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Gothic Gamer (lurker)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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*****Lurker will post the PM test run session here shortly*****
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

---The Story So Far...---

Kita had been in her basement apartment when the monster appeared downtown. The shaking didn't worry here, the area was prone to quakes, after all. It was only once she turned her TV on did she notice something was wrong.

At first, it was the standard technically difficulties screen shown right after a quake when the newspeople were trying to get the story together. However, it stayed longer then ususal. Then, the screen faded in with static, with what seemed to be a shot from the new copter. A giant.... thing, for lack of a better word, was attacking downtown. It looked like a cross between some kind of bug and a squid, then made giant. As quickly as the image came, there was a scream and something shot out of the monster and into the helo, cutting the feed.

Kita was shocked for a moment, then quickly flipped to the national news channel. They didn't know what was wrong yet, but within moments they had video from satilites and military craft flying high up. Kita sat glued to the TV. Her apartment was on the Eastern edge, in the suburbs. She wasn't one to run, and the danger was in downtown anyway.

Then, reports showned smaller monsters, about twice the size of a human or so, spilling out from the giant into the streets, causing chaos wherever they went. While Kita was still glued to the TV, she did have the sense to get up and lock the door.

Soon, the military showed up in force to try and stop the monster, but they were not making much difference. The best they could was get people out of the danger zone. A list of evac centers was constantly run on the bottom crawl of the TV. Kita ignored the warning. She felt safe in the basement.

After a few hours, there was as large explosion. Kita didn't know for sure, but suspected it was a nuclear explosion. Power went out, the room shoot, but the basement was pretty secure, and was infact rated as a bomb shelter. Nevertheless, Kita ducked under her living room table for shelter. Eventually the shaking stopped, and Kita was left to survey the damage.


You're in your own apartment, everything electronic doesn't work. There's light damage. I highly doubt you have a firearm, and if you do, it's been burryed in a cave in, and would have just been a crappy pistol anyway


At the end of the shaking, Kita rolled out from under the table she had been hiding under. "Dangit, of course the electricity would blow..." she muttered. She could probably survive anything if even her handheld games would work, but if her power was out.... that could make things tricky. Still, she moved through the apartment, to take stock of anything useful in the house she may have stocked up, even if it was just a chair leg and a bottle of pills.

The apartment was in decent shape, though there really wasn't much that could be used as a weapon, besides various kitchen utensils, and being the type of girl she was, Kita didn't have anything fancy beyond a steak knife.

As Kita walked towards her only exit, the stairs to street level, she got drenched by a pip bursting right above her in the entry way. The shaking must have jarred it to the breaking point. While soaking wet, there was a bright side, a lenght of pipe might make a good weapon.

Having taken the knife with her, she was walking down the hall just as the strain in the pipe broke, sending a cascade of water all over her. "ACH! God dammit!" she muttered, jumping out of the water and sputtering. So much for her makeup! she thought to herself, though she did notice the pipe. Grabbing it too, she decided to see what was up in her block area at least. Who knows, maybe she could find more supplies... or at least something to stop the water leak before her bunker of a home got flooded.

Kita walked up the stairs, and unlocked her door, opening it slowly as she looked down the street. Her street ran perpendicular to the main freeway loop, so she was beset with a view of utter destruction there, though most of it had been caused by before the large explosion that had just happened, but the nuke had certainly added to it. The fence on top of the embankment had been knocked over, for one.

The road infront of Kita's apartment itself was clear, however. Most people moving to an evac center in an orderly manner long before. This road wasn't on the way to any place, so no big rush cloging it at the time like the freeway, either.

As Kita looked up and down the street, it was strangely calm. While the sky was orange from all the fire, with a wierd blue tint here and there, there was hardly any noise, the calm after the storm, so to speak. To Kita's left, Green Grocery sat silent, much as it would on a Sunday it was closed. To Kita's right, was an ally where many homeless gathered sometimes, and past that a furniture store with apartments on top. Not a soul in sight in either direction, and no movement on the freeway.

The silence unnerved Kita more then the damage- though part of her wondered why on earth if it was a nuke she was going outside in a fallout zone with no protection. Still, she moved onward, headed for the grocery store. She needed supplies, and that was the closest area to find a good amount of supplies....

Kita found the door locked. If she really wanted in, she could break a window and just jump in, though it might be a better idea to check the back first.


Btw, as it looks like you're up for melee combat, here are rules for it.

I'm sure you saw the Melee hit chance on the character sheet. The only other thing you should know is that your pipe is bashing damage, and is d10+Str/2.

The Knife can either be slashing or pierce depending on how your RP it, and is d8(cause its just a kitchen knife)+Str/3 for slash and /4 for pierce.


"Quiet out front, no surprise," she told herself, going around to the back. The back entrys may not have been locked yet, she reasoned, and that may be an easier entry then just bashing in the glass and startling who's inside. For once in her life she wasn't acting impulsively, she thought with a wry smile.

Kita walked down the ally. The store was technically the same building as her basement apartment. She'd used this ally a few times when she didn't feel like walking the block, so she knew where the trucks dropped off their goods. There was a small area that vehicles could pass through in the middle of the block, and this ally crossed it just up ahead.

As Kita rounded the corner, she encountered the first person she'd seen outside. Though "person" might not have been the right word. It was one of the bums that hung out in the ally. He was hunched over on all fours, perhaps he'd just vomited. His coat was ripped, and small greenish scales were sticking out here and there.

Kita seemed to slow down a bit as she saw the bum. Admittedly some could say quite bluntly that she herself looked like a 'freak', she thought that it'd be more of an understatement when it came to the man at this present moment, and she slowly tried to edge around him without getting noticed, pipe at the ready should he try anything

Order Roll = d20+Agl vs d20 + enemy Agl

11+30 = 44 vs 22 = 2+20

Kita goes first!

The noise has drawn the attention of the infected bum. He's looking alot less human now then he did when Kita entered. His eyes are glowing green for one thing!

Monster: Infected Human

An Infected Human is quite self explanitory. A human who's been injected with squid venom directly into their blood stream. Resembles a typical zombie, but with large green scales and green eyes.

The monster is standing in the doorway, about 10 meters from Kita. It moans, and starts to shamble towards her!

Kita gave a yelp as the bum rushed in, as she gripped the pipe tightly. "Well this was unexpected..." she muttered, though shrugs. With a small battlecry, she charges forth to brain the beastie!

10+30+11 = 51 vs 36 = 11+25 HIT!

Damage Calc

4+12 = 16 damage, Infected Human has 24 HP left

Kita lands a solid blow to the monster's sholder, knocking it into a wall. The monster is hurting, but its zombie nature allows it to keep going.


7+40 = 47 vs 41 = 1+41 Grappled!

The zombie lurches suddenly, and gets a good hold on Kita, toppling the two over onto the floor.

Kita gave a yelp as the scaled, humanoid creature grabbed and dragged her down. She's gone through worse scrapes however, and pushes at him hard, trying to get him off of her!

Escape Grapple

14+38 = 52 vs 49 = 9+40

Kita pushed the infected off her after an epic struggle. She manages to get back on her feet.


8+40 = 48 vs 49 = 8+41

The infected gets up against Kita, almost groping her, but she backs up quickly, out of its reach.

Kita spun to her feet, grabbing the pipe again and giving an allmighty swing, aiming to incapacitate the man.... thing quickly before it could cause any problems to her!

Hit Chance HIT

12+41 = 53 vs 34 = 9+25

Damage Roll

1+12 = 13

Kita winds back and swings. The hit connects with the creatures head with a resounding crack.

The Infected suffers 13 damage, with 11 HP remaning.


9+40 = 49 vs 53 = 15+38

Kita manages a close dodge as the howling infected lurches for her.

After her quick dodge, she realized that the confines at that time may mean she'd probably wouldn't get a good swing with the pipe. Deciding to compensate, she slid the knife from where she had hung it on her person and did a quick forward stab at the infected...

Hit Chance HIT

1+41 = 42 vs 42 = 17+25 (Damn, you are the luckiest person I know)

Damage (your kitchen knife is only d8)

7+6 (pierce is Str/4) = 13 Damage

Kita stabs with the knife, but slips on the slick tile floor, but manages an awsome recovery, and sends the knife right between the infected's eyes. It falls onto its knees and Kita pulls the knife out, falling backwards once the support of the knife is gone.

Exp gained 40/1000

(Me, lucky? that's a first lol)

Kita panted a bit as she recovered, looking over the gory knife before whiping it on a nearby burlap sack. Now the threat was dead she needed to keep working at finding supplies, and fast- she wasn't going to trust the freezer for that much longer...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The banging on the freezer door continued. Kita quickly looked around the store room. Several boxes of canned goods were discovered near the bay doors, and it was a simple matter go find a can opener in the store proper. These non-perishables were the best bet for provisions.

Quietly and hastily- the banging was starting to get to her- Kita loaded up the canvas bags with a good portion of cans from the boxes, then returned to the store area and find herself an opener...

Kita's bag was about a half full, she wanted to save room for other supplies she found. Nothing else in the store besides some more canned goods. Now Kita had to decide where to go next.

She shrugged a bit to herself. Let's see, there was the store- thougholy pillaged now- the nearby apartment complexes to hers, the arcade... come to think of it, if she really wanted to she could probably try one of the cars outside, walking may not be a good idea if there's any more fishy bums out there, she thought to herself as she headed for the carpark outside.

Kita went back out through the store room, into the now vacent allyway, stepping over the dead bum on her way. Things were still deathly quiet. Half a block North was a public parking lot. Kita couldn't get a good view of it yet, but there seemed to be atleast two cars in it.

Kita slowly walked down the ally towards the lot, the silence creeping her out as she went. Not even the cats that scavenged in the garbage were out, like they ususal were.

When Kita reached the street, see saw that there was a grand total of five cars parked, as well as one in the street, doors open and abandoned, lights off.

Kita had never stole any sort of vehicle, except for the time she hijacked a friend's scooter to chase after someone who swiped her wallet. They actually had to call the medical team on that one, she thought with a half a grin as she started checking cars, first if they had keys visibly in them, and if so, would they work...

There was a blue sedan parked right next to the street, Kita went over to it as it was slightly closer then the abandoned car in the street from where she was standing.

The car was locked, but the window was rolled down. Someone didn't understand basic securty. Kita reached in and pressed the unlock button, but nothing happened. She tried again, and still nothing happened, so Kita just pulled on the tab to unlock the door, then opened it. She checked the visor, but no keys. There was little else in the car, either because the idiot owner had gotten their stuff stolen already, or they just kept a clean car. As an after thought, Kita tried the trunk release, which worked. The only thing in the trunk was a road flare, however.

She added the flare into her bag as she continued on to the next car. "Seems he musta had a dead battery, but seriously, roll up your windows next time..."

A few spaces over was a high end sports car. Kita chuckled at the thought of driving out of here in style. It was a convertable, so she hopped right in. No key, once again. That made sense though, as anything in a convertable could just be swiped, cautious owner or not. Odd that one would be in this neighborhood though, it wasn't exactly the safest place to be.

At the far end of the row, against the next building, was a grey sedan. Unlocked, but no key or nothing in it. Trunck was empty too. Kita was starting to lose her patience.

One row forward was a SUV, locked. Next to it was a station wagon, locked as well. That just left the abanded car in the road, unless Kita wanted to break a window or something.

Kita sighed, admitting defeat. Quietly she looked around for any other nearby locations, something that she would reconize and hopefully find something in...

As Kita was looking around, something caught her eye. Two strange creatures comming out of an ally about a block towards the city center. They were sort of bug like, but almost humanoid as well, if a human walked on all fours. Its rear end was very strangely shaped as well, being almost like a barrel of a gun, though Kita couldn't get a good look.

The monsters didn't see Kita yet, so she still had a chance to hide or run if she wanted to. There was ample cover around, and if she chose to ran, it would be simple to slide down the frontage road, either back towards her basement or farther North.

Kita literally froze as she saw the small creatures. "Oh snap..." she muttered, looking wildly for a hiding spot. Noticing the nearest open car, she dived into it, hoping the slam of the door wasn't enough to alert the beasts as she furiously manually locked the doorlocks and rolled up windonws before pushing herself down in the seat...

Stealth Check

Double dice rule used (the roll is impossible for you, therefore your dice get doubled, you still failed though)

1+9+15+11 = 36 vs 60 = 20+40

The monsters hear the door slam, and were going to check out the car anyway, infact. They walk up to the car and look in the windsheid. Kita hadn't hid well, enough, and they see her, but can't get in, for the moment. Then, one turns around, its butt facing the windshield. There is a sudden explosion as the windshield explodes. Kita couldn't see it, but the only explanation is that the monsters wierd rear end really is some form of gun.

(Kita goes first as the monsters have too low Agl to attack first, double dice rule only applies if the player is down.)

She screamed as the car window practically exploded- tempered glass and all. Still, she wasn't about to stand still and see the results on humans. Diving over the steering column, she went to dart past the beasts, going to run away!

Escape Roll

Escape = d20+Agl vs d30+Agl

2+30 = 32 vs 37 = 27+10

While in most situations Kita could escape from this type of enemy without breaking a sweat, she was in a very bad tactical position. As she tries to squirm past them, one of them body checks her and she falls slides back into the drivers seat.

Team Grapple (see Dark Gate for the rule in question, basically two dice rolls plus have of the addional monsters grapple)

14+5+35+18 = 72 vs 60 = 19+41

The same monster then crawls in and grabs Kita's arms in a grapple, while the one behind it can't fit all the way in, but grabs her legs and hoists them up on the dash, where it has a better grip.

"Nonononononono!" Kita yelled, struggling hard with the beasts now they definately had the advantage. Even as she berated herself for the foolish hiding spot, she did kinda point out to herself that she wasn't expecting them to blast out the window like that....

Grapple Escape Attempt

(The 41 to a 38 isn't an error. Now that you're grappled grapple gets used instead of melee dodge)

19+38 = 57 vs 75 = 6+16+35+18

Kita can't break the double team on her, these monsters are quite strong, no doubt from hefting their giant cannons.

Team Submission Hold (From here on in there might be -5 or -10 here and there. Various actions give a penalty to each side depending on if someone's just grappled, submission held, etc. This is so that the procedure can be changed up a bit, but makes it hard)

19+12+35+18 = 84 vs 49 = 11+38

The monsters secure Kita's limbs with ease. If this was a human martial arts competion, Kita might have been impressed. But alas, this situation was much more serious.

This was going to hell real fast, though even then Kita fought back, struggling and straining with her captors to try and at least get a foot free! Then she'd thrash em plenty!

Escape Hold

10+38 = 48 vs 86 = 16+17+35+18

Kita's firmly pinned, there is nothing she can do at all to shake upwards of four limbs pinning her.

Clothes Rip

11+35 = 46 vs 44 = 6+38

The monster in the car with her uses all spare limbs to begin removing Kita's clothing. Its back limbs seem just as coordinated as its front, making short work Kita's primary layer of clothing. Then, in a sudden movement, the beast flips Kita, so she's pinned face down. The hold they have on her makes this quite painful, as it takes the rear monster a second to get with the program. While dazed, the monster removes Kita's undergarments as well, leaving her in only her boots, arms pinned to the back of the drivers seat, legs pinned to the dash, mid section hanging over the seat in the air.

Penetration Attempt

4+35-5 = 34 vs 55 = 17+38

The rear monster leans in to start the vile fantasy they have planned, but hits it's head on the roof of the car, and howls in frustration.

"H-hey!!! You got any idea what those cost?!?" she stammered, now in a panic as she squirmed, trying to stop what she knew was going to happen. She allready looked a wreck from the soaking the water pipe did, the last thing she needed was monster cum!!!

Escape Hold

18+38 = 56 vs 47 = 12+35

The monsters' decsion to stop cooperating cost them. Kita partially frees herself against just one attacker, though it still has a hold on her.

Hold Attempt

15+35 = 50 vs 43 = 5+38

However, the in the tight confines of the car, Kita doesn't have much wiggle room. The monster gets a good hold on her again after a few tries.

Penetration Attempt

7+35-5 = 37 vs 50 = 12+38

The monster on the hood of the car realizes that it's really going to have to try if it wants in on the action. The close range melee doesn't allow it proper manuvering room.

With the car working as a advantage and a disadvantage for the moment, she kicked and lashed at the creatures, trying to squirm far enough to get her torso free and pop open the door.

Escape Hold

5+38 = 43 vs 42 = 7+35

Kita manages to get out of the hold, but only just. The monster's wild flailing caused by Kita's escape are more of a hinderence then a help.

Hold Attempt

17+35 = 52 vs 54 = 16+38

And Kita manages to stay out of the wildly flailing monster's grasp.

The second monster seems to be preparing for someting on the hood.

(Preparing gives a +5 to next action)

Now we're getting somewhere! she thought to herself, quickly grabbing at the door and going to open it, hoping to slide out before the monsters could grab hold again...

(You're still grappled, just not submission held)

Grapple Escape Attempt

4+38 = 42 vs 46 = 11+35

Kita almost makes it to the door, but the monster still has a hold on her. Even then, she almost slips out, but not quite.

Submission Hold Attempt

13+35 = 48 vs 49 11+38

Kita's struggles prevent the beast from getting a good hold on her though.

Penetration Attempt (Yep, the other one can still try, even though Kita's thrashing about, though big penalty)

6+35-10 = 31 vs 54 = 13+41 (vs dodge sense it itself isn't grappling)

The other monster is fed up with waiting, and during its previous preparations, has transformed its rear end to be skinny and long, like a long straw. It jabs at Kita's nether region, but misses badly as she is flailing.

Growling, Kita struggles violently, trying to shake loose just a little bit. Just... a little more.....

Grapple Escape Attempt

2+38 = 40 vs 39 = 4+35

Kita slides, out barely. Perhaps her clothes had been causing too much friction to slide around?

Grapple Attempt

4+35 = 39 vs 57 = 19+38

In the tight space, the monster's limbs can't pull back far enough to thrust forward with much strength.

The last monster tries to prepare itself again, hoping its prey doesn't escape. It can't crawl in to help.

As fast as she could, before the beasties could catch up and stop her again, she grabbed at the door, trying to work the lock off so she could get the fuzz out of there!!!

(Going to throw in running away with getting out of the car)


6+30 = 36 vs 17 = 7+10
14+30 = 44 vs 31 = 21+10

Kita body slams the door as she pulls the release, flying out of the car. The lumbering beasts can't keep up as she runs naked back down the street towards her apartment.

Kita didn't even realize she had forgotten her provisions in her haste, but either way she was speeding for home, whimpering in her panic, and partly hoping the critters weren't going to start firing at her with how they busted the glass....
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

It soon became apparent that Kita could avoid the monsters with ease. She had her pick of hiding places, alternate directions to run, etc. She could lead the monsters one way, double back and pick up her stuff, then move on. But Kita didn't know if she wanted to. It'd be nice to hide somewhere, if only for a little while. Or, she could flee to somewhere else entirely. Each choice has its own risks and rewards, but Kita didn't have forever to think about the choice.

It only took a little while for Kita to figure out a destination- the arcade, she always hanged out there, and would give time to let the beasties wander off and allow her a roof over her head for the time being. In nothing but socks and boots though, she wasn't having very pessimistic thoughts as she slid the knife into the outer decor of her boots as a makeshift sheath, gripping the pipe as she scurried as fast as she could.

The trip to the acrade was uneventful. The streets in Kita's neighborhood were deserted and devoid of rubble, for the most part. An outlying area such as this was easily evacuated. Kita mentally kicked herself for not leaving too.

Kita entered the arcade, and shut the door behind her. After the attack, she was kind of concerned about securing the place before holding up.

She spent some time grabbing some of the nearby chairs and objects, ramming them into a makeshift barricade on the front door, just for the little bit extra protection, before sliding into a free chair with a groan. "Well this is turning out to be fun.." she muttered.

Then, a thought occured to Kita. What about the back entrance. Kita slowly turned in that direction, wondering if she could safely ignore the possibility of something back there, it wasn't like she was going to be here long, or if she should check it out.

A small tinge of trouble brewing came to mind as she realized she forgot the back. Grabbing her pipe, she slunk towards the back door, planning to beat down anything that had appeared as she goes to barricade it...

As she drew near to the back door, Kita heard a wierd noise comming from the ally outside. It sounded squishy, and whatever it was was making the noise nonstop. Squish Squish Squish. The noise gave Kita goosebumps.

On the bright side, whatever it was didn't seem interested on entering the arcade, atleast right now. However, it was going back and forth past the door with regularity.

Curiousity was getting the better of her though. What if it heard her building the barricade? she thought, and cracked the door open, just to see what it may be behind the door....

Stealth Check

7+11+15 = 33 vs 29 = 9+20

As Kita opens the door, she can see a giant land squid. It stops as she opens the door, sensing her presence, but it can't quite detect her. After what seems like an eternity, it keeps shuffling back and forth in the ally.

She held her breath as the creature seemed to pause, letting out a sigh of relief as it moved on. Quietly as she could she shut the door again. "Tentacles, why did it have to be tentacles..." she muttered, and swiftly started barricading the door again.

The squid did notice the barricading, but not untill it was too late. It pounded on the door in frustration, making Kita jump the first time, not expecting it. Still, the door held.

The noise was annoying, but returning to the main room it was muffled somewhat. If the machines had been working, their beeps and boops would have been a welcome distraction. As it was, Kita sat naked (except for her boots), alone, in a room full of quiet machines, with an angry squid pounding at the back door. Atleast Kita had time to plan her next move.

All in all not the best day she's had, she thought to herself. Still, she could look for a uniform or something for temporary clothing....

The arcade was devoid of usefull items, for the most part. Its main attraction were the game machines, after all, and those were of no use, and too big to carry anyway. Besides these bulky machines, there wasn't much else to the place. Men and women's restrooms, an office, though there wasn't anything much in there, the owner liked to the run the place from the front, and a janitors closet. As luck would have it, there was a janitorial jumpsuit hanging on a peg. Kita couldn't believe it, janitors really had an extra uniform they kept at work, seriously? It would have to do, so Kita began to put it on.

It was something more then bare skin, though honestly, it wasn't too flattering, she thought. Well, there was only one thing left now- wait for a little bit, unbarricade the front door, then go back to the carpark and regather her supplies. Then... well, it was up to what happened then that was the question....

Kita waited 30 minutes then slowly removed her blockaged of the front door. It was getting dark, it had to be almost seven PM. She silently slipped out the front door, and down the street, back towards home and the goods she'd left behind.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita waited 30 minutes then slowly removed her blockaged of the front door. It was getting dark, it had to be almost seven PM. She silently slipped out the front door, and down the street, back towards home and the goods she'd left behind.

Kita decided to use the back passages of the neighborhood, for the stealth factor. She was about half a block away, in the same ally she'd first found the bum/zombie creature in, when she heard noises. Something was moving around at the parking lot...

Kita froze, her grip tightening on the pipe. Great, the asscannons were probably there still. Carefully in the dark, she aproached the end of the ally, staying close to the wall to avoid detection in the dying light.


6+15+11 = 32 vs 49 = 19+30 FAIL

Kita leans around the corner and spys the car she was in earlier. On top of it is a giant spider like creature. Two more like it are wandering the parking lot. Suddenly the monster on the car swivles and sees Kita, letting loose a wierd howl/call.

Order Roll

Kita 16+30 = 46

(Enemy Agl is 25, therefore they can't beat you)

Kita goes first.

"Oh great, first giant fart-cannons, now spiders. This apocalypse is getting more ridiculous by the second."

Noting the spiders were in her way though, she didn't have much choice, and prepared for combat!

Kita assumes combat stance, the first spider, the one that was atop the car, manages to close the distance between them quickly.

Grapple Attempt

12+43 = 55 vs 59 = 18+41

The spider attempts to grab Kita using its frontal legs, but she manages to slide right at the last second, staying out of its grasp.

The other two spiders, who were farther off, close to 10 m range.

Gripping the pipe with both hands, she turns on her heels, swinging at the giant beast hard in an attempt to incapacitate it at the very least!

Hit Chance

7+41+5 = 53 vs 38 = 5+33


(7+23+5)/2 = 18

Kita swings hard, hitting the spider right in the "face". It's a good hit, knocking the thing back a bit, but it's still standing.

The spider takes 18 damage, leaving it with 22 HP


14+43 = 57 vs 50 = 9+41

The spider is enraged, and lunges as Kita, catching her before she is ready. Kita is on her back on the ground, with the spider standing on her limbs. It's heavy, for its looks.

Team Submission Hold

Double Dice Rule in effect

2+16+43+22 = 83 vs 71 = 20+13+38

The other two spiders close the distance and hold Kita down, making her firmly secure.

"Ah hell..." she muttered, trying to fight the myriad of limbs to free herself, growling angrily with both the spiders and herself.

Escape Hold attempt

3+9+3+38 = 53 vs 112 = 8+18+10+43+22+11

Kita tried to break free from the three spiders, but almost hurts herself in the attempt. The legs are kind of sharp, it's all she can do not to scream from just being stood on.

Bite Attempt

4+43 = 47 vs 45 = 17+38-10

The first spider goes in to bite Kita's ankle. Despite the hold, she almost wiggles away, but not quite. The spider sinks its fangs into her ankle, injecting warm venom. It stings a bit, but doesn't overly hurt.

??? = 10 turns

Team Web Attempt

6+3+43+22 = 72 vs 47 = 8+1+38

The two spiders use their webbing to secure Kita to the ground. One web per limb. There is nothing Kita can do to stop them.

When the spider bites into her, her heart fills with dread, especially as they start to spray webs all over her. Great, strung up and turned into spider food, definately not top on her 'ways to go' list... For now, she focused on trying to calm down, to try and slow whatever the bite's effects was....

??? = 9 turns

Clothes Rip Attempt

14+43 = 57 vs 32 = 5+38-10

The spider that bit Kita rips off her new clothes. She just got them, and now gone in a flash.


9+43 = 52 vs 35 = 7+38-10

Unable to move, it is a simple matter for one of the spiders to walk up to her face and jam its cock into Kita's mouth. Its quite large, considering spiders don't really have much of a dick to speak of ususaly.

Kita (9 + 7 + 7 + 3 + 30)/2 = 28-20 = 8
Spider (11 + 9 + 11 + 8 + 23)/2 = 31

Kita doesn't like the taste one bit, taking only 8 pleasure and 2HP damage, leaving her with 36 HP and 140 pleasure till orgasm. The spider, on the other hand, can't get enough, and takes 31 pleasure, leaving it with 95 till orgasm.


4+43 = 47 vs 42 = 14+38-10

Kita's bucking from the sudden oral sex gives the last spider a bit of trouble, but it settles in front of her pussy, thrusting in.

Kita (3 + 12 + 8 + 11 + 30)/2-20 = 12
Spider (7 + 4 + 14 + 3 + 23)/2 = 26

Kita's slowly getting aroused, and takes slightly more pleasure. She takes 12 as well as 2 HP damage, meaning she is now at 34HP and 128 till orgasm. The spider doesn't like Kita's thrashing very much, but still enjoys her pussy, taking 26 pleasure, meaning 100 untill orgasm.

"Shit! Nononononono-MMMGH!!!" she squeals, squirming and bucking as the critters attacked her in more undesireable ways. She tried to clamp her jaws down, hoping to damage the critter in her mouth as she bucks and squirms hard to get free!

Escape Penetration

16+38-5 = 49 vs 61 = 18+43

Trying to bite down works, for a moment, but the spider brings one of its sharp legs around and presses on Kita's neck. Not hard enough to injure, but enough to make her let go. The spider positions itself and touches Kita's neck a bit, as if to ask if she was going to try it again.


The first spider seems to be out of luck, at first, as it can't get to Kita's ass as she's webbed to the dirty ally. Then, it seems to get an idea. It positions itself near Kita's midsection, then begins stroking her breasts. The spider is careful not to cut Kita with its sharp legs. Instead it feels alot like a lover's caress.

(17+19+30)/2-20 = 13

Kita really enjoys the breast massage. She takes 13 pleasure, leaving her with 115 untill orgasm.


(7 + 11 + 6 + 7 + 30)/2-20 = 11
(8 + 12 + 19 + 7 + 23)/2 = 35

The spider at Kita's mouth is having alot more fun now that she's temporarily obediant. It takes 35 pleasure, leaving it with 60 before orgams. Kita takes 2 HP damage and 11 pleasure, leaving her at 32 HP and 89 untill orgasm.


(2 + 20 + 19 + 16 + 30)/2-20 = 24
(19 + 6 + 2 + 15 + 23)/2 = 33

Down below, both parties are enjoying the penetration a bit more. Kita's pretty wet by now, and even thrusting involuntarily a bit.

The spider takes 33 pleasure, leaving it with 67 until orgasm. Kita takes 2 HP and 24 pleasure, bringing her to 30 HP and 65 till orgasm.

(And so it begins)

Kita whimpers, still squirming feebly as the spiders start to fawn over her, teasing her breasts, ramming into her hard... the pleasure more then anything was what she was having to fight most.... she couldn't give up now... and with those thoughts she squirmed and writhed anew, trying to free herself from the beasties.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

??? = 7 turns (Forgot this counter last post, sorry)

Escape Hold Attempt

9+38-10 = 37 vs 48 = 5+43

Kita attempts to escape, but the web holds her tight, and the spiders poke her with their sharp legs whenever she gets close.


(4+2+30)/2-20 = 0 (well, less then)

The spider keeps rubbing Kita's breast. As it gets excited, it stops the loving motions and gets more forceful.

Kita takes no pleasure.


(6+4+6+8+30)/2-20 = 7
(19+2+14+5+23)/2 = 32

Kita only gets a little satisfaction from the oral, ever sense she bit the spider it has only been concerned with its own pleasure.

Kita takes 2 HP damage and 7 pleasure, leaving her with 28 HP and 58 till orgasm. The spider takes 32 pleasure leaving it with 28 till orgasm.


(19+4+14+10+30)/2-20 = 19
(20+13+6+7+23)/2 = 35

The other spider's crazy thrusting is much more pleasureable. Though it isn't doing it on purpose, the spider is hitting all of Kita's most sensitive areas.

Kita takes 2 HP damage and 19 pleasure, reducing her to 26 HP and 39 pleasure untill orgasm. The spider takes 35 pleasure, leaving it with 32 untill orgasm.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

C-can't stop fighting... no... she continued to whimper in her head, her body's pleasure soaring even as she tries to free herself still, her struggles growing more feeble as she finds herself starting to give in...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

??? = 6 turns

Escape Hold Roll

8+38-10 = 36 vs 55 = 12+43

The web is just too tight, Kita makes no progress.


(10+12+30)/2-20 = 6

For some reason, as the spider works her breast harder, Kita begins to experience pleasure once more. She takes 6, leaving her with 33 untill orgasm


(19+5+5+1+30)/2-20 = 10
(20+19+12+7+23)/2 = 41

As Kita's being forced to take the spider's cock in her mouth, it suddenly speeds up. Kita's eyes go wide as it shoots a massive load deep down her throat. There's too much to spit out, not like the spider would allow it. It forces her to swallow as much as possible by putting pressure on her neck whenever she stops. While the spiders aren't very expressive, it's obvious that this one enjoys making Kita its bitch.

The spider takes 41 pleasure, pushing it over the edge, Kita takes 10 pleasure and 2 HP damage, leaving her with 23 untill orgasm and 24 HP.


(8+3+10+4+30)/2-20 = 8
(12+12+1+8+23)/2 = 31

The last spider continues to ravage Kita's pussy. It almost makes it to its orgams, its cock begins to twitch furiously. Kita can feel the pre-cum squishing around inside her.

Kita takes 8 pleasure and 2 HP damage, leaving her with 15 untill orgasm and 22 HP. The spider only has 1 left untill orgasm.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The increased pleasure from the creature's orgasm thrashings didn't help Kita's struggles, as she took the moment to prepare herself, trying to still her wrecked mind and renew her struggles again when she can...

Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

??? = 5 turns

Kita prepares herself for what is about to happen. Things were bad, but they were only going to get worse in the future. It took alot of guts to weather something like this.


(35+14+30)/2-20 = 20

Orgasm triggered

Orgasm Damage


Kita loses 3 HP to the orgasm, bringing her to 19 HP

While Kita is distracted by a spider cumming in her mouth, the spider massaging her breast goes back to the loving strokes. This is just enough to cause Kita to orgasm. It's a moderately large one, but not much energy is used. Kita's body is starting to really enjoy this. Her toes curl involuntarily, and a moan might have escaped, if it wern't for the spider enjoying her mouth.


(17+2+13+7+30)/2-20 = 15
(2+15+10+1+23)/2 = 26

Despite just blowing its load, the spider working Kita's mouth wants more. While slower then before, it's still grinding Kita's throat, using its one leg to force her to swallow more cum. It watches her eyes for any hint of terror closely.

Kita loses 2 HP and gains 15 pleasure, leaving her at 17 HP and 133 till orgasm. The spider takes 26 pleasure for 100 untill orgasm.


(19+19+7+20+30)/2-20 = 28
(with 1 till orgasm I'm not going to bother)

Pregnancy Roll
(Forgot to add this in the rules, it'll be up shortly. Its just d30 vs d30, player is on left)

10 vs 27 PREGNANT

The last spider's twitch cock finally lets loose with an explosion of cum. Kita's pussy was waiting for this, enjoying the experience even if Kita didn't, and eagerly takes in the spider cum. Kita feels something extra, egg sacks. The egg sacks find their way into Kita's womb, aided by the high pressure of cum in Kita's pussy.

Kita takes 28 pleasure and 2 HP damage, leaving her with 15 HP and 108 till orgasm.

Pregnancy counter = 15
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

As the spiders creamed her insides, she gave a wailing scream, twitching hard as she feels her belly filled with the beastie's cum. Whimpering, her struggles renewed, trying to escape the webs yet again in her fruitless attempts...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

??? = 4 turns

Escape Hold

13+38-10 = 41 vs 62 = 19+43

Kita is too weak from the ordeal to struggle anywhere close to hard enough to escape. The spider at her head enjoys watching her try, though.


(10+7+30)/2-20 = 4

Now that Kita's orgasmed, the brest rub seems alot less sensual. She only takes 4 pleasure, leaving her with 104 untill orgasm.


(10+20+20+17+30)/2-20 = 29
(20+4+14+8+23)/2 = 35

Kita's stalker spider has greatly enjoyed her terror from orgasm and impregnation. Now, it begins thrusting differently. Instead of doing what feels good for it, it is now moving for Kita, giving her the most pleasure possible. It more then makes up for its own loss of stimulation with perverse pleasure it gets by watching her squirm.

Kita takes 2 HP damage and 29 pleasure, leaving her with 13 HP and 75 pleasure untill orgasm. The spider is now only 65 from orgasm.


(10+12+12+20+30)/2-20 = 22
(11+19+7+20+23)/2 = 40

The spider's cock is very sensitive after impregnating Kita. The spider is really enjoying itself. Kita's pussy twitches and the hot cum squish in and out from the thrusts.

Kita is now 53 away from orgasm and at 11 HP. The spider is 86 from orgasm.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita was getting fatigued from the constant fucking, the mix of sloshing juices and the suddenly tender actions of the spiders making her mind hazy and fogged over, unsure what she could do or what was in store for her. She drifted in semi-consiousness, she simply collapsed back into the ground, awaiting for the torment to end....
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

(I'll fast forward to passing out and waking up, I did the stats, but won't post them. Will describe any relevent events though)

Kita's torment continues for several more minutes. After helping her get aroused for a few minutes, the evil spiders start denying her pleasure, watching her every movement, increasing their own enjoyment any time Kita whimpers or shows terror.

After awhile, the spiders speed up again. Kita quickly passes out from expending so much energy. The spiders are left to finish their second orgasms on Kita's body, the girl falling into a deep sleep before they can cum again.


(Times have time jumped)

??? = 2 turns

Pregnancy counter = 12

When Kita wakes up she's webbed to a wall in some deep, dank place. It takes here a few minutes to notice where she is. This is a large chamber of the sewer system. The spiders seemed to be using it as a home.

Before Kita could take everything in, spiders were upon her naked form. Somehow she could tell they were the same from before. However, instead of attacking, they slowly walked next her and sat down, one on either side. They then curled up with her, and went to sleep.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita stirred in her sleep, soon waking, but not to the comfortable streets, but to a very bad nightmare. It took a few moments for her to avoid shrieking in fear as she realized what her situation was- in a spider nest, naked, bound, with some sort of unknown poison in her, and a belly full of spider babies, with nothing but her knife and the pipe (though how the pipe had managedd to stay on her person she had no idea) to defend herself, with two beasts sitting near her, no doubht waiting until she was done gestating to repeat the egging proccess...

Still, she ha to do something. Quietly as possible, she tried to strain on the webs holding her in place, more then likely to see if the binding was the same quality as the rest of the webs...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

(Just so you know, this isn't combat, per se, though I'll be using alot of the same moves in what's happening)

??? = 1 turns

Pregnancy counter = 11

Escape Hold

12+38 = 50 vs 29 = 19+10 (as no spider is helping the webs right now)

Kita gets rid of the webs with no effort, the spiders arn't really trying to stop her. However, they do press up against her more, and make an odd hissing noise, like they don't like what she's doing.

As Kita was getting the webs off, she also felt something. Her clit and area around it hurt. Not too bad, more like the kind of hurt after a good workout. Her internal systems also felt... off, somehow...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita sat up, rubbing her head slightly, blinking at the dull aches in her body. "D-did they use me that bad?" she thought, looking down and prodding a few times in random areas to try and discern the source of the problem- besides the fact she had a belly of spider eggs that is...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

A sudden spasm of pain shoots through Kita. She almost falls down onto the hard concrete, but one of the spiders catches her and lowers her gently into a lying position.

The pain only lasts for 30 seconds, and afterwards Kita feels changed. At first she can't tell what's different, but when a sharp draft blows down the passage way, Kita can feel what's wrong right away. She has a cock, right above her pussy!

Futa wears off = 15 turns

Pregnancy counter = 10
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

She got back up, shuddering a bit at the pain, then looked down...

"W. T. Fukin EFF!!!!"

She continued to stare bemusedly at the surprise organ, not quite sure what to make of it. If this was what the spider poison did, she wondered why on earth they did that. What was the pourpose?!?

Either way, her shock pretty much leaves her still as she trys to comprehend the insanity of her clit suddenly becoming a 8 inch, semi-erect cock from something as simple as a spider bite
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The spiders notice Kita's distress. One moves infront of her. It lowers its head down to the tip of her new organ. It seems to be waiting for her to give it the okay, as if it wants Kita's permission to suck her off.