forms a protective shield in front of himself.

((Dont think too much about what Art's said, its going to be related to something later on though not in this battle.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((i'd like to move yuuki now... but i'm not really sure what this puddle you've got here does so i can't actually do anything))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Yuuki weighed up her moves in her head. Her opponent was likely stronger, faster and tougher than a normal person. The gateway she was creating would also likely make this fight far more interesting than it needed to be once the girl had slipped into it. All Yuuki could do about that was hope it was rooted to the ground.

Yuuki would have only one move protected by her shroud, it would have to incapacitate her opponent, throw the body away from the portal and be faster than gravity could pull her own body into another realm.

She withdrew her only other knife and readied it in on hand before coiling up her body, ready to pounce.

Her legs propelled her into the air towards Mia, one hand grasping onto the hair and yanking it left instants after her body spun her knife through the girls neck, finishing her rotation with her leg planting all her momentum into the girls chest, hopefully throwing her opponent clear.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

While Mia herself did not retaliate to her body being thrown away from the portal she created, largely due to the effect of the shroud, the shadows were a different story. Seeing as Mia had allowed the consumption of her soul in exchange for "total" immersion into the shadow, the shadows were more than infuriated at Yuuki's attempt to deny them of their prize. The demon had already escaped once, there wouldn't be a second time if they could see to it. Enraged, the shadows themselves spouted forth geysers of liquid shadow, lunging towards their master and the one who attempted to "steal" their proper payment.

((Thanks for making the first post, it cured my "dilemma" XD. Basically a line within the contract promises the shadows the bodies and souls of their "masters" in exchange for an ability that allows total control over the realm, seeign as Mia already cheated the realm once (mainly using a trick involving Ima), the realm is all too eager to have another chance to "claim their prize". Thus the reason for the "berserk"))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Yuuki paused for another second, Mia's decapitated head still clutched in her left hand. With the shadows moving the only option left was to go where there were no shadows, preferably the beach but that was probably much to far away. Instead Yuuki flipped the knife over in her hand and charged for the body thrown clear, planting the spike firmly into its chest, slinging it over her back while trying best not to let the blade slip out. Then she bolted, trying best not to get caught in the shadows and barging through any that caught her.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Her head had been severed... parted from her body. Not enough to kill her but... why hadn't her soul been touched? Not to mention the movement... there was no need to run from such a small patch of shadow, or was there? Something was fishy...

Deciding to take a gamble, the demon focused her energy on manipulating the body seperately fighting to retain conscious thought as she forced a stab at the "thing" carrying the body, razor edge aura around her arms...

Meanwhile, the shadows became more and more enraged, sprouting forth from any shadow they could reach, the liquid becoming more "sollidified" but no less fluid in its movements...

(Decapitation... Well I'll let it go, it's questionable whether a normal knife would even able to cut her head off and keep it seperated in the first place though.)
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((to be technical its more likely yuuki ripped your head off after slicing most of the way through your neck, you should read what i do better.))

As Yuuki sprinted through the woods the shadows became more and more enraged, at one stage even snagging her mouth and ripping half her cheek open as she charged passed. her body became even more battered as her rampage through the forest continued, even the body she carried beginning to lacerate her flesh.

Bursting at last into the dozen or so open meters between the forest and cliff edge where the shadows had much less grasp on the land.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Watching the new arrival behead Mia Art realises that maybe he's in too deep here. That and his coughing had gotten worse, and he was coughing up more and more blood.

"Damn, this aint good," Art says to himself as he backs off back to his bag and picks it up. "Hey Vulkoran, you okay here?" He calls back before he sets off, knowing that he might end up dead if he stays here even if he isnt involved in anymore combat. "I need to get back, gotta go to the nurses office to get bandaged up and then take my medication." Art then sets off to the nurses offic all the while still coughing and bringing up blood.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"I... won't... allow myself... to disappear... here!... Not until... I find him...."

Despite saying this however, the effects of the damage to her body in addition to the drain of energy were becoming evident, her body starting to shimmer. Then, similar to what had happened to Ima before, the decapitated body and head became like that of a liquid for a split second, melting away from Yuuki's grasp. These precious few moments, seeing as she was continuing to run were more than enough for the shadows to "pounce" on the seperated body of their master, swallowing it and then beginning to recede. Their master had been claimed, there goal achieved. Provided she was fortunate, she would prehaps be able to resculpt her body into a solid as opposed to the liquid it was becoming. Or if she was unfortunate, she would end up devoured like all the other masters before her, her soul being swallowed and assimilated completely into the realm. Either way though, it was unlikely she would be able to engage in any combat for a long while...
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Yuuki stood calmly as the remnants of her opponent melted away. Hopefully the fight was over, because even though her body would let her there was something else that would make things a little more difficult.

Standing alone on the cliff edge the sea breeze fluttered over her lacerated flesh and she roared in agony. As the gust died down she collapsed on the ground, clutching at her wounded arms and panting relentlessly in and attempt to find the energy to move on. The wind picked up again and once more Yuuki roared load enough to fill the entire valley. She desperately tried to hold on but it was no to no avail, her body slipped into a coma.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Yuuki silently watched her body from just inside the forest edge, where the wind had trouble reaching her. Over time its wounds were closing and soon she would be able to enter it again.

There was a sudden lul in the breeze and the disembodied spirit leaped at this chance, rushing for the body and clawing inside its mouth. There wasn't much time before the wind picked up again and she tried moving her legs, they were uncomfortable and barely under her control but it would have to be enough. Her limbs didn't want to move but she forced them, scrambling from the ground before immediately tumbling head over heels as she tripped over her own feet.

Yuuki made another mad dash for the trees, clipping her shoulder on a trunk and plummeting to the soft forest floor. She was finally out of reach of the worst of the wind, even though it still hurt sometimes. She would just have to lie here for a few hours until she had fully healed.

Pity about her clothes though, she did really like this jacket.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

As the confusing fight swiftly left the area, Simon found himself unable to follow. Perhaps for the best.

The batterys on his binoculars were starting to run low. Things had been moving so fast he wasn't sure of quite what pictures he would find when he checked the memory. Time to head back to the school then.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Some time after, Siphon arrived in the woods. The first thing he noticed was the lack of any fighting going on. "Shit, either he was here and left or wasn't here to begin with."

He paused for a minute and then decided to check the Library next. If Simon wasn't there, he was going to have to try figuring out what room he was in next.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((More like the edge of the woods, much later, after all the fighting is said and done.))

Given that it was still partially light out, Sho'd had a bit of difficulty sneaking her way out the school grounds and trying to get to the woods without being seen. It was all a matter of timing and a little bit of luck. Still, even if she was seen, she was too far out by this time for anyone to really do anything about it.

Glancing around, she found no sign of Siphon, but there was still time yet, so she wasn't worried. Taking cover just within the line of trees, she settled back and waited, keeping an eye and ear out for anything that might not be him getting closer.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Siphon slowly made his way toward the edge of the forest, periodically pausing to search around to be certain he wasn't being followed. Finally he spotted Sho, and when he was close enough he said just loud enough for her to hear, "hey hun."

It was only after he had spoken that he would move any closer, wanting her to know he was there before he surprised her and frightened her. Truth be told, he was jumpy himself still.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Despite his precautions, Sho still jumps, not really relaxing until she realizes that it's him approaching. "Hey, babe." She gives him a smile. "Not going to be the most romantic stroll tonight, is it?" Regardless, she still holds a hand out to him.