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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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The medic carried Kita into the mostly silent bathroom. They could hear rough slurping sounds, quickly spotting two pairs of legs in one stall. The medic blushed a deep purple. "Well, that's... The medic was very uncomfortable. She set Kita down on a spare bedroll and went over to Alexis.

"Corporal Rider, can you help this girl get dressed, she's injured and can't do it herself." Alexis nodded, not hearing the sounds comming from the stall behind her just yet, focusing on Kita and sliding over to help, not quite awake yet. The medic hurried out of the room, back to her post.

(Lurker posts first)
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita blushed as she heard the sounds, the ideas behind them spinning through her mind as she sat quietly. "Guess it's better then nothing... starting to wish I'd stayed in my apartment..."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Abigail leaned close to Suzy's ear, she was quite flexible, a byproduct of her time with the squids, though Suzy didn't know that. "Looks like our time together has to be cut short. I trust you can keep your attitude in check. I war you, however, I'm not done with you." Abi was whispering in Suzy's ear. She even licked it once to prove her point. Abi didn't know Alexis was up and would see them exit. She let the girl go, and unlocked the stall.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy threw Abi a filthy look, but was terrified at the thought of what was cutting this short. She should be glad that it had finished early, but someone had come through the door! Probably Martins finally off of her shift. She stood up as soon as Abi released her, and whispered "Fuck off, I don't need to control myself, you took that too far!" quietly in return. She waited for Abi to pull her panties and trousers up before pulling the stall door open, blanching at the sight of Alexis sitting up and dressing the new girl.

"A-A-A-Alexis... I-I-I..." she stuttered, standing stock still in the doorway, blocking Abi from leaving, and completely forgetting that some of Abi's cum was dripping down her chin now, she was scared now. Frozen in place, Suzy's legs trembled, and she continued to stammer for a few seconds, before recovering, and saying "I-I have to go.", quickly walking out of the door, closing it surprisingly gently behind her.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis was in shock. She had no idea what justed happened. She'd just gotten over to help the new girl dress when Suzy had bolted from the room, having finished pleasuring Abigail. Alexis collapsed against the new girl slightly.

However, she had to keep dressing the girl. No one else here could be counted on to do it. She treated the new girl with respect, talking kindly to her, even as tears streaked down her face.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Thanks," she replied as the girl helped her dress. She didn't comment much to the tears, just glad that was all she had to do at the moment is stay back and not get into any conflicts... for now.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Sara starts to wake up due to the rapid rise in noise level. Abigail rushes over to her, holding the girl in her arms. "Don't worry, that mean, nasty lady won't be giving you any more trouble." She looked over at Alexis, looking for her reaction. She seened truely upset by her tears, though was not any less convinced she had done the right thing.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

After the door was shut, Suzy leant against it, meaning it couldn't be opened, staring wide eyed around the base. She stayed like this for about half a minute, before collapsing to her knees, lower lip trembling. Then, she broke down completely, and burst into tears, leaning forward to hammer the ground with her fists so hard they started bleeding. "It's not fair! It's not fair! It's not fair!" she moaned over and over again, sobs racking her body.

While she was crying, she was also screaming at herself in her head, 'Alexis! Oh god, Alexis! She'll hate me now! That fucking bitch, Gray! Oh god, Alexis!'. Unless someone came up to her, Suzy would continue in this way, blood seeping from the hands she was mauling against the floor, until she managed to cry herself to sleep, which would take about 10 minutes, her ass sticking in the air where she'd collapsed.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita seemed a bit numbplussed at the situation. "Er... ok.... what's going on around here?!?" It was like she just stepped into a bad drama flick from the soaps on the boobtube...
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis finishes getting Kita ordered. "Excuse me, there's something I have to attend to. If you need any help, just ask for Corporal Rider." She quickly left the room, leaving Kita lone with Sara and Abigail. Abi slid over to Kita. "So, what's your story. You look to be in rough shape." Kita couldn't help but notice the girl seemed to be in a preaditory mood. Her hands were a little close for comfort. Too bad Kita wasn't in a state to get up and walk away.


Out in the hall, Alexis found Suzy curled up in a ball, her hands bleeding. She knew something was wrong, it Gray had manipulated the small woman in her fragile state of mind somehow. She sat down, picking up Suzy up and setting the girl in her lap, cleaning off the last sign of Suzy's transgression.

However, she needed to clean Suzy's hands as well. Alexis couldn't just get up, she had Suzy on her lap. The people in the bathroom wouldn't help, that's for sure. In the end, she just called for the medic, yelling for some gauss at the same time, though not in a voice that indicated worry or hurry, as to alert the men.

Martins delivered the wrapping no problem, though looked further wierded out by the group. That was okay, she was a polite woman and never commented on the problems they were having. Alexis bandaged Suzy's hands while stroking a hand through her nice red hair. She hope'd the sleeping girl would wake up soon and explain what happened.

(Both of you can post, then I'll do an update. Sorry your part is still smaller, lurker, but I'm getting to a plot arc for you :))
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Eventually, Alexis' stroking brought Suzy back to consciousness, and she opened her eyes blearily, blinking a few times as she took in her surroundings, and feeling returned to her stinging hands. When she spotted Alexis, Suzy cringed in fright, and curled up again, hiding her face from Alexis. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-I-I just wanted to fix things! Don't hate me!" she cried in anguish, trembling in fear. "I-it was Gray! She made me! I'm sorry, Alexis!" she whimpered, quietening down now, but still trembling in Alexis' grasp. It was obvious she was absolutely terrified, irrationally so perhaps, but she was in much the same state of mind as she had been last time Alexis had brought her awake in her lap, in the Goodman building.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita gave Alexis a sideways look. "If your idiot troops only shot at the critters I would be a bit better..." she growled slightly. Hey, it worked on customer support, so maybe this too-close-for-comfort soldier would also back away from her if she acted 'hostile'.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

(It's Abi that's comming onto Kita, not Alexis...)

"Oh dear, did you get shot on accident? Well, we had quite a battle going on. Those things aren't very friendly, I'm sure you've noticed. Abigail supressed a small shudder as she continued to chat up Kita. "But don't worry, we'll keep you safe here. Abigail noticed that Kita wasn't interested, right now, so she backed off slightly.

(lurker posts again)
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Eh, at least the spiders I knew didn't hold firearms menicingly..." she quipped. "Let's just say that today has not been the best day in the millenia..."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Abi slid back over to Sara, rolling her eyes when Kita couldn't see. Not other girl with a hostile attitude. Hopefully this one wouldn't need to be taught a lesson. Abi was still a little worked up from earlier, but she'd soon calm back down.

Just then, Alexis entered again, carrying Suzy. She took her to the sink, cleaned up her hands a bit, then carried the girl over to Kita. "Hey, can I trust you to look after her for a few minutes. I need to go speak to the Lieutenant. I can't trust those two, that's for sure." She said this quietly, so Sara and Abi couldn't hear, then set Suzy down next to Kita, hoping the two could lean on eachother. "I'll be right back."

(lurker first, then hero)
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

She quietly nodded as Suzy was sat nearby. "Sure..." she replied at the question, then sat there awkwardly. "Er... hi?" she asked quietly to the girl."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy winced as Alexis cleaned her injured hands, but didn't complain, trying not to lose more face to the sadistic bitch sitting with Sara, even though there were lines of white skin where the tears had cut a path through the dirt on her face.

Set down next to Kita, Suzy lay limply, leaning on Kita's shoulder, completely silent, eyes wide and staring, though avoiding the two Private's sitting across the room. Her hand went up to rest on the other girls shoulder, whispering "Hello... Don't mind me... I just had a bit of a problem... Alexis will be back soon, and it'll be all right...". She seemed to be saying this last part to herself as much as Kita, still staring blankly at the wall.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita shrugged a bit. "Lemme guess, someone in the area being a right ol' pain in the ass?" She then winced as her injured leg gave a spasm. "Owowowowowow...."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"You could say that..." Suzy muttered, still not making eye contact with anyone. She glanced down as Kita complained about her injured leg, but didn't comment.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita sighed slightly with another shrug, gingerly laying her leg down again. "Eh, if someone's really getting in your way, I find the best aproach is usually a good ol' beatin meself, then again I was always told I'm odd, but anyway... So, what's the place round here like?"