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Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Nobody knew what this place was called or who may have once lived there, but the ruins spreading before the women held nothing but opportunity. She'd heard tales from roving caravans, warnings to never approach the Sunken City. Many a people have gone lost that dared ventured near it, and those that don't speak of gray abominations and clear shadows that followed your every move. The superstitious believed them to be the ghosts of the lost seeking to drag the living into the city to share their fate. Others thought it was the descendents of a long lost civilization turned wild that slept with the buried ruins until the desert winds unearthed the city once more.

But those were rumors, and most everyone agreed on the true threat that lived there now. The invaders had found a new outpost. That monstrous gray aliens that nearly destroyed the Su-Ku-Ta were spreading and nesting where they could, and what better place than an abandoned city lost to the annals of time?

This is what brought Kali'Zhira to this forgotten land, and as she looked over a high dune and down at the half-buried buildings she found that even that was a bit of a stretch. There had been activity, that much was certain. There were tracks in the sand, foot prints and drag marks side by side as they wound their way through the few spots of sanctuary to be found. But right now there was nothing. No tentacled beasts, no gray mammoths, not even the slight shimmer of those lizards lying in wait. Not even the lone tower that sat near the center of town looked like it had been used in the longest of times.

But those tracks still remained. Perhaps the monsters were simply out on patrol looking for more unwilling victims to sate whatever dark appetites they held. It would be a simply thing to set up shop in that tower, especially with no one watching, and once the beasts returned she would have a prime spot to pick them off one by one. And if they never did then she at least had some bit of shelter.


Raith could not have been happier. She'd been following a lone caravan for sometime, a prime target in the empty desert for the aliens that now claimed most of its sands, and just as she guessed it came under attack. They rose from the desert, shimmering lizards and walking balls of tentacles ambushing the people before they could mount their defense, and though they suffered casualties the aliens were victorious. They claimed their prizes right then and there, the men slaughtered like so many others while the women were violated in the most disgusting manner possible, and those that still survived took their spoils and began to retreat back to the desert without any apparent care in the world. If only they had stayed to check their fallen comrades. They may have noticed the holes that had been torn through their bodies...

But Raith would be thankful for that. It meant the creatures had not yet noticed her, and she simply stalked them as they traveled, her rifle managing to destroy the occasional beast that managed to fall behind. Little by little the invaders' numbers fell, and soon enough the few lizards that remained shimmered into nothingness to scout. But how would they find a creature that could become just as invisible as they?

And this is what brought Raith to this abandoned city. The ruins looked old. Ancient. Far beyond salvation. But that tower. It still stood. It would make an excellent perch, one she could use to tear into the aliens that were still searching for her in the open desert. This was going to be a good day.

But there was one little catch. Was that movement up near the top?
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith idly wondered what this town might have been called before the invasion as she stood in the corner of a crumbled old building, crouched behind a pile of rubble. She hadn't seen or heard the hunters since they had vanished not long ago, no doubt searching for who or what had been picking them off as they moved across the desert. Namely, her. That suited Raith just fine, she had almost been growing bored picking off a few of the creatures off at a time, and the threat of discovery had brought back the sense of danger that she had almost begun to miss.

Her tattoos went active as she slowly moved out of complete cover and glanced at the tower again, holding her shorter rifle in dry, steady hands as she surveyed the only standing structure. It would likely make an excellent firing position, or at the very least a good place to survey the ruins and see what there was to see. Who knows? Perhaps there was more than meets the eye to this little pocket of old ruins, as Raith had immediately suspected that this place had been abandoned well before the invasion. She wasn't sure why the aliens had been heading toward it, but some of them were present now, and that was really all that the assassin needed to get her to stick around for a while.

Holding her carbine in her hands, the metal parts of the weapon coated in tar and faux sand so that they wouldn't glint or stand out too much from the desert background, Raith slowly made her way toward the tower. She had to be careful, especially in these ruins, lest her movements disturb the ruins and give away her position. It took her magical skin a moment to properly adapt to her surroundings anyway, and Raith hugged the nearest wall closely and proceeded in a low crouch, her tail held straight behind her as she made her way toward the tower.

(Sneak about, and whatnot. Stealth is 31, Perception is 32, Dodge is 35, AV is 5, Resistance is 23 and Speed is 28. Not sure what else you'd possibly need, or if you even need any or all of that, but it should all be on the sheet.)
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

A grey spawn nest. Kali'Zhira frowned at the site of the place, thinking about the vile things rumoured to be hidden within. If this was truely the grey spawn nest she had been led to believe it was, then she was looking forward to the reliable stock of prey for her rifle. She intended to see to it that no party of greys would be entering or leaving this forgotten city unchecked, and preferably left as a ring of corpses around the city perimeter.

That there were no such creatures in sight for the time being didn't surprise her. Most likely lurking deeper in the shadows of the ruins or out marauding. But the tracks were all the evidence she needed. If there was even one band of greys somewhere in the area right now, she would have something to hunt.

She wanted a better idea of the layout of this place and what it contained. The tower would likely provide an excellent vantage point for getting a better mental image of the land, and perhaps spot anything within the city that couldn't be seen from outside. She lingered over weighing up the next course of action for a minute, considering the dangers of heading into such an enclosed and unfamiliar place. Still, as long as she was careful and kept things quiet, she was confident she would be able to move within the city and avoid anything she couldn't handle before she walked into it. Thus she prepared to move in and scout out the place.

Stopping to close her eyes and focus for a second, she mouthed a short basic spell designed to sharpen and focus her vision. Opening them again, the effect was subtle as ever, but she knew that every small precuation was invaluble when there was a risk of having to deal with those colour shifting reptilian soldiers. Following that, she recited in her mind a well practised invisibility spell, intending to use it to close on the city before she left the cover of the dunes. Never knew who else might already be watching from the tower after all. With her preparations done, she finally rose from her hidden spot along the dunes and made a beeline for the ruins, putting attention into keeping her steps light as always in order to keep any tracks as unnoticeable as possible. Reaching the edges of the city she would proceed to towards the tower, moving cautiously and staying close to cover whilst scanning the buildings she passed for any signs of life or recent activity.

Cast level 2 buff to perception. (Light element: Radiance) (Mind/6, spell level - 2 EP upkeep) Leave active.
Cast Invisibility and keep active for long enough to be within cover of the city.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 32/38, Status = Fine
Kali casts Radiance (Light - Lv2 Buff - Perception): Auto-success
+6 Perception
Upkeep = 0

Kali casts Invisibility (Light - Lv3 Utility): Success
+20 Stealth
Upkeep = 1

Perception (Raith): Rolled 11
Stealth (Raith): Rolled 2

Perception (Kali): Rolled 7
Stealth (Kali): Rolled 9

The going was slow, but one could never be too cautious. It was a lesson Raith had learned during her time as a lone hunter, and this deep in what could only be considered enemy territory meant every bit of stealth would be needed. But not a thing was there to take notice, not a pursuer nor any of the creatures that could be hiding underneath the cover of homes half-eaten by the desert sands. Had it not been for the very light breeze that helped to mask her tracks there would have been not a single bit of movement within this dead city.

But that started to change as she reached the tower. Now that she was closer she could see that the thing was mostly hollow, mainly a long winding staircase that reached up to the top with narrow windows lining the steps. A room obviously laid at the top, these kinds of towers always had one, and as she looked up she caught a glimpse of that bit of movement she saw as she entered this ruined town. It was a rather faint trace, a very slight glimmer as something moved from the shadow into the light, and though its features could not be seen she immediately knew what it was. A lizard. One of those creatures was lying in wait, a sentry left to keep watch over this land.

Raith watched the creature for a few seconds, its movements lingering at one window before falling back to look out another. It had yet to notice her. This could be a good thing. If she could work her way to the top and still remain hidden she could dispatch the thing without a sound and claim its perch as her own. Then all she had to do was wait...

But she wasn't the only one. Kali'Zhira had found the lizard as well, but just before she could make her way toward the foot of the tower another glimmer caught her attention. At first it looked like another of the creatures was guarding the entrance, but as she waited she watched the nearly invisible shadow move from building to building. In that brief time the camouflage it used took to adjust she noticed that its outline was anything but the brutish, massive hulk of the hunters. This was far more refined, lithe, nearly a mirror of herself. She could detect the faint outline of a rifle and the almost unseen sway of a tail that stood straight out to give this unknown creature some balance. And by the looks of things this shadow would reach the tower before she could.

As Kali waited she had a few options left to her. She could remain where she was and simply watch, determine the shadow's intentions before acting on her own. She could just as easily follow the shadow. Its ability to hide was just as impressive as the lizards, but it was nothing to true invisibility. If she were so bold she could stay one step behind the thing, maybe even slip some steel into its neck. But then that could alert the sentry at the top, and that would be counterproductive. Maybe she could simply follow the thing and use it as a distraction. What to do...
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith smirked up and froze as she noticed the hunter at the top of the tower, waiting for it to move to a different window before she began to move stealthily once more. The stairs were hardly conducive to stealthy movement, but she could make do with that thanks to her unnatural gifts and a good bit of care. Taking a moment to hide in an out of sight corner, Raith put her carbine onto her back and placed a hand upon the hilt of her knife. If she was spotted, she'd either be too close for her rifle to be worth the trouble or far enough that she could draw her rifle and kill the thing before it reached her. Either way would be noisy, but at that point the lizard would have likely signaled to its fellows already anyway.

Then, she watched the alien lizard patrol for a short while before making her move, moving stealthily up the stairs toward the top of the tower. Only when she drew near to the hunter, and faced the creature's back would she draw her blade. If she was undiscovered, Raith silently and quickly stepped up behind the creature, delicately grabbed it be the shoulder and then calmly slid her blade into its back, sawing through the creature's spine with careful practiced motions. Were she completely successful, Raith would even begin to hum pleasantly to herself, though it was likely inaudible over the sound of her knife tearing through flesh and bone.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Seeing the subtle but familiar shimmer of the reptile sentinel keeping watch from the tower, Kali furrowed her brow just a little. Heading up the tower was starting to look like a non option. She had always imagined that should she ever find one of these beasts alone, that she could probably stealthily fell one with her blade, if it came to it. Theory and practice however were very different things, and she had no desire to ever put herself closer to one of the creatures than was absolutely necessary. She couldn't afford to take risks when she had so many more left to kill. It was difficult for Kali to choose any one of the alien varieties as one more hated than the rest, but the lizards did hold a special place in her crosshairs. They presented a distinct kind of threat when compared to most of the others. Seemingly trading a small portion of vileness for extra cunning and malice. They were always the ones for which she put an extra degree of attention into monitoring their movements, lest one ever slip out of sight...

Watching from cover a while longer whilst considering turning back, it was then that she noticed the second shadowy figure. The place was crawling with them it seemed. Except... this one was different. Could it be a new grey of a type that she hadn't seen before? No. It didn't quite seem to be. A glimpse of what looked like a rifle and tail caught her eye. A Su-Ku-Ta? Potentially one of the loathsome and pitiable corrupted then. However, from all she had observed thus far, she had never seen a corrupted carry a gun or move quite like that.

This changed things. She'd have to keep an eye on how this unfolded. They seemed to share the same destination, though the other was still moving forward. Had he or she not seen the sentry? Or perhaps they were simply more confident about quietly dispatching it. She'd have to keep an eye on how this unfolded. Restoring her invisibility she made to pursue. Intending to keep far back enough to not draw attention, or distract this unknown figure, but hopefully maintaining a decent view on what would unfold.

(Made a small edit to actions taken in last paragraph)
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Sneaky
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 31/38, Status = Invisible
The Raith strikes from the shadows...
Sneak Attack: Auto-hit
Damage: 2(5 + 2 + 25) - 8 = 56

And Kali is the ultimate voyeur... Too bad voyeurism doesn't really help.

Raith gains 2 Exp

Raith's climb was uneventful. Slow, but uneventful. Thankfully the ages had removed any trace of a door that blocked the stairs from the tower, so when she finally arrived she had a rather clear view of the room and her prey. It continued to pace back and forth, its own steps still slow and cautious even though it appeared to not even bother with its camouflage as it crossed the room before vanishing as it neared the opposite window. It still didn't know she was there, but even unawares it didn't give her a clear shot at its back. At least not until it decided it was hungry. A few short steps brought the creature to a table set up out of direct sight, and once it neared it raised a clawed hand and speared what looked like old and somewhat rancid meat. It was an odd thing to see, the meat was obviously spoiled but didn't give off any sort of smell, and the lizard simply tore into it bite by bite until all that was left were a few scraps still clinging to the thing's fingers.

And that was all she needed. While the alien was content to savor the taste of dead flesh as it started to lick its fingers clean Raith simply stepped up behind it. It slowed as it sensed something amiss, but before it could even begin to turn a small hand gently grabbed its shoulder and held it still before a knife plunged directly into its spine. It gave a start as it was stabbed, the very beginnings of a shriek leaving its mouth before Raith started to saw through flesh and bone. She continued to cut, the sound of the knife tearing through a body the only thing to be heard until a heavy thump signaled the lizard's collapse as it legs no longer had the strength to support its weight. And all it could do was simply stare out into the world, its eyes showing a mix of fear and disbelief as they finally caught a glimpse of a shimmering form holding a bloody blade. From there confusion spread across its face, but even that gave way as that gaze focused more and more on the growing abyss reaching out to claim another soul...

It took a bit for the invader to finally pass, but it did so quietly and without any further fuss. With the only threat now destroyed this left the tower in Raith's control, and she was now free to set up shop and wait for the rest of the aliens that were no doubt heading for this ruined and nearly buried city. It shouldn't be long now, maybe a half hour at most depending on how thoroughly the scouts searched, and from this vantage point she would see them long before they had any hope of finding her. As far as she knew she was perfectly safe. And why shouldn't she? She had no chance of noticing the pair of eyes that continued to watch her, not unless Kali wished to make her presence known.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Really, she couldn't have asked for it to go better, not reasonably at least. Raith began to hum a tune she'd learned as a child while sawing through the alien's spine, twisting the knife and sawing back through after she'd broken past the final layer of bone and gristle, just to make sure. Her front was coated in the hunter's blood by the time she lowered it to the floor, watching it bleed out from its deadly wound with an invisible smirk on her face. Once the last light of life had left its eyes, she calmly knelt beside the dead creature and flipped it onto its belly, eying up an undamaged section of skin. She'd cut low to make sure that it was still usable, and she set about cutting off the long patch of flesh along its back. The skins of these creatures were useful in making one difficult to see if they were properly prepared, and she could never have enough aid in hiding from the aliens.

Finally ceasing her humming as the skin came free, Raith rolled it up and wrapped the fresh lizard skin in wax paper that she carried for just such a purpose before placing it into her pack. After that, she silently and quickly swept her gaze over the tower, taking in the surroundings most directly around her first before looking out further. She had to make sure that this place was secure enough for her, or one of the hunter's companions might stumble across her and do much the same or worse to her. In particular, she sought out alternate escape routes in case she was discovered, as well as a good place to stash the corpse. If possible, she'd also try to discern the source of the rotting meat that the hunter had been eating, though if she couldn't figure out that particular mystery it was all the same to her. Of course, she was also careful to keep an eye on the doorway in case something should come investigating the tower. Being discovered now would be bad, but being discovered and not realizing it would be even worse, particularly when the fact that her natural camouflage didn't do much for her when she was skinning a dead lizardman was taken into account.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Having successfully trailed the unknown character into and up the tower, Kali reached the top just in time to see the final twist of the blade and the Hunter collapse to the ground. The killer had made it look easy, and Kali couldn't help but be somewhat impressed by the sight of the large reptile expertly and efficiently dispatched like such.

A female Su-Ku-Ta, and seemingly no friend of the invaders. Which despite being a more than common attitude in these parts, automatically put her one step up in Kali'Zhira's good books regardless. Whilst the stranger went to work on the fallen reptile, she would step silently into the room, using the light noises of the skinning efforts as cover for her own steps. Finding a spot in the room unlikely to be traversed, she would simply hover in place motionlessly and observe a moment longer. Watching the way she worked and to see what her next move or intentions might be.

Should she expose herself and make a greeting? She'd only came up here to scan the surroundings, even if it was actually this woman who had cleared the way to allow her to do so. She felt a bit awkward spying like this, but for the moment at least she wouldn't interrupt the other's work.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Sneaky
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 30/38, Status = Invisible
No actual rolls, just stating that Raith gains 1 Chameleon's Skin

With the messy business of acquiring the lizard's skin well and done Raith was free to investigate her surroundings. The entrance into the top of the tower was painfully open, so staying hidden if something were to enter would take some effort, but on closer inspection the entirety of the staircase leading to that room could be seen from this perch. It may not offer the greatest of stealth, but with a clear shot throughout the tower it made a rather excellent defensive position. The windows at the top were evenly spaced, eight in total looking out over the city and the lands beyond. A peak at the ceiling revealed some rather old and worn etchings. It took a moment to recognize what they were, but as faded as they had become Raith found a few markings that appeared to be constellations. Eventually the Northern Star could be found hovering over one of the windows, and this meant that each window was either pointing toward a cardinal direction or laid between them.

Not much else appeared during her search, the slight smell of squalid meat revealing a long dead and nearly dried out vulture's carcass hidden with a basket. The sight of the 'meal' was simply appalling, and it would make anyone who looked at it wonder how those monsters could stomach such fetid flesh. But aside from that there really wasn't much else of note. A few old chairs that looked like they would break lay over near a wall, the table that held the lizard's meal lay in the center, and an odd pile of cloth and dust lay scattered across the floor. All that Raith had left was the long wait for the scouts to return.

But as uneventful as things were for the assassin Kali found herself flirting with danger. As the Su-Ku-Ta woman explored the area she constantly moved, and though she was extremely quiet she still left the faintest of tracks in the dust. As more than once those tracks nearly ran right through the invisible woman. The stalker was constantly nearly bumped or run over, and if she were to make too sudden a movement than the sound would give her position away. And even if that didn't happen the assassin she watched could notice the extra set of footprints that suddenly appeared next to her own. Thankfully Kali had yet to be discovered, but if that other woman kept moving about then it would only be a matter of time...
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

In a rounded room such as this, it wouldn't be surprising that finding an untrodden "corner" to lurk in wasn't such a simple thing. Whilst she was confident in her magic and putting special care into her efforts to remain undetected, she knew this was a flawed and somewhat foolish position to have put herself in. She'd never have risked such around a grey skin or reptile, but things could go wrong just as easily if she let this Su-Ku-Ta huntress get the wrong idea. One close call in particular had her ready for the worst when the other passed round close behind her and she realised she couldn't tell where her tail was right now. Luckily the moment passed without any brushing of tails and subsequent panic.

She could just try to slip out again and leave, perhaps. Except if either of them intended to stay in the area for any amount of time they'd only bump into one another again soon enough. Or come across one another's cross-hairs even. She should make her presence known, at least. She couldn't be certain either that this woman would react entirely favourably, but hopefully she wouldn't be outrightly hostile straight away.

Trying to pick a moment when they would be on opposite sides of the room, Kali resolved to remove her magical cloaking and make a greeting of some kind. A heavy blink and willing her spell away, she would appear. In some ways it could still be said that not much was actually revealed. Of Kali herself, only her upper face and hands were visible. The rest hidden by her sand coloured half length hooded cloak, face wrap, and desert wanderers outfit. But her presence was plainly visible regardless. She held her rifle in both hands, at a ready slant across her body, but by no means pointed at the other. A small knife kept sheathed at her hip. The hood being of a common Su-Ku-Ta design, shaped with intent to allow the ears to stand inside whilst still being covered.

"That was a good kill." She says plainly, keeping any apprehension out of her voice. Perhaps not the best greeting ever, but Kail hadn't had time to think of anything better. Having made herself known she'd simply stand and try to gauge the Su-Ku-Ta's reaction with golden eyes, letting the other ask any questions.

It would hopefully be questions... and not bullets...
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

The cardinal directions, and with North indicated for her by the design on the ceiling. Well, that would make it exceptionally easy for her to call out directions of attack.... To herself. Still, it'd make the direction of each window and what lay beyond it easier for her to remember, in case such became necessary. Raith was momentarily distracted from her musings as she discovered the corpse of the vulture, the apparent source of the meat that the hunter had devoured. The su-ku-ta paused to muse upon the irony of the foul scavenger's corpse being eaten, a smirk appearing on her face as she contemplated that, and not the horrid scent and sight of the rotting meat. How the alien had stomached even the sight of it, much less the taste, was something that Raith quickly decided not to think too much on. Placing the basket back over the rotting corpse of the dead bird, she surveyed the tower a second time over.

It was during her second search of the tower that a girl appeared out of thin air right across the tower from her. Raith froze instantly, the wry smile on her face remaining in order to guard her inner thoughts. She made no reach for her weapons as she eyed the stranger up, trying to appear as non-threatening as she could as she bid her time. Heavy rifle just like the one slung over her own back, knife at her belt that was a bit smaller than her own heavier blade, clothing designed for desert camouflage and made to worn by one of her kind. At first, that was what Raith thought this stranger was, but a quick inhalation through her nostrils allowed her to catch the girl's scent. Human. But why the fake ears and tail?

Smirking a hint more widely, Raith realized that it hardly mattered. It marked the girl as some level of crazy, but one had to be crazy to survive out here, and Raith wouldn't be winning any contests of sanity herself anyway. Besides, they didn't seem to be hostile, and judging by the number of tracks around the dusty tower that didn't quite match her or the hunter she'd dispatched upon coming up here, the stranger could have casually put a bullet through the back of her head whenever she wanted. She hadn't, and that meant that she probably wasn't going to.

That said, Raith's body was set like a spring even as she continued to watch the other girl's eyes with the same cocky smile on her face, and though she didn't look like it, she was ready to hurl across the tower with all of the strength in her body the very second that that rifle started coming up. Though she wasn't as strong as one of the hunters, Raith was confident that she was at least a bit heavier than her opposite, and if she could close the distance before the girl got a shot off she might just be able to get the single shot rifle to discharge at the wall rather than at her body. Or at least take both of them out of one of the windows. Not exactly and ideal scenario, but it was in her nature to prepare for the very worst, and being cornered by someone with a gun counted among her least favorite scenarios. Of course, as the girl quietly complimented her kill, it was looking less and less like she'd have to fight her way out of this situation.

"Thanks!" Raith replied without hesitation, her voice low but full of mirth, as if she was happy to see the human girl standing across from her. If they weren't careful, any sound they made might give away their presence to those that Raith was hunter, and she assumed her strange new acquaintance was here in this ruined little town for the same purpose. "I suppose you're not going to shoot me, else you'd have done it while I couldn't see you, so lets be friends!" The statement was delivered quite earnestly despite the somewhat tense circumstances, and Raith maintained the same expression as she spoke as well. Before the girl could offer any response to the odd suggestion, however, Raith went on to say; "Though, I am curious, how long were you following me?"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

It was a slightly more... chirpy, reaction than Kali had expected, though certainly preferable to sudden flying knives or the like. Even if that smirking smile, coupled with it's wearers blood sprayed visage, was potentially more unnerving than any fierce or combative expression could actually be. Still, good enough. She could see the same snake like readiness to burst into action that she was naturally maintaining herself. It becoming fairly apparent that were both following the same basic state of keeping their guard up whilst not setting the other off.

"I first saw you near the base of the tower, just a glimpse, and followed from there." She answers in short. "And my bullets are for Grey skins, so I've no intention of shooting anyone that saves me bullets. So uh, sure, I guess. Enemy of my enemy, and so on?" She says, not exactly returning much of a "buddy buddy" tone, but relaxing her stance and body language just a modicum to try and reduce the amount of spring loaded tension in the room.

"Is that, what you're here for? Or are you out on more specific business than skinning lizards?" She adds her own small question.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

As her opposite seemed to relax, Raith did the same, gently easing into a more natural standing position while holding onto her confident smile. She'd known that her irresistible charms would win over all obstacles! Well, she'd hoped they would, at least. Offering the girl a nod, Raith replied in a slightly flamboyant tone; "Enemy of my enemy indeed, that's exactly the sort of friend that I was looking for! I'm sure we'll get along famously!"

Raith glanced down at herself and frowned briefly. Right. She'd forgotten that she was half covered in blood from when she'd killed that hunter. Well, that might explain some of the frosty demeanor. "I followed a patrol of the aliens here after I witnessed them attacking a caravan. I picked off most of them as they traversed the desert, but eventually what was left got wise to the fact that I was tailing them. This place was nearby, and it seemed like a fitting place to finish off whatever was left, and maybe find some new prey to hunt. The name's Raith, by the way. Just Raith. How about you?"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Kali'Zhira. Sarida." She nods, lowering her rifle to a full resting position on it's sling, and loosing the cloth that had masked the bottom half of her face.

"I came here to hunt as well, having heard the rumours that it was a lair for the invaders. Your prey there is the first one I've seen since arriving here just a short while ago." She continues to answer, turning to step over to one of the windows as she spoke, and looking over the sunken city. Spying out for any foes or suspicious shimmers that might be spotted in the streets for a moment. "Are you sure it's wise to let these creatures blood onto you? They have corruptive aura's you know." She turns back to comment.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Bloody
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 30/38, Status = Cautious
Kali (Perception): Rolled 16
Kali (Stealth): Rolled 20

Raith and Kali both enjoy a temporary Stealthy Talent due to being within the cover of the tower
Raith also enjoys a temporary Obvious Flaw from being all sorts of bloody

As Kali looked out through the nearby window a slight shimmer did meet her eyes. A careful inspection revealed one of the lizards plodding through the streets carefully, its faint outline stalking from building to building as if searching for something hidden within. Thanks to her spell the outline was easier to make out, and that also let her pick out a couple more in the same general direction. This may have been the group Raith mentioned earlier, and the sight of a couple slimes and one of the grown tentacled creatures carrying a rather exhausted looking woman each only gave it that much more credence.

A quick glance towards Raith and her bloody self showed that she was nowhere near a direct line of sight to the creatures. She would be unaware of them, and they would be unaware of her. This was a thankful thing, even with the cover that the tower provided the sight of a bloody form would probably put their prey on alert. But for now the creatures remained unawares, and most of them would be an easy shot. The only problem would be the non-lizards. They each held a hostage even if they didn't realize it, and trying to pick off the creatures without hitting their captives would take very precise aiming. The only question now was whether either of the snipers was up to the challenge.
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Continuing to watch the streets after her comment about the blood, it would likely be part way through any answer that Raith gave that she would spot the returning band of aliens. She flicks up a vague "stop" gesture to her new acquaintance. "Wait..."

Making sure that she was within the shadowed side of the window opening, she ducks a little lower and checks what she'd seen, trying to get a better count of their numbers. "Greys. Come look at this." said in a habitually hushed tone, even if the wind and height of the tower would likely make it impossible to be heard.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Well, Kali'Zhira Sarida, I'm sure it'll be a pleasure working with you, for however long we remain together," Raith replied as Kali moved over to one of the windows. At the comment on the blood coating her, she glanced down at herself and replied; "Oh this? It isn't the first time I've been coated in their blood. It hasn't caused any adverse effects, at least not that I've detected, but I suppose I ought to clean it off. My camouflage doesn't work very well when my skin's covered like this."

Raith knelt down and pulled off her pack, removing an already fairly dirty cloth from it and wiping it along her front, trying to clean off the blood. It would do until she could get herself a proper bath, hopefully. "Give me a moment, gotta clean this off or I'll stick out like a blue cactus," she said, and once she'd gotten herself as clean as she could Raith moved over to peek through the same window, and once Kali pointed them out to her Raith saw the patrol of invaders that she'd been following, still carrying their captives. "That's the group I was following, I'm pretty sure. How many hunters do you count? Those are the lizards, or what I've heard a few people call them at least."

Raith's eyes immediately scan the area around the invaders, searching out places that they might be headed. Her eyes took in the ruins around the creatures, firstly trying to predict the movements of the hunters that she could see and secondly trying to determine the route of the main group. Only once she had determined the route they would most likely take did Raith think of potential ambush sights, in case the tower proved insufficient for their needs.
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Clean enough
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 30/38, Status = Cautious
Raith (Perception): Rolled 1
Raith (Stealth): Rolled 19

Raith and Kali both enjoy a temporary Stealthy Talent due to being within the cover of the tower

With Raith wiping herself down she looked less like a horrible nightmare who enjoyed dismembering people and more like a bloodied combatant. But that was enough to get her camouflage working again, and she wouldn't be immediately spotted by any of the enemies as she peeked out to grab a count. The creatures preoccupied with carrying their victims were easy enough to spot, and as she watched them they appeared to be slowly heading toward the tower. She could only make out one of the hunters as it stalked around the area, but she distinctly remembered four of them surviving just before she left to find the perfect ambush position. The one that she did see was sticking close to the main group, and as it checked a nearby building it eventually signaled toward the captors which caused them to move forward.

With the enemy's cautious advance leading toward their perch Raith started looking beyond for additional bits of cover. A few buildings were placed here and there that still stood, and those that didn't still offered some protection, but it would also make it far easier for any of the creatures to reach them. From up high they could fire at anything that wasn't currently hiding within behind a wall, and if anything got close they had to climb the stairs which made them easy targets. Of course if anything did manage to make it to the top then the women wouldn't have anywhere to escape. So their choice boiled down to the initial security of the tower or the option to retreat should their position be overrun.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"There were four of them when last I saw this group. How many of the lizards do you see? I only see one."