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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 1/73, EP = 1/79, Status = Aroused, Pregnant, Low on Energy, About to Orgasm

The faerie's lips dove toward hers... And then stopped, scarcely more than an inch from Chloe's. "Mmm.... Is that... So?" Then she kissed the mage anyway, engaging her in a deep, open mouthed dance between their mouths that put any partner Chloe had ever had before to shame. Her tongue explored and writhed against Chloe's like a snake, pinning her lingual muscle only to release it so that it could be captured again, and in the act Chloe felt even more of her energies being drawn away, a rapid stream of her spiritual essence channeled out of her until she felt exhausted, faint, and on the verge of yet another peak... When she pulled away suddenly, wisps of glowing mist vanishing into her mouth as she sucked up the last of Chloe's magical energies.

"Well... I'll just have to make sure of that, won't I? But until then~" A hand reached up, cupping one of Chloe's breasts and gently kneading and hefting the soft orb. "I'm going to play with these a little more... And you're going to play with me! If you're lying, I'll still make you my little pet, but until then you'll get a taste of what it will be like!" Her hand lifted from Chloe's breast to her chin, gently tilting it upwards until Chloe looked her in the eyes. "Hmm hmm~ Now, why not get you out of the cold? And out of those clothes~" If Chloe didn't try to stop her now, she would be led back towards the house, but her legs were left shaking with arousal and she could hardly call upon any but the simplest of spells with no energy to back them up...
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

There was little she could do still bound in the bush but Chloe wasn't about to submit to this treatment. Of course given her state resistance would probably only be token. Turning her head away from her abuser Chloe spoke again. "No I will not! I would rather wait here than go back into that house with you and have you abuse me again." It took alot of effort for her to say that. Denying the absolute perfection in front of her was madding. Maybe it was something the sidhe had done to her or the fact that she was nearly over come with lust once more.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Aroused, Pregnant, Bound

The faerie gave a soft coo of disappointment as Chloe turned her head aside forcefully. The fingers gripping her chin inexorably drew her gaze back to the perfect features of the faerie, forcing Chloe to close her eyes if she wanted to look away, but this time the woman didn't go in for the kiss. "Hmm hmm hmm... Abuse? Why, never~ I am nothing but kind to my pets! Even when I tease and punish~ Why, have I hurt you at all little thing? No, not at all! For shame, to accuse me so!"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe had nearly forgot that the faye do not share the same sense of morality or even right and wrong as most mortals. Arguing the point would well be pointless besides Chloe was in no position to act on it. "I wouldn't call this situation willing." Still Chloe could be stubborn. Either way she was not going anyplace else with this woman at least not with out some convincing.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Aroused, Pregnant, Bound

"You didn't seem to mind it a few moments ago~ Daw, you're uncomfortable. Is it the bindings? I never think about these things, if a pet likes or doesn't like something!"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe's face blushed brightly as her mind rapidly played out what happened mere moments ago. "I wasn't myself, beside you used magic to make want you more than normal... " She blushed again deeper. The Faye woman was gorgeous there was no denying that. Chloe relaxed a little. She was just doing her job protecting the cabin for Lord Aaron. Still this talk of being a pet was not something she was so keen on. "How about we just talk about this inside no funny business we can wait for Lord Aaron to return and he can explain everything. We can keep what happened out here to ourselves. Chloe blushed again. She dreaded Lord Aaron hearing what happened to her.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Aroused, Pregnant

(I'm an idiot, the faerie's text is changing color.)

Rather than seem insulted, the faerie seemed amused by Chloe's continued resistance. "Psh, I didn't make you want it more than normal... I made you want it as much as you do, but won't admit~ If there wasn't something there, I couldn't have done it so easily!" She stood back, admiring Chloe's frame and leering, and after a moment reached out to cup one of the mage's breasts once more. Her fingers lightly groped the soft, fleshy orb, and after a few seconds her thumb rose to glance across its peak, renewing the stimulation that had earlier left Chloe paralyzed with pleasure. "Funny business... This isn't funny... It's hot," she murmured, and regardless of Chloe's demands otherwise leaned down toward it once more.

She felt it again, the rush of almost painful chill that left her nub extra sensitive before it was washed in the warmth the faerie's mouth. Her tongue flicked across Chloe's nipple once, twice, three times before circling it deftly and beginning to suck. That suction held only a moment before she released Chloe's peak with a soft pop, but it was enough to leave the mage's knees shaking. "Mmhmmm... He will. And if you're lying, I'll take you as my pet forever~ Until then though... Wouldn't you rather play my pet for a while? Hm?"

She snapped her fingers, and the shrubbery retracted back into place, leaving her completely unbound. Her top was still undone enough to leave her breasts hanging out, however, and the faerie woman stepped back and planted her hands on her hips. "Well then... Shall we?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe's face was flush with more arousal than embarrassment now. Feeling the binds loosen Chloe fell to her knees not quite steady yet. Her body quivered for that touch again but she was in danger she had to be certain. Looking at the lovely perfect form she couldn't help but be jealous. Still her paranoia kicked in again. "I... I would I would enjoy that.. but... I need to know something first.... I need to know if your really what you are. Using what meager energies that had recharged Chloe brought forth her her diagnose spell. Passing it over the faye if she would let her Chloe looked for the signs of the thing that had seemed to infect the dog. If the lovely lady was resistant Chloe would promise to play what ever games she wanted till Lord Aaron returned.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Aroused, Pregnant

The faerie quirked an eyebrow but smirked slyly as Chloe suggested she might submit to her perverse desires, allowing her to cast her simplistic spell. She seemed confused at her need, and remarked; "What, you worried I have one of your diseases? We don't get those~" Her remark proved to be true, and Chloe's analysis would also reveal her to be entirely normal... Or at least normal as far as faeries went. She found no arcane horror coiled in the woman's chest, and confirmed as well that she was one of the sidhe.

"Satisfied?" She asked, and if Chloe answered affirmatively she would grin and add; "Not yet~ Lucky for you, neither am I~" She would grab Chloe by the hand and lead her to the cabin, the mage's bust still bare, though luckily there were no onlookers to worry about ogling her save the faerie she was about to engage in a carnal manner.

She found her back pressed against the wall almost before she knew what was happening, the faerie guardian's mouth pressed to hers hungrily. Her chest pressed into Chloe's, their bosoms about the same size, and the feel of the other woman's hardened peeks glancing incessantly against her own was stimulative as a pair of tongues on each. Her tongue hungrily roved around Chloe's mouth, and the mage found both of her hands clasped and pressed against the wall as well, fingers laced together so she could feel the effects of her attentions on Chloe through the firmness of the mage's grip. A small tremor of magical energy washed through her after the first few seconds, and suddenly every sensation was magnified ten fold as her nerves were left hyper sensitive.

For minutes on end the faerie simply held her and kissed her hungrily, once more driving her to the brink of orgasm with barely a touch against her folds besides the occasional grind of an upraised knee. She kept Chloe hovering on that brink, her tongue feeling almost like it was writhing in the depths of her soaking flower instead of in her mouth and the press of their breasts like a pair of lovers each concentrating solely on her sensitive peaks, for several long minutes.... And then, she simply stopped and pulled away, leering at Chloe from a pair of steps back.

"Clothes. Off. Do it slowly... Dance for me, my pet~" She commanded, and gazed at Chloe expectantly.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Nothing... no sickness or bizarre creature lay buried with in the woman. She was safe... well as safe as a one can be with a horny faye woman. The completion of her inspection done Chloe nodded in agreement. No sooner had that occurred than the woman pulled her along leading her to the cabin. For a moment Chloe stumbled but soon found her feet her free hand attempted futilely to hold her robe closed.

Once inside the woman found Chloe more accepting of her attention. Returning the woman's kiss eagerly with passion but she could hardly out due her lovers primal affection. Their tongues played and caressed each other in the mouth.A sensation still rather new to Chloe. Her pale flesh pressed against the cool gleaming blue of her lover only highlighted her own arousal her with a slight blush that adored it. Gripping the woman'ts hands tightly her Chloe indulged in the smell of the faye woman her mind awash in the grown tingles of pleasure from her breasts. It was almost more than Chloe could handle. Of all her lovers human or other this woman surpassed them all. Still she wasn't done not even with a utterance the faye woman once more saturated Chloe with her magic magnifying everything she was feeling. Already close from the previous encounter Chloe's own body twitched as her love nectar began to flow she was so close. Still this seemed to be a sign and the woman backed off giving Chloe a simple command.

Eyes hazy with lust Chloe righted herself. The last time she had danced was at the festival and she told herself she wouldn't do that again. The war in her mind was short her resolve from years ago broke just for the simple touch of this woman. Slowly Chloe began to sway her hips to a half remembered beat as her hands quickly undid the rest of her bindings that held her robe in place. With a final tug Chloe let the garment fall leaving only the remains of her torn blouse from the faye woman't earlier assault. Pausing only briefly Chloe ripped the rest of the ruined garment off in a slow teasing manner. Covering her breast for modesty even though her eyes indicated none. Once that was gone she turned to face her audience her own long raven black hair covering her massive breasts with only one peaked nipple poking threw the mass of warp tainted hair.

Sliding her hands down Chloe tugged at her skirt long favoring the freedom she felt while wearing it. Slowly the black garment slipped down to a puddle at her knees leaving her soaked pink panties on display for the faye woman. They wouldn't remain for much longer as in turn as Chloe turned away from the woman she began to slowly inch them down with each sway of her smooth ass. Naked now except her boots Chloe turned to the woman and looked over her shoulder seeing if she had pleased the mistress.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Aroused, Pregnant

The faerie woman watched Chloe's striptease with a grin, seemingly taking in every detail of the mage's suggestive, flowing dance. A hand rose to her chin, her grin spreading as if in approval, as Chloe artfully used her hair to partially hide her breasts even though the woman had already done a bit more than ogle the hefty mutated orbs. When finally she peaked over her shoulder the faerie was leering gleefully at Chloe, and she reached out to give the mage's bare backside an approving pat.

"Good pet~ Now, a question!" She said, her tone matching her expression. "Do you prefer being pleasured by women... Or are you partial to the company of men in your bedchamber?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe bit her lip, she had never thought much about it. She and Nina had always been on again off again, but her time with Chandler was amazing. It struck her then that man or woman, Chloe didn't care. This sudden thought deepened her blush her pale crolian skin shifting to a pinker tone. "Why chose just one." Her heart skipped a beat in her chest. Did she just really say that to this woman? Perhaps the passion of the moment carried her concerns away but it was the honest truth.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Aroused, Pregnant

The faerie women's smirk grew into a devilish grin in response to Chloe's answer. "Oh my... Well, aren't you a naughty one? You're lucky though... I approve~ I almost hope you're lying now!" She said, before sliding a hand gently in front of herself, over her crotch. There she enacted a tiny burst of magic, and from her body grew a fairly hefty member, but as it took shape the faerie cocked her head and said; "Hrm.... No, you are a naughty little bird... So you must be given something new, hm hm.... Dog perhaps?"

As she said it the conjured phallus began to change shapes, growing pinker as the tip changed shapes to be a bit less bulbous while a slight bulge green at its base. "Or maybe... You'd prefer a horse?" Then it changed again, growing even longer and adopting a mottled coloration while the tip flared outwards. "Or perhaps something a little more unusual? No... I think I'll save that for future playing... Can't give away all of the fun now, can I? Fufufufu... Well, I think horse will do... You like horses, don't you?"

She took her hand away, leaving the conjured cock fairly equine in appearance. As she strode towards Chloe it bobbed freely, fully hard and seemingly as stiff as a bar of iron. "For now though... I think it's time for bed~" And with that Chloe would be led by the hand to the bedroom, and pushed onto the bed on her butt. It was raised high enough off of the floor that it only slightly changed her height, leaving her womanhood at an even height with the immense inhuman member that was approaching to defile it. The faerie woman smoothly slid between Chloe's legs, parting them as if the mage had opened them to welcome her even if she hadn't, and she could feel that immense rod resting against her stomach. Looking down, its tip lined up with her belly button; it would be deeper inside of her than any partner she'd ever taken before, and its heat rubbing against her clitoral mound as her faerie partner gracefully made phantom thrusts that caused the ache to be filled building in Chloe's core to double over and over, each and every motion making her lust ache as those tiny moments of pleasure within them gave not nearly the satisfaction she was craving.

As much as she had freely used Chloe's body previously, however, now her sidhe tormentor hesitated, teasing Chloe for minutes that felt like years without putting her conjured rod to use. At times she would line the head of that massive equine tool up with the human mage's drooling folds, even begin to push forward, but each time the pressure mounted to the point that it might begin to slide into her a deft shift of her hips would leave it glancing against Chloe's clit and sliding across her stomach once more. All the while her tormentor gazed up at Chloe's face, watching her every expression hungrily as she teased the mage closer and closer towards total madness.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe's eyes widened as her mistress for the moment chose a horse cock. A bit of fear and excitement bubbled in her. Could she handle it?, how would it feel?, will it hurt? As the woman closed the gap Chloe couldn't help but touch the firm and massive rod only getting the slightest touch before being lead to a bed. Biting her lip Chloe waited for the woman to defile her, eyes sparkling at the upcoming tool that would impale her. Fire an need burned in her like nothing before and she found her self wanting the woman to shove it hard and deep.

Chloe's heart raced as the woman kept teasing her the ever so cruel and delightfully erotic teases drew the occasional grasp from Chloe. She wanted this more than she ever had before. Gripping the blankets with white knuckles she almost burst out demanding the woman take her several times, but that would ruin the game. Instead she held out as long as her overly sensitive body would allow. She wanted it deep in her and she wanted this perfect woman to do it and even tried to force the issue with a slight jerk of her hips, but her lover was far to skilled to fall for it. Sweating with need and near orgasm from the constant teasing Chloe smiply whimpered. "Please take me now.. I want it now..."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Cumming her brains out, Pregnant

Chloe's whimpered pleading would lead the faerie to slide back once more, letting the flared tip of her immense summoned rod to slip back and forth across the mage's exposed clit. Hard as stone and immense though it might be, the woman seemed able to wield her summoned rod with the deftness of a tongue as she teased Chloe's hyper sensitive jewel. The edge of her orgasm drew nearer and thinner as she was teased towards it, but once more Chloe was denied as the faerie slipped away... Only to line herself once more with the human's quivering sex and begin to apply pressure against it.

Blessedly, this time it was no tease, and relief for the ache in Chloe's loins came in the form of the faerie's tip finally breaking the seal and sliding past her outer lips and inter her moist depths. Despite the need to be rutting roiling in her core, the penetration was agonizingly slow, centimeter by centimeter of Chloe's depths finally claimed such that she felt every last nerve stimulated one by one. The cock's wide flaring tip dragged against her inner walls like nothing she'd ever felt before, building more stimulation with every new portion of her that it stroked inside.

It took several long moments before she reached Chloe's deepest depths, at which point it slowed even further. The flared tip of her would-be mistress' cock pressed against her cervix and her a-spot and as such provided Chloe with a sense of pure undiluted satisfaction; the massive cock was sure to offer her a vigorous and effective breeding, satiating the urge to simply be fucked hard and fast that her tormentor had awakened in a way that was relieving but still somehow managed to worsen her sexual hunger. Even with the added pressure and a single firm thrust that made stars appear in Chloe's vision, the human mage had only managed to take most of the woman's shaft. She could feel where it rested inside of her, could almost have traced it with her fingers were she not so overwhelmed by pleasure that she could do little more than moan and tremble.

The faerie noblewoman rested inside of her for a moment before deftly sliding backwards, allowing Chloe to feel every last portion of that blissful withdrawal until only the head and the barest portion of her shaft remained inside of her... Only to repeat the slow thrust inwards. A new way of keeping her on the very precipice of orgasm had arrived, and for several more minutes Chloe was slowly fucked and teased until she felt like she was about to go purely mad. Once more her partner refused to quite get her there no matter her own motions or desperate pleading, leaving Chloe in the sort of pleasure hell that she likely could never have imagined possible with so simple an act.

"Do you like it... Nm? Does it feel good inside you?" Her partner paused to whisper against Chloe's lips, leaning forward as only the head remained inside of her. The busty mage had perhaps a few seconds with which to respond before the faerie suddenly thrust forward again, creating a harder, quicker pace of thrusts that sent the mage spiraling into the most purely gratifying orgasm she'd ever experienced. She came harder and longer than she ever had before, wave after wave of pleasure rolling over her like the most potent creations of Donevrion's tides until all of the pressure built up inside of her was spent. The faerie pumped steadily, relentlessly into her throughout her orgasm, letting Chloe enjoy every moment of it, and slowed to let her recover after that world shattering climax... But only for a few moments, enough to let her recuperate before she began building back up to that steady thrusting that sent new pleasure racing up Chloe's spine...
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Might have to add lustful and Fetish Faerie's if this keeps up

Chloe couldn't answer in a coherent manner. Simply gibberish spilled from her mouth. With Each thrust of the massive ruining tool her visions sparked into a dozens of different colors. Her body quivered and shook tightened and loosened. The repeated thrusts quickly making her barely more than a pile of quivering flesh. When a moment of respite came her first actual thought was of the warm massive shaft filling her completely. Out of breath and glinting with sweat Chloe could only nod yes to her mistress. Sadly the respite wouldn't last as once more she began her torment of ecstasy sending Chloe's vision back into stars. The woman was unsatable and Chloe was in no way experienced enough to last much longer.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Cumming her brains out, Pregnant

"Mmmnnnmmm.... Good girl~" The faerie planted a hand on her own hip as she continued to thrust away, glancing at their point of union momentarily and murmuring with pleasure as Chloe's soft folds squeezed around her massive equine shaft. "For being so obedient.... Hnm... You get to cum again!" And she would, all too soon, that much Chloe could tell for certain. Every driving thrust sent a surge of maddening pleasure coiling up her spine, tying her belly in knots that would inevitably unravel. The summoned cock stroked every nerve with flawless precision, leaving the mage drowned in ecstasy, and it seemed that the teasing was finally over entirely.

After barely more than two minutes following her last orgasm, another one was rolling through Chloe, tidal waves of ecstasy rushing over her once more in levels more powerful than she might ever have imagined possible before today. Her fae tormentor pounded Chloe at a steady clip right through her orgasm, slowing slightly only to build back up again as the human mage descended from her peak. Her pace built back up in record time, and after another minute Chloe was cumming again, her legs unable to do anything but shudder around the woman fucking her like no man or woman ever had before.

"Mm... Hn... Hnf... You're squeezing me... Such a tight little pussy~" She murmured as Chloe was once more descending from her numbing bliss, "It feels like it's trying to suck my seed out... Like you want me to cum inside! Hnf... Do you? Ufufufu~"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe could hardly comprehend what was happening. Never in her life had she been so thoroughly pleasured. In one rare moment of clarity Chloe realized that her mistress had yet to cum. A burning need crept up her spine as her lover stopped teasing her. She wanted it all in her, all of the glorious seed the mistress would empty into her womb. With what little control she could muster Chloe attempted to pull her lover in deep with legs. "YES MISTRESS I WANT IT IN ME ALL OF IT IN ME!" Magic sparks of light began to bleed off Chloe as she tried to maintain her focus and please her mistress though the massive tool all but ruined her focus.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Cumming her brains out, Pregnant

The faerie let out a sound that was a lascivious mix of purr and growl in response to Chloe's shouted pleading. She buried herself to the hilt, her equine cock twitching as it pressed against Chloe's cervix and causing the mage's womb to twitch eagerly in turn as deep, primal satisfaction about the oncoming load to be poured there rose up in her core. Then she retracted to the tip and began to hammer wildly into Chloe, cutting the time between her orgasms from a few minutes to a few moments.

She pounded Chloe with perfect rhythm until the mage was once more left cumming so hard that she was seeing stars. When she came down from her climactic high it seemed like she was going to be driven right back into another one, but this time the faerie's throbbing warned that she wouldn't be entirely alone. "Hnn... Mmmph.... Hmmm... Hnn... Nnnff... Hng!" Chloe's heavy breasts were sent swaying wildly with every thrust and ecstasy roiled up the healer's spine, but the pulsating of the equine shaft granting her such pleasures signaled the coming of an even greater pleasure.

Whether she elected to remain as she was or make some effort to wrap her legs around the faerie's waist, all too soon she would feel her paramour of the moment give a few final ferocious thrusts before burying herself to the hilt into Chloe's quivering depths. The first rope of thick, gooey semen erupting into her set Chloe off anew, leaving her writhing in mutual bliss with the strange sidhe who had jumped her and then jumped her bones. The first blast poured into her womb was followed by a second, a third, and then a half dozen or so more, launching into her hard enough to splatter against the roof of her womb before flooding every nook and cranny until it felt like she had a bubble of liquid heat inside of her. One subjective eternity later and Chloe was left panting, exhausted but more physically content than she likely ever had been before, with the faerie woman panting heavily in turn as she leaned over Chloe.

She leaned down after a few moments, engaging the mage in a deep, open mouthed kiss that last for several minutes. When she parted from the healer she slowly, gently began to pull out, allowing a rush of seed to begin pouring out of the human's abused depths, and after a few moments the faerie tittered softly and gave another commanding purr; "Oh, you've made me spill so much... Be a good little kitten and lap that up! Once you've cleaned up your mistress, of course~"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Well at least Chloe can't get double pregnant.

Giving up all pretenses of teasing the faeier thrust deep into Chloe quivering depths. Chloe's eyes shot wide as the full length of the summoned cock stretched her even more than it had already. The sharp gasp of pain and slow tear in her eye undoubtedly missed by the woman as she began to ravage Chloe with everything she had. Still even the fresh pain of her now fully stretched sex passed as the woman quickly brought her to orgasmic bliss once more.

Wrapping her legs around the woman Chloe held on tight her hands grasping at the woman in a vain attempt to hold on to her. It was to no avail as each thrust sent Chloe's head spinning. Her body trembled as her peak rose and rose till it crashed with a thunderous echo in her head as her body expended the last of its physical might. Crying out Chloe felt the warmth of the mistress side spill into her as her own juices spurted out mixing with the seed.

For a moment Chloe felt the heat of their love in her belly a content smile on her face. Accepting the kiss with passion a brief part of her thought it wouldn't be so bad being her pet. Still it seemed the game wasn't done or the faeier woman wanted to see how far Chloe was willing to go and quickly ordered Chloe to clean her. Raising up on elbow Chloe looked over the woman. She wasn't quite sure what the woman meant though a hint of her liking the woman clean passed in her mind. Instead Chloe moved to the massive equine dong. There was no way she could fit that all in her.. well in her mouth she would choke. Still.... with delicate touches Chloe straightened the shaft and began to lick the spent seed off it all the while gently teasing it with her tongue. Once the seed had been cleaned up off the side she brought it to her mouth and began to clean the tip with her tongue gently lapping up the cum.