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Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

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Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Of course, Moira's description of Chase proves needless as first, Rachel walks into Apartment 303, causing Moira to turn her rant to her and a couple minutes later, Chase comes in as well.

Now Robert and Chase are left staring at each other while Moira and Rachel argue. Chase sees an old cop with a gun in hand staring at her while Robert sees a somewhat androgynous person staring back at him, the person's baggy clothing not giving any real hint of gender.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

*Chases simply rolls eyes at the arguing going on and sets down the bags of supplies gathered from the supply run down on the floor*

"well i take it your the ex? at least now they dont have to worry about whether your okay or not. you got wheels? i certainly have no desire to walk around this crazy house anymore..people getting run over left and right almost."
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Rachel! What were you thinking, leaving your mother like that! And you! Don't move!" Robert says, raising his gun and pointing it at the man who'd come into the apartment.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"great nevermind guess everyone is insane afterall"

*Just stands there eyeing the man with the gun waiting patiently he knew that mother probably blew everything out of proportions*
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

Mother left me, dad! Chase and I we're running around gathering what we might need to survive, and she goes around ranting at us before leaving on her own. Rachel says before her mother steps in.

She just wanted to go off and be with her wretched boyfriend as he stole stuff. Go ahead and arrest the man before we head down to the place in Seville you mentioned.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

*Chase simply gave another shake of the head and face palmed at the woman's ranting*

"firstly no offense to you Rachel but its kind aimmpossible for me to be her boyfriend maam. Second still with the holier then thou attitude? And finally yes we took food. we will need food for any length of survial and some means of self defense."

*This was getting nowhere Chase was thinking going solo would have better chances then being anywhere this woman was*

"guess its easy to see why your EXs"
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

After getting a good look at him, Robert didn't think this kid could be much trouble, he didn't look so bad. Thinking for a moment, Bob lowers his gun slightly and says; "Alright, lets try to compromise here. Would you have a problem with coming into police custody until this crisis is over? I can't arrest you, since I'm retired, but I don't trust you either. So, here's the deal: You come with us to Seville, where there's a bunch of police holed up in a Walmart. You'll be fed and protected, and in all likelihood you won't get into any danger. Or, you can stay here, and tough it out on your own. It's up to you."
He cuts off his ex-wife before she starts shouting; "Now is not the time, if he's a criminal he'll have a record, and we can deal with it then. Until then, he can give us a hand getting to Seville. It's his choice anyway."
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

Moira merely sputters looking outraged at her husband before turning towards Chase. And what do you mean it's impossible to be Rachel's boyfriend? Are you at least admitting she's too good for you?
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

*Chase would offer no reply to Moira anymore keeping her eyes on Robert at least more comfortable without being pointed at by a gun*

"Anywhere can be better then here...the point of getting supplies is so we can make it there...not like i'm any good with a gun as is"
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Okay. You're going to have to sit in the back of my truck though, the cab's only got room for three." He turns to his wife; "Pack whatever you need, we're leaving in five minutes or less. You too Rachel."
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

*chase begins picking up the tent bags of supplies again and turns for the door*

"whats your truck look like? just on the off-chance more then one is down there"
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

'K dad. Rachel says before running off to her room.

Meanwhile, Moira has another small earful to rant as she starts to stop off to grab a few things, shouting them so that Robert can still here her, Why the heck are we taking him with us? He's going to be a bad example for Rachel, and you know we're going to wake up one morning to find her pregnant because of him. Do not him which vehicles is yours. I don't want him coming with us.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"I don't think so, we go down in a group. Just because I'm not cuffing you doesn't mean I trust you." Turning back to Moira; "And he comes with us, even if he's a scumbag, it doesn't mean he deserves to be left behind." Then turning back to the boy; "And you, if you get too close to my daughter....... What's your name anyway?" Bob finishes.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"excuse me scumbag? where the fuck does that come from? oh just cause i went and got us supplies from a almost destroyed walmart that makes me a scum bag? maybe i should just take my share and go on my own. obviously sex and murder are on the top of my agenda...jesus i go from being a car mechanic to a murderous rapist in one day thats a new one."
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"I said 'even if.' I'm covering my bases, not assuming anything." Bob responds, his expression neutral, his weapon still pointed at the ground. "I still don't know your name, so I'll guess I'll go first. The names Robert Dorlan." He continues; "And it's still up to you whether you want to come with us to Seville or not."
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"you may be covering your bases with even if but your ex sure as hell isnt keeping open minded about anything...My names Chase Onson i live on the next floor up. And if you know of some place to hold out thats at least run by sane people then i'm up for going. I'd rather use my brain then have it eaten."
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Yeah, she can be that way sometimes." Robert says, already prepared for the angry sputtering from his ex wife. "Rachel, what's taking you so long?" He shouts.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

Moments later, Rachel follows with a small suitcase, although it seems to be packed tightly. I had to get some hygiene stuff. Plus I had a hard time fitting Mr. Wuffles in there. She says, the second part being whispered. Mr. Wuffles being a stuffed animal she has had since she was a baby.

Moira, though, takes another few minutes before coming out, I'm not going without my jewelery as well as a few basic necessities. She says as she tugs a large, heavy suitcase into the room.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Alright, but your suitcases are both going in back while we head back to Seville. Uhhh..... Chase, would you rather be first going down the stairs, or would you mind carrying Moiras suitcase? Assuming she doesn't have a problem with the idea, of course. I can't carry this (he motions to the bag over his back) and that, and hold my gun at the same time."
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

As long as you can make sure he doesn't steal my stuff, he can carry it. The labor would be good for him. Moira says in response.
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