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Re: Hate Thread

I hate being alone.
I hate it when people leave me no matter what i do, and how i change to keep them here.
I hate my ADHD
I hate that my Dad won't help me get back on my medicine.
I hate that my grades are low and i can't concentrate enough to get them up
I hate that I'm so negative
I hate when all i can think about are the bad things about myself, and then invent more to make myself feel worse.
I hate that i have to seek approval from others to feel validated in what i feel.

Stop making me think... ahh too late. Jesus christ, now that I look at that list... wow. I never thought about it but I guess most of those things apply to me as well (technically I don't have ADHD, but that's not to say I'm not without severe mental problems - I just hide them behind a face of rage).
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the following.

AZNs (not to be confused with normal Asians)
Niggers (not to be confused with Africans, normal African Americans, or other African ethnicities)
Spics (Not to be confused with normal Hispanic minorities)
Rednecks (Not to be confused with normal Caucasian people)
Stuck-up people
Most females
Anti-homosexual people
People who are into that fucking awful Twilight series.

Let me explain about AZNs, Niggers, Spics, and Rednecks. Normal people from their respective race are not like them. Basically, every word used is an another way of calling them an ignorant motherfucker.

Example of AZNs: The people two houses down from me are some very kind Chinese immigrants who are always nice and say hello to us and are typical Asians; their daughters never say a word to us and when they do, they act like they're too good to talk with us. AZNs are the stuck-up Asians who think they're hot shit.

Example of Niggers: Do I really have to say it? They're the black people who embody every stereotype that's been created about them. The rapping and all that shit. It bothers me so much that they have been given so much and yet don't use the opportunity to, oh I don't know, run for President or something. Thankfully they're becoming more scarce.

Spics: These are the ones I have the most problems with. Why? Because they're my own people. I see many of my fellow Mexicans everyday here, and yet so few of them try very hard to get ahead in life. Obviously there is a lot of racial prejudice going against us, but it's up to us to try and overcome it instead of succumbing to it. I also hate how I'm considered less of a Mexican I don't speak Spanish and grew up in a better part of the city. Excuse me if my grandparents never taught their kids to speak it because as children they were beaten for speaking Spanish and got scared of speaking it ever again until age 45, and that my mother went from picking grapes as a child to becoming a manager for the Internal Revenue Service. You know, because I obviously have control over that sort of thing and it's a horrible way to grow up.

Rednecks: They're just pathetic and nobody can ever really defend their ass-backwards ways.
Re: Hate Thread

...Yeah, I feel pretty insulted by the rednecks comment, considering that's half my family you're talking about.

And I used to dip and drive an old truck while listening to country music. But the truck broke, I switched to smoking, and I listen to just about everything now.
Re: Hate Thread

Stop making me think... ahh too late. Jesus christ, now that I look at that list... wow. I never thought about it but I guess most of those things apply to me as well (technically I don't have ADHD, but that's not to say I'm not without severe mental problems - I just hide them behind a face of rage).

Et tu? We can be fucked up together!

EDIT: I's a redneck too. Ish. Maybe... educated redneck? xD
Re: Hate Thread

...Yeah, I feel pretty insulted by the rednecks comment, considering that's half my family you're talking about.

And I used to dip and drive an old truck while listening to country music. But the truck broke, I switched to smoking, and I listen to just about everything now.

Mickel, to avoid all flame wars in this topic (Because this place is just seething with that kind of potential) we gotta keep ourselves controlled about this. It's a place for everybody to vent. It isn't a place for one person to be insulted by someone else who wants to vent.
Re: Hate Thread

Lemme' clarify by stating this THIS is what I mean when I say redneck.

Being country-ish is fine, but KKKism and toothlessness isn't all that cool.
Re: Hate Thread

Hey, at least they look like they're having fun...

That actually does look like fun...


EDIT: And by GOD that man has some beautiful eyes.
Re: Hate Thread

Hey, at least they look like they're having fun...

That actually does look like fun...


EDIT: And by GOD that man has some beautiful eyes.

He'd pucker up for a kiss if he could. :3
Re: Hate Thread

Mickel, to avoid all flame wars in this topic (Because this place is just seething with that kind of potential) we gotta keep ourselves controlled about this. It's a place for everybody to vent. It isn't a place for one person to be insulted by someone else who wants to vent.
IN that case?

I hate these god damn spics. Fucking border hoppers walk around, some of them have the utter GALL to insult me for not speaking Spanish to them. I understand Spanish (Hell, I can speak it if need be), but why the fuck should I be forced to not use my native tongue for these pieces of shit? If you're going to come shopping on this side of the god damn river, learn that you - HELLO - may need to speak some English! And I bet most of them understand English, but they PRETEND not to, some sort of beaner pride bullshit.

What the fuck ever, lady. I know what te chingas, puto means, and I have one thing to say to you: Te chingas y muerte.

Translation: She said "Fuck yourself, bitch" so I said "fuck off and die."
Re: Hate Thread

Now didn't that feel somewhat better?
Re: Hate Thread

IN that case?

I hate these god damn spics. Fucking border hoppers walk around, some of them have the utter GALL to insult me for not speaking Spanish to them. I understand Spanish (Hell, I can speak it if need be), but why the fuck should I be forced to not use my native tongue for these pieces of shit? If you're going to come shopping on this side of the god damn river, learn that you - HELLO - may need to speak some English! And I bet most of them understand English, but they PRETEND not to, some sort of beaner pride bullshit.

What the fuck ever, lady. I know what te chingas, puto means, and I have one thing to say to you: Te chingas y muerte.

Translation: She said "Fuck yourself, bitch" so I said "fuck off and die."

i agree with everything except you using the word spics. your right but using derogatory generalisations like that insults the few (or many i dont have any stats to back me up) who aren't douchbags.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the following.

AZNs (not to be confused with normal Asians)
Niggers (not to be confused with Africans, normal African Americans, or other African ethnicities)
Spics (Not to be confused with normal Hispanic minorities)
Rednecks (Not to be confused with normal Caucasian people)
Stuck-up people
Most females
Anti-homosexual people
People who are into that fucking awful Twilight series.

/agree with all

Except for maybe Anon.

They're fucking with Scientologists. That makes them good pe-.... things, in my book XD

On another note: You're Mexican? I just thought you had a nice tan o_O
Re: Hate Thread


..hehe just kiddin' love <3
Re: Hate Thread

I have an irrational loathing of the word "poop".
Re: Hate Thread

My list:

Rap (It's not fucking music)
People who try to force their opinion on you.
People who try to force their opinion on you, -When they don't even know what they are talking about.
My brother.
Antisocial people.
People without common sense.(Without a workable amount of- )
People that make personal insults during a debate/conversation(Also see the common sense part)
People that just use violence when it's not needed.
How I do not have friends(Not counting internet)
My school. (Organisation=crap, learning anything there? No. Claimed to be a biology education-No biology there.)
My brother.

And more...

One case in particular I hate was a debate at school on what the right method of using a simple stopwatch is. There are 4 buttons. Start/stop, reset, add 1 sec, add 1 min.
How hard is it to use that? Not very hard, but ok, the big red button with "Start/stop" under it in big letters is the start button, makes sense..To me at least, to 3 other people I was forced to work with it didn't, and they were arguing on what that button would do. So I pick up the stopwatch and press it once...Time starts going, I tell them "See, it's the start button." And they are silent for a moment, then I press it again and the time stops. One of them starts yelling "YOU BROKE IT" and tries to pull it out of my hands, which he does, and then starts bashing buttons, claiming I fucked up the whole experiment we had to do by demonstrating how a simple stopwatch works.
Debate..I calmly explain what the buttons do, he just tries to debate back with..Well, randomly said words, and when I try to convince him again that the time on the stopwatch is just frozen for a while and it's not broke, I just get a "YOU MUST JUST SHUT YOUR BIG MOUTH."

I was baffled, why the fuck do they let people like that into a science education? He didn't even know basic reasoning skills and could not even handle a stopwatch, let alone the other lab equipment we had to use.

I calmly said "If thats the best you can come up with then I think you should grow up, this is not kindergarten, this is college." and turned my back on him, and started working.


So yeah, basicly, I hate people that are just stupid.(And that does not mean low IQ-stupid, just means unable to think-stupid.

On a more fun note, two old ladies came over with a bible a month or so ago, my brother opened the door.
Old lady: "Hello sir, have you heard the word of god?"
Brother: "I don't believe in fairy tales." *Slams door shut.*

I know it's really not nice to do but I really laughed at it.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah I hate alot of the things other's have said especially in regards to ignorant people. Another thing I hat is people who pretend to be what they aren't you know like wiggers and what not. The ones I hate the most are wannabe Acadians. They're very easy to spot, because they refer to themselves as cajuns and start speaking with a retarded sounding French accent. Most people don't realize cajun is a derogatory term. Cajun is to Acadian, as injun is to indian(native American not India). I don't understand people like that and quite frankly I want to hurt them badly.
Re: Hate Thread

Cajun is derogatory? *makes sad face at everything in stores that mentions the word Cajun*
Re: Hate Thread

I don't know too many people who actually take offense to it, it just bothers me when people pretend they are something and don't even bother to learn about it. Honestly it was never cool to be Acadian until a couple years ago when it went kind of mainstream. I mean hell the University of Louisiana-Lafayette's team name is the ragin' cajuns for pete's sake. just makes you wonder about some people.
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate censorship.

I hate everything the ESRB and all rating bureaus embody, the idea that we're too weak to see violent images or nudity.

I hate people who think every speech needs to start with the words "Hi, my name is Douche Face McGee and I'm here to talk about the importance of cleaning your douche."

I hate people who stare at me strangely when I say the words "I'm writing."

I hate feminists who think I'm wrong because I have a penis.

I hate men who think I'm right because women have a vagina.

I hate people who can't be wrong.

I hate the word faggot, and I hate it when people complain after I punch them for using it.
Yes I just punched myself.

I hate that George Carlin died.

I hate that Richard Pryor died.

I hate that Rodney Dangerfield died.

I hate Evangelical Christians and the way they look at me when I tell them "No, you're wrong, read the fucking bible."

I hate how people say we need to help 3rd world countries when everyone else needs to help themselves right now.

I hate it when any versions of the words "Sold" and "Out" are used next to each other, near each other, or even 3 sentences close together. Yes, by listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers CDs I've sold out... because it's not like Chinese Democracy is trying to make money too.

I hate people who don't understand jokes.

I hate people that think life is only a joke.

I hate it when someone looks at me and say "Words do have power!".

I hate my hometown beyond belief.

I hate DarkFire. No, not the one on this forum, the one we killed when we moved to the second forum.

I hate Drama.

I hate Gaia Online.

I hate drama.

I hate World of Warcraft so hard.

I fucking hate drama.

I hate Sword and Sorcery that's the same old shit.

I hate people who think we're ready to switch over to alternate power sources.

I hate people who think we can survive on oil forever.

I hate people who believe Global Warming doesn't exist.

I hate people who claim to be Neutral or Bi Partisan, but clearly lean to the left or right.

I hate Democrats.

I hate Republicans.

I hate weeaboos and the fact I am one.

I hate people who take pleasure in the pain of others.

I loathe Greg Giraldo with all my entiriety, and if there were a way to bring back George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Rodney Dangerfield, and keep Bob Saget, John C McGuinley, Hugh Laurie, Rowan Atkinson, Chibi and maybe even Aika (if he asked nicely) from dying any sort of death, I would do it in a heartbeat by trading Greg Giraldo's unfunny and pathetic life for all of theirs.

Good night, and good luck.
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