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Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Eh, that girl who had it was some kind of scientist. I think it was new, she didn't really know much about it." Natalie shrugged, walking down towards one end of the warehouse. "So what are you doing here, hmmm? I wouldn't expect some random civilian to just be wandering around in this part of the city." Somehow, the woman managed to insert an undercurrent of lust into her words, as if teasing Kita slightly.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kiri raised a eyebrow as she caught the subtle hints. She'd have to keep sharp with this one, considering that people are being insane and all that. "I was with what seemed like the only sane military group left round here, cept that we got seperated. When I came to one of them got axe'd, the others had split long by then. I'm just hoping it was just a monster attack...."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Mmmmm.... that's too bad... well, you're safe now cutie." She licked her lips, maybe because she was getting some food for herself, but her tone suggested otherwise. However, as she continued, Natalie's serious side came out for a minute. "Well, it's going to be nice and bright out soon. I've been moving at night, I don't think these things can see any better then than we can, and in the daylight nothing can touch me if I've got a good nest set up." The solider looked around, scoping the warehouse to see if it was good for a defensive set up. "May move on a few more buildings, these warehouses are far from ideal. We want something nice and tall to hold up in..."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Better place then nothing I guess," she commented, though personally she was hoping for locating a handgun or something, just the rifle could easily be unwieldy should something pounce.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The solider looked through some more boxes, before casually heading for the exit at one end. She drew a pistol, as her bigger guns were indeed unwieldy in these close quarters. Carefully opening the door, she looked around outside, frowned a bit, then shut the door. "Okay baby, grab some food then get ready to follow me. I think I see a good place to hide, but I want to move fast."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Grabbing a few random bits of supplies, Kita would quickly fall in line, rifle ready. "Those with experience first, I'll cover ye."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Natalie waited for Kita to fall in before opening the door and rushing out. It was hard for the goth to keep up, but fortunately the sniper stopped at every corner and checked it carefully, pistol at the ready. It only took them about 30 seconds to cover the block through the back passages to the door of the building Natalie had mentioned. She kicked it open with great force, the metal door swung open to reveal a dark storeroom which Kita was quickly yanked into, before the solider slammed the door shut again, finding a lock and bolting it.

Panting a bit, from the thrill as the woman was clearly used to that kind of activity from her muscles, Natalie looked over at Kita. "Heh. It was probably a bad idea to just kick it in like that, there could have been monsters or things here. Oh well, guess it didn't turn out badly." She beamed, giggling as she looked around at the boxes on the racks here, this building seemed to be an iron working facility. "Need a break, honey? The solider patted Kita on the shoulder as she checked every door, satisifed that they were alone, or at least nothing was nearby.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita would have a tough time keeping up, not quite used to the amount of running, however she did try to keep her gun ready at all times.

After she was dragged in, she collapsed to the floor, mumbling a bit as she gets back up a bit. "Ow... Then again, no harm no foul, eh? But sure, some downtime would be nice..."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Natalie would slide over a box and help Kita sit on it, patting her head a bit. Mkay, sit tight here sweetie, I'm gonna go check the place out a bit. Be back in a minute." She quickly but silently moved out down one of the passages, leaving the goth alone, for the moment. However, a few seconds later, Kita became aware of a faint "tap tap tap" noise coming from the opposite direction the solider had left, slowly getting louder and heading right towards the room she was in.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita tensed up, grabbing her rifle and aiming it towards the offending doorway. Better to be prepared for trouble even if she wasn't ready for it... she thought quietly to herself.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

In the dim light, Kita could now make out airvents above the hallways, now that she was focusing. This was exactly where the noise was coming from, and convieniently, there was a vent that looked in right where the goth could aim at. As it got closer, Kita recognized from her past experiences that it was a spider, like from before, and it would soon be in view.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"...Spiders. Why does it always have to be spiders..." she mutters, prepping her rifle. As soon as the monster showed it's face, she'd pop it full of lead, she thought, holding the rifle at a proper angle and readying the trigger. Just a little bit more...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The spider never knew what it hit it. As soon as the "head" comes into view Kita's rifle send hot lead tearing right through it, destroying the creatures brain. The crack of the gun is followed by a loud thud that rings metallic as the body hits the vent. All is silent for a few seconds, but soon loud footsteps are heard from the direction Natalie went down. The solider soon skids to a stop in the doorway, pistol ready and war face on full display. However, as she softens when she sees the goth uninjured, then glances around, quickly spying the dead spider. "Well... it seems little miss scary has some talent for sniping. Sexy." Her playful smile returns as she slowly walks over.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Sniping? Not really, more like shooter games in general," she commented. "That and the soldiers I was with gave me a bit of a crash course..." she admitted with a small flush. "I see the place isn't quite as fullproof as ya said it was though...."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"We aren't up in the tower yet." Natalie's flirty tone was thrown a bit off by Kita's attitude. "We should go up there" The sniper put a hand on the goth's shoulder and slowly, but firmly tried to lead the way. There was just something about the touch that seemed "controling" for lack of a better word.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Jus as long as it's more secure," Kita muttered. If anything, she wasn't quite liking the vibes going off this lady. Still, a friend that MAY backtab ya later is better then one that WILL, she surmised. And she's probably better company then the monsters. Even still, subconsiously she'd try to shrug off the sniper's hand, if anything trying to stem the amount of hit-ons she was getting.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Natalie coaxed Kita along in the direction of the tower. There was only one path, besides closed doors, so it wasn't that hard to find the spiral staircase leading up. "Once up we can plush something heavy against the door, which closes into the floor. It's got a hole in the side of the room, great for observation, shooting, and running onto the roof if we have too. Not exactly cozy, but not totally exposed either. It'll make a good place to spend the night."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Least it's somewhere," Kita remarked, rubbing her sore shoulder from the gun's recoil. "If needbe I'll keep first watch, I've gotten enough sleep from that tumble I took earlier..."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The soldier set her heavy pack down, with the odd weapon in it, keeping her sidearm ready. "If you wish, though there's some time before we NEED to go to bed. Time for something else, scouting, preparing, or... other things..." Her voice was quite suggestive, though she looked out around the neighborhood, not confident in how secure they were yet.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita partly ignored her, going up to the hole in the wall and looking around outside, just to be sure. "No chicken wire? This hole here is rather a biiig oversite in defending, considering we got giant mutant SPIDERS to worry about," she added, if a bit tersely. The playful attitude was closer to what she may have been planning as a CAMGIRL, but not what she would have expected from a trained soldier. Well, beyond Alexis that is, she thought as a afterthoght but quickly purged it from her mind.