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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The round shot, Suzy paused, trying to see where she had hit, blinking before she realised the rifle had been moved, and was pointing upwards. The sniper stared bemusedly at the smoking barrel for a few seconds, and then seeing, and hearing, Abi.

Suzy stared, her eyes flashing dangerously for a brief moment, before she sighed, and withdrew the rifle, slowly cycling the bolt to eject the used cartridge and load a new one, and took a couple of steps back from the bars as the squid turned to 'look' at them. "Y-yeah, umm... Sorry... I... I wasn't thinking straight... But... No. None of us are going in there... Not to save her considering what she did to Alexis and Sara... I... I..." she said, trailing off, and looking out through the bars once more at the disturbing scene before her. Quite clearly, the ginger girl was at a loss for words and ideas, and was waiting for someone else to get a better idea than shooting the monsters.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita sighed as she too watched the goings-on. "L-look, I dunno bout this, I'm not sure we got the manpower, or the time to grab at the kids... heck, I'm even thinking this was a bad idea in the first place..."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The three stood there for a few seconds awkwardly as the squids violated Rika before Abi spoke again. "Look, I know how important this is to you Suzy. I think the big ones are distracted well enough for you to go in there and quietly get the small ones, if you really want to. If needed we can run interferance for you. She looked both Suzy and Kita in the eye before continuing. But, all three of us have to be commited before we do this, else we probably won't make it, so what do you both say?"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy paled a little at Abi's offer, and shook her head hurriedly. "N-nono! I can't have you endangering yourselves for something like this! I... I'll go in alone, or not at all... I-I... I would rather stop... The... Big ones first anyway... It's not right that Rika got thrown in there... But... I-I don't even know how they stopped those things when... Umm... We were in there... I... They weren't even starting to tire when I p-passed out..." she said slowly, turning away from the bars, and feeling queasy as she tried to block out the lewd sounds of slapping tentacles and muffled screams, face still pink, but not as glowing as it had been.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Look. I know maybe puttin Rika in there was a weeeee bit hasty.... but seriously, even if armed, I really don't like the odds of this, after all, look what happened last time...." Kita murmered with a blush. "I'm not gonna say your head's not in the right here, but I just don't know if we got the poweress to do it..."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Abi gave a grim nod, taking in both girls' words. "Okay then, let's just head back and try to forget about this then." She almost ushered them forward, as if she didn't want to go first but didn't feel like waiting any longer next to the loud atrocity going on behind them. Once out of the general area, in the open where the guards might see them, she takes the lead. She makes sure that they maintain proper stealth, with special attention focused on Suzy. It would not be good if her state of mind got out of hand right now.

The group found the rest of the soliders manning the door as before. Alexis looked quite impatient. She spoke in a harsh whisper, half-angry."Took you long enough! I'm betting the guards will finally catch on any second now when we've had the better part of thirty minutes to make good on our escape. So please, if we're done here, let's get a move on!"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy was reluctant to leave, constantly shooting fearful glances back at the arena, obviously quite distressed by the whole situation. Leaving Rika to the beasts was most definitely something she did not want to do. Perhaps a bullet in the head was preferable to that torture. Probably luckily, Suzy was more than capable of following Abi's procedures, still sane enough to recognise the need for it, though she was pale, and subdued, throwing glances around everywhere they went.

When, eventually, they were back in front of Alexis, Suzy quavered from the redhead's reprimands, but said "Wh-what of T-Tara? Are w-we going to leave her th-there?" timidly, gazing longingly at the other. It took a considerable amount of her willpower to restrain the urge to simply leap into Alexis' arms. She was in such need of the warmth and comfort right now, but knew full well she couldn't. Not here. Not now. Maybe later.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"I dunno bout that, I think they'll be distracted for a little bit, anyway, let's split definitely," she said, slipping out the map to look for a quick exit while holding onto her gun.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis gathered everyone in a group by the door, getting ready to go. "Okay, I think we have everything. If someone really wants to let that girl out, that's fine, we'll wait I guess, but she's probably just as safe in that room. Someone's bound to find her eventually." The last part was directed at Suzy, though not directly said. Alexis open the door to outside and peered out. "Okay, it looks clear, on my signal we're going to run across the fenced in area there and to the right, down the narrow passage. All the guards are looking the other way, for more zombies. We're bound to run in to some, so be ready to take them out, but once we fire, the guards will know we're escaping." Alexis waited for everyone to get ready, allowing for someone to let Tara out if they wanted to, then led everyone across the deserted industrial courtyard.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Personally, the sooner we get the flying fuck out of here, the better I'll feel," Kita muttered as she held her stolen weapon tightly.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy nodded slowly, chewing on her lip for a few seconds, before holding up a hand to Alexis, and dashing away, bursting into the room with Tara, and whipping her knife around in her hand, hastily hacking the bindings to pieces, and leaving the girl free and unharmed. "W-we're going, stay here for a-at least half an hour, for your own s-safety. Goodbye, Tara." she blurted out hurriedly, before turning without another word, and rushing back out, joining Alexis once more, and nodding. "I-I'm ready, sorry. L-let's get out of h-here at last." she said quickly, before quietening down, following the others out of the door, finally slipping back into a more professional mode, her breathing slowing to normal, eyes flicking about less, and the need for stealth resurfacing in her confused and abused mind.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The group was not spotted as they made their way away from the warehouse. After reaching a main street, well out of earshot, Alexis stopped the group. "Okay guys, we're away from that... horrible place. But we can't let up now, there's still... monsters out there." Her voice was tired and strained, though there was quite a bit of happy relief mixed in as well. With a sigh, she continued. "I'm going to be honest, I don't really know what to do now. We can try and reach the base, as we were trying to before, or we could go back. Going back would be easy, but it'd probably just delay a horrible fate... But... we're all tired... aren't... we..." The sniper sat down against a wall as she spoke. Sara walked over and sat down next to her. "We should find a place to rest up for awhile, before going anywhere. We aren't in any state to be going anywhere." She wrapped an arm around the leader, she certainly was getting more of a grip instead of reaking out about everything, though her voice had tones that said she was pretty shaken up on the inside. "Well, there's one vote, what does everyone else think?"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy shivered slightly as they walked, and when Alexis stopped, frowned unhappily, quickly stepping up to kneel besides the other redhead, before giving up, and sitting down next to her as well. "Alexis... I... I-I agree with... W-with Sara... We need to r-rest... Y-y-you need t-to rest..." she said softly, reaching up to stroke a lock of Alexis' hair from her face, her other hand folding over her belly, a pang of sorrow rushing through her as she thought back to the damned arena, having left Rika there all on her own. She could only hope that Tara wouldn't be the one to find her...

The ginger girl's face saddened suddenly, and she looked at the floor, leaning back miserably against the wall, lost in thought, setting her rifle on the floor next to her as she put her head in her hands, falling silent, and drew her legs up to her slightly larger bust.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Laying low may be our best option, I dunno about you but that wasn't the most hospitalital place to visit," Kita remarked, her eyes, while looking as tired as everyone else, were focused on the streets to keep an eye for anything unpleasant. "Specially as it was partly my fault I got ya into that mess..."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis got up and looked down the road. "I think the base is this way... Let's just walk down the road and see if there's an open building, better then nothing. As the group started up again, Abi produced a compas and gave it to Alexis. "I still have my map and other gear, we won't be lost. This is the right way."

After a few blocks there was a apartment complex with the front door opened a crack. Alexis called the group to a stop. "Anyone want to volunteer to check that out?"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy nodded slowly, sticking as close to Alexis as allowed as they moved, looking pale, even more so than her normal complexion as she clutched her rifle to her considerably more ample than normal chest. She swayed slightly as the group stopped, biting her lip as she looked between Alexis and the door, stepping forwards and saying in a slightly higher-pitched than normal voice, barely noticeably so, "I-I'll go, if someone goes in w-with me." she volunteered quietly, trying her best at a weak smile, though it came out more as a grimace.

((Hoooooooooly crap, sorry for taking so long. Shit's hit the fan IRL.))
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Count me in, I'm going first!" Kita yelped as she ran. Kita didn't want one of the more fragile-mind members to go as well.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The rest formed a simi-circle around the entrance, trusting two to go inside and check it out was enough. "Okay, be careful, if you find anything dangerous either slowly back away and come back here or yell and let us know, whichever will work best. And above else, don't split up." The leader was obviously a bit tired, and had a hard time spitting out the advice. She went up the two steps to the door, opened it, then looked down the dark hallway to make sure it was clear before stepping back and letting Suzy and Kita enter. The doors down the sides were shut and at the end they could see a small staircase leading up to the next level.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Speeding in, Kita carefully slid through the halls, keeping her weapon level just in case something nasty showed up. After all, she could always fire first, right? she reasoned, her boots thumping over the floor slightly with her quick steps.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy stood still for a few seconds, gazing at Alexis, and biting her lip. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to just run up to the redhead and embrace her in a warm hug. Nothing more, nothing less, just to hold the other woman tight. As it was, however, that was impossible. She sighed softly, and gave a tentative smile to Alexis, before stepping through the door herself, strapping her rifle over her back, and instead pulling out the pistol. It was a bit too close quarters for a full-sized hunting rifle in here. Softly, silently, she followed Kita, frowning at the amount of noise she made, so staying a fair few paces behind the other girl, and stopping at the first door, hissing "Oi! S-shut it, and c'mere!" softly, hoping that she would hear it, and come back, if not, the ginger girl would be opening the door anyway, quietly, and taking a look inside, but quickly following Kita if she would keep bounding up the stairs.