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Re: Hate Thread

I hate DarkFire. No, not the one on this forum, the one we killed when we moved to the second forum.

Man, I am one POPULAR guy in this thread. Or at least, my ancestor was. Oh Dark Mark I, I'll miss you.
Re: Hate Thread

What do I hate...? I've never given it much thought before.

I hate the arrogant.
I hate the staunchly ignorant.
I hate the stupid.
I hate The Powers That Be that put more stock in safeguarding their power than doing their duty.
I hate the rude, though that probably goes back to the top of the list.
I rage at being caused an inconvenience by stupidity, rudeness, or unnecessary bureaucracy in any form.
I hate those who would force their opinion on others, namely me.
I hate those blind to new ideas because the old ways are better.
I hate those ignoring tradition because we need to move on.
I hate people who can't drive worth a damn but insist on being right on front of me on the road.
I'm not fond of people who swear excessively. Profanity is the linguistic crutch of the inarticulate motherfucker.

When I get mad, I stew. I find a spot that's out of the way, I sit down, and I am provided with an otherworldly focus. I don't say much. I'm told it's quite frightening. It doesn't occur very often.
Re: Hate Thread

Another thing I just realized I hate since it was snowing earlier is Illinois drivers. Every single year it's like they forgot how to drive in snow. Get a clue people it's going to snow every year here, I don't remeber a year where it didn't snow or get icy. I could understand if you're from the south or someplace where it doesn't snow often or much, but most of these people you pull out of ditches have lived here their whole life. They're lucky I'm a nice person or I would leave them sitting in the snow bank they've spun into. I think people should have to pass a fucking driver's test every year, because they obviously don't remeber what they learned in driver's ed.
Re: Hate Thread

i agree with everything except you using the word spics. your right but using derogatory generalisations like that insults the few (or many i dont have any stats to back me up) who aren't douchbags.
I'm using the word Spic to insult anyone who fits the description I described. The ones who are so god damn cholo that it must hurt.
Re: Hate Thread

Another thing I just realized I hate since it was snowing earlier is Illinois drivers. Every single year it's like they forgot how to drive in snow. Get a clue people it's going to snow every year here, I don't remeber a year where it didn't snow or get icy. I could understand if you're from the south or someplace where it doesn't snow often or much, but most of these people you pull out of ditches have lived here their whole life. They're lucky I'm a nice person or I would leave them sitting in the snow bank they've spun into. I think people should have to pass a fucking driver's test every year, because they obviously don't remeber what they learned in driver's ed.

I get road rage pretty easy actually, because I live in Miami and many of the incoming migrants drive by the rules of their hometown (there weren't any). A friend saw this once while we were driving, and he became very concerned because he'd never seen me mad before. I told him: "When I wanted to drive, there were test I had to take and standards I had to meet. Theese people have managed to bypass these tests and ignore thes standards, and it angers me." He replied: "That's the nicest way I've heard anyone say 'motherfuckers can't drive.'"
Re: Hate Thread

yeah I've heard Miami is one of the worst places to drive actually. Never had to drive for the short period of time I was there though. The traffic looked worse than it does in Chicago, San Francisco, or New Orleans which are the only other major cities I've been in.

You guy's should do what I do when I get mad go buy some PVC piping go out to my barn and just start bashing it against things. It's strangely calming the way the pipe shatters when you hit it on stuff.
Re: Hate Thread

But then I'd have less pvc for other things.

Regardless, Miami isn't that bad. Dallas is bad. Not only is traffic bumper to bumper, but everyone's going 90 while traffic is bumper to bumper.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah I would imagine Dallas being bad, too. Never been there though the closest I came to Dallas was San Angelo, and well San Angelo isn't that big.

If you want some crazy traffic though you should try Seoul, they'll run you over on the sidewalks if you're not paying attention. Don't think i ever saw a speed limit there to be honest so I have no idea how fast they were going.
Re: Hate Thread

I can't stress how much I hate bees. It's not a fear, it's as much a phobia as much as homophobia causes people to attack gays. It's an intense hatred, they contribute nothing to society.

I mean bees not gays, I love the gays
Re: Hate Thread

Why you dirty bee-hater. JK. I actually really like honey, and worked at an apiary during high school, but that's beside the point since you hate them not me.
Re: Hate Thread

I personally hate honey and flowers. Jasmines are kinda cool though, I think they're really underrated.

But really, I mean the only benefit I see from them is the pest control of other insects, but it's thats the only perceived benefit, than why do Spiders get such a bad wrap? Just cuz they hop over and do the bees job better than they do and don't expect anything in return? More people should be appreciative of that.

I mean spiders, not mexicans.
Sorry, I keep using human metaphors.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate spiders because they're all trying to kill me.
Re: Hate Thread

Aww don't say that. There's only really 4 types of spiders that have anywhere near medically significant bites on a healthy adult human and unless you live in Australia or Brazil, you've narrowed it down to 2.

I use to pick up and handle spiders all the time. I also used to get bitten by spiders all the time. The irony is, it was never when I was handling them.
Re: Hate Thread


It's like the bees with you, Toxic! They're after me! And soon they'll be after you!
Re: Hate Thread

Hahaha, you silly fool, who do you think is sending the spiders after you. THEY'RE ON MY SIDE NOW!!! FACE YOUR DOOOOOOOM
Re: Hate Thread

My sister. She's doing my fucking head in.
Two days ago; I come down stairs to make myself something to eat before I go to bed and she's in the kitchen playing with her toys as usual. I ask her to move politely because I want to use the counter so I can put the toastie maker on and prepare the bread and filling. She starts throwing a tantrum (she's 11) and says that whenever she's playing she always has to move because people want to use the kitchen. NO FUCKING SHIT! Its what the kitchen is there for, NOT FOR FUCKING PLAYING WITH YOU'RE STUPID FUCKING TOYS! Thats what your fucking room is for. Now, being the master of anger that I am (edit: I like to think I am) I take in a deep breath and exhale slowly to calm myself down. I ask her again to move so I can make food for myself and still she's throwing a tantrum. At this point I lose it and tell her to get out of my way, my parents like the fucking douchebags they are tell me to stop shouting at her then ask her to move. After some more tantrums she finally moves so I can make myself something to eat. In total it took about 45 minutes to get the bitch to move.

Yesterday: I come down stairs before I go to bed to make myself some sandwiches for work and she throws another tantrum from hell. I dont even bother to try and stay calm and I demand that she move and yet again my bastard parents tell me to stop shouting at her. I ask her to move again and she storms out of the kitchen and screams at me 'Why dont you move out of the house so then I dont have to move for you whenever you want to do something in the kitchen?' At this point I have completely lost it, I slam the kitchen door shut and I dont come out for nearly an hour. Because of that I lost sleep last night and had to go to work more tired than usual.

Today: Just been called down for food, the family has sausage and mashed potatoes and because I dont like mashed potatoes I've got chips instead. As soon as she see's my chips she demands them and before my parents get the chance to say anything I tell her to sod off because they're mine and she's got her own food. Again I get shouted at because more than likely they would've told me to give her some if I hadn't told her no.

Fucking bitch gets whatever she wants and hardly ever gets in trouble. She's 11 yet she still plays with little baby toys and whenever I tell her to keep it down (she plays 'make believe' with her dolls and stuffed animals) my parents tell me to stop having a go at her. I tell you, if she was my child I wouldve been put in jail for murder.
Re: Hate Thread

Meh. Next time she's in your way of making food, just do what you were going to do anyways. If she gets angry, just tell her that you've realized by now that she's never going to listen to you, so you aren't even going to bother asking her to move so you can use the kitchen for it's intended purpose.

Then again, I may be expecting too much. My little bro (12) understood me when I said that and he's gotten much politer, but he's in all 'Gifted & Talented' classes, so I dunno >.<

I hate how George Carlin died too, Silth, but I wouldn't resurrect him. If you mean go back in time so he doesn't die, sure, but resurrection of the dead is something I'm against 9001%.

I hate how my puppy keeps eating the newspapers.

I hate how my dogs want out IMMEDIATELY after I let them in because they wouldn't stop whining to be let in.

I hate how people say 'you're not a man' just because I don't like to watch other men passing balls around.


I hate how people who can play guitar tease me because I play Guitar Hero.

I hate how people who can't play guitar think I can because I'm good at Guitar Hero.

I LOATHE how much a good computer costs now.

I LOATHE & DESPISE how most 'good' computers come with Windows Vista now.
Re: Hate Thread


OMG, so true. I found a "Power Rangers Mystic Force" book at work and leafed through it (to see what in the hell they were doing now) and they've turned it into freaking Sailor Moon! It's like two not great tastes that taste even worse together.

Anywho...On topic.

I hate ignorant people (of any race).
I hate reverse racism. (Ex: How it's okay for a black comedian to make fun of white people, but as soon as a white person does the same to a black, they're racist.)
I hate how people treat our store like it's their house and leave crap lying around and take their shoes off in the chairs and fold back the covers of books because they've spent the last three hours reading it with no intention of buying it.
I hate the guy that treats our store like it's his office.
I hate the medical students that treat our store like it's their library and our cafe like it's their study hall.
I hate people that expect me to be a f'ing mind reader just because they can't give me enough information on what they're looking for.
I hate sheep that blindly come in and buy a book simply because "It was on Oprah."
I hate people that take books out of shrink wrap, hide the shrink wrap, and leave the books on their shelves.
I hate that people don't understand the concept of the f'ing alphabet (How the hell did they graduate kindergarden!)
I hate people that can't put books back on the shelf and instead leave them sitting on top of the shelves when there's obviously a gap for it.
I hate onions.
I hate peppers.
I hate gory movies.
I hate spam (internet, not the mystery meat).

A'ite, that's it for now *laughs* I'm sure there'll be more later when I'm PMS...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate onions.

I hate ignorant people (about anything)
I hate people who don't even try
I hate people who cannot understand that people not them think in a different way from them

Nunu doesn't hate much... Nunu prefers to love...